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Built by language learners for language learners!

Learn languages by immersing yourself in a world of interesting, authentic content!

Start with easy beginner lessons but quickly progress into learning from real, compelling content.

See how it works
Sincronizza tutti i tuoi dispositivi
Sync word data, playlist data and lesson data to the web and across devices
Playlist ready
Use Playlist to easily play and shuffle all your current lessons
Scarica audio
Migliaia di ore di file audio scaricabili con trascrizioni

1000s of hours of lessons, podcasts, audiobooks, interviews and more, all with transcript. LingQ even lets you import and learn from any content you find on the web! Start your language journey today!

Integrated dictionary
Look up and save new vocabulary using multiple integrated dictionary resources
SRS review system
Review vocabulary using SRS review system
Track your learning
Keep all your learning statistics including listening and reading time

Review and learn your new vocabulary in context and using our proprietary SRS review tools. Register your account and have your data synced to our web application so you can study on the web along with on multiple devices.

Studia offline
Study offline and update data when back online
Manage vocabulary
Manage all your saved vocabulary
Receive notifications for all LingQ activities from web or mobile including forum and exchange activities from the web

The LingQ app also lets you work offline and syncs up when you get back online. This lets you take advantage of dead time and short breaks throughout the day to spend more time with your new language.