The Most Beautiful Moment in Life
Cho Yoon Hee,
― 우리 인생의 가장 아름다웠던 시절은 과연 언제였을까
|of our|most|most beautiful|time|indeed|when
- When was the most beautiful time of our life?
- 我们一生中最美好的时光是什么时候?
Jo Yunhee
Yoonhee Cho
어떤 마음들이 저 돌담을 쌓아 올렸을까
what|hearts||the stone wall|built|built
What kind of hearts built up that stone wall?
화가 났던 돌, 쓸쓸했던 돌, 눈물 흘렸던 돌, 슬펐던 돌, 안타까웠던 돌, 체념했던 돌
was angry|that had|stone|was lonely|stone||shed|stone|was sad|stone|was pitiful|stone|resigned|stone
Stones of anger, stones of loneliness, stones of tears, stones of sadness, stones of sadness, stones of resignation.
그런 돌들을 차곡차곡 올려놓았을까
I had forgotten the fact that it was a car for a moment, I would have hid myself in the abyss that I had been keeping in place. In the abyss, I would have opened my blue eyes. Could I have raised those things?
여기저기 흩어져 있었을 때로는 발길질에 채였을
here and there|scattered|had been|at times|trampling|caught
scattered here and there, and sometimes kicked around.
어느 순간 차였다는 사실도 잊은 채 제자리 지키고 있었을
At some point, you may have forgotten that you were in a car and were just standing there.
조금은 흙 속에 제 몸을 숨겼을
Did you build a stone wall by stacking stones as if you were building it? A landscape filled with stones, each one filled with stones. Magnolia buds outside the stone wall.
심연 속에서 푸른 눈을 뜨고 있었을 그런 것들을 일으켜 세웠을까
Did we raise up those things that would have opened blue eyes in the abyss?
저자거리를 헤매이던 마음들이 그 바람 불던 거리에서 자꾸만 넘어지던 마음들이 자기 몸을 세우듯 돌을 쌓아 올려 돌담을 세워 태풍에도 끄떡없는 울타리를 만들었을까 하나하나의 돌멩이들이 채워 논 풍경 그 돌담 밖으로 목련꽃 봉오리 벙그러질 때 그리운 추억의 이름으로 견고해지는 봉인 아름다운 시절을 소망하는 합장하는 손들
the author's street||||||||||||||||||||fence|||stones|||||||||to bloom|||||becoming solid|seal|||to hope for|praying hands|
[시_ 조윤희 - 1955년 전남 장흥 출생.
[Poetry_ Jo Yoon-hee - Born in Jangheung, Jeollanam-do in 1955.
시집 『모서리의 사랑』『얼룩무늬 저 여자』 등이 있음.
There are several collections of poems, such as "Love at the Corner" and "That Spotted Woman".
낭송_ 이제야 - 2012년 《애지》로 등단.
Recitation_ Now, debuted in 2012 with Love.
산문집 『안녕, 오늘』『그곳과 사귀다』가 있음. ]
There is a collection of prose "Hello, Today" and "I'm dating there". ]
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Attribution YES
상업적 이용 YES
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컨텐츠 변경 YES