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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, Geoffrey Moore: Reach Your Escape Velocity No.2

Geoffrey Moore: Reach Your Escape Velocity No.2

And so what the -- we created a model called the hierarchy of powers. It's kind of a framework of frameworks. And the intention of this hierarchy is to let people sort out the power equation in a set of levels that make sense. So the hierarchy of power is just five powers but you talk about each power separately from the other four and you talk about them in sequence from top to bottom. The reason why that sequence exists from top to bottom is actually a lesson we learned from the investment community. When investors allocate assets the first thing they do is they allocate it by category. Actually, you mean by category, they'll say bonds versus equities versus cash in hand or whatever. But within equity itself say you want to be in retail, do you want to be in natural resources, do you want to be in tech, do you want to be in whatever. And so category power has to do with how fast are the categories that you are in growing? Because if you're in a category that's growing 100%, even if you're kind of a doofus, you're probably going to do pretty well this year. And investors aren't stupid. By the way, vice versa, if you're in a category that's growing at 4%, you have enormous pressure on you to make sure you make every penny of your earnings. And it's very, very hard for you to do much better than that because the category is giving you no lift whatsoever. You can take share in a category that's not growing but not forever. Eventually, you run into a wall. So investors at the margin would prefer your company to be in high-growth categories, not low growth. So a company like General Electric would routinely sell off low-growth businesses in order to get capital to buy high-growth businesses and they would kind of migrate the footprint of the corporation going forward. That's in order to have more category or power. You can hold your company accountable to what category is you're in. The board of directors can hold the management team accountable to that.

The next one is company power. So in the categories you're in, how powerful? Do you control your own destiny or somebody else is calling the tune and you're just trying to keep step and keep pace with them? This is market share. This is Jack Welch saying, you want to be number one or number two or you don't want to play because you wouldn't have enough company power to get the return on being in that category. You ought to get out of that category and get into some categories where you can be number one or number two. So it's about power. The third one is market power that has to do with, are you in the markets that are the fastest growing segments or the more strategic segments? Now, category and market sometimes get confused but category is defined by a group of competitors and markets are defined by a group of customers. And as long as you kind of keep that sort of simple quote in your head, you will not confuse the two of them.

So a market is about getting a group of customers and the idea here is a little bit like winning primaries for a presidential nomination. You want to win in New Hampshire primary. There are not very many delegates in New Hampshire but is a very strategic primary to win. And in markets, there are always segments that are early bellwether segments that are different for different markets, different technology, different categories, well, there's always some. And so winning those early or maybe there's a segment that's in transition where the segment like this particular part of the economy is completely being disrupted by the Internet this year so whatever they're going to buy, they're going to buy this year. So get in there and be successful if it's the kind of stuff that you sell. That's what market power is about; winning segment shares in the critical segments. Offer power is based on how compelling is your offer compared to the rest. We're talking about differentiation. How different is it, but then also how comparable is it to the -- are you living up to the norms of your category? That's sort of table stakes and then how different is it. I'm going to come back to offer power so I won't say more about it right now. And then execution power is, when you guys set yourself out to do something, when you're going to enter a new category, when you're going to do one of these transformational initiatives, can you actually get it done or do you find yourself kind of redoing it? So if you look at this thing, we often sit down with our clients and we'll say, let's just ask you a couple of questions kind of among us kids and the door is closed and there's no recording devices going. So the questions go like, are we in the high-growth categories or do we have category envy? HP right now must have Tablet envy, right? It has to, right? Everybody looks at Apple going, like that, OK. Category envy. OK. Company power. Do customers and competitors see us as the team to beat or is that somebody else? Let's just be honest with each other, where are we and think about your company or the company you may have been in before you came here or the company you're in now, the company you intend to go to. Market power. Are we winning the key primaries definitively or -- and are we winning them fast enough? I'll tell you, "Yeah, we're going in the right market," but it's like one year, two years, three years, nothing is happening. It's dying. That's not what we meant. Winning meant, you know, moving on. So do your flagship offers, you know, set the bar or are you always playing catch up and not doing it fast enough, and we'll come back to that again as I said with offer power. Can you make stuff happen and make it stick or are you continually pushing the reset button? There is nothing more discouraging than being in a large corporation which does a massive reorg once or twice a decade because the last team couldn't get it done. And it feels like you're watching this very large sort of drain, this water is just going like this. This could take you a long time but it only appears to be one way that this thing is going to go. And so it's important when you sit here and to say, the questions you want to ask are where are we strong and where do we need help. And no matter how good or how bad you are, you probably have places that you're better than others, and so what are we going to build on and where do we need to go forward? But I hope you can see that each one of those topics is different from the other four because what happened before when people would say, we're going to have a discussion about strategy, and strategy is normally about power, about achieving a position of power. What are we going to do to achieve a position of power? That's kind of what strategy means. But the problem with the dialogue around strategy was it would go up and down through these five levels of category, mixing and matching, making arguments that never ever connected. So it was always like this. And so at the end of the day, we'll, you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and now let's argue about who get the head count. And so that's why you would default back to a performance model because in the performance model, it's like, we'll, who wins? Well, who ever got the most revenue or the most margin -- the most earnings.

So it was a way of essentially saying since I can't talk about this articulately at the level of power, I will only measure it at the level of performance. And that leads to that slow draining of the corporate battery. And by the way, there was a time when these companies all had enormous power. That's why we've heard of them. That's how they got up to the top of the mountain in the first place. Now, they're kind of going down the mountain, they're not renewing their power but that was a very tall mountain they got to the top of at one point in their lives. And so they have -- Novell at one point was the power company in networking by far. And then it just, you know, year after year after year it's still around but it's kind of toward the bottom of that mountain. OK, so that's the stuff we're talking about just to kind of make it dirt obvious. OK, so let's apply this to Apple because right now they're the golden child. So what categories are they're in? Well, music mobility and media, all of them are still growing at hyper-growth rates. That's pretty cool. By the way, even the Mac they brought back in the hyper-growth. Company power, so team to beat in all three. I guess or anybody else so you would say would be Apple is trying to catch up too in those things. I don't think so. I don't think so. Market power, we don't need no stinking markets, we got the world. I mean, right now the truth is they are so powerful and now, do they do certain kinds of things? Sure. Are they looking at the business market in some ways? Yes, they have programs but basically not. Like, man, the people are beating the path -- they're waiting outside of our stores at midnight to get an iPhone that is white. OK, enough said, enough said, OK. So the offer powers are like huge -- and by the way, it's not just the products, it's the -- it is iPod plus iTunes. It is iPhone and iPad plus apps store. I mean, it's a huge -- this is a dominantly powerful situation and they did all of these in less than a decade. So you kind of -- every other leader in tech saying, so what are you guys doing? So what are you up to, huh? No, no, not much, huh. OK, I just want to check. So that's why it is currently -- I think -- this was true earlier this year, I think it's still true. You know what's the most highly valued company in tech. It's about $320 billion. Microsoft is about 220 but there was a time not very long but maybe still, it was the second most valuable company in the world; Exxon and then Apple. So this issue of power -- and if you look at the guy you say, well, what's Steve about? One of the things Steve is about is he cares about power and he assumed performance will take care of itself. Jeff Bezos is the same way to Amazon, that's why periodically, he does stuff that just drive the shareholders crazy because he gives away performance in the short-term because he says, I want the power. He's always done that. So if you can do it, and there are examples, but the problem is they tend to be examples of companies that are run largely through a charismatic founder who is just -- has a power instinct. Bill Gates being a third to this amazing example.

OK, so just to kind of close on this thing in terms of how this category -- hierarchy of power affects the corporate dialogue, there are three things that a CEO is asked to articulate in relation to this power hierarchy. The first is a vision. And the vision is about what is happening in the world in the zone of your category that the other people outside of your company care about and want to interact with. What role is your company going to play in the unfolding of those forces? And which markets are going to be the bellwether markets that are going to indicate how well you're doing? And that's a vision. That's what you talk about a vision for your company, that's what vision does. When you go down to strategy, you kind of go down one level and you say, OK, we're in this category because categories -- strategies change by category. In this strategy, what position -- what's our power position relative to our competitors today, in what markets are we going to fight in order to change that position and what offers are the critical offers that are going to change our power position relative to our competitive set? That's what strategy is about. And then when you do down one more and it's execution, it's, OK, guys. Now, in terms of which markets -- which offers and how fast and this is back to weekly commits, monthly reviews, quarterly deliverables, we're just going to get it done. And so all three kind of these issues; vision, strategy and execution have a vocabulary of power around them that is useful -- and every one of these things have a bunch of frameworks behind it. So what the book will share is a bunch of models about the -- well, category power, the category, the optionalized cycle, the technology, the optionalized cycle, how do things grow, I mean, I've been writing about that for a long time but every one of these has its own set of models that you can bring out and say, OK, we'll, let's look at our company through this lens and kind of see how we stack up. So the intent is to create vocabulary with this book. It's not to say, we know your business better than you know it but it's just to say, look, look at your business through these lenses; clear, blacker, sharper, which one? Right, that kind of stuff. So these are some companies that we've been working with for the last 20 years. What they have in common is that every one of these companies we work with on an initiative for at least over a year that was sponsored directly by the CEO. So the CEO was in the middle of this initiative and we built these frameworks in conjunction with the teams led by the CEOs. And they did very well. I mean, this is sort of a little bit of a self -- pat ourselves in the back kind of things, but they did. These things actually work. So I don't want to imply that this stuff is just a theoretical stuff because those are real companies that had a lot of success with this stuff.

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Geoffrey Moore: Reach Your Escape Velocity No.2 杰弗里|摩尔||||逃逸速度| Geoffrey Moore|||||| Geoffrey Moore: Erreiche deine Fluchtgeschwindigkeit Nr. 2 Geoffrey Moore: Alcanza tu velocidad de escape nº 2 Geoffrey Moore : Reach Your Escape Velocity No.2 (Atteignez votre vitesse d'évasion) Geoffrey Moore: Raggiungi la tua velocità di fuga n. 2 ジェフリー・ムーア:リーチ・ユア・エスケープ・ヴェロシティ No.2 제프리 무어: 탈출 속도 2번 도달하기 Geoffrey Moore: Bereik je ontsnappingssnelheid nr. 2 Geoffrey Moore: Osiągnij prędkość ucieczki nr 2 Geoffrey Moore: Atingir a sua velocidade de fuga n.º 2 Geoffrey Moore: Reach Your Escape Velocity No.2 Geoffrey Moore: Reach Your Escape Velocity No.2 Джеффрі Мур: Досягніть швидкості втечі №2 杰弗里-摩尔:达到你的逃逸速度之二 杰弗里-摩尔:达到你的逃逸速度之二

And so what the -- we created a model called the hierarchy of powers. ||||||||||权力层级|| ||||||||||Yetki hiyerarşisi||Yetkiler 那麼,我們創造了一個稱為權力層次結構的模型。 It's kind of a framework of frameworks. ||||||框架 ||||||çerçeveler ||||marco|| 它是一種框架的框架。 And the intention of this hierarchy is to let people sort out the power equation in a set of levels that make sense. ||||||||||||||方程|||||||| ||niyet|||hiyerarşi|||||||||güç denklemi|||||||| И намерение этой иерархии - позволить людям разобраться с уравнением власти в виде набора уровней, которые имеют смысл. 這種層次結構的目的是讓人們在一組有意義的層級中理清權力方程式。 So the hierarchy of power is just five powers but you talk about each power separately from the other four and you talk about them in sequence from top to bottom. ||güç hiyerarşisi||||||güçler|||||||ayrı ayrı|||||||||||sıra ile|||| Итак, иерархия власти - это всего лишь пять властей, но вы говорите о каждой из них отдельно от остальных четырех и рассказываете о них в последовательности сверху вниз. The reason why that sequence exists from top to bottom is actually a lesson we learned from the investment community. ||||dizi||||||||||||||yatırım topluluğu| Причина, по которой такая последовательность существует сверху вниз, - это урок, который мы получили от инвестиционного сообщества. When investors allocate assets the first thing they do is they allocate it by category. ||tahsis etmek|varlıklar||||||||tahsis etmek|||kategori Cuando los inversores asignan activos, lo primero que hacen es asignarlos por categorías. 投資人在配置資產時,首先要做的就是按類別進行配置。 Actually, you mean by category, they'll say bonds versus equities versus cash in hand or whatever. |||||||||股票|||||| ||kastetmek||kategori|||tahviller|karşısında|hisse senetleri|karşısında|||||veya her neyse En realidad, por categoría, dirán bonos frente a acciones frente a efectivo en mano o lo que sea. На самом деле, вы имеете в виду категорию, в которой они говорят: облигации против акций против наличных денег в кассе или что-то еще. But within equity itself say you want to be in retail, do you want to be in natural resources, do you want to be in tech, do you want to be in whatever. ||股票||||||||零售|||||||||||||||||||||| ||sermaye piyasası||||||||perakende sektörü|||||||doğal kaynaklar|doğal kaynaklar|||||||teknoloji sektörü|||||||herhangi bir şey Pero dentro de la propia renta variable digamos que quieres estar en el comercio minorista, quieres estar en recursos naturales, quieres estar en tecnología, quieres estar en lo que sea. Но в рамках самого капитала скажите, что вы хотите быть в розничной торговле, хотите быть в природных ресурсах, хотите быть в технологиях, хотите быть в чем угодно. 但就股票本身而言,你想從事零售業,你想從事自然資源業,你想從事科技業,你想從事任何行業嗎? And so category power has to do with how fast are the categories that you are in growing? ||||||||||||类别||||| ||kategori|||||||||||||||büyümekte olan Because if you're in a category that's growing 100%, even if you're kind of a doofus, you're probably going to do pretty well this year. ||||||||||||||傻瓜||||||||| Çünkü|||||kategori||büyüyen|||||||aptal biri||||||||| Porque si estás en una categoría que crece al 100%, aunque seas un poco bobo, probablemente te vaya bastante bien este año. Потому что если вы работаете в категории, которая растет на 100 %, даже если вы вроде как тупица, вы, вероятно, добьетесь хороших результатов в этом году. And investors aren't stupid. |Yatırımcılar|| By the way, vice versa, if you're in a category that's growing at 4%, you have enormous pressure on you to make sure you make every penny of your earnings. |||||||||||||||||||||||||每一分钱|||收益 |||tersi|tersi de geçerli|||||kategori||||||büyük|baskı|||||||||kuruş|||kazançlarınızdan elde ettiğiniz Por cierto, viceversa, si estás en una categoría que crece al 4%, tienes una enorme presión para asegurarte de que ganas hasta el último céntimo. И наоборот, если вы работаете в категории, которая растет на 4 %, на вас оказывается огромное давление, чтобы убедиться, что вы заработали все до копейки. And it's very, very hard for you to do much better than that because the category is giving you no lift whatsoever. |||||||||||||||kategori|||||katkı sağlamak|hiçbir şekilde Y es muy, muy difícil que lo hagas mucho mejor que eso porque la categoría no te da ningún empujón. И вам очень, очень трудно добиться большего, потому что категория не дает вам никакого подъема. 你很難做得比這更好,因為這個類別不會為你帶來任何提升。 You can take share in a category that's not growing but not forever. ||||||||||||sonsuz değil Se puede tomar participación en una categoría que no crece, pero no para siempre. Вы можете занять долю в категории, которая не растет, но не навсегда. 你可以在一個不會成長但不會永遠成長的類別中獲得份額。 Eventually, you run into a wall. ||撞上||| В конце концов вы наткнетесь на стену. So investors at the margin would prefer your company to be in high-growth categories, not low growth. ||||边缘投资者||||||||||||| ||||kenarındaki yatırımcılar||||||||||kategoriler|||yüksek büyüme Так что инвесторы на периферии предпочтут, чтобы ваша компания относилась к быстрорастущим категориям, а не к низкорастущим. 因此,邊際投資者更希望你的公司處於高成長類別,而不是低成長類別。 So a company like General Electric would routinely sell off low-growth businesses in order to get capital to buy high-growth businesses and they would kind of migrate the footprint of the corporation going forward. |||||||定期地|||||||||||||||||||||迁移||||||| |||||Elektrik Şirketi||düzenli olarak|||||||||||||||||||||taşımak||etki alanı||||| Así que una empresa como General Electric vendería rutinariamente negocios de bajo crecimiento con el fin de obtener capital para comprar negocios de alto crecimiento y de alguna manera migrarían la huella de la corporación en el futuro. Такая компания, как General Electric, регулярно продает низкорастущие предприятия, чтобы получить капитал для покупки быстрорастущих предприятий, и таким образом она как бы мигрирует по территории корпорации в будущем. 因此,像通用電氣這樣的公司通常會出售低成長業務,以獲得資本來購買高成長業務,並且他們會在某種程度上遷移公司未來的足跡。 That's in order to have more category or power. Это нужно для того, чтобы иметь больше категорий или власти. 那是為了擁有更多的類別或權力。 You can hold your company accountable to what category is you're in. |||||负责的|||||| |||||sorumlu tutmak|||||| Вы можете отчитываться за то, в какой категории находится ваша компания. 您可以讓您的公司對您所處的類別負責。 The board of directors can hold the management team accountable to that. |||董事会|||||||| |||yönetim kurulu||||||sorumlu tutmak|| Совет директоров может заставить команду менеджеров нести за это ответственность. 董事會可以要求管理團隊對此負責。

The next one is company power. So in the categories you're in, how powerful? |||||||ne kadar güçlü 那麼在你所在的類別中,有多強大? Do you control your own destiny or somebody else is calling the tune and you're just trying to keep step and keep pace with them? |||||命运||||||||||||||||||| |||||kaderini|||||||ezgiyi belirliyor||||||||||tempo tutmak|| ¿Controlas tu propio destino o es otro el que lleva la voz cantante y tú sólo intentas seguirle el ritmo? 你能掌控自己的命運,還是別人指揮你的命運,而你只是想跟上他們的腳步? This is market share. Esto es cuota de mercado. Это доля рынка. 這是市場佔有率。 This is Jack Welch saying, you want to be number one or number two or you don't want to play because you wouldn't have enough company power to get the return on being in that category. |||韦尔奇|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Jack Welch|||||||||||||||||||olmazdınız|||||||||||||kategori 這是傑克韋爾奇所說的,你想成為第一或第二,否則你就不想參與其中,因為你沒有足夠的公司實力來獲得進入該類別的回報。 You ought to get out of that category and get into some categories where you can be number one or number two. |gerek||||||kategori|||||||||||||| Вы должны выйти из этой категории и попасть в те категории, где вы можете быть номером один или номером два. 你應該擺脫這個類別,進入一些你可以成為第一或第二的類別。 So it's about power. The third one is market power that has to do with, are you in the markets that are the fastest growing segments or the more strategic segments? |||||||||||||||||||||细分市场||||| |||||||||||||||||||||segmentler||||stratejik öneme sahip| Now, category and market sometimes get confused but category is defined by a group of competitors and markets are defined by a group of customers. |kategori|||||karıştırılmak||kategori|||||||rakipler||||||||| Иногда путают категорию и рынок, но категория определяется группой конкурентов, а рынок - группой покупателей. And as long as you kind of keep that sort of simple quote in your head, you will not confuse the two of them. ||||||||||||简单引用||||||||||| ||||||||||||alıntı|||||||karıştırmak|||| И пока вы держите в голове эту простую цитату, вы не спутаете эти два понятия.

So a market is about getting a group of customers and the idea here is a little bit like winning primaries for a presidential nomination. ||||||||||||||||||||初选|||总统|提名 |||||||||||||||||||kazanmak gibi|ön seçimler|||başkanlık|adaylık seçimi You want to win in New Hampshire primary. ||||||新罕布什尔州| ||||||New Hampshire önseçimi|ön seçimler Вы хотите победить на праймериз в Нью-Гэмпшире. There are not very many delegates in New Hampshire but is a very strategic primary to win. |||||代表||||||||||| |||||delege|||New Hampshire|||||stratejik öneme sahip|ön seçim|| No hay muchos delegados en New Hampshire, pero es una primaria muy estratégica para ganar. В Нью-Гэмпшире не так много делегатов, но это очень стратегически важный праймериз, который нужно выиграть. And in markets, there are always segments that are early bellwether segments that are different for different markets, different technology, different categories, well, there's always some. ||||||||||风向标|细分市场||||||||||类别|||| ||||||segmentler||||öncü gösterge segmentleri|segmentler||||||||teknoloji||kategoriler|||| Y en los mercados, siempre hay segmentos que son precursores que son diferentes para diferentes mercados, diferentes tecnologías, diferentes categorías, bueno, siempre hay algunos. И на рынках всегда есть сегменты, которые являются ранними показателями, которые отличаются для разных рынков, разных технологий, разных категорий, в общем, всегда есть такие сегменты. And so winning those early or maybe there's a segment that's in transition where the segment like this particular part of the economy is completely being disrupted by the Internet this year so whatever they're going to buy, they're going to buy this year. |||||||||细分|||||||||||||||||颠覆的||||||||||||||||| ||kazanmak||||||||||geçiş sürecinde|||bölüm|||||||ekonomi sektörü||||bozuluyor|||İnternet tarafından|||||||||||||| Так что выигрывают те, кто пришел раньше, или, может быть, есть сегмент, который находится в переходном периоде, когда сегмент, например эта конкретная часть экономики, полностью разрушается Интернетом в этом году, поэтому все, что они собираются покупать, они будут покупать в этом году. So get in there and be successful if it's the kind of stuff that you sell. |||||||||||||||satıyorsan Так что отправляйтесь туда и добивайтесь успеха, если вы продаете именно такие вещи. That's what market power is about; winning segment shares in the critical segments. |||pazar gücü|||kazanmak|pazar dilimi|||||segmentler Именно в этом и заключается сила рынка: завоевание доли в критически важных сегментах. Offer power is based on how compelling is your offer compared to the rest. ||||||吸引人的||||||| ||||||ikna edici||||kıyaslandığında|||geri kalan Сила предложения зависит от того, насколько убедительным является ваше предложение по сравнению с остальными. We're talking about differentiation. |||差异化 |||farklılaştırma Мы говорим о дифференциации. How different is it, but then also how comparable is it to the -- are you living up to the norms of your category? ||||||||可比的|||||||||||||| ||||||||karşılaştırılabilir|||||||||||normlarına uygunluk|||kategori normları Насколько она отличается от других, но в то же время насколько она сопоставима с... Соответствуете ли вы нормам своей категории? That's sort of table stakes and then how different is it. ||||基本条件|||||| ||||ön koşullar|||||| Eso es una especie de apuesta de mesa y luego lo diferente que es. Это вроде как ставки на стол, а насколько они отличаются. I'm going to come back to offer power so I won't say more about it right now. And then execution power is, when you guys set yourself out to do something, when you're going to enter a new category, when you're going to do one of these transformational initiatives, can you actually get it done or do you find yourself kind of redoing it? ||执行||||||||||||||||||||||||||||变革性的|举措||||||||||||||| ||uygulama gücü||||||||||||||||girmek|||kategori|||||||||dönüştürücü|girişimler||||||||||||||yeniden yapmak| И еще - когда вы ставите перед собой задачу сделать что-то, когда собираетесь выйти в новую категорию, когда собираетесь осуществить одну из этих трансформационных инициатив, удается ли вам довести ее до конца или приходится переделывать? So if you look at this thing, we often sit down with our clients and we'll say, let's just ask you a couple of questions kind of among us kids and the door is closed and there's no recording devices going. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||aramızda|||||||||||kayıt cihazı|| Если вы посмотрите на эту штуку, мы часто садимся с нашими клиентами и говорим: "Давайте зададим вам пару вопросов, как бы между нами, детьми, и дверь будет закрыта, и никаких записывающих устройств не будет". So the questions go like, are we in the high-growth categories or do we have category envy? ||||||||||büyüme odaklı|kategoriler|||||kategori|kıskançlık Поэтому возникают вопросы: работаем ли мы в быстрорастущих категориях или у нас зависть к категориям? HP right now must have Tablet envy, right? 惠普|||||平板|| |||||Tablet kıskançlığı|tablet kıskançlığı| У HP сейчас, должно быть, зависть к планшету, верно? It has to, right? Everybody looks at Apple going, like that, OK. Все смотрят на Apple, думая, что вот так, хорошо. Category envy. |类别嫉妒 Kategori kıskançlığı|Kategori kıskançlığı OK. Company power. Do customers and competitors see us as the team to beat or is that somebody else? |||rakipler|||||||yenmek||||| Видят ли клиенты и конкуренты в нас команду, которую нужно победить, или это кто-то другой? Let's just be honest with each other, where are we and think about your company or the company you may have been in before you came here or the company you're in now, the company you intend to go to. |||dürüst olalım||||||||||||||||||||||buraya gelmeden|||||||||||niyet etmek||| Market power. Are we winning the key primaries definitively or -- and are we winning them fast enough? ||||||明确地|||||||| ||kazanıyor muyuz|||ön seçimler|kesin olarak|||||kazanıyor muyuz||hızlıca| I'll tell you, "Yeah, we're going in the right market," but it's like one year, two years, three years, nothing is happening. Sana söyleyeceğim|||||||||||||||||||||olup bitiyor It's dying. |Ölüyor. Он умирает. That's not what we meant. ||||kastetmek Мы не это имели в виду. Winning meant, you know, moving on. Kazanmak|anlamına geliyordu|||| Победа означала, знаете ли, движение вперед. So do your flagship offers, you know, set the bar or are you always playing catch up and not doing it fast enough, and we'll come back to that again as I said with offer power. |||旗舰产品|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||amiral gemisi|teklifler||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Así que tus ofertas insignia, ya sabes, marcan la pauta o siempre estás jugando a ponerte al día y no lo haces lo suficientemente rápido, y volveremos a eso otra vez como he dicho con el poder de la oferta. Итак, задают ли ваши флагманские предложения планку, или вы постоянно играете в догонялки и делаете это недостаточно быстро, и мы еще вернемся к этому, как я уже говорил, в связи с мощностью предложения. Can you make stuff happen and make it stick or are you continually pushing the reset button? |||||||||||||||重置| ||||||||kalıcı olmak||||sürekli olarak|||sıfırlama düğmesi| Можете ли вы воплотить задуманное в жизнь или постоянно нажимаете кнопку перезагрузки? There is nothing more discouraging than being in a large corporation which does a massive reorg once or twice a decade because the last team couldn't get it done. ||||令人沮丧|||||||||||重组||||||||||||| Orada||||cesaret kırıcı||||||büyük şirket||||büyük çaplı|yeniden yapılanma|||||on yılda bir|||||||| Нет ничего более удручающего, чем работа в крупной корпорации, которая раз или два в десятилетие проводит масштабную реорганизацию, потому что предыдущая команда не справилась с поставленной задачей. And it feels like you're watching this very large sort of drain, this water is just going like this. |||||||||||排水口||||||| ||hissettiriyor|||||||||gider||||||| This could take you a long time but it only appears to be one way that this thing is going to go. ||||||||||görünüyor||||||||||| And so it's important when you sit here and to say, the questions you want to ask are where are we strong and where do we need help. And no matter how good or how bad you are, you probably have places that you're better than others, and so what are we going to build on and where do we need to go forward? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||inşa etmek||||||||| But I hope you can see that each one of those topics is different from the other four because what happened before when people would say, we're going to have a discussion about strategy, and strategy is normally about power, about achieving a position of power. |||||||||||||farklıdır|||||||meydana geldi|||||||||||tartışma||strateji hakkında tartışma||||||||elde etme|||| What are we going to do to achieve a position of power? That's kind of what strategy means. ||||strateji anlamına gelir|anlamına gelir But the problem with the dialogue around strategy was it would go up and down through these five levels of category, mixing and matching, making arguments that never ever connected. |||||||||||||||||||||混合|||||||| |||||diyalog hakkında||strateji tartışması|||||||||||||kategori düzeyi|karıştırma ve eşleştirme||eşleştirme||argümanlar||||bağlantı kurdu Но проблема диалога вокруг стратегии заключалась в том, что он поднимался и опускался через эти пять уровней категорий, смешивая и сопоставляя, приводя аргументы, которые никогда не соединялись. So it was always like this. And so at the end of the day, we'll, you believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and now let's argue about who get the head count. |||||||||||||||||||||||tartışalım||||||kafa sayısı Y así al final del día, nosotros, tú crees lo que crees y yo creo lo que creo y ahora vamos a discutir sobre quién se queda con el recuento. В конце концов, вы верите в то, во что верите, я верю в то, во что верю, а теперь давайте поспорим о том, кто будет считать головы. And so that's why you would default back to a performance model because in the performance model, it's like, we'll, who wins? ||||||varsayılan olarak||||||||||||||| Por eso se vuelve al modelo de rendimiento, porque en el modelo de rendimiento, ¿quién gana? И именно поэтому вы возвращаетесь к модели производительности, потому что в модели производительности, как мы, кто выиграет? Well, who ever got the most revenue or the most margin -- the most earnings. ||||||gelir||||kâr marjı|||kazançlar Тот, кто получил больше выручки или больше маржи - больше прибыли.

So it was a way of essentially saying since I can't talk about this articulately at the level of power, I will only measure it at the level of performance. ||||||temelde||madem ki||||||açık bir şekilde|||||||||ölçmek|||||| Так что это был способ сказать, что, поскольку я не могу внятно говорить об этом на уровне власти, я буду измерять это только на уровне производительности. And that leads to that slow draining of the corporate battery. ||neden olur||||tükenmesine yol açar||||kurumsal enerji Y eso lleva a ese lento drenaje de la batería corporativa. А это приводит к медленному разряду корпоративной батареи. And by the way, there was a time when these companies all had enormous power. ||||||||||şirketler|||muazzam| That's why we've heard of them. That's how they got up to the top of the mountain in the first place. Now, they're kind of going down the mountain, they're not renewing their power but that was a very tall mountain they got to the top of at one point in their lives. |||||||dağdan aşağı iniyorlar|||yenilemiyorlar||||||||||||||||||||| Теперь они как бы спускаются с горы, они не обновляют свою силу, но это была очень высокая гора, на вершину которой они взобрались в какой-то момент своей жизни. And so they have -- Novell at one point was the power company in networking by far. ||||诺威尔||||||||||| ||||Novell|||||||||ağ iletişimi|| Novell llegó a ser, con diferencia, la empresa más potente en el ámbito de las redes. И вот они... Novell в свое время была самой мощной компанией в области сетевых технологий. And then it just, you know, year after year after year it's still around but it's kind of toward the bottom of that mountain. ||||||||||||||||||doğru||||| А потом, знаете, из года в год он все еще существует, но уже как бы у подножия горы. OK, so that's the stuff we're talking about just to kind of make it dirt obvious. ||||||||||||||açıkça belli|apaçık ortada OK, así que estas son las cosas de las que estamos hablando para que sea más obvio. Ладно, мы говорим об этих вещах, чтобы сделать их очевидными. OK, so let's apply this to Apple because right now they're the golden child. |||uygulayalım||||||||||gözde çocuk Хорошо, давайте применим это к Apple, потому что сейчас они - золотое дитя. So what categories are they're in? ||kategoriler||| Well, music mobility and media, all of them are still growing at hyper-growth rates. ||hareketlilik||medya||||||||hiper büyüme oranları|büyüme oranları|oranlar Что ж, музыкальная мобильность и медиа - все они по-прежнему растут высокими темпами. That's pretty cool. By the way, even the Mac they brought back in the hyper-growth. |||||麦克||||||| |||||Mac||getirdikleri||||| Por cierto, incluso el Mac que trajeron de vuelta en el hipercrecimiento. Кстати, даже Mac, который они вернули в гипер-рост. Company power, so team to beat in all three. |||||yenmek||| Potencia de la empresa, así que equipo a batir en los tres. Компания мощная, так что команда, которую нужно победить во всех трех. I guess or anybody else so you would say would be Apple is trying to catch up too in those things. |||||||||||||||yetişmek|yetişmek|||| Я думаю, что Apple тоже пытается догнать всех в этих вопросах. I don't think so. I don't think so. Market power, we don't need no stinking markets, we got the world. ||||||臭的||||| ||||||pis kokulu||||| Рыночная власть - нам не нужны вонючие рынки, у нас есть мир. I mean, right now the truth is they are so powerful and now, do they do certain kinds of things? Я имею в виду, что сейчас они настолько могущественны, и теперь они делают определенные вещи? Sure. Are they looking at the business market in some ways? Yes, they have programs but basically not. |||||temelde| Да, у них есть программы, но в основном их нет. Like, man, the people are beating the path -- they're waiting outside of our stores at midnight to get an iPhone that is white. |||||打||||||||||||||||| |||||izliyor||yol||||||||||||||| Люди бьют в набат - они ждут у наших магазинов по полночи, чтобы получить iPhone белого цвета. OK, enough said, enough said, OK. Ладно, достаточно сказано, достаточно сказано, ладно. So the offer powers are like huge -- and by the way, it's not just the products, it's the -- it is iPod plus iTunes. |||güçleri|||çok büyük|||||||||ürünler||||||| Так что возможности предложения просто огромны - и, кстати, это не просто продукты, это... это iPod плюс iTunes. It is iPhone and iPad plus apps store. I mean, it's a huge -- this is a dominantly powerful situation and they did all of these in less than a decade. ||||||||主导地||||||||||||| Ben demek|demek istiyorum|||||||baskın şekilde|güçlü||||||||||||on yıl içinde So you kind of -- every other leader in tech saying, so what are you guys doing? ||||||||teknoloji sektörü||||||| Так что вы... все остальные лидеры в сфере технологий говорят: "А что делаете вы, ребята? So what are you up to, huh? ¿Qué te traes entre manos? Так чем ты занимаешься, а? No, no, not much, huh. |||pek fazla| OK, I just want to check. Хорошо, я просто хочу проверить. So that's why it is currently -- I think -- this was true earlier this year, I think it's still true. |||||şu anda||||||||||||| Поэтому в настоящее время... Я думаю... Это было верно в начале этого года, думаю, это верно и сейчас. You know what's the most highly valued company in tech. ||||||最有价值的||| ||||en çok|en çok|değerli|||teknoloji sektörü Вы знаете, какая компания в сфере технологий ценится больше всего. It's about $320 billion. Microsoft is about 220 but there was a time not very long but maybe still, it was the second most valuable company in the world; Exxon and then Apple. ||||||||||||||||||||||||埃克森||| ||||||||||||||||||en değerli|değerli|||||Exxon||| So this issue of power -- and if you look at the guy you say, well, what's Steve about? One of the things Steve is about is he cares about power and he assumed performance will take care of itself. |||||||||önemser|||||varsaydı|||||| Одна из особенностей Стива заключается в том, что он заботится о мощности и полагает, что производительность позаботится о себе сама. Jeff Bezos is the same way to Amazon, that's why periodically, he does stuff that just drive the shareholders crazy because he gives away performance in the short-term because he says, I want the power. |贝索斯|||||||||定期||||||||股东||||||||||||||||| |Jeff Bezos||||||Amazon şirketine|||düzenli aralıklarla||||||çıldırttırmak||hissedarlar|çıldırmış hale getiriyor|||||||||||||||| Джефф Безос так же относится к Amazon, поэтому периодически он делает вещи, которые просто сводят акционеров с ума, потому что он отдает производительность в краткосрочной перспективе, потому что он говорит: "Я хочу власть". He's always done that. So if you can do it, and there are examples, but the problem is they tend to be examples of companies that are run largely through a charismatic founder who is just -- has a power instinct. |||||||||||||||eğilimindedirler|||||||||büyük ölçüde|||karizmatik kurucu||||||||güç içgüdüsü Bill Gates being a third to this amazing example.

OK, so just to kind of close on this thing in terms of how this category -- hierarchy of power affects the corporate dialogue, there are three things that a CEO is asked to articulate in relation to this power hierarchy. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||首席执行官||||||关系|||| |||||||||||||||kategori|güç hiyerarşisi||||||kurumsal diyalog|||||||||||ifade etmek||||||güç hiyerarşisi Итак, чтобы закончить разговор о том, как эта категория - иерархия власти - влияет на корпоративный диалог, есть три вещи, которые генеральный директор должен сформулировать в связи с этой иерархией власти. The first is a vision. Первое - это видение. And the vision is about what is happening in the world in the zone of your category that the other people outside of your company care about and want to interact with. |||||||||||||alanında|||kategori alanı||||||||||||||etkileşimde bulunmak| What role is your company going to play in the unfolding of those forces? ||||||||||发展过程中||| ||||||||||gelişen|||güçler Какую роль ваша компания собирается сыграть в разворачивании этих сил? And which markets are going to be the bellwether markets that are going to indicate how well you're doing? ||||||||||||||指示|||| ||||||||öncü göstergeler||||||göstermek|||| И какие рынки будут являться индикаторами того, насколько хорошо у вас идут дела? And that's a vision. That's what you talk about a vision for your company, that's what vision does. Вот что вы говорите о видении своей компании, вот что делает видение. When you go down to strategy, you kind of go down one level and you say, OK, we're in this category because categories -- strategies change by category. |||||strateji düzeyi|||||||||||||||kategori|||stratejiler|||kategori Когда вы переходите к стратегии, вы как бы спускаетесь на один уровень и говорите: "Хорошо, мы в этой категории, потому что категории - стратегии меняются в зависимости от категории". In this strategy, what position -- what's our power position relative to our competitors today, in what markets are we going to fight in order to change that position and what offers are the critical offers that are going to change our power position relative to our competitive set? ||strateji|||||||göre, kıyasla, nazaran|||rakiplerimize göre||||||||||||||||||teklifler|||kritik teklifler|teklifler||||||||güç konumu|göre, kıyasla, nazaran|||rekabetçi ortam| В этой стратегии, какова наша позиция по сравнению с нашими конкурентами сегодня, на каких рынках мы собираемся бороться, чтобы изменить эту позицию, и какие предложения являются критическими предложениями, которые изменят нашу позицию по сравнению с нашими конкурентами? соревновательный набор? That's what strategy is about. ||strateji|| And then when you do down one more and it's execution, it's, OK, guys. ||||||||||uygulama||| А когда вы спускаете еще одну, и она исполняется, это, ребята, хорошо. Now, in terms of which markets -- which offers and how fast and this is back to weekly commits, monthly reviews, quarterly deliverables, we're just going to get it done. |||||||||||||||||提交||||交付成果||||||| ||||||||||||||||haftalık olarak|taahhütler||değerlendirmeler|üç aylık|teslimatlar||||||| Теперь, что касается того, какие рынки... какие предложения и как быстро, и это снова возвращается к еженедельным коммитам, ежемесячным обзорам, ежеквартальной сдаче, мы просто собираемся сделать это. And so all three kind of these issues; vision, strategy and execution have a vocabulary of power around them that is useful -- and every one of these things have a bunch of frameworks behind it. ||||||||vizyon|strateji||uygulama|||güç kelimeleri||güç|||||faydalı|||||||||bir sürü||çerçeveler|| Так что все эти три вопроса: видение, стратегия и исполнение - имеют вокруг себя полезный словарь власти, и за каждой из этих вещей стоит куча рамок. So what the book will share is a bunch of models about the -- well, category power, the category, the optionalized cycle, the technology, the optionalized cycle, how do things grow, I mean, I've been writing about that for a long time but every one of these has its own set of models that you can bring out and say, OK, we'll, let's look at our company through this lens and kind of see how we stack up. ||||||||||||||||||||||||可选的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||kategori gücü|güç||kategori||isteğe bağlı döngü|||teknoloji||opsiyonel döngü|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nasıl sıralandığımız| Así que lo que el libro compartirá es un montón de modelos sobre el - bueno, el poder de la categoría, la categoría, el ciclo opcionalizado, la tecnología, el ciclo opcionalizado, cómo crecen las cosas, quiero decir, he estado escribiendo sobre eso durante mucho tiempo, pero cada uno de ellos tiene su propio conjunto de modelos que usted puede sacar y decir, OK, vamos a, vamos a ver nuestra empresa a través de esta lente y tipo de ver cómo nos apilamos. Итак, книга будет посвящена набору моделей о силе категории, категории, факультативном цикле, технологии, факультативном цикле, о том, как все растет, я имею в виду, я писал об этом для долгое время, но у каждой из них есть свой собственный набор моделей, которые вы можете вывести и сказать: «Хорошо, мы, давайте посмотрим на нашу компанию через эту призму и посмотрим, как мы складываемся». So the intent is to create vocabulary with this book. ||意图||||||| ||niyet||||||| Цель этой книги - создать словарный запас. It's not to say, we know your business better than you know it but it's just to say, look, look at your business through these lenses; clear, blacker, sharper, which one? |||||||||||||||||||||||||透镜||更黑|更清晰|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||mercekler||daha siyah|daha keskin|| Это не значит, что мы знаем ваш бизнес лучше, чем вы его знаете, но просто сказать: посмотрите, посмотрите на свой бизнес через эти линзы; четче, чернее, резче, какой? Right, that kind of stuff. Ну да, все такое. So these are some companies that we've been working with for the last 20 years. ||||şirketler||||||||| What they have in common is that every one of these companies we work with on an initiative for at least over a year that was sponsored directly by the CEO. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||赞助的|||| ||||ortak noktaları|||||||||||||girişim|||||||||desteklenen|doğrudan olarak|||CEO Их объединяет то, что с каждой из этих компаний мы работаем над инициативой не менее года, которая спонсируется непосредственно генеральным директором. So the CEO was in the middle of this initiative and we built these frameworks in conjunction with the teams led by the CEOs. ||||||||||||||||与|||||||首席执行官 |||||||||girişim|||||çerçeveler||birlikte||||||| Поэтому генеральные директора были в центре этой инициативы, и мы создавали эти рамки совместно с командами, возглавляемыми генеральными директорами. And they did very well. I mean, this is sort of a little bit of a self -- pat ourselves in the back kind of things, but they did. ||||||||||||自我鼓励|||||||||| ||||||||||||sırt sıvazlama|kendimizi||||||||| Я имею в виду, что это немного похоже на самобичевание, но они это сделали. These things actually work. So I don't want to imply that this stuff is just a theoretical stuff because those are real companies that had a lot of success with this stuff. |||||暗示|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||ima etmek|||||||teorik||||||şirketler||||||başarı elde etti||| Я не хочу сказать, что все это лишь теоретические выкладки, потому что это реальные компании, которые добились большого успеха с помощью этих выкладок.