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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How to Learn a Language the LAZY Way

How to Learn a Language the LAZY Way

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today I want to talk about habits, habits of a lazy language learner. Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications. Yeah, I want to talk about my language learning style now. Uh, and what I would call being a lazy language learner, which doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't being a successful language learner.

It just means that you're being lazy the way I'm being lazy. And so there are seven habits I think that we need to acquire if we're going to be effective, successful, lazy language learners, the first is to set low goals. Okay, so on my 90-Day Challenge, I've set my goal for creating LingQs at 13 for Arabic and 13 for Persian.

And there was a time when I was trying to do a hundred new LingQs in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. It was simply too much. Um, so I've changed my style. Now I set low goals. Now I regularly exceed these goals if I look at my statistics, but the low goal just gets me going. I don't see, you know that I, I don't feel any great burden or obligation I just get started.

And once I'm launched, I'll generally, you know, exceed my goals. But my first habit therefore, is to set low goals. Now I have a bit of a cheat sheet here and I'm going to make sure I don't forget. The second thing is don't compete with others. I'm not competing with other people. Uh, in my challenge, I'm not comparing myself to others.

Some people are going faster. I see that I'm ranked 1,572 on my streak. That's fine. Uh, some people are going to pronounce better. Some people are going to learn faster, slower, whatever. It doesn't matter, I'm learning it for myself. So I'm not competing. It reduces the stress level. Anything that reduces the stress level makes learning more enjoyable, makes learning more effective.

The next thing is to be a lazy language you've got to go with the flow, do things that you want to do. For example, uh, I'm on my Arabic and Persian challenge, but lo and behold, my wife starts watching a Danish series on Netflix and I love listening to Danish and there's lots of words I don't understand.

So I say, I'm going to do a bit of Danish. So I spent a day out of my week or more listening to the mini stories in Danish, uh, Hans Christian Anderson stories in Danish, uh, saving a bunch of Danish words. So that I have some sense of some of these words that I hear in this, uh, TV series called The Sea View Hotel that I don't understand.

And now I understand that a lot better. Uh, similarly I started watching an Egyptian movie for fun. So follow your wishes. And I guess that ties into the fourth habit of a lazy language learning learner, and that is treat language learning as a form of entertainment. Okay, and include entertainment. So obviously, when I watched the Danish series, I understand a lot of it.

And by doing a little work on LingQ, I understand a lot more, uh, with the movies, the Egyptian movies, I'm speaking with my tutor or at least we're going over the mini stories in Egyptian Arabic, which is different from standard Arabic. And my hope is that I'll understand Egyptian movies better, but watching an Egyptian movie, like the movie I saw, I think it's called, uh, Asmaa uh, about a woman who has AIDS in Egypt.

I can enjoy the movie. I get the... I hear the language. I don't really understand much of it, but it's a form of entertainment. It brings me into the culture, language learning is... should be entertainment as well. It shouldn't just be routine and drills and that kind of thing. So allow yourself to be entertained.

Um, another thing about being a lazy language learner is I don't prepare for my sessions with my tutor. I don't prepare, I just show up, um, with Mohammed and Egyptian Arabic, we just open up a mini story, I read a bit of it. Then maybe we have some questions on it. Then we fade into a discussion of something else.

In Egyptian Arabic or in Standard Arabic more, if we're free conversation, it's more Standard Arabic than Egyptian Arabic. I struggle in both, but I don't prepare. I just show up and, and again, whatever exposure I get, whatever I'm doing with the language, engaging with the language during that hour with Mohammed is all to the good.

So no need to get hung up about preparing for the session, lazy language learner, you just show up one-on-one and benefit. Another important... number six habit of a lazy language learner is when you're tired of doing something, go and do something else. Introduce is a lot of variety. As long as you are engaging with the language you are achieving something.

So you're tired of listening, go do more reading. I sometimes feel I have to push myself a little bit on the reading because I think the reading is, is essential to acquiring vocabulary. Uh, obviously the listening is easier to do while I'm doing other chores, um, but uh, introduce movies and switch from one language to another, uh, introduce variety around it.

Keeps it interesting. You have less of a sense that you're constantly sort of pounding on the same door. Variety keeps things interesting. Enables you to be a lazy language or, and the final seventh habit of a lazy language learner is in a way don't measure yourself. Don't compare yourself to what you did before or where you would like to be, or what other people do don't measure.

Accept the fact that the process is success. Success is the fact that you are engaging with the language, accept the fact that whatever you're doing as a lazy language learner, it is helping you. It is helping the brain get used to the language. Some days you would like to be better. Some days you're better than you thought you were.

Uh, sometimes you feel you have achieved a lot over the last three months. Some days you feel you're treading water. It doesn't matter. The fact that you are engaging with the language is in itself success. The fact that you are enjoying the process, the fact that you are continuing to get involved with the language, listening, reading, watching movies, speaking, whenever you're doing that is that that makes you successful because you're continuing to do it.

And if you continue to do it, and if you enjoy the process, even as a lazy language learner, you will reach your goals faster than, in my opinion, forcing yourself to do things that you don't want to do. So there you have the seven habits of a lazy language learner, which I consider myself to be. Although I do spend a lot of time with my languages.

Bye for now.

How to Learn a Language the LAZY Way Wie man eine Sprache auf die faule Art lernt Cómo aprender un idioma de forma perezosa Comment apprendre une langue paresseusement Come imparare una lingua nel modo più pigro possibile LAZYな語学学習法 게으른 방식으로 언어를 배우는 방법 Jak nauczyć się języka w sposób LAZY Como aprender uma língua à maneira preguiçosa Как выучить язык неспешным способом Bir Dil Nasıl TEMBEL Yolla Öğrenilir 如何以懒惰的方式学习语言 如何以懶惰的方式學習語言

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Olá, fala Steve Kaufmann. Today I want to talk about habits, habits of a lazy language learner. Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications. Yeah, I want to talk about my language learning style now. Uh, and what I would call being a lazy language learner, which doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't being a successful language learner. Uh, y lo que yo llamaría ser un estudiante de idiomas perezoso, lo que no significa necesariamente que no estés siendo un estudiante de idiomas exitoso. Uh, e o que eu chamaria de ser um aprendiz de idiomas preguiçoso, o que não significa necessariamente que você não está sendo um aprendiz de idiomas bem-sucedido.

It just means that you're being lazy the way I'm being lazy. Es bedeutet nur, dass du genauso faul bist wie ich. Solo significa que estás siendo flojo de la misma manera que yo estoy siendo flojo. Significa apenas que você está sendo preguiçoso do jeito que eu estou sendo preguiçoso. And so there are seven habits I think that we need to acquire if we're going to be effective, successful, lazy language learners, the first is to set low goals. E, portanto, há sete hábitos que acho que precisamos adquirir se quisermos ser aprendizes de idiomas eficazes, bem-sucedidos e preguiçosos. O primeiro é estabelecer metas baixas. 因此,如果我们要成为有效、成功、懒惰的语言学习者,我认为我们需要养成七个习惯,第一个是设定低目标。 Okay, so on my 90-Day Challenge, I've set my goal for creating LingQs at 13 for Arabic and 13 for Persian. Okay, bei meiner 90-Tage-Challenge habe ich mir als Ziel für die Erstellung von LingQs 13 für Arabisch und 13 für Persisch gesetzt. Bien, en mi Desafío de 90 días, fijé mi objetivo para crear LingQ en 13 para árabe y 13 para persa. 好的,在我的 90 天挑战中,我将创建 LingQ 的目标设定为 13 个阿拉伯语和 13 个波斯语。

And there was a time when I was trying to do a hundred new LingQs in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. Und es gab eine Zeit, in der ich versuchte, hundert neue LingQs auf Arabisch, Persisch und Türkisch zu machen. 曾经有一段时间,我试图用阿拉伯语、波斯语和土耳其语编写一百个新的 LingQ。 It was simply too much. Um, so I've changed my style. Now I set low goals. 现在我设定了低目标。 Now I regularly exceed these goals if I look at my statistics, but the low goal just gets me going. Jetzt übertreffe ich diese Ziele regelmäßig, wenn ich mir meine Statistiken ansehe, aber das niedrige Ziel bringt mich einfach in Fahrt. 现在,如果我查看自己的统计数据,我经常会超过这些目标,但低目标只会让我前进。 I don't see, you know that I, I don't feel any great burden or obligation I just get started. Ich sehe nicht, du weißt, dass ich, ich fühle keine große Last oder Verpflichtung, ich fange einfach an. No veo, sabes que yo, no siento ninguna gran carga ni obligación, solo empiezo.

And once I'm launched, I'll generally, you know, exceed my goals. Und sobald ich gestartet bin, werde ich im Allgemeinen meine Ziele übertreffen. But my first habit therefore, is to set low goals. Now I have a bit of a cheat sheet here and I'm going to make sure I don't forget. Сега имам малък лист за измама и ще се уверя, че няма да забравя. Jetzt habe ich hier eine Art Spickzettel und werde sicherstellen, dass ich es nicht vergesse. Now I have a bit of a cheat sheet here and I'm going to make sure I don't forget. Ahora tengo una pequeña hoja de trucos aquí y me aseguraré de no olvidarla. 现在我这里有一些备忘单,我要确保我不会忘记。 现在我有一张小抄,我要确保自己不会忘记。 The second thing is don't compete with others. Die zweite Sache ist, nicht mit anderen zu konkurrieren. 第二件事是不要与别人竞争。 I'm not competing with other people. Uh, in my challenge, I'm not comparing myself to others. 呃,在我的挑战中,我不会将自己与他人进行比较。

Some people are going faster. I see that I'm ranked 1,572 on my streak. Ik zie dat ik op de ranglijst van 1.572 sta op mijn streak. 我看到我的连胜排名为 1,572。 That's fine. Uh, some people are going to pronounce better. Uh, manche Leute werden sich besser aussprechen. 呃,有些人会发音更好。 Some people are going to learn faster, slower, whatever. 有些人会学得更快,更慢,等等。 It doesn't matter, I'm learning it for myself. So I'm not competing. It reduces the stress level. 它降低了压力水平。 Anything that reduces the stress level makes learning more enjoyable, makes learning more effective. 任何降低压力水平的东西都会让学习变得更愉快,让学习更有效。

The next thing is to be a lazy language you've got to go with the flow, do things that you want to do. Das nächste ist, eine faule Sprache zu sein, man muss mit dem Strom schwimmen, Dinge tun, die man tun möchte. Lo siguiente es ser un lenguaje perezoso, tienes que ir con la corriente, hacer las cosas que quieres hacer. 接下来要做的是成为一种惰性语言,你必须顺其自然,做你想做的事情。 For example, uh, I'm on my Arabic and Persian challenge, but lo and behold, my wife starts watching a Danish series on Netflix and I love listening to Danish and there's lots of words I don't understand. 例如,呃,我正在接受阿拉伯语和波斯语挑战,但是你瞧,我妻子开始在 Netflix 上看丹麦语系列节目,我喜欢听丹麦语,但有很多我听不懂的单词。

So I say, I'm going to do a bit of Danish. 所以我说,我要学一点丹麦语。 So I spent a day out of my week or more listening to the mini stories in Danish, uh, Hans Christian Anderson stories in Danish, uh, saving a bunch of Danish words. 所以我每周花一天或更多时间听丹麦语的迷你故事,呃,丹麦语的汉斯克里斯蒂安安徒生故事,呃,节省了一堆丹麦语单词。 So that I have some sense of some of these words that I hear in this, uh, TV series called The Sea View Hotel that I don't understand. 所以我对我在这个,呃,电视剧《海景酒店》中听到的一些我听不懂的词有一些感觉。

And now I understand that a lot better. Uh, similarly I started watching an Egyptian movie for fun. 呃,类似地,我开始看一部埃及电影来找乐子。 So follow your wishes. 所以遵从你的意愿。 And I guess that ties into the fourth habit of a lazy language learning learner, and that is treat language learning as a form of entertainment. Und ich denke, das hängt mit der vierten Gewohnheit eines faulen Sprachenlernens zusammen, und das ist, das Sprachenlernen als eine Form der Unterhaltung zu betrachten. And I guess that ties into the fourth habit of a lazy language learning learner, and that is treat language learning as a form of entertainment. Y supongo que esto enlaza con el cuarto hábito de un estudiante de idiomas perezoso, que es tratar el aprendizaje de idiomas como una forma de entretenimiento. En ik denk dat dat aansluit bij de vierde gewoonte van een luie taalleerder, en dat is om het leren van talen te beschouwen als een vorm van entertainment. 我想这与懒惰的语言学习者的第四个习惯有关,那就是将语言学习视为一种娱乐形式。 我想这与懒惰的语言学习者的第四个习惯有关,那就是把语言学习当作一种娱乐。 Okay, and include entertainment. 好的,包括娱乐。 So obviously, when I watched the Danish series, I understand a lot of it. 很明显,当我观看丹麦系列时,我明白了很多。

And by doing a little work on LingQ, I understand a lot more, uh, with the movies, the Egyptian movies, I'm speaking with my tutor or at least we're going over the mini stories in Egyptian Arabic, which is different from standard Arabic. Y al hacer un poco de trabajo en LingQ, entiendo mucho más, eh, con las películas, las películas egipcias, estoy hablando con mi tutor o al menos estamos repasando las mini historias en árabe egipcio, que es diferente. del árabe estándar. 通过在 LingQ 上做一些工作,我了解了更多,呃,通过电影,埃及电影,我正在和我的导师交谈,或者至少我们正在用埃及阿拉伯语复习迷你故事,这是不同的来自标准阿拉伯语。 And my hope is that I'll understand Egyptian movies better, but watching an Egyptian movie, like the movie I saw, I think it's called, uh, Asmaa uh, about a woman who has AIDS in Egypt. Y mi esperanza es entender mejor las películas egipcias, pero viendo una película egipcia, como la película que vi, creo que se llama, eh, Asmaa eh, sobre una mujer que tiene SIDA en Egipto. 我希望我能更好地理解埃及电影,但是看一部埃及电影,就像我看过的电影一样,我想它叫,呃,Asmaa 呃,关于一个在埃及患有艾滋病的女人。

I can enjoy the movie. 我可以欣赏这部电影。 I get the... I hear the language. I don't really understand much of it, but it's a form of entertainment. 我不太了解它,但它是一种娱乐形式。 It brings me into the culture, language learning is... should be entertainment as well. 它让我融入了文化,语言学习……也应该是一种娱乐。 It shouldn't just be routine and drills and that kind of thing. No debería ser solo rutina y ejercicios y ese tipo de cosas. 它不应该只是例行公事和演习之类的事情。 So allow yourself to be entertained. Lassen Sie sich also unterhalten. 所以让自己得到娱乐。

Um, another thing about being a lazy language learner is I don't prepare for my sessions with my tutor. 嗯,作为一个懒惰的语言学习者的另一件事是我没有为与导师的课程做准备。 I don't prepare, I just show up, um, with Mohammed and Egyptian Arabic, we just open up a mini story, I read a bit of it. 我不准备,我只是出现,嗯,与穆罕默德和埃及阿拉伯语,我们只是打开一个小故事,我读了一点。 Then maybe we have some questions on it. 那么也许我们对此有一些疑问。 Then we fade into a discussion of something else. След това започваме да обсъждаме нещо друго. Dann blenden wir in eine Diskussion über etwas anderes ein. Luego nos desvanecemos en una discusión de otra cosa. 然后我们逐渐进入对其他事情的讨论。 然后,我们又开始讨论别的事情。

In Egyptian Arabic or in Standard Arabic more, if we're free conversation, it's more Standard Arabic than Egyptian Arabic. I struggle in both, but I don't prepare. I just show up and, and again, whatever exposure I get, whatever I'm doing with the language, engaging with the language during that hour with Mohammed is all to the good. Simplemente aparezco y, una vez más, sea cual sea la exposición que tenga, lo que sea que esté haciendo con el idioma, comprometerme con el idioma durante esa hora con Mohammed es todo para bien. 我只是出现,再一次,无论我接触到什么,无论我用语言做什么,在那个小时与穆罕默德接触语言都是好的。

So no need to get hung up about preparing for the session, lazy language learner, you just show up one-on-one and benefit. Sie müssen sich also nicht mit der Vorbereitung auf die Sitzung aufhalten, fauler Sprachenlerner, Sie kommen einfach einzeln und profitieren. Así que no hay necesidad de obsesionarse con la preparación de la sesión, estudiante de idiomas perezoso, solo aparece uno a uno y se beneficia. だから、セッションの準備に夢中になる必要はありません、怠惰な言語学習者、あなたはただ一対一で現れて利益を得るだけです。 Dus je hoeft niet vast te zitten aan de voorbereiding van de sessie, luie taalleerder, je komt gewoon één-op-één opdagen en profiteert ervan. 因此,懒惰的语言学习者无需为会议做准备而挂断电话,您只需一对一地出现并受益即可。 Another important... number six habit of a lazy language learner is when you're tired of doing something, go and do something else. もう1つの重要な...怠惰な言語学習者の6番目の習慣は、何かをするのにうんざりしているとき、行って何か他のことをすることです。 另一个重要的……懒惰的语言学习者的第六个习惯是当你厌倦了做某事时,去做其他事情。 Introduce is a lot of variety. Einführung ist eine Menge Abwechslung. Introducir es mucha variedad. 紹介はバラエティに富んでいます。 As long as you are engaging with the language you are achieving something. あなたがその言語に従事している限り、あなたは何かを達成しています。

So you're tired of listening, go do more reading. だからあなたは聞くのにうんざりしているので、もっと読んでください。 I sometimes feel I have to push myself a little bit on the reading because I think the reading is, is essential to acquiring vocabulary. 語彙を習得するためにはリーディングが不可欠だと思うので、リーディングに少し力を入れなければならないと感じることがあります。 Uh, obviously the listening is easier to do while I'm doing other chores, um, but uh, introduce movies and switch from one language to another, uh, introduce variety around it. ええと、明らかに私が他の雑用をしている間は聞くのが簡単です、ええと、ええと、映画を紹介し、ある言語から別の言語に切り替えます、ええと、その周りの多様性を紹介します。 呃,很明显,当我在做其他家务时,听力更容易做,嗯,但是,呃,介绍电影并从一种语言切换到另一种语言,呃,介绍周围的多样性。

Keeps it interesting. それを面白く保ちます。 You have less of a sense that you're constantly sort of pounding on the same door. Sie haben weniger das Gefühl, ständig an dieselbe Tür zu klopfen. Tienes menos sensación de que estás constantemente golpeando la misma puerta. 同じドアを常にドキドキしているという感覚はあまりありません。 你不会感觉到你一直在敲同一扇门。 Variety keeps things interesting. 多様性は物事を面白く保ちます。 多样性使事情变得有趣。 Enables you to be a lazy language or, and the final seventh habit of a lazy language learner is in a way don't measure yourself. Ermöglicht es Ihnen, eine faule Sprache zu sein oder, und die letzte siebte Gewohnheit eines faulen Sprachenlerners ist, sich selbst nicht zu messen. Te permite ser un idioma perezoso o, y el séptimo hábito final de un estudiante de idiomas perezoso es, en cierto modo, no medirte a ti mismo. あなたが怠惰な言語になることを可能にします、または怠惰な言語学習者の最後の7番目の習慣はある意味で自分自身を測定しないことです。 使你成为一门懒惰的语言,或者,懒惰的语言学习者的最后第七个习惯是在某种程度上不要衡量自己。 Don't compare yourself to what you did before or where you would like to be, or what other people do don't measure. 以前にしたことやなりたい場所、または他の人が測定していないことと自分自身を比較しないでください。 不要将自己与你以前做过的事情或你想去的地方或其他人没有衡量的事情进行比较。

Accept the fact that the process is success. プロセスが成功しているという事実を受け入れます。 接受这个过程是成功的事实。 Success is the fact that you are engaging with the language, accept the fact that whatever you're doing as a lazy language learner, it is helping you. 成功とは、あなたがその言語に取り組んでいるという事実であり、怠惰な言語学習者として何をしていても、それがあなたを助けているという事実を受け入れます。 成功是你与语言接触的事实,接受这样一个事实,即作为一个懒惰的语言学习者,无论你在做什么,它都会帮助你。 It is helping the brain get used to the language. それは脳が言語に慣れるのを助けています。 它正在帮助大脑适应语言。 Some days you would like to be better. いつかあなたはもっと良くなりたいです。 Some days you're better than you thought you were. ある日、あなたはあなたが思っていたよりも良くなっています。

Uh, sometimes you feel you have achieved a lot over the last three months. ええと、過去3か月で多くのことを達成したと感じることがあります。 Some days you feel you're treading water. Algunos días sientes que estás pisando el agua. ある日、あなたはあなたが水を踏んでいると感じます。 有些日子你觉得你在踩水。 It doesn't matter. Es spielt keine Rolle. 関係ありません。 The fact that you are engaging with the language is in itself success. El hecho de que se comprometa con la lengua es en sí mismo un éxito. あなたがその言語に従事しているという事実はそれ自体が成功です。 您正在使用该语言这一事实本身就是成功。 The fact that you are enjoying the process, the fact that you are continuing to get involved with the language, listening, reading, watching movies, speaking, whenever you're doing that is that that makes you successful because you're continuing to do it. あなたがプロセスを楽しんでいるという事実、あなたが言語に関与し続けているという事実、聞いている、読んでいる、映画を見ている、話す、それをしているときはいつでもそれはあなたがし続けているのであなたを成功させるということですそれ。 事实上,你正在享受这个过程,事实上,你继续参与语言、听力、阅读、看电影、说话,无论你在做什么,这会让你成功,因为你在继续做它。

And if you continue to do it, and if you enjoy the process, even as a lazy language learner, you will reach your goals faster than, in my opinion, forcing yourself to do things that you don't want to do. そして、あなたがそれを続け、そしてあなたがそのプロセスを楽しんでいれば、怠惰な言語学習者としてさえ、あなたは私の意見では、あなたがしたくないことを自分自身に強制するよりも早くあなたの目標に到達するでしょう。 如果你继续这样做,如果你享受这个过程,即使是一个懒惰的语言学习者,你也会比强迫自己做你不想做的事情更快地达到你的目标。 So there you have the seven habits of a lazy language learner, which I consider myself to be. だからあなたは怠惰な言語学習者の7つの習慣を持っています、それは私が自分自身であると思います。 Eis os sete hábitos de um aprendiz de línguas preguiçoso, que eu considero ser o meu caso. 所以你有一个懒惰的语言学习者的七个习惯,我认为自己是。 Although I do spend a lot of time with my languages. 私は自分の言語で多くの時間を過ごしますが。

Bye for now. またね。 Por agora, adeus.