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Mille Fabulae, Fabulae 21-40

Fabulae 21-40

21) Leo Rex et Simius

Cum se ferarum regem fecisset, leo bonam famam consequi voluit, more regum. Prioribus suis fatis ferocibus renuntians, mutavit consuetudinem; sine sanguine cibum sumere iuravit. Postea de hac re coepit habere paenitentiam et, dum mutare non posset naturam, coepit aliquos ducere in secreto ut falleret et quaerere si os feteret. Et illos qui dicebant fetet et putet, ac illos qui dicebant non putet aut tacebant, omnes dilaniabat. Postea simium interrogabat si putidum haberet os. Ille cinnamomum dixit et quasi deorum altaria. Leo erubuit laudatorem ut illi tunc parceret. Sed postea languere se simulavit. Et continuo venerunt medici et suadent sumere cibum levem, qui tolleret fastidium pro digestione. At leo, ut regibus omnia licent, “Ignota est mihi caro simii; eam probare vellem.”

22) Leo, Vulpes, et Simius

Leo, animalium imperio potitus, ea animalia quae honore caudae carerent exsulare e finibus regni sui iusserat. Vulpes pavefacta iam vasa colligebat, ire in exilium parans. Cui cum diceret simius, ad regis imperata iam solum vertens, edictum ad illam non pertinere, quae tantum caudae haberet ut superforet, “Verum dicis,” inquit illa, “et recte admones. Sed quo scio an me leo vel primam numerare velit inter illa quae cauda carent?”

Qui vita sub tyranno agenda contigit, insons licet sit, saepe ut nocens plectitur.

23) Leo Senex, Vulpes, et Lupus

Leo, cum consenuisset, aegrotabat, iacens in antro. Accesserunt autem visitatura regem, praeter vulpem, cetera animalia. Lupus igitur, capta occasione, accusabat apud leonem vulpem quasi nihili facientem suum omnium dominum et propterea neque ad visitationem profectam. Interim affuit et vulpes et ultima audivit lupi verba. Leo igitur contra eam infremuit sed, defensionis tempore petito, vulpes “Quis,” inquit, “eorum qui convenerunt tantum profuit quantum ego, quae in omnem partem circuivi et medicamentum pro te a medico quaesivi et didici?” Cum autem leo statim ut medicamentum diceret imperasset, illa inquit, “Lupo vivente excoriato, ipsius calidam pellem indueris.” Lupo statim mortuo iacente, vulpes ridens ait, “Sic non oportet dominum ad malevolentiam movere, sed ad benevolentiam.”

24) Leo Senex, Gemens

Leo, gravatus aetate et febribus, iacebat, spiritum trahens extremum. Supervenit aper spumans dentibus, veterem iram effundens. Taurus cornibus corpus eius undique confodit. Asinus pedibus suis eum attrivit. Et dixit vix spirans cum gemitu, “Heu! Cum esset virtus, erat honor; fuit et timor, immo et opinio mea terruit plures. Deficientibus autem viribus, deficit honor.”

25) Leo Senex et Vulpes

Leo, defectus annis, recubabat in spelunca sua et aegrum simulabat. Visitatum regem complures venerunt bestiae, quas protinus devoravit. Accessit etiam vulpes, sed cauta ante speluncam procul stabat, salutans regem. “Cur non intras?” interrogavit leo. Vulpes respondit, “Quod video vestigia intrantium multa, at nulla exeuntium.”

26) Leo et Vulpes Territa

Vulpes, cum numquam leonem vidisset, postquam olim forte in eum incidit, primo quidem intuitu ita perterrefacta est ut parum abfuerit quin periret. Rursus autem eodem obviam reperto, tunc etiam, sed non ut antea, timuit. Tertio demum ipsum conspicata, audax ita fuit ut, accedens, cum eo colloqueretur.

Quae terribilia sunt, consuetudo blandiora reddit.

27) Leo Inclusus et Vulpes

Vulpes, prope leonem inclusum stans, multis eum lacerabat contumeliis. Leo respondet, “Tu quidem nulla me iniuria afficis, sed adversa quam nunc experior fortuna.”

28) Leo Irretitus et Vulpes

Leo, comprehensus laqueo, totis viribus vincula dirumpere conabatur; quo autem maiori conatu laqueum trahebat, eo arctius detinebatur. Vulpes, illac iter habens, cum hoc esset intuita, “Non viribus,” inquit, “mi rex, istinc evades, sed ingenio. Relaxandus enim laqueus et dissolvendus; non trahendus est.” Quod cum leo fecisset, statim soluto laqueo quo erat astrictus, liber evasit.

Fabula indicat ingenium viribus longe esse praestantius.

29) Leo, Mus, et Vulpes

Leo cum olim dormiret, per os eius mus forte discurrit. Tum ille, consurgens, quaquaversum circumagebatur, eum quaeritans qui inde transierat. At vulpes, eum conspicata, graviter obiurgabat quod leo nimirum cum esset, murem pertimuisset. Cui ille “Ego vero,” respondit, “de eius voluntate tantummodo irascor.”

Haec profecto docent quod prudentes homines ne parva quidem negligere debeant.

30) Leo et Vulpes, Socii

Vulpecula, apparitoris instar, operam suam locabat leoni, ita ut haec praedam indicaret, ille aggressus caperet. Quare et utrique pro dignitate qua erat, pars obtingebat. Sed vulpes, cum leoni partem invideret maiorem, venari potius ipsa voluit quam indicare. Et, aliquid e grege ovium conata rapere, primum ipsa praeda facta est venantibus.

Servire tuto melius est quam cum periculo dominari.

31) Leo, Vulpes, et Asinus Venantes

Vulpes, asinus, et leo venatum iverant. Praedam asinum partiri leo iussit. Asinus singulis singulas partes ponebat aequales, sed leo eum dilaniavit. Tum vulpeculae negotium partiendi dedit. Haec, sapientior quam asinus, partem maximam leoni apposuit et sibi vix minimam particulam reservavit. Leo subridebat et eius prudentiam laudabat. Tandem rogavit, “Unde didicisti talem prudentiam?” Respondit vulpes, “Calamitas asini me docuit quid minores potentioribus debeant.”

32) Leo, Asinus, et Vulpes Perfida

Iniit amicitiam cum asino vulpes, atque ita communiter exiere venatum. Cum autem leonem conspexisset vulpecula, verita ut evadere cursu posset, calliditate periculum vitare tentat et, ad leonem accedens, paciscitur vitam suam pro asini proditione. Leo tum quidem vulpi vitam promittit. Illa vero in laqueum inducit asinum, in quo captus cum haereret neque aufugere posset, capit prius vulpem leo atque ita ad devorandum otiose asinum accedit.

Fabula indicat quod sociorum suorum proditores sibi etiam ipsi plerumque exitium accersant.

33) Leo, Filius Eius, Ursi et Vulpes

Leo tres habuit filios. Matre eorum mortua, leo aliam uxorem quaerebat. Regnum ergo filio primogenito commisit et abiit. Filius uxorem duxit, filiam ursi. Pater quoque nuptam desponsavit, vulpis filiam, et ad celebrandas nuptias ad regnum suum redire paravit. Sed filius patri mandavit ut aliud sibi regnum acquireret, quia istud suum esse deberet. Pater, turbatus, parentibus sponsae suae mandavit; vulpes venerunt, et bellum indictum est. Vulpes autem, non tam in armis quam in artibus suis confidentes, praecipiunt foveas profundas fieri et ramis melle illitis operiri. Die igitur statuto, leonis filius cum magno ursorum exercitu venit in campum. Sed ursi, mox ut odorem mellis senserunt, ad ramos illitos accesserunt et in foveas subruuntur. Sic patri cessit victoria, et regnum sibi negatum recepit.

34) Vulpes in Tugurium Ingressa

Vulpes esuriens, cum in tugurio quodam relictas a pastore carnes panemque vidisset, eo ingressa, quam suavissime devoravit. Tumefacto proinde ventre, cum inde exire non posset, suspirabat graviter atque lamentabatur. Alia autem vulpes cum illac forte transiret eiusque fletus audiisset, eo accedens, quam ob rem ita lugeret interrogavit. Cuius rei causam ubi intellexit, “Mane istic ergo tantisper,” inquit, “donec talis fias, qualis es ingressa.”

Fabula significat quod tempus vel difficillima solvit.

35) Vulpes et Vota Eius

Vulpes, ingressura domum rustici ubi gallinas audierat, foramen per quod transeundum erat dilatari cupiebat. Sed rursus, cum raptam gallinam ferens inde fugeret et latratum canis audiret, deos precabatur ut cani foramen esset angustum ne inde posset exire.

Fabula indicat mortales pro commodis suis vota mutare.

36) Vulpes et Formica

Vulpes, pertaesa cavum suum et latibulum, decreverat in alio loco magis aperto et alto habitare ut meliori caeli temperie frueretur. Iamque ligna et lapides, unde sibi domum fabricaret, comportabat, cum occurrit ei formica, quae, vulpis sciscitata consilium, probavit quod salubriori aere esset gavisura, sed non securiori. Immo serio monuit ne habitationem mutaret, si vellet suae saluti ac securitati consulere et sibi credere consulenti, et meminisset quo odio apud vulgus laboraret. Vulpes, consilio formicae deterrita, lapides et ligna reportavit nec amplius de mutandis aut aedificandis aedibus cogitavit.

Haec docet cuiuscumque operis ante omnia de fine consulendum.

37) Vulpes et Uva

Vulpes, extrema fame coacta, uvam appetebat, ex alta vite dependentem. Quam cum summis viribus saliens attingere non posset, tandem discedens, “Nondum matura est,” inquit; “nolo acerbam sumere.”

38) Vulpes et Luna

Vulpes quaedam de nocte ambulavit secus fluentum viditque umbram lunae in aquis apparere et caseum esse putavit. Coepit igitur aquam lambere, sperans quod, exhausto flumine, fundus arefactus caseum sibi reseraret. Sic igitur non cessavit donec se ipsam lambendo suffocavit.

39) Vulpes et Statua

In statuarii officinam irrepserat vulpecula ac, contemplando diversi generis et variae formae effigies, magnam voluptatem capiebat. Inter omnes tamen, una muliebris corporis statua imprimis vulpem delectabat, ad quam et accedebat et sermonem instituebat et blandissime alludebat. Sed, statua immobili persistente, vulpes, indignata, “Quam formosa facies,” inquit, “cerebro caret!”

40) Vulpecula et Tintinnabulum

Vulpecula habitabat iuxta flumen; non procul inde alligatum arbori tintinnabulum erat, quo ventis impulso omnia circum loca resonabant. Vulpecula, cui ignota vox illa esset, metuebat ne quid ferae et immanis bestiae tales sonos ederet. Tandem sensim et placide arrepens, perspectaque tintinnabuli inanitate, cuius strepitibus nihil subesset virium, “Nunc deinceps non facile,” inquit, “specie et opinione percelli animum meum patiar.”

Multa opinione magnifiunt, quibus praesentibus nihil est contemptibilius.

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Fabulae 21-40 stories Geschichten 21-40 Stories 21-40 Historias 21-40 Storie 21-40 ストーリー 21 ~ 40 Histórias 21-40 Оповідання 21-40 故事 21-40

21) Leo Rex et Simius |||Affe |||monkey |||猿 21) The Lion King and the Monkey

Cum se ferarum regem fecisset, leo bonam famam consequi voluit, more regum. ||||||||erlangen||nach der Art|der Könige |||king|had made||||obtain|||of kings ||||||||得ること|||王たちの Als Leo sich zum König der Tiere ernannt hatte, wollte er sich einen guten Ruf verschaffen, wie es bei Königen Brauch ist. When he had made himself king of the beasts, Leo wanted to gain a good reputation, as is the custom of kings. 獣の王を作ったとき、ライオンは王たちの習わしに従い、良い評判を得たいと思った。 Prioribus suis fatis ferocibus renuntians, mutavit consuetudinem; sine sanguine cibum sumere iuravit. ||||verkündend||||||| ||fates|ferocious|reporting||||||to take|swore ||||告げる||||||| Er verzichtete auf sein früheres, wildes Schicksal und änderte seine Gewohnheit; er schwor, Nahrung ohne Blut zu sich zu nehmen. Renunciation of his former fierce destinies, he changed his habit; he swore to take food without blood. 以前の野蛮な運命を捨て、習慣を変え、血を流さずに食べることを誓った。 Postea de hac re coepit habere paenitentiam et, dum mutare non posset naturam, coepit aliquos ducere in secreto ut falleret et quaerere si os feteret. ||||||repentance|||to change|||||some||"in secret"|secret||"he might deceive"|||||smell ||||||悔い|||||||||||||||||| Danach begann er, diese Angelegenheit zu bereuen, und obwohl er seine Natur nicht ändern konnte, begann er, einige Leute heimlich zu täuschen und zu fragen, ob er einen Mund hätte. Afterwards he began to repent of this matter, and, while he could not change his nature, he began to lead some in secret to deceive and to ask if he had a mouth. その後、彼はこのことについて悔い始め、性質を変えることができなかったので、誰かを秘密に引き入れて騙そうとし、口の中が腐っているかどうかを探すようになった。 Et illos qui dicebant fetet et putet, ac illos qui dicebant non putet aut tacebant, omnes dilaniabat. ||who||smells||stinks||||||||were silent||tore apart ||||||||||||||黙っていた|| Und diejenigen, die sagten, er sei fett und dachten, und diejenigen, die sagten, er denke nicht oder schwieg, die riss er alle in Stücke. And those who said he was fat and thought, and those who said he did not think or were silent, he tore them all to pieces. そして、臭いと言っていた者たちを、臭いませんと言っていた者たちや黙っていた者たちを、皆切り刻んだ。 Postea simium interrogabat si putidum haberet os. |monkey|"was asking"||"foul-smelling"|have| ||||腐った||口 Afterwards he asked the monkey if he had a stinky mouth. その後、猿は彼に腐った口を持っているかどうか尋ねた。 Ille cinnamomum dixit et quasi deorum altaria. That|cinnamon tree||||of the gods|altars of gods ||||||祭壇 Er sagte Zimt und wie die Altäre der Götter. He said cinnamon and like the altars of the gods. 彼はシナモンと言い、まるで神々の祭壇のようだった。 Leo erubuit laudatorem ut illi tunc parceret. |blushed|praiser||||spare ||||||彼を許す Leo shamed the praiser so that he would then spare him. レオは賛美者に対してその時に彼を助けるよう恥じた。 Sed postea languere se simulavit. ||lie weak||pretended But afterwards he pretended to be sick. しかしその後、彼は気を失ったふりをした。 Et continuo venerunt medici et suadent sumere cibum levem, qui tolleret fastidium pro digestione. ||came|||advise|||light food||would alleviate|nausea||digestion |||||||||||食欲不振|| And immediately the doctors came and advised them to take light food, which would remove the disgust for digestion. そしてすぐに医者たちが来て、消化の不快感を和らげる軽い食事をとるように勧めた。 At leo, ut regibus omnia licent, “Ignota est mihi caro simii; eam probare vellem.” |||kings||are allowed|unknown|||flesh of|of the monkey||test|would want |||||許可されている|||||||| Aber Leo, da den Königen alles erlaubt ist: „Das Fleisch eines Affen ist mir unbekannt; Ich möchte es beweisen.“ But Leo, as all things are lawful for kings, "The flesh of an ape is unknown to me; I would like to prove it.” 獅子よ、王たちには全てが許される。"知らぬ者よ、私にとってはサルの肉だ; それを試したい。"

22) Leo, Vulpes, et Simius |Fox||monkey 22) Lion, Fox, and Monkey 22) 獅子、狐、及び猿

Leo, animalium imperio potitus, ea animalia quae honore caudae carerent exsulare e finibus regni sui iusserat. ||empire|having power||||the honor|tail|lacked|exile||the borders|||had ordered |||||||||||||||命じた Nachdem Leo das Kommando über die Tiere erhalten hatte, befahl er, die Tiere, denen die Ehre ihres Schwanzes fehlte, aus den Grenzen seines Königreichs zu verbannen. The Lion, having gained control over the animals, had ordered those animals which lacked the honor of a tail to be exiled from the borders of his kingdom. 獅子は動物の王国を支配し、尾の栄誉を欠く動物を自らの王国から追放するよう命じた。 Vulpes pavefacta iam vasa colligebat, ire in exilium parans. |paved||vessels|collecting||||preparing to |||器具|集めていた|||| Der verängstigte Fuchs sammelte bereits seine Sachen und bereitete sich darauf vor, ins Exil zu gehen. The Fox, now frightened, was gathering her belongings, preparing to go into exile. キツネはすでに不安を感じていて、追放の準備をしていた。 Cui cum diceret simius, ad regis imperata iam solum vertens, edictum ad illam non pertinere, quae tantum caudae haberet ut superforet, “Verum dicis,” inquit illa, “et recte admones. ||he was saying||||commands||only|turning|edict||||to pertain||||||would surpass||you say|||||you correctly advise |||||||||向いて|||||||||||超越する||||||| Als der Affe, der sich jetzt nur noch den Befehlen des Königs zuwandte, zu ihm sagte, dass das Edikt nicht für sie gelte, die nur einen Schwanz hatte, damit dieser übrig bliebe, „sagte du die Wahrheit“, sagte sie, „und du.“ warnen zu Recht.“ When the ape, turning now only to the king's orders, said to him that the edict did not apply to her, who only had a tail so that it would be left over, "You speak the truth," said she, "and you warn rightly." 猿が言った時、王の命令を受けたことを考え、ただ尾があるだけで生き残れるとそのことが関係ないと言っていると、彼女は「本当にそう言う通りで、あなたは正しく警告します。」と答えた。 Sed quo scio an me leo vel primam numerare velit inter illa quae cauda carent?” |||or|||or|first|count|want|||||lack ||||||||数える|||||| Aber woher weiß ich, ob er mich zum Löwen zählen will oder zum ersten unter denen, denen der Schwanz fehlt? But how do I know whether he wants to count me as a lion or the first among those who lack a tail? しかし、私がライオンに、尾のないものの中で最初に数えられるかどうかを知る方法はあるのか?

Qui vita sub tyranno agenda contigit, insons licet sit, saepe ut nocens plectitur. Who|||tyrant|to be lived|it happens|innocent|it is allowed||||harmful|punished |||||起こる||||||有罪者| Wer zufällig unter einem Tyrannen lebt, wird oft beschuldigt, schuldig zu sein, auch wenn er verrückt sein mag. He who happens to live under a tyrant, though he may be insane, is often accused of being guilty. 暴君のもとで生活することになった者は、無実であっても、しばしば有罪として罰せられる。

23) Leo Senex, Vulpes, et Lupus 23) The Old Lion, the Fox, and the Wolf 23) 老獅子、狐、そして狼

Leo, cum consenuisset, aegrotabat, iacens in antro. ||had grown old|was sick|lying||cave ||彼は同意した||横たわって|| The lion, when he had grown old, was ill, lying in a cave. 獅子は老衰し、洞窟に横たわって病んでいた。 Accesserunt autem visitatura regem, praeter vulpem, cetera animalia. ||visiting||besides the fox|the fox|| 彼らはアクセスした||||||| However, the animals came to visit the king, except for the fox. しかし、キツネを除いて、他の動物たちは王の訪問者としてやって来た。 Lupus igitur, capta occasione, accusabat apud leonem vulpem quasi nihili facientem suum omnium dominum et propterea neque ad visitationem profectam. |||opportunity|was accusing|before, in the presence of||||nothing|making nothing|his master||lord||therefore|nor, neither||visitation|having set out |||||||狐||||||||そのため|||訪問|出発した Therefore, the wolf, seizing the opportunity, accused the fox before the lion of doing nothing to their lord and therefore not having come to the visit. したがって、オオカミはその機会を捉え、レオンの前でキツネを告発し、彼のすべての主人を無視しているように見せたので、訪問には行かなかった。 Interim affuit et vulpes et ultima audivit lupi verba. temporary|was present||||last|heard||words, speech |arrived||||||| Meanwhile, the fox was present and heard the wolf's last words. その間、キツネもそこにいて、オオカミの言葉の最後の部分を聞いていた。 Leo igitur contra eam infremuit sed, defensionis tempore petito, vulpes “Quis,” inquit, “eorum qui convenerunt tantum profuit quantum ego, quae in omnem partem circuivi et medicamentum pro te a medico quaesivi et didici?” Cum autem leo statim ut medicamentum diceret imperasset, illa inquit, “Lupo vivente excoriato, ipsius calidam pellem indueris.” Lupo statim mortuo iacente, vulpes ridens ait, “Sic non oportet dominum ad malevolentiam movere, sed ad benevolentiam.” ||||roared||defense||requested||||||they gathered||has benefited||||||part|I have circled||medicine||||doctor|I sought||learned||||immediately||||had commanded||||while the wolf lives|skinned||warm|skin|you will put on|||wolf|lying||laughing||Thus||it is necessary|||malevolence|move|||benevolence ||||吼えた||防御の|||||||||||||||||||||||医者|尋ねた||||||||||||||生きている|皮を剥いで||||||||||||||||||||| The lion therefore roared against her, but when the time for defense was sought, the fox said, "Who," she said, "among those who convened was as useful as I, who roamed in every direction and sought medicine for you from the doctor and learned?" When the lion immediately commanded to speak of medicine, she said, "With the wolf alive and flayed, you will wear his warm skin." With the wolf immediately dead and lying, the fox, laughing, said, "Thus, the master should not be moved to malice, but to goodwill."

24) Leo Senex, Gemens ||groaning 24) The Old Lion, Groaning

Leo, gravatus aetate et febribus, iacebat, spiritum trahens extremum. |burdened|age||fevers|was lying||breathing|last breath |高齢と熱病||||||| Leo, belastet von Alter und Fieber, legte sich hin und tat seinen letzten Atemzug. Leo, burdened with age and fever, lay down, drawing his last breath. Supervenit aper spumans dentibus, veterem iram effundens. Appeared|boar|foaming|with teeth|old||pouring out ||||||古い怒りを吐き出し Der Eber kam heran, schäumte mit den Zähnen und schüttete seinen alten Zorn aus. The boar came up, foaming his teeth, pouring out his old anger. 泡を飛ばしながら猪がやってきて、古い怒りを表した。 Taurus cornibus corpus eius undique confodit. bull|horns|body||on all sides|pierces Der Stier durchbohrte seinen Körper von allen Seiten mit seinen Hörnern. The bull pierced his body from all sides with its horns. 雄牛が角で彼の体を四方から突き刺す。 Asinus pedibus suis eum attrivit. ||||he crushed ||||引きずった Der Esel zertrat ihn mit seinen Füßen. The donkey trampled him under its feet. ロバが自分の足で彼を踏みつけた。 Et dixit vix spirans cum gemitu, “Heu! |||breathing||groan| |||息を吐きながら||| Und er sagte, kaum atmend, mit einem Stöhnen: „Hey! And he said, scarcely breathing, with a groan, “Hey! そして彼は息を引き取りながら呻いて言った、「ああ!」 Cum esset virtus, erat honor; fuit et timor, immo et opinio mea terruit plures. ||virtue||honor||||rather||||terrified|more people ||||||||||意見||| Wenn es Tugend gab, gab es Ehre; Es gab auch Angst, ja, und meine Meinung versetzte viele in Angst und Schrecken. When there was virtue, there was honor; there was also fear, yes, and my opinion terrified many. 力があったときは名誉があった; 恐れもあり、むしろ私の意見が多くの人を脅かした。 Deficientibus autem viribus, deficit honor.” For those lacking|||deficit|honor 不足している|||| Aber wenn die Kraft fehlt, fehlt die Ehre. But when strength is lacking, honor is lacking. しかし力が衰えると、名誉もまた消える。

25) Leo Senex et Vulpes

Leo, defectus annis, recubabat in spelunca sua et aegrum simulabat. |defect||was lying down||cave den|his||sick|pretended to be sick |||横たわっていた||cave||||病気のふりをしていた Leo, infirm for years, lay down in his cave and pretended to be sick. レオは年月が経つにつれて、自分の洞窟に横たわり、病気を装っていた。 Visitatum regem complures venerunt bestiae, quas protinus devoravit. visited||||beasts||immediately| 訪れた||||||すぐに| When the king was visited, several beasts came, which he immediately devoured. 王を訪れるために多くの獣がやって来たが、彼はすぐにそれらを食べ尽くした。 Accessit etiam vulpes, sed cauta ante speluncam procul stabat, salutans regem. approached||||cautious||||stood|greeting| ||||用心深い|||||| The fox also approached, but he stood cautiously at a distance before the cave, saluting the king. また、狐も近づいてきたが、注意深く洞窟の前に立ち、王に挨拶をしていた。 “Cur non intras?” interrogavit leo. ||enter|asked| |||尋ねた| "Why don't you come in?" asked Leo. 「なぜ入ってこないの?」とライオンが尋ねた。 Vulpes respondit, “Quod video vestigia intrantium multa, at nulla exeuntium.” the fox|||I see|tracks|entering|many|||those going out ||||足跡||||| Der Fuchs antwortete: „Ich sehe viele Schritte derer, die eintreten, aber keinen, der hinausgeht.“ The fox replied, "I see many footsteps of those entering, but none of those going out." キツネは答えた。「入っている足跡はたくさん見えるが、出て行く足跡は何も見えない。」

26) Leo et Vulpes Territa |||Territa 26) The Lion and the Terrified Foxes 26) ライオンとキツネ テリタ

Vulpes, cum numquam leonem vidisset, postquam olim forte in eum incidit, primo quidem intuitu ita perterrefacta est ut parum abfuerit quin periret. fox||never||had seen|||||him|encountered|at first|indeed|at first sight|so|terrified|||little|was absent|that|would perish |||||||偶然に|||出会った|||||非常に驚いた||||離れていた||死ぬ Da der Fuchs noch nie einen Löwen gesehen hatte, war er, nachdem er ihm einmal zufällig begegnet war, beim ersten Anblick so erschrocken, dass er kurz vor dem Untergang stand. The fox, since he had never seen a lion, after having chanced upon him once, was so terrified at the first sight that he was a little way from perishing. 狐は決してライオンを見たことがなかったが、ある時偶然に出会ったとき、最初はその姿を見て非常に怯え、死ぬ寸前まで行った。 Rursus autem eodem obviam reperto, tunc etiam, sed non ut antea, timuit. |however|the same|in the way|found||also|but|||before|he feared |||||||||||恐れた Aber als er wieder vor demselben stand, hatte er auch, aber nicht mehr wie zuvor, Angst. But when he found himself facing the same thing again, then also, but not as before, he was afraid. 再び同じ場所で出会ったとき、今度は前とは違って恐れた。 Tertio demum ipsum conspicata, audax ita fuit ut, accedens, cum eo colloqueretur. |at last||having been seen|bold|||||||speak |finally|||||||||| Als sie ihn beim dritten Mal endlich erblickte, wagte sie es, auf ihn zuzugehen und mit ihm zu sprechen. The third time, when she finally saw him, she was so bold as to approach him and speak with him. 三度目に彼自身を見つけたとき、彼女は大胆になり、近づいて彼と話し始めた。

Quae terribilia sunt, consuetudo blandiora reddit. |terrible||habit|gentle things| |||習慣|より魅力的|する Was schrecklich ist, macht Gewohnheit schmeichelhafter. What is terrible, habit makes more flattering. 恐ろしいことは、慣習がより魅力的に見せる。

27) Leo Inclusus et Vulpes |the trapped|| 27) The Locked Lion and the Foxes 27) 閉じ込められたライオンと狐

Vulpes, prope leonem inclusum stans, multis eum lacerabat contumeliis. |||enclosed||||was tearing|insults |近くで||囲まれて|||||侮辱で Der Fuchs, der dicht neben dem eingesperrten Löwen stand, ging mit vielen Beleidigungen auf ihn los. The fox, standing close to the locked lion, tore at him with many insults. 狐は、閉じ込められたライオンの近くに立ちながら、彼を多くの侮辱で引き裂いていた。 Leo respondet, “Tu quidem nulla me iniuria afficis, sed adversa quam nunc experior fortuna.” ||||||injury|affect||adverse|||I experience|fortune |||||||affect||逆境|||| Leo antwortete: „Du hast mir zwar keinen Schaden zugefügt, außer dem Unglück, das ich jetzt erlebe.“ Leo answered, "Thou hast indeed done me no injury, but the adverse fortune which I now experience." ライオンは答えた。「あなたは確かに私に何の不当なこともしていませんが、今私が経験している運命は逆境です。」

28) Leo Irretitus et Vulpes |Caught|| |||キツネ 28) Der verschlungene Löwe und der Fuchs 28) The Entangled Lion and the Fox 28) 捕まったライオンと狐狸

Leo, comprehensus laqueo, totis viribus vincula dirumpere conabatur; quo autem maiori conatu laqueum trahebat, eo arctius detinebatur. |caught|the noose|with all||bonds, chains|to break|was trying|||greater|effort|the noose|was dragging||more tightly|was being held |||全力で|||引き裂く||||||trap|引っ張っていた||よりきつく|拘束されていた Leo, caught in the snare, tried with all his might to break the chains; and with greater effort he drew the snare, the more tightly he was held. ライオンは網に捕まり、全力を尽くして鎖を引き裂こうと試みていた。しかし、より大きな努力をすればするほど、網はよりきつく捕らえた。 Vulpes, illac iter habens, cum hoc esset intuita, “Non viribus,” inquit, “mi rex, istinc evades, sed ingenio. |that||||||having seen||||||from there|you will evade||wit |||||||直感||||||||| The fox, taking that route, when he saw this, said, "Not by strength," said he, "my king, escape from this, but by wit." キツネは考え、こう言った。「力を使わずに、私の王よ、そこからは逃げられないが、知恵で逃げることができる。」 Relaxandus enim laqueus et dissolvendus; non trahendus est.” Quod cum leo fecisset, statim soluto laqueo quo erat astrictus, liber evasit. to be relaxed||noose, snare||to be dissolved||to be dragged||||lion||immediately|released|||he was|bound||he escaped ||||解消すべき||||||||||||||| For the snare must be relaxed and dissolved; it is not to be drawn." When the lion had done this, he immediately loosened the snare in which he was bound, and the book escaped. ひもは緩めるべきであり、解かれるべきである。引っ張ってはいけない。」こう言った後、ライオンはひもを解いたので、すぐに縛られていたひもが解けて自由になった。

Fabula indicat ingenium viribus longe esse praestantius. The story|indicates|talent|strengths|by far|to be|superior, outstanding ||||||優れている The story shows that talent is far superior to strength. この話は、知恵が力よりもはるかに優れていることを示している。

29) Leo, Mus, et Vulpes 29) The lion, the mouse, and the fox

Leo cum olim dormiret, per os eius mus forte discurrit. ||once|slept|through|mouth||mouse||ran about |||寝ていた|||||| Als Leo einmal schlief, lief ihm zufällig eine Maus durch den Mund. When Leo was once asleep, a mouse happened to run through his mouth. かつてライオンが眠っていたとき、偶然に彼の口からネズミが走り抜けた。 Tum ille, consurgens, quaquaversum circumagebatur, eum quaeritans qui inde transierat. |he|rising|in all directions|was being turned|him|searching||from there|had passed ||||周りを動かされていた||||| Dann stand er auf und ging in alle Richtungen umher, auf der Suche nach dem, der dort vorbeigekommen war. Then he, getting up, went about in every direction, seeking him who had passed thence. そのとき、彼は立ち上がり、周りを見回し、通り過ぎた者を探し始めた。 At vulpes, eum conspicata, graviter obiurgabat quod leo nimirum cum esset, murem pertimuisset. ||him|||rebuked|||indeed||was|mouse|had been frightened ||||||||||||恐れていた Doch als der Fuchs ihn sah, machte er ihm schwere Vorwürfe, weil er als Löwe die Maus erschreckt hatte. But the fox, seeing him, reproached him gravely because, being a lion, he had frightened the mouse. ところが、キツネは彼を見つけて、ライオンであるにもかかわらず、ネズミを怖がっていたことを厳しく叱責した。 Cui ille “Ego vero,” respondit, “de eius voluntate tantummodo irascor.” |||||||will|only|get angry |||||||||怒っている Darauf antwortete er: „Ich bin tatsächlich nur wegen seines Willens wütend.“ To which he replied, "I, indeed," replied, "I am only angry because of his will." 彼は「実際、私は彼の意志だけに怒っている」と答えた。

Haec profecto docent quod prudentes homines ne parva quidem negligere debeant. ||||wise|||small||to neglect|should |確かに||||||||| Diese Dinge lehren sicherlich, dass umsichtige Männer nicht einmal kleine Dinge vernachlässigen sollten. These things surely teach that prudent men ought not to neglect even small things. これは確かに賢い人々が小さなことさえ無視してはいけないことを教えている。

30) Leo et Vulpes, Socii |||companions 30) 獅子と狐、仲間たち

Vulpecula, apparitoris instar, operam suam locabat leoni, ita ut haec praedam indicaret, ille aggressus caperet. little fox|of the attendant|like a servant|||was offering||||||indicate||having approached|he would capture 小狐座|||||提供していた||||||||| Die Füchsin achtete wie ein Wächter auf den Löwen, sodass er ihn angreifen würde, wenn sie ihm von der Beute erzählte. The vixen, like a watchman, paid her attention to the lion, so that when she told him of the prey, he would attack. ヴルペクラは、助手の例のように、ライオンに自分の働きを提供し、そうすることで獲物を知らせた。ライオンはそれを捕まえた。 Quare et utrique pro dignitate qua erat, pars obtingebat. therefore||both sides||dignity||||was allotted Deshalb erhielt er für beide entsprechend seiner Würde einen Anteil. Wherefore, and to both of them, according to the dignity which he was, he obtained a share. それゆえ、双方はそれぞれの地位に応じて、部分が与えられた。 Sed vulpes, cum leoni partem invideret maiorem, venari potius ipsa voluit quam indicare. |||||envied|greater part|hunting|rather||||indicate |||||||狩りをする||||| Da der Fuchs jedoch den größten Teil des Löwen beneidete, ließ er sich lieber jagen als etwas sagen. But the fox, since he envied the greater part of the lion, chose to be hunted rather than told. しかし、キツネはライオンに対してより大きな部分を妬んだため、知らせるよりも自分で狩りをしたいと思った。 Et, aliquid e grege ovium conata rapere, primum ipsa praeda facta est venantibus. |||flock|of sheep|attempting to|to seize|||prey|||hunters |||群れ|||||||||狩りをする者たち Und als sie versuchte, der Schafherde etwas zu entreißen, wurde sie selbst zunächst zur Beute der Jäger. And, having attempted to steal something from the flock of sheep, she herself first became a prey to the hunters. そして、羊の群れから何かを捕えようとした結果、最初にそれ自体が獲物となった。

Servire tuto melius est quam cum periculo dominari. |safely|better|||||to dominate Es ist besser, sicher zu dienen, als mit Gefahr zu herrschen. It is better to serve safely than to rule with danger. 危険を伴う支配よりも、安全に奉仕する方が良い。

31) Leo, Vulpes, et Asinus Venantes ||||the hunters ||||狩猟者 31) Hunting Lions, Foxes, and Donkeys 31) ライオン、キツネ、そしてロバの狩人たち

Vulpes, asinus, et leo venatum iverant. |||||had gone |||||行っていた The fox, the donkey, and the lion had gone hunting. キツネ、ロバ、そしてライオンは狩りに出かけた。 Praedam asinum partiri leo iussit. The prey|donkey|to divide|| 獲物|||| The lion ordered that the spoil be divided among the donkeys. ライオンはロバに獲物を分けるように命じた。 Asinus singulis singulas partes ponebat aequales, sed leo eum dilaniavit. ||||placed|||||tore apart |||||||||引き裂いた The donkey placed each piece equally, but the lion tore him to pieces. ロバはそれぞれの部位を同じ大きさで置いていたが、ライオンは彼を引き裂いた。 Tum vulpeculae negotium partiendi dedit. |the fox||dividing| |小狐座の||| Then he gave the fox the task of dividing. お前は小さな狐に分け前を与えた。 Haec, sapientior quam asinus, partem maximam leoni apposuit et sibi vix minimam particulam reservavit. |wiser||donkey||largest||added||||smallest|particle|reserved This woman, wiser than the ass, gave the largest part to the lion and reserved hardly the smallest part for herself. 彼女は、賢い馬よりも賢く、ライオンに最大の部分を提供し、彼女自身にはほとんど最小の部分しか残さなかった。 Leo subridebat et eius prudentiam laudabat. |smiled|||wisdom|was praising |笑っていた|||| Leo smiled and praised her prudence. ライオンは微笑んで彼女の知恵を称賛した。 Tandem rogavit, “Unde didicisti talem prudentiam?” Respondit vulpes, “Calamitas asini me docuit quid minores potentioribus debeant.” |||you learned|such|wisdom|||The misfortune|||taught me||minors|more powerful|should owe ||||||||||||||力のある者| Finally he asked, "Where did you learn such wisdom?" The fox replied, "The calamity of the ass has taught me what the lesser owe to the mighty." タンデムは尋ねた。「そのような知恵はどこで学んだのですか?」狐は答えた。「驢馬の災難が私に、小者がより強者に何をすべきかを教えてくれた。」

32) Leo, Asinus, et Vulpes Perfida ||||treacherous ||||裏切り者 32) The Lion, the Ass, and the Treacherous Fox 32) 獅子、驢馬、そして裏切りの狐

Iniit amicitiam cum asino vulpes, atque ita communiter exiere venatum. began|||||||together|went out| |||||||共に|出発した| He entered into a friendship with the fox, and thus went out hunting in common. 狐は驢馬と友情を結び、共に狩りに出かけた。 Cum autem leonem conspexisset vulpecula, verita ut evadere cursu posset, calliditate periculum vitare tentat et, ad leonem accedens, paciscitur vitam suam pro asini proditione. |||he had seen||fearful|||in running||cunning|danger|avoid|attempts|||||bargains for|||||betrayal ||||小狐|恐れた|||||狡猾さ|危険||試みる|||||交渉する|||||裏切り But when the fox had seen the lion, believing that he could escape by running, he tried to avoid the danger by cunning, and, approaching the lion, bargained for his life in exchange for the treachery of the donkey. しかしながら、キツネがライオンを見つけると、自分が逃げ出せるか不安になり、その危険を回避しようと知恵を働かせ、ライオンに近づいて、ロバの犠牲と引き換えに自分の命を取引します。 Leo tum quidem vulpi vitam promittit. |||||promises Leo then indeed promises the life of the fox. ライオンは確かにキツネに命を約束します。 Illa vero in laqueum inducit asinum, in quo captus cum haereret neque aufugere posset, capit prius vulpem leo atque ita ad devorandum otiose asinum accedit. ||||leads||||||was clinging||escape|||||||||to devour|||approaches to devour ||||誘導する||||||||逃げる||||||||||無駄に|| But she leads the donkey into a trap, in which, being caught and unable to escape, the fox first catches the lion, and thus proceeds to devour the donkey at leisure. しかし彼女はロバを罠にかけ、そこで捕まったロバは逃げられず、ライオンはまずキツネを捕まえ、そうして怠惰にロバを食べるために向かいます。

Fabula indicat quod sociorum suorum proditores sibi etiam ipsi plerumque exitium accersant. |||of their allies||traitors||||generally|destruction|bring upon |||||||||しばしば|| The story shows that the traitors of their allies usually brought about their own destruction. 物語は、彼の仲間の裏切り者がしばしば自らの滅亡を招くことを示しています。

33) Leo, Filius Eius, Ursi et Vulpes |||of the bear|| |||クマ|| 33) Leo, His Son, Bears and Foxes 33) 獅子、彼の息子、クマ、そして狐

Leo tres habuit filios. |three|| Leo had three sons. ライオンは三人の息子を持っていた。 Matre eorum mortua, leo aliam uxorem quaerebat. ||their mother dead|||wife| After their mother died, Leo was looking for another wife. 彼らの母が亡くなり、ライオンは別の妻を探していた。 Regnum ergo filio primogenito commisit et abiit. |||firstborn|entrusted to|| He then entrusted the kingdom to his first-born son and went away. 彼は長男に王国を委ね、去った。 Filius uxorem duxit, filiam ursi. ||married||of the bear The son married the bear's daughter. 息子は妻を娶り、クマの娘を迎えた。 Pater quoque nuptam desponsavit, vulpis filiam, et ad celebrandas nuptias ad regnum suum redire paravit. father||married woman|betrothed|fox||||celebrating the|wedding|||||prepared |||||||||結婚式||||| The father also betrothed a bride, the daughter of a fox, and prepared to return to his kingdom to celebrate the marriage. 父はまた結婚相手となる狐の娘を約束し、結婚式を祝うために自分の王国に戻る準備をした。 Sed filius patri mandavit ut aliud sibi regnum acquireret, quia istud suum esse deberet. |||commanded|||||acquire|||||should be |||命じた|||||||||| But the son ordered his father to acquire another kingdom for himself, because that should be his. しかし息子は父に、別の王国を手に入れるよう命じた、なぜならこの王国は彼のものであるべきだから。 Pater, turbatus, parentibus sponsae suae mandavit; vulpes venerunt, et bellum indictum est. |troubled||bride||commanded||||war|declared| |||花嫁|||||||宣戦布告| The father, disturbed, sent orders to the parents of his bride; the foxes came, and war was declared. 父は動揺し、婚約者の両親に命じた;狐たちがやってきて、戦争が宣言された。 Vulpes autem, non tam in armis quam in artibus suis confidentes, praecipiunt foveas profundas fieri et ramis melle illitis operiri. |||||arms|||arts||confident|command|pits|deep|be made||branches|honey|with honey|be covered ||||||||||||||||||蜜で塗られた|覆う But the foxes, not so much confident in their arms as in their arts, ordered deep pits to be made, and to be covered with boughs smeared with honey. しかし、狐は武器よりも自らの技術に自信を持ち、深い穴を掘って蜜を塗った枝で覆うよう指示する。 Die igitur statuto, leonis filius cum magno ursorum exercitu venit in campum. ||statute|||||bears||||the field |||||||||||平原 On the appointed day, the lion's son came into the field with a large army of bears. したがって、決定された日、ライオンの子は大きなクマの軍隊と共に野原にやって来た。 Sed ursi, mox ut odorem mellis senserunt, ad ramos illitos accesserunt et in foveas subruuntur. |the bears|||scent||||branches|twisted|||||digging in ||||||||木の枝|||||| But the bears, as soon as they smelled the honey, went to the unpainted branches and broke down into the pits. しかし、クマたちは蜜の匂いを嗅ぎつけると、蜜を塗った枝に近づき、穴に落ちてしまった。 Sic patri cessit victoria, et regnum sibi negatum recepit. ||was granted|||||denied|received ||yielded|||||| Thus the victory yielded to his father, and he recovered the kingdom which had been denied him. こうして父に勝利が去り、王国は自分に拒絶されて受け取られた。

34) Vulpes in Tugurium Ingressa ||Den|entered 34) The fox entered the hut 34) タグリウムに入ったキツネ

Vulpes esuriens, cum in tugurio quodam relictas a pastore carnes panemque vidisset, eo ingressa, quam suavissime devoravit. |hungry|||a hut||left behind||shepherd||and bread|||||very sweetly| |飢えた狐||||||||||||入った||とても美味しく| The hungry fox, when he saw meat and bread left by the shepherd in a certain hut, entered it and devoured it as sweetly as he could. 飢えたキツネは、ある小屋に牧羊者から残された肉とパンを見つけ、そこに入ると、とても美味しそうにそれを食べた。 Tumefacto proinde ventre, cum inde exire non posset, suspirabat graviter atque lamentabatur. Swollen|therefore|belly|||exit|||he sighed|||was lamenting |||||||||||嘆いていた His belly being swollen, when he could not get out of it, he sighed heavily and lamented. それ故に、腫れた腹のために、そこから出られずに苦しみながら嘆いていた。 Alia autem vulpes cum illac forte transiret eiusque fletus audiisset, eo accedens, quam ob rem ita lugeret interrogavit. ||||||was passing|her|weeping|he had heard|||||||she mourned| ||||||通り過ぎていた|||彼の泣き声|||||||泣いている| But another fox, when he happened to pass by and heard her crying, approached him and asked why he was mourning so. 他の狐が偶然その場所を通り、彼女の涙を聞いたとき、近づいてきて、なぜそんなに悲しんでいるのか尋ねた。 Cuius rei causam ubi intellexit, “Mane istic ergo tantisper,” inquit, “donec talis fias, qualis es ingressa.” ||||he understood||here||for a little while||until|such|you become|such as|| ||||||ここに|||||そのような|なる||| When he understood the reason for this, he said, "Stay here for the time being, until you become as you entered." その理由を理解すると、彼女は「そこにしばらくいなさい」と言った、「入った時のような姿になるまで。」

Fabula significat quod tempus vel difficillima solvit. ||||or|most difficult| |||||非常に難しい| Die Geschichte bedeutet, dass sich auch die schwierigste Zeit auszahlt. The story means that even the most difficult time pays off. 物語は、時間が最も困難な問題を解決するということを意味します。

35) Vulpes et Vota Eius ||Vows| 35) The fox and his wishes 35) 狐と彼の願い

Vulpes, ingressura domum rustici ubi gallinas audierat, foramen per quod transeundum erat dilatari cupiebat. |the entrance||of the farmer||the hens|she had heard||||to be crossed||be expanded| |||||鶏|||||||| The fox, having entered the peasant's house where he had heard the chickens, wished to widen the hole through which he had to pass. 狐は、鶏の鳴き声を聞いた農夫の家に入るために、通り抜けるための穴を広げたがっていた。 Sed rursus, cum raptam gallinam ferens inde fugeret et latratum canis audiret, deos precabatur ut cani foramen esset angustum ne inde posset exire. |||the stolen|the hen|||||barking of the dog||||he prayed||||||||| |||捕まえた||||||犬の吠え声||||祈っていた|||||狭い|||| Aber als er von dort mit einer entführten Henne floh und das Bellen eines Hundes hörte, betete er zu den Göttern, dass das Loch des Hundes eng werden würde, damit er nicht herauskommen könne. But again, when he was fleeing from there carrying a kidnapped hen and heard the barking of a dog, he prayed to the gods that the dog's hole would be narrow so that he could not get out. しかし再び、奪った鶏を運びながら逃げていると、犬の吠える声を聞き、犬が出られないように狭い穴を神に祈った。

Fabula indicat mortales pro commodis suis vota mutare. ||||convenience||| ||||利益||| Die Geschichte zeigt, dass Sterbliche ihre Wünsche zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil ändern. The story shows that mortals change their wishes for their own benefit. この話は、人間が自分の利益のために願いを変えることを示している。

36) Vulpes et Formica ||Ant ||蟻 36) Foxes and Ants 36) キツネとアリ

Vulpes, pertaesa cavum suum et latibulum, decreverat in alio loco magis aperto et alto habitare ut meliori caeli temperie frueretur. |weary of|den of fox|its||shelter|had decided|in|another||more|open and high||high|to live||better||climate|enjoy it ||||||決めていた||||||||||||気候| The fox, tired of his den and hiding-place, had decided to live in another place more open and high, in order to enjoy a better climate. キツネは、巣穴と隠れ家に飽きて、より開けた高い場所に住むことを決め、より良い気候を楽しむことにしました。 Iamque ligna et lapides, unde sibi domum fabricaret, comportabat, cum occurrit ei formica, quae, vulpis sciscitata consilium, probavit quod salubriori aere esset gavisura, sed non securiori. |wood|||from where|||he would build|was carrying|||||which|fox|inquired||||healthier air|air||rejoicing|||more secure |||石|||||運んでいた|||||||尋ねた||証明した||より健康的な|||喜ぶ|||安全な He was already carrying away the wood and stones with which to build a house for himself, when an ant met him, who, having learned the fox's plan, proved that he would enjoy a healthier air, but not a safer one. そして家を作るための木や石を運んでいると、彼に出会ったアリが、キツネに相談を尋ねられ、より健康的な空気の中で喜ぶことができると証明しましたが、安全ではないとも言いました。 Immo serio monuit ne habitationem mutaret, si vellet suae saluti ac securitati consulere et sibi credere consulenti, et meminisset quo odio apud vulgus laboraret. Indeed|seriously|he warned||habitation|he/she/it change||||safety|||to consider|||to believe|advising||he would remember|||||he was struggling ||警告した|||||||健康|||||||助言者に||彼が覚えていた||憎しみ||| Nay, he earnestly warned him not to change his habitation, if he wished to consult for his own safety and security, and to trust himself to an adviser, and if he remembered the hatred with which he labored among the common people. むしろ、彼は真剣に住居を変えないよう警告しました。もし彼が自分の安全と健康を考慮したいなら、彼に忠告している者を信じ、自分が一般の人々からどう思われているかを思い出すべきだと。 Vulpes, consilio formicae deterrita, lapides et ligna reportavit nec amplius de mutandis aut aedificandis aedibus cogitavit. ||the ant|deterred||||||any longer||changing||building|houses| |||||||||||変更すること|||| The fox, dissuaded by the ant's counsel, took back the stones and wood, and thought no more of changing or building the house. キツネは、蟻の計画に驚かされ、石や木を持ち帰ったが、もう家を変えたり建てたりしようとは考えなかった。

Haec docet cuiuscumque operis ante omnia de fine consulendum. ||of whatever|||||end|to be consulted This teaches that the end of any work must be consulted before all else. これは、どんな仕事でも、まず最初に終わりについて考えるべきだと教えている。

37) Vulpes et Uva ||grape ||ブドウ 37) Foxes and Grapes 37) キツネとぶどう

Vulpes, extrema fame coacta, uvam appetebat, ex alta vite dependentem. |||driven by hunger|the grape|was seeking|||vine|hanging from |||集まった||食べようとしていた|||| The fox, forced by extreme hunger, desired a grape hanging from a high vine. キツネは、極度の飢餓に追い込まれ、高いブドウの木からぶら下がっているブドウを求めていた。 Quam cum summis viribus saliens attingere non posset, tandem discedens, “Nondum matura est,” inquit; “nolo acerbam sumere.” ||||jumping|reach||||departing||ripe||||bitter harsh| |||||||||去る||||||苦いもの| As he leaped with all his might he could not reach, and at last departing, he said, "It is not yet ripe." "I don't want to take the bitter." 彼は全力で飛び上がってもそれに届くことができず、ついには去りながら、「まだ熟していない」と言った。「苦いものを食べたくない。」

38) Vulpes et Luna 38) The fox and the moon 38) キツネと月

Vulpes quaedam de nocte ambulavit secus fluentum viditque umbram lunae in aquis apparere et caseum esse putavit. |||||alongside|river|||of the moon|||appear|||| |||||||and saw|||||現れる|||| One night a fox walked by and saw the shadow of the moon appear on the water, and thought it was cheese. あるキツネは夜に川のそばを歩き、月の影が水に現れるのを見て、それがチーズだと思った。 Coepit igitur aquam lambere, sperans quod, exhausto flumine, fundus arefactus caseum sibi reseraret. |||lick|hoping that||drained river||bottom|dried up|||revealed to him He therefore began to lick the water, hoping that, when the river was exhausted, the bottom would open the cheese for him. そこで彼は水を舐め始め、川が枯れたら底に干からびたチーズが現れることを期待した。 Sic igitur non cessavit donec se ipsam lambendo suffocavit. |||||||licking|she suffocated |||止まらなかった||||| So she did not stop until she suffocated by licking herself. そうして彼は最後までやめず、自分自身を舐め続けて窒息してしまった。

39) Vulpes et Statua 39) Foxes and Statues

In statuarii officinam irrepserat vulpecula ac, contemplando diversi generis et variae formae effigies, magnam voluptatem capiebat. |statue|workshop|had crept in|||contemplating|of different kinds||||shapes|figurines||| ||||小狐||考察しながら||||||||| The fox had crept into the sculptor's workshop, and was taking great pleasure in looking at the portraits of different kinds and shapes. 彫刻工房に小さな狐が忍び込み、さまざまな種類や形の彫像を眺めながら、大きな喜びを得ていた。 Inter omnes tamen, una muliebris corporis statua imprimis vulpem delectabat, ad quam et accedebat et sermonem instituebat et blandissime alludebat. ||||female|||especially||||||approached|||was initiating||very charmingly|was playing ||||||||||||||||話していた||非常に愛想よく|戯れていた Among all, however, one statue of a woman's body particularly delighted the fox, to whom he approached and started a conversation and alluded most flatteringly. しかし、その中でも特に一つの女性の体の彫像が狐を楽しませ、狐はその彫像に近づき、会話を始め、非常に甘く弄んでいた。 Sed, statua immobili persistente, vulpes, indignata, “Quam formosa facies,” inquit, “cerebro caret!” ||motionless|with statue standing|fox|angry|how||||brain|lacks brain ||動かざる||||||||| But, as the statue remained motionless, the fox, indignant, said, "What a beautiful face," he said, "it lacks a brain!" しかし、動かない彫像の前に立ち尽くす狐は、怒って、「なんて美しい顔だろう」と言った、「でも頭がない!」

40) Vulpecula et Tintinnabulum ||the bell ||ティンティナブルム 40) The Fox and the Tinker Bell

Vulpecula habitabat iuxta flumen; non procul inde alligatum arbori tintinnabulum erat, quo ventis impulso omnia circum loca resonabant. |||||||tied to||bell||||wind-driven||||were resonating |||||||||鈴||||風の力で|||| A fox lived by the river; Not far from there was a bell tied to a tree, which, driven by the winds, resounded all around the place. 小さなキツネは川のそばに住んでいました。その近くには、風に揺られて周りの場所に響き渡る鐘が木に結びつけられていました。 Vulpecula, cui ignota vox illa esset, metuebat ne quid ferae et immanis bestiae tales sonos ederet. ||||||was afraid|||||wild|||sounds|emit sounds The little fox, to whom that voice was unknown, was afraid lest some wild and monstrous beast should eat such sounds. その小さなキツネは、その声が未知であるため、何か獰猛で恐ろしい獣がそのような音を出すのではないかと恐れていました。 Tandem sensim et placide arrepens, perspectaque tintinnabuli inanitate, cuius strepitibus nihil subesset virium, “Nunc deinceps non facile,” inquit, “specie et opinione percelli animum meum patiar.” |slowly||calmly|creeping up|having been seen|of the bell|emptiness||the sounds||be beneath|of strength||from now on|||he says|||opinion|overcome my mind|||I will endure |||穏やかに||見渡して||空虚さ||音||基盤がない|||これからは|||||||圧倒される||| Endlich nahm er sie langsam und ruhig in die Hand und bemerkte die Leere der Glocke, deren Geräusche nichts mit Stärke zu tun hatten: „Von nun an wird es nicht mehr leicht sein“, sagte er, „meinen Geist verwirrt zu lassen.“ der Anblick und die Meinung.“ At last, slowly and calmly, taking it up, and perceiving the emptiness of the bell, whose noises had nothing to do with strength, "Now henceforth it will not be easy," said he, "to suffer my mind to be perplexed by the sight and opinion." ついに、徐々に穏やかに這い寄り、鐘の中身が空であり、その音には何の力もないことを見抜いたキツネは、「これからは、見た目や印象によって私の心を動かされることは簡単ではないだろう」と言いました。

Multa opinione magnifiunt, quibus praesentibus nihil est contemptibilius. ||magnify|||||more contemptible |意見|||||| Es gibt viele große Dinge in der Meinung, für die nichts verachtenswerter ist. There are many great things in opinion, to whom nothing is more contemptible. 多くの意見が重要視されていますが、現在の状況には軽視すべきものはありません。