13 Dinner Invitation
13 Einladung zum Abendessen
13 Dinner Invitation
13 Invitación a la cena
13 Invitation à dîner
13 ディナー招待状
13 Convite para jantar
13 Приглашение на ужин
13 Akşam Yemeği Davetiyesi
오늘은 친구들이 우리집에 놀러와요.
Meine Freunde kommen heute zu mir nach Hause.
Today, my friends come to my house to hang out.
친구들에게 맛있는 음식을 해주고 싶어요.
Ich möchte leckeres Essen für meine Freunde kochen.
I want to make delicious food for my friends.
어떤 음식을 요리하면 좋을까요?
Welches Essen soll ich kochen?
What food should I cook?
친구들은 한식을 좋아해요.
My friends like Korean food.
그래서 저는 불고기와 순두부찌개를 만들 거예요.
||with|tofu stew||
Also werde ich Bulgogi und Sundubu-Eintopf kochen.
So I'm going to make bulgogi and sundubu stew.
반찬도 여러가지 만들 거예요.
side dishes|various|make|
Wir werden eine Reihe von Beilagen zubereiten.
I'm going to make various side dishes, too.
전통차도 준비할 거예요.
traditional tea|prepare|
Wir werden auch traditionellen Tee servieren.
I'm going to prepare traditional tea, too.
친구들은 모두 불고기를 좋아해요.
All my friends like bulgogi.
저는 순두부찌개를 아주 좋아해요.
|soondubu jjigae||
I really like Sundubu Jjigae.
저는 친구들과 이 음식들을 먹을 거예요.
||this|these dishes||
I'm going to eat these foods with my friends.
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Visit my YouTube channel.
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You can study in 7 steps.
||||KCグループ|I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.