#89 Adeline & Josué – Video Games
#89 Adeline & Josué - Video Games
#89 Adeline & Josué - Videojuegos
#89位 アデリーヌ&ジョスエ - ビデオゲーム
#89 Adeline & Josué - Videospelletjes
#89 Adeline & Josué - Gry wideo
#89 Adeline & Josué - Videojogos
#89 Adeline & Josué - Video Games
#89 Adeline & Josué - Videospel
#89 Adeline & Josué - Video Oyunları
#89 Adeline & Josué – Video Games
Salut Josué, qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
hi|Joshua|||that|you|you do
Hi Josué, what are you doing?
Salut Adeline, je joue à RISK
hi|Adeline|I|I play|at|RISK
Hi Adeline, I'm playing RISK.
Ah je vois.
Ah|I|I see
Oh I see.
Alors toi tu es « Empire » et tu as déjà battu « Freire » et il s'appelait comment déjà l'autre ?
so|you|you|you are|Empire|and|you|you have|already|beaten|Freire|and|he|he was called|how|already|the other
So you are "Empire" and you have already beaten "Freire" and what was the other one's name again?
Je sais pas, je sais plus
I|I know|not|I|I know|more
I don't know, I can't remember
En faite t'est entrain de gagner ?
in|fact|you are|in the process of|of|to win
So you are winning?
Je suis entrain de gagner
I|I am|in the process|of|to win
I am winning
L'émission dont je t'avais parlé alors ils montraient les anciens membres du club Dorothée, alors il y avait Dorothée qui chantait…tu te rappelles de cette chanson là ?
the show|that|I|I had told you|talked|so|they|they were showing|the|former|members|of the|club|Dorothée|so|there|||Dorothée|who|she was singing|you|you|you remember|of|that|song|there
The show I told you about, they were showing the former members of the Dorothée club, and there was Dorothée singing... do you remember that song?
(Chante : Le nez de Dorothée dans sa valise…) Tu te rappelles de ça ?
sing|the|nose|of|Dorothée|in|her|suitcase|you|you|you remember|of|that
(Sings: Dorothée's nose in her suitcase...) Do you remember that?
Non pas du tout
Not at all
Ouais alors ils étaient entrain de montrer ça
yeah|so|they|they were|in the process|of|to show|that
Yeah, so they were showing that.
C'est qui le plus difficile à battre ?
it is|who|the|more|difficult|to|to beat
Who is the hardest to beat?
Le plus difficile à battre c'est moi
the|more|difficult|to|to beat|it's|me
The hardest to beat is me.
Mais tu sais quoi ceux qui ont une étoile c'est souvent les plus forts, je sais pas pourquoi
but|you|you know|what|those|who|they have|a|star|it's|often|the|more|strong|I|I know|not|why
But you know what, those who have a star are often the strongest, I don't know why.
Oui ça dépend qui joue, parce qu'il y en a qui font n'importe quoi
yes|it|it depends|who|plays|because|that there are|there|some|there are|who|they do||
Yes, it depends on who plays, because there are some who do anything.
Eh…j'avais jamais vu ‘Arnon'.
Eh|I had|never|seen|'Arnon'
Hey... I had never seen 'Arnon'.
C'est nouveau ?
it is|new
Is it new?
J'avais jamais vu.
I had|never|seen
I had never seen.
Purée, t'as déjà pratiquement, t'as déjà toute l'Amérique du Nord, L'Amérique Latin et déjà presque toute l'Europe
puree|you have|already|practically|you have|already|all|America|of|North|America|Latin|and|already|almost|all|Europe
Wow, you practically have all of North America, Latin America, and almost all of Europe already.
Evangeline elle a joué à ça ?
Did Evangeline play that?
Elle était bonne ?
she|she was|good
Was she good?
Elle gagnait beaucoup ou pas ?
she|she was earning|a lot|or|not
Did she earn a lot or not?
Pas contre moi
Not against me.
C'est vrai que toi tu es très difficile à battre.
it is|true|that|you|you|you are|very|difficult|to|to beat
It's true that you are very difficult to beat.
En faite moi je t'ai battue seulement une ou deux fois je crois, non ?
in|fact|me|I|I have you|beaten|only|one|or|two|times|I|I believe|no
Actually, I think I only beat you once or twice, right?
Brazil attacking North Africa, Le Brésil attaque l'Afrique
le Brésil|attaque|le|Afrique||||
Brazil attacking North Africa, Brazil attacks Africa
Eh tu sais le livreur de pizza…Tu sais ce qu'il m'a demandé ?
eh|you|you know|the|delivery person|of|pizza|you|you know|what|that he|he asked me|asked
Hey, you know the pizza delivery guy... Do you know what he asked me?
Il m'a demandé à qui elle était la voiture blanche
he|he asked me|asked|to|who|she|she was|the|car|white
He asked me whose the white car was.
Mais c'est quoi le problème avec cette voiture ?
But what's the problem with that car?
Je ne sais pas
I|not|I know|not
I don't know
Tout le monde qui vient ici…oh la voiture, la voiture…
Everyone who comes here... oh the car, the car...
On plus on la voit même pas parce qu'il y a un truc bleu dessus
we|more|we|her|we see|even|not|because|that it|there|there is|a|thing|blue|on it
We can't even see it because there's a blue thing on it
Alors il me demande comme ça…c'est à qui cette voiture là c'est à vous ?
so|he|to me|he asks|like|that|it's|to|who|this|car|there|it's|to|you
So he asks me like this... whose car is that, is it yours?
Et je dis c'est à ma mère.
and|I|I say|it's|to|my|mother
And I say it's my mother's.
Mais je lui ai dit ‘elle n'est pas là'.
but|I|to her|I have|said|'she|she is not|not|there
But I told him 'she's not here'.
Alors je lui dis : pourquoi vous voulez l'acheter, alors il me dit oui
so|I|to him|I say|why|you|you want|to buy it|so|he|to me|he says|yes
So I say to him: why do you want to buy it, then he tells me yes.
Ah bon ?
Oh really?
tout le monde qui vient ici.
everyone who comes here.
Alors que tu vois que les roues.
so|that|you|you see|that|the|wheels
So you see the wheels.
En faite c'est peut-être une voiture de collection et que nous on ne sait pas.
in|fact|it's|||a|car|of|collection|and|that|we|we|not|we know|
Actually, it might be a collector's car and we don't know.
C'est une voiture de collection
it is|a|car|of|collection
It's a collector's car
Et peut-être qu'elle vaut vachement chère mais qu'on sait pas du tout.
and|||that she|it is worth|really|expensive|but|that we|we know|not|at all|
And maybe it's worth a lot but we have no idea.
Mais c'est une voiture de collection
But it's a collector's car
Et ils l'ont eu comment ?
and|they|they have it|had|how
And how did they get it?
J'sais pas c'était le voisin là à coté qui l'a vendue.
I don't know|not|it was|the|neighbor|there|at|side|who|he sold it|sold
I don't know, it was the neighbor next door who sold it.
Il l'a vendue pour quoi ?
he|he has|sold|for|what
What did he sell it for?
Pour rien c'est ça ?
For nothing, right?
Je sais pas pourquoi mais je suis sure qu'elle vaut une fortune.
I|I know|not|why|but|I|I am|sure|that she|she is worth|a|fortune
I don't know why, but I'm sure it's worth a fortune.
On peut la revendre plus chère…
we|can|it|to resell|more|expensive
We can sell it for a higher price...
En tout cas c'est vraiment pas normal…il vient comme ça et il demande…attend mais..ce livreur de pizza je le connais déjà depuis 4 mois…et jamais une seule fois il ne m'a jamais parlé d'autre chose.
in|all|case|it's|really|not|normal|he|he comes|like|that|and|he|he asks|wait|but|this|delivery person|of|pizza|I|him|I know|already|since|months|and|never|a|single|time|he|not|he has|ever|talked|about other|thing
In any case, it's really not normal... he comes like that and asks... wait, but... I've known this pizza delivery guy for 4 months already... and he has never once talked to me about anything else.
Le premier truc dont il me parle c'est la voiture…
the|first|thing|of which|he|to me|he talks|it's|the|car
The first thing he talks to me about is the car...
Ah bon
Oh really?
En tout cas je me demande si qqn ne peut pas la piquer la nuit comme les barreaux sont toujours ouverts…comme les portières sont toujours ouvertes
in|all|case|I|me|I wonder|if|someone|not|he/she can|not|it|to steal|it|night|as|the|bars|they are|always|open|as|the|doors|they are|always|
In any case, I wonder if someone can't steal it at night since the bars are always open... like the doors are always open.
Qu'elles soient fermés ou pas
that they are|they be|closed|or|not
Whether they are closed or not.
Quoi ?
Qu'elles soient fermés ou pas
whether they are|they are|closed|or|not
Whether they are closed or not.
T'en a pas marre de jouer à ce jeu ?
you have|have|not|tired|of|to play|at|this|game
Aren't you tired of playing this game?
Non…pas du tout
No... not at all
(jeu vidéo entendu dans le fond)
(video game heard in the background)
T'es déjà pratiquement partout, Amérique du nord, Amérique latine, Afrique, Europe, Asie…Il te manque plus que un, deux, trois territoires en Asie et les quartes territoires de d'Australie
you are|already|practically|everywhere|America|of|north|America|Latin|Africa|Europe|Asia|it|you|it is missing|more|than|one|two|three|territories|in|Asia|and|the|four|territories|of|Australia
You're already practically everywhere, North America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia... You just need one, two, three territories in Asia and the four territories of Australia.
J'ai déjà gagné d'avance, en plus il ne m'a même pas attaqué
I have|already|won|in advance|in|moreover|he|not|he has|even|not|attacked
I have already won in advance, plus he didn't even attack me.
On devrait trouver un autre jeu sur internet
we|should|to find|a|another|game|on|internet
We should find another game on the internet.
De toute façon j'ai plus le temps de jouer
of|all|way|I have|more|the|time|to|play
Anyway, I don't have time to play anymore.
Ah, je t'avais dit que je t'avais acheté un jeu…il est toujours pas arrivé
Ah|I|I had told you|said|that|I|I had|bought|a|game|it|it is|still|not|arrived
Ah, I told you I bought you a game... it still hasn't arrived.
C'est quoi cette histoire tu m'as acheté quel jeu ?
it is|what|this|story|you|you have me|bought|which|game
What is this story, which game did you buy me?
Je t'ai acheté un jeu vidéo, et t'as vu Evangeline s'est acheter la Nintendo DS.
I|I have you|bought|a|game|video|and|you have|seen|Evangeline|she has|to buy|the|Nintendo|DS
I bought you a video game, and did you see Evangeline bought the Nintendo DS.
Elle a jouée à Final Fantasy.
She played Final Fantasy.
Ouais j'ai vu
yeah|I have|seen
Yeah, I saw.
Je t'avais dit que je travaillais pour eux quand j'habitais à Londres ?
I|you had|said|that|I|I was working|for|them|when|I was living|in|London
Did I tell you that I was working for them when I lived in London?
Qui, Final fantasy ?
Who, Final Fantasy?
Oui..J't'avais dit…je travaillais pour eux et en faite ce qu'il fallait que je fasse c'était que quand il y a des clients qui achètent le jeu, ils ne savent pas comment jouer donc ils nous appellent nous et ils disent : Oui je ne sais pas comment jouer
yes|I had told you|said|I|I was working|for|them|and|in|fact|what|that they|it was necessary|that|I|I do|it was|that|when|there|there|there is|some|clients|who|they buy|the|game|they|not|they know|how|how|to play|so|they|us|they call|us|and|they|they say|Yes|I|not|I know|how|how|to play
Yes.. I told you… I was working for them and actually what I had to do was when there are customers who buy the game, they don't know how to play so they call us and they say: Yes, I don't know how to play.
…et toit tu sais comment jouer
and|you|you|you know|how|to play
...and you know how to play.
Ouais parce que en faite le premier mois ou t'es là…
Yeah, because actually the first month you're there...
Ils te font jouer ?
they|you|they make|to play
They make you play?
Ils te font jouer, ils t'entrainent.ils te montrent toutes les astuces pour devenir une pro du jeu
they|you|they make|to play|they|they train you|they|you|they show|all|the|tricks|to|to become|a|pro|of|game
They make you play, they train you, they show you all the tricks to become a pro at the game.
Ah bon ?
Ouais…donc en faite t'es payé pour jouer à des jeux vidéo…
yeah|so|in|fact|you're|paid|to|to play|at|some|games|video
Yeah... so basically you're paid to play video games...
Ah c'est bien
Oh that's nice
Mais en faite je suis pas restée, je n'ai pas trop aimer…parce que tu vois il y a des gens qui aiment bien jouer aux jeux vidéo mais moi je n'aime pas…moi quand je vais au travail je préfère bosser.
but|in|fact|I|I am|not|stayed|I|I have not|not|too much|to like|||you|you see|there|there|there is|some|people|who|they like|well|to play|to the|games|video|but|me|I|I do not like|not|me|when|I|I go|to the|work|I|I prefer|to work
But actually I didn't stay, I didn't really like it... because you see, there are people who really enjoy playing video games but I don't... when I go to work I prefer to work.
Parce qu'au début c'était bien après tu commences à t'ennuyer, tu te dis : oh la la, toujours la même chose, en plus le jeu Final Fantasy ça me plaisais pas bcp.
because|that at|beginning|it was|good|after|you|you start|to|to get bored|you|you|you say|oh|the|the|||same|thing|in|more|the|game|Final|Fantasy|it|me|I liked|not|much
Because at first it was good, then you start to get bored, you think: oh my, always the same thing, plus I didn't really like the game Final Fantasy.
T'as déjà joué avec.
you have|already|played|with
You've already played with it.
C'était quoi déjà l'autre jeu…tu m'avais dit la dernière fois on était entrain de regarder, y avait un jeu là, j'sais plus…c'était Call of Duty ?
it was|what|already|the other|game|you|you had told me|said|the|last|time|we||in the process|of|to watch|there|there was|a|game|there|I know|more|it was|Call|of|Duty
What was the other game again... you told me last time we were watching, there was a game there, I don't remember... was it Call of Duty?
Tu as le 1 c'est ça ?
you|you have|the|it's|that
You have the 1, right?
Alors c'est quoi le jeu que tu m'as acheté ?
so|it's|what|the|game|that|you|you bought for me|bought
So what is the game you bought me?
Tu verras, j'tai dit que c'était une surprise
you|you will see|I told you|said|that|it was|a|surprise
You'll see, I told you it was a surprise
Tu l'as acheté sur quoi
you|you have it|bought|on|what
What did you buy it on?
Ah bon ?
Oh really?
C'est le moins cher Amazon, ils ont pleins de jeux dessus.
it is|the|less|expensive|Amazon|they|they have|lots|of|games|on it
It's the cheapest on Amazon, they have plenty of games on it.
Pleins de jeux…
lots of|of|games
Plenty of games…
Je n'arrive pas à la croire
I|I can't|not|to|her|to believe
I can't believe it.
Tu vois la manière dont ils disent « indonesia » ?
you|you see|the|manner|in which|they|they say|Indonesia
Do you see the way they say "indonesia"?
?Ils disent comme les anglais mais ils disent pas comme les américains… Les américains ils disent « indonesia » et les anglais ils disent « indonesia » avec le ‘s' come zzz
they|they say|like|the|English|but|they|they say|not|like|the|Americans|the||they|they say|Indonesia|||||||with|the|'s'|like|zzz
They say it like the English but they don't say it like the Americans... The Americans say "indonesia" and the English say "indonesia" with the 's' like zzz.
J'adore ce jeu, c'est un jeu génial
I love|this|game|it's|a|game|great
I love this game, it's a great game.
Super !
Ben je ne sais pas, je me concentre sur mon jeu
well|I|not|I know|not|I|myself|I concentrate|on|my|game
Well, I don't know, I'm focusing on my game.
Voilà j'ai gagné
here is|I have|won
There, I won.
T'as gagné….t'as gagné…t'as gagneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer !
you have|won|you have|won|you have|to win
You won... you won... you woooooooon!
bravo…yeah…t'as gagné…oups…bon aller je me tire, ciao…
well done|yeah|you have|won|oops|well|let's go|I|I|I leave|bye
well done…yeah…you won…oops…alright I'm out, bye…
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