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William Nolan, Chapter two (1)

Chapter two (1)

Last Day

Doyle threw the terrified girl forward and ran.

The tangler net went around the screaming girl and held her tightly.

Logan was tired but the little man didn't stop talking. "You know what it's like," he said. "Nobody does everything that they want to do in their life. All the traveling, all the girls... I'm the same. I'd like to live to twenty-five, thirty... but it isn't going to happen. I can accept that. I've lived a good life. I've had good times. I'm not afraid. After I'm gone, nobody will say that Sawyer was afraid! " He talked and talked.

Logan knew why. If he talked, he didn't have to think. Logan saw this all the time. Everyone talked a lot on Last Day.

Sawyer looked at his palm.

The flower was red, then black, then red again. Logan could see the worry in his eyes.

"Do you believe the Thinker ever makes mistakes? " Sawyer asked Logan. "It doesn't feel like I'm twenty-one. It really doesn't. I remember the day when I became fourteen. How long ago was it when my flower changed? I'm sure it wasn't more than five years ago. " Logan wasn't listening. He was thinking about his fourteenth birthday.

"No," said Sawyer, not waiting for Logan to answer. "I'm sure that the Thinker doesn't make mistakes. " He was silent for a minute.

Then, in a quiet voice, he said, "I guess I'm afraid. " "Most people are," said Logan. "Well, maybe I am afraid but I'm not going to run. No! The Thinker is right. We have to keep the number of people down. I won't run! " The two men sat quietly while the car traveled through the Maze.

Finally, Sawyer spoke again.

"Do you think the homer is really so terrible? "Yes," said Logan. "I believe it is. " "People say that it feels your body heat. That's how it finds you. Then it burns you! It completely destroys your body - in seconds! " Logan didn't speak. Sawyer's face was gray. A muscle moved near his mouth.

"God," he said, looking down at the floor. Then the color returned to his face.

"Of course, it's necessary. Runners have to be punished. They don't have to run, do they? A Sleepshop isn't so bad, is it? I saw one when I was twelve. In Paris. It was clean and nice. " Logan thought of the Sleepshops with their brightly painted rooms and restful music.

The assistants wore warm colors and spoke softly. And then, of course, there was the drug, Hallucinogen. When people took this, their worries left them. Their faces showed only happiness. They moved slowly, as in a dream. Logan thought of the dark rooms downstairs with metal shelves. On those shelves were hundreds of boxes with the names and numbers of men and women on them.

"No," he said. "They're not bad. " Sawyer was talking again.

"But I could never do what those Sandmen have to do. I'm not saying that runners are right! They're criminals! But how can a Sandman use a homer on a man? How can he do that? " "I get off here," said Logan. He left the car.

Logan didn't live in this area. He had a long walk now but Sawyer was making him angry. He knew this part of the city. He remembered killing a man here. He put the memory out of his mind and continued walking, through the crowds of people. People in a hurry, with empty eyes, going nowhere. A young man was sitting on the ground with a sign around his neck. The sign said RUN! He was trying to give out pieces of paper but people only shouted at him.

"Dirty Runner! "Trash! "You're sick! The man sat and smiled.

Logan took one of the papers and read it: DO NOT ACCEPT SLEEP!

RUN! MEN SHOULD LIVE THEIR FULL LIVES! DON'T ACCEPT DEATH AT TWENTY-ONE! A police paravane landed silently near the man.

Logan watched two policemen in yellow coats walk toward him. He didn't run. The police took him away and the paravane lifted into the evening sky.

A woman was standing next to Logan.

"Thank God for the police," she said. "Those people are crazy! It's terrifying! " The sky was dark now and the evening stars were shining.

Logan stopped to watch that evening's Maze News report. A man's face lit up a huge screen on the front of the Maze News building. "Good evening," he said to the crowds "Fourteen people were killed today during a Gypsy gang war in Stafford Heights. Police caught four of the Gypsies and are looking for the others. They will find them. The man looked very serious, and was silent for a minute. Then he continued.

"The runner Harry 7 was caught by police earlier today in the Trancas area. He was sent to Hell. His friends were invited to say goodbye but nobody came. What does that show us? It shows us that we are good people, law-loving people. There is no place for runners in our world! And we must...

Logan stopped listening and moved away.

A girl walked toward him.

"You aren't happy," she said, putting her hand on his arm. He moved away from her and continued walking.

"I can make you happy! " she called after him. Happy Logan thought about the word.

She was right, of course. He was unhappy. Words came into his mind: You can't buy happiness. But, of course, in this world you could.

He turned down a side street and started walking toward Roeburt.

The drug palace in Roeburt was the city's largest, with the best drugs. The friendly, white-coated assistants knew how to give you a great time. They helped you forget.

"LF please," Logan said. "How much would you like? " asked the assistant, a young man. "The usual," he answered. The man took him to a Blueroom.

It was empty except for a large armchair and a small table. Logan sat in the chair and took the drug.

"Have a good lift," the man said as he left. Logan closed his eyes for a minute so the drug could work.

When he opened them, the room was filled with a terrible light. It was a bad lift.

He was falling, falling from a window.

A man caught him.

"You were running. That's OK," said the man. "No. I wasn't! I wasn't running! I fell! I fell from a window," Logan shouted. Suddenly there was fire all around him.

He ran through the fire. Voices were everywhere, calling "Black flower! Black flower! ". Where was his gun?

He needed, his gun. The man caught him again.

"Running again? " he smiled. But now Logan had the gun. Nothing could hurt him. The homer hit the man and the world exploded.

When he left the Blueroom, the assistant smiled at him.

"You were really lifted. Would you like another one? " "No, thanks. Logan didn't feel better. He left the drug palace and walked toward the colored lights on the Glasshouse. The words shone out at him.



"Your happiness makes us happy, sir," an assistant said, unsmiling. Logan could see the bodies moving inside each room.

The floors and walls were made of glass. Different rooms lit up at different times to show the enjoyment of the men and women inside them.

Logan took a girl into one of the rooms.

"Lie down," she said, and came onto the glass bed with him. He felt the eyes all around them, watching them.

Hours passed.

When morning came, Logan got up silently.

He left the girl and went back home, to his room. It was time for work. No time to sleep. His muscles hurt. His eyes were red. He took a shower but it didn't help. He got dressed, put on his long, black Sandman coat, and left for work.

Francis was waiting for him when he arrived.

He smiled at Logan.

"You look terrible," he said. "Bad night? " Francis never looked bad.

No lifts or Glasshouses for him. Never before a job. Francis was clear-headed and calm. Why couldn't Logan be like that? Very few Sandmen had Francis's skill and intelligence. He wasn't like other men. He had no real friends. No one knew about any lovers. He had a long, thin body and the black eyes of a wild cat. He was a smooth, silent killer. And what does he think of me? Logan often asked himself. He always smiling and friendly but judging every move.

They walked toward the Gun Room together.

Logan was nervous. His hands were wet. He needed his gun. He was always fine with a gun in his hand, chasing a runner somewhere in the city. He felt good when he was doing his job.

The two men came to a high metal door.

"Names? " asked a computerized voice. Each man put the palm of his hand on the door.

It opened and they went into the Gun Room. Only a Sandman could carry a gun and no other person could use it. It was too dangerous. Logan checked that his gun was ready: tangler, ripper, needier, nitro, vapor - and homer. All good. He held the gun and felt strong again.

Francis and Logan then walked to the Report Room.

A nervous-looking assistant hurried toward them.

"We've had a lot of problems today. I can't find Webster 16 and we've got a runner in Pavilion, moving east. " "Who's going to take him? " asked Logan. "You are," said the assistant. "Francis will help if you need him. " "All right," said Logan. "Give me the information. " "Name: Doyle 10-14302. His flower blacked at five thirty-nine. That's eighteen minutes ago. He's moving east but he's not going near the Maze. I think he knows about the cameras there. He's moving toward Arcade. Be careful. He's probably dangerous. " Logan pressed the numbers 10-14302 into a computer and the information on Doyle came up on the screen: photo, height, age, names of friends.

Logan read Doyle's flower history: YELLOW: 0-7 years. Parented by a machine in a Missouri Nursery. BLUE: 7-14» The usual. Lived in lots of different state traveled around Europe. No criminal activities, RED: 14-21. Difficult. Problems with police. Attacked a Sandman. Three girlfriends. One of them tried to help runners. A sister, Jessica 6: no problems with police.

Logan studied Doyle's photo. He was a big man, as tall as Logan, dark hair, a strong face. An easy face to remember. Easy to find in a crowd. He took the small black follower from his belt and pressed in Doyle's numbers. Then he returned to Francis.

Francis was standing in front of a large screen, watching a moving red light - Doyle.

"He's not our usual kind of runner,'' Said Francis. "I've watched him. He knows exactly where he's going. He has information and he's not making any mistakes. Call me if you need help. " The chase began.

Logan got off the walkway at the main station and saw Doyle getting out of a car. Doyle saw Logan's black coat and ran into the crowds. He was still moving east - toward Arcade. Logan tried to follow him but Doyle caught another car. Good, thought Logan. He'll run. He'll get tired. He watched him on the follower.

The assistant was right. Doyle knew about the cameras in the Maze. He was staying above ground and still trying to get to Arcade. Logan showed himself in the crowds. He wanted Doyle to see his black coat. He wanted to scare him. But Doyle knew what he was doing. He continued moving. He stayed in the crowds.

The guy's smart, thought Logan. He watched Doyle on his follower. He was very near - coming down in an elevator. Logan moved fast. As the elevator doors opened, Logan lifted his gun. Doyle started to get out and saw him. His face turned white. He couldn't escape the homer.

Chapter two (1) Kapitel zwei (1) Capítulo dos (1) Chapitre deux (1) Antras skyrius (1) Глава вторая (1) Розділ другий (1) 第二章(1) 第二章(1)

Last Day

Doyle threw the terrified girl forward and ran. Doyle hodil vyděšenou dívku dopředu a utekl.

The tangler net went around the screaming girl and held her tightly. Сеть обхватила кричащую девушку и крепко держала ее. 缠结的网绕过尖叫的女孩,紧紧地抱住了她。

Logan was tired but the little man didn't stop talking. 洛根累了,但小个子并没有停止说话。 "You know what it's like," he said. “你知道那是什么样的,”他说。 "Nobody does everything that they want to do in their life. "Никто не делает в своей жизни всего, чего хочет. “没有人会做他们一生中想做的一切。 All the traveling, all the girls... I'm the same. 所有的旅行,所有的女孩……我也一样。 I'd like to live to twenty-five, thirty... but it isn't going to happen. 我想活到二十五岁,三十岁……但这不会发生。 I can accept that. I've lived a good life. I've had good times. I'm not afraid. After I'm gone, nobody will say that Sawyer was afraid! " 我走了之后,没有人会说索耶害怕了! " He talked and talked.

Logan knew why. If he talked, he didn't have to think. Logan saw this all the time. Everyone talked a lot on Last Day. Last Day 大家都聊了很多。

Sawyer looked at his palm.

The flower was red, then black, then red again. Logan could see the worry in his eyes.

"Do you believe the Thinker ever makes mistakes? “你相信思想者会犯错吗? " Sawyer asked Logan. "It doesn't feel like I'm twenty-one. “感觉不像是二十一岁。 It really doesn't. I remember the day when I became fourteen. How long ago was it when my flower changed? 多久以前我的花变了? I'm sure it wasn't more than five years ago. " Logan wasn't listening. He was thinking about his fourteenth birthday.

"No," said Sawyer, not waiting for Logan to answer. "I'm sure that the Thinker doesn't make mistakes. " He was silent for a minute.

Then, in a quiet voice, he said, "I guess I'm afraid. " 然后,他轻声说:“我想我很害怕。” "Most people are," said Logan. "Well, maybe I am afraid but I'm not going to run. “好吧,也许我很害怕,但我不会跑。 No! The Thinker is right. We have to keep the number of people down. 我们必须减少人数。 I won't run! " The two men sat quietly while the car traveled through the Maze. 车子穿过迷宫时,两人静静地坐着。

Finally, Sawyer spoke again.

"Do you think the homer is really so terrible? “你觉得本垒打真的那么可怕吗? "Yes," said Logan. "I believe it is. " "People say that it feels your body heat. “人们说它会感觉到你的体温。 That's how it finds you. Then it burns you! 然后它会燃烧你! It completely destroys your body - in seconds! " 它会在几秒钟内彻底摧毁你的身体! " Logan didn't speak. Sawyer's face was gray. A muscle moved near his mouth.

"God," he said, looking down at the floor. Then the color returned to his face.

"Of course, it's necessary. Runners have to be punished. 跑者必须受到惩罚。 They don't have to run, do they? A Sleepshop isn't so bad, is it? Sleepshop 还不错吧? I saw one when I was twelve. In Paris. It was clean and nice. " Logan thought of the Sleepshops with their brightly painted rooms and restful music.

The assistants wore warm colors and spoke softly. And then, of course, there was the drug, Hallucinogen. When people took this, their worries left them. Their faces showed only happiness. They moved slowly, as in a dream. Logan thought of the dark rooms downstairs with metal shelves. 洛根想到了楼下有金属架子的黑暗房间。 On those shelves were hundreds of boxes with the names and numbers of men and women on them. 那些架子上有数百个盒子,上面写着男人和女人的名字和号码。

"No," he said. "They're not bad. " Sawyer was talking again.

"But I could never do what those Sandmen have to do. Но я никогда не смогу сделать то, что должны делать эти песочники". I'm not saying that runners are right! They're criminals! But how can a Sandman use a homer on a man? 但是睡魔怎么能在一个人身上使用本垒打呢? How can he do that? " "I get off here," said Logan. He left the car.

Logan didn't live in this area. He had a long walk now but Sawyer was making him angry. He knew this part of the city. He remembered killing a man here. He put the memory out of his mind and continued walking, through the crowds of people. People in a hurry, with empty eyes, going nowhere. A young man was sitting on the ground with a sign around his neck. The sign said RUN! He was trying to give out pieces of paper but people only shouted at him. 他试图分发纸片,但人们只对他大喊大叫。

"Dirty Runner! "Trash! “垃圾! "You're sick! The man sat and smiled.

Logan took one of the papers and read it: DO NOT ACCEPT SLEEP! 洛根拿起其中一张纸读了起来:不要接受睡眠!

RUN! MEN SHOULD LIVE THEIR FULL LIVES! 男人应该过上充实的生活! DON'T ACCEPT DEATH AT TWENTY-ONE! 不要接受二十一岁的死亡! A police paravane landed silently near the man. 一架警用伞无声无息地降落在该男子附近。

Logan watched two policemen in yellow coats walk toward him. 洛根看着两个穿着黄色外套的警察朝他走来。 He didn't run. The police took him away and the paravane lifted into the evening sky. Полицейские увели его, и параван поднялся в вечернее небо. 警察把他带走了,风帆升到了傍晚的天空。

A woman was standing next to Logan.

"Thank God for the police," she said. "Those people are crazy! It's terrifying! " 太可怕了! " The sky was dark now and the evening stars were shining.

Logan stopped to watch that evening's Maze News report. A man's face lit up a huge screen on the front of the Maze News building. "Good evening," he said to the crowds "Fourteen people were killed today during a Gypsy gang war in Stafford Heights. Police caught four of the Gypsies and are looking for the others. They will find them. The man looked very serious, and was silent for a minute. Then he continued.

"The runner Harry 7 was caught by police earlier today in the Trancas area. “今天早些时候,跑步者 Harry 7 在 Trancas 地区被警方抓获。 He was sent to Hell. His friends were invited to say goodbye but nobody came. What does that show us? It shows us that we are good people, law-loving people. 它表明我们是好人,热爱法律的人。 There is no place for runners in our world! В нашем мире нет места бегунам! 我们的世界没有跑者的位置! And we must...

Logan stopped listening and moved away. 洛根不再听了,走开了。

A girl walked toward him.

"You aren't happy," she said, putting her hand on his arm. He moved away from her and continued walking.

"I can make you happy! " she called after him. Happy Logan thought about the word.

She was right, of course. He was unhappy. Words came into his mind: You can't buy happiness. But, of course, in this world you could.

He turned down a side street and started walking toward Roeburt. Он свернул на боковую улицу и начал идти в сторону Ройбурта.

The drug palace in Roeburt was the city's largest, with the best drugs. The friendly, white-coated assistants knew how to give you a great time. 友好的,白大褂的助手知道如何给你一个美好的时光。 They helped you forget.

"LF please," Logan said. “求求你了,”洛根说。 "How much would you like? " asked the assistant, a young man. "The usual," he answered. “通常,”他回答。 The man took him to a Blueroom.

It was empty except for a large armchair and a small table. Logan sat in the chair and took the drug.

"Have a good lift," the man said as he left. “祝你一路顺风,”男人离开时说。 Logan closed his eyes for a minute so the drug could work. 洛根闭上眼睛一分钟,这样药物才能起作用。

When he opened them, the room was filled with a terrible light. 当他打开它们时,房间里充满了可怕的光芒。 It was a bad lift. 这是一次糟糕的电梯。

He was falling, falling from a window. 他正在坠落,从窗户坠落。

A man caught him.

"You were running. “你在跑。 That's OK," said the man. "No. I wasn't! I wasn't running! I fell! I fell from a window," Logan shouted. Suddenly there was fire all around him. 顿时,他的四周燃起了火光。

He ran through the fire. 他跑过火堆。 Voices were everywhere, calling "Black flower! 到处都是声音,喊着“黑花! Black flower! ". Where was his gun?

He needed, his gun. The man caught him again.

"Running again? " he smiled. But now Logan had the gun. 但现在洛根拿着枪。 Nothing could hurt him. The homer hit the man and the world exploded. Хомер попал в человека, и мир взорвался. 本垒打击中了那个人,世界爆炸了。

When he left the Blueroom, the assistant smiled at him. 当他离开蓝室时,助理冲他笑了笑。

"You were really lifted. “你真的很振奋。 Would you like another one? " "No, thanks. Logan didn't feel better. He left the drug palace and walked toward the colored lights on the Glasshouse. 他离开了药宫,朝着玻璃屋上的彩灯走去。 The words shone out at him. Слова пронзили его.



"Your happiness makes us happy, sir," an assistant said, unsmiling. “您的幸福让我们幸福,先生,”一名助理面无表情地说。 Logan could see the bodies moving inside each room.

The floors and walls were made of glass. Different rooms lit up at different times to show the enjoyment of the men and women inside them. 不同的房间在不同的时间点灯,以显示里面的男人和女人的享受。

Logan took a girl into one of the rooms.

"Lie down," she said, and came onto the glass bed with him. “躺下,”她说,和他一起来到玻璃床上。 He felt the eyes all around them, watching them.

Hours passed. 几个小时过去了。

When morning came, Logan got up silently.

He left the girl and went back home, to his room. 他离开了女孩,回到了自己的房间。 It was time for work. No time to sleep. His muscles hurt. His eyes were red. He took a shower but it didn't help. 他洗了个澡,但没有用。 He got dressed, put on his long, black Sandman coat, and left for work. 他穿好衣服,穿上他那件黑色的睡人长外套,然后去上班了。

Francis was waiting for him when he arrived. Фрэнсис уже ждала его, когда он приехал. 他到达时弗朗西斯正在等他。

He smiled at Logan.

"You look terrible," he said. "Bad night? " Francis never looked bad.

No lifts or Glasshouses for him. 他没有电梯或温室。 Never before a job. Francis was clear-headed and calm. 弗朗西斯头脑清醒,冷静。 Why couldn't Logan be like that? Very few Sandmen had Francis's skill and intelligence. Очень немногие песочники обладали мастерством и умом Франциска. He wasn't like other men. He had no real friends. No one knew about any lovers. Никто не знал ни о каких любовниках. He had a long, thin body and the black eyes of a wild cat. 他有着瘦长的身躯和野猫般的黑色眼睛。 He was a smooth, silent killer. 他是一个圆滑、沉默的杀手。 And what does he think of me? Logan often asked himself. He always smiling and friendly but judging every move. Он всегда улыбается и дружелюбен, но оценивает каждый шаг. 他总是微笑和友好,但判断一举一动。

They walked toward the Gun Room together.

Logan was nervous. His hands were wet. He needed his gun. He was always fine with a gun in his hand, chasing a runner somewhere in the city. He felt good when he was doing his job.

The two men came to a high metal door.

"Names? " asked a computerized voice. Each man put the palm of his hand on the door.

It opened and they went into the Gun Room. Only a Sandman could carry a gun and no other person could use it. It was too dangerous. Logan checked that his gun was ready: tangler, ripper, needier, nitro, vapor - and homer. 洛根检查他的枪已经准备好:缠结者、开膛手、需要者、硝基、蒸汽 - 和本垒打。 All good. He held the gun and felt strong again.

Francis and Logan then walked to the Report Room.

A nervous-looking assistant hurried toward them.

"We've had a lot of problems today. I can't find Webster 16 and we've got a runner in Pavilion, moving east. " 我找不到 Webster 16,我们在 Pavilion 有一个跑步者,向东移动。 " "Who's going to take him? " asked Logan. "You are," said the assistant. "Francis will help if you need him. " "All right," said Logan. "Give me the information. " "Name: Doyle 10-14302. His flower blacked at five thirty-nine. That's eighteen minutes ago. He's moving east but he's not going near the Maze. I think he knows about the cameras there. 我想他知道那里的相机。 He's moving toward Arcade. Be careful. He's probably dangerous. " Logan pressed the numbers 10-14302 into a computer and the information on Doyle came up on the screen: photo, height, age, names of friends. 洛根将数字 10-14302 输入电脑,屏幕上出现了关于 Doyle 的信息:照片、身高、年龄、朋友的名字。

Logan read Doyle's flower history: YELLOW: 0-7 years. Parented by a machine in a Missouri Nursery. BLUE: 7-14» The usual. Lived in lots of different state traveled around Europe. 住在许多不同的州,游历欧洲。 No criminal activities, RED: 14-21. 没有犯罪活动,RED:14-21。 Difficult. Problems with police. Attacked a Sandman. Three girlfriends. One of them tried to help runners. A sister, Jessica 6: no problems with police.

Logan studied Doyle's photo. He was a big man, as tall as Logan, dark hair, a strong face. An easy face to remember. Easy to find in a crowd. He took the small black follower from his belt and pressed in Doyle's numbers. Он снял с пояса маленький черный блокнот и нажал на цифры Дойла. Then he returned to Francis.

Francis was standing in front of a large screen, watching a moving red light - Doyle.

"He's not our usual kind of runner,'' Said Francis. “他不是我们通常的那种跑步者,”弗朗西斯说。 "I've watched him. He knows exactly where he's going. Он точно знает, куда идет. He has information and he's not making any mistakes. 他有信息,他没有犯任何错误。 Call me if you need help. " Позвоните мне, если вам нужна помощь. " The chase began. Началась погоня.

Logan got off the walkway at the main station and saw Doyle getting out of a car. Логан сошел с пешеходной дорожки на главном вокзале и увидел Дойла, выходящего из машины. Doyle saw Logan's black coat and ran into the crowds. Дойл увидел черное пальто Логана и побежал в толпу. He was still moving east - toward Arcade. Он все еще двигался на восток - в сторону Аркады. Logan tried to follow him but Doyle caught another car. Логан попытался последовать за ним, но Дойл поймал другую машину. Good, thought Logan. Хорошо, подумал Логан. He'll run. He'll get tired. Он устанет. He watched him on the follower.

The assistant was right. Doyle knew about the cameras in the Maze. He was staying above ground and still trying to get to Arcade. Logan showed himself in the crowds. He wanted Doyle to see his black coat. He wanted to scare him. But Doyle knew what he was doing. He continued moving. He stayed in the crowds.

The guy's smart, thought Logan. He watched Doyle on his follower. He was very near - coming down in an elevator. Он был совсем рядом - спускался на лифте. Logan moved fast. As the elevator doors opened, Logan lifted his gun. Doyle started to get out and saw him. His face turned white. He couldn't escape the homer. 他无法逃脱本垒打。