#90 Adeline & Josué – Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué - Youtube
#90 艾德琳和约书亚 - Youtube
#90 Adeline & Josué – Youtube
Salut Josué
Hi Josué
Est-ce qu'on regarde une vidéo marrante sur internet ?
||that we|we watch|a|video|funny|on|internet
Shall we watch a funny video on the internet?
Oui si tu veux
yes|if|you|you want
Yes if you want
Ok... let's go.
Alors on va regarder sur youtube une vidéo de David Hasselhoff qui s'appelle ‘hooked on a feeling'
so|we|we are going to|to watch|on|YouTube|a|video|of|David|Hasselhoff|who|is called|'hooked|on|a|feeling'
So we're going to watch a video on YouTube by David Hasselhoff called 'hooked on a feeling'
Désolée pour l'accent français
sorry|for|the accent|French
Sorry for the French accent
C'est un truc vraiment débile cette vidéo, c'est vraiment débile
it is|a|thing|really|stupid|this|video|it is|really|stupid
This video is really stupid, it's really stupid
Oui je sais pas ce qu'il lui a traverser l'esprit pour faire ça…je crois qu'il a but un peu trop d'eau
yes|I|I know|not|what|that he|to him|he has|to cross|the mind|to|to do|that|I|I believe|that he|he has|he drank|a|a little|too much|of water
Yeah, I don't know what went through his mind to do that... I think he drank a bit too much water
Ce sont des effets vidéo de Star Treck
it|they are|some|effects|video|of|Star|Trek
These are video effects from Star Trek
Oh la la…à chaque fois que je regarde cette vidéo elle me fait marrer
oh|the|the|at|each|time|that|I|I watch|this|video|it|it|it makes|to laugh
Oh la la... every time I watch this video it makes me laugh.
Moi aussi
Me too.
Vraiment pas nette
Really not clear.
Oh la la…j'en peux déjà plus
Oh|the|the|I can't take it anymore|I can|already|more
Oh la la... I can't take it anymore.
C'est la plus marrante…hein que c'est la plus marrante… ?
it is|the|more|funny|right|that|it is|the|more|funny
It's the funniest... right, it's the funniest...?
Oui…oui…et c'elle de Michael Jackson après…
yes|yes|and|that one|of|Michael|Jackson|after
Yes... yes... and that one of Michael Jackson afterwards...
T'avais pas aimé Nana Man ?
you had|not|liked|Nana|Man
Didn't you like Nana Man?
Non, c'était quoi ce truc a la noix ?
no|it was|what|that|thing|with|the|nut
No, what was that silly thing?
Mais ça me fait plus autant rigoler que la première fois
but|it|me|it makes|more|as much|to laugh|than|the|first|time
But it doesn't make me laugh as much as the first time.
J'crois que c'est juste cette partie qui fait rigoler maintenant
I believe|that|it's|just|this|part|that|it makes|to laugh|now
I think it's just this part that makes people laugh now.
Si tu montres à qqn qui n'a pas encore tu vas encore rigoler a fond…
if|you|you show|to|someone|who|has not|not|yet|you|you will|again|to laugh|at|a lot
If you show it to someone who hasn't seen it yet, you'll still laugh a lot...
Je crois que je vais envoyer à mes amis sur internet, je ne me suis pas encore fait
I|I believe|that|I|I am going to|to send|to|my|friends|on|internet|I|not|myself|I am|not|yet|made
I think I'm going to send it to my friends on the internet, I haven't done it yet.
Ils vont rigoler
they|they are going to|to laugh
They are going to laugh.
C'est la honte…c'est quoi ce type à la noix…
It's embarrassing... what kind of idiot is this...
Non mais franchement
No but seriously
C'est vraiment abusé
it is|really|abused
It's really outrageous
Ah c'est un allemand qui a mis cette vidéo là-dessus ?
Oh, it's a German who put this video on it?
David Hasselhoff
David Hasselhoff
Oui mais se fou de sa gueule ou pas ?
Yes, but is he making fun of himself or not?
Je ne sais pas
I|not|I know|not
I don't know
En tout cas…oh là là c'est vraiment abusé ce type…t'as vu comment est-ce qu'il est vraiment ?
in|all|case|oh|there|there|it's|really|abused|this|guy|you have|seen|how|he is||||really
In any case... oh my, this guy is really over the top... have you seen how he really is?
Il est super vieux…t'as vu comment est-ce qu'il est maintenant ?
he|he is|super|old|you have|seen|how|he is||||now
He's super old... did you see what he's like now?
Oui j'ai lu un article…tu savais qu'il était dans le comma ?
yes|I have|read|a|article|you|you knew|that he|he was|in|the|comma
Yeah, I read an article... did you know he was in a coma?
Non je savais pas
no|I|I knew|not
No, I didn't know that.
Mais il est vachement vieux maintenant, il est plus comme ça…il a la bougeotte
but|he|he is|really|old|now|he|he is|more|like|that|he|he has|the|fidgeting
But he's really old now, he's not like that anymore... he's restless.
Chante : « hooked on a feeling…yeah yeah….
Sing: "hooked on a feeling…yeah yeah….
Ohhga chacka ohhga chaka ooohga ooohga chaka»…met une vidéo marrante en français.
Ohhga chacka ohhga chaka ooohga ooohga chaka"…put a funny video in French.
Mais quoi ?
But what?
Je sais pas…par exemple celle de Michael Jackson, je sais pas.
I|I know|not|by|example|that one|of|Michael|Jackson|I|I know|not
I don't know…for example, that one by Michael Jackson, I don't know.
Y a pas une vidéo en français marrante, y en avais plein je te dis…on les a pas toutes vues celle de…comment il s'appelai déjà ?
there is|a|not|a|video|in|French|funny|there|in|there were|plenty|I|you|I tell you|we|them|there is|not|all|seen|that one|of|how|he|he was called|already
There isn't a funny video in French, there were plenty, I'm telling you... we haven't seen all of them, the one with... what was his name again?
Mazarin ?
Il en avait plein…mais lui ces vidéos elles sont soit super biens soit super nulles
he|of it|he had|plenty|but|him|these|videos|they|they are|either|super|good|either|super|bad
He had plenty... but his videos are either really good or really bad.
to laugh
Ah c'est faux…o le pauvre
Oh that's false... poor thing
Non mais au début j'ai cru que c'était vrai.venant de lui tout est possible
not|but|at the|beginning|I have|believed|that|it was|true|coming|from|him|everything|is|possible
No, at first I thought it was true. Coming from him, anything is possible
Ah ouais
Oh really
Ce n'est pas lui…
this|it is not|not|him
It's not him...
Oui c'est lui quand il était jeune
yes|it's|him|when|he|he was|young
Yes, it's him when he was young.
Il a une autre tète
He has a different face.
Attends mais c'est pas ça son clip vidéo sur ça…il est son clip vidéo ?
Wait, but isn't that his music video about that... is it his music video?
C'est vrai ou c'est faux ça?
it is|true|or|it is|false|that
Is it true or is it false?
C'est faux…attends dans les toilettes…
It's false... wait in the bathroom...
T'es sure ?
you are|sure
Are you sure?
C'est même pas lui en plus
It's not even him besides.
Alors c'est ou cette vidéo de ‘looking for freedom' ?
So where is this video of 'looking for freedom'?
Je sais pas
I|I know|not
I don't know
Ça doit être ça…
it|it must|to be|that
It must be this...
Aie aie aie
Ouch ouch ouch
Oh pitié assez de ça …enough…mais c'est dommage qu'il ait pas une vidéo aussi marrant que l'autre…elle t'a pas encore montré
Oh|pity|enough|of|that||but|it's|a shame|that he|he has|not|a|video|as|funny|as|the other|she|she has not|not|yet|shown
Oh please enough of that... enough... but it's a shame he doesn't have a video as funny as the other one... she hasn't shown you yet.
Ah tien, ça je n'avais pas vu c'est nouveau ça…
Ah|look|that|I|I had not|not|seen|it's|new|that
Oh look, I hadn't seen that, that's new...
La voix qu'il a…tu rigoles
the|voice|that he|he has|you|you joke
The voice he has... are you kidding?
Il sait pas chanter
he|he knows|not|to sing
He can't sing.
Mais c'est pas marrant…je veux qqch qui est marrant.
but|it's|not|funny|I|I want|something|that|is|funny
But it's not funny... I want something that is funny.
Si il en avait fait deux ç'aurait été parfait.
if|he|it|he had|made|two|it would have been|been|perfect
If he had done two it would have been perfect.
Il y a ‘hook on a feeling' remixe
there|there|there is|'hook|on|a|feeling|remix
There is 'hook on a feeling' remixed.
Je que c'est son pied qui a été remixé
I think it's his foot that has been remixed.
Ah…c'est sa fille ça…J'aime pas…je préférai l'autre elle est beaucoup plus marrante.
Ah|it's|his/her|daughter|that|I don't like|not|I||the other|she|she is|much|more|funny
Ah... that's his daughter... I don't like her... I preferred the other one, she's much funnier.
C'est quoi ça ?
it is|what|that
What is that?
David Hasselhoff…'everybody happy'
David|Hasselhoff|tout le monde|heureux
David Hasselhoff...'everybody happy'
(musique joue)
(music plays)
C''est quoi ça ?
it is|what|that
What is that?
Attends je vais voir celle là un petit peu…elle a pas eu beaucoup de vues…les vidéo quoi ?
wait|I|I am going to|to see|that one|there|a|little|bit|she|has|not|had|a lot|of|views|the|video|what
Wait, I'm going to check this one out a little bit... it hasn't had many views... the videos, right?
…les plus marrantes, c'est celles qui ont le plus de vues…
the|more|funny|it's|those|who|they have|the|more|of|views
...the funniest ones are the ones that have the most views...
Ah ouais c'est clair…ouais mais même les vidéos marrantes ont bien du commencer quelque part.
Ah|yeah|it's|clear|yeah|but|even|the|videos|funny|they have|well|some|to start|some|place
Oh yeah, that's clear... yeah, but even funny videos must have started somewhere.
Elle avait que quelques vues au début.
she|she had|only|some|views|at|beginning
It only had a few views at the beginning.
Il faut regarder la date…
it|it is necessary|to look|the|date
You have to look at the date...
Ah oui…
Oh yes...
they laugh
They laugh...
Oh la la la…c'est quoi ce type ?
Oh la la la... who is this guy?
Comme Michael Jackson…c'est les deux chiens qu'il y a dans le clip…
like|Michael|Jackson|it's|the|two|dogs|that he|there|there is|in|the|clip
Like Michael Jackson... it's the two dogs in the video...
Quel clip ?
What video?
C'est peut-être ses deux chiens à lui.mais dans le clip de hooked on a feeling…
it is|||his|two|dogs|at|him|but|in|the|clip|of|hooked|on|a|feeling
It might be his two dogs. But in the hooked on a feeling clip…
Je crois que c'est vraiment ses deux chiens à lui en faite…
I|I believe|that|it's|really|his|two|dogs|to|him|in|fact
I really think it's actually his two dogs…
Et les deux anges ça doit être ses deux filles de l'époque…
and|the|two|angels|it|it must be|to be|his|two|daughters|of|the time
And the two angels must be his two daughters from that time…
Non ?
Oui je crois
yes|I|I believe
Yes, I think so.
C'est quoi le truc là, le truc bizarre qui passe la ?
it is|what|the|thing|there|the|thing|strange|that|it is happening|there
What's that thing, the weird thing that's going on?
Quoi ça ?
What is that?
Attends de quoi…
Wait for what...
Y avait un monstre…
there was|he/she/it had|a|monster
There was a monster...
Je sais pas j'ai toujours pas trouvé…aucune idée…
I|I know|not|I have|always|not|found|no|idea
I don't know, I still haven't found... no idea...
(chanson baywatch)
(Baywatch song)
On se demande…comment est-ce qu'il a fait carrière dans le cinéma… ?
we|oneself|we ask|how|||that he|he has|made|career|in|the|cinema
One wonders... how did he make a career in cinema...?
Mais il était pas dans le cinéma… il était juste dans les séries télé…
but|he|he was|not|in|the|cinema|he|he was|just|in|the|series|TV
But he wasn't in cinema... he was just in TV series...
Oui, oui, oui
Yes, yes, yes
Ne me dit pas qu'il a fait des films ?
not|me|he says|not|that he|he has|made|some|films
Don't tell me he made movies?
Euh non, non ben non…mais comment est-ce qu'il a pu faire carrière dans les séries avant avoir fait hook on the feeling ?
uh|no|no|well|no|but|how|||that he|he has|been able to|to make|career|in|the|series|before|having|made|hook|on|the|feeling
Uh no, no well no... but how could he have had a career in series before doing Hooked on a Feeling?
Il a fait hooked on a feeling avant avoir été célèbre.
he|he has|made|hooked|on|a|feeling|before||been|famous
He did Hooked on a Feeling before he became famous.
C'est dommage qu'il en a pas fait une aussi marrante que Hooked on Feeling.
it's|a shame|that he|it|he has|not|made|one|as|funny|as|Hooked|on|Feeling
It's a shame he didn't make one as funny as Hooked on a Feeling.
Ç'aurai été vraiment bien.
it would have been|been|really|good
It would have been really good.
Il était pas marrant…il était vraiment dans la vidéo,
he|he was|not|funny|he|he was|really|in|the|video
He wasn't funny... he was really in the video,
Il croyait qu'il était super, quoi.
he|he believed|that he|he was|great|you know
He thought he was great, you know.
Nul…complètement nul…tiens ça sa peut être intéressant
null|completely|null|here|that|it|it can|to be|interesting
Nothing... completely nothing... hey, this could be interesting.
Je crois que C'est que juste son clip qui est comme ça…je crois qu'on a du lui dire…
I|I believe|that|it's|that|just|his|clip|that|is|like|that|I|I believe|that we|we have|to|him|to tell
I think it's just his music video that's like this... I think someone must have told him...
C'était son premier clip ?
it was|his|first|clip
Was it his first music video?
Je sais pas
I|I know|not
I don't know.
Bon j'y vais…à tt à l'heure, ciao
good|I'm going there|I go|at|all|at|the hour|bye
Well, I'm off... see you later, bye
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