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AEE, AEE Episode 965: How to Be Your Best Self, Plus Reflections on American Culture

AEE Episode 965: How to Be Your Best Self, Plus Reflections on American Culture

Announcer: This is an All Ears English podcast Episode 965: “How to Be Your Best Self, Plus Reflections on American Culture” [Instrumental] Announcer: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, downloaded more than 50 million times. We believe in Connection NOT Perfection™, with your American hosts Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer', and Michelle Kaplan, the ‘New York Radio Girl,' coming to you from Boston and New York City, U.S.A. [Instrumental] Announcer: And to get your transcripts delivered by email every week, go to AllEarsEnglish.com/subscribe. [Instrumental] Announcer: Today, let's dive into the culture of self-improvement in the U.S. Why are Americans addicted to it, and what phrases do you need to connect around this topic? Get everything you need today. [Instrumental] Lindsay: Hey (hi) Jessica, Ozzie there in the background is having quite a day. He's an emotional dog, isn't he? Jessica: He is so emotional. Ohh my gosh, I didn't realize before getting Ozzie and how unique dogs are. Every dog has its own, like, personality and anxieties. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: Like, I can't tell you how many dog owners I meet that talk about their dogs' anxieties and stuff. Lindsay: They're so quirky. Jessica: It's crazy. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), it's so funny. It's so funny. That's crazy. Michelle: And especially here in Portland because everybody has rescue dogs, everybody says, "Ohh, it's a rescue dog, it's a rescue dog.” Lindsay: Ohh yeah (yes). Jessica: They all come with, you know, issues. Lindsay: Let's call it baggage. Yeah (yes). Jessica: Baggage, yeah (yes), that's a good term. What does "baggage" mean? Lindsay: Baggage. Jessica: I don't think our students would know that one. Lindsay: I actually love that term. I mean, sometimes we use this for people too, and you go into relationships, they come with baggage. It's everything... Baggage is everything that's happened to you in the past, usually bad things. Jessica: Yeah (yes), pretty much always bad things. Right?

We don't talk about, like, positive baggage. Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: Because it's this is idea of, like, you're carrying these negative things from your past and they're acting on your present. Lindsay: Ohh yeah (yes), yeah (yes). Jessica: [laughter] Everybody has that. If you're an adult, everybody has that. Lindsay: That's true. Jessica: That's kind of what we're talking about today, because I think that term "baggage" is something that, in American culture at least, like, the selfhelp industry, the self-improvement industry, that term, I don't know that term existed before everybody was trying to fix themselves. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), it's true. Today, it's going to be a super interesting episode, guys, because we're going to talk a bit about one aspect of American culture that you guys are going to end up getting into eventually, hearing about in an article or newspaper, magazine. It's going to come across in your conversation. Jessica: Definitely. Lindsay: But before we get into that, Jessica, let's remind our listeners about the webinar that's coming up. Jessica: Ooh yeah (yes), guys. Lindsay: Yes.

Jessica: Lindsay and I are doing a webinar for IELTS, you guys. It's about grammar; we're going to give you guys seven and higher grammar structure. So, you're not going to be wasting your time studying all these, you know, worksheets, whatever, whatever. We're just going to lay it out on the line, guys. These are the sentence structures you need in task one and you can use them in task two as well, but very specifically focused on improving your grammar for the exam. Lindsay: Exactly.

So, if you guys are taking, this is All Ears English podcast, so not everyone is taking the exam, but some of you are definitely taking the IELTS exam this year. You want to attend, and you definitely want to attend live, because that's where you get our special offers. You get to ask questions, you get to see us on video, it's just a really good place to be live, guys. Spots are filling up quick. Spots are actually limited on the live webinar itself. And last time, Jessica, we had hundreds of signups. Didn't we? It was so cool. Jessica: It was amazing. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: It was amazing. So, definitely get in there soon, guys. June 20th and June 21st. Go to AllEarsEnglish.com/examiner. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), go sign up right now, guys. Claim your spot before they run out. Alright, let's start into it, and before we do that, I just want to say one quick thank you to one amazing reviewer who reviewed our app. Thank you to _ from Taiwan. Thank you for your review. Jessica: Ohh yay. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, . Lindsay: Yes, yeah (yes), so cool. Yeah (yes). Okay, so, let's talk about selfimprovement. [laughter] Interesting topic. Jessica: Ohh gosh. So, I think we both dabbled, we both read and came across a lot of ideas, and some are very useful, some are kind of foofy. It's a huge industry here in America, and I actually read a book about it called America the Anxious. I highly recommend it to any listeners who are curious about why we are so into this. Because Americans in particular, like, we've exported some of the self-help stuff, for sure, like Tony Robbins, right? He goes around the world. Lindsay: Ohh, yeah (yes). Jessica: But nobody goes as crazy or spends as much money on the self-help industry as we do. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). And why do you think we do that? Like, why is America anxious, or why do we want to always be striving to improve ourselves? Why is this field relevant for us? Jessica: Well, that's interesting. I think it's this idea, like, this American dream ideal of, like, everybody can have their dream life. Right?

Like, the American dream. And it's like there's so much room to get there, and I feel like we're trying to reach this ideal of a life, that maybe doesn't even exist, but we're told that it does. We're told it like you can have this perfect life and these dreams, but you just have to fix yourself first. [laughter] Lindsay: [laughter] Jessica: So, people are, like, convinced that maybe if they're a better person inside, then their outside life will also be better. Right?

Lindsay: Ohh yeah (yes), for sure. I mean, I think it's a fine line, you know. I think this industry, it's hard to come together, the whole self-help industry, right? Jessica: True, yeah (yes). Lindsay: Because I think legitimately, I mean, I've used products and sources and read books and taken courses, maybe not so much courses but, to improve myself for sure. Right?

Jessica: Yeah (yes). Lindsay: And that that's one of my highest values in my entire life, is not so much the word self-improvement, but striving, wanting to just live a better life, just be more true to myself in my life. So, it's a broad area, a broad category. Right?

Jessica: Definitely, yeah (yes). It's really, like, I think if I would have talked about this five years ago, I didn't believe in any of this. I didn't read anything like that. I was, like, whatever. But then, you know, some events happened in my life and I found myself in a place where I did need to do, you know, look inside, do some work. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: And I like that phrase, "doing the work". Lindsay: Yes.

Jessica: My friends and I throw that around a lot. You know, like, we enjoy being around other people who are also doing the work, we say. Right?

Like, people who do want to improve themselves and they're motivated to be their best selves and have their best life. Lindsay: Exactly.

Because, I mean, I think it comes down to your personal philosophy on life. Right?

It comes down to, like, why do you think we're here? I mean, some people are here just to have to eliminate pain and to avoid pain. And, therefore, the easiest thing is just to rearrange the world so that the life is painless. But then I think at some point you realize, like, you mention certain events happened, and for me too, around my mid- 20's, certain things happened where I realize I can rearrange the world. I have to be the one who kind of rearranges the way I see things. Jessica: Exactly. Lindsay: That is kind of my definition of self-improvement. It's more like the mind, how the mind takes things in. [Instrumental] Announcer: Guys, if you love focusing on Connection NOT Perfection™ with us here at All Ears English, four days a week, then share the show with one of your coolest friends. Let's help more English students learn English by focusing on Connection NOT Perfection™. Thanks for sharing All Ears English. [Instrumental] Jessica: That's so true, that's so true. Because we can't control what happens outside of ourselves, but we can control how we deal with things and how we look at the world. Right?

Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: And it's my best friend, Megan, she was just telling me that the other day. How like, what is our, why are we here? Lindsay: Yeah (yes), yeah (yes).

Jessica: What is the purpose of our life if it's not to experience it in the most mindful, but in the most positive, way that we can? Lindsay: Right, right. Jessica: Like, explore the world in a positive way, be a student, be a learner, improve yourself, and push yourself in different directions. Like, don't let these experiences control you. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: So, if other things, bad things, happen all the time, but is that going to ruin your life, or are you going to face it with, like, courage? And it doesn't have to be, you're not going to be happy all the time, and that's another realization I think that I've come to as well. That sometimes, I think sometimes the self-help industry creates this image of, like, you could be perfectly happy all the time, but that's not true either, and that's also okay. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), and that is part of... True self-help is understanding that that's okay. You're not going to be okay all the time, and I love that. I think the other piece of, we sort of touched on this, but I think the other piece of American culture that is so drawn to this is our love for growth; growth itself, like growth, like, a before and after story. You know what I mean? Jessica: Ohh totally, yeah (yes). Lindsay: We love that stuff, we eat that up. And the idea of the hero, all our movies are around a hero and he's growing, he's getting better, or he or she is striving for something. That is so deep in our culture. Jessica: It really is. We are suckers for the underdog. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), for sure. Jessica: Like, and I am no different. I love a good underdog story. So, "the underdog", guys, that term, it's for the person who's not supposed to succeed. Right?

The person who is down on his luck or not good at something, right, like, not expected to do well.

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: But then he goes through this amazing experience and he works hard, and he... You know. Lindsay: Hard work is always in there, by the way. Jessica: Yeah (yes). Lindsay: Hard work is the massive part of that narrative. Yeah (yes). Jessica: And you know what? That's something that I appreciated when I was living in Asia as well, in Taiwan, is this love for, like, working hard to be one's best. I found that that was also highly valued in that culture. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), for sure, for sure. Yeah (yes). I mean, if you're born into that, if that's what you see when you're growing up, that's what you're going to move into, absolutely. Yeah (yes). Jessica: Yeah (yes). Lindsay: Interesting. Jessica: The reason why these, I wanted to sort of talk about some of these terms with you today for our students, is I discovered an amazing new podcast that I want to recommend to everyone. It's called “Unladylike”, and it's sort of a feminist podcast, but the experience of what it is to be a woman in the world and every guest on the show is just living their best life. They're all so inspirational and strong and amazing. So, this term, "living your best life", it occurred to me, I'm like, "I know that's not in any textbook." Like, do our students know that? We say that all the time. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), probably not, guys. We're giving you non-textbook words today. We're giving you words that you'll never learn in any textbook, we can guarantee that, but you will see them in newspapers, magazines, movies, podcasts. This is the material you want to connect on with other people. Okay? Jessica: For sure.

Lindsay: Okay, so, "live your best life", what does that mean then? It's kind of selfexplanatory. Jessica: Yeah (yes), I think it makes sense, but I think a lot of it is not just, it's not just about, you know, having the best job or being a successful engineer, whatever. It's about the rest of your life as well. Right?

Like, surrounding yourself with good people, filling your time in positive, healthy ways, not falling into traps of, like, drama, maybe drama that you create, or drama created by other people, or, like, not being held back by unhealthy, negative things. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes), yeah (yes), absolutely. This is living your best life as a whole person, right? Jessica: Right. Lindsay: Health, fitness, love, romance, family, all of these things. You're living on a very high level. Jessica: Yeah (yes), exactly, exactly. The other side of that would be "to be your best self", right, so, "live your best life", "be your best self". Both of them are the same, but it is holistic. It's not just, like, "Ohh, I'm rich now." It's not about the monetary gain; it's about the complete person. Lindsay: These two phrases made me think of Oprah. Jessica: Ohh yeah (yes), totally. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). [laughter] Jessica: [laughter] Lindsay: That's the previous generation's answer to these phrases. Right?

I mean, that's really where, she... I mean, I'm sure our listeners know Oprah. She's got her own network. I mean, she's got the talk show. Does that talk show still run? Do you know? Jessica: No, no. Lindsay: No, no, no, not anymore.

Jessica: I remember when she retired from that talk show, like, years ago, and that's when she started her own channel and her own magazine, of which she's on the cover of every month. Lindsay: Ohh, yeah (yes). And she still puts out, I think there's a show called Super Soul Sundays. I used to have a student who loved to watch that. Jessica: Ohh. Ohh, no way. Lindsay: It was great, it was great. I think that's on the Oprah Network. So, she still, definitely, like, is involved in it. This was always her theme. Jessica: Ohh, yeah (yes). Lindsay: You know, self-improvement, living your best life. Jessica: For sure.

Ohh, definitely, yeah (yes). I think she really brought these terms to the forefront in the 1980s. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: Like a minority woman and African-American woman who began, like, a talk show empire and was, like, "Everybody can do this. Like, you guys can do this, too." I think she did a lot, yeah (yes). Lindsay: Yeah (yes), and also just that she brought to the forefront topics that probably up to that point no one would talk about. Things like probably like breast cancer or things like pregnancy, or I don't know, any issues in society she brought, like, she had people talking about them on stage on TV. That in itself was pretty revolutionary at that time, I'm sure. Jessica: Ohh, for sure. Ohh, definitely, yeah (yes). She has built an enormously impressive empire out of really helping a lot of people. Lindsay: I love that. Jessica: You know? Yeah (yes). Lindsay: It's so cool. Jessica: No, it's a great story. Lindsay: So cool, yeah (yes). And then there's the third one, and this phrase is also seen and heard around the spaces of self-improvement. So, the idea of "manifesting our goals". Right, "to manifest your goals". What does it mean to manifest? Jessica: Manifest is to say you envision it in your mind; you picture it in your mind, and you, like, make it happen. But I think it's a lot more active than that. That's just one level of manifestation. Right?

Lindsay: What does it mean to manifest? Like, how else would we do it? Like, what are the other ways if you want to manifest something? What would you do? Jessica: I think to create positive habits around that goal. So, part of it is, you know, hard work, but it's more, like, indirect, I feel like. So, for example, there's a lot of, like, dating sites, let's say. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: And they might say, like, you can manifest your partner and it's not by trying to go on dates. It's by being a healthy person yourself and being confident in yourself, and then you will attract the person that you want to be with. Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: Does that make sense? Lindsay: Exactly.

Yeah (yes), I know that. And that makes a lot of sense, too. Right?

Because you want to be the one that... You would want to be the person that you would want to date, like, the person that you would want to date. Like, who would want to date you, they want to date you, you want to be that person. Right?


Jessica: Exactly, yeah (yes). So, it's, like, what do you think you deserve in a partner? Like, you want to be at that level as well. Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: So, it's not manifesting your goals, this could be any goals, right? Like weight loss or a different position at work or being a fluent English speaker. It's not about the direct hard work, which you will also be doing, but it's about the best life thing. It's about treating it as a holistic goal where you're just working on being healthy and positive inside yourself and then good things will come to you. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), so cool. I love it, I feel like a lot of our listeners are going to resonate with this today. Jessica: Ohh, for sure. I am inspired and motivated by our listeners all the time. I love reading your messages, you guys. If you haven't already, leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, wherever you get your podcast, and tell us, you know, what inspires you, what keeps you motivated. Lindsay: Absolutely. We want to hear from you guys in those reviews. So, Jessica, thanks for hanging out today. This has been great. Jessica: Ohh, my pleasure. Have a good day, Lindsay. Lindsay: Alright, talk to you soon, bye. Jessica: Bye. [Instrumental] Announcer: Thanks so much for listening to All Ears English. And if you need a seven or higher on your IELTS exam to achieve your life vision, then our “Insider Method” can get you there. Start with our free video series master class. Get video one now at AllEarsEnglish.com/INSIDER. And if you believe in Connection NOT Perfection™, then subscribe to our show on your phone or on your computer. See you next time

AEE Episode 965: How to Be Your Best Self, Plus Reflections on American Culture AEE الحلقة 965: كيف تكون أفضل ما لديك، بالإضافة إلى تأملات في الثقافة الأمريكية AEE Folge 965: Wie Sie Ihr bestes Selbst sein können, plus Überlegungen zur amerikanischen Kultur AEE Episode 965: How to Be Your Best Self, Plus Reflections on American Culture AEE Episodio 965: Cómo ser el mejor de uno mismo y reflexiones sobre la cultura estadounidense Épisode 965 de l'AEE : Comment être au mieux de sa forme, et réflexions sur la culture américaine Episodio 965: Come essere il migliore di sé, più riflessioni sulla cultura americana AEE Episode 965:最高の自分になる方法とアメリカ文化の考察 AEE 에피소드 965: 최고의 자아가 되는 방법과 미국 문화에 대한 성찰 AEE 965 epizodas: Kaip būti geriausiu savimi ir pamąstymai apie Amerikos kultūrą AEE Episódio 965: Como ser o seu melhor eu, mais reflexões sobre a cultura americana AEE Эпизод 965: Как стать лучшим собой, а также размышления об американской культуре AEE Bölüm 965: Nasıl En İyi Kendiniz Olursunuz ve Amerikan Kültürü Üzerine Düşünceler AEE Епізод 965: Як бути найкращим собою, плюс роздуми про американську культуру AEE 第 965 集:如何成为最好的自己,以及对美国文化的反思 AEE 第 965 集:如何成為最好的自己,以及對美國文化的反思

Announcer: This is an All Ears English podcast Episode 965: “How to Be Your Best Self, Plus Reflections on American Culture” [Instrumental] Announcer: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, downloaded more than 50 million times. المذيع: هذه حلقة بودكاست باللغة الإنجليزية من All Ears، الحلقة 965: "كيف تكون أفضل ما لديك، بالإضافة إلى تأملات في الثقافة الأمريكية" [آلة موسيقية] المذيع: مرحبًا بك في برنامج All Ears باللغة الإنجليزية، الذي تم تنزيله أكثر من 50 مليون مرة. 아나운서: 올이어스 잉글리시 팟캐스트 에피소드 965입니다: "최고의 자아가 되는 방법과 미국 문화에 대한 성찰" [악기] 아나운서: 5천만 회 이상 다운로드된 올이어스 잉글리시 팟캐스트에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 播音员:这是一个全耳英语播客 第 965 集:“如何成为最好的自己,加上对美国文化的反思”[乐器] 播音员:欢迎来到全耳英语播客,下载量超过 5000 万次。 We believe in Connection NOT Perfection™, with your American hosts Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer', and Michelle Kaplan, the ‘New York Radio Girl,' coming to you from Boston and New York City, U.S.A. نحن نؤمن بالاتصال وليس الكمال™، مع مضيفيك الأمريكيين ليندسي ماكماهون، "المغامر الإنجليزي"، وميشيل كابلان، "فتاة راديو نيويورك"، القادمين إليك من بوسطن ومدينة نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية 미국 보스턴과 뉴욕에서 미국인 호스트인 '영국 모험가' 린제이 맥마흔과 '뉴욕 라디오 걸' 미셸 카플란이 여러분께 전하는 '연결은 완벽하지 않다™'를 믿습니다. [Instrumental] Announcer: And to get your transcripts delivered by email every week, go to AllEarsEnglish.com/subscribe. [فعال] المذيع: ولكي يتم تسليم النصوص الخاصة بك عبر البريد الإلكتروني كل أسبوع، انتقل إلى AllEarsEnglish.com/subscribe. [Instrumental] Announcer: Today, let's dive into the culture of self-improvement in the U.S. [آلات موسيقية] المذيع: اليوم، دعونا نتعمق في ثقافة تحسين الذات في الولايات المتحدة Why are Americans addicted to it, and what phrases do you need to connect around this topic? لماذا يدمن الأمريكيون عليها، وما هي العبارات التي تحتاجها للتواصل حول هذا الموضوع؟ 미국인들은 왜 이 게임에 중독되어 있으며, 이 주제와 관련하여 어떤 문구를 연결해야 할까요? Get everything you need today. احصل على كل ما تحتاجه اليوم. 지금 바로 필요한 모든 것을 받으세요. [Instrumental] Lindsay: Hey (hi) Jessica, Ozzie there in the background is having quite a day. [آلات موسيقية] ليندساي: مرحبًا (مرحبًا) جيسيكا، أوزي هناك في الخلفية يقضي يومًا رائعًا. [Instrumental] Lindsay: Hola (hola) Jessica, Ozzie de fondo está teniendo un gran día. [악기 연주] 린제이: 안녕하세요, 제시카, 저기 뒤에 있는 오지가 오늘 꽤나 힘든 하루를 보내고 있어요. [Lindsay: Olá, Jessica, o Ozzie lá no fundo está a ter um dia e peras. [器乐] Lindsay:嘿(嗨)杰西卡,背景中的奥齐度过了愉快的一天。 He's an emotional dog, isn't he? إنه كلب عاطفي، أليس كذلك؟ Es un perro emocional, ¿no? 彼は感情的な犬ですね? 감정적인 개죠? Ele é um cão emotivo, não é? Jessica: He is so emotional. Ohh my gosh, I didn't realize before getting Ozzie and how unique dogs are. يا إلهي، لم أكن أدرك قبل الحصول على Ozzie ومدى تميز الكلاب. Oh, Dios mío, no me di cuenta antes de tener a Ozzie y lo únicos que son los perros. オジーを飼う前は、犬ってこんなにユニークな生き物だとは思わなかった。 오지를 키우기 전에는 개가 얼마나 독특한 동물인지 몰랐어요. 天哪,在得到奥齐之前我并没有意识到狗是多么独特。 Every dog has its own, like, personality and anxieties. كل كلب له شخصيته وقلقه الخاص. Cada perro tiene su propia personalidad y ansiedades. 모든 개는 저마다의 성격과 불안감을 가지고 있습니다. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: Like, I can't tell you how many dog owners I meet that talk about their dogs' anxieties and stuff. جيسيكا: مثلًا، لا أستطيع أن أخبرك بعدد أصحاب الكلاب الذين قابلتهم والذين يتحدثون عن مخاوف كلابهم وأشياء أخرى. Jessica: No puedo decirte cuántos dueños de perros conozco que hablan sobre las ansiedades de sus perros y esas cosas. 제시카 반려견의 불안감 등에 대해 이야기하는 견주들을 얼마나 많이 만났는지 모릅니다. Lindsay: They're so quirky. ليندساي: إنهم ملتويون جدًا. Lindsay: Son tan extravagantes. 린제이: 정말 기발하죠. Jessica: It's crazy. جيسيكا: انه مجنون. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), it's so funny. ليندساي: نعم (نعم)، إنه أمر مضحك للغاية. It's so funny. انه مضحك جدا. That's crazy. هذا جنون. Michelle: And especially here in Portland because everybody has rescue dogs, everybody says, "Ohh, it's a rescue dog, it's a rescue dog.” Lindsay: Ohh yeah (yes). ميشيل: وخاصة هنا في بورتلاند لأن الجميع لديهم كلاب إنقاذ، الجميع يقول، "أوه، إنه كلب إنقاذ، إنه كلب إنقاذ." ليندسي: أوه نعم (نعم). 미셸: 특히 포틀랜드에서는 모든 사람이 구조견을 키우기 때문에 모두가 "오, 구조견이야, 구조견이야"라고 말하죠. 린제이: 네, 맞아요. Jessica: They all come with, you know, issues. جيسيكا: جميعهم يأتون مع مشاكل. 제시카: 모두 문제가 있습니다. Lindsay: Let's call it baggage. ليندسي: دعنا نسميها الأمتعة. 린제이: 짐이라고 부르죠. Yeah (yes). Jessica: Baggage, yeah (yes), that's a good term. جيسيكا: الأمتعة، نعم (نعم)، هذا مصطلح جيد. 제시카: 짐, 네(예), 좋은 용어입니다. What does "baggage" mean? Lindsay: Baggage. Jessica: I don't think our students would know that one. جيسيكا: لا أعتقد أن طلابنا سيعرفون ذلك. 제시카: 우리 학생들은 그런 건 모를 것 같아요. Lindsay: I actually love that term. I mean, sometimes we use this for people too, and you go into relationships, they come with baggage. أعني، في بعض الأحيان نستخدم هذا مع الأشخاص أيضًا، وعندما تدخل في علاقات، فإنهم يأتون مع أعباء. It's everything... Baggage is everything that's happened to you in the past, usually bad things. إنها كل شيء... الأمتعة هي كل ما حدث لك في الماضي، وعادة ما تكون أشياء سيئة. Jessica: Yeah (yes), pretty much always bad things. جيسيكا: نعم (نعم)، دائمًا ما تكون الأشياء سيئة. Right?

We don't talk about, like, positive baggage. نحن لا نتحدث عن الأمتعة الإيجابية. 우리는 긍정적인 짐에 대해 이야기하지 않습니다. Lindsay: Exactly. ليندسي: بالضبط.

Jessica: Because it's this is idea of, like, you're carrying these negative things from your past and they're acting on your present. جيسيكا: لأن هذه هي الفكرة، مثل أنك تحمل هذه الأشياء السلبية من ماضيك وتتصرف بناءً على حاضرك. Lindsay: Ohh yeah (yes), yeah (yes). ليندسي: أوه نعم (نعم)، نعم (نعم). Jessica: [laughter] Everybody has that. جيسيكا: [ضحك] الجميع لديه ذلك. If you're an adult, everybody has that. إذا كنت شخصًا بالغًا، فالجميع لديه ذلك. Lindsay: That's true. Jessica: That's kind of what we're talking about today, because I think that term "baggage" is something that, in American culture at least, like, the selfhelp industry, the self-improvement industry, that term, I don't know that term existed before everybody was trying to fix themselves. Jessica: O tom se dnes bavíme, protože si myslím, že termín "zavazadlo" je něco, co přinejmenším v americké kultuře, jako je průmysl svépomoci, průmysl sebezdokonalování, tento termín, nevím, jestli ten termín existoval předtím, než se všichni snažili napravit sami sebe. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), it's true. Today, it's going to be a super interesting episode, guys, because we're going to talk a bit about one aspect of American culture that you guys are going to end up getting into eventually, hearing about in an article or newspaper, magazine. Dnes to bude super zajímavá epizoda, protože si budeme povídat o jednom aspektu americké kultury, o kterém se nakonec dozvíte z nějakého článku nebo novin či časopisu. 今日は、超面白いエピソードになりそうだ。君たちがいずれ記事や新聞、雑誌で耳にすることになる、アメリカ文化の一面について少し話をしよう。 오늘은 여러분이 언젠가 기사나 신문, 잡지를 통해 접하게 될 미국 문화의 한 측면에 대해 이야기할 예정이기 때문에 매우 흥미로운 에피소드가 될 것입니다. It's going to come across in your conversation. Jessica: Definitely. Lindsay: But before we get into that, Jessica, let's remind our listeners about the webinar that's coming up. Jessica: Ooh yeah (yes), guys. Lindsay: Yes.

Jessica: Lindsay and I are doing a webinar for IELTS, you guys. It's about grammar; we're going to give you guys seven and higher grammar structure. So, you're not going to be wasting your time studying all these, you know, worksheets, whatever, whatever. We're just going to lay it out on the line, guys. 我々はただ、ライン上に並べるだけだ。 These are the sentence structures you need in task one and you can use them in task two as well, but very specifically focused on improving your grammar for the exam. Lindsay: Exactly.

So, if you guys are taking, this is All Ears English podcast, so not everyone is taking the exam, but some of you are definitely taking the IELTS exam this year. You want to attend, and you definitely want to attend live, because that's where you get our special offers. You get to ask questions, you get to see us on video, it's just a really good place to be live, guys. Spots are filling up quick. 出場枠はすぐに埋まってしまう。 Spots are actually limited on the live webinar itself. And last time, Jessica, we had hundreds of signups. Didn't we? It was so cool. Jessica: It was amazing. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: It was amazing. So, definitely get in there soon, guys. June 20th and June 21st. Go to AllEarsEnglish.com/examiner. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), go sign up right now, guys. Claim your spot before they run out. 売り切れる前に席を確保しよう。 매진되기 전에 자리를 차지하세요. Alright, let's start into it, and before we do that, I just want to say one quick thank you to one amazing reviewer who reviewed our app. Thank you to _______ from Taiwan. Thank you for your review. Jessica: Ohh yay. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, ______. Lindsay: Yes, yeah (yes), so cool. Yeah (yes). Okay, so, let's talk about selfimprovement. [laughter] Interesting topic. Jessica: Ohh gosh. So, I think we both dabbled, we both read and came across a lot of ideas, and some are very useful, some are kind of foofy. It's a huge industry here in America, and I actually read a book about it called America the Anxious. I highly recommend it to any listeners who are curious about why we are so into this. なぜ私たちがこれほどまでにのめり込んでいるのか、気になるリスナーにはぜひお薦めしたい。 Because Americans in particular, like, we've exported some of the self-help stuff, for sure, like Tony Robbins, right? 特にアメリカ人は、トニー・ロビンズのような自己啓発的なものを輸出してきた。 He goes around the world. Lindsay: Ohh, yeah (yes). Jessica: But nobody goes as crazy or spends as much money on the self-help industry as we do. ジェシカ:でも、私たちほど自己啓発産業に夢中になったり、お金を使ったりする人はいないわ。 Lindsay: Yeah (yes). And why do you think we do that? Like, why is America anxious, or why do we want to always be striving to improve ourselves? Why is this field relevant for us? Jessica: Well, that's interesting. I think it's this idea, like, this American dream ideal of, like, everybody can have their dream life. 誰もが夢のような人生を送れるというような、アメリカンドリームの理想像のような考えだと思う。 Right?

Like, the American dream. And it's like there's so much room to get there, and I feel like we're trying to reach this ideal of a life, that maybe doesn't even exist, but we're told that it does. そして、そこに到達するためには多くの余地があるような気がする。私たちは、もしかしたら存在しないかもしれないけれど、存在すると言われている理想の人生に到達しようとしているような気がするんだ。 We're told it like you can have this perfect life and these dreams, but you just have to fix yourself first. [laughter] Lindsay: [laughter] Jessica: So, people are, like, convinced that maybe if they're a better person inside, then their outside life will also be better. Right?

Lindsay: Ohh yeah (yes), for sure. I mean, I think it's a fine line, you know. つまり、それは微妙なラインだと思うんだ。 I think this industry, it's hard to come together, the whole self-help industry, right? この業界は、自己啓発業界全体がまとまるのが難しいと思うんだ。 Jessica: True, yeah (yes). Lindsay: Because I think legitimately, I mean, I've used products and sources and read books and taken courses, maybe not so much courses but, to improve myself for sure. Right?

Jessica: Yeah (yes). Lindsay: And that that's one of my highest values in my entire life, is not so much the word self-improvement, but striving, wanting to just live a better life, just be more true to myself in my life. So, it's a broad area, a broad category. Right?

Jessica: Definitely, yeah (yes). It's really, like, I think if I would have talked about this five years ago, I didn't believe in any of this. I didn't read anything like that. そんなことは読んでいない。 I was, like, whatever. But then, you know, some events happened in my life and I found myself in a place where I did need to do, you know, look inside, do some work. でもその後、私の人生にいくつかの出来事が起こり、私は自分自身を見つめ直し、仕事をする必要があることに気づいたんだ。 Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: And I like that phrase, "doing the work". Lindsay: Yes.

Jessica: My friends and I throw that around a lot. ジェシカ友達とはよくその言葉を言い合うの。 You know, like, we enjoy being around other people who are also doing the work, we say. 同じように仕事をしている人たちと一緒にいるのが楽しいんだ。 Right?

Like, people who do want to improve themselves and they're motivated to be their best selves and have their best life. Lindsay: Exactly.

Because, I mean, I think it comes down to your personal philosophy on life. Right?

It comes down to, like, why do you think we're here? 結局のところ、なぜ僕らがここにいると思う? I mean, some people are here just to have to eliminate pain and to avoid pain. And, therefore, the easiest thing is just to rearrange the world so that the life is painless. それゆえ、最も簡単なことは、人生を苦痛のないものにするために世界をアレンジすることだ。 But then I think at some point you realize, like, you mention certain events happened, and for me too, around my mid- 20's, certain things happened where I realize I can rearrange the world. でも、ある時点で気づくんだと思う。例えば、ある出来事が起こったと言ったけど、僕も20代半ばの頃に、ある出来事が起こって、そこで世界をアレンジできることに気づいたんだ。 但后来我想在某个时刻你会意识到,就像你提到发生了某些事件,对我来说也是如此,在我 20 多岁的时候,发生了某些事情,我意识到我可以重新安排世界。 I have to be the one who kind of rearranges the way I see things. I have to be the one who kind of rearranges the way I see things. 我必须成为那个重新调整我看待事物的方式的人。 Jessica: Exactly. Lindsay: That is kind of my definition of self-improvement. It's more like the mind, how the mind takes things in. [Instrumental] Announcer: Guys, if you love focusing on Connection NOT Perfection™ with us here at All Ears English, four days a week, then share the show with one of your coolest friends. Let's help more English students learn English by focusing on Connection NOT Perfection™. Thanks for sharing All Ears English. [Instrumental] Jessica: That's so true, that's so true. Because we can't control what happens outside of ourselves, but we can control how we deal with things and how we look at the world. Right?

Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: And it's my best friend, Megan, she was just telling me that the other day. How like, what is our, why are we here? Lindsay: Yeah (yes), yeah (yes).

Jessica: What is the purpose of our life if it's not to experience it in the most mindful, but in the most positive, way that we can? ジェシカ:もし、私たちの人生の目的が、最もマインドフルに、しかし最もポジティブに経験することでないとしたら? Lindsay: Right, right. Jessica: Like, explore the world in a positive way, be a student, be a learner, improve yourself, and push yourself in different directions. Like, don't let these experiences control you. このような経験に支配されないようにね。 Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: So, if other things, bad things, happen all the time, but is that going to ruin your life, or are you going to face it with, like, courage? ジェシカ:他のこと、悪いことがいつも起こるとして、それがあなたの人生を台無しにするのか、それとも勇気をもってそれに立ち向かうのか、どっちなの? And it doesn't have to be, you're not going to be happy all the time, and that's another realization I think that I've come to as well. そうである必要はないし、常にハッピーでいられるわけでもない。 That sometimes, I think sometimes the self-help industry creates this image of, like, you could be perfectly happy all the time, but that's not true either, and that's also okay. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), and that is part of... True self-help is understanding that that's okay. You're not going to be okay all the time, and I love that. I think the other piece of, we sort of touched on this, but I think the other piece of American culture that is so drawn to this is our love for growth; growth itself, like growth, like, a before and after story. You know what I mean? Jessica: Ohh totally, yeah (yes). Lindsay: We love that stuff, we eat that up. And the idea of the hero, all our movies are around a hero and he's growing, he's getting better, or he or she is striving for something. That is so deep in our culture. Jessica: It really is. We are suckers for the underdog. Jsme fanoušci outsiderů. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), for sure. Jessica: Like, and I am no different. I love a good underdog story. So, "the underdog", guys, that term, it's for the person who's not supposed to succeed. Right?

The person who is down on his luck or not good at something, right, like, not expected to do well.

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: But then he goes through this amazing experience and he works hard, and he... You know. Lindsay: Hard work is always in there, by the way. Jessica: Yeah (yes). Lindsay: Hard work is the massive part of that narrative. Yeah (yes). Jessica: And you know what? That's something that I appreciated when I was living in Asia as well, in Taiwan, is this love for, like, working hard to be one's best. I found that that was also highly valued in that culture. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), for sure, for sure. Yeah (yes). I mean, if you're born into that, if that's what you see when you're growing up, that's what you're going to move into, absolutely. Yeah (yes). Jessica: Yeah (yes). Lindsay: Interesting. Jessica: The reason why these, I wanted to sort of talk about some of these terms with you today for our students, is I discovered an amazing new podcast that I want to recommend to everyone. It's called “Unladylike”, and it's sort of a feminist podcast, but the experience of what it is to be a woman in the world and every guest on the show is just living their best life. They're all so inspirational and strong and amazing. So, this term, "living your best life", it occurred to me, I'm like, "I know that's not in any textbook." Like, do our students know that? We say that all the time. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), probably not, guys. We're giving you non-textbook words today. We're giving you words that you'll never learn in any textbook, we can guarantee that, but you will see them in newspapers, magazines, movies, podcasts. This is the material you want to connect on with other people. Okay? Jessica: For sure.

Lindsay: Okay, so, "live your best life", what does that mean then? It's kind of selfexplanatory. Je to tak nějak samozřejmé. Jessica: Yeah (yes), I think it makes sense, but I think a lot of it is not just, it's not just about, you know, having the best job or being a successful engineer, whatever. It's about the rest of your life as well. Right?

Like, surrounding yourself with good people, filling your time in positive, healthy ways, not falling into traps of, like, drama, maybe drama that you create, or drama created by other people, or, like, not being held back by unhealthy, negative things. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes), yeah (yes), absolutely. This is living your best life as a whole person, right? Jessica: Right. Lindsay: Health, fitness, love, romance, family, all of these things. You're living on a very high level. Jessica: Yeah (yes), exactly, exactly. The other side of that would be "to be your best self", right, so, "live your best life", "be your best self". Both of them are the same, but it is holistic. It's not just, like, "Ohh, I'm rich now." It's not about the monetary gain; it's about the complete person. Lindsay: These two phrases made me think of Oprah. Jessica: Ohh yeah (yes), totally. Lindsay: Yeah (yes). [laughter] Jessica: [laughter] Lindsay: That's the previous generation's answer to these phrases. Right?

I mean, that's really where, she... I mean, I'm sure our listeners know Oprah. She's got her own network. I mean, she's got the talk show. Does that talk show still run? Do you know? Jessica: No, no. Lindsay: No, no, no, not anymore.

Jessica: I remember when she retired from that talk show, like, years ago, and that's when she started her own channel and her own magazine, of which she's on the cover of every month. Lindsay: Ohh, yeah (yes). And she still puts out, I think there's a show called Super Soul Sundays. I used to have a student who loved to watch that. Jessica: Ohh. Ohh, no way. Lindsay: It was great, it was great. I think that's on the Oprah Network. So, she still, definitely, like, is involved in it. This was always her theme. Jessica: Ohh, yeah (yes). Lindsay: You know, self-improvement, living your best life. Jessica: For sure.

Ohh, definitely, yeah (yes). I think she really brought these terms to the forefront in the 1980s. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: Like a minority woman and African-American woman who began, like, a talk show empire and was, like, "Everybody can do this. Like, you guys can do this, too." I think she did a lot, yeah (yes). Lindsay: Yeah (yes), and also just that she brought to the forefront topics that probably up to that point no one would talk about. Things like probably like breast cancer or things like pregnancy, or I don't know, any issues in society she brought, like, she had people talking about them on stage on TV. That in itself was pretty revolutionary at that time, I'm sure. Jessica: Ohh, for sure. Ohh, definitely, yeah (yes). She has built an enormously impressive empire out of really helping a lot of people. Lindsay: I love that. Jessica: You know? Yeah (yes). Lindsay: It's so cool. Jessica: No, it's a great story. Lindsay: So cool, yeah (yes). And then there's the third one, and this phrase is also seen and heard around the spaces of self-improvement. So, the idea of "manifesting our goals". Right, "to manifest your goals". What does it mean to manifest? Jessica: Manifest is to say you envision it in your mind; you picture it in your mind, and you, like, make it happen. But I think it's a lot more active than that. That's just one level of manifestation. Right?

Lindsay: What does it mean to manifest? Like, how else would we do it? Like, what are the other ways if you want to manifest something? What would you do? Jessica: I think to create positive habits around that goal. So, part of it is, you know, hard work, but it's more, like, indirect, I feel like. So, for example, there's a lot of, like, dating sites, let's say. Right?

Lindsay: Yeah (yes). Jessica: And they might say, like, you can manifest your partner and it's not by trying to go on dates. It's by being a healthy person yourself and being confident in yourself, and then you will attract the person that you want to be with. Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: Does that make sense? Lindsay: Exactly.

Yeah (yes), I know that. And that makes a lot of sense, too. Right?

Because you want to be the one that... You would want to be the person that you would want to date, like, the person that you would want to date. Like, who would want to date you, they want to date you, you want to be that person. Right?


Jessica: Exactly, yeah (yes). So, it's, like, what do you think you deserve in a partner? Like, you want to be at that level as well. Lindsay: Exactly.

Jessica: So, it's not manifesting your goals, this could be any goals, right? Like weight loss or a different position at work or being a fluent English speaker. It's not about the direct hard work, which you will also be doing, but it's about the best life thing. It's about treating it as a holistic goal where you're just working on being healthy and positive inside yourself and then good things will come to you. Jde o to, abyste k tomu přistupovali jako k holistickému cíli, kdy prostě pracujete na tom, abyste byli zdraví a pozitivní uvnitř sebe, a pak k vám přijdou dobré věci. Lindsay: Yeah (yes), so cool. I love it, I feel like a lot of our listeners are going to resonate with this today. 我喜欢它,我觉得今天我们的很多听众都会对此产生共鸣。 Jessica: Ohh, for sure. I am inspired and motivated by our listeners all the time. I love reading your messages, you guys. If you haven't already, leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, wherever you get your podcast, and tell us, you know, what inspires you, what keeps you motivated. Lindsay: Absolutely. We want to hear from you guys in those reviews. So, Jessica, thanks for hanging out today. This has been great. Jessica: Ohh, my pleasure. Have a good day, Lindsay. Lindsay: Alright, talk to you soon, bye. Jessica: Bye. [Instrumental] Announcer: Thanks so much for listening to All Ears English. And if you need a seven or higher on your IELTS exam to achieve your life vision, then our “Insider Method” can get you there. Start with our free video series master class. Get video one now at AllEarsEnglish.com/INSIDER. And if you believe in Connection NOT Perfection™, then subscribe to our show on your phone or on your computer. See you next time