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Zen Habits, The Habits That Crush Us

The Habits That Crush Us

‘Don't panic. ' ~Douglas Adams Post written by Leo Babauta.

Why is it that we cannot break the bad habits that stand in our way, crushing our desires to live a healthy life, be fit, simplify, be happier?

How is it that our best intentions are nearly always beaten?We want to be focused and productive, exercise and eat healthy foods, stop smoking and learn to get rid of debt and clutter, but we just can't. The answer lies in something extremely simple, but something most people aren't aware of: We don't know how to cope with stress and boredom in a healthy way . The bad habits we've formed are often useful to us, in dealing with stress and boredom.Consider the bad habits that fit this bill: Smoking

Internet procrastination

Eating junk food


Being rude/angry/depressed

Watching TV or playing video games (if you become addicted & sedentary) Shopping (getting into debt, building clutter)

Procrastinating on finances, paperwork, clutter (too stressful)

Inactivity (avoiding exercise is a stress avoidance technique)

Biting nails, chewing hair, clenching jaw

This isn't a complete list, but all of these habits fill a strong need: they are ways to cope with stress and/or boredom. We have formed them as coping mechanisms, and they stick around because we don't have better ways of coping. So what if instead, we replaced them with healthier ways of coping?

We'd get rid of the problems of these bad habits, and start getting the benefits of better habits. Better Coping Habits

How can we deal with stress and boredom instead?

There's no one answer, but the habits we form should be ones that lead to healthier results. Some ideas:


Do pushups, pullups, squats


Play with friends/kids Create, write, play music, read when we're bored Learn to enjoy being alone, instead of being bored

Take a daily walk and enjoy nature

Deal with finances, clutter, paperwork immediately, in small steps, so that it doesn't get stressful Take control of a situation: make a list, get started in baby steps, so things don't get stressful Learn to be mindful of your breathing, body tension, stressed-out thoughts

Get some rest

Learn to savor healthy food that you find delicious

Slow down

Take a hot bath

Learn to live in the present

These are some good examples.Each habit above will help cope with or prevent stress or boredom. If you replace the bad habits with these, your life will be less stressful and healthier. You'll have less debt, less clutter, less fat, less disease. Changing the Habits

The old habits of coping didn't build up overnight, and they won't go away overnight either.We built them up through years of repetition, and the only way to change them is also years of repetition. But an important start is to realize why we do them — stress and boredom, largely — and realize that there are other ways to deal with these two problems.We need to be aware when stress and boredom start to kick in, and instead of being afraid of them, realize that they are problems easily solved by other habits. Let's take the fear out of stress and boredom. Let's learn that we can beat them simply, and prove that with repeated good habits. Once you have that realization, follow the usual Zen Habits steps to changing a habit:

Pick one habit at a time.

Start very small – just a minute or two, if you want it to stick.

Use social motivation like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or email.

Be very conscious of your triggers, and do the habit consciously every time the trigger happens.

Enjoy the new habit. You'll stick with it longer if you do. We have been crushed by the habits we've formed out of fear of stress and boredom. We can fight back, by learning to breathe, to smile, to go slowly. We can humble these giants that crush us by turning them into mere gnats to be shooed away with a smile.


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This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/crush/

The Habits That Crush Us Navade, ki nas uničujejo

‘Don't panic. "Brez panike. '  ~Douglas Adams Post written by Leo Babauta.

Why is it that we cannot break the bad habits that stand in our way, crushing our desires to live a healthy life, be fit, simplify, be happier? Zakaj se ne moremo znebiti slabih navad, ki nas ovirajo in uničujejo naše želje, da bi živeli zdravo, bili fit, poenostavili in bili srečnejši?

How is it that our best intentions are nearly always beaten?We want to be focused and productive, exercise and eat healthy foods, stop smoking and learn to get rid of debt and clutter, but we just can't. Kako to, da so naši najboljši nameni skoraj vedno premagani?Želimo biti osredotočeni in produktivni, telovaditi in jesti zdravo hrano, prenehati kaditi in se naučiti znebiti dolgov in nereda, a nam preprosto ne uspe. The answer lies in something extremely simple, but something most people aren't aware of: Odgovor je zelo preprost, vendar se ga večina ljudi ne zaveda: We don't know how to cope with stress and boredom in a healthy way . Ne znamo se zdravo spopasti s stresom in dolgčasom . The bad habits we've formed are often useful to us, in dealing with stress and boredom.Consider the bad habits that fit this bill: Slabe navade, ki smo si jih ustvarili, so pogosto koristne za spopadanje s stresom in dolgočasjem.Razmislite o slabih navadah, ki so primerne za to: Smoking

Internet procrastination Internetno odlašanje

Eating junk food Uživanje nezdrave hrane


Being rude/angry/depressed Nejevoljnost/jeza/depresivnost

Watching TV or playing video games (if you become addicted & sedentary) gledanje televizije ali igranje video iger (če postanete zasvojeni in sedeči). Shopping (getting into debt, building clutter) Nakupovanje (zadolževanje, kopičenje nereda)

Procrastinating on finances, paperwork, clutter (too stressful) Odlašanje s financami, papirji, neredom (preveč stresa)

Inactivity (avoiding exercise is a stress avoidance technique) neaktivnost (izogibanje vadbi je tehnika izogibanja stresu).

Biting nails, chewing hair, clenching jaw Grizenje nohtov, žvečenje las, stiskanje čeljusti

This isn't a complete list, but all of these habits fill a strong need: they are ways to cope with stress and/or boredom. Ta seznam ni popoln, vendar vse te navade izpolnjujejo močno potrebo: so načini za premagovanje stresa in/ali dolgočasja. We have formed them as coping mechanisms, and they stick around because we don't have better ways of coping. Oblikovali smo jih kot mehanizme za spopadanje s težavami in se jih držimo, ker nimamo boljših načinov za spopadanje s težavami. So what if instead, we replaced them with healthier ways of coping? Kaj pa, če bi jih nadomestili z bolj zdravimi načini spoprijemanja?

We'd get rid of the problems of these bad habits, and start getting the benefits of better habits. Znebili bi se težav teh slabih navad in začeli pridobivati prednosti boljših navad. Better Coping Habits Boljše navade za spoprijemanje

How can we deal with stress and boredom instead? Kako se lahko namesto tega spopademo s stresom in dolgčasom?

There's no one answer, but the habits we form should be ones that lead to healthier results. Enega odgovora ni, vendar morajo biti naše navade takšne, da vodijo k bolj zdravim rezultatom. Some ideas: Nekaj idej:

Walk/run/swim/bike Hoja/tek/plavanje/kolesarjenje

Do pushups, pullups, squats Naredite počepe, potege, sklece


Play with friends/kids Create, write, play music, read when we're bored Igranje s prijatelji/otroki Ustvarjanje, pisanje, igranje glasbe, branje, ko nam je dolgčas Learn to enjoy being alone, instead of being bored Naučite se uživati v samoti, namesto da bi se dolgočasili.

Take a daily walk and enjoy nature Vsakodnevni sprehod in uživanje v naravi

Deal with finances, clutter, paperwork immediately, in small steps, so that it doesn't get stressful Finančne zadeve, nered, papirje uredite takoj, v majhnih korakih, da ne bo prišlo do stresa. Take control of a situation: make a list, get started in baby steps, so things don't get stressful Prevzemite nadzor nad situacijo: sestavite seznam, začnite z majhnimi koraki, da stvari ne postanejo stresne. Learn to be mindful of your breathing, body tension, stressed-out thoughts Naučite se zavedati dihanja, napetosti telesa, misli, ki jih povzroča stres.

Get some rest Počivajte

Learn to savor healthy food that you find delicious Naučite se uživati v zdravi hrani, ki se vam zdi okusna.

Slow down Upočasnite

Take a hot bath Vzemite vročo kopel

Learn to live in the present

These are some good examples.Each habit above will help cope with or prevent stress or boredom. To je nekaj dobrih primerov.Vsaka od zgoraj naštetih navad vam bo pomagala obvladati ali preprečiti stres ali dolgočasje. If you replace the bad habits with these, your life will be less stressful and healthier. Če boste slabe navade nadomestili s temi, bo vaše življenje manj stresno in bolj zdravo. You'll have less debt, less clutter, less fat, less disease. Imeli boste manj dolgov, manj nereda, manj maščobe in manj bolezni. Changing the Habits Spreminjanje navad

The old habits of coping didn't build up overnight, and they won't go away overnight either.We built them up through years of repetition, and the only way to change them is also years of repetition. Stare navade obvladovanja niso nastale čez noč in tudi ne bodo izginile čez noč.Ustvarili smo jih z dolgoletnim ponavljanjem in edini način, da jih spremenimo, je prav tako dolgoletno ponavljanje. But an important start is to realize why we do them — stress and boredom, largely — and realize that there are other ways to deal with these two problems.We need to be aware when stress and boredom start to kick in, and instead of being afraid of them, realize that they are problems easily solved by other habits. Pomemben začetek pa je, da se zavedamo, zakaj jih počnemo - predvsem zaradi stresa in dolgčasa - in da se zavedamo, da obstajajo drugi načini za reševanje teh dveh težav.Zavedati se moramo, kdaj se začneta pojavljati stres in dolgčas, in namesto da bi se ju bali, se moramo zavedati, da sta to težavi, ki ju zlahka rešimo z drugimi navadami. Let's take the fear out of stress and boredom. Odpravimo strah pred stresom in dolgčasom. Let's learn that we can beat them simply, and prove that with repeated good habits. Naučimo se, da jih lahko preprosto premagamo, in to dokažimo s ponavljajočimi se dobrimi navadami. Once you have that realization, follow the usual Zen Habits steps to changing a habit: Ko to spoznate, sledite običajnim korakom Zen Habits za spremembo navade:

Pick one habit at a time.

Start very small – just a minute or two, if you want it to stick. Začnite z zelo majhnim delom - le minuto ali dve, če želite, da se prilagaja.

Use social motivation like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or email. Uporabite družbeno motivacijo, kot so Facebook, Twitter, Google+ ali e-pošta.

Be very conscious of your triggers, and do the habit consciously every time the trigger happens. Zelo dobro se zavedajte svojih sprožilcev in zavestno izvajajte navado vsakič, ko se sproži.

Enjoy the new habit. You'll stick with it longer if you do. Če boste to storili, boste pri njej vztrajali dlje časa. We have been crushed by the habits we've formed out of fear of stress and boredom. Navade, ki smo jih oblikovali zaradi strahu pred stresom in dolgočasjem, so nas uničile. We can fight back, by learning to breathe, to smile, to go slowly. Proti temu se lahko borimo tako, da se naučimo dihati, se nasmehniti, iti počasi. We can humble these giants that crush us by turning them into mere gnats to be shooed away with a smile. Velikane, ki nas tlačijo, lahko ponižamo tako, da jih spremenimo v gnate, ki jih lahko odženemo z nasmehom.


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This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/crush/