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Zen Habits, the barefoot philosophy

the barefoot philosophy

“Empty-handed I entered the world Barefoot I leave it. My coming, my going – Two simple happenings That got entangled.” ~ Kozan Ichikyo

Post written by Leo Babauta.

Yesterday morning I ran a few miles in my Vibram Fivefingers, designed to mimic barefoot running (see my guide to barefoot running).

And then I took off the minimalist Fivefinger shoes, and ran completely barefoot for half a mile.

It was liberating.

Later, I walked for a couple of hours, taking my sandals off for a good part of the walk.

Today I walked barefoot once again. There's a sensation to barefoot walking that is light, free, simple, joyful.

Imagine walking barefoot on thick grass, or cool night sand.

These are wonderful sensations that shod walkers cannot enjoy.

Going barefoot, I realized, is a perfect metaphor for my philosophy of life: the barefoot philosophy.

When you go barefoot, you become naked, you simplify, you become a minimalist.

It's a hard philosophy to explain, because others often judge it as weird, hippy-like (as if that's bad), unpractical.

It's very practical, and while it may indeed be weird, it's also beautiful.

It's the simple life, in a nutshell.

The Barefoot Philosophy, in Bits

To embrace the Barefoot Philosophy, you don't actually have to go barefoot.

Again, it's a metaphor for how you might live your life, and these principles can be applied to anything you do.

Light : When you're barefoot, you feel light, and you're not burdened by stuff. In anything in life, if you can be light, it's a wonderful feeling. Think traveling light, or moving to a new city without too much stuff.

Free : Walking barefoot, you feel free, without the restrictions of shoes. The fewer burdens and restrictions you have in life, the freer you are. Think of how easy it would be to pick up and travel, or move, or change jobs, or do something with a friend in the middle of a work day.

Naked : Without shoes, you feel a bit naked, and being naked in public is scary. But it's also an exhilarating feeling, and once you get comfortable with that nakedness, it's kinda fun. Blogging can feel this way — you're putting yourself out into the world, naked, and that's scary at first. Doing anything different, where you expose a piece of yourself, is like being naked. But you get used to it, and it's not so scary.

Pleasureful : The point of walking barefoot is to experience the pleasure of feeling the surface beneath your feet. The sensations are marvelous: cool, warm, textured, plush, smooth, rough. In anything in life, if you can experience the sensations of whatever you're doing, this is a beautiful thing. Think of the sensations of eating, swimming, washing dishes, sitting on a breezy porch, lying in the grass under the sun, kissing in the rain.

Aware : Walking barefoot, you're more aware of the ground you're walking over — when you're shod, you can walk for miles without really thinking about the surfaces you're traveling over. In anything you do, increasing your awareness of your surroundings is a desirable thing. Think of walking outside vs. being inside a car, or shutting off the mobile device so you can talk to the people around you or pay attention to the beauty around you.

Present : The beauty of walking barefoot is that it brings you back to the present moment. It's hard to be stuck in a perceived slight by someone else earlier in the day, or worry about what might happen later in the day, when you are walking barefoot. In anything you do, if you can stay in the present moment, you will experience life to the fullest, will be less likely to be stuck in anger or consumed by worry or stressed by coming events.

Non-conformist : One of the hardest things about walking barefoot isn't the temperature or possible pain of pebbles, it's the non-conformity of it all — it's being worried that others will think you're a dork, or homeless, or some kind of dangerous radical. And yet, I've learned to embrace my non-conformist side, to relish in being a bit different, to be proud I'm not one of the sheep. There's nothing wrong with bucking societal norms, if it's for good reason.

Non-consumerist : The shoe companies would hate it if there were a major barefoot movement, because they're no product they could sell you as a solution. This isn't true of environmentalism — there are tons of green products that are making millions of dollars for corporations. I believe in ditching shoes like I believe in ditching any kind of product that you buy as a solution to life's problems. Life is better with less, not more, and when you think of yourself as a human rather than a consumer, you're breaking free from the endless cycle of earning and buying and using up.

How to Live a Barefoot Life

The above philosophy is fine, and might appeal to some, but what you want is a practical guide, no?

I'm not going to give it to you.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, nor is it desirable to live the life prescribed by someone else. The whole point is to do it on your own, without buying one of my books or doing it exactly as I do.

Live this philosophy, in small bits, and see if you like it.

It takes some time to adjust to this approach, but it's lovely in the end.

Some things to consider and try, though:

Try walking barefoot (tips, faq).

Get rid of a couple boxes of clutter today.

When you leave your house, take less with you than usual.

When you find yourself worried about the future or past, breathe, and focus on your breath going in and out.

When you find yourself wanting to buy something, pause. Then think of how you can live without buying it.

Take time to fully enjoy a few simple pleasures today: the slow savoring of a small portion of something delicious, watching nature, spending time with a loved one, walking.

Try some minimalist fun.

Think of the restrictions you impose on yourself, and see if you can lift a few of them.

Smile, and breathe.

Most of all, be present and enjoy life.


Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now!

This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/barefoot-philosophy/

the barefoot philosophy

“Empty-handed I entered the world Barefoot I leave it. "Üres kézzel léptem a világra Mezítláb hagyom el azt. 「我兩手空空來到這個世界,赤腳離開它。 My coming, my going – Two simple happenings That got entangled.” ~ Kozan Ichikyo Az én jövésem, az én távozásom - Két egyszerű esemény, ami összekeveredett." ~ Kozan Ichikyo 我來,我走——兩件簡單的事情糾纏在一起。” ~ 甲山甲京

Post written by Leo Babauta.

Yesterday morning I ran a few miles in my Vibram Fivefingers, designed to mimic barefoot running (see my guide to barefoot running). Tegnap reggel futottam néhány mérföldet a Vibram Fivefingersemben, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy utánozza a mezítlábas futást (lásd a mezítlábas futásról szóló útmutatómat). 昨天早上,我穿著 Vibram Fivefingers 跑了幾英里,這款 Vibram Fivefingers 專為模仿赤腳跑步而設計(請參閱我的赤腳跑步指南)。

And then I took off the minimalist Fivefinger shoes, and ran completely barefoot for half a mile. Aztán levettem a minimalista Fivefinger cipőt, és fél mérföldet teljesen mezítláb futottam.

It was liberating. Felszabadító volt. 這是一種解放。

Later, I walked for a couple of hours, taking my sandals off for a good part of the walk. 後來,我走了幾個小時,大部分時間都脫掉了涼鞋。

Today I walked barefoot once again. Ma ismét mezítláb jártam. 今天我又赤腳走路了。 There's a sensation to barefoot walking that is light, free, simple, joyful. A mezítláb járás olyan érzés, amely könnyű, szabad, egyszerű, örömteli. 赤腳行走的感覺是輕鬆、自由、簡單、快樂。

Imagine walking barefoot on thick grass, or cool night sand. Képzeld el, hogy mezítláb sétálsz a sűrű fűben, vagy a hűvös éjszakai homokban.

These are wonderful sensations that shod walkers cannot enjoy. Ezek olyan csodálatos érzések, amelyeket a cipős gyalogosok nem élvezhetnek. 這些美妙的感覺是穿鞋走路的人無法享受到的。

Going barefoot, I realized, is a perfect metaphor for my philosophy of life: the barefoot philosophy. Rájöttem, hogy a mezítláb járás tökéletes metaforája az életfilozófiámnak: a mezítlábas filozófiának. 我意識到,赤腳是我的人生哲學的完美比喻:赤腳哲學。

When you go barefoot, you become naked, you simplify, you become a minimalist. Amikor mezítláb jársz, meztelenné válsz, egyszerűsítesz, minimalistává válsz.

It's a hard philosophy to explain, because others often judge it as weird, hippy-like (as if that's bad), unpractical. 這是一個很難解釋的哲學,因為其他人常常認為它很奇怪、像嬉皮士(好像這很糟糕)、不切實際。

It's very practical, and while it may indeed be weird, it's also beautiful. Nagyon praktikus, és bár valóban furcsa, de gyönyörű is. 它非常實用,雖然可能確實很奇怪,但也很漂亮。

It's the simple life, in a nutshell. Ez az egyszerű élet, dióhéjban.

The Barefoot Philosophy, in Bits A mezítlábas filozófia, apránként

To embrace the Barefoot Philosophy, you don't actually have to go barefoot. A mezítlábas filozófiához nem kell mezítláb járnod.

Again, it's a metaphor for how you might live your life, and these principles can be applied to anything you do. Ismétlem, ez egy metafora arra, hogyan élheted az életed, és ezek az elvek bármiben alkalmazhatók, amit csinálsz.

Light : When you're barefoot, you feel light, and you're not burdened by stuff. Könnyű : Amikor mezítláb vagy, könnyűnek érzed magad, és nem terhelnek dolgok. In anything in life, if you can be light, it's a wonderful feeling. Bármiben az életben, ha könnyűnek tudsz lenni, az csodálatos érzés. 生活中的任何事情,如果你能做到輕鬆,那是一種美妙的感覺。 Think traveling light, or moving to a new city without too much stuff. Gondoljon a könnyű utazásra, vagy arra, hogy új városba költözik túl sok cucc nélkül.

Free : Walking barefoot, you feel free, without the restrictions of shoes. Szabad : Mezítláb járva szabadnak érzi magát, a cipő korlátai nélkül. The fewer burdens and restrictions you have in life, the freer you are. Minél kevesebb teher és korlátozás van az életedben, annál szabadabb vagy. 生活中的負擔和限制越少,你就越自由。 Think of how easy it would be to pick up and travel, or move, or change jobs, or do something with a friend in the middle of a work day. Gondolj arra, milyen könnyű lenne felkapni a fejed, és elutazni, vagy elköltözni, vagy munkahelyet váltani, vagy egy barátoddal valamit csinálni a munkanap közepén.

Naked : Without shoes, you feel a bit naked, and being naked in public is scary. Meztelenül : Cipő nélkül kicsit meztelennek érzed magad, és nyilvánosan meztelenül lenni ijesztő. But it's also an exhilarating feeling, and once you get comfortable with that nakedness, it's kinda fun. De ez egy felemelő érzés is, és ha egyszer megbarátkozol ezzel a meztelenséggel, akkor elég szórakoztató. Blogging can feel this way — you're putting yourself out into the world, naked, and that's scary at first. A blogolás ilyen érzés lehet - meztelenül kiteszed magad a világ elé, és ez eleinte ijesztő. 寫部落格可以給人這樣的感覺——你把自己赤裸裸地投入到這個世界中,一開始這很可怕。 Doing anything different, where you expose a piece of yourself, is like being naked. Bármi mást csinálni, ahol felfedsz egy darabot magadból, olyan, mintha meztelen lennél. But you get used to it, and it's not so scary. De hozzászoksz, és már nem is olyan ijesztő.

Pleasureful : The point of walking barefoot is to experience the pleasure of feeling the surface beneath your feet. 愉悅:赤腳行走的目的是體驗腳下地面的愉悅感。 The sensations are marvelous: cool, warm, textured, plush, smooth, rough. In anything in life, if you can experience the sensations of whatever you're doing, this is a beautiful thing. Think of the sensations of eating, swimming, washing dishes, sitting on a breezy porch, lying in the grass under the sun, kissing in the rain. 想想吃飯、游泳、洗碗、坐在微風徐徐的門廊上、躺在陽光下的草地上、在雨中接吻的感覺。

Aware : Walking barefoot, you're more aware of the ground you're walking over — when you're shod, you can walk for miles without really thinking about the surfaces you're traveling over. In anything you do, increasing your awareness of your surroundings is a desirable thing. Think of walking outside vs. being inside a car, or shutting off the mobile device so you can talk to the people around you or pay attention to the beauty around you.

Present : The beauty of walking barefoot is that it brings you back to the present moment. It's hard to be stuck in a perceived slight by someone else earlier in the day, or worry about what might happen later in the day, when you are walking barefoot. In anything you do, if you can stay in the present moment, you will experience life to the fullest, will be less likely to be stuck in anger or consumed by worry or stressed by coming events.

Non-conformist : One of the hardest things about walking barefoot isn't the temperature or possible pain of pebbles, it's the non-conformity of it all — it's being worried that others will think you're a dork, or homeless, or some kind of dangerous radical. And yet, I've learned to embrace my non-conformist side, to relish in being a bit different, to be proud I'm not one of the sheep. There's nothing wrong with bucking societal norms, if it's for good reason.

Non-consumerist : The shoe companies would hate it if there were a major barefoot movement, because they're no product they could sell you as a solution. This isn't true of environmentalism — there are tons of green products that are making millions of dollars for corporations. I believe in ditching shoes like I believe in ditching any kind of product that you buy as a solution to life's problems. Life is better with less, not more, and when you think of yourself as a human rather than a consumer, you're breaking free from the endless cycle of earning and buying and using up.

How to Live a Barefoot Life

The above philosophy is fine, and might appeal to some, but what you want is a practical guide, no?

I'm not going to give it to you.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, nor is it desirable to live the life prescribed by someone else. The whole point is to do it on your own, without buying one of my books or doing it exactly as I do.

Live this philosophy, in small bits, and see if you like it.

It takes some time to adjust to this approach, but it's lovely in the end.

Some things to consider and try, though:

Try walking barefoot (tips, faq).

Get rid of a couple boxes of clutter today.

When you leave your house, take less with you than usual.

When you find yourself worried about the future or past, breathe, and focus on your breath going in and out.

When you find yourself wanting to buy something, pause. Then think of how you can live without buying it.

Take time to fully enjoy a few simple pleasures today: the slow savoring of a small portion of something delicious, watching nature, spending time with a loved one, walking.

Try some minimalist fun.

Think of the restrictions you impose on yourself, and see if you can lift a few of them.

Smile, and breathe.

Most of all, be present and enjoy life.


Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now!

This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/barefoot-philosophy/