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English conversations with Beth #1 LMA007, DAMIJANA B.U. w BETH #1.1


Hi I hope you're having a nice time spending the evening with your boyfriend.

It was so nice to meet you today I'm getting very excited for the rest of our sessions together.

It's so interesting that you have spent so much time on the farms that is something that I definitely do not know a lot about so I'm excited to learn a bit more about that and the different animals that you have on the farm.

I also think it's crazy how long you drive to work I'm back.

I can't believe that because for me I hate driving so much and I would find that way too scary to do everyday so I'm very impressed that that is something that you do every single day.

It shows that you're very dedicated to your job! I'm excited to speak more with you and to learn a little bit more about your other interests and passions and what you like to do in your spare time.

I think we're going to have a really nice time chatting to each other.

So yeah have a nice evening and I will speak with you soon!

DAMIJANA B.U. w BETH #1.1 DAMIJANA B.U. w BETH #1.1 DAMIJANA B.U. w BETH #1.1 DAMIJANA B.U. w BETH #1.1 达米贾纳·布·贝丝 #1.1

Hi I hope you're having a nice time spending the evening with your boyfriend. Hi I hope you're having a nice time spending the evening with your boyfriend.

It was so nice to meet you today I'm getting very excited for the rest of our sessions together.

It's so interesting that you have spent so much time on the farms that is something that I definitely do not know a lot about so I'm excited to learn a bit more about that and the different animals that you have on the farm.

I also think it's crazy how long you drive to work I'm back.

I can't believe that because for me I hate driving so much and I would find that way too scary to do everyday so I'm very impressed that that is something that you do every single day.

It shows that you're very dedicated to your job! I'm excited to speak more with you and to learn a little bit more about your other interests and passions and what you like to do in your spare time.

I think we're going to have a really nice time chatting to each other.

So yeah have a nice evening and I will speak with you soon!