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THE FROGS' COMPLAINT AGAINST THE SUN Once upon a time the Sun was about to take to himself a wife. The Frogs in terror all raised their voices to the skies, and Jupiter, disturbed by the noise, asked them what they were croaking about. They replied, "The Sun is bad enough even while he is single, drying up our marshes with his heat as he does. But what will become of us if he marries and begets other Suns?"

THE FROGS' COMPLAINT AGAINST THE SUN 太陽に対するカエルの苦情 Once upon a time the Sun was about to take to himself a wife. むかしむかし、太陽は自分を妻にしようとしていました。 The Frogs in terror all raised their voices to the skies, and Jupiter, disturbed by the noise, asked them what they were croaking about. 恐怖のカエルは皆空に声を上げ、木星は騒音に邪魔されて、彼らが何をしているのか尋ねました。 Лягушки в ужасе возвысили к небу свои голоса, и Юпитер, встревоженный шумом, спросил их, о чем они квакают. They replied, "The Sun is bad enough even while he is single, drying up our marshes with his heat as he does. 彼らは答えた、「彼は独身の間でも太陽は十分に悪いので、彼のように彼の熱で私たちの沼地を乾かします。 Они ответили: «Солнце достаточно плохо, даже когда оно одиноко, высушивая наши болота своим жаром. But what will become of us if he marries and begets other Suns?" しかし、彼が結婚して他の太陽を生むとどうなるでしょうか?」 Но что будет с нами, если он женится и родит других солнц?»