#80 Serge & Marianne – Social Issues
#80 Serge & Marianne - Social Issues
#80 Serge & Marianne - Cuestiones sociales
#80 Serge e Marianne - Problemi sociali
#80 セルジュ&マリアンヌ - 社会問題
#80 Serge & Marianne - Sociale kwesties
#80 Serge & Marianne - Questões sociais
#80 Серж и Марианна - Социальные вопросы
#80 Serge & Marianne - Sociala frågor
#80 Serge & Marianne - Sosyal Konular
#80 Serge 和 Marianne – 社会问题
#80 Serge & Marianne – Social Issues
Serge: J'ai... écoute, j'ai entendu à la radio cet après-midi un débat sur les rapports entre les policiers et les jeunes justement, des banlieues.
Serge|I have|listen|I have|heard|at|the|radio|this|||a|debate|on|the|relations|between|the|police officers|and|the|young people|precisely|some|suburbs
Serge: Ich habe... Ich habe heute Nachmittag im Radio eine Debatte über die Beziehungen zwischen der Polizei und den Jugendlichen in den Vorstädten gehört.
Serge: I... listen, I heard on the radio this afternoon a debate about the relationship between police and young people, especially in the suburbs.
Et il y avait un jeune… enfin, un représentant des jeunes, un éducateur, au niveau des banlieues, qui disait que les policiers étaient très très mal formés pour opérer dans ces zones et en plus, comme tu dis, c'était les derniers de promo qui, donc forcément pas les meilleurs, plutôt les plus mauvais, bien qui héritaient des places les plus dures...
and|there|there|there was|a|young|well|a|representative|of|young people|an|educator|at|level|of|suburbs|who|he said|that|the|police officers|they were|very|very|poorly|trained|to|operate|in|these|zones|and|in|more|as|you|you say|it was|the|last|of|class|who|so|necessarily|not|the|best|rather|the|most|bad|well|who|they inherited|of|places|the|most|tough
Und es gab einen jungen Mann... na ja, einen Vertreter der Jugendlichen, einen Erzieher, der in den Vorstädten tätig war, der sagte, dass die Polizisten sehr, sehr schlecht ausgebildet seien, um in diesen Gebieten zu operieren, und außerdem, wie du sagst, waren es die letzten des Jahrgangs, die, also nicht unbedingt die besten, sondern eher die schlechtesten, die die härtesten Plätze erben würden...
And there was a young person... well, a representative of the youth, an educator, from the suburbs, who said that the police were very poorly trained to operate in these areas and also, as you said, they were the last in their class, so definitely not the best, rather the worst, who ended up in the toughest positions...
Marianne: Oui, malheureusement.
Marianne: Yes, unfortunately.
Serge: Dans certaines banlieues très très chaudes et donc euh...alors que la logique voudrait que ce soit les meilleurs mais moi, je peux comprendre que le meilleur, il a bossé justement pour éviter ce genre de trucs et il préfère être policier sur la Côte d'Azur ou à Cannes ou à Nice.
Serge|in|some|suburbs|very|very|hot|and|so|uh|so|that|the|logic|it would want|that|it|it is|the|best|but|me|I|I can|understand|that|the|best|he|has|worked|precisely|to|avoid|this|kind|of|stuff|and|he|he prefers|to be|police officer|on|the|Coast|of Azure|or|in|Cannes|or|in|Nice
Serge: In certain very hot suburbs and so, uh... while logic would suggest that it should be the best, I can understand that the best has worked to avoid this kind of stuff and prefers to be a police officer on the Côte d'Azur or in Cannes or Nice.
Marianne: Bien sûr.
Marianne|of course|sure
Marianne: Of course.
Serge: Oh quoi qu'à Nice, ce n'est pas forcément simple.
Serge|Oh|what|that in|Nice|it|it is not|not|necessarily|simple
Serge: Oh, although in Nice, it's not necessarily simple.
Je sais qu'il y a pas mal de délinquance mais bon...
I|I know|that there is|there|there is|not|a lot|of|delinquency|but|well
I know there is quite a bit of delinquency, but well...
Marianne: Oh ça, il y en a partout.
Marianne|Oh|that|there|there|some|there is|everywhere
Marianne: Oh yes, there are some everywhere.
Mais tu sais, policier c'est pareil, ce n'est pas un métier que j'aimerais faire.
but|you|you know|police officer|it's|the same|it|it is not|not|a|job|that|I would like|to do
But you know, being a police officer is the same, it's not a job I would like to do.
Il y a des...du pour et du contre.
there|there|there is|some|some|for|and|some|against
There are pros and cons.
Je ne sais pas si tu as entendu récemment les problèmes qu'il y eu à Royan?
I|not|I know|not|if|you|you have|heard|recently|the|problems|that there|there|there were|in|Royan
I don't know if you heard recently about the problems that happened in Royan?
Et puis dans les…d'autres villes aussi aux alentours.
and|then|in|the|other|cities|also|in the|surroundings
And then in the... other cities also nearby.
Serge: Ah non.
Serge: Oh no.
A Royan?
In Royan?
Marianne: Oui.
Marianne: Yes.
Serge: Je n'ai pas entendu.
Serge|I|I have not|not|heard
Serge: I didn't hear.
Marianne: Cette histoire a été relatée dans les journaux.
Marianne: This story was reported in the newspapers.
Peut-être deux jours après à la télé, un ou deux jours après à la télévision.
Maybe two days later on TV, one or two days later on television.
A la télé, on essaye d'assouplir, de trouver des excuses.
at|the|TV|we|we try|to soften|to|to find|some|excuses
On TV, they try to soften it, to find excuses.
Donc, c'est assez...enfin, c'est que…il y a eu, oh je crois que c'était une trentaine de jeunes de la région parisienne qui sont allés à Royan et puis là-bas, il y avait du racket, des agressions, enfin tout un tas de trucs et puis il y a eu des plaintes des habitants et puis des commerçants sans qu'il n'y ait de réaction.
so|it's|quite|well|it's|that|there|there|there has been|been|oh|I|I believe|that|it was|a|thirty|of|young people|from|the|region|Parisian|who|they are|gone|to|Royan|and|then|||there|there|there was|some|racketeering|some|assaults|well|a whole|a|bunch|of|things|and|then|there|there|there were|been|some|complaints|from|residents|and|then|some|merchants|without|that there|there was|there was|of|reaction
So, it's quite... well, it's that... there were, oh I think it was about thirty young people from the Paris region who went to Royan and then there, there was extortion, assaults, well a whole bunch of things and then there were complaints from the residents and then from the shopkeepers without any reaction.
La police ne bougeait pas et au bout d'un certain temps, les habitants en ont eu marre donc ils ont décidé de se rassembler et d'aller trouver l'endroit où se trouvaient ces jeunes.
the|police|not|she was moving|not|and|at|end|of a|certain|time|the|inhabitants|they|they have|had|enough|so|they|they have|decided|to|themselves|to gather|and|to go|to find|the place|where|they|they were|these|young people
The police didn't move and after a certain time, the residents got fed up so they decided to gather and go find the place where these young people were.
Et là, la police est intervenue.
And then, the police intervened.
Serge: Oh zut.
Serge: Oh darn.
Marianne: Pour séparer justement les riverains des jeunes.
Marianne|to|separate|just|the|residents|from|young people
Marianne: To separate the residents from the young people.
Pour éviter les problèmes, ils ont...
to|avoid|the|problems|they|they have
To avoid problems, they have...
Serge: Il a fallu en arriver à là pour qu'ils bougent.
Serge|it|has|to be necessary|to|to arrive|at|there|for|that they|they move
Serge: It took reaching this point for them to take action.
Marianne: Voilà.
Marianne|there is
Marianne: Exactly.
Ils ont…pour éviter plus de problèmes et que, enfin que ça tourne en bagarre, ils auraient...enfin, ils disent ‘pris' les jeunes et puis...les mettre dans les trains direction région parisienne mais apparemment, ils seraient descendus à la station suivante et puis revenus dans la ville.
they|they have|to|to avoid|more|of|problems|and|that|finally|that|it|it turns|in|fight|they|they would have|finally|they|they say|'taken'|the|young people|and|then|them|to put|in|the|trains|direction|region|Parisian|but|apparently|they|they would be|gone down|to|the|station|next|and|then|returned|in|the|city
They...to avoid more problems and that, finally, it doesn't turn into a fight, they would have...well, they say 'taken' the young people and then...put them on trains heading to the Paris region but apparently, they got off at the next station and then came back to the city.
Dans le journal, ils ont marqué que la justice, enfin les responsables cherchaient comment faire pour...
in|the|newspaper|they|they have|marked|that|the|justice|finally|the|responsible|they were looking for|how|to do|for
In the newspaper, they wrote that the justice system, well the authorities were looking for ways to...
Serge: Pour faire respecter...
Serge|to|to make|to respect
Serge: To enforce...
Marianne: Oui, mais pour éviter que...de la façon qu'ils tournaient ça, c'était pour s'en prendre aux riverains parce qu'ils s'étaient rassemblés, ils voulaient s'en prendre aux jeunes.
Marianne|Yes|but|to|avoid|that|of|the|way|that they|they were turning|it|it was|to|to them|take|to|residents|because|that they|they had|gathered|they|they wanted|to them|take|to|young people
Marianne: Yes, but to avoid that...the way they were turning it, it was to go after the locals because they had gathered, they wanted to go after the young people.
Serge: On défendait en fait les délinquants.
Serge|we|we were defending|in|fact|the|delinquents
Serge: We were actually defending the offenders.
Marianne: De toute façon, ils défendent… même à la télévision, de la façon qu'ils en parlent, c'est les défendre.
Marianne|of|all|way|they|they defend|even|at|the|television|of|the|way|that they|in|they talk|it's|them|to defend
Marianne: In any case, they defend... even on television, the way they talk about it, it's defending them.
Alors personne ne bougeait.
so|nobody|not|was moving
So no one moved.
Ils se faisaient racketter, ils se faisaient tabasser certains, personne ne bougeait.
they|themselves|they were being|extorted|they|themselves|they were being|beaten up|some|nobody|not|moved
They were being extorted, some were being beaten up, and no one moved.
Les personnes…les gens en ont eu marre, ils se réassemblés pour se défendre et là, les policiers ont bougés et on veut s'en prendre à ces citoyens.
the|people|the|people|they|they have|had|enough|they|themselves|reassembled|to|themselves|to defend|and|there|the|police officers|they have|moved|and|we|we want|to them|to take|at|these|citizens
The people... people got fed up, they regrouped to defend themselves and then the police moved and wanted to go after these citizens.
Ca, c'est un cas parmi d'autres parce qu'il y en a énormément comme ça.
it|it's|a|case|among|others|because|that there|there|in|there|a lot|like|that
This is one case among many because there are a lot like this.
Dans le journal, ils en ont parlé et puis à la télé, je crois aussi un peu, le ministre de l'intérieur qui disait "on n'acceptera aucune violence.
in|the|newspaper|they|about it|they have|talked|and|then|on|the|TV|I|I believe|also|a|little|the|minister|of|the interior|who|he was saying|we|we will accept|no|violence
In the newspaper, they talked about it and then on TV, I believe a little too, the Minister of the Interior said "we will not accept any violence."
Il va y avoir des sanctions, etc."
it|there is going to be|there|to have|some|sanctions|etc
There will be sanctions, etc.
moi, je dis que c'est pour calmer mais c'est du pipo parce que, de toute façon, rien est fait.
me|I|I say|that|it's|to|calm|but|it's|some|nonsense|||of|any|way|nothing|is|done
I say it's to calm things down but it's nonsense because, in any case, nothing is being done.
Il y a énormément d'autres cas qui se passent que rien ne se fait.
there|there|there is|a lot|other|cases|that|it||that|nothing|not|it|is done
There are a lot of other cases happening where nothing is being done.
Là, à Royan, les gens se sont rassemblés pour se défendre.
there|at|Royan|the|people|themselves|they are|gathered|to|themselves|to defend
There, in Royan, people gathered to defend themselves.
Moi, ça ne me dit rien de bon, ça.
me|it|not|me|it says|anything|of|good|that
For me, that doesn't sound good.
Il va se passer quelque chose que les gens vont en avoir marre.
it|it is going to|itself|to happen|something|thing|that|the|people|they are going to|of it|to have|enough
Something is going to happen that people are going to get fed up with.
Malheureusement, ça me…ce n'est pas bon.
unfortunately|it|to me|it|it is not|not|good
Unfortunately, it... it's not good.
Serge: Bien, c'est plus facile de punir les citoyens, tu sais, qui sont stables, qui ont des revenus réguliers.
Serge|well|it's|more|easy|to|to punish|the|citizens|you|you know|who|they are|stable|who|they have|some|incomes|regular
Serge: Well, it's easier to punish citizens, you know, who are stable, who have regular incomes.
On peut toujours leur remettre des amendes, et voilà mais c'est plus facile que d'attraper des délinquants qui ont déserté l'école depuis des années, dont les parents ne s'occupent même plus, qui sont réunis en bande et puis heu...alors que c'est eux les coupables, déjà.
we|we can|always|to them|to impose|some|fines|and|there it is|but|it's|more|easy|than|to catch|some|delinquents|who|they have|deserted|school|since|some|years|whose|the|parents|not|they take care|even|anymore|who|they are|gathered|in|gang|and|then|uh|||it's|them|the|guilty|already
We can always fine them, and there you go, but it's easier than catching delinquents who have dropped out of school for years, whose parents don't even care anymore, who are gathered in gangs and then, uh... while they are the ones who are guilty, already.
Marianne: Bien, c'est tout un système parce que même aussi c'est vrai que les parents, il y en a beaucoup ils ne veulent pas s'occuper des enfants, il y en a d'autres qui supportent leurs enfants, en les encourageant.
Marianne|well|it's|a whole|a|system|because|that|even|also|it's|true|that|the|parents|there|there|some|there|many|they|not|they want|not|to take care|of|children|there|there|some|there|others|who|they support|their|children|by|them|encouraging
Marianne: Well, it's a whole system because it's also true that many parents do not want to take care of their children, there are others who support their children by encouraging them.
Mais aussi, il y a des cas où les parents ne peuvent pas faire grand chose parce que de la façon que les lois sont faites...
but|also|there|there|there is|some|cases|where|the|parents|not|they can|not|to do|much|something|because|that|of|the|way|that|the|laws|they are|made
But also, there are cases where parents cannot do much because of the way the laws are made...
Serge: Mais enfin...
Marianne: Les enfants peuvent appeler, ils peuvent se plaindre, etc.
Marianne|the|children|they can|to call|they|they can|themselves|to complain|etc
Marianne: The children can call, they can complain, etc.
Ca se retourne contre les…
it|it|it turns|against|the
It turns against the…
Serge: Enfin bon.
Serge: Well.
Il y a déjà eu une loi qu'il suffirait d'une loi qu'il suffirait d'appliquer puisqu'elle existe mais personne ne l'applique et quand on veut l'appliquer, il y a un tôlé général au niveau des associations de défense, etc.
there|there|there is|already|had|a|law|that it|it would be enough|of a|law|that it|it would be enough|to apply|since it|it exists|but|no one|not|applies to it|and|when|we|we want|to apply it|there|there|there is|a|uproar|general|at the|level|of|associations|of|defense|etc
There has already been a law that would just need to be applied since it exists, but no one applies it, and when we want to apply it, there is a general outcry from the defense associations, etc.
Eh bien, ce sont les allocations familiales qui sont prévus pour scolariser les enfants.
well|well|this|they are|the|allowances|family|that|they are||to|to educate|the|children
Well, these are the family allowances that are intended to educate the children.
Marianne: Ah oui.
Marianne: Oh yes.
Serge: A partir du moment où le jeune, il déserte l'école ou il y est en pointillé, c'est à dire une fois dans la semaine de temps en temps, eh bien on peut considérer qu'il n'est pas scolarisé donc les parents n'ont plus à toucher les allocations.
Serge|at|starting|from|moment|where|the|young|he|he deserts|school|or|he|he is|he is|in|dotted|that is|at|to say|once|time|in|the|week|of|time|in|time|||we|we can|to consider|that he|he is not|not|schooled|so|the|parents|they do not|more|to|to receive|the|allowances
Serge: From the moment the young person drops out of school or is only attending sporadically, meaning once a week from time to time, then we can consider that he is not educated, so the parents no longer receive the allowances.
Marianne: Ah oui, mais ça, ce n'est pas possible.
Marianne|Ah|yes|but|that|it|it is not|not|possible
Marianne: Oh yes, but that's not possible.
Il y a eu...
it|there|there has been|been
There have been...
Serge: Oui mais si la loi est appliquée.
Serge: Yes, but if the law is applied.
Marianne: Combien de lois ne sont pas appliquées?
Marianne|how many|of|laws|not|they are|not|applied
Marianne: How many laws are not applied?
Serge: Toi, si tu n'appliques pas la loi.
Serge|you|if|you|you do not apply|not|the|law
Serge: You, if you do not apply the law.
Marianne: Oh mais c'est différent.
Marianne: Oh but it's different.
Serge: Si tu bafoues une loi, tu vas être sanctionné.
Serge|if|you|you violate|a|law|you|you will|to be|sanctioned
Serge: If you violate a law, you will be punished.
Si tu fais une infraction au code de la route, tu vas être sanctionné parce que tu n'auras pas suivi la loi.
if|you|you make|a|infraction|to the|code|of|the|road|you|you will|to be|sanctioned|||you|you will not have|not|followed|the|law
If you commit a traffic violation, you will be punished because you did not follow the law.
Ici la loi, elle existe et bien on a peur de l'appliquer.
here|the|law|it|it exists|and|well|we|we have|fear|to|apply it
Here the law exists, and well, we are afraid to apply it.
Marianne: Mais on ne veut pas.
Marianne|but|we|not|we want|
Marianne: But we don't want to.
Serge: A chaque fois qu'ils veulent l'appliquer, ils disent "oui, vous vous rendez compte.
Serge|at|each|time|that they|they want|to apply it|they|they say|yes|you|you|you realize|account
Serge: Every time they want to apply it, they say "yes, do you realize.
Ces gens-là, il sont déjà…ils ont déjà des problèmes financiers."
these|||they|they are|already|they|they have|already|some|problems|financial
These people, they already... they already have financial problems."
Bien oui, ils en auront un peu plus mais ils surveilleront leurs gosses et après ils en auront moins.
well|yes|they|some|they will have|one|a little|more|but|they|they will watch|their|kids|and|after|they|some|they will have|less
Well yes, they will have a little more but they will keep an eye on their kids and then they will have less.
Marianne: Oui mais on ne veut pas l'appliquer.
Marianne|yes|but|we|not|we want|not|to apply it
Marianne: Yes but we don't want to apply it.
Combien il y a de choses comme ça, que ce soient concernant les allocations familiales ou autre chose?
how many|there|there|there is|of|things|like|that|that|it|they are|concerning|the|allowances|family|or|other|thing
How many things like that are there, whether concerning family allowances or something else?
Il suffit qu'il y ait un maire dans une ville qui veut appliquer une loi, ou dans un département, ou même le gouvernement qui veut faire quelque chose, on entend tout de suite, comme tu dis, un tôlé.
it|it is enough|that there is|there|there is|a|mayor|in|a|city|who|wants|to apply|a|law|or|in|a|department|or|even|the|government|who|wants|to do|something|something|we|we hear|right|of|immediately|as|you|you say|a|uproar
It only takes a mayor in a city who wants to apply a law, or in a department, or even the government wanting to do something, and we immediately hear, as you say, an uproar.
Il y a des manifestations, tu ne peux rien faire.
there|there|there is|some|demonstrations|you|not|you can|nothing|to do
There are protests, you can't do anything.
Serge: Voilà.
Serge|here is
Serge: Here it is.
Tiens aujourd'hui encore, ce matin, c'est à Biarritz.
Look, today again, this morning, it's in Biarritz.
Il y a la communauté Rom, tu sais qui se déplace et à cette époque de l'année il y a… donc, il y a différentes communautés qui ne s'entendent pas vraiment et donc le maire de Biarritz avait appliqué la loi en créant deux zones réservées aux gens du voyage donc qui puissent…vont se poser.
there|there|there is|the|community|Rom|you|you know|who|they|they move|and|at|this|time|of|the year|there|there|there is|so|there|there|there is|different|communities|that|not|they get along|not|really|and|so|the|mayor|of|Biarritz|he had|applied|the|law|by|creating|two|zones|reserved|for|people|of|travel|so|that|they can|they will|they|to settle
There is the Rom community, you know, that moves around and at this time of year there are... so, there are different communities that don't really get along and so the mayor of Biarritz had enforced the law by creating two zones reserved for travelers so that they can... will settle.
Marianne: Oui.
Marianne: Yes.
Serge: Poser, ranger leurs caravanes et puis voilà.
Serge|to put|to tidy up|their|caravans|and|then|there you go
Serge: Set up, park their caravans and that's it.
Donc c'était deux fois, deux trucs de deux cent cinquante places, deux emplacements.
so|it was|two|times|two|things||two|hundred|fifty|places|two|locations
So it was twice, two things of two hundred and fifty places, two spots.
Et en fait, ils sont arrivés à 500 et donc, ils ont squatté un terrain de football, sur un stade municipal.
and|in|fact|they|they are|arrived|at|and|so|they|they have|squatted|a|field|of|football|on|a|stadium|municipal
And in fact, they arrived at 500 and so, they squatted a football field, on a municipal stadium.
Donc, le maire a voulu faire appliquer la loi puisque la loi existe, c'est à dire qu'il avait le droit de les faire expulser puisqu'il y avait deux aires de prévues pour les accueillir.
so|the|mayor|has|wanted|to make|to apply|the|law|since|the|law|it exists|it is|to|to say|that he|he had|the|right|to|them|to make|to expel|since he|there|there was|two|areas|of|planned|to|them|to welcome
So, the mayor wanted to enforce the law since the law exists, meaning he had the right to have them expelled since there were two areas planned to accommodate them.
Marianne: Oui.
Marianne: Yes.
Serge: Eh bien, les...il y a eu...des juges ont...il y a eu une jurisprudence, ils ont cassé le jugement en disant non.
Serge|well|well|the|there|there|there has been|been|some|judges|they have|there|there|there has been|been|a|case law|they|they have|overturned|the|judgment|in|saying|no
Serge: Well, there were... judges... there was a case law, they overturned the judgment saying no.
Ils ont donné tort au maire, voilà.
they|they have|given|wrong|to the|mayor|there it is
They ruled against the mayor, that's it.
Donc le maire, il parlait à la radio.
so|the|mayor|he|he was speaking|on|the|radio
So the mayor was speaking on the radio.
Il a dit "écoutez, de toute façon qu'on applique la loi ou qu'on ne l'applique pas, de toute façon on aura toujours tort et on ne peut pas gérer ces gens-là.
he|he has|said|listen|of|all|way|that we|we apply|the|law|or|that we|not|we apply it|not|of|all|way|we|we will have|always|wrong|and|we|not|we can|not|to manage|these||
He said, "Listen, anyway whether we enforce the law or not, we will always be wrong and we cannot manage these people.
Ils arrivent sans prévenir.
they|they arrive|without|to warn
They arrive without warning.
Ils arrivent plus que ce qui est prévu."
they|they arrive|more|than|this|what|it is|planned
They arrive more than what is expected."
et après, ils ont interviewé le représentant de ces Rom, là.
and|after|they|they have|interviewed|the|representative|of|these|Rom|there
and then, they interviewed the representative of those Roma.
Alors, il disait "écoutez, les touristes quand ils viennent, bien ils ne préviennent pas.
so|he|he was saying|listen|the|tourists|when|they|they come|well|they|not|they warn|
So, he said, "listen, when tourists come, they don't notify us.
Je ne vois pas pourquoi nous, on préviendrait et puis on est Français à part entière donc on a le droit de circuler où on veut, comme on veut."
I|not|I see|not|why|we|we|we would warn|and|then|we|is|French|at|part|whole|so|we|has|the|right|to|to move|where|we|we want|||
I don't see why we should notify them, and we are fully French, so we have the right to move wherever we want, however we want."
Ce qu'il oublie...alors, il disait "on nous a proposé une aire mais qui est insalubre."
what|that he|he forgets|so|he|he was saying|we|us|has|proposed|a|area|but|which|is|unwholesome
What he forgets... then he said, "we were offered a site, but it is unfit for habitation."
Mais ce qu'il oubliait de dire aussi là, c'est que les touristes quand ils viennent, ou même les Français quand ils vont en vacances, eh bien ils payent le camping, ils payent pour manger, ils payent leur eau, ils payent tout.
but|that|that he||||||||the||when|they|||||||they||||||they|they pay|||they|they pay|||they|they pay|||||everything
But what he also forgot to mention there is that tourists when they come, or even the French when they go on vacation, well they pay for camping, they pay for food, they pay for their water, they pay for everything.
Alors que eux, ils arrivent et il faudrait tout leur donner et après, ils disent "oui mais attendez, on vit dans des conditions… C'est insalubre."
while|that|them|they|they arrive|and|it|it would be necessary|everything|to them|to give|and|after|they|they say|yes|but|wait|we|we live|in|some|conditions|it's|unsanitary
Whereas they arrive and it should all be given to them and then they say "yes but wait, we live in conditions… It's unsanitary."
Ah oui, mais vous n'avez qu'à aller au camping à ce moment-là.
Ah|yes|but|you|you have not|just to|to go|to the|camping|at|that||
Oh yes, but you could just go to the campsite at that point.
Et voilà, et le maire, il était vraiment à bout.
and|there it is|and|the|mayor|he|he was|really|at|end
And there you go, and the mayor was really at his wit's end.
Il ne savait vraiment plus qui faire.
he|not|he knew|really|more|who|to do
He really didn't know who to turn to.
Et même la loi, tu vois, les juges lui ont donné tort.
and|even|the|law|you|you see|the|judges|him|they have|given|wrong
And even the law, you see, the judges ruled against him.
Alors maintenant, il en appelle au ministre pour...
so|now|he|it|he calls|to the|minister|for
So now, he is appealing to the minister for...
Marianne: Il n'y aura rien.
Marianne|it|there will be no|there will be|nothing
Marianne: There will be nothing.
Serge: Et puis le ministre, qu'est-ce qu'il va faire?
Serge|and|then|the|minister|||that he|he is going to|to do
Serge: And then the minister, what is he going to do?
Marianne: Rien.
Marianne: Nothing.
Serge: Et comme il ne veut surtout pas qu'on dise oui, c'est du racisme et tout ce qu'on veut.
Serge|And|as|he|not|he wants|especially|not|that we|we say|yes|it's|some|racism|and|everything|that|we|he wants
Serge: And since he especially doesn't want us to say yes, it's racism and everything we want.
Il va leur trouver une solution.
he|he is going to|to them|to find|a|solution
He will find them a solution.
Marianne: Tous, tout ce qu'ils font de toute façon, c'est qu'ils s'écrasent.
Marianne|all|everything|that|that they|they do|of|any|way|it's|that they|they crash
Marianne: Everyone, all they do anyway is crash.
C'est tout, ça s'arrête là.
it is|all|it|it stops|there
That's it, it stops there.
Serge: Donc, de toute façon, c'est très connu en France on n'applique pas la loi de la même façon pour tout le monde et voilà.
Serge|so|of|all|way|it's|very|known|in|France|we|we do not apply|not|the|law|of|the|same|way|for|everyone|the|world|and|there you go
Serge: So, anyway, it's very well known in France that we don't apply the law in the same way for everyone and there you go.
Donc à partir de ce moment-là, à partir du moment où on ne l'applique pas de la même façon pour tout le monde, je ne vois pas pourquoi...ah, j'espère que...
so|at|to start|of|this|moment||||||where|we|not|we apply it|not|in|the|same|way|for|everyone|it|world|I|not|I see|not|why|ah|I hope|that
So from that moment on, from the moment we don't apply it in the same way for everyone, I don't see why... ah, I hope that...
Marianne: Téléphone...
Marianne: Phone...
Serge: Oui, j'ai le téléphone.
Serge|yes|I have|the|phone
Serge: Yes, I have the phone.
Mon épouse va...ah, ça y est.
my|wife|she is going to|ah|that|there|it is
My wife is going to...ah, there it is.
Elle a décroché.
she|has|picked up
She picked up.
Et bien, les gens n'ont pas forcément envie de la respecter.
and|well|the|people|they don't have|not|necessarily|desire|to|her|to respect
Well, people don't necessarily want to respect it.
A partir du moment où elle n'est pas la même pour tout le monde, il n'y a plus ce...on nous baratine toujours, la France liberté, égalité, fraternité.
from|to start|from the|moment|where|she|she is not|not|the|same|for|everyone|the|world|there|there is not|there is|more|this|we|us|he/she/they talk nonsense|always|the|France|liberty|equality|fraternity
From the moment it is not the same for everyone, there is no longer this... we are always told, France liberty, equality, fraternity.
Ecoute liberté, j'ai l'impression qu'il y en a de moins en moins puisque les gens empiètent sur ta propre liberté, donc tu n'es plus libre.
listen|freedom|I have|the impression|that there|there|of it|there is|of|less|in it|less|since|the|people|they encroach|on|your|own|freedom|so|you|you are|no longer|free
Listen, freedom, I feel like there is less and less of it since people encroach on your own freedom, so you are no longer free.
La fraternité, et bien on devient de plus en plus égoïste.
Fraternity, well, we are becoming more and more selfish.
Et le troisième, j'ai oublié...Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
and|the|third|I have|forgotten|Liberty|equality|fraternity
And the third one, I forgot... Liberty, equality, fraternity.
Oui c'était l'égalité, et bien écoute l'égalité, je pense que c'est le pire dans les trois.
yes|it was|the equality|and|well|listen|the equality|I|I think|that|it is|the|worst|in|the|three
Yes, it was equality, and well, listen, equality, I think it's the worst of the three.
C'est que là, il n'y a vraiment pas d'égalité.
it is|that|there|there|there is not|there is|really|not|of equality
The thing is, there is really no equality.
L'écart se creuse entre, c'est vrai, les gens très aisés et puis le bas.
the gap|it|it widens|between|it's|true|the|people|very|wealthy|and|then|the|lower class
The gap is widening between, it's true, the very wealthy and then the lower class.
Alors bon...Voilà c'est...
so|good|here it is|it's
So well... Here it is...
Marianne: Le mot de la fin pouah.
Marianne: The final word ugh.
Serge: Oui, le mot de la fin pouah.
Serge: Yes, the final word ugh.
C'est désolant!
it is|disappointing
It's disappointing!
Marianne: Oui enfin moi, ça ne me dit rien qui vaille tout ça.
Marianne|Yes|finally|me|it|not|me|it tells|anything|that|it is worth|all|that
Marianne: Yes, well, this doesn't sound good to me.
Serge: Oui mais bon.
Serge: Yes, but still.
Marianne: Ah, tu as vu il y a un nouveau maillot de bain.
Marianne|Ah|you|you have|seen|there|there|there is|a|new|swimsuit|of|bath
Marianne: Ah, did you see there is a new swimsuit.
Serge: Nouveau quoi?
Serge: New what?
Marianne: Maillot de bain.
Marianne: Swimsuit.
Serge: Un nouveau maillot mais...c'est à dire?
Serge: A new swimsuit but... what do you mean?
Marianne: Le style, je parle.
Marianne|the|style|I|I speak
Marianne: The style, I'm talking about.
Serge: Ah oui?
Serge: Oh really?
Bah, je ne sais pas.
well|I|not|I know|not
Well, I don't know.
Pourtant moi, je suis à côté de la plage.
yet|me|I|I am|at|next to|of|the|beach
Yet I am next to the beach.
Bon, je n'y vais pas mais...
good|I|not there|I go|not|but
Well, I'm not going there but...
Marianne: Le burkini.
Marianne: The burkini.
Serge: Alors?
Serge: So?
Ca ressemble à quoi?
it|it looks like|to|what
What does it look like?
Marianne: Le burkini.
Marianne: The burkini.
Tu connais la burka?
you|you know|the|burka
Do you know the burqa?
Serge: Ah oui, oui.
Serge: Oh yes, yes.
Marianne: Voilà et bien, ça existe le burkini.
Marianne|there is|and|well|it|it exists|the|burkini
Marianne: There you go, the burkini exists.
Serge: Le burkini?
Serge: The burkini?
Ah, c'est pour les femmes musulmanes alors?
Ah, it's for Muslim women then?
Marianne: Oui, parce qu'il y a eu le cas d'une femme, je ne sais plus dans quel patelin ici, et elle a voulu aller à la piscine avec un burkini et elle a été refusée.
Marianne|Yes|because|that there|there|there has been|had|the|case|of a|woman|I|not|I know|more|in|which|small town|here|and|she|she has|wanted|to go|to|the|pool|with|a|burkini|and|she|she has|been|refused
Marianne: Yes, because there was the case of a woman, I don't remember which town here, and she wanted to go to the pool with a burkini and she was refused.
Oh, elle est venue une fois pour se baigner et puis la deuxième fois, elle a voulu entrer et ça a été refusé.
Oh|she|she is|come|one|time|to|to|bathe|and|then|the|second|time|she|she has|wanted|to enter|and|it|it has|been|refused
Oh, she came once to swim and then the second time, she wanted to enter and it was refused.
Et donc, ça a fait tout un plat.
and|so|it|it has|made|all|a|dish
And so, it caused quite a stir.
Je ne sais pas où ça en est maintenant mais ça a fait tout un plat parce que bah le burkini, c'est…bon, elle est habillé.
I|not|I know|not|where|it|in|it is|now|but|it|it has|made|a whole|a|fuss|because|that|well|the|burkini|it's|well|she|she is|dressed
I don't know where it stands now but it caused quite a stir because, well, the burkini, it's... well, she is dressed.
Elle a le pantalon, elle a une tunique, le ...comment l'espèce de voile, mais qui ne couvre pas le visage mais qui couvre tous les cheveux, qui est relié avec la tunique.
she|she has|the|pants|she|she has|a|tunic|the|how|the kind|of|veil|but|which|not|it covers|not|the|face|but|which|it covers|all|the|hair|which|is|connected|with|the|tunic
She has the pants, she has a tunic, the ... how to say, the kind of veil, but it doesn't cover the face, it covers all the hair, which is connected to the tunic.
Donc, ça s'appelle le burkini.
so|it|it's called|the|burkini
So, it's called the burkini.
Alors, elle avait menacé qu'elle a droit de se baigner comme elle le veut et puis que si ça ne va pas, elle quitte la France.
so|she|she had|threatened|that she|has|right|to|to|bathe|as|she|it|she wants|and|then|that|if|it|not|it goes|not|she|she leaves|the|France
So, she had threatened that she has the right to swim as she wants and that if it doesn't go well, she will leave France.
Voilà, donc c'est un nouveau style de maillot de bain.
here is|so|it's|a|new|style|of|swimsuit|of|bath
There you go, so it's a new style of swimsuit.
Il y a la burka, maintenant il y a le burkini.
there|there|there is|the|burka|now|there|there|there is|the|burkini
There is the burka, now there is the burkini.
Bikini, burkini.
Bikini, burkini.
Serge: D'accord.
Serge: Okay.
Marianne: Pas mal, hein.
Marianne: Not bad, huh.
Serge: Bikini, burkini.
Serge: Bikini, burkini.
C'est vrai?
it is|true
Is that true?
Ce n'est pas...
it|it is not|not
It's not...
Marianne: Non, non.
Marianne: No, no.
Oui, c'est vrai.
Yes, that's true.
Serge: Eh bien écoute, un jour elles vont aller accoucher en burka et je ne sais pas le toubib, il va s'amuser, la sage-femme...
Serge|well|well|listen|a|day|they|they will|to go|to give birth|in|burka|and|I|not|I know|not|the|doctor|he|he will|to have fun|the||
Serge: Well listen, one day they will go to give birth in a burka and I don't know, the doctor, he will have fun, the midwife...
Marianne: Non, non: Une.
Marianne: No, no: One.
Non, si c'est un homme, c'est refusé.
No, if it's a man, it's refused.
C'est une femme.
it is|a|woman
It's a woman.
Serge: De?
Serge: From?
Marianne: Bien, qui doit accoucher la patiente.
Marianne|well|who|must|to give birth|the|patient
Marianne: Well, the patient who is about to give birth.
Serge: Bien, le jour où il y en a plus, bien elle ira le faire chez elle, son petit.
Serge|well|the|day|where|there|there|some|there is|more|well|she|she will go|to do it|to do|at|her|her|little
Serge: Well, the day there are no more, well she will do it at home, her little one.
Des fois, tu sais que sage-femme...d'ailleurs, ça n'a plus ce nom là, on appelle ça…je ne sais plus parce que justement c'est ouvert aux hommes et le problème, c'est que c'était...il y a un nom.
sometimes|times|you|you know|that|||by the way|it|it has not|more|that|name|there|we|we call|it|I|not|I know|more||that|||||||||||it was|there|there|there|a|name
Sometimes, you know that midwife... by the way, it doesn't have that name anymore, we call it... I don't remember because it's open to men and the problem is that it was... there is a name.
Marianne: Oui, mais je ne sais plus.
Marianne|yes|but|I|not|I know|anymore
Marianne: Yes, but I don't remember.
Serge: Je ne sais plus comment ça s'appelle, enfin bref.
Serge|I|not|I know|more|how|it|it is called|well|anyway
Serge: I don't remember what it's called, anyway.
Ah oui, le burkini.
Oh yes, the burkini.
C'est pas mal.
It's not bad.
Marianne: Ah, tu n'avais pas vu ça?
Marianne|Ah|you|you had not|not|seen|that
Marianne: Oh, you didn't see that?
Serge: Tiens, en fait, j'ai l'impression qu'ils essayent de voir jusqu'où ils peuvent aller.
Serge|here|in|fact|I have|the impression|that they|they try|to|to see|how far|they|they can|to go
Serge: Well, I actually feel like they're trying to see how far they can go.
Nous défier...de défier les gens parce que qu'est-ce qu'il y a comme débats, à la télé, au sujet de la burka et etc.
we|to challenge|to|to challenge|the|people|||||there is|there|there is|like|debates|on|the|TV|about|subject|of|the|burka|and|etc
To challenge us... to challenge people because there are so many debates on TV about the burka and so on.
Marianne: Oui.
Marianne: Yes.
Bien ça, ça n'a pas l'air d'être nouveau parce qu'ils ont montré là c'est une sorte de catalogue où les femmes musulmanes peuvent choisir ce burkini, là.
well|it|it|it has not|not|the appearance|to be|new|||they have|shown|there|it's|a|kind|of|catalog|where|the|women|Muslim|they can|to choose|this|burkini|there
Well, it doesn't seem to be new because they showed a sort of catalog where Muslim women can choose this burkini.
Donc, c'est vrai qu'il y en a de plusieurs styles, plusieurs couleurs donc ça n'a pas l'air d'être nouveau.
so|it's|true|that there|there|some|there is|of|several|styles|several|colors|so|it|it doesn't have|not|the appearance|of being|new
So, it's true that there are several styles, several colors, so it doesn't seem to be new.
Et peut-être qu'avec cette histoire de burka qu'il y a eu, bon bah là ça fait...
and||||this|story|of|burka||there|there is|had|well|well|there|it|it makes
And maybe with this burka story that happened, well, it's been...
Serge: Mais en fait, qu'est-ce qui gênait au niveau de la piscine?
Serge|but|in|fact|||that|it was bothering|at|level|of|the|pool
Serge: But actually, what was the problem with the pool?
C'est...qu'est-ce qu'ils ont donné comme excuse?
it is|||that they|they have|given|as|excuse
It's... what excuse did they give?
C'était....ce n'est pas hygiénique?
it was|it|it is not|not|hygienic
It was... it's not hygienic?
Marianne: Voilà.
Marianne|there is
Marianne: Exactly.
Serge: C'est...je ne sais pas.
|it's|I|not|I know|not
Serge: It's...I don't know.
Ah bon?
Oh really?
Marianne: Bien, il y a quelques années, il y a eu le cas mais par contre c'était avec des hommes qui...les musulmans, tu sais, ils n'ont pas les maillots de bain.
Marianne|well|there|there|there|some|years|there|there|there|there was|the|case|but|by|against|it was|with|some|men|who|the|Muslims|you|you know|they|they do not have|not|the|swimsuits|of|bath
Marianne: Well, a few years ago, there was a case but it was with men who...the Muslims, you know, they don't wear swimsuits.
Ils ont des espèces de bermuda.
they|they have|some|types|of|Bermuda
They have some kind of shorts.
Serge: Oui, les bermudas.
Serge: Yes, the bermudas.
Marianne: De ça, il y a quelques années.
Marianne|of|that|it|there|there is|some|years
Marianne: That was a few years ago.
C'avait été…Il y a eu un problème.
it had been|been|there|there|there|been|a|problem
There had been... There was a problem.
Serge: Oui, dans les piscines, oui.
Serge: Yes, in the pools, yes.
Marianne: Bien même encore maintenant parce que là, j'ai vu avec le coup de la piscine avec cette femme là...Il y avait une affiche en montrant le...il y avait l'image du bermuda et c'est interdit donc là, le burkini, c'est interdit aussi.
Marianne|well|even|still|now|because|that|there|I have|seen|with|the|incident|of|the|pool|with|that|woman|there|there|||a|poster|showing|showing|the|there|||the image|of the|Bermuda shorts|and|it is|forbidden|so|there|the|burkini|it is|forbidden|also
Marianne: Well, even now because I saw with the pool incident with that woman... There was a poster showing the... there was an image of the shorts and it's prohibited, so the burkini is also prohibited.
Oui, ils disent que c'est à propos de l'hygiène.
yes|they|they say|that|it's|about|about|of|hygiene
Yes, they say it's about hygiene.
Serge: Ah oui?
Serge: Oh really?
Marianne: Voilà.
Marianne|here is
Marianne: Exactly.
Donc, je ne sais pas mais...
so|I|not|I know|not|but
So, I don't know but...
Serge: Oui, quand tu vas à la piscine, avant de rentrer dans les bains, je crois que les douches c'est obligatoire.
Serge|yes|when|you|you go|to|the|pool|before|to|to enter|in|the|baths|I|I believe|that|the|showers|it's|mandatory
Serge: Yes, when you go to the pool, before entering the baths, I believe that showers are mandatory.
Marianne: Oui.
Marianne: Yes.
Serge: Là, si elle se douche, ça ne sert à rien.
Serge|there|if|she|herself|she showers|it|not|it serves|to|anything
Serge: There, if she showers, it doesn't help.
Si elle se douche avec sa burka, ça ne sert à rien effectivement donc au niveau hygiène, peut-être que c'est...Oui, c'est un problème d'hygiène mais qui va être tourné en un problème de liberté de culte, de religion.
if|she|herself|she showers|with|her|burka|it|not|it serves|to|anything|indeed|so|at|level|hygiene||to be|||||a|problem||||||||||of|freedom|of|worship|of|religion
If she showers with her burka, it is indeed useless, so in terms of hygiene, maybe it's... Yes, it's a hygiene problem but it will be turned into a problem of freedom of worship, of religion.
Marianne: Ah, c'est sûr.
Marianne: Oh, that's for sure.
Serge: Et puis voilà.
Serge|and|then|here it is
Serge: And there you go.
Alors qu'au départ, ce n'est qu'un problème d'hygiène.
so|that at|start|it|it is|just a|problem|of hygiene
Whereas initially, it's just a hygiene problem.
Je veux dire, on n'a même pas à se poser la question, à savoir musulman ou quoi que ce soit.
I|I want|to say|we|we don't have|even|not|to|to|to ask|the|question|to|to know|Muslim|or|what|that|this|it
I mean, we don't even have to ask the question, whether Muslim or anything else.
C'est une question d'hygiène.
it is|a|question|of hygiene
It's a matter of hygiene.
Pour l'hygiène, on est censé...bon, les bonnets de bains ne sont peut-être pas obligatoire partout.
for|hygiene|we|is|supposed to|well|the|caps|of|baths|not|they are|||not|mandatory|everywhere
For hygiene, we are supposed to... well, swim caps may not be mandatory everywhere.
Moi, je sais, à la piscine où je vais, le bonnet de bain est obligatoire.
me|I|I know|at|the|pool|where|I|I go|the|cap|of|swimming|is|mandatory
I know, at the pool I go to, wearing a swim cap is mandatory.
C'est pour une question d'hygiène.
it is|for|a|question|of hygiene
It's for a hygiene issue.
Ce n'est pas une histoire d'être juif, tu sais qu'il faut rester couvert.
it|it is not|not|a|story|of being|Jewish|you|you know|that it|it is necessary|to stay|covered
It's not a matter of being Jewish, you know you have to stay covered.
C'est pour tout le monde.
it is|for|everyone|the|world
It's for everyone.
Je ne sois pas pourquoi il y aurait là aussi à nouveau des règlements différents suivant ta religion, suivant ta...tes convictions politiques, etc.
I|not|I am|not|why|it|there|there would be|there|also|at|again|some|regulations|different|according to|your|religion|according to|your|your|convictions|political|etc
I don't see why there would be different regulations again depending on your religion, depending on your... your political beliefs, etc.
Il y a un règlement qui s'applique pour une raison bien précise...ou bien des....
there|there|there is|a|regulation|that|it applies|for|a|reason|very|specific|or|well|some
There is a regulation that applies for a very specific reason... or maybe several....
Marianne: Ou alors, ils n'ont qu'à faire des piscines réservées aux musulmans ou des piscines réservées à nous.
Marianne|Or|then|they|they don't have|just to|to make|some|pools|reserved|for|Muslims|or|some|pools|reserved|to|us
Marianne: Or they could just have pools reserved for Muslims or pools reserved for us.
Serge: Oui mais après, ils vont dire que c‘est...après, ça va être un problème d'intégration...
Serge|yes|but|after|they|they will|to say|that|||after|it|it is going to|to be|a|problem|of integration
Serge: Yes, but then they will say that it’s... later, it will become an integration problem...
Marianne: Oui mais...
Marianne: Yes, but...
Serge: Comme des ghettos...
Serge: Like ghettos...
Marianne: Mais comment on fait dans ce cas-là?
Marianne|but|how|we|we do|in|this||
Marianne: But how do we do that?
Serge: Bien voilà.
Serge|well|here it is
Serge: Well there you go.
Comment on fait?
how|we|we do
How do we do it?
Un peu plus de fermeté; il y a un règlement, une loi, on l'applique.
a|little|more|of|firmness|there|there|there is|a|regulation|a|law|we|we apply it
A little more firmness; there is a regulation, a law, we apply it.
On ne l'applique pas, on est sanctionné.
we|not|we apply it|not|we|we are|sanctioned
If we do not apply it, we are sanctioned.
C'est tout et puis, il n'y a même pas à discuter.
it is|all|and|then|there|there is not|to|even|not|to|to discuss
That's it, and there is not even a need to discuss.
Il y a une loi, c'est pour...on doit rouler à droite en voiture.
there|there|there is|a|law|it's|for|we|we must|to drive|on|right|in|car
There is a law, it is for... we must drive on the right side of the road.
Bon ben, si ça leur prenait l'envie parce qu'untel a dit de rouler à gauche, on va rouler à gauche?
well|then|if|it|their|they took|the desire|||has|said|to|to drive|on|left|we|we are going|to drive|on|left
Well then, if they felt like it because someone said to drive on the left, are we going to drive on the left?
Il y a une loi.
there|there|there is|a|law
There is a law.
Bon ben, si tu ne roules pas à droite en France, tu es sanctionné.
well|then|if|you|not|you drive|not|to|right|in|France|you|you are|sanctioned
Well then, if you don't drive on the right in France, you are penalized.
Marianne: Oui, mais regarde
Marianne: Yes, but look
Serge: Il y a des règlements, des lois, il suffit de les appliquer, on ne veut pas.
Serge|there|there|there is|some|regulations|some|laws|it|it is enough|to|them|to apply|we|not|we want|
Serge: There are regulations, laws, we just need to apply them, we don't want to.
On ne veut pas ou alors c'est difficile à appliquer.
we|not|we want|not|or|then|it is|difficult|to|apply
We don't want to or it's difficult to apply.
Marianne: On ne veut pas.
Marianne|we|not|we want|
Marianne: We don't want to.
Regarde, il n'y a pas longtemps...il y a eu le cas, il y a eu plusieurs semaines, c'était un jeune en mobylette qui s'est tué.
look|it|not there|there is|not|long time|it|there|there is|there was|the|case|it|there|there is|there was|several|weeks|it was|a|young|on|moped|who|he/she/it has|killed
Look, not long ago... there was a case, it was several weeks ago, it was a young man on a moped who was killed.
Serge: Oui, oui.
Serge: Yes, yes.
Marianne: Oui, il y a eu un cas il y a plusieurs semaines et puis là, c'est arrivé la semaine dernière encore.
Marianne|yes|there|there|there has|been|a|case|it|there|there has|several|weeks|and|then|there|it is|happened|last|week|last|again
Marianne: Yes, there was a case several weeks ago and then, it happened again last week.
Serge: Oui, il y en a eu un récemment en moto.
Serge|yes|there|there|in|there has been|had|one|recently|on|motorcycle
Serge: Yes, there was one recently on a motorcycle.
Marianne: Voilà et il s'est tué et tu as vu, il a été dit que c'était la voiture de police qui est rentré dans...enfin, qui a foncé dans la mobylette et puis qui a tué le jeune.
Marianne|there it is|and|he|he has|killed|and|you|you have|seen|it|it has|been|said|that|it was|the|car|of|police|who|is|entered|in|well|who|has|crashed|into|the|moped|and|then|who|has|killed|the|young man
Marianne: There you go, and he killed himself, and you saw, it was said that it was the police car that crashed into... well, that charged into the moped and then killed the young man.
Et puis tu as vu dans la ville?
and|then|you|you have|seen|in|the|city
And then did you see in the city?
Ils ont cassé, ils ont brulé des voitures et tout ça, donc...
they|they have|broken|they|they have|burned|some|cars|and|all|that|so
They broke things, they burned cars and all that, so...
Serge: Parce que s'il en arrive à en attraper un ou deux et bien, ils ne sont pas sanctionnés comme ils devraient et puis heu...regarde les policiers là qui sont...qui se font tirer dessus à fusil...avec des...tu sais, des trucs de chasses là, au niveau de...dans une des colonies là, chez nous, en Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Serge|because|that|if he|it|he manages|to|to catch|to catch|one|or|two|and|well|they|not|they are|not|sanctioned|as|they|they should|and|then|uh|look|the|police officers|there|who|they are|who|they|they get|to shoot|at|with|rifle|with|some|||some||||there|||||||||at|us|in||
Serge: Because if they manage to catch one or two, well, they are not punished as they should be, and then, uh... look at the police officers there who are... who are being shot at with rifles... with, you know, hunting stuff there, in one of the colonies there, at home, in New Caledonia.
Le préfet, il disait "attendez, c'est...là, c'est un acte de guerre.
the|prefect|he|he was saying|wait|it's|there|it's|a|act|of|war
The prefect said, "wait, this is... this is an act of war.
Ce n'est même plus un acte syndicaliste, c'est un acte de guerre, de délinquants."
it|it is not|even|more|a|act|unionist|it is|an|act|of|war|of|delinquents
This is no longer even a union act, it's an act of war, by delinquents."
Eh bien, on ne doit plus se comporter comme si on avait en face de nous des syndicalistes parce que le droit de grève, il est reconnu en France.
well|well|we|not|we must|more|ourselves|to behave|as|if|we|we had|in|face|of|us|some|union members|||the|right|of|strike|it|it is|recognized|in|France
Well, we should no longer behave as if we are facing union members because the right to strike is recognized in France.
Les syndicats, on doit respecter leur...les syndicats, mais là ce n'était plus une manifestation de syndicalistes.
the|unions|we|we must|to respect|their|the|unions|but|there|it|it was not|more|a|demonstration|of|union members
We must respect the unions... the unions, but this was no longer a demonstration by union members.
C'était une manifestation de gens qui voulait tuer.
it was|a|demonstration|of|people|who|wanted|to kill
It was a demonstration of people who wanted to kill.
Donc, on ne doit plus se comporter de la même façon.
so|we|not|we must|more|ourselves|to behave|in|the|same|way
So, we must no longer behave in the same way.
C'est-à-dire à partir du moment où les policiers, ils sont menacés de mort, ce n'est plus des balles en caoutchouc qu'ils doivent tirer, c'est légitime défense, c'est... Voilà, eh bien le problème, c'est qu'effectivement si jamais un policier devait, en cas de légitime défense, répliquer...
it is|||||||||||||of|||||||||||||legitimate|defense|||||||||||||||||||to retaliate
That is to say, from the moment the police are threatened with death, they should no longer shoot rubber bullets, it is self-defense, it is... Well, the problem is that indeed if a police officer had to respond in self-defense...
Marianne: C'est lui qui se retrouve en prison.
Marianne|it's|him|who|himself|he finds himself|in|prison
Marianne: It's him who ends up in prison.
Serge: C'est lui qui aurait des comptes à rendre.
|it's|him|who|he would have|some|accounts|to|render
Serge: He is the one who would have to answer for his actions.
On trouverait encore...je fais confiance aux associations ou aux syndicats à trouver quelque chose.
we|we would find|still|I|I make|trust|to the|associations|or|to the|unions|to|to find|something|
We would still find... I trust the associations or the unions to find something.
Marianne: Non, mais c'est déjà arriver.
Marianne|no|but|it's|already|to happen
Marianne: No, but it has already happened.
Serge: Oui, voilà.
Serge|yes|there it is
Serge: Yes, exactly.
Donc, c'est impossible à s'en sortir.
so|it's|impossible|to|to get out of|to get out
So, it's impossible to get out of it.
A partir du moment où le policier, ce sera à lui de toujours s'expliquer, de rendre des comptes, de prouver qu'il a agit comme ça en face du délinquant euh...bon, ben le délinquant, il va sortir se sortit fort.
at|to start|from|moment|where|the|policeman|it|it will be|to|him|to|always|to explain himself|to|to give|some|accounts|to|to prove|that he|he has|acted|like|that|in|face|of|delinquent|uh|well|well|the|delinquent|he|he will|to come out|to|to get out|strong
From the moment the police officer has to always explain himself, to be accountable, to prove that he acted that way in front of the delinquent, well, the delinquent is going to come out strong.
La justice ou le sanctionnera très peu, ou même lui donnera raison, ce qui fait que...bien pourquoi, il ne continuera pas?
the|justice|or|it|it will sanction|very|little|or|even|him|it will give|reason|this|which|it makes|that|well|why|he|not|he will continue|not
Justice will either sanction him very little, or even give him reason, which makes it... well, why wouldn't he continue?
C'est un super jeu ça, tu sais.
it is|a|great|game|that|you|you know
It's a great game, you know.
Marianne: Oui, bien sûr.
Marianne: Yes, of course.
Serge: Pouvoir tirer sur les flics comme ça, impunément.
Serge|to be able to|to shoot|on|the|cops|like|that|impunely
Serge: Being able to shoot at the cops like that, with impunity.
C'est génial, hein?
it is|great|right
It's great, isn't it?
C'est mieux que de jouer avec des jeux, avec des logiciels, tu sais, c'est avec des...voilà.
it's|better|than|to|to play|with|some|games|with|some|software|you|you know|it's|with|some|there you go
It's better than playing with games, with software, you know, it's with... there you go.
Mais ça c'est donc, c'est l'Etat qui le veut et donc il va...c'est lui qui va récupérer cette situation.
but|that|it's|so|it's|the State|who|it|wants|and|so|he|he is going to|it's|him|who|he is going to|to recover|this|situation
But that's it, it's the State that wants it and so it will... it's the State that will recover this situation.
Le problème, c'est que c'est les citoyens qui en subissent les conséquences alors qu'ils ne sont pas responsables de l'Etat qui ne fait pas son travail.
the|problem|it's|that|it's|the|citizens|who|of it|they suffer|the|consequences|while|that they|not|they are|not|responsible|for|the State|who|not|it does|not|its|work
The problem is that it's the citizens who suffer the consequences even though they are not responsible for the State that is not doing its job.
Bon ben, c'est dommage mais...
well|then|it's|a shame|but
Well, that's too bad but...
Marianne: Mais ça, c'est...
Marianne: But that is...
Serge: Ca, je crois que tu en verras de plus en plus.
|that|I|I believe|that|you|of it|you will see|of|more|in|more
Serge: I think you will see more and more of that.
Là effectivement oui, coup sur coup il y en a eu quelques unes des affaires comme ça.
there|indeed|yes|blow|on|blow|there|there|some|there has been|had|some|ones|some|cases|like|that
Indeed, yes, there have been a few cases like that one after another.
Oui, où pour échapper à un contrôle de police...
yes|where|to|to escape|to|a|control|of|police
Yes, where to escape a police check...
Marianne: Pourquoi, ils ne mettent pas de caméras aux voitures de police?
Marianne|why|they|not|they put|not|of|cameras|on the|cars|of|police
Marianne: Why don't they put cameras in police cars?
Serge: Mais je ne sais pas.
Serge|but|I|not|I know|not
Serge: But I don't know.
Bah de toute façon, même si on mettait une caméra, ils diraient "attendez, c'est trafiquer" Puisqu'on peut tellement faire ce qu'on veut avec la vidéo maintenant.
well|of|all|way|even|if|we|we put|a|camera|they|they would say|wait|it's|rigged|since we|we can|so much|to do|what|that we|we want|with|the|video|now
Well anyway, even if we set up a camera, they would say "wait, it's tampered with" since we can do whatever we want with video now.
Tu sais, c'est...
you|you know|it's
You know, it's...
Marianne: Bien, il y a une chose aussi qu'ils ne voulaient pas c'est, tu sais, avec l'affaire d'Outreau.
Marianne|well|it|there|there is|a|thing|also|that they|not|they wanted|not|it is|you|you know|with|the case|of Outreau
Marianne: Well, there's one thing they also didn't want, you know, with the Outreau case.
Le...il y avait un scandale quand même avec l'attitude des policiers, des magistrats et tout ça, et puis les policiers n'étaient pas vraiment d'accord pour mettre une caméra dans les commissariats.
the|there|there|there was|a|scandal|when|even|with|the attitude|of the|police officers|of the|magistrates|and|all|that|and|then|the|police officers|they were not|not|really|in agreement|to|to put|a|camera|in|the|police stations
There...there was a scandal nonetheless with the attitude of the police, the magistrates, and all that, and then the police were not really in favor of putting a camera in the police stations.
Serge: Ah ben oui, parce que ça pourrait leur desservir aussi.
Serge|Ah|well|yes|because|that|it|it could|them|to harm|also
Serge: Oh well yes, because it could also be detrimental to them.
Marianne: Voilà, parce que les policiers, ils subissent pas mal.
Marianne|here is|because|that|the|police officers|they|they suffer|not|a lot
Marianne: Exactly, because the police go through a lot.
Moi, ce n'est pas un métier que j'aimerais.
me|it|it is not|not|a|profession|that|I would like
For me, it's not a job I would like.
Mais ils ont aussi leurs torts.
but|they|they have|also|their|faults
But they also have their faults.
Serge: Bien, ils ont des...oui.
Serge|well|they|they have|some|yes
Serge: Well, they have... yes.
Marianne: Ils ont des attitudes bon, qui laissent à désirer donc euh...Bon, pas tous mais certains.
Marianne|they|they have|some|attitudes|good|which|they leave|to|to be desired|so|uh|well|not|all|but|some
Marianne: They have some good attitudes, but they leave something to be desired, so uh... Well, not all of them, but some.
Serge: Et ils ne sont pas forcément exempt de tout reproche et puis bien voilà, ils ne sont forcément irréprochables.
Serge|And|they|not|they are|not|necessarily|exempt|from|all|reproach|and|then|well|there it is|they|not|they are|necessarily|irreproachable
Serge: And they are not necessarily free from all blame, and well, there you go, they are not necessarily blameless.
Ce qui fait que effectivement quand tu as affaire à...et ça, pour en revenir au jeune qui représentait les...tu sais, l'animateur d'une banlieue, là qui représentait les jeunes et il disait "oui, où à partir du moment où les gendarmes n'ont pas une attitude...et la police, une attitude irréprochable, les jeunes ont du mal à respecter les lois."
that|who|it makes|that|effectively|when|you|you have|to deal with|with|and|that|to|in|to return|to the|young person|who|represented|the|you|you know|the host|of a|suburb|there|who|represented|the|young people|and|he|he said|yes|where|at|starting|from|moment|where|the|police officers|they do not have|not|a|attitude|and|the|police|a|attitude|irreproachable|the|young people|they have|some|difficulty|to|to respect|the|laws
What makes it so that indeed when you are dealing with... and that, to return to the young person who represented the... you know, the host from a suburb, who represented the youth and he said "yes, where from the moment the police do not have an irreproachable attitude, the young people have a hard time respecting the laws."
Il a raison en partie.
He is partly right.
Moi, je ne pense pas qu'ils ne respectent pas les lois parce que la police ne respecte pas, hein?
me|I|not|I think|not|that they|not|they respect|not|the|laws|because|that|the|police|not|she respects|not|right
I don't think they don't respect the laws because the police don't respect them, right?
Marianne: Non.
Marianne: No.
Serge: Mais bon, ce n'est pas simple.
Serge|but|good|it|it is not|not|simple
Serge: But well, it's not simple.
Et la première chose, c'est les sanctions hein.
And the first thing is the sanctions, right.
A mon avis, à partir du moment où les sanctions...et après qu'on leur donne raison...
in|my|opinion|at|starting|from|moment|where|the|sanctions|and|after|that we|them|give|reason
In my opinion, from the moment the sanctions... and then we give them reason...
Marianne: Bien, tu sais, il y a eu le coup, il y a quelques années, c'était une femme qui s'était fait voler sa voiture.
Marianne|well|you|you know|there|there|there is|had|the|coup|it|there|there is|some|years|it was|a|woman|who|she had|made|to steal|her|car
Marianne: Well, you know, there was the incident a few years ago, it was a woman who had her car stolen.
C'était trois personnes, je ne sais plus s'il y avait un ou deux mineurs à l'intérieur.
it was|three|people|I|not|||if there|there|there was|one|or|two|minors|at|inside
There were three people, I don't remember if there was one or two minors inside.
La voiture, elle a...il y a eu un problème mécanique.
the|car|it|it has|there|there|there|been|a|problem|mechanical
The car, it had... there was a mechanical problem.
Je crois que c'est une des personnes qui est décédé, les deux autres je ne sais plus.
I|I believe|that|it is|one|of the|people|who|is|deceased|the|two|others|I|not|I know|more
I believe one of the people passed away, the other two I don't remember.
Enfin, en tout cas, il y a eu un accident et les voleurs...et oui, ça s'est retourné contre la propriétaire de la voiture.
finally|in|all|case|there|there|there is|there was|a|accident|and|the|thieves|and|yes|it|it turned|turned|against|the|owner|of|the|car
In any case, there was an accident and the thieves... and yes, it turned against the owner of the car.
Alors il faut surtout faire attention, quand tu te fais voler ta voiture, il faut qu'elle soit en très bon état.
so|it|it is necessary|especially|to make|attention|when|you|yourself|you make|to steal|your|car|it|it is necessary|that it|it is|in|very|good|condition
So you really have to be careful, when your car gets stolen, it has to be in very good condition.
Serge: Ah oui, bien sûr.
Serge: Oh yes, of course.
C'est normal, tu ne vas quand même pas te laisser voler une voiture pourrie.
it's|normal|you|not|you are going|when|even|not|you|to let|to steal|a|car|rotten
It's normal, you're not going to let them steal a junk car.
Ces pauvres là, ils te volent une voiture, c'est déjà difficile, ils prennent des risques.
those|poor|there|they|they|they steal|a|car|it's|already|difficult|they|they take|some|risks
Those poor guys, they steal a car, it's already difficult, they take risks.
Si en plus, tu leur laisses une voiture qui a des problèmes, c'est honteux quand même.
if|in|more|you|to them|you leave|a|car|which|has|some|problems|it's|shameful|when|still
If on top of that, you leave them a car that has problems, it's shameful anyway.
Marianne: Et quand tu es chez toi, qu'il y a quelqu'un qui rentre, il ne faut surtout pas te défendre parce qu'il faut que ce soit...comment on dit?
Marianne|And|when|you|you are|at|you|that there is|there|there is|someone|who|enters|it|not|it is necessary|especially|not|you|to defend|||it is necessary|that|it|it is|how|we|we say
Marianne: And when you are at home, and someone comes in, you must not defend yourself because it has to be... how do we say?
Serge: La réplique soit proportionnelle à l'attaque.
Serge|the|reply|it is|proportional|to|the attack
Serge: The response must be proportional to the attack.
Marianne: Voilà.
Marianne|there is
Marianne: Exactly.
La réplique doit être proportionnelle.
the|replica|must|to be|proportional
The response must be proportional.
Alors quand ce sont des…je ne sais pas...admettons une personne de vingt-cinq ans qui rentre et que toi, tu es handicapé ou alors...
so|when|it|they are|some|I|not|I know|not|let's say|a|person|of|||years|who|she/he enters|and|that|you|you|you are|disabled|or|then
So when it's... I don't know... let's say a twenty-five-year-old who comes in and you are disabled or then...
Serge: âgé.
Serge: elderly.
Marianne: Comment la réplique peut être proportionnée?
Marianne|how|the|reply|can|to be|proportionate
Marianne: How can the response be proportional?
Alors si tu te défends, tu prends un fusil, tu tires.
so|if|you|yourself|you defend|you|you take|a|rifle|you|you shoot
So if you defend yourself, you take a gun, you shoot.
Bon, sans tuer la personne mais si tu fais ça, c'est à toi qu'on va causer des problèmes.
well|without|to kill|the|person|but|if|you|you do|that|it's|to|you|that we|we are going to|to cause|some|problems
Well, without killing the person, but if you do that, it's you who will have problems.
Enfin là, je crois qu'on peut continuer comme ça.
finally|there|I|I believe|that we|we can|to continue|like|that
Well, I think we can continue like this.
Je ne pense pas que...malheureusement oui, c'est comme ça.
I|not|I think|not|that|unfortunately|yes|it's|like|that
I don't think that...unfortunately yes, that's how it is.
Serge: Et puis comme j'ai un cours après donc de toute façon...
Serge|and|then|as|I have|a|class|after|so|of|any|way
Serge: And then since I have a class afterwards, so anyway...
Marianne: Voilà.
Marianne|there is
Marianne: There you go.
Donc on va arrêter là.
so|we|we are going to|to stop|there
So we're going to stop there.
On ne peut pas dire que ça a été très...
we|not|can|not|to say|that|it|it has been|been|very
We can't say it was very...
Serge: Bien, on ne va pas changer…de toute façon, on ne va pas changer les lois ou le comportement des gens avec une discussion.
Serge|well|we|not|we are going to|not|to change|of|any|way|we|not|we are going to|not|to change|the|laws|or|the|behavior|of|people|with|a|discussion
Serge: Well, we are not going to change... anyway, we are not going to change the laws or people's behavior with a discussion.
Ce serait trop facile.
it|it would be|too|easy
That would be too easy.
J'aimerais bien mais ce serait trop facile, ce serait trop simple.
I would like|well|but|it|it would be|too|easy|it|it would be|too|simple
I would like that, but it would be too easy, it would be too simple.
Marianne: On ne peut pas changer.
Marianne|we|not|we can|not|to change
Marianne: We cannot change.
On ne peut que constater.
we|not|we can|only|to observe
We can only observe.
Serge: Oui, constater et se lamenter.
Serge|yes|to observe|and|oneself|to lament
Serge: Yes, observe and lament.
Marianne: Que malheureusement, c'est de pire en pire.
Marianne: Unfortunately, it's getting worse and worse.
Qui que ce soit qui soit au gouvernement, rien ne change.
who|that|this|he/she/it is|who|he/she/it is|in the|government|nothing|not|it changes
Whoever is in government, nothing changes.
Et puis, sur ce...
And then, on that...
Serge: Oui.
Serge: Yes.
Sur ce, bonne soirée.
On that note, good evening.
J'espère que ça ne va pas t'empêcher de dormir tout ça.
I hope|that|it|not|it is going to|not|to prevent you|from|to sleep|all|that
I hope this won't keep you up at night.
Marianne: Oh, ça ne m'empêche pas de dormir.
Marianne|Oh|it|not|it prevents me||from|to sleep
Marianne: Oh, that doesn't keep me from sleeping.
Depuis le temps, tu sais...
since|the|time|you|you know
It's been a while, you know...
Serge: C'est l'essentiel.
|it's|the essential
Serge: That's the main thing.
Marianne: Mais non, je dors.
Marianne|but|no|I|I sleep
Marianne: But no, I'm sleeping.
Heureusement parce que sinon je serais dans un sacré état depuis le temps.
fortunately|because|that|otherwise|I|I would be|in|a|hell of a|state|since|the|time
Fortunately because otherwise I would be in a pretty bad state by now.
Serge: C'est vrai.
Serge: That's true.
Bon ben écoute, bonne soirée et puis bonne nuit puisque ça ne t'empêche pas de dormir.
good|well|listen|good|evening|and|then|good|night|since|it|not|it prevents you||from|sleeping
Well then, listen, have a good evening and good night since it doesn't stop you from sleeping.
Et puis jeudi prochain, alors je ne sais pas, on va réfléchir un petit peu...
and|then|Thursday|next|so|I|not|I know|not|we|we are going to|to think|a|little|bit
And then next Thursday, well I don't know, we'll think about it a little bit...
Marianne: Oui, on verra.
Marianne|yes|we|we will see
Marianne: Yes, we'll see.
Serge: A moins que quelqu'un nous suggère quelque chose.
Serge|at|less|that|someone|us|he/she suggests||
Serge: Unless someone suggests something to us.
J'aimerais bien...
I would like|well
I would like to...
Marianne: Ah bien, oui.
Marianne: Ah well, yes.
Il ne faudrait pas hésiter.
it|not|it would be necessary|not|to hesitate
We shouldn't hesitate.
Serge: Que les gens qui ont l'habitude de nous écouter qu‘ils nous disent "hep, hep, on aimerait bien que vous nous parliez de ça."
Serge|that|the|people|who|they have|the habit|to|us|to listen|||us|they say|hey|hey|we|we would like|well|that|you|us|you talk|about|that
Serge: Let the people who are used to listening to us tell us "hey, hey, we would like you to talk to us about that."
Moi, ce sera avec plaisir, donc heu.
me|it|it will be|with|pleasure|so|uh
For me, it will be with pleasure, so uh.
Marianne: Oui.
Marianne: Yes.
Serge: Donc c'est un appel solennel à tous ceux qui...
Serge: So it's a solemn call to all those who...
Marianne: Qui nous écoute.
Marianne: Who are listening to us.
Serge: Qui ont l'honneur...qui nous écoute, qui nous font la gentillesse de nous écouter.
Serge|who|they have|the honor|who|us|he/she listens|who|us|they do|the|kindness|to|us|to listen
Serge: Who have the honor...who are listening to us, who are kind enough to listen to us.
Bien voilà, faites des suggestions.
well|here is|make|some|suggestions
Well then, make suggestions.
N'hésitez pas.
don't hesitate|
Don't hesitate.
Ecrivez sur les forums.
Write on the forums.
Même si vous n'aimez pas, il faut l'écrire aussi même si elle n'est pas en notre faveur, voilà.
even|if|you|you don't like|not|it|it is necessary|to write it|also|even|if|it|it is not|not|in|our|favor|there you go
Even if you don't like it, you have to write it too, even if it's not in our favor, there you go.
Donc Marianne répondra à ceux qui ne sont pas d'accord et ceux qui aiment nos podcasts bien moi, je leur répondrais.
so|Marianne|she will respond|to|those|who|not|they are|not|in agreement|and|those|who|they like|our|podcasts|well|me|I|to them|I would respond
So Marianne will respond to those who disagree and those who like our podcasts, well, I will respond to them.
C'est équitable?
it is|fair
Is that fair?
Marianne: Oui, bien sûr.
Marianne: Yes, of course.
Serge: Tu voulais qu'il y ait parité entre hommes et femmes donc voilà, la parité.
Serge|you|you wanted|that there|there|there is|parity|between|men|and|women|so|here is|the|parity
Serge: You wanted there to be parity between men and women, so here it is, the parity.
Marianne: Il n'y a pas de problèmes.
Marianne|it|there is not|there is|no|of|problems
Marianne: There are no problems.
De toute façon, chacun a son opinion.
Anyway, everyone has their opinion.
Moi, ça ne me dérange pas d'écouter tous le monde.
me|it|not|me|it bothers|not|to listen|everyone|the|world
I don't mind listening to everyone.
Serge: Ok.
Serge: Ok.
Marianne: Donc, dites ce que vous pensez, vous aimez, vous n'aimez pas, allez-y.
Marianne|so|say|what|that|you|you think|you|you like|you|you don't like|not||
Marianne: So, say what you think, what you like, what you don't like, go ahead.
Et puis oui, suggérez des thèmes.
And yes, suggest themes.
Serge: Des sujets, oui.
Serge: Topics, yes.
Ce n'est pas évident de trouver des thèmes.
it|it is not|not|obvious|to|to find|some|themes
It's not easy to find themes.
Oui, c'est vrai.
Yes, that's true.
there is
There you go.
Marianne: Très bien.
Marianne: Very good.
Alors bonne soirée, très bonne discussion.
So have a good evening, very good discussion.
Serge: Merci.
Serge|thank you
Serge: Thank you.
Marianne: Et puis à la semaine prochaine.
Marianne: And see you next week.
Serge: Oui, entendu.
Serge: Yes, understood.
Allez, salut Marianne.
Alright, goodbye Marianne.
A bientôt.
See you soon.
Marianne: Salut Serge
Marianne: Hi Serge
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