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Ulixes (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles), Ulixes 7 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Ulixes 7 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Orta luce Polyphemus iam e somno excitatus idem quod hesterno die fecit; correptis enim duobus e reliquis viris carnem eorum sine mora devoravit. Tum, cum saxum amovisset, ipse cum pecore suo ex spelunca progressus est; quod cum Graeci viderent, magnam in spem se post paulum evasuros venerunt. Mox tamen ab hac spe repulsi sunt; nam Polyphemus, postquam omnes oves exierunt, saxum in locum restituit. Reliqui omni spe salutis deposita lamentis lacrimisque se dediderunt; Ulixes vero, qui, ut supra demonstravimus, vir magni fuit consili, etsi intellegebat rem in discrimine esse, nondum omnino desperabat. Tandem, postquam diu haec toto animo cogitavit, hoc consilium cepit. E lignis quae in spelunca reposita erant palum magnum delegit. Hunc summa cum diligentia praeacutum fecit; tum, postquam sociis quid fieri vellet ostendit, reditum Polyphemi exspectabat.

Ulixes 7 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles) Ulysses 7 (Ritchie's Easy Tales)

Orta luce Polyphemus iam e somno excitatus idem quod hesterno die fecit; correptis enim duobus e reliquis viris carnem eorum sine mora devoravit. |||||||||yesterday's||||||||||||| 夜明けに||||||目覚めた|||昨日||||||||||||すぐに| At dawn, Polyphemus was now awakened from his sleep, the same as he did yesterday; for he quickly seized two of the other men and devoured their flesh without delay. ポリュペーモスは、昼の光に目を覚まして、前日と同じことをした。他の2人の男たちを捕まえ、すぐにその肉を食べた。 Tum, cum saxum amovisset, ipse cum pecore suo ex spelunca progressus est; quod cum Graeci viderent, magnam in spem se post paulum evasuros venerunt. |||"had removed"|||||||||||||||||||would escape soon| |||||||||||||||見た|||||||脱出する| Then, when he had removed the rock, he himself proceeded with his cattle from the cave; and when the Greeks saw this, they came with great hope that they would escape after a short time. 石を動かした後、彼は自分の羊とともに洞窟から出てきた。ギリシャ人たちはこれを見て、しばらくすれば脱出するだろうと大いに期待した。 Mox tamen ab hac spe repulsi sunt; nam Polyphemus, postquam omnes oves exierunt, saxum in locum restituit. ||||||||||||出て行った||||戻した Soon, however, they were repulsed by this hope; for Polyphemus, after all the sheep, went out, and restored the stone into place. しかしすぐにその希望は打ち砕かれた。なぜなら、ポリュペーモスはすべての羊が出て行った後、石を元に戻したからだ。 Reliqui omni spe salutis deposita lamentis lacrimisque se dediderunt; Ulixes vero, qui, ut supra demonstravimus, vir magni fuit consili, etsi intellegebat rem in discrimine esse, nondum omnino desperabat. |||||"to lamentations"|||||||||we have shown||||||||||||| |||||嘆き悲しみ|||身を委ねた||しかしながら||||示した通り||||知恵||理解していた|||||||絶望していなかった The rest, giving up all hope of safety, surrendered themselves to lamentations and tears; But Ulysses, who, as we have said above, was a man of great design, although he understood that the matter was in danger, had not yet despaired at all. 救いの希望をすべて失い、嘆きと涙に身を委ねた遺族たち。一方、先に示したように偉大なる計略家であったユリシーズは、状況が危ういことは理解していたものの、まだ完全に絶望していなかった。 Tandem, postquam diu haec toto animo cogitavit, hoc consilium cepit. ||||全身全霊で||||| At length, after he had long thought these things with his whole mind, he took this advice. ついに、これらを長く心に思い巡らせた後、彼はこの考えを思いついた。 E lignis quae in spelunca reposita erant palum magnum delegit. |"from the wood"||||stored away||a large stake||chose |||||||||選び取った Out of the wood that had been laid up in the cave, he chose a great stake. 洞窟にしまわれていた木から大きな棒を選んだ。 Hunc summa cum diligentia praeacutum fecit; tum, postquam sociis quid fieri vellet ostendit, reditum Polyphemi exspectabat. ||||sharpened to a point||||||||||| ||||||||||行われる|望んでいた||帰還||待っていた He made him sharpened with extreme diligence; then, after he showed his allies what he wished to be done, he was waiting for the return of Polyphemus. 彼は非常に注意深くそれを作った。そして、味方に何をすべきかを示した後、ポリュペムの帰りを待っていた。