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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. XIV.—PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.


In 1860 there were four candidates for the presidency.

The great Democratic Party was divided into two branches. One branch nominated Stephen A. Douglas. The other branch, which included the larger number of the slave-owners of the South, nominated John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky.

The remnant of the old Whig Party, now called the "Union Party," nominated John Bell, of Tennessee. The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln.

In November came the election, and a majority of all the electors chosen were for Lincoln.

The people of the cotton-growing states believed that, by this election, the Northern people intended to deprive them of their rights. They believed that the anti-slavery people intended to do much more than prevent the extension of slavery. They believed that the abolitionists were bent upon passing laws to deprive them of their slaves.

Wild rumors were circulated concerning the designs which the "Black Republicans," as they were called, had formed for their coercion and oppression. They declared that they would never submit.

And so, in December, the people of South Carolina met in convention, and declared that that state had seceded from the Union—that they would no longer be citizens of the United States. One by one, six other states followed; and they united to form a new government, called the Confederate States of America.

It had long been held by the men of the South that a state had the right to withdraw from the Union at any time. This was called the doctrine of States' Rights. The Confederate States at once chose Jefferson Davis for their President, and declared themselves free and independent.

In February, Mr. Lincoln went to Washington to be inaugurated. His enemies openly boasted that he should never reach that city alive; and a plot was formed to kill him on his passage through Baltimore. But he took an earlier train than the one appointed, and arrived at the capital in safety.

On the 4th of March he was inaugurated. In his address at that time he said: "In your hands, my dissatisfied countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. Your government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government; while I shall have the most solemn one to protect and defend it." The Confederate States demanded that the government should give up all the forts, arsenals, and public property within their limits. This, President Lincoln refused to do. He said that he could not admit that these states had withdrawn from the Union, or that they could withdraw without the consent of the people of the United States, given in a national convention.

And so, in April, the Confederate guns were turned upon Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, and the war was begun. President Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 men to serve in the army for three months; and both parties prepared for the great contest.

It is not my purpose to give a history of that terrible war of four years. The question of slavery was now a secondary one. The men of one party were determined, at whatever hazard, to preserve the Union. The men of the other party fought to defend their doctrine of States' Rights, and to set up an independent government of their own. President Lincoln was urged to use his power and declare all the slaves free. He answered:

"My paramount object is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery. "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it. If I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it. If I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." At last, however, when he saw that the success of the Union arms depended upon his freeing the slaves, he decided to do so. On the 1st of January, 1863, he issued a proclamation declaring that the slaves, in all the states or parts of states then in rebellion, should be free.

By this proclamation, more than three millions of colored people were given their freedom.

But the war still went on. It reached a turning point, however, at the battle of Gettysburg, in July, that same year. From that time the cause of the Confederate States was on the wane. Little by little the patriots, who were struggling for the preservation of the Union, prevailed.


In 1860 there were four candidates for the presidency.

The great Democratic Party was divided into two branches. 伟大的民主党分为两个党派。 One branch nominated Stephen A. Douglas. The other branch, which included the larger number of the slave-owners of the South, nominated John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky. 另一个分支包括大量南方奴隶主,提名肯塔基州的约翰·C·布雷金里奇(John C. Breckinridge)。

The remnant of the old Whig Party, now called the "Union Party," nominated John Bell, of Tennessee. 旧辉格党的残余分子(现在称为“联盟党”)提名了田纳西州的约翰·贝尔。 The Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln.

In November came the election, and a majority of all the electors chosen were for Lincoln.

The people of the cotton-growing states believed that, by this election, the Northern people intended to deprive them of their rights. 棉花种植州的人民认为,北方人民意图通过这次选举剥夺他们的权利。 They believed that the anti-slavery people intended to do much more than prevent the extension of slavery. 他们认为,反奴隶制人士的目的不仅仅是阻止奴隶制的扩大。 They believed that the abolitionists were bent upon passing laws to deprive them of their slaves. 他们相信废奴主义者一心想通过法律剥夺他们的奴隶。

Wild rumors were circulated concerning the designs which the "Black Republicans," as they were called, had formed for their coercion and oppression. 关于“黑人共和党人”(他们被称为“黑人共和党人”)的胁迫和压迫的阴谋,谣言四起。 They declared that they would never submit. 他们宣称永远不会屈服。

And so, in December, the people of South Carolina met in convention, and declared that that state had seceded from the Union—that they would no longer be citizens of the United States. 因此,12 月,南卡罗来纳州人民召开大会,宣布该州已脱离联邦——他们将不再是美国公民。 One by one, six other states followed; and they united to form a new government, called the Confederate States of America. 其他六个州一一紧随其后;他们联合起来组建了一个新政府,称为美利坚联盟国。

It had long been held by the men of the South that a state had the right to withdraw from the Union at any time. 南方人长期以来一直认为,一个州有权随时退出联邦。 This was called the doctrine of States' Rights. 这被称为国家权利学说。 The Confederate States at once chose Jefferson Davis for their President, and declared themselves free and independent.

In February, Mr. Lincoln went to Washington to be inaugurated. His enemies openly boasted that he should never reach that city alive; and a plot was formed to kill him on his passage through Baltimore. 他的敌人公开吹嘘他永远不可能活着到达那座城市。有人策划在他途经巴尔的摩时刺杀他。 But he took an earlier train than the one appointed, and arrived at the capital in safety.

On the 4th of March he was inaugurated. In his address at that time he said: "In your hands, my dissatisfied countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. 他在当时的讲话中说:“我心怀不满的同胞们,内战的重大问题掌握在你们手中,而不是我手中。 Your government will not assail you. 你们的政府不会攻击你们。 You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. 如果你们自己不是侵略者,就不会有冲突。 You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the government; while I shall have the most solemn one to protect and defend it." 你没有在天上登记要摧毁政府的誓言;而我将拥有最庄严的一个来保护和捍卫它。” The Confederate States demanded that the government should give up all the forts, arsenals, and public property within their limits. 同盟国要求政府放弃其管辖范围内的所有堡垒、军火库和公共财产。 This, President Lincoln refused to do. He said that he could not admit that these states had withdrawn from the Union, or that they could withdraw without the consent of the people of the United States, given in a national convention. 他说,他不能承认这些州已经退出联邦,也不能承认它们可以在没有得到美国人民在全国代表大会上同意的情况下退出。

And so, in April, the Confederate guns were turned upon Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, and the war was begun. 因此,四月,南方联盟的炮火转向查尔斯顿港的萨姆特堡,战争开始了。 President Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 men to serve in the army for three months; and both parties prepared for the great contest. 林肯总统号召 75,000 人入伍服役三个月;双方都为这场伟大的比赛做好了准备。

It is not my purpose to give a history of that terrible war of four years. 我的目的并不是讲述那场长达四年的可怕战争的历史。 The question of slavery was now a secondary one. The men of one party were determined, at whatever hazard, to preserve the Union. 某一党派的成员决心不惜一切代价维护联邦。 The men of the other party fought to defend their doctrine of States' Rights, and to set up an independent government of their own. 另一党的人们为捍卫他们的国家权利学说并建立自己的独立政府而奋斗。 President Lincoln was urged to use his power and declare all the slaves free. He answered:

"My paramount object is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery. “我的首要目标是拯救联邦,而不是拯救或摧毁奴隶制。 "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it. “如果我能在不释放任何奴隶的情况下拯救联邦,我就会这么做。 If I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it. 如果我可以通过释放所有奴隶来拯救它,我会这么做。 If I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." 如果我能通过释放一些人、不干涉其他人来拯救它,我也会这样做。” At last, however, when he saw that the success of the Union arms depended upon his freeing the slaves, he decided to do so. 然而,最后,当他看到联邦军队的成功取决于他解放奴隶时,他决定这样做。 On the 1st of January, 1863, he issued a proclamation declaring that the slaves, in all the states or parts of states then in rebellion, should be free. 1863年1月1日,他发布公告,宣布当时处于叛乱状态的所有州或州部分地区的奴隶应该获得自由。

By this proclamation, more than three millions of colored people were given their freedom. 通过这一公告,超过三百万有色人种获得了自由。

But the war still went on. It reached a turning point, however, at the battle of Gettysburg, in July, that same year. 然而,它在同年七月的葛底斯堡战役中达到了转折点。 From that time the cause of the Confederate States was on the wane. 从那时起,邦联的事业就日渐衰落。 Little by little the patriots, who were struggling for the preservation of the Union, prevailed. Poco a poco se impusieron los patriotas que luchaban por la preservación de la Unión. 为维护联邦而奋斗的爱国者们逐渐取得了胜利。