Le japonais à volonté - Avec Marina Cars et Salomé Partouche
Japanisch nach Belieben - Mit Marina Cars und Salomé Partouche
Todo lo que puedas comer japonés - Con Marina Cars y Salomé Partouche
日本食食べ放題 - マリーナ・カーズとサロメ・パルトゥーシュを囲んで
Tudo o que se pode comer em japonês - Com Marina Cars e Salomé Partouche
Yiyebildiğiniz kadar Japon - Marina Cars ve Salomé Partouche ile
All-you-can-eat Japanese - With Marina Cars and Salomé Partouche
- Oh mais, j'ai plus faim. C'est quoi ça ?...
Oh|but|I have|more|hunger|It's|what|that
- Oh but, I'm not hungry anymore. What is this?...
... Holala ! Je vais exploser ! C'est quoi ça ?
oh my|I|I am going to|explode|what is|what|that
... Oh no! I'm going to explode! What is this?
- Ah mais de toute façon, on a pas le choix. Il faut les finir. Sinon, on va payer 50 balles de plus !
Ah|but|of|all|way|we|we have|not|the|choice|it|it is necessary|them|to finish|otherwise|we|we are going to|to pay|bucks|of|more
- Ah but anyway, we have no choice. We have to finish them. Otherwise, we're going to pay 50 bucks more!
- Ouais ! Force-toi là... - On dirait que je suis tout seul à avoir commandé.
yeah|||there|we|it seems|that|I|I am|all|alone|to|to have|ordered
- Yeah! Push yourself... - It seems like I'm the only one who ordered.
- Non mais, moi j'ai pas commandé ça. Hein !
not|but|me|I have|not|ordered|that|right
- No, but I didn't order that. Huh!
- Mais attends ! Ça c'est les maki California hein - Ah c'est ça !
- But wait! These are California rolls, huh - Ah, that's it!
- Ah non mais moi, je mange pas. C'est dégueulasse ! Vas-y ! S'il te plaît aide-nous Franjo... Prend !
Ah|no|but|me|I|I eat|not|It's|disgusting|||If|you|please|||Franjo|Take
- Oh no, but I don't eat. It's disgusting! Come on! Please help us Franjo... Take it!
- Non mais, ça va tu es relou, là ! - Mais ça va c'est rien...
no|but|it|it's fine|you|you are|annoying|there|but|it's|it's fine|it's|nothing
- No, but come on, you're being annoying, here! - But it's nothing...
- En plus, il y en a combien de tes merdes, là ? - Heu... 14... 15... 16 !
in|more|there|there|in|there is|how many|of|your|crap|there|uh
- Besides, how many of your crap are there, huh? - Uh... 14... 15... 16!
- 16 ! il y en a 16. - Mais j'en avais commandé que 4.
there|there|of them||||I had|ordered|only
- 16! There are 16 of them. - But I only ordered 4.
- Ben oui ! Parce qu'ils sont servis par 4 !
well|yes|because|that they|they are|served|by
- Well yes! Because they are served in sets of 4!
- Regarde ! C'est là... Servis par 4 ! - Je vois pas où tu veux en venir là...
look|it's|there|served|by|I|I see|not|where|you|you want|in|to come|there
- Look! It's right there... Served in sets of 4! - I don't see where you're going with this...
- Ben ! Tu en as pris 4, donc 4 x 4 = 16 !
well|you|it|you have|taken|so|times
- Well! You took 4, so 4 x 4 = 16!
- Bon laisse tomber ! - En plus, ils sont énormes.
well|let|fall|In|more|they|they are|huge
- Well, forget it! - Besides, they are huge.
- Bah oui ! - Bon allez vas-y Franjo ! Il y en a pas beaucoup...
well|yes|well|go||there||||some|there is|not|many
- Well, yes! - Come on, go for it Franjo! There aren't many...
- Non mais ça va ! Là, je vais exploser là...
no|but|it|it's going|there|I|I am going to|explode|there
- No, but it's okay! I'm going to explode here...
- Brochettes ? Attend ! C'est quoi ça ? On n'a pas pris ça ?
skewers|wait|it's|what|that|we|we have not|not|taken|that
- Skewers? Wait! What is that? We didn't order that?
- On n'a pas pris ça ! - C'est moi ! J'ai commandé.
we|we have not|not|taken|that|it's|me|I have|ordered
- We didn't order that! - It's me! I ordered.
- Excusez-moi ! ... Elles sont bien halal, vos brochettes ?
||they|they are|really|halal|your|skewers
- Excuse me! ... Are your skewers halal?
- Oui très bon ! Très bon !
- Yes, very good! Very good!
- Mais il est complètement con ! Il comprend pas le français ou quoi lui ?
but|he|he is|completely|stupid|he|he understands|not|the|French|or|what|him
- But he's completely stupid! Doesn't he understand French or what?
- Mais attends, de toute façon, on lui demande pas de parler français...
but|wait|of|all|way|we|to him|we ask|not|to|to speak|French
- But wait, anyway, we're not asking him to speak French...
- Non mais attends, depuis quand tu manges halal, toi ? - Bah ! Depuis une semaine !
no|but|wait|since|when|you|you eat|halal|you|well|since|a|week
- No, but wait, since when do you eat halal?
- Si c'est pas halal, moi je mange pas !
if|it's|not|halal|me|I|I eat|not
- If it's not halal, I'm not eating it!
- Ben oui ! Ben tu comptes pas sur moi pour manger ça ! - Ho ! Ça va ! Tu fais un effort !
well|yes|well|you|you count|not|on|me|to|to eat|that|oh|it|it's fine|you|you make|an|effort
- Well yes! Well, don't count on me to eat that! - Oh! Come on! Make an effort!
- C'est clair. C'est toi qui a voulu venir ici !
it's|clear|it's|you|who|has|wanted|to come|here
- It's clear. You're the one who wanted to come here!
- Tu es un mec ou t'es pas un mec ? Tu manges rien depuis tout à l'heure, ça va !
you|you are|a|guy|or|you are|not|a|guy|you|you eat|nothing|since|all|at|the time|it's|it's going
- Are you a man or not? You haven't eaten anything for a while, come on!
- Non mais tu sais quoi ? C'est carrément dangereux là !
not|but|you|you know|what|it's|totally|dangerous|there
- No, but you know what? This is totally dangerous!
- Dangereux ? Tu as dit ? N'importe quoi !
dangerous|you|you have|said|anything|what
- Dangerous? You said? Nonsense!
- Bon ! J'en prends une, mais c'est tout ce que je peux faire - Bon au pire, on peut prendre un doggy bag.
good|I take one|I take|one|but|it's|all|that|that|I|I can|to do|good|at the|worst|we|we can|to take|a|doggy|bag
- Fine! I'll take one, but that's all I can do - Well, at worst, we can take a doggy bag.
- Mais non on a pas le droit ! - Bah oui ! Mais moi, j'viens 1 fois par semaine et j'fais 7 jours de doggy bag.
but|no|we|we have|not|the|right|well|yes|but|me|I come|time|per|week|and|I make|days|of|doggy|bag
- But no, we're not allowed! - Well yes! But I come once a week and I take 7 days of doggy bags.
- C'est vrai que tu es un crevard, toi ! - Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Hahaha !
it is|true|that|you|you are|a|freeloader|you|Ha|Ha|Ha|Hahaha
- It's true that you're a freeloader, you! - Ha! Ha! Ha! Hahaha!
- Ha ! Ha ! - Ouais d'accord !
- Ha! Ha! - Yeah, okay!
- Ce qu'on peut faire... C'est qu'on met les restes dans les plantes de derrière...
what|we can|we can|to do|it's|that we|we put|the|leftovers|in|the|plants|of|behind
- What we can do... is put the leftovers in the plants out back...
- Non ! Mais n'importe quoi ! - Non mais attends, je te signale que j'essaie de trouver une solution pour toi.
no|but|anything|what|||wait|I|you|I signal|that|I try|to|to find|a|solution|for|you
- No! But that's ridiculous! - No, but wait, I'm trying to find a solution for you.
- Et ben qu'est-ce que tu veux que j'te dise : On paye et puis c'est tout ! - Ah non ! Mais non ! C'est du gâchis ! On va pas payer le supplément.
and|well|||that|you|you want|that|I tell you|I say|we|we pay|and|then|it's|all|Ah|no|But|no|it's|some|waste|we|we are going|not|to pay|the|supplement
- Well, what do you want me to say: We pay and that's it! - Oh no! But no! That's wasteful! We're not going to pay the extra.
- Non et puis moi, ce mois-ci, j'ai vraiment pas d'argent... C'est impossible...
no|and|then|me|this|month|this|I have|really|not|money|it's|impossible
- No, and besides, this month, I really don't have any money... It's impossible...
- Et ben on mange ! On se force ! On mange - Putain...
and|well|we|we eat|we|we|we force|we|we eat|damn
- Well then we eat! We force ourselves! We eat - Damn...
- Non mais, là... J'en peux plus là ! - Bah tu vois qu'il restait de la place...
not|but|there|I can't take it anymore|I can|more|there|well|you|you see|that there|there was|of|the|space
- No but, come on... I can't take it anymore! - Well, you see there was still room...
- Non mais, il ne me restait pas de la place... Tu crois que je suis allé faire quoi aux toilettes ?
no|but|it|not|me|there was|not|of|the|space|you|you think|that|I|I am|gone|to do|what|in the|toilets
- No but, I didn't have any room left... Do you think I went to do what in the bathroom?
- Une dernière commande ? - Ah non ! Surtout pas gros !
- One last order? - Oh no! Definitely not, man!
- L'addition, s'il vous plaît ! - Merci !
the bill|if|you|please|Thank you
- The bill, please! - Thank you!
- Alors !... Nous,... on doit...
so|we|we|we must
- So!... We,... we have to...
- Attend ! Attend ! Pourquoi tu comptes là ? On va divisé en 3 de toute façon.
wait||why|you|you count|there|we|we are going to|divided|in|of|any|way
- Wait! Wait! Why are you counting there? We're going to divide it into 3 anyway.
- Ben non, c'est toi qui a tout mangé donc... Je crois pas. Non !
well|no|it's|you|who|has|everything|eaten|so|I|I believe|not|No
- Well no, it's you who ate everything so... I don't think so. No!
- C'est clair ! T'as vu tout ce que t'as bouffé Il est fou lui....
it's|clear|you have|seen|all|that|that|you have|eaten|he|he is|crazy|him
|||||||você tem|||||
- It's clear! Did you see all that you ate? He's crazy, him....
- Alors... Marina et moi : 11 et toi : 57
- So... Marina and I: 11 and you: 57
- J'vais en tuer une...
I'm going to|one|to kill|a
eu vou||matar|
- I'm going to kill one...
Sous-Titres : PVCH Sous-Titrage
Subtitles: PVCH Subtitling
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