Uma história de amor ou de (s) encontros 11
A|story|of|love|or|of|(plural marker)|encounters
Eine Geschichte von Liebe oder (s)einer Begegnung 11
愛情故事或邂逅 11
A love story or (s) meetings 11
Entrementes, em Lisboa ela continuava no seu tecer… Ela regalava-se com o sucesso da sua “teia”.
Pendant ce temps|||||||tissage||||||succès|||toile
Meanwhile|in|Lisbon|she|continued|in her|her|weaving|She|||with|the|success|of|her|web
In der Zwischenzeit|||||||Weben||freute sich|||||||
mientras|||||||tejer||se regalaba|||||||
Meanwhile, in Lisbon she continued her weaving... She delighted in the success of her "web."
Os “chefes” já estavam à espera da sua resposta para a proposta (deles!)
The|bosses|already|were|at|waiting|for the|your|response|to|the|proposal|their
The "bosses" were already waiting for her response to their proposal!
de ir à reunião de Roterdão, por causa de uma encomenda relacionada com aquele porto monstruoso.
to go to the meeting in Rotterdam, due to an order related to that monstrous port.
E tinham acertado, entre chefias, que o que convinha mesmo - como vieram a propor-lhe sem saberem como tinham sido bem manipuladas… - era precisamente na quinta‑feira daquela semana que estava no centro das suas manobras e contra‑manobras.
And|had|agreed|among|superiors|that|what|that|was convenient|really|as|they came|to|||without|knowing|how|they had|been|well|manipulated|was|precisely|on|||of that|week|which|was|in the|center|of the|their|maneuvers|and||manipuladas
||||Führungskräften|||||||||||||||||manipuliert worden|||||||||||||||||
And they had agreed, among the management, that what was really convenient - as they came to propose to her without knowing how well they had been manipulated... - was precisely on Thursday of that week which was at the center of their maneuvers and counter-maneuvers.
Que gozo!
What joy!
Ele, nos meandros da sua “conspiração” Ele, pelo seu lado, já avisara o Partido das decisões que tomara quanto a viagens.
He|in the|meanders|of|his|conspiracy|He|by|his|side|already|had warned|the|Party|of the|decisions|that|he had made|regarding|to|travels
||meandros|||||||||había avisado||||||tomará|||
He, in the meanders of his "conspiracy" He, for his part, had already informed the Party of the decisions he had made regarding trips.
E pediu ao gabinete de Lisboa que lhe marcasse para aquela semana algumas entrevistas e reuniões que estavam pendentes, porque não valia a pena ir a Bruxelas uma vez que não haver razão de trabalho que justificasse a deslocação.
|||||||||||||||||||||||valait pas la peine||||||||||de|||||déplacement
And|asked|to the|office|of|Lisbon|that|to him|scheduled|for|that|week|some|interviews|and|meetings|that|were|pending|because|not|was worth|the|trouble|to go|to|Brussels|one|time|that|not||reason|of|work|that|justified|the|trip
And he asked the Lisbon office to schedule some pending interviews and meetings for that week, because it wasn't worth going to Brussels since there was no work reason to justify the trip.
Teve alguma dificuldade em convencer os camaradas, por causa da “massa” das diferenças relativas às indemnizações de viagem que os deputados daquele partido entregavam como regra militante, mas o interesse das entrevistas e reuniões – e a sua convincente argumentação – prevaleceu.
Had|any|difficulty|in|convincing|the|comrades|due|to the|of the|mass|of the|differences|relative|to the|reimbursements|of|travel|that|the|deputies|of that|party|submitted|as|rule|militant|but|the|interest|of the|interviews|and|meetings|and|the|their|convincing|argumentation|prevailed
|||||||||||||||||||||||einreichten||||||||||||||||setzte sich durch
He had some difficulty convincing his comrades, due to the "mass" of differences regarding the travel compensations that the deputies of that party submitted as a militant rule, but the interest in the interviews and meetings – and his convincing argumentation – prevailed.
Sérgio Ribeiro
Sérgio Ribeiro
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