1. Catullus, miser Catulle, Icebreaker 1
Poor Catullus|wretched|Catullus|"Introduction"
|||Quebra-gelo 1
1. Catull, armer Catull, Eisbrecher 1
1. Catullus, poor Catullus, Icebreaker 1
1. Catulle, pauvre Catulle, brise-glace 1
1. Catulo, pobre Catulo, quebra-gelo 1
1. Catullus, stackars Catullus, Isbrytare 1
1. Катулл, бідний Катулл, Криголам 1
1 miser Catulle,
poor|Poor Catullus
1 Poor Catullus,
1 ミゼル・カトゥルス、
desinas ineptire,
"you may cease"|"to be foolish"
перестань дуріти|
|pare de tolices
stop being silly,
2 et ducas perditum
and|lead astray|"lost" or "ruined"
2 and lead to loss
2 そして失われた者を誘導せよ
quod vides perisse .
"which" or "that"|"you see"|has perished
what you see.
3 soles quondam
three suns once|formerly
3 Suns once
fulsere candidi tibi ,
"shone brightly"|"bright" or "shining"|"for you"
Bright, bright,
4 cum ventitabas
"when"|"you kept coming"
|vinhas frequentemente
When you went 4
4 あなたが来ていた時
quo puella ducebat
"where"|The girl|"was leading"
the girl
amata nobis
"loved by us"|"by us"
5 quantum nulla amabitur.
|none|will be loved
5, no amount will be loved.
6 ibi cum illa multa iocosa fiebant,
"there"|"with"|"her" or "that woman"|many things|playful things happening|were being made
||||muitas brincadeiras aconteciam|aconteciam
6, when there are many pleasures;
quae tu volebas
"which you wanted"|"you" or "you were"|"you wanted"
7 nec puella nolebat,
nor|The girl|"did not want"
7 and she did
vere soles fulsere candidi tibi .
"truly"|"suns" or "days"|"shone"|"bright" or "radiant"|"for you"
you really used to shine white on you.
8 nunc iam non vult illa :
"now"|"now already"|no longer|"she does not want"|"she" or "that woman"
Already now there will be 8:
tu quoque noli impotens,
you too|"you also"|"do not"|"lacking self-control"
|||não perca o controle
As for you, do not be powerless,
9 nec sectare quae fugit,
"nor"|pursue|"which" or "that which"|flees
9 does not aim to flee,
nec vive miser ,
nor will it live, wretch,
10 sed mente obstinata
|mind|with a stubborn mind
||mente obstinada
10 but obstinate in mind
per-fer, ob-dura.
||against toward|
através de|Suporta|por causa de|
per-patient, hard-on.