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Institute of human anatomy, Humans Have an Actual Superpower...

Humans Have an Actual Superpower...

This video is made possible by our supporters over on Patreon.

Find the link in the description below.

Right now, I am forcefully and precisely exhaling air out of my vocal tract.

It's zipping by my vocal cords, bouncing around in my throat, rolling off my tongue as it

exits my mouth and you assuming you speak and understand English are comprehending it.

That's absolutely incredible and in today's video, we're going to use the cadavers to

look at the human vocal tract.

We're going to see exactly what makes it so unique in the animal kingdom that I'm willing

to go as far as to call it a legitimate human superpower.

It's going to be a fun one.

Let's do this.

Speech is such an incredibly complex process that we're going to need an entirely separate

video to address the neurological side of things.

In today's video, I want to focus on the vocal tract anatomy and what makes it so unique

in humans that we're the only creatures on the entire planet to have it structured the

way that we do.

I also want to mention that if you're interested in what I'm talking about today, you might

want to check out this book right here, The Evolution of the Human Head by Daniel Lieberman.

He's a Harvard professor, paleoanthropologist, and does a fantastic job in this book of condensing

and consolidating 60 plus years of the published research and literature into a somewhat approachable


It's a dense book, not going to lie but if you're interested in the whys, the hows, of

just the human body, especially the human head, this is a fantastic read.

I will leave a link to the book and the description below If you're interested in that and plenty

of his other books which are all phenomenal.

Let's start off by discussing the lungs because this is obviously where speaking is going

to have to begin because when you're speaking, you are actually speaking exhaled air.

If you want, you can try and speak as you're breathing in.

I'll do it right now.

How how are you doing?


Like, it's completely ridiculous and impractical to try and speak as you are breathing in.

So, what happens is you are breathing out.

So, let's take a look at this lung real quick and this is a right lung and first off, just

so you know, this is a healthy lung, this black you're seeing here, these are blood


This is a really good-looking lung.

This is exactly what we'd want to see.

Although it is missing an entire lobe but that's a different story for another day but

this is the right lung and I want you to know that inside of this what you're - this tissue

you're looking at is a series of hollow tubes and I'm going to kind of pull this up here

and you can see - kind of rest that - this long tube right here, this is called the trachea

and then that's going to transition into what's called the larynx and this is going to be

in a very important player later on in our discussion but these respiratory tubes are

going to come down and then they're just going to start branching and they branch many times

and completely permeate and fill up this lung.

So, there's a bunch of hollow tubes surrounded and embedded inside of an elastic-based connective


A lot of elastin protein fibers are going to be in here and the reason why that's important

is because elastin recoils.

You can literally think of it like a rubber band, right?

If you stretch the rubber band and release it, it's going to recoil.

Or when you're breathing normally, like right now, I assume you're breathing normally - Well,

what's happening is most of that recoil is passive.

Like you breathe in and then you kind of just let go and the lungs just kind of snap back

and that's the vast majority of that exhalation.

However, when you're speaking, that has to be different because if you did that and you're

speaking, all of the air would just come out at once.

So, it's like, "how are you doing?

Hey, hi, my name is Justin".

Alright, that's a very ineffective way to communicate.

So, what you need to be able to do is more slowly exhale as you're speaking and you're

also going to want to make it consistent loud but let's just go right here real quick - real

quick is that I have a chest plate here that has a bunch of muscles attached because in

order to combat the natural passiveness of the lungs and their desire to just release

the air, you're going to need to inhale slightly.

So what you'll notice is we have a rib cage up top and then we also have the abdominal

muscles down below.

Well, in between the ribs there are muscles called the intercostals and then the muscle

down that you can probably see is the rectus abdominis.

Well, what's going to happen is you're going to get these muscles that will start to contract

when you are speaking to actually cause some slight inhalation and as you do that, it combats

the exhalation and you create like this rigidity that allows for consistency when speaking.

So, you can do this right now - if you need to pause the video, that's fine.

Once you to start feeling around your chest and your abdomen and then just start talking

and you're going to feel some tightness start to occur.

That's simply just for consistency purposes but what's going to happen is you're just

going to start - let's go back to the lung here, alright?

So you're going to - the lungs are going to start to recoil but then the muscles are going

to contract which is going to try and pull the lungs back out slightly and as you're

speaking though, you still have to release all that air and the air is going to then

come out the trachea and then go to the larynx.

Now, I can flip this over and you can see the inside of the tray here.

Hopefully, I can get this pretty well on camera.

You can see the inside of the trachea as it leads to this amazing cross section of the

larynx or your voice box which is going to be right here.

So, the air is coming up and then this is the next real important part of the story

is going to be your larynx or voice box.

So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to quickly just grab another cadaver, a dissection and

we can in better detail discuss it.

Alright, so what you're looking at here is going to be an anterior view of pretty much

what we were just looking at with a few other things attached.

So, if you look down here there's going to be two branching tubes.

This is part of the bronchial tree so the lungs would be on either side and then what's

happening is they're merging together to form this long trachea, that's that windpipe we

saw earlier and then it's going to come up and you meet the thyroid gland.

Now, that's what this is right here.

The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system, so it's not really involved in respiration

but just above it, this is going to be the most important player is this whole structure

right here.

I'm going to kind of just slowly turn it around.

This is the larynx or the voice box.

Now, I want to briefly go over some of the anatomy here.

So, right in front, this cart - this is a piece of cartilage called hyaline cartilage

but its name is the thyroid cartilage.

So, you have the thyroid gland and then the thyroid cartilage.

Thyroid means shield and this is just going to act as a shield for the vocal cords which

are going to be deeper down but this does not run all the way around.

Um, it ends about right here on the sides but it's a pretty broad and massive piece

of cartilage and this prominence here can get elongated in males due to testosterone

and we would call that the Adam's apple, although both males and females have the thyroid cartilage.

Then underneath it, there is another piece of cartilage which is going to be more difficult

to see but I'm kind of palpating it with my fingers called the cricoid cartilage.

The cricoid is in fact going to run all the way around.

So, it's a circular piece of cartilage.

Then up top here, you can probably have already noticed, there's this flap.

If I turn it to the side, you can see it can come down.

This is what is known as the epiglotis.

The epiglotis, and it's called epiglotis because it's on top of the glotis which is going to

be in here, right?

So this is an elastic cartilage while the cricoid and the thyroid were hyaline cartilage.

And this is, it's just there to block the airway and what you'll notice is if I open

it up, you can see that opening going down into here - maybe it might be best with the

probe - this opening right there, that is going down into the tracheas, that's the airway.

This opening behind it is going towards this - this is the digestive tract.

So, this is going to be the esophagus.

So, we're looking at the end of the throat as it's transitioning into the respiratory

and digestive systems but looking in there, you can see that there is a gap.

That gap is actually called the rima glottidis and that is just going to be the gap between

the two vocal cords and we're going to be able to see the vocal cords in a slightly

- in a different dissection a little bit better in a second, but that is where air is going

to be traveling through.

So, think about that.

Remember, right?

As you're exhaling and then the muscles are contracting, it's regulating how much air

and the pressure that is coming up the trachea into the larynx and through that rima glottidis,

that gap inside of the larynx.

So, let's go ahead and look back here at this cross section because then we can see a little

bit more of what's going on.

So, to kind of let you understand exactly what we're seeing again - this is that epiglotis,


So, this is that flap that we were just looking at.

Here, you can see - sorry, see this with the probe - this is going to be that thyroid cartilage

and then you see little tiny piece of cartilage here and then this big piece of cartilage

in the back, both of these are the cricoid cartilage.

It's smaller in the anterior or the front and larger or taller in the posterior aspect.

Now, this next part might be very difficult to see but if you look closely, there is another

cartilage right here called the arytenoid cartilage and these - there's actually two

of them but you're only looking at one and what happens is, this is really important

because again, if you look really closely, you're going to see this really thin white

line right here.

That thin white is connecting the arytenoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage.

That thin white line is called the vocal ligament or what most people would call the vocal cord

and then on either side and attaching to the vocal ligament is a bunch of connective tissue,

epithelial tissue, muscular tissue that we kind of combine all of it together to call

the vocal fold.

So you have the vocal ligaments and the - which are inside of the vocal folds.

Now, what happen is you have two of those on either side, right?

And what will happen is they are going to be able to open and close like this when you're

breathing in and out, like - it's just adjusting how much is going through but what's really

amazing is that when you are speaking, they are going to become taut.

They become really tight and that's due to muscles pulling on the arytenoid cartilages

and then as air is passing through that rima glottidis.

If we go back to this right here, so as air is passing through that rima glottidis, now,

that opening is really large right now because obviously this is a cadaver dissection and

the muscle is all relaxed, but imagine that being very taut, right?

Almost like pulling a rubber band really tight and then as air is passing through it, it's

actually going to start vibrating.

It's going to start vibrating.

It'll move a little bit in either direction and going up and down and this is what the

larynx is for, right?

The larynx or your voice box is for control pitch and loudness.

So, I apologize for what I'm about to do but pitch is going to be things like uh uh uh

uh uh uhhhh...

That was terrible.

I apologize but I tried to keep that as consistently loud as possible but I also could've gone

ha ha ha ha ha haaaa - and what I did is I changed pitch and increased how loud it was.

To make it louder, you're just going to actually send more air through and more forcefully.

So, the voice box is there to control the pitch, right?

Your tone and then, how loud it is.

So, think about this, right?

As you're speaking and right now, I'm trying to put inflection to my tone and I might - I

might whisper, right?

All of that is going to be controlled through here.

And again, we're not even - we're not even taking into account the mind and how it's

going down there.

This is just incredible at all a different muscles that are going back and forth adjusting

as you are speaking or I am speaking to you right now.

It is absolutely incredible to think of all the tiny adjustments that are happening as

you are speaking.

Of all the things that we've discussed so far, they haven't been unique to human beings.

You're going to find lungs, a trachea, a larynx in mammals all across the world as well as

human beings, but from here on out, this is where things start to get very unique.

So, in order to understand this, you are looking at a human head that has been cut in the mid

sagittal plane.

So, right down the middle.

This allows you to see a lot of really interesting anatomy but our focus is going to be right

here because this is going to be that vocal tract.

So, you understand exactly what you're looking at.

This down here is going to be the trachea as it's transitioning into the larynx and

this is a vocal ligament or a vocal chord.

So, this structure here is going to be the larynx.

Then, what you're now seen is what's called the pharynx.

The pharynx is actually pretty big.

It comes all the way up into here but just to make things easiest, we're just going to

call this the pharynx even though this is specifically the oral pharynx but this is

just your throat.

Then, what you would get into is the oral cavity or what most people would refer to

as the mouth and you can see the tongue is absolutely massive and takes up the vast majority

of that space.

So, what we're talking about here is all of this space, from the pharynx all the way out

the mouth the lips, this is what's known as the supralaryngeal vocal tract because it's

on top of the larynx.

So, supra laryngeal vocal tract but no one wants to say all of that so we just shorten

it to SVT for short but there's different components to the SVT.

So, if we come back here we have a vertical SVT and a horizontal SVT and it's specifically

measure from the top of the vocal folds, the vertical one that is, goes from the top of

the vocal folds up to this piece of tissue here which is called the soft palate.

And so, that distance from here to here is your vertical SVT then going from the back

of the pharynx to the lips, this is your horizontal SVT.

Now, here's where things get fascinating because when we're talking about this being different

in humans, what we're really talking about is a difference in face and head shape.

So whether you're a horse, you're a cow, you're a mouse, you're chimpanzee or a human, you're

going to have different structured cranium and that's going to affect the way that the

acoustic properties of speech, right?

So, let's go ahead and pretend like we're discussing like our closest cousin the chimpanzee.

A chimpanzee does not have a flat face like a human.

They're going to have a longer snout.

What that means is they're going to have a longer oral cavity or a longer horizontal


But what also happens in a chimpanzee is their larynx doesn't rest as low down as it does

in humans.

Their entire larynx comes up and what that means is they have a shorter vertical SVT.

Also to take note of, the tongue in a chimpanzee is going to be flat.

That's going to play a very important role but so the - now, think about this, when humans

started to evolve a flatter face, what could have happened and likely happened is the tongue

got pushed back and that made it rounded, right?

So, as the tongue got pushed back and rounded, this is going to be so important in order

to articulate different sounds.

It also started to push back into the throat.

You don't see the tongue going down lower into the pharynx like this in a chimpanzee.

At the same time, with humans, our larynx drops.

Over the first three months of life, the larynx is going to drop significantly and then it's

going to continue to drop until you're about six years old.

But before it drops, if you actually look at a neonate or a newborn what will happen

is it's crazy - the epilotus here, the larynx is so high up, the epilotus actually connects

with the nasal - goes into the nasal pharynx.

It connects with the uvula or the soft palate.

So you actually have a completely blocked off system here but as the larynx drops, then

it opens it up and that's - this is a different topic for different day but that actually

creates a choking liability that exist in humans that you actually wouldn't see in other

mammals because with you - like say like if you have a larynx that is high up, this is

the same with chimpanzees.

This is the same with many mammals.

When their larynx is higher up, they actually have this whole airway closed because the

epilotus is in contact with that soft palate.

So it's kind of interesting.

So, what I'm trying to get at here - and I'm getting kind of wordy - is that the larynx

is lower in humans, meaning we have a longer vertical SVT than most mammals, plus a lot

of other mammals, their vertical SVT is more of like an oblique SVT, it kind of comes at

an angle.

But in humans, we have a shorter horizontal SVT.

So, when you actually do it - measure this in human beings, our vertical SVT and our

horizontal SVT are actually more or less the same length creating this L shape.

And that very interesting consequences on the acoustic properties.

Without getting too nitty gritty into it, it allows for humans to make more sounds where

- like if we're to get into the linguistics of it, it would get kind of nitty gritty but

they're called phonemes.

Just understand that humans are able to make more sounds, a more diverse amount of sounds

plus when you add in the rounded tongue as opposed to a flat tongue, that also allows

us to articulate and make different kinds of sounds like [Tongue clicking].

Like we can do some really cool things with the tongue that other mammals can't do.

This is where you get the uniqueness of the human SVT and our ability to speak.

It all comes down to having a flat face, which push your tongue back, which made it curved

and then you have that vertical L-shaped SVT and horizontal SVT.

All of that together creates the uniqueness of the human vocal tract.

I want you to take a step back and just think about this - what has speech done for the

human species?

With speech, we have been able to create music or at least sing to the music that we create.

We've been able to not only just talk with one another, we've been able to communicate

diverse ideas.

We come up with philosophy, we come up with culture.

We're able to communicate very specific things.

We could point to a bush of berries and say, "That bush is poisonous, I saw it kill Ted"

as opposed to having to just communicate with each other through a series of grunts or bodily


It's not as though communication only happens through speaking, right?

We all know this, right?

Animals communicate with each other all the time.

I mean, come on, humans have even created American sign language, right?

There's a difference between languages specifically like speaking those languages and communicating

through tones and frequencies as opposed gestures, right?

What's fascinating is that we as humans have created many different languages, different

dialects, and it's allowed for our brains to just be able to evolve in some very interesting,

fascinating ways.

So, for this reason, the sheer diversity of sounds that we're able to produce which no

other animal on this planet can, even though they still can communicate, it's for those

reasons that I believe it to be a legitimate human superpower.

Thanks for watching everyone but real quick, I just wanted to mention that making videos

like this one is possible due to the support from our patrons over on Patreon.

Jonathan and I love making these videos but I'm not going to lie to you, there is a considerable

amount of time, effort, and energy that goes into making each one.

Although, I will say, hopefully, we have been making improvements that you have noticed

such as camera quality, sound quality.

Hopefully, that one's been a pretty big struggle.

Uh, we even painted the walls here in the lab to just make things actually more appealing

but these are small goals and we have much more lofty and big goals that we're looking

to accomplish but we need your help to pull those off.

Think like kids books, eBooks, textbooks, online courses.

There are plenty more that we have in mind but like I said, we need your help to pull

it off.

So, if you're interested in becoming part of the IOHA crew, you'll find a link in description

below to our Patreon page.

Feel free to click it, explore it, see if that's something that is going to be valuable

to you and if it is, we'd love to have you then you can know that your support will help

teach millions more across the globe about their bodies but anyways, thanks for watching

again and I will see you in the next video.

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Humans Have an Actual Superpower... Menschen haben eine wirkliche Superkraft... Los humanos tienen un superpoder real... Mensen hebben een echte superkracht... Ludzie mają prawdziwą supermoc... Os humanos têm um superpoder real...

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Right now, I am forcefully and precisely exhaling air out of my vocal tract. ||||به طور قهری||||||||| في الوقت الحالي ، أقوم بإخراج الهواء بقوة وبدقة من مساري الصوتية. Зараз я з сілай і дакладна выдыхаю паветра са свайго галасавога гасцінца. Právě teď silně a přesně vydechuji vzduch ze svého vokálního traktu. Lige nu puster jeg kraftigt og præcist luft ud af min stemmekanal. Im Moment atme ich kräftig und präzise Luft aus meinem Stimmtrakt aus. Αυτή τη στιγμή, εκπνέω με δύναμη και με ακρίβεια αέρα από το φωνητικό μου σύστημα. En este momento, estoy exhalando aire con fuerza y ​​precisión por mi tracto vocal. در حال حاضر، من به شدت و دقیقاً هوا را از مجرای صوتی خود خارج می کنم. Tällä hetkellä hengitän ilmaa voimakkaasti ja tarkasti ulos äänikanavastani. En ce moment, j'expire avec force et précision l'air de mon conduit vocal. Jelenleg erőteljesen és pontosan fújom ki a levegőt a hangpályámból. Saat ini, saya dengan paksa dan tepat menghembuskan udara keluar dari saluran vokal saya. In questo momento, sto espirando con forza e precisione aria dal mio tratto vocale. 現在 、 私 は 声 道 から 力強く 正確に 空気 を 吐き出して いる 。 지금 나는 성대에서 공기를 강력하고 정확하게 내뿜고 있습니다. Op dit moment adem ik krachtig en precies lucht uit mijn stemkanaal. Akkurat nå puster jeg kraftig og presist luft ut av stemmekanalen. W tej chwili mocno i precyzyjnie wydycham powietrze z mojego traktu głosowego. Agora, estou exalando o ar com força e precisão para fora do meu trato vocal. Chiar acum, expir cu forță și precis aer din tractul meu vocal. Прямо сейчас я сильно и точно выдыхаю воздух из голосового тракта. Práve teraz silne a presne vydychujem vzduch z môjho hlasového traktu. Just nu andas jag kraftfullt och precist ut luft ur röstkanalen. Şu anda, ses yolumdan güçlü ve hassas bir şekilde havayı dışarı veriyorum. Зараз я енергійно і точно видихаю повітря зі свого голосового тракту. 现在 , 我 正在 有力 而 准确 地 从 我 的 声道 中呼出 空气 。

It's zipping by my vocal cords, bouncing around in my throat, rolling off my tongue as it إنها تضغط على الحبال الصوتية ، وترتد في حلقي ، وتدحرج لساني عندما Яно скочваецца на маіх галасавых звязках, падскоквае ў горле, скочваецца з мовы, калі Svírá mi to na hlasivkách, poskakuje mi v krku, koulí se mi z jazyka, když vychází z Den lyner i mine stemmebånd, hopper rundt i min hals, ruller af min tunge, når den kommer Es zischt an meinen Stimmbändern, hüpft in meiner Kehle herum, rollt von meiner Zunge, wenn sie Κάνει φερμουάρ από τις φωνητικές μου χορδές, αναπηδά στο λαιμό μου, ξεφεύγει από τη γλώσσα μου καθώς Está pasando por mis cuerdas vocales, rebotando en mi garganta, saliendo de mi lengua cuando با تارهای صوتی من می‌پیچد، در گلویم می‌چرخد، وقتی از دهانم خارج می‌شود از Se napsahtaa äänihuuiltani, pomppii kurkussani, vierii kieleltäni, kun se Il passe par mes cordes vocales, rebondit dans ma gorge, roule sur ma langue alors qu'il A hangszálaimnál cipzároz, ugrál a torkomban, legördül a nyelvemről, ahogy Ini zipping oleh pita suara saya, memantul di tenggorokan saya, berguling lidah saya saat Sta sfrecciando vicino alle mie corde vocali, rimbalzando nella mia gola, rotolando via dalla mia lingua mentre それ は 私 の 声帯 で ジッパー を 鳴らし 、 喉 で 跳ね返り 、 口 から 그것은 내 성대에 의해 움직이고, 내 목구멍에서 튀고, 내 입에서 나올 Het flitst langs mijn stembanden, stuitert rond in mijn keel, rolt van mijn tong als het Den smyger seg i stemmebåndene mine, spretter rundt i halsen min, ruller av tungen min når den Przesuwa się przez moje struny głosowe, podskakuje w moim gardle, spływa z języka, gdy Está passando pelas minhas cordas vocais, saltando na minha garganta, rolando pela minha língua quando Îmi trece fermoarul de corzile vocale, îmi sare în gât, se rostogolește de pe limba mea când Он прыгает через мои голосовые связки, подпрыгивает в моем горле, скатывается с моего языка, когда Zapína mi to na hlasivkách, poskakuje mi v hrdle, kotúľa sa mi z jazyka, keď Den drar i mina stämband, studsar runt i halsen, rullar av min tunga när den kommer Ses tellerimi sıkıştırıyor, boğazımda zıplıyor, ağzımdan çıkarken dilimden Воно скочується на моїх голосових зв'язках, підскакує в горлі, скочується з язика, коли 它 在 我 的 声带 中 拉扯 , 在 我 的 喉咙 里 弹跳 , 当 它

exits my mouth and you assuming you speak and understand English are comprehending it. ||||||||||||درک می‌کنید| يخرج من فمي وأنت تفترض أنك تتحدث وتفهم اللغة الإنجليزية. выходзіць з рота, і вы, мяркуючы, што размаўляеце і разумееце па-ангельску, разумееце гэта. mých úst, a vy za předpokladu, že mluvíte a rozumíte anglicky, tomu rozumíte. ud af min mund, og du forstår det, hvis du antager, at du taler og forstår engelsk. meinen Mund verlässt, und wenn Sie annehmen, dass Sie Englisch sprechen und verstehen, verstehen Sie es. βγαίνει από το στόμα μου και υποθέτοντας ότι μιλάς και καταλαβαίνεις αγγλικά το καταλαβαίνεις. sale de mi boca y tú, asumiendo que hablas y entiendes inglés, lo estás comprendiendo. زبانم بیرون می‌آید و شما فرض می‌کنید انگلیسی صحبت می‌کنید و متوجه می‌شوید که آن را درک می‌کنید. lähtee suustani, ja sinä oletat, että puhut ja ymmärrät englantia, ymmärrät sen. sort de ma bouche et vous, en supposant que vous parlez et comprenez l'anglais, le comprenez. kilép a számból, és te, ha feltételezed, hogy beszélsz és értesz angolul, megérted. keluar dari mulut saya dan Anda menganggap Anda berbicara dan mengerti bahasa Inggris memahaminya. esce dalla mia bocca e tu supponendo che tu parli e capisca l'inglese, lo stai comprendendo. 出る とき に 舌 を 転がし 、 あなた が 英語 を 話し 、 理解 して いる と 仮定 して それ を 理解 して い ます 。 때 내 혀를 굴리고, 당신은 영어를 말하고 이해한다고 가정하고 그것을 이해하고 있습니다. uit mijn mond komt en als je ervan uitgaat dat je Engels spreekt en begrijpt, begrijp je het. kommer ut av munnen min, og forutsatt at du snakker og forstår engelsk, forstår den det. wychodzi z moich ust, a ty, zakładając, że mówisz i rozumiesz po angielsku, rozumiesz to. sai da minha boca e você presumindo que fala e entende inglês está compreendendo isso. iese din gură și presupunând că vorbești și înțelegi engleza, o înțelegi. выходит изо рта, и вы, предполагая, что говорите и понимаете английский, понимаете его. vychádza z mojich úst, a ak predpokladáte, že hovoríte a rozumiete anglicky, tomu rozumiete. ut från min mun och du förstår det, förutsatt att du talar och förstår engelska. yuvarlanıyor ve siz İngilizce konuşup anladığınızı zannediyorsunuz ve onu anlıyorsunuz. виходить із рота, і ви, припускаючи, що розмовляєте й розумієте англійську, розумієте це. 离开 我 的 嘴时 从 我 的 舌头 上 滚下来 , 你 假设 你 会 说 英语 并 理解 它 。

That's absolutely incredible and in today's video, we're going to use the cadavers to هذا أمر لا يصدق تمامًا وفي فيديو اليوم ، سنستخدم الجثث Гэта абсалютна неверагодна, і ў сённяшнім відэа мы будзем выкарыстоўваць трупы, каб To je naprosto neuvěřitelné a v dnešním videu se pomocí mrtvol Det er helt utroligt, og i dagens video vil vi bruge kadaverne til at Das ist absolut unglaublich und im heutigen Video werden wir die Kadaver verwenden, Αυτό είναι απολύτως απίστευτο και στο σημερινό βίντεο, θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε τα πτώματα για να Eso es absolutamente increíble y en el video de hoy, usaremos los cadáveres para این کاملاً باورنکردنی است و در ویدیوی امروز، ما از اجساد برای Se on aivan uskomatonta, ja tämänpäiväisessä videossa aiomme käyttää ruumiita C'est absolument incroyable et dans la vidéo d'aujourd'hui, nous allons utiliser les cadavres pour Ez teljesen hihetetlen, és a mai videóban a holttestek segítségével Itu benar-benar luar biasa dan dalam video hari ini, kita akan menggunakan mayat untuk È assolutamente incredibile e nel video di oggi useremo i cadaveri per それ は 絶対 に 信じ られ ない こと です 。 今日 の ビデオ で は 、 死体 を 使 っ 정말 놀랍습니다. 오늘 비디오에서는 시체를 사용 하여 인간의 성대 를 Dat is absoluut ongelooflijk en in de video van vandaag gaan we de kadavers gebruiken om Det er helt utrolig, og i dagens video skal vi bruke kadaverne til å To absolutnie niesamowite, a w dzisiejszym filmie użyjemy zwłok, aby Isso é absolutamente incrível e no vídeo de hoje, vamos usar os cadáveres para Este absolut incredibil și în videoclipul de astăzi, vom folosi cadavrele pentru a Это абсолютно невероятно, и в сегодняшнем видео мы собираемся использовать трупы, чтобы To je úplne neuveriteľné a v dnešnom videu použijeme mŕtvoly na Det är helt otroligt och i dagens video kommer vi att använda kadaverna för att Bu kesinlikle inanılmaz ve bugünkü videoda insan ses sistemine bakmak Це абсолютно неймовірно, і в сьогоднішньому відео ми будемо використовувати трупи, щоб 这 绝对 令人 难以置信 , 在 今天 的 视频 中 , 我们 将 使用 尸体 来

look at the human vocal tract. للنظر إلى الجهاز الصوتي البشري. паглядзець на галасавы тракт чалавека. podíváme na lidský vokální trakt. se på den menneskelige stemmekanal. um den menschlichen Stimmtrakt zu betrachten. δούμε την ανθρώπινη φωνητική οδό. observar el tracto vocal humano. نگاه کردن به دستگاه صوتی انسان استفاده می‌کنیم. tarkastellaksemme ihmisen äänikanavaa. examiner le tractus vocal humain. megvizsgáljuk az emberi hangcsatornát. melihat saluran suara manusia. osservare il tratto vocale umano. て 人間 の 声 道 を 관찰 할 것입니다. naar het menselijke stemkanaal te kijken. se på den menneskelige stemmekanalen. przyjrzeć się ludzkiemu traktowi głosowemu. olhar o trato vocal humano. privi tractul vocal uman. посмотреть на человеческий голосовой тракт. pohľad na ľudský vokálny trakt. titta på den mänskliga röstkanalen. için kadavraları kullanacağız подивитися на голосовий тракт людини. 观察 人类 的 声道 。

We're going to see exactly what makes it so unique in the animal kingdom that I'm willing سنرى بالضبط ما يجعلها فريدة من نوعها في المملكة الحيوانية لدرجة أنني على استعداد Мы ўбачым, што робіць яго такім унікальным у царстве жывёл, што я гатовы Uvidíme přesně, čím je v živočišné říši tak unikátní, že jsem ochoten Vi skal se præcis, hvad der gør det så unikt i dyreriget, at jeg er villig Wir werden genau sehen, was es im Tierreich so einzigartig macht, dass ich bereit bin, Θα δούμε ακριβώς τι το κάνει τόσο μοναδικό στο ζωικό βασίλειο που είμαι διατεθειμένος Vamos a ver exactamente qué lo hace tan único en el reino animal que estoy dispuesto ما دقیقاً خواهیم دید که چه چیزی آن را آنقدر در قلمرو حیوانات منحصر به فرد می کند که من حاضرم Aiomme nähdä tarkalleen, mikä tekee siitä niin ainutlaatuisen eläinkunnassa, että olen valmis Nous allons voir exactement ce qui le rend si unique dans le règne animal que je suis prêt Meg fogjuk látni, hogy pontosan mitől olyan egyedi az állatvilágban, hogy hajlandó vagyok Kita akan melihat dengan tepat apa yang membuatnya begitu unik di dunia hewan sehingga saya bersedia Vedremo esattamente cosa lo rende così unico nel regno animale che sono disposto 調べ ます 。 動物 界 で それ が 非常に ユニークである 理由 を 正確に 見て いき ます ので 、 私 は 우리는 그것이 동물의 왕국에서 왜 그렇게 독특하게 만드는지 정확히 보게 될 것입니다. 그래서 저는 We gaan precies zien wat het zo uniek maakt in het dierenrijk dat ik bereid ben Vi skal se nøyaktig hva som gjør det så unikt i dyreriket at jeg er villig Zobaczymy dokładnie, co sprawia, że ​​jest tak wyjątkowy w królestwie zwierząt, że jestem gotów Veremos exatamente o que o torna tão único no reino animal que estou disposto Vom vedea exact ce îl face atât de unic în regnul animal, încât sunt dispus Мы собираемся увидеть, что именно делает его таким уникальным в царстве животных, что я готов Pozrieme sa presne na to, čím je v živočíšnej ríši taký jedinečný, že som ochotný Vi kommer att se exakt vad som gör det så unikt i djurriket att jag är villig . Onu hayvanlar aleminde bu kadar benzersiz yapan şeyin ne olduğunu tam olarak göreceğiz ki, onu Ми точно побачимо, що робить його настільки унікальним у царстві тварин, що я готовий 我们 将 看到 究竟 是 什么 让 它 在 动物 王国 中 如此 独特 , 以至于 我 愿意

to go as far as to call it a legitimate human superpower. |||||||||مشروع|| للذهاب إلى أبعد من تسميتها قوة بشرية عظمى شرعية. пайсці так далёка, каб назваць яго законнай чалавечай звышдзяржавай. zajít tak daleko, že to nazvu legitimní lidskou supervelmocí. til at gå så langt som til at kalde det en legitim menneskelig supermagt. es sogar als legitime menschliche Supermacht zu bezeichnen. να φτάσω στο σημείο να το ονομάσω νόμιμη ανθρώπινη υπερδύναμη. a ir tan lejos como para llamarlo una superpotencia humana legítima. تا آنجا پیش بروم که آن را یک ابرقدرت مشروع انسانی بنامم. menemään jopa kutsumaan sitä lailliseksi ihmisen supervoimaksi. à aller jusqu'à l'appeler une superpuissance humaine légitime. elmenni odáig, hogy legitim emberi szuperhatalomnak nevezzem. menyebutnya sebagai kekuatan super manusia yang sah. a chiamarlo un legittimo superpotere umano. それ を 正当な 人間 の 超 大国 と 呼んで も 構わ ない と 思って い ます 。 그것을 합법적인 인간 초강대국이라고 부를 수 있습니다. zo ver te gaan om het een legitieme menselijke superkracht te noemen. til å gå så langt som å kalle det en legitim menneskelig supermakt. posunąć się nawet do nazwania tego prawowitą ludzką supermocą. a ir tão longe a ponto de chamá-lo de uma superpotência humana legítima. să merg până la a numi-o o superputere umană legitimă. даже назвать его законной человеческой сверхдержавой. zájsť až tak ďaleko, že ho nazvem legitímnou ľudskou superveľmocou. att gå så långt som att kalla det en legitim mänsklig supermakt. meşru bir insan süper gücü olarak adlandırmaya kadar gitmeye hazırım . зайти так далеко, щоб назвати його законною людською надсилою. 称之为 合法 的 人类 超级大国 。

It's going to be a fun one. ستكون ممتعة. Гэта будзе весела. Bude to zábava. Det bliver en sjov en. Es wird ein Spaß. Θα είναι διασκεδαστικό. Va a ser divertido. این یک سرگرمی خواهد بود. Siitä tulee hauskaa. Ça va être amusant. Jó móka lesz. Ini akan menjadi hal yang menyenangkan. Sarà divertente. 楽しい もの に なる でしょう 。 재미있을 거예요. Het wordt een leuke. Det kommer til å bli en morsom en. To będzie zabawne. Vai ser divertido. Va fi unul distractiv. Это будет весело. Bude to zábava. Det kommer att bli en kul sådan. Eğlenceli olacak. Це буде весело. 这 将 是 一场 有趣 的 比赛 。

Let's do this. هيا بنا نقوم بذلك. Давайце зробім гэта. Pojďme to udělat. Lad os gøre det. Lass uns das machen. Ας το κάνουμε. Hagámoslo. بیا انجامش بدیم. Tehdään tämä. Faisons cela. Csináljuk. Mari kita lakukan. Facciamolo. これ を やろう 。 해보자 Laten we dit doen. La oss gjøre dette. Zróbmy to. Vamos fazer isso. Să o facem. Давай сделаем это. Poďme to spraviť. Nu kör vi. Bunu yapalım. Давай зробимо це. 我们 开工 吧 。

Speech is such an incredibly complex process that we're going to need an entirely separate الكلام هو عملية معقدة بشكل لا يصدق وسنحتاج إلى مقطع فيديو Гаворка - гэта такі неверагодна складаны працэс, што нам спатрэбіцца цалкам асобнае Řeč je tak neuvěřitelně složitý proces, že budeme potřebovat zcela samostatné Tale er en så utrolig kompleks proces, at vi får brug for en helt separat Sprache ist ein so unglaublich komplexer Prozess, dass wir ein völlig separates Video Η ομιλία είναι μια τόσο απίστευτα περίπλοκη διαδικασία που θα χρειαστούμε ένα εντελώς ξεχωριστό El habla es un proceso tan increíblemente complejo que necesitaremos un video گفتار فرآیند فوق العاده پیچیده ای است که برای پرداختن به جنبه عصبی مسائل Puhe on niin uskomattoman monimutkainen prosessi, että tarvitsemme täysin erillisen La parole est un processus si incroyablement complexe que nous aurons besoin d'une vidéo A beszéd olyan hihetetlenül összetett folyamat, hogy szükségünk lesz egy teljesen külön Pidato adalah proses yang sangat kompleks sehingga kita akan membutuhkan Il discorso è un processo così incredibilmente complesso che avremo bisogno di un video スピーチ は 非常に 複雑な プロセス である ため 、 物事 の 神経 学 的 側面 に 対処 말하기는 매우 복잡한 과정이므로 Spraak is zo'n ongelooflijk complex proces dat we een volledig aparte Tale er en så utrolig kompleks prosess at vi kommer til å trenge en helt separat Mowa jest tak niewiarygodnie złożonym procesem, że będziemy potrzebować całkowicie oddzielnego A fala é um processo tão incrivelmente complexo que precisaremos de um vídeo Vorbirea este un proces atât de incredibil de complex încât vom avea nevoie de un videoclip Речь - такой невероятно сложный процесс, что нам понадобится совершенно отдельное Reč je tak neuveriteľne zložitý proces, že budeme potrebovať úplne samostatné Tal är en så otroligt komplex process att vi kommer att behöva en helt separat Konuşma o kadar inanılmaz derecede karmaşık bir süreçtir ki , olayların nörolojik yönünü ele almak için Мовлення — це настільки неймовірно складний процес, що нам знадобиться цілком окреме 演讲 是 一个 极其 复杂 的 过程 , 我们 将 需要 一个 完全 独立 的

video to address the neurological side of things. منفصل تمامًا لمعالجة الجانب العصبي للأشياء. відэа, каб разгледзець неўралагічны бок рэчаў. video, abychom se zabývali neurologickou stránkou věci. video for at behandle den neurologiske side af tingene. brauchen werden , um die neurologische Seite der Dinge zu behandeln. βίντεο για να αντιμετωπίσουμε τη νευρολογική πλευρά των πραγμάτων. completamente separado para abordar el lado neurológico de las cosas. به یک ویدیوی کاملا مجزا نیاز داریم . videon käsitelläksemme asioiden neurologista puolta. entièrement séparée pour aborder le côté neurologique des choses. videóra, hogy foglalkozzunk a dolgok neurológiai oldalával. video yang sepenuhnya terpisah untuk membahas sisi neurologis. completamente separato per affrontare il lato neurologico delle cose. する ため に 完全に 別個の ビデオ が 必要に なり ます 。 사물의 신경학적 측면을 다루기 위해 video nodig hebben om de neurologische kant van de zaak aan te pakken. video for å ta opp den nevrologiske siden av ting. filmu, aby zająć się neurologiczną stroną rzeczy. totalmente separado para abordar o lado neurológico das coisas. complet separat pentru a aborda partea neurologică a lucrurilor. видео, чтобы обратиться к неврологической стороне вещей. video, aby sme sa zaoberali neurologickou stránkou veci. video för att ta itu med den neurologiska sidan av saker och ting. tamamen ayrı bir videoya ihtiyacımız olacak . відео, щоб розглянути неврологічну сторону речей. 视频 来 解决 事物 的 神经学 方面 。

In today's video, I want to focus on the vocal tract anatomy and what makes it so unique في فيديو اليوم ، أريد أن أركز على تشريح الجهاز الصوتي وما يجعله فريدًا جدًا У сённяшнім відэа я хачу засяродзіцца на анатоміі галасавога гасцінца і на тым, што робіць яго такім унікальным V dnešním videu se chci zaměřit na anatomii vokálního traktu a na to, proč je u lidí I dagens video vil jeg fokusere på stemmekanalens anatomi, og hvad der gør den så unik Im heutigen Video möchte ich mich auf die Anatomie des Stimmtrakts konzentrieren und darauf, was sie beim Menschen Στο σημερινό βίντεο, θέλω να εστιάσω στην ανατομία της φωνητικής οδού και σε αυτό που την κάνει τόσο μοναδική En el video de hoy, quiero centrarme en la anatomía del tracto vocal y lo que lo hace tan único در ویدیوی امروز، می‌خواهم بر روی آناتومی مجرای صوتی و آنچه که آن را در انسان Tämän päivän videolla haluan keskittyä ääniradan anatomiaan ja siihen, mikä tekee siitä niin ainutlaatuisen Dans la vidéo d'aujourd'hui, je veux me concentrer sur l'anatomie des voies vocales et sur ce qui la rend si unique A mai videóban a hangcsatorna anatómiájára szeretnék összpontosítani, és arra, hogy mi teszi azt olyan egyedivé Dalam video hari ini, saya ingin fokus pada anatomi saluran vokal dan apa yang membuatnya begitu unik Nel video di oggi, voglio concentrarmi sull'anatomia del tratto vocale e su ciò che lo rende così unico 今日 の ビデオ で は 、 声 道 の 解剖 学 的 構造 と 、 それ が 人間 に とって 非常に ユニーク である 완전히 별도의 비디오가 필요할 것입니다. In de video van vandaag wil ik me concentreren op de anatomie van het stemkanaal en wat het zo uniek maakt I dagens video ønsker jeg å fokusere på vokalkanalens anatomi og hva som gjør den så unik W dzisiejszym filmie chcę skupić się na anatomii układu głosowego i na tym, co sprawia, że ​​jest on tak wyjątkowy No vídeo de hoje, quero me concentrar na anatomia do trato vocal e no que o torna tão único În videoclipul de astăzi, vreau să mă concentrez pe anatomia tractului vocal și pe ceea ce o face atât de unică В сегодняшнем видео я хочу сосредоточиться на анатомии голосового тракта и на том, что делает его настолько уникальным V dnešnom videu sa chcem zamerať na anatómiu vokálneho traktu a na to, čo ho robí tak jedinečným I dagens video vill jag fokusera på röstkanalens anatomi och vad som gör den så unik Bugünün videosunda, ses yolu anatomisine ve onu insanlarda bu kadar benzersiz kılan şeyin У сьогоднішньому відео я хочу зосередитися на анатомії голосового тракту та на тому, що робить його настільки унікальним 在 今天 的 视频 中 , 我 想 专注 于 声道 解剖学 以及 它 在 人类 中

in humans that we're the only creatures on the entire planet to have it structured the في البشر لدرجة أننا المخلوقات الوحيدة على الكوكب بأسره التي نجحت في تنظيمها у людзях, што мы адзіныя істоты на ўсёй планеце, у якіх яна структураваная tak jedinečný, že jsme jediní tvorové na celé planetě, kteří to mají strukturované hos mennesker, at vi er de eneste skabninger på hele planeten, der har den struktureret, so einzigartig macht, dass wir die einzigen Lebewesen auf dem ganzen Planeten sind, die so strukturiert sind, στους ανθρώπους που είμαστε τα μόνα πλάσματα σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη που την έχουμε δομημένη en los humanos que somos las únicas criaturas en todo el planeta que lo tienen estructurado de la منحصر به فرد می‌کند، تمرکز کنم که ما تنها موجوداتی در کل سیاره هستیم که ساختار آن ihmisissä, että olemme ainoat olennot koko planeetalla, joilla se on rakenteeltaan chez les humains que nous sommes les seules créatures sur la planète entière à l'avoir structurée az emberekben, hogy mi vagyunk az egyetlen lények az egész bolygón, akiknek a szerkezete olyan, pada manusia sehingga kita adalah satu-satunya makhluk di seluruh planet yang memiliki struktur negli umani che siamo le uniche creature sull'intero pianeta ad averlo strutturato nel ため に 、 地球 全体 で 私 たち の よう に 構造 化 さ れた 唯一 の 生き物 である 理由 오늘의 비디오에서 저는 성대 해부학에 초점을 맞추고자 합니다. 성대 bij mensen dat we de enige wezens op de hele planeet zijn die het hebben gestructureerd hos mennesker at vi er de eneste skapningene på hele planeten som har den strukturert u ludzi, że jesteśmy jedynymi stworzeniami na całej planecie, które mają taką strukturę, nos humanos que somos as únicas criaturas em todo o planeta a ter uma estrutura da la oameni, încât suntem singurele creaturi de pe întreaga planetă care au structurat-o у людей, что мы единственные существа на всей планете, у которых он устроен u ľudí, že sme jediné stvorenia na celej planéte, ktoré to má štruktúrované hos människor att vi är de enda varelserna på hela planeten som har den strukturerad , tüm gezegende bizim yaptığımız şekilde yapılandırmasına sahip olan tek canlı olduğumuza у людей, що ми єдині істоти на всій планеті, у яких вона структурована 如此 独特 的 原因 , 以至于 我们 是 整个 地球 上 唯一 以 我们 的

way that we do. بالطريقة التي نقوم بها. так, як у нас. tak, jak to máme my. som vi gør. wie wir es tun. όπως κάνουμε. manera en que lo hacemos. را به همان شکلی که انجام می‌دهیم داریم. niin kuin me. comme nous le faisons. mint mi. seperti yang kita lakukan. modo in cui lo facciamo. に 焦点 を 当て たい と 思い 를 우리가 하는 zoals wij dat doen. slik vi gjør. jak my. maneira que fazemos. așa cum o facem. так, как мы. tak, ako my. som vi gör. odaklanmak istiyorum . так, як у нас. 方式 构建 它 的 生物 。

I also want to mention that if you're interested in what I'm talking about today, you might أود أيضًا أن أذكر أنه إذا كنت مهتمًا بما أتحدث عنه اليوم ، فقد Я таксама хачу адзначыць, што калі вам цікава тое, пра што я сёння кажу, вы можаце Také bych chtěl zmínit, že pokud vás zajímá, o čem dnes mluvím, možná byste se Jeg vil også nævne, at hvis du er interesseret i, hvad jeg taler om i dag, vil du måske Ich möchte auch erwähnen, dass Sie, wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, worüber ich heute spreche, vielleicht Θέλω επίσης να αναφέρω ότι αν σας ενδιαφέρει αυτό για το οποίο μιλάω σήμερα, ίσως También quiero mencionar que si está interesado en lo que estoy hablando hoy, es posible que همچنین می‌خواهم اشاره کنم که اگر به آنچه امروز در مورد آن صحبت می‌کنم علاقه‌مند هستید، ممکن است Haluan myös mainita, että jos olet kiinnostunut siitä, mistä puhun tänään, sinun Je tiens également à mentionner que si vous êtes intéressé par ce dont je parle aujourd'hui, vous Azt is szeretném megemlíteni, hogy ha érdekel, amiről ma beszélek, érdemes Saya juga ingin menyebutkan bahwa jika Anda tertarik dengan apa yang saya bicarakan hari ini, Anda mungkin Voglio anche menzionare che se sei interessato a ciò di cui sto parlando oggi, potresti ます 。 また 、 私 が 今日 話して いる こと に 興味 が ある 場合 は 、 방식으로 구조화한 행성 전체에서 우리가 유일한 생명체인 인간 Ik wil ook vermelden dat als je geïnteresseerd bent in waar ik het vandaag over heb, je misschien Jeg vil også nevne at hvis du er interessert i det jeg snakker om i dag, kan det være Chcę również wspomnieć, że jeśli interesuje Cię to, o czym mówię dzisiaj, możesz Também quero mencionar que, se você estiver interessado no que estou falando hoje, talvez De asemenea, vreau să menționez că, dacă sunteți interesat de ceea ce vorbesc astăzi, poate Я также хочу упомянуть, что если вам интересно то, о чем я говорю сегодня, вы можете Chcem tiež spomenúť, že ak vás zaujíma, o čom dnes hovorím, možno by ste si Jag vill också nämna att om du är intresserad av vad jag pratar om idag, kanske du Ayrıca, bugün bahsettiğim şeyle ilgileniyorsanız, Я також хочу зазначити, що якщо вас цікавить те, про що я сьогодні говорю, ви 我 还 想 提 一下 , 如果 您 对 我 今天 要 讲 的 内容 感兴趣 , 您 可能

want to check out this book right here, The Evolution of the Human Head by Daniel Lieberman. ترغب في الاطلاع على هذا الكتاب هنا ، The Evolution of the Human Head بقلم دانيال ليبرمان. азнаёміцца ​​з гэтай кнігай «Эвалюцыя галавы чалавека» Даніэля Лібермана. měli podívat na tuto knihu přímo zde, Evoluce lidské hlavy od Daniela Liebermana. tjekke denne bog lige her, The Evolution of the Human Head af Daniel Lieberman. dieses Buch hier lesen möchten, The Evolution of the Human Head von Daniel Lieberman. θέλετε να δείτε αυτό το βιβλίο ακριβώς εδώ, Η Εξέλιξη του Ανθρώπινου Κεφαλιού του Ντάνιελ Λίμπερμαν. desee consultar este libro aquí mismo, La evolución de la cabeza humana de Daniel Lieberman. بخواهید این کتاب را دقیقاً در اینجا بررسی کنید، تکامل سر انسان نوشته دانیل لیبرمن. kannattaa tutustua tähän kirjaan, Daniel Liebermanin The Evolution of the Human Head. voudrez peut -être consulter ce livre ici, L'évolution de la tête humaine de Daniel Lieberman. megnézni ezt a könyvet, Daniel Liebermantól: Az emberi fej evolúciója. ingin membaca buku ini di sini, The Evolution of the Human Head oleh Daniel Lieberman. voler dare un'occhiata a questo libro proprio qui, L'evoluzione della testa umana di Daniel Lieberman. この 本 、 ダニエル ・ リーバーマン に よる 人間 の 頭 の 進化 を チェック する 의 성대를 매우 독특하게 만드는 이유는 무엇입니까 dit boek hier wilt lezen, The Evolution of the Human Head door Daniel Lieberman. lurt å sjekke ut denne boken her, The Evolution of the Human Head av Daniel Lieberman. chcieć zapoznać się z tą książką, The Evolution of the Human Head Daniela Liebermana. queira dar uma olhada neste livro bem aqui, The Evolution of the Human Head, de Daniel Lieberman. doriți să consultați această carte chiar aici, Evoluția capului uman de Daniel Lieberman. прочитать эту книгу прямо здесь, «Эволюция человеческой головы» Дэниела Либермана. chceli pozrieť túto knihu priamo tu, Evolúcia ľudskej hlavy od Daniela Liebermana. vill kolla in den här boken här, The Evolution of the Human Head av Daniel Lieberman. Daniel Lieberman'ın İnsan Kafasının Evrimi adlı kitabına göz atmak isteyebilirsiniz. можете ознайомитися з цією книгою «Еволюція людської голови» Деніеля Лібермана. 想 在 这里 查看 这 本书 , 丹尼尔 · 利伯曼 (Daniel Lieberman) 所著 的 《 人类 头部 的 进化 》(The Evolution of the Human Head)。

He's a Harvard professor, paleoanthropologist, and does a fantastic job in this book of condensing ||||پالئوآنتروپولوژیست||||||||||خلاصه کردن إنه أستاذ بجامعة هارفارد ، وعالم حفريات ، ويقوم بعمل رائع في هذا الكتاب لتكثيف Ён прафесар Гарварда, палеаантраполаг, і робіць фантастычную працу ў гэтай кнізе, Je harvardským profesorem, paleoantropologem a v této knize odvádí fantastickou práci, která zhušťuje Han er Harvard-professor, palæoantropolog og gør et fantastisk stykke arbejde i denne bog med at fortætte Er ist Harvard-Professor, Paläoanthropologe und leistet in diesem Buch eine fantastische Arbeit, indem er mehr Είναι καθηγητής του Χάρβαρντ, παλαιοανθρωπολόγος και κάνει φανταστική δουλειά σε αυτό το βιβλίο συμπύκνωσης Es profesor de Harvard, paleoantropólogo y hace un trabajo fantástico en este libro al condensar او یک استاد دانشگاه هاروارد، دیرینه‌انتروپولوژیست است و در این کتاب کار خارق‌العاده‌ای انجام می‌دهد که Hän on Harvardin professori, paleoantropologi ja tekee fantastista työtä tässä kirjassa tiivistämällä Il est professeur à Harvard, paléoanthropologue, et fait un travail fantastique dans ce livre en condensant Ő a Harvard professzora, paleoantropológus, és fantasztikus munkát végez ebben a könyvben, amelyben a több mint Dia seorang profesor Harvard, ahli paleoantropologi, dan melakukan pekerjaan yang fantastis dalam buku ini untuk memadatkan È un professore di Harvard, paleoantropologo, e fa un lavoro fantastico in questo libro condensando こと を お 勧め し ます 。 彼 は ハーバード 大学 の 教授 であり 、 古人 類 学 者 であり 、 ? 또한 제가 오늘 이야기하는 것에 관심이 있다면 Hij is een Harvard-professor, paleoantropoloog, en hij doet fantastisch werk in dit boek Han er en Harvard-professor, paleoantropolog, og gjør en fantastisk jobb i denne boken med å kondensere Jest profesorem Harvardu, paleoantropologiem i wykonuje fantastyczną robotę w tej książce, kondensując Ele é um professor de Harvard, paleoantropólogo e faz um trabalho fantástico neste livro de condensar Este profesor de la Harvard, paleoantropolog și face o treabă fantastică în această carte de condensare Он - профессор Гарварда, палеоантрополог, и в этой книге он проделал фантастическую работу по сжатию Je profesorom z Harvardu, paleoantropológom a v tejto knihe odvádza fantastickú prácu, v ktorej zhusťuje Han är en Harvard-professor, paleoantropolog och gör ett fantastiskt jobb i den här boken med att kondensera O bir Harvard profesörü, paleoantropolog ve Він професор Гарвардського університету, палеоантрополог і в