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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 1-30, Psalmus 015

Psalmus 015

1 Tituli inscriptio, ipsi David. Conserva me, Domine, quoniam speravi in te. 2 Dixi Domino : Deus meus es tu, quoniam bonorum meorum non eges. 3 Sanctis qui sunt in terra ejus, mirificavit omnes voluntates meas in eis. 4 Multiplicatæ sunt infirmitates eorum : postea acceleraverunt. Non congregabo conventicula eorum de sanguinibus, nec memor ero nominum eorum per labia mea. 5 Dominus pars hæreditatis meæ, et calicis mei : tu es qui restitues hæreditatem meam mihi. 6 Funes ceciderunt mihi in præclaris ; etenim hæreditas mea præclara est mihi. 7 Benedicam Dominum qui tribuit mihi intellectum ; insuper et usque ad noctem increpuerunt me renes mei. 8 Providebam Dominum in conspectu meo semper : quoniam a dextris est mihi, ne commovear. 9 Propter hoc lætatum est cor meum, et exsultavit lingua mea ; insuper et caro mea requiescet in spe. 10 Quoniam non derelinques animam meam in inferno, nec dabis sanctum tuum videre corruptionem. Notas mihi fecisti vias vitæ ; adimplebis me lætitia cum vultu tuo : delectationes in dextera tua usque in finem.

Psalmus 015 Psalm 015 Psalm 015 Salmo 015 Psaume 015 詩篇 015 Salmo 015 詩篇 015

1 Tituli inscriptio, ipsi David. Title|Title inscription, David|"to David himself"| |Título|| 1 Title inscription, David himself. 1 Титульная надпись, сам Давид. Conserva me, Domine, quoniam speravi in te. Preserve me, Lord|||||| Сохрани меня, Господи, ибо я на Тебя уповаю. 2 Dixi Domino : Deus meus es tu, quoniam bonorum meorum non eges. I said|to the Lord|My God|"my" or "mine"|||"since" or "because"|"of good things"|"of my goods"||need not Disse ao Senhor||||||pois que||||não precisas 2 Lord said, 'My God, for thou hast no need. 2 Я сказал Господу: Ты мой Бог, потому что Тебе не нужны мои блага. 3 Sanctis qui sunt in terra ejus, mirificavit omnes voluntates meas in eis. To the saints|"who" or "which"|||"in the land"|"of him"|"made wonderful"|"all" or "all of them"|desires|my desires|"in"|"in them" ||||||maravilhou||||| 3 saints who are on the ground it has made all my delight. 3 Святым, которые на земле своей, он исполнил в них все мои желания. 4 Multiplicatæ sunt infirmitates eorum : postea acceleraverunt. "were multiplied"||weaknesses|"of them"|"afterwards"|"hastened" 4 will make their infirmities have been made. 4 Немощи их умножились, потом они усилились. Non congregabo conventicula eorum de sanguinibus, nec memor ero nominum eorum per labia mea. |"I will gather"|small assemblies|||"blood sacrifices"|"nor"|I will remember|"I will be"|"of their names"|||my lips| ||reuniões secretas|||de sangue||lembrar-me-ei|lembrar-me-ei|nomes deles|||| I will not gather together their meetings for blood offerings: nor will I be mindful of their names by my lips. Я не буду собирать их собрания для кровопролития и не буду вспоминать их имена своими устами. 5 Dominus pars hæreditatis meæ, et calicis mei : tu es qui restitues hæreditatem meam mihi. |"portion"|inheritance|"of my"||"of my cup"|"of me"|"you are"|||restore|inheritance|"my" or "my inheritance"|"to me" 5 is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: thou shalt lot. 5 Господь — часть наследия моего и чаши моей: Ты вернешь мне наследство мое. 6 Funes ceciderunt mihi in præclaris ; etenim hæreditas mea præclara est mihi. The lines.|"have fallen"|||"pleasant places"|Indeed|"my inheritance"||excellent places||"for me" Linhas de sorte|caíram-me|||esplêndidos lugares|pois|||excelentes|| 6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; goodly heritage me. 6 Веревки падали ко мне на больших местах; действительно, мое наследие мне ясно. 7 Benedicam Dominum qui tribuit mihi intellectum ; insuper et usque ad noctem increpuerunt me renes mei. "I will bless"|||"granted"||understanding|"Moreover" or "in addition"||"even until"||the night|"chastised"||my kidneys chastised| |||||||||||repreenderam||| 7 thank the Lord for giving me and, moreover, my reins also have corrected me even till night. 7 Благословлю Господа, дающего мне разумение; более того, и до ночи у меня болели почки. 8 Providebam Dominum in conspectu meo semper : quoniam a dextris est mihi, ne commovear. "I foresaw"|||"in my sight"||"always"|"for"|"at"|"at my right"|||"lest"|"I be moved" ||||||||||||vacile 8 The Lord before my face: because he is at my right not to be disturbed. 8 Я всегда держал Господа перед глазами моими, ибо Он по правую руку от меня, чтобы я не поколебался. 9 Propter hoc lætatum est cor meum, et exsultavit lingua mea ; insuper et caro mea requiescet in spe. "Because of"|"this"|"has rejoiced"|||||"rejoiced"|||||flesh||will rest||"in hope" ||||||||||além disso||carne||||em esperança 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue; moreover also my flesh also shall rest in hope. 9 От этого возрадовалось сердце мое и возрадовался язык мой; Более того, моя плоть успокоится в надежде. 10 Quoniam non derelinques animam meam in inferno, nec dabis sanctum tuum videre corruptionem. Since||"will not abandon"|my soul|||in the grave||"will you allow"|holy one|your holy one|see|decay or corruption ||abandonarás|||||||||| 10 shalt not leave my soul in hell do not let your Holy One see decay. Notas mihi fecisti vias vitæ ; adimplebis me lætitia cum vultu tuo : delectationes in dextera tua usque in finem. "You made known"||"you have made"|"ways" or "paths"|"of life"|"you will fill"||joy||"your presence"||"pleasures" or "delights"||"right hand"|||| |||||me encherás|||||||||||| Show me the path of life; fullness of joy and at thy right hand are delights even to the end. Ты открыл мне пути жизни; Лицом Твоим наполнишь меня радостью: наслаждения одесную Твою до конца.