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Incerti autoris "Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri", Pars II, 2

Pars II, 2

Rex autem exhilaratus naves jubet produci in litus et omnibus bonis impleri; propterea nutricem ejus, nomine Ligozidem, et obstetricem propter partum ejus simul navigare praecepit, et data proficiscendi copia deduxit ad litus, osculaturque filiam et generum.

Navigabant, sed cum per aliquot dies in mari fuissent, surrexit tempestas magna; puella interim infirmatur, procreans filiam, quod facta est quasi mortua. Quod cum videret familia, exclamabat voce magna et ululatu. Haec audiens Apollonius cucurrit, vidit conjugem suam quasi mortuam jacentem, ut ei videbatur, scidit a pectore suo vestes, profusis fletibus Jactavit se super corpus ejus et ait:

Cara conjux, Altistratis filia, quid respondebo patri tuo pro te?

Et cum hoc dixisset, dixit ei gubernator:

Corpus mortuum navis sufferre non valet; Jube ergo corpus in pelagum mitti, ut possimus evadere.

Apollonius ait ad eum: Quid dicis, pessime? Placet tibi, ut hoc corpus in pelagus inmittam, quod naufragum me et egenum suscepit?

Vocavit servos suos et ait: Faciatis loculum et foramina et cum bitumine liniri et sit carta plumbea intus posita et obturetur, perfecto locido regalibus ornamentis exornent.

Puellam in loculo ponunt et copiam auri ad caput ejus, et dedit osculum funeri, fundens super eam lacrimas.

Tunc jussit infantem tolli et diligenter nutriri, ut pro filia nepotem regi ostenderet, et jussit loculum mitti in mari cum maximo fletu.

Tertia vero die unda maris ejecit loculum ad litus Ephesorum a longe a domo cujusdam medici, Cerimonis nomine, qui cum discipulis suis eadem die in litore ambulavit. Tunc vidit loculum effusis

fluctibus jacentem, ait servis suis:

Tollite hunc loculum cum omni diligentia et ad villam perferte!

Quod cum fecissent, medicus aperuit, vidit puellam regalibus ornamentis decoratam et speciosam valde et

quasi mortuam Jacentem, obstupuit et ait:

O bona puella, quare estis sic derelicta?

Vidit subtus caput ejus pecuniam positam et sub pecunia cartam scriptam et ait:

Perquiramus, quid continetur in carta!

Quam cum aperuisset, invenit titulum scriptum: Quicumque hunc loculum invenit, peto, ut decem aureos habeat et decem funeri impendat; hoc enim corpvs multas lacrimas reliquit parentibus et dolores amaros. Quod si aliud fecerit, quam quod dolor exposcit, ultimum diem incidat, nec sit, qui ejus corpvs sepulturae commendat.

Perlectis autem cartulis ad servos svos ait:

Prestemus corpori, quod dolor exposcit! Juro vobis per spem vitae meae, in hoc funere amplius me erogaturum, quam dolor imperat.

Continuo jubet parari rogum, sed cum aedificatur atque deponitur, supervenit discipulus medici adolescens et, quantum ad ingenium pertinet, senex. Hic cum corpus speciosum super rogum positum videret, intuens eum magister ait:

Bene venisti, haec enim hora expectavit te. Tolle ampullam unguenti et quod supremum est de funere, superfunde sepulturae!

Venit juvenis ad corpus, extraxit de pectore vestes, fudit unguentum tractum manu, totum corpus ad praecordia vivere sensit.

Obstupuit juvenis, palpat venas et indicia rimatur narium, labia labiis probat, sensit vitam cum morte luctantem et ait ad servos:

Supponite faculas per quatuor angulos lente et temperate!

Quo facto sanguis ille, qui coagulatus erat, est liquefactus. Quod ut vidit juvenis, ait magistro:

Puella, quam mortuam dicis, vivit, et ut facilius mihi posses credere, experimento satisfaciam.

Hiis dictis tulit puellam et in cubiculum suum posuit, super pectus ejus calefaciens oleum, madefecit lanam

et posuit super corpus suum, sic, quod sanguis ejus, qui intus erat, coagulatus esset, tempore liquefactus est, coepitque spiritus per medullas descendere. Venis itaque patefactis, aperuit oculos et recipiens spiritum ait:

Qualis tu es, non tangas aliter, quam oportet tangere, quia filia regis sum et regis uxor.

Juvenis, haec audiens, gaudio plenus introivit ad magistrum in cubiculum, et ait:

Ecce, magister, puella vivit!

Qui ait: Probo peritiam, artem laudo, prudentiam miror. Diligentiam audi disciplinae, noli artis tuae esse ingratus, accipe mercedem, haec enim puella multam pecuniam secum attulit!

Et jussit eam salubribus vestibus, cibis et fomentis optimis recreari.

Post paucos dies, ut cognovit eam ex regio genere ortam esse, adhibitis amicis, filiam sibi adoptavit, et rogabatur ab ea cum lacrymis, ne ab aliquo tangeretur. Inter sacerdotes Dyanae templi eam cum feminis misit, ut inviolabiliter servaretur.

Inter haec dum Appollonius navigat cum ingenti Iuctu, gubernante deo applicuit Tharso et descendens a rati petiit domum Stranguilionis et Dyonisiadis. Quos cum salutasset, omnes casus suos exposuit ei dicens:

Cum dolore mortua est conjux mea; tamen filia est servata, de qua gaudeo; ideo sicut in vobis confido, amissum regnum, quod mihi servatur, accipere volo, neque ad socerum revertar, cujus in mari perdidi fiIiam, sed agam potius opera mercatoris. Vobis commendo filiam meam, ut cum filia vestra Philomacia nutriatur nomine, et ut filia mea vocetur Tharsia; preterea uxoris meae nutricem Lidgozidem nomine curam tuae puellae custodire volo.

Haec dicens tradidit Stranguilioni infantem, deditque aurum, argentum et vestes copiosas et juravit neque barbam neque capillos nec ungues tonsurum, nisi prius filiam suam dedisset in matrimonium.

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Pars II, 2 Part II, 2 Partie II, 2 Parte II, 2

Rex autem exhilaratus naves jubet produci in litus et omnibus bonis impleri; propterea nutricem ejus, nomine Ligozidem, et obstetricem propter partum ejus simul navigare praecepit, et data proficiscendi copia deduxit ad litus, osculaturque filiam et generum. ||exhilarated||he orders|to be brought||||||to be filled||nurse|||Ligozid||the midwife|for this reason|birth||||he ordered|||of departing|opportunity|he led down|||and she kisses||| |||||生産||||||満たされる||乳母|||||助産師||出産||||命じた|||出発|供給|導いた|||キスをする||| But the king, being delighted, orders the ships to be brought forth to the shore, and to be filled with all goods; therefore he instructed his nurse, named Ligozides, and the midwife to sail together on account of her childbirth; and, being given the opportunity to travel, brought her to the shore, and kissed her daughter and son-in-law. Mais le roi, exultant, ordonna que les navires soient ramenés au rivage et remplis de toutes les marchandises ; c'est pourquoi il ordonna à sa nourrice, nommée Ligozid, et à la sage-femme de naviguer ensemble pour le bien de son accouchement, et quand il fut prêt à partir, il l'amena au rivage et embrassa sa fille et son gendre. Ma il re, esultante, ordinò che le navi fossero portate a riva e riempite di tutte le merci; perciò ordinò alla sua nutrice, di nome Ligozid, e alla levatrice di salpare insieme per il bene del suo parto, e quando fu pronto a partire, lo portò a riva e baciò sua figlia e suo genero. しかしレックスは興奮し、船を海岸に引き出し、すべての財宝を満たすよう命じた。そのため、彼の養育者であるリゴジデムと、出産のための助産師にも一緒に航海するよう指示し、出発の準備を整えて海岸に連れて行き、娘と息子をキスした。

Navigabant, sed cum per aliquot dies in mari fuissent, surrexit tempestas magna; puella interim infirmatur, procreans filiam, quod facta est quasi mortua. they were sailing||||several|||sea|they had been|rose|storm|||meanwhile|is sick|giving birth||||||dead |||||||||||||その間||出産||||||死んだように They sailed, but when they had been in the sea for several days, a great storm arose; In the mean time the girl is sick, begetting a daughter, which she became as it were dead. Ils naviguaient, mais alors qu'ils étaient en mer depuis plusieurs jours, une grande tempête s'éleva ; Pendant ce temps, la jeune fille devint faible et donna naissance à une fille qui devint comme morte. 彼らは航海していたが、数日間海の中にいると大嵐が起こった。その間に娘は病気になり、娘を出産したが、まるで死んだかのようになってしまった。 Quod cum videret familia, exclamabat voce magna et ululatu. ||saw|family|was exclaiming||||howling ||見る|||||| When the family saw this, he cried out with a loud voice and a shout. Lorsque la famille a vu cela, elle a crié d'une voix forte et a hurlé. Quando la famiglia vide ciò, gridò a gran voce e ululò. その様子を見た家族は、大声で叫び、悲鳴を上げた。 Haec audiens Apollonius cucurrit, vidit conjugem suam quasi mortuam jacentem, ut ei videbatur, scidit a pectore suo vestes, profusis fletibus Jactavit se super corpus ejus et ait: |||ran|||||dead|lying|||it seemed|tore||from his chest||clothes|with profuse|tears|threw himself|||body||| |||走った||||||横たわっている|||見えた|裂けた||胸||衣服|流れる|涙を流して|投げた|||||| Apollonius hearing these things, ran, and saw his wife lying as it were dead, as it seemed to him: he tore his clothes from her breast, she threw herself over his body in tears with profuse tears, and said, En entendant cela, Apollonius courut, vit sa femme étendue comme morte, à ce qu'il lui sembla, arracha les vêtements de sa poitrine, et en pleurant abondamment, se jeta sur son corps et dit : Quando Apollonio udì ciò, corse, vide la moglie che giaceva come morta, come gli parve, le strappò le vesti dal seno e con lacrime abbondanti si gettò sul suo corpo e disse: これを聞いてアポロニウスは走り寄り、彼の妻が死んでいるかのように横たわっているのを見て、彼にとってはそう見えた。彼は胸から衣服を引き裂き、涙を流しながら彼女の体の上に身を投げ出して言った:

Cara conjux, Altistratis filia, quid respondebo patri tuo pro te? dear|wife|High-stratum|||||your|| ||高貴な人||||||| Dear wife, daughter of Altistratis, what shall I answer to your father about you? Chère épouse, fille d'Altistratus, que répondrai-je de toi à ton père ? 親愛なる妻よ、アルティストラティスの娘よ、あなたのためにあなたの父に何と答えればよいのか?

Et cum hoc dixisset, dixit ei gubernator: |||had said|||governor ||||言った||知事 And when he had said this, the pilot said to him: Et après avoir dit cela, le capitaine lui dit : これを言った後、彼は彼女に対して船長に言った:

Corpus mortuum navis sufferre non valet; Jube ergo corpus in pelagum mitti, ut possimus evadere. |dead|ship|to bear||is able|order||||sea|||we can|escape |死体|船|||||||||||逃げることができる| The dead body of the ship cannot bear; Order the body to be thrown into the sea so that we can escape. Un cadavre ne vaut pas la peine de souffrir sur un navire ; Ordre donc d'envoyer le corps à la mer, afin que nous puissions nous échapper. 船の死体は耐えられない。だから、私たちが逃げられるように、その死体を海に投げ入れるよう命じてください。

Apollonius ait ad eum: Quid dicis, pessime? ||||||very badly ||||||最悪の Apollonius said to him: What do you say, most evil one? Apollonius lui dit : Que dis-tu de pire ? アポロニウスは彼に言った:何を言っているのか、最悪の人よ? Placet tibi, ut hoc corpus in pelagus inmittam, quod naufragum me et egenum suscepit? |||||||I send in|||||needy|received ||||||||||||困窮者| Is it good for you to put this body into the sea, which has welcomed me as a shipwrecked and needy man? Aimez-vous que je jette ce corps à la mer, qui m'a fait naufrage et nécessiteux ? È bene per te mandare in mare questo corpo che mi ha accolto naufrago e bisognoso? この死体を海に投げ入れてもいいのか、私を救った遭難者で貧しい者として?

Vocavit servos suos et ait: Faciatis loculum et foramina et cum bitumine liniri et sit carta plumbea intus posita et obturetur, perfecto locido regalibus ornamentis exornent. |||||make|little box||holes|||bitumen|to be lined|||letter|lead|inside|placed||be sealed|perfect|box|royal ornaments|ornaments|adorn it |||||作りなさい|||||||塗られた|||紙|鉛の|中に|||ふさがれる|完璧な|小箱|王の|装飾品|装飾する He called his servants and said: Make a coffin and holes, and plaster it with bitumen, and let it be placed within the leaden paper, and let it be sealed up; Il appela ses serviteurs et leur dit : Faites la boîte et les trous et couvrez-la de bitume et que le papier de plomb soit placé à l'intérieur et scellé. Chiamò i suoi servi e disse: Fate la scatola e i buchi e copritela con bitume e all'interno vi venga messa la carta di piombo e sia sigillata. 彼は自分の家来たちを呼び寄せて言った。「棺を作り、穴を開け、それをビチューメンで塗り、内部に鉛の紙を置いてふさいでください。完璧な棺は王の装飾で飾りなさい。」

Puellam in loculo ponunt et copiam auri ad caput ejus, et dedit osculum funeri, fundens super eam lacrimas. ||the coffin|they place|||||||||a kiss|the corpse|pouring||| |||||abundance||||||||葬儀|流し||| They put the girl in the coffin and an abundance of gold on her head, and kissed her for her funeral, pouring tears over her. Ils mirent la jeune fille dans un coffre et une quantité d'or sur sa tête, et il lui donna un baiser funèbre, versant des larmes sur elle. 少女を棺に置き、彼女の頭に金を置き、遺体にキスをし、彼女の上に涙を流した。

Tunc jussit infantem tolli et diligenter nutriri, ut pro filia nepotem regi ostenderet, et jussit loculum mitti in mari cum maximo fletu. |he ordered|the infant|to be taken||diligently|to be nourished||||grandson||||||||||greatest|weeping ||赤ちゃん|||||||||||||||||||涙 Then he ordered the infant to be taken away and to be nursed with great care, that he might display it to the king for his daughter's grandson; and he ordered the coffin to be put into the sea with the greatest weeping. Puis il ordonna qu'on emmène l'enfant et qu'on le nourrisse avec soin, afin qu'il puisse montrer son petit-fils au roi comme sa fille, et il ordonna que le sac soit jeté à la mer avec de grands pleurs. その後、彼は赤ん坊を取り上げて丁寧に育てるように命じ、孫を王に見せるために娘の代わりにし、最も大きな涙を流しながら海に棺を送るように命じた。

Tertia vero die unda maris ejecit loculum ad litus Ephesorum a longe a domo cujusdam medici, Cerimonis nomine, qui cum discipulis suis eadem die in litore ambulavit. |||wave||threw||to||of the Ephesians|||||of a certain|of a physician|of Cerimon||||||the same|||the shore|walked |||波||||||||||||医者||||||||||| On the third day the waves of the sea cast the coffin to the shore of Ephesus, at a distance from the house of a certain physician, named Cermoni, who walked on the beach the same day with his disciples. Mais le troisième jour, une vague de la mer jeta la boîte sur le rivage d'Éphèse, loin de la maison d'un certain médecin nommé Cérimonus, qui se promenait sur la plage avec ses disciples ce même jour. Ma il terzo giorno un'onda del mare gettò la cassetta sulla riva di Efeso, lontano dalla casa di un medico, di nome Cerimone, che quello stesso giorno passeggiava lungo la riva con i suoi discepoli. しかし三日目に、海の波がエフェソスの岸に医者の名を持つセリモンの家から遠くに棺を投げ出した。その日は彼の弟子たちと共に彼も浜辺を歩いていた。 Tunc vidit loculum effusis |||spilled out |||流れ出る Then he saw the coffin streaming その時、彼は流れ去った波の中に横たわる棺を見て、彼の使いの者たちに言った:

fluctibus jacentem, ait servis suis: waves|||| 波|||| lying on the waves, said his servants, 「波に漂う者に向かって、彼は彼の使徒たちに言った。」

Tollite hunc loculum cum omni diligentia et ad villam perferte! Take|this||||diligence|||villa|bring 持ち上げなさい||||||||| Take this box with all diligence and complete it to the house! この袋を注意深く持ち上げて、別荘に運びなさい!

Quod cum fecissent, medicus aperuit, vidit puellam regalibus ornamentis decoratam et speciosam valde et ||they had done|the doctor||||with royal||adorned||beautiful|| When they had done this, the doctor opened it and saw the girl adorned with royal ornaments and very beautiful and Quand ils eurent fait cela, le docteur l'ouvrit et vit une jeune fille ornée d'ornements royaux et très belle. Fatto ciò, il dottore l'aprì e vide una fanciulla adorna di ornamenti regali e molto bella それを行った後、医者は袋を開け、王族の装飾で飾られ、とても美しい少女を目にし、

quasi mortuam Jacentem, obstupuit et ait: ||lying|he was astonished|| |死んだ||驚いた|| as if lying dead, he was astonished, and said: Allongé comme mort, il fut stupéfait et dit : まるで亡くなったかのように横たわっているのを見て、驚いて言った:

O bona puella, quare estis sic derelicta? ||||||abandoned ||||||見捨てられた Oh good girl, why are you so forsaken? Ô bonne fille, pourquoi es-tu si abandonnée ? おお、良い少女よ、なぜあなたはそんなに見捨てられたのですか?

Vidit subtus caput ejus pecuniam positam et sub pecunia cartam scriptam et ait: |under|head||money|lying||under|money|a letter|written||he said |下に|||||||||書かれた|| He saw under his head the money placed and under the money written paper and said: Il vit de l'argent placé sous sa tête et une lettre écrite sous l'argent et dit : 彼は彼女の頭の下に置かれたお金を見て、そのお金の下に書かれた紙を見て言った:

Perquiramus, quid continetur in carta! let us seek||||letter 探求しよう|||| Let's ask, what is included in the charter? Découvrons ce que contient la lettre ! 紙に何が書かれているのか探求しよう!

Quam cum aperuisset, invenit titulum scriptum: Quicumque hunc loculum invenit, peto, ut decem aureos habeat et decem funeri impendat; hoc enim corpvs multas lacrimas reliquit parentibus et dolores amaros. when||he had opened||the inscription|written|||||||||he has|||for the funeral|spend|||body||||||sorrows bitter|bitter sorrows ときに|||見つけた||書かれた|||||||||||||費やす|||遺体|||||||苦い And when he had opened it, he found a inscription written: "Whoever finds this coffin, I ask that he may have ten pieces of gold and spend ten for the funeral; for this body has left many tears and bitter sorrows to our parents. Lorsqu'il l'eut ouvert, il trouva un titre écrit : Celui qui trouvera cette boîte, je lui demande d'avoir dix pièces d'or et d'en dépenser dix pour les funérailles ; car ce corps a laissé aux parents bien des larmes et des chagrins amers. Quando l'ebbe aperta, trovò un titolo scritto: Chi troverà questa scatola, gli chiedo di avere dieci monete d'oro e di spenderne dieci per il funerale; poiché questo corpo lasciò molte lacrime e amari dolori ai genitori. それが開かれたとき、彼は次のように書かれた碑文を見つけた:この小箱を見つけた者よ、お願いだから10枚の金貨を持って、10枚を葬儀に使って欲しい。この遺体は親に多くの涙と苦しみを残したのだから。 Quod si aliud fecerit, quam quod dolor exposcit, ultimum diem incidat, nec sit, qui ejus corpvs sepulturae commendat. |||he has done|||pain|demands|the last||let it fall||||||burial|commends |||した|than||||||起こることがある||||||埋葬|委ねる But if he does anything else than what the pain demands, let him fall on the last day, and let him not be the one who commends his body for burial. Mais s'il fait autre chose que ce que la douleur révèle, que le dernier jour vienne, et qu'il ne soit pas celui qui recommande son corps pour l'enterrement. Ma se fa qualcosa di diverso da ciò che il dolore svela, venga l'ultimo giorno e non sia lui a raccomandare il suo corpo per la sepoltura. もし彼が痛みが要求すること以外のことをしたなら、彼は最後の日を迎え、誰も彼の遺体を埋葬に委ねる者はいないであろう。

Perlectis autem cartulis ad servos svos ait: having been read||the letters|||his| 読み終えた|||||| After reading the scrolls he said to the slaves Et après avoir lu les lettres, il dit à ses serviteurs : しかし文書を読んだ後、彼は自分の召使いたちに言った:

Prestemus corpori, quod dolor exposcit! let us offer|to the body|||demands 私たちの体に||||求める Let us present to the body what pain calls for! Payons le corps, quelle douleur expose ! Paghiamo il corpo, che dolore espone! 私たちは痛みが求める身体を守りましょう! Juro vobis per spem vitae meae, in hoc funere amplius me erogaturum, quam dolor imperat. |||hope|||||funeral|||I will spend|||commands ||||||||葬儀|||与えることが||| I swear to you by the hope of my life that I will spend more on this funeral than the pain demands. Je vous jure, par l'espérance de ma vie, que je dépenserai dans ces funérailles plus que ce que la douleur me dicte. Ti giuro, sulla speranza della mia vita, che spenderò in questo funerale più di quanto il dolore mi imponga. 私は私の命の希望にかけて誓います、この葬式で痛みが命じる以上のものを与えはしません。

Continuo jubet parari rogum, sed cum aedificatur atque deponitur, supervenit discipulus medici adolescens et, quantum ad ingenium pertinet, senex. he continuously||to prepare|the pyre|||it is built||is placed|the student arrives|the student||||as far as||intellect|it pertains|old man ||準備される|||||||突然現れた|||||量||才能|才能に関して| Immediately he orders the pile to be prepared, but when it is being built up and laid down, a young disciple of the physician arrives, and, as far as his character is concerned, an old man. Il ordonna aussitôt de préparer le bûcher, mais au moment où il était construit et posé, arriva un jeune étudiant en médecine et, en ce qui concerne le talent, un vieil homme. Ordinò immediatamente che fosse preparata la pira, ma mentre veniva costruita e deposta, arrivò un giovane studente di medico e, per quanto riguardava il talento, un vecchio. すぐに火葬台の準備を命じますが、建設されて置かれると、医者の弟子である若者が現れ、知性に関しては老人です。 Hic cum corpus speciosum super rogum positum videret, intuens eum magister ait: |||handsome||pyre|lying||looking at||| ここで|||||火葬台||||彼を|| When he saw a beautiful body lying on the pyre, the teacher looked at him and said, ここで美しい体が火葬場に置かれているのを見たとき、師は言った:

Bene venisti, haec enim hora expectavit te. |you have come||||has been waiting| |来た||確かに|時間|| You are welcome, for this hour has waited for you. Vous êtes bien venu, car cette heure vous attendait. よく来た、実はこの時間が君を待っていた。 Tolle ampullam unguenti et quod supremum est de funere, superfunde sepulturae! |the vial|of the ointment|||supreme||||pour over|the grave 取れ (とれ)|瓶子||||||||| Take the bottle of ointment and what is the last thing about the funeral, pour over the burial! Prenez le flacon de parfum et la dernière chose concernant les funérailles, versez sur l'enterrement ! Prendi la bottiglia di profumo e versa l'ultimo profumo funebre sulla sepoltura! 香油の壺を持ち上げ、そして最後のものである葬儀を、埋葬にかけよ!

Venit juvenis ad corpus, extraxit de pectore vestes, fudit unguentum tractum manu, totum corpus ad praecordia vivere sensit. ||||he took out|||clothes|poured|ointment|with a hand|||||the heart|| 来た||||引き出した||||注ぎ込んだ|香油|手で|||||胸部||感じた The young man came to his body, pulled out his clothes from his chest, poured the ointment on his hand, stretched it, felt his whole body live near his chest. Le jeune homme s'approcha du corps, ôta les vêtements de sa poitrine, versa le parfum qu'il avait dessiné avec sa main, et tout le corps se sentit vivant jusqu'au cœur. Il giovane si avvicinò al corpo, si tolse i vestiti dal petto, versò il profumo che aveva attinto con la mano, e tutto il corpo si sentì vivo nel cuore. 若者は体に来て、胸から衣服を引き抜き、手で引いた香油を流し込み、全身を胸に生きていると感じた。

Obstupuit juvenis, palpat venas et indicia rimatur narium, labia labiis probat, sensit vitam cum morte luctantem et ait ad servos: was stunned||he touches|veins||indications|he examines|of the nostrils|lips|lips|he tests|||||struggling with|||| |||||兆候||鼻||||||||戦っている|||| The young man is astonished, touches the veins and probes the symptoms of his nostrils, tests the lips with his lips, feels life struggling with death, and speaks to the slaves: Le jeune homme fut étonné, il palpa les veines et les signes du nez, il essaya ses lèvres avec ses lèvres, il sentit que la vie se débattait avec la mort, et il dit aux serviteurs : Il giovane rimase stupito, sentì le vene e i segni del naso, saggiò le sue labbra con le labbra, sentì che la vita lottava con la morte, e disse ai servi: 若者は驚き、静脈を触れ、鼻の指標を調べ、唇を唇で確かめ、死と闘う生命を感じ、召使いたちに言った:

Supponite faculas per quatuor angulos lente et temperate! place|torches||four|corners|slowly||safely ||||角|レンズ|| Put your torch at the four corners slowly and cautiously! Imaginez les lumières aux quatre coins lentement et uniformément ! Immagina le luci ai quattro angoli lentamente e in modo uniforme! 四隅にゆっくりと穏やかに灯りを置け!

Quo facto sanguis ille, qui coagulatus erat, est liquefactus. ||blood|||coagulated|||liquefied ||||||||液化された When this was done, the blood which had been compacted was melted. Lorsque cela fut fait, le sang qui avait coagulé fondit. Fatto ciò, il sangue che si era coagulato si sciolse. その結果、凝固していた血は液体になった。 Quod ut vidit juvenis, ait magistro: When the young man saw what, said the teacher Comme le vit le jeune homme, il dit à son professeur : 若者はそれを見て、師に言った:

Puella, quam mortuam dicis, vivit, et ut facilius mihi posses credere, experimento satisfaciam. |that|||lives|||||you|to believe|experiment|I will satisfy ||||||||||信じる||満たす The girl, whom you say is dead, is alive, and as you could more easily believe me, I'll satisfy you by experience. La jeune fille que vous dites morte est vivante, et pour que vous me croyiez plus facilement, je me contenterai de l'expérience. La ragazza che dici morta, è viva, e affinché tu possa credermi più facilmente, mi accontenterò dell'esperimento. あなたが死んだと言う少女は生きていて、私があなたにもっと信じてもらうために、実験で証明しましょう。

Hiis dictis tulit puellam et in cubiculum suum posuit, super pectus ejus calefaciens oleum, madefecit lanam with these|saying|he took|the girl|||||||chest||heating|oil|he wet|the wool ||||||||||||温める|油|湿らせた|羊毛 Having said this, he took the girl and placed it in her room, warming oil on her breast and soaked in wool Avec ces mots, il prit la jeune fille et la plaça dans sa chambre, faisant chauffer de l'huile sur sa poitrine, humidifiant la laine. Con queste parole prese la ragazza e la pose nella sua stanza, scaldandole l'olio sul petto, inumidendone la lana これらの言葉が語られた後、彼は女の子を連れて行き、彼の部屋に置いた。彼は彼女の胸に油を温め、羊毛を湿らせた。

et posuit super corpus suum, sic, quod sanguis ejus, qui intus erat, coagulatus esset, tempore liquefactus est, coepitque spiritus per medullas descendere. |||||||||||||was|||||spirit||the marrow|descending ||||||||||||||||||||髄質|降りる and he laid it upon his body, so that his blood which was inwardly compacted, melted at the time, and the spirit began to descend through the marrow. et il le plaça sur son corps, de sorte que son sang, qui était en lui, se coagula, avec le temps il fondit, et l'esprit commença à descendre à travers la moelle. e se lo pose sul corpo, tanto che il sangue che era in lui si era coagulato e col tempo si sciolse e lo spirito cominciò a scendere attraverso il midollo. そして彼はその体の上に置いたので、彼の内部にあった血液は固まっていたが、液体になった時には、霊が髄を通って降り始めた。 Venis itaque patefactis, aperuit oculos et recipiens spiritum ait: ||having been opened||||receiving|breath| ベニス||||||息を引き取った|| When the veins were opened, he opened his eyes and said, " Quand les veines furent ouvertes, il ouvrit les yeux et, reprenant son souffle, dit : Quando gli furono aperte le vene, aprì gli occhi e, ricevendo il respiro, disse: したがって、血管が開かれると、彼は目を開けて霊を受け取り、言った:

Qualis tu es, non tangas aliter, quam oportet tangere, quia filia regis sum et regis uxor. what|||not|you touch|otherwise||it is right|to touch||||||| ||||||||触れる||||||| As you are, you should not touch otherwise than you ought to touch, because I am the daughter of a king and the wife of a king. Puisque vous êtes, ne touchez pas autrement que vous ne devriez toucher, car je suis fille de roi et femme de roi. あなたはどのような人であれ、触れるべき方法でなければ触れてはいけません。なぜなら、私は王の娘であり、王の妻だからです。

Juvenis, haec audiens, gaudio plenus introivit ad magistrum in cubiculum, et ait: ||hearing|||||master|||| |||||||師|||| The young man, upon hearing these things, full of joy, entered into the master's chamber, and said: Le jeune homme, entendant ces choses, plein de joie, entra dans la chambre du maître et dit : Il giovane, udendo queste cose, pieno di gioia, entrò nella stanza del maestro, e disse: 若者は、これを聞いて歓喜に満ちて、部屋の中にいる教師のもとに入って言った:

Ecce, magister, puella vivit! |teacher|| Behold, the teacher, the girl lives! Voici, professeur, la fille est vivante ! ご覧ください、師匠、女の子は生きている!

Qui ait: Probo peritiam, artem laudo, prudentiam miror. ||I approve|expertise||I praise|wisdom|I admire 誰が|||||||驚く He said: I test skill, I praise art, I admire prudence. Il dit : Je prouve l'habileté, je loue l'art, je m'émerveille de la prudence. 誰が言ったか: 技巧を称賛し、アートを褒め、知恵に驚嘆する。 Diligentiam audi disciplinae, noli artis tuae esse ingratus, accipe mercedem, haec enim puella multam pecuniam secum attulit! diligence||||"of your skill"|||ungrateful||reward||||"a lot of"|||"brought with her" |聞け||||||恩知らず||||||||| Hear industry, science, art do not have to be unpleasant, and receive payment, this is the girl he has brought a lot of money! Écoutez bien votre formation, ne soyez pas ingrat pour votre art, soyez payé, car cette fille a emporté beaucoup d'argent avec elle ! Ascolta attentamente la tua formazione, non essere ingrato verso la tua arte, fatti pagare, perché questa ragazza ha portato con sé un sacco di soldi! 学問の勤勉さを聞き、あなたの技術に対して感謝を忘れず、報酬を受け取りなさい。この娘はたくさんの金を持ってきたのだから!

Et jussit eam salubribus vestibus, cibis et fomentis optimis recreari. |||healthy||||soothing treatments|best|be refreshed |||||||治療法|| He ordered her health with clothes, food and warm clothing is recovered. Et il ordonna qu'on lui donne des vêtements sains, de la nourriture et le meilleur combustible. E le ordinò di essere rinfrescata con vestiti sani, cibo e il miglior carburante. そして彼女に健康的な服、食べ物、最高の慰めを与えるよう命じた。

Post paucos dies, ut cognovit eam ex regio genere ortam esse, adhibitis amicis, filiam sibi adoptavit, et rogabatur ab ea cum lacrymis, ne ab aliquo tangeretur. |||||||royal lineage|birth|"Having arisen"||"with friends involved"||daughter||he adopted||she was asking||||with tears|||by anyone|be touched by ||||||||種|||||||||求められていた|||||||誰か| After a few days, when he learned that she was from a royal palace to be a kind of a lady of, summoned his friends and his daughter, as his daughter, and he was asked to by her, with tears, that no one should be touched. Au bout de quelques jours, lorsqu'il apprit qu'elle était issue d'une famille noble, il adopta sa fille avec l'aide de ses amis, et la supplia en larmes de ne se laisser toucher par personne. Dopo alcuni giorni, quando seppe che lei proveniva da una famiglia nobile, adottò sua figlia con l'aiuto dei suoi amici, e la pregò tra le lacrime di non essere toccata da nessuno. 数日後、彼は彼女が地方の血筋から生まれたことを知り、友人たちを伴って、彼女を養女として迎え入れ、彼女は涙を流しながら誰にも触れられないようにお願いした。 Inter sacerdotes Dyanae templi eam cum feminis misit, ut inviolabiliter servaretur. |the priests|of Diana|of the temple|||with the women|sent||inviolably|"be kept safe" ||ダイアナ|||||||| Temple priests Dyanae among women it was sent to be kept intact. Il l'envoya parmi les prêtres du temple de Diane avec les femmes, pour qu'elle soit inviolable. Tra i sacerdoti del tempio di Diana la mandò con le donne, perché fosse mantenuta inviolabile. 神殿の神官たちの中で、彼女は女性たちと共に寄贈され、無傷で守られることとなった。

Inter haec dum Appollonius navigat cum ingenti Iuctu, gubernante deo applicuit Tharso et descendens a rati petiit domum Stranguilionis et Dyonisiadis. ||||"he sails"||great struggle|with great effort|steering||he arrived|Tharsus||"disembarking from ship"||"from the ship"|he sought||Stranguilio's house||of Dionysias ||||||大きな苦痛|波の力||||||降りて||船の|||ストラングイリオニス||ディオニシアディス In the mean time, while Appollonius sailed with a mighty sound, he landed at Tharsus, under the guidance of the god, and, disembarking, made for the home of Stranguilio and Dionisiadis. Pendant qu'Apollonius naviguait avec le géant Iuctus, il s'adressa au dieu gouvernant de Tharsus et, descendant du radeau, chercha la maison de Strangilion et de Dionysias. Durante queste cose, mentre Apollonio navigava con il gigante Iuctus, si rivolse al dio governatore di Tharsus e, scendendo dalla zattera, cercò la casa di Strangilion e Dionisia. その間に、アポロニウスは大きな苦痛を抱えつつ航海し、神に操縦されてタルソスに到着し、ストランギリオニスとディオニサイダスの家を訪ねた。 Quos cum salutasset, omnes casus suos exposuit ei dicens: ||had greeted|||||| ||挨拶した|||||| When he had greeted them, he explained to him all his misfortunes, saying: Après les avoir salués, il leur expliqua tous leurs cas, en disant : 彼らに挨拶した後、彼は全ての出来事を彼に説明し、こう言った:

Cum dolore mortua est conjux mea; tamen filia est servata, de qua gaudeo; ideo sicut in vobis confido, amissum regnum, quod mihi servatur, accipere volo, neque ad socerum revertar, cujus in mari perdidi fiIiam, sed agam potius opera mercatoris. |||||||||"was saved"|||"I rejoice"|||||"I trust"|lost|||||to receive||||father-in-law|"I will return"||||I lost|daughter||"I will act"|rather|the work| ||||||||||||喜んでいる|||||信じる|失われた王国||||守られている|受け取る||||義父|戻る|||||||||| My spouse died with pain; yet the daughter was saved, about whom I am glad; therefore, as I trust in you, I desire to receive the lost kingdom which is reserved for me, and I will not return to my father-in-law, whose daughter I lost at sea, but rather do the work of a merchant. Mon conjoint est mort de douleur ; pourtant la fille a été sauvée, dont je me réjouis ; c'est pourquoi, comme j'ai confiance en vous, je désire recevoir le royaume perdu qui m'est réservé, et je ne retournerai pas auprès de mon beau-père, dont j'ai perdu la fille en mer, mais je ferai plutôt le travail de marchand. Il mio coniuge è morto di dolore; tuttavia la figlia è stata salvata, di cui sono felice; perciò, confidando in te, desidero ricevere il regno perduto che mi è riservato, e non tornerò da mio suocero, di cui ho perso la figlia in mare, ma farò piuttosto il lavoro di mercante. 私の妻は苦しみの中で亡くなりました。しかし、私の娘は救われました。そのことで私は喜んでいます。ですので、あなたたちに信頼を寄せているように、私に保存されている失われた王国を取り戻したいと思っています。また、海で娘を失った義理の父のもとには戻りたくないのですが、むしろ商人として働いていきます。 Vobis commendo filiam meam, ut cum filia vestra Philomacia nutriatur nomine, et ut filia mea vocetur Tharsia; preterea uxoris meae nutricem Lidgozidem nomine curam tuae puellae custodire volo. |I entrust|||||||Philomacia|be raised||||||be called|Tharsia||of my wife||nurse|Lidgozid||the care|||to take care of|"I want" |||||||||育てられる|||||||||||||||||守る| I commend to you my daughter, that with your daughter Philomacia she may be nourished by name, and that my daughter be called Tharsia; Besides, I want to take care of your girl, my wife's nurse, Lidgozides. Je te recommande ma fille, qu'elle soit élevée sous le nom de ta fille Philomacia, et que ma fille s'appelle Tharsia ; de plus, je veux que la nourrice de ma femme, nommée Lidgozide, s'occupe de votre fille. 私の娘をあなたたちにお勧めします。彼女があなたたちの娘フィロマキアと共に育てられるように、そして私の娘がタルシアと呼ばれるように。また、私の妻の乳母リドゴジデの名前で、あなたの女の子の世話をさせたいと思っています。

Haec dicens tradidit Stranguilioni infantem, deditque aurum, argentum et vestes copiosas et juravit neque barbam neque capillos nec ungues tonsurum, nisi prius filiam suam dedisset in matrimonium. ||"handed over"|to Stranguilio||||||clothes|abundant||"swore" or "has sworn"||beard||hair||nails|cutting or trimming|unless||||"had given"|| |||ストランギリオ|||||||豊富な衣服||誓った||||髪||爪|剃ること|||||与えた|| Having said these things, he delivered the baby to Stranguilio, and gave him gold, silver, and numerous garments; and he swore that neither his beard, nor his hair, nor his nails were shorn, unless he had first given his daughter in marriage. En disant ces choses, il livra l'enfant à Stranguilion, et lui donna de l'or, de l'argent et des vêtements abondants, et jura qu'il ne couperait ni sa barbe, ni ses cheveux, ni ses ongles, s'il n'avait d'abord donné sa fille en mariage. 彼はこう言ってストランギリオニに子供を渡し、多くの金、銀、衣服を与え、娘を結婚させるまではひげや髪の毛、爪を切らないと誓った。