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Latin Odyssey, Cyclops Pars Prima

Cyclops Pars Prima

Ulixes in insula Cyclopum

Pars Prima

Ulixes cum comitibus Troia discessit.

multos annos per mare navigabant; multas terras gentesque visitabant. olim ad insulam Cyclopum venerunt. hi gigantes in montibus habitabant; nec urbes nec leges habebant. unus ex eis, Polyphemus nomine, speluncam magnam habebat. crudelissimus erat et maior arbore. Ulixes comites duodecim collegit, ceteros prope navem reliquit, et ad speluncam appropinquavit.

ibi multum caseum, lactem et multas oves invenerunt. comites Ulixem ad navem revenire monebant. Ulixes autem donum a gigante accipere cupiebat itaque in spelunca manebant. subito Polyphemus de montibus venit, speluncam intravit et saxo ingenti clausit.

ubi homines vidit, iratissimus erat. duo cepit, in saxa percussit et avide consumpsit. comites Ulixis perterriti erant.

Cyclops Pars Prima Zyklopen Teil Eins Cyclops Part One Cíclope primera parte Cyclope, première partie Ciclope prima parte サイクロプス パート 1 Cyclopen deel een Ciclope Parte Um Tepegöz Birinci Bölüm 独眼巨人第一部分

Ulixes in insula Cyclopum Odysseus auf der Insel Zyklopen Ulysses on the island of Cyclops 외눈 박이 거인의 섬에 율리시스

Pars Prima First part parte I. 부 I.

Ulixes cum comitibus Troia discessit. Ulysses und seine Gefährten verließen Troja. Ulysses and his companions left Troy. Ulisse ei suoi compagni hanno lasciato Troy.

multos annos per mare navigabant; multas terras gentesque visitabant. for many years by sea sailing; many lands and nations, they visited their. olim ad insulam Cyclopum venerunt. was one day to the island of the Cyclops came to pass. hi gigantes in montibus habitabant; nec urbes nec leges habebant. Diese Riesen lebten in den Bergen. Nicht einmal sie hatten die Städte, sind nicht die Gesetze von. these giants lived in the mountains; not even they had the cities are not the laws of. unus ex eis, Polyphemus nomine, speluncam magnam habebat. one of them, like Polyphemus, the name of the, the cave we had a great. crudelissimus erat et maior arbore. And the bigger the tree was very hard. Ulixes comites duodecim collegit, ceteros prope navem reliquit, et ad speluncam appropinquavit. The twelve, he gathered up his companions, and the others near the ship, has left us, and, to the cave is at hand.

ibi multum caseum, lactem et multas oves invenerunt. there is a lot of cheese, the milk and many, even the sheep they found none. comites Ulixem ad navem revenire monebant. Ulysses to return the boat to warn companions. Ulixes autem donum a gigante accipere cupiebat itaque in spelunca manebant. Aber Odysseus wollte ein Geschenk von dem Riesen bekommen, also blieben sie in der Höhle. Ulysses was a gift from the giant wanted to get into the cave stood up. subito Polyphemus de montibus venit, speluncam intravit et saxo ingenti clausit. Plötzlich kam Polyphem von den Bergen herunter, betrat die Höhle und verschloss sie mit einem riesigen Felsen. like Polyphemus, a sudden, he came out of the mountains, the cave of a huge rock, he went in and shut the door.

ubi homines vidit, iratissimus erat. Als er Männer sah, wurde er sehr wütend. When people saw angry. duo cepit, in saxa percussit et avide consumpsit. er nahm zwei, schlug sie auf die Felsen und verzehrte sie gierig. He took two of the rocks struck and avidly consumed. comites Ulixis perterriti erant. were terrified with the companions of Ulysses.