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Ulixes (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles), Ulixes 1 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Ulixes 1 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles)

Urbem Troiam a Graecis decem annos obsessam esse satis constat; de hoc enim bello Homerus, maximus poetarum Graecorum, Iliadem opus notissimum scripsit.

Troia tandem per insidias capta, Graeci longo bello fessi domum redire maturaverunt. Omnibus rebus igitur ad profectionem paratis navis deduxerunt, et tempestatem idoneam nacti magno cum gaudio solverunt. Erat inter primos Graecorum Ulixes quidam, vir summae virtutis ac prudentiae, quem dicunt nonnulli dolum istum excogitasse quo Troiam captam esse constat. Hic regnum insulae Ithacae obtinuerat, et paulo antequam cum reliquis Graecis ad bellum profectus est, puellam formosissimam, nomine Penelopen, in matrimonium duxerat. Nunc igitur cum iam decem annos quasi in exsilio consumpsisset, magna cupiditate patriae et uxoris videndae ardebat.

Ulixes 1 (Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles) Ulysses|Ritchie's|Stories|Easy stories Ulysses 1 (Ritchies einfache Geschichten) Ulysses 1 (Ritchie's Easy Tales) Ulises 1 (Los cuentos fáciles de Ritchie) Ulisses 1 (contos fáceis de Ritchie)

Urbem Troiam a Graecis decem annos obsessam esse satis constat; de hoc enim bello Homerus, maximus poetarum Graecorum, Iliadem opus notissimum scripsit. The city|Troy||by the Greeks|ten years|years|"besieged"|"to have been"|It is well|It is known||||war|Homer|greatest of poets|of the poets|"of the Greeks"|The Iliad||most well-known| The Greeks besieged city of Troy for ten years and it is well established; For this war, Homer, the greatest Greek poets Iliad wrote the best known. Los griegos sitiaron la ciudad de Troya durante diez años y está bien establecida; Para esta guerra, Homero, los más grandes poetas griegos, la Ilíada, escribió los más conocidos. トロイアの都はギリシャ人によって10年間包囲されたことはよく知られています。この戦争について、最も偉大なギリシャの詩人ホメロスは、有名な作品『イリアス』を書きました。

Troia tandem per insidias capta, Graeci longo bello fessi domum redire maturaverunt. Troy|"at last"||"treachery"|"having been captured"|The Greeks|"long" or "lengthy"||"weary" or "exhausted"|||"hastened to return" Troy finally taken by the plot, by far the war and return home tired maturavit. とうとうトロイアは策略によって陥落し、疲れ果てたギリシャ人たちは長い戦いの末に家に帰ることを急いだ。 Omnibus rebus igitur ad profectionem paratis navis deduxerunt, et tempestatem idoneam nacti magno cum gaudio solverunt. |things|therefore||departure|"having been prepared"|ship||||"suitable" or "favorable"|having found||||"set sail" Are preparing for the expedition, the ship is, therefore, to conduct them all was in readiness, and the raging of an appropriate basis to the great joy they paid it. そこで、すべての準備が整ったため、彼らは船を陸に下ろし、適した天候を見つけて大きな喜びをもって船を出港させた。 Erat inter primos Graecorum Ulixes quidam, vir summae virtutis ac prudentiae, quem dicunt nonnulli dolum istum excogitasse quo Troiam captam esse constat. |"among" or "amongst"|"the foremost"|"of the Greeks"||||"greatest" or "highest"||"and"|"of great wisdom"||"they say"|"some" or "some people"|trick|"that" or "that trick"|"to have devised"|||"having been captured"||"is known" Ulysses among the first of the Greeks was a certain man, a man of the highest virtue and prudence, and conceived in which the capture of Troy, whom some of them say this is admitted to be guilty of deceit. ギリシャ人の先駆者の中には、ウリクスという人がいた。彼は最高の美徳と賢明さを持つ人物であり、トロイが陥落したことを証明するいくつかの策略を考案したと言われている。 Hic regnum insulae Ithacae obtinuerat, et paulo antequam cum reliquis Graecis ad bellum profectus est, puellam formosissimam, nomine Penelopen, in matrimonium duxerat. ||of the island|of Ithaca|had obtained||"a little"|||with the rest||||set out||the beautiful girl|most beautiful girl|named|Penelope||in marriage|had married At this point the kingdom of the island of Ithaca, and had been, and a little before the war, when he set out to the rest of the Greeks is to say, the most beautiful of the young woman, whose name was Penelope, in marriage, he had married. 彼はイタカ島の王国を支配しており、他のギリシャ人と戦争へ向かう直前に、名前をペネロペという美しい少女と結婚していた。 Nunc igitur cum iam decem annos quasi in exsilio consumpsisset, magna cupiditate patriae et uxoris videndae ardebat. |||"now already"|||||in exile|had spent||with great desire|of the homeland|||"to see"|"was burning" So now he has already spent ten years in exile, as a large country and a wife's desire to see the torch. そのため、すでに10年間亡命のような生活を送っていた彼は、祖国と妻を見ることへの大きな熱望が燃えていた。