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TED talks, Why we do what we do | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks

Why we do what we do | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks

I have to tell you I'm both challenged

and excited my excitement is I get a

chance to give something back my

challenge is the shortest seminar I

usually do is 50 hours I'm not

exaggerating I do weekend's and what I

do ready but more than not obviously

coach people but I'm into immersion

because how'd you learn language you

didn't learn it by just learning

principles you got in it and you did it

so often that it became real and the

bottom line of why I'm here besides

being crazy mofo is that I'm really in a

position I'm not here to motivate you

obviously you don't need that and a lot

of times that's what people think I do

and it's the furthest thing from it what

happens though is people say to me oh I

don't need any motivation and I saw well

that's interesting that's not what I do

I'm the Y guy I don't know why you do

what you do what is your motive for

action what is it that drives you in

your life today not ten years ago are

you running the same pattern because I

believe that the invisible force of

internal Drive activate is the most

important thing in the world I'm here

because I believe emotion is the force

of life all of us here have great minds

you know most of us here at great minds

hey I don't know if I'm in the category

but we all know how to think and with

our minds we can rationalize anything we

can make anything happen we can I agree

with what was described a few days ago

but this idea that people work in their

self-interest but we all know that

that's at times you don't work

in your self-interest all the time

because when emotion comes into it the

wiring changes in the way it functions

and so it's wonderful for us to think

intellectually about how the life of the

world is and especially those who are

very smart we can play this game in our

head but I really want to know what's

driving you and what I'd like to maybe

invite you to do by the end of this talk

is explore where you are today for two

reasons one so that you can contribute

more and two so that hopefully we can

not just understand other people more

but maybe appreciate them more and

create the kinds of connections that can

stop some of the challenges that we face

in our society today they're only going

to get magnified by the very technology

that's connecting us because it's making

us intersect in that intersection

doesn't always create the

you of everybody now understands

everybody and everybody appreciates

everybody so I've had obsession

basically for 30 years and that

obsession has been what makes the

difference in the quality of people's

lives what makes the difference in their

performance because that's what I got

hired to do I got to produce the result

now that's what I've done for 30 years I

get the phone call when the athlete is

burning down on national television and

they were ahead by five strokes and now

they can't get back on the course and I

got to do something right now I get the

result of nothing matters I get the

phone call when the child is going to

commit suicide and I go do something

right now and in 29 years I'm very

grateful to tell you I've never lost one

in 29 years it doesn't mean I won't

someday but I've done it and the reason

is an understanding of these human needs

that I want to talk to you about so when

I get those calls about performance

that's one thing like how do you make a

change but also I'm looking to see what

is it that's shaping that person's

ability to contribute to do something

beyond themselves so maybe the real

question is you know I look at life and

say there's two master lessons one is

there's the science of achievement which

almost never in this room is mastered to

an amazing stat that's how do you take

the invisible and make it visible right

how you take what you're dreaming out

and make it happen whether it be your

business your contribution society money

whatever it is for you your body your

family but the other lesson of life that

is rarely mastered is the art of

fulfillment because science is easy

right we know the rules you write the

code you follow the and you get the

result once you know the game you just

you know you up the ante don't you but

when it comes to fulfillment that's an

art and the reason is it's about

appreciation and it's about contribution

you can only feel so much by yourself so

I've had an interesting laboratory try

to answer the question of the real

question which is what's the difference

in somebody's life if you look at

somebody like those people that you've

given everything to like all the

resources they say they need you give

them not a $100 computer you give them

the best computer you give them love you

gave him joy you were there to comfort

them and those people very often and you

know some of them I'm sure and that the

rest of their life with all those love

education money and background spending

the life going in and out of rehab and

then you meet people that been through

ultimate pain psychologically sexually

spiritually emotionally abused and not

always but often they become some of the

people to contribute the most to society

so the question we gotta ask ourselves

really is what is it what is it that

shapes us and we live in a therapy

culture most of us don't do that but the

cultures of therapy culture and what I

mean by that is the mindset that we are

passed in everybody in this room you

wouldn't be in this room if you bought

that theory but the most of society

thinks biography is destiny the past

equals the future and of course it does

if you live there but what people in

this room know and what we have to

remind ourselves though because you can

know something intellectually you can

know what to do and then not use it not

apply it so really we're gonna remind

ourselves this decision is the ultimate

power that's what it really is now when

you ask people you know have you failed

to achieve something how many have ever

failed to achieve something significant

your life say I

thanks for the interaction on a high

level there but if you if you ask people

why didn't you achieve something

somebody who's working for you you know

or a partner or even yourself

and you fail to achieve a goal what's

the reason people say they failed to

achieve what do they tell you don't have

didn't know enough didn't have the

knowledge didn't have the money didn't

have the time didn't have the technology

you know I didn't have the right manager

didn't have the Supreme Court


what all those including the Supreme

Court have in common

they are a claim to you missing

resources and they may be accurate you

may not have the money you may not have

the Supreme Court but that is not the

defining factor


and you correct me if I'm wrong the

defining factor is never resources its

resourcefulness and what I mean

specifically rather than just some

phrase is if you have emotion human

emotion something that I experienced

from you

day before yesterday at a level that is

as profound as I've ever experienced and

if you communicate with that emotion I

believe you had a beat his ass and won

but how easy for me to tell him what he

should do


idiot Robbins but I know when we watched

a debate when we watch the debate at

that time there were emotions that

blocked people's ability to get this

man's intellect and capacity and the way

they came across to some people in that

day because I know people that wanted to

vote in your direction and didn't and

I'm loves upset but there was a motion

that was there how many know what I'm

talking about here say I so emotion is

in if we get the right emotion we can

get ourselves to do anything we can get

through it if you're creative enough

playful enough fun enough can you get

through to anybody yes or no if you

don't have the money but you're creative

to determine if you find the way so this

is the ultimate resource but this is not

the story that people tell us all right

the story people tell us is a bunch of

different stories they tell us we don't

the resources but ultimately if you take

a look here flip it up if you would they

say what all the reason they haven't

Conway said that next one please he's

broken my patter that son of a


but I appreciated the energy I'll tell

you that

what determines your resources we've

said decision shape destiny which is my

focus here if decisions shape destiny

what determines it is three decisions

what are you gonna focus on right now

you have decide what you're gonna focus

on in this second consciously or

unconsciously the mini decide to focus

on something got to give it a meaning

and whatever that meaning is produces

emotion is this the end or the beginning

is God punishing me or rewarding me or

is this the roll of the dice an emotion

then creates what we're going to do are

the action so think about your own life

the decisions that have shaped your

destiny and that sounds really heavy but

in the last five or ten years fifteen

years have there been some decisions

you've made that you made a different

decision your life would be completely


how many can think about honestly better

or worse say I so the bottom line is

maybe it was where to go to work and you

met the love of your life there maybe

was a career decision I know that Google

geniuses I saw here I mean I understand

that their decision was to sell their

technology at first what have they made

that decision versus to build their own

culture how would the world be different

how will their lives be different their

impact the history of our world is these

decisions when a woman stands up and

says no I won't go to the back of the

bus she didn't just affect her life that

decision shaped our culture or someone

standing in front of a tank or being in

a position like aren't Lance Armstrong

and someone says to you you've got

testicular cancer that's pretty tough

for any male especially if you ride a


you got in your brain you got in your

lungs but what was his decision of what

to focus on different the most people

what did it mean it wasn't the end it

was the beginning what I'm gonna do he

goes off and wins seven championships he

never once once before the cancer

because he got emotional fitness

psychological strength that's the

difference in human beings that I've

seen of the three million I've been

around cuz that's what my lab I've had

three million people from 80 different

countries that I've had a chance to

interact with over the last twenty nine

years and after a while patterns become

obvious you see that South America and

Africa maybe connect in a certain way

right other people say all that sounds

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Why we do what we do | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks why|||||||罗宾斯|TED演讲| |||||||Robbins|| ||||||토니 로빈스|토니 로빈스|| ||||||Tony Robbins|Robbins|charlas| ||||||Tony|Robbins|| Warum wir tun, was wir tun | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks Why we do what we do | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks Por qué hacemos lo que hacemos | Tony Robbins 2020 | Ted habla چرا ما کاری را که انجام می دهیم | تونی رابینز 2020 | سخنرانی های TED Pourquoi nous faisons ce que nous faisons | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks Miért tesszük, amit csinálunk | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED előadások Perché facciamo quello che facciamo | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks なぜ私たちがやっていることをするのか|トニーロビンズ2020| TEDトーク 우리가 하는 일을 하는 이유 | 토니 로빈스 2020 | TED 강연 Kodėl mes darome tai, ką darome | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks Hvorfor vi gjør det vi gjør | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED-foredrag Dlaczego robimy to, co robimy | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Talks Por que fazemos o que fazemos | Tony Robbins 2020 | Ted fala Почему мы делаем то, что делаем | Тони Роббинс 2020 | TED-переговоры Yaptığımız şeyi neden yaparız | Tony Robbins 2020 | TED Konuşmaları Чому ми робимо те, що робимо | Тоні Роббінс 2020 | TED Talks Tại sao chúng tôi làm những gì chúng tôi làm | Tony Robbins 2020 | bài nói chuyện TED 为什么我们要做我们所做的事情 |托尼·罗宾斯 2020 | TED演讲 我们为什么要这么做 | 托尼-罗宾斯 2020 | TED 演讲

I have to tell you I'm both challenged |||||||musím říct |||||||herausgefordert |||||||도전받고 있어 |||||||limitado ||||||ambos|desafiado Ich muss dir sagen, ich bin beide herausgefordert I have to tell you I'm both challenged Debo decirte que ambos estoy desafiado باید به شما بگویم که من هر دو به چالش کشیده شده ام El kell mondanom, hogy mindketten kihívtak Devo dirti che sono entrambi sfidato 私は両方とも挑戦されているとあなたに言わなければなりません Muszę ci powiedzieć, że jestem zarówno wyzwaniem Eu tenho que te dizer que eu sou ambos desafiados Я должен сказать вам, что я оба брошен вызов Sana söylemeliyim ki ben ikisine de meydan okuyorum Я повинен сказати вам, що я обидва виклик Tôi phải nói với bạn rằng cả hai tôi đều bị thách thức

and excited my excitement is I get a |||هیجان|||| |aufgeregt||Aufregung|||| |||excitação|||| und aufgeregt meine Aufregung ist, dass ich ein and excited my excitement is I get a y emocionado mi emoción es que obtengo un و هیجان زده هیجان من این است که من یک és izgatott az izgalom, hogy kapok a ed eccitato la mia eccitazione è che ottengo un そして興奮して私の興奮は私が得ることです i podekscytowany, że dostaję e animado minha emoção é que eu recebo um и взволнован мое волнение, я получаю ve heyecanlıyım, heyecanım bir and excited my excited is I get a và phấn khích sự phấn khích của tôi là tôi nhận được một

chance to give something back my فرصت||||| ||opportunity to contribute||return| Chance, etwas zurückzugeben oportunidad de devolver algo a mi فرصتی برای پس دادن چیزی به من lehetőséget, hogy visszaadjak valamit possibilità di restituire qualcosa il mio 私に何かを返すチャンス szansa, by dać coś w zamian moim chance de devolver algo meu priložnost, da nekaj vrnem bir şeyi geri verme şansı benim

challenge is the shortest seminar I ||||семинар самый короткий| |||le plus court|séminaire le plus court| |||o mais curto|seminário| ||||研討會| |||가장 짧은|| |||最短|研讨会| ||||seminario| Herausforderung ist das kürzeste Seminar I challenge is the shortest seminar I El desafío es el seminario más corto que چالش کوتاه ترین سمینار من است challenge è il seminario più breve I チャレンジは最短のセミナーです wyzwanie jest najkrótszym seminarium, które desafio é o seminário mais curto I meydan okuma en kısa seminer ben thách thức là hội thảo ngắn nhất tôi

usually do is 50 hours I'm not geralmente||||| Normalerweise mache ich 50 Stunden, ich bin es nicht usually do is 50 hours I'm not normalmente lo hago son 50 horas, no lo soy معمولاً 50 ساعت است که من نیستم di solito sono 50 ore che non sono 通常は50時間です私はそうではありません geralmente faço é de 50 horas eu não sou genellikle yapmak 50 saattir, ben değilim thường làm là 50 giờ tôi không

exaggerating I do weekend's and what I преувеличиваю|||выходные дни||| |||du week-end||| exagerando|||do fim de semana||| übertreiben|||||| 과장하는|||주말의||| exaggerando|||weekend||| مبالغة|||||| pretvarjanje|||||| |||fin de semana||| übertreibe ich mache Wochenenden und was ich exagerando lo que hago los fines de semana y lo que esagerando faccio i fine settimana e quello che faccio 誇張して私は週末と私がすることをします exagero, faço fins-de-semana e o que Abartıyorum hafta sonları ve ne yaptığımı phóng đại tôi làm vào cuối tuần và những gì tôi

do ready but more than not obviously ||||||offensichtlich mehr als fertig, aber mehr als nicht offensichtlich listo, pero más que no obviamente آماده باشید اما واضح است készen, de több mint nyilvánvalóan fai pronto ma più che non ovviamente 準備はできていますが、明らかに fazer pronto, mas mais do que não obviamente hazır olun ama açıkça değil làm sẵn sàng nhưng nhiều hơn là không rõ ràng

coach people but I'm into immersion |||||沉浸式体验 |||||沉浸式 |||||Eintauchen |||||غوطه‌وری |||||potopitev |||||ponoření do praxe Menschen coachen, aber ich stehe auf Immersion Entrenar a la gente pero me gusta la inmersión allenare le persone ma io sono immerso 人々を指導しますが、私は没頭しています treinar pessoas, mas estou em imersão insanlara koçluk yap ama ben daldırma içindeyim huấn luyện mọi người nhưng tôi chìm đắm

because how'd you learn language you |你是怎么学会的|||| |comment as-tu|||| |어떻게 했어|||| |cómo|||| |como você (aprendeu a)|||| Denn wie hast du die Sprache gelernt? because how'd you learn language you porque como aprendiste el idioma perché come hai imparato la lingua tu porque como é que aprendeste a língua? bởi vì bạn đã học ngôn ngữ như thế nào

didn't learn it by just learning |||||یادگیری habe es nicht durch bloßes Lernen gelernt didn't learn it by just learning no lo aprendí solo aprendiendo non l'ho imparato semplicemente imparando não o aprendeu só por aprender không học nó bằng cách chỉ học

principles you got in it and you did it اصول|||||||| načela|||||||| Prinzipien hast du drin und du hast es geschafft principles you got in it and you did it principios te metiste en eso y lo hiciste principi ci sei entrato e l'hai fatto princípios que te levaram a fazê-lo nguyên tắc bạn có trong đó và bạn đã làm nó

so often that it became real and the |||||||die so oft, dass es real wurde und die tan a menudo que se volvió real y el così spesso che è diventato reale e il tantas vezes que se tornou real e o

bottom line of why I'm here besides |||razón por la cual||| Unterm Strich, warum ich außerdem hier bin línea de fondo de por qué estoy aquí además linea di fondo del perché sono qui inoltre o que me leva a estar aqui para além de điểm mấu chốt của lý do tại sao tôi ở đây bên cạnh

being crazy mofo is that I'm really in a ||сумасшедший ублюдок|||||| ||dingue de ouf|||||| ||دیوانه لعنتی|||||| ||verrückter Typ|||||| ||미친놈|||||| ||疯狂家伙|||||| |nor|norcu|||||| ||loco|||||| verrückt mofo zu sein ist, dass ich wirklich in einem bin being crazy mofo is that I'm really in a estar loco mofo es que realmente estoy en un essere pazzo mofo è che sono davvero in a ser maluco é que estou realmente numa mofo điên rồ là tôi thực sự ở trong một

position I'm not here to motivate you Position Ich bin nicht hier, um Sie zu motivieren puesto no estoy aqui para motivarte posizione Non sono qui per motivarti posição Não estou aqui para vos motivar

obviously you don't need that and a lot offensichtlich brauchen Sie das nicht und viel obviamente no necesitas eso y mucho ovviamente non ne hai bisogno e molto é óbvio que não precisa disso e muito

of times that's what people think I do Manchmal denken die Leute, dass ich das tue muchas veces eso es lo que la gente piensa que hago delle volte è quello che la gente pensa che io faccia muitas vezes é isso que as pessoas pensam que eu faço đôi khi đó là những gì mọi người nghĩ tôi làm

and it's the furthest thing from it what |||le plus éloigné|||| |||最远的|||| |||最遠的|||| |||weiteste|||| |||دورترین چیز|||| |||lo más lejano|||| und es ist am weitesten davon entfernt, was y es lo más alejado de eso que ed è la cosa più lontana da cosa e é a coisa mais longe disso que và đó là điều xa nhất từ nó

happens though is people say to me oh I |aunque||||||| pasa aunque la gente me dice oh yo succede anche se la gente mi dice oh io acontece é que as pessoas dizem-me: "Eu xảy ra mặc dù mọi người nói với tôi oh tôi

don't need any motivation and I saw well no necesito ninguna motivación y vi bien non ha bisogno di alcuna motivazione e ho visto bene não preciso de nenhuma motivação e vi bem không cần bất kỳ động lực nào và tôi thấy tốt

that's interesting that's not what I do das ist interessant, das mache ich nicht eso es interesante eso no es lo que hago è interessante, non è quello che faccio é interessante, não é o que eu faço thật thú vị đó không phải là những gì tôi làm

I'm the Y guy I don't know why you do ||Y的那个人||||||| ||Y-Typ||||||du|machst ||tipo Y(1)||||||| Ich bin der Y-Typ, ich weiß nicht, warum du das tust Soy el chico Y, no sé por qué lo haces Sono il ragazzo Y, non so perché lo fai Eu sou o tipo Y, não sei porque é que tu o fazes Tôi là chàng trai Y tôi không biết tại sao bạn làm

what you do what is your motive for ||||||动机| lo que haces cuál es tu motivo cosa fai qual è il tuo motivo o que faz qual é o seu motivo para những gì bạn làm động cơ của bạn là gì

action what is it that drives you in |||||چه چیزی شما را تحریک می‌کند|| acción, ¿qué es lo que te impulsa? azione in cosa ti spinge ação o que é que o move na hành động điều gì thúc đẩy bạn

your life today not ten years ago are tu vida hoy no hace diez años son la tua vita oggi non sono dieci anni fa a sua vida hoje e não há dez anos atrás são

you running the same pattern because I ||||الگوی تکراری|| ||||padrão|| ||||vzorec|| estás ejecutando el mismo patrón porque yo stai facendo lo stesso schema perché io está a seguir o mesmo padrão porque eu bạn chạy cùng một mô hình bởi vì tôi

believe that the invisible force of |||نیروی نامرئی|| creer que la fuerza invisible de credere che la forza invisibile di acreditam que a força invisível do

internal Drive activate is the most درونی||||| ||activer||| ||activate||| La activación interna de la unidad es la más l'attivazione interna dell'unità è la massima A ativação da unidade interna é a mais

important thing in the world I'm here Wichtige Sache auf der Welt, dass ich hier bin cosa importante en el mundo estoy aqui cosa importante nel mondo io sono qui coisa mais importante do mundo eu estar aqui

because I believe emotion is the force porque creo que la emoción es la fuerza perché credo che l'emozione sia la forza porque acredito que a emoção é a força

of life all of us here have great minds de la vida todos los que estamos aquí tenemos grandes mentes della vita tutti noi qui abbiamo grandi menti da vida todos nós aqui temos grandes mentes

you know most of us here at great minds Sie kennen die meisten von uns hier bei Great Minds conoces a la mayoría de nosotros aquí en grandes mentes sabe que a maioria de nós aqui no great minds

hey I don't know if I'm in the category ||||||||دسته‌بندی hey no se si estoy en la categoria ei, não sei se estou na categoria

but we all know how to think and with pero todos sabemos pensar y con mas todos nós sabemos como pensar e com

our minds we can rationalize anything we ||||rationaliser|| ||||em nossas mentes podemos racionalizar qualquer coisa|| ||||合理化|| ||||rechtfertigen|| ||||합리화하다|| ||||合理化|| ||||upravičiti|| nuestras mentes podemos racionalizar cualquier cosa que as nossas mentes podem racionalizar tudo o que tâm trí của chúng ta, chúng ta có thể hợp lý hóa bất cứ điều gì chúng ta

can make anything happen we can I agree puedo hacer que cualquier cosa suceda podemos estar de acuerdo podemos fazer qualquer coisa acontecer, nós podemos, concordo

with what was described a few days ago con lo descrito hace unos días com o que foi descrito há alguns dias

but this idea that people work in their pero esta idea de que la gente trabaja en su mas esta ideia de que as pessoas trabalham nas suas

self-interest but we all know that interés propio pero todos sabemos que interesse próprio, mas todos sabemos que tư lợi nhưng tất cả chúng ta đều biết rằng

that's at times you don't work das ist manchmal, dass Sie nicht arbeiten eso es a veces no trabajas é nas alturas em que não se trabalha

in your self-interest all the time die ganze Zeit in Ihrem eigenen Interesse en tu propio interés todo el tiempo sempre no seu próprio interesse vì lợi ích cá nhân của bạn mọi lúc

because when emotion comes into it the porque cuando la emoción entra en ella porque quando a emoção entra em jogo, o bởi vì khi cảm xúc đi vào nó

wiring changes in the way it functions câblage|||||| wiring|||||| Verdrahtung||||||Funktionen 배선 방식||에서|||| سیم‌کشی||||||عملکردها žičenje|||||| Die Verkabelung ändert sich in ihrer Funktionsweise el cableado cambia en la forma en que funciona 작동 방식에 대한 배선 변경 alterações de cablagem no seu funcionamento hệ thống dây điện thay đổi theo cách nó hoạt động

and so it's wonderful for us to think y por eso es maravilloso para nosotros pensar 그래서 우리는 생각하는 게 아주 멋지죠 e por isso é maravilhoso para nós pensarmos

intellectually about how the life of the از نظر فکری|||||| intellectuellement|||||| 지적으로|||||| intellectually|||||| intelectualmente acerca de cómo la vida del 생명의 어떻게 지적으로 intelectualmente sobre como a vida do

world is and especially those who are el mundo es y especialmente los que son o mundo é e especialmente aqueles que são

very smart we can play this game in our muy inteligente, podemos jugar este juego en nuestro muito inteligente, podemos jogar este jogo na nossa

head but I really want to know what's cabeza pero realmente quiero saber que es cabeça, mas eu quero mesmo saber o que é que đầu nhưng tôi thực sự muốn biết những gì

driving you and what I'd like to maybe conduciéndote y lo que me gustaría tal vez a conduzi-lo e o que eu gostaria de talvez lái xe cho bạn và những gì tôi muốn có lẽ

invite you to do by the end of this talk |||||||||Gespräch te invito a hacerlo al final de esta charla mời bạn làm đến cuối buổi nói chuyện này

is explore where you are today for two es explorar dónde estás hoy por dos é explorar o local onde se encontra atualmente durante dois là khám phá nơi bạn đang ở hôm nay cho hai người

reasons one so that you can contribute ||||||مشارکت کنید ||||||beitragen ||||||contribute ||||||prispevati razones una para que puedas contribuir razões para poder contribuir

more and two so that hopefully we can más y dos para que ojalá podamos mais e dois para que, esperemos, possamos

not just understand other people more no solo entender más a otras personas não só compreender melhor as outras pessoas không chỉ hiểu người khác nhiều hơn

but maybe appreciate them more and ||ceniti||| pero tal vez los aprecio más y mas talvez apreciá-los mais e

create the kinds of connections that can ||||Verbindungen|| crear los tipos de conexiones que pueden criar os tipos de ligações que podem tạo ra các loại kết nối có thể

stop some of the challenges that we face Stoppen Sie einige der Herausforderungen, denen wir gegenüberstehen detener algunos de los desafíos que enfrentamos parar alguns dos desafios que enfrentamos ngăn chặn một số thách thức mà chúng ta phải đối mặt

in our society today they're only going en nuestra sociedad hoy solo van na nossa sociedade atual, só vão

to get magnified by the very technology ||amplifié|||| ||amplificato|||| ||vergrößert|||| ||확대되다|||| ||بزرگ‌نمایی شده|||| ||povečan|||| um durch die Technologie vergrößert zu werden para ser magnificado por la misma tecnología para ser ampliado pela própria tecnologia để được phóng đại bởi chính công nghệ

that's connecting us because it's making |||||schafft que nos conecta porque está haciendo que nos está a ligar porque está a fazer

us intersect in that intersection |se croiser||| |intersect||| |kreuzen|||Kreuzung |교차하다||| |تلاقی کردن|||تقاطع |se srečamo|||križišče uns in dieser Kreuzung schneiden intersectar-nos nessa intersecção chúng ta giao nhau ở giao lộ đó

doesn't always create the nem sempre cria o không phải lúc nào cũng tạo ra

you of everybody now understands du||||versteht tú de todo el mundo entiende ahora de toda a gente compreende agora bạn của tất cả mọi người bây giờ hiểu

everybody and everybody appreciates ||همه| |||apprécie |||schätzt |||cenijo toda a gente e toda a gente aprecia

everybody so I've had obsession ||||وسواس شدید ||||obsession ||||Besessenheit ||||집착 todo el mundo por lo que he tenido obsesión

basically for 30 years and that

obsession has been what makes the وسواس بوده که||||| ||||macht| A obsessão tem sido o que faz o

difference in the quality of people's diferencia en la calidad de la diferença na qualidade da vida das pessoas sự khác biệt về chất lượng của người dân

lives what makes the difference in their o que faz a diferença nas suas vidas

performance because that's what I got izvedba|||||

hired to do I got to produce the result eingestellt, um das Ergebnis zu produzieren được thuê để làm tôi phải tạo ra kết quả

now that's what I've done for 30 years I é isso que eu faço há 30 anos. bây giờ đó là những gì tôi đã làm trong 30 năm tôi

get the phone call when the athlete is ||||||운동선수가| den Anruf erhalten, wenn der Athlet ist recibir la llamada cuando el atleta receber a chamada telefónica quando o atleta estiver nhận cuộc điện thoại khi vận động viên đang

burning down on national television and en feu||||| Abbrennen im nationalen Fernsehen und quemándose en la televisión nacional y incendiar-se na televisão nacional e đốt cháy trên truyền hình quốc gia và

they were ahead by five strokes and now |||||ضربه‌ها|| ||앞서 있었다|||타수|| |||||points|| |||||točk|| sie waren fünf Schläge voraus und jetzt iban por delante por cinco golpes y ahora estavam a ganhar por cinco pancadas e agora họ đã dẫn trước năm gậy và bây giờ

they can't get back on the course and I no pueden volver al curso y yo não podem voltar ao campo e eu họ không thể quay lại khóa học và tôi

got to do something right now I get the tengo que hacer algo ahora mismo, obtengo el tenho de fazer alguma coisa agora mesmo phải làm một cái gì đó ngay bây giờ tôi nhận được

result of nothing matters I get the |||اهمیت دارد||| resultado de que nada importa, obtengo el kết quả của không có gì quan trọng tôi nhận được

phone call when the child is going to llamada telefónica cuando el niño va a

commit suicide and I go do something خودکشی کردن / انجام دادن|||||| Suizid begehen|||||| 自杀|||||| storiti|samomor||||| suicidarme y voy a hacer algo cometer suicídio e eu vou fazer alguma coisa tự tử và tôi đi làm gì đó

right now and in 29 years I'm very ahora mismo y en 29 años estoy muy

grateful to tell you I've never lost one agradecido de decirte que nunca he perdido uno

in 29 years it doesn't mean I won't en 29 años no significa que no lo haré

someday but I've done it and the reason algún día pero lo he hecho y la razón một ngày nào đó nhưng tôi đã làm điều đó và lý do

is an understanding of these human needs ||||estas necesidades humanas|| es una comprensión de estas necesidades humanas là sự hiểu biết về những nhu cầu này của con người

that I want to talk to you about so when de lo que quiero hablarte para cuando

I get those calls about performance Recibo esas llamadas sobre el rendimiento Tôi nhận được những cuộc gọi về hiệu suất

that's one thing like how do you make a eso es una cosa como cómo se hace un đó là một điều như làm thế nào để bạn thực hiện một

change but also I'm looking to see what cambiar pero también estoy buscando para ver qué thay đổi nhưng tôi cũng đang tìm kiếm để xem những gì

is it that's shaping that person's |||شکل دادن|| |||formend|| |||塑造|| |||formando||de esa persona |||oblikovanje|| ¿Es lo que está dando forma a esa persona? có phải đó là định hình của người đó

ability to contribute to do something capacidad de contribuir para hacer algo khả năng đóng góp để làm một cái gì đó

beyond themselves so maybe the real on the other side||||| más allá de ellos mismos, así que tal vez lo real vượt ra ngoài chính họ nên có lẽ là thực

question is you know I look at life and la pregunta es que sabes que miro la vida y

say there's two master lessons one is |||mojster||| Sagen wir, es gibt zwei Meisterlektionen, eine ist digamos que hay dos lecciones magistrales, una es nói rằng có hai bài học chính một là

there's the science of achievement which ||||Wissenschaft des Erfolgs| ||||logro| existe la ciencia del logro que có khoa học về thành tích mà

almost never in this room is mastered to ||||||obvladano| fast nie in diesem Raum gemeistert wird casi nunca en esta sala se domina hầu như không bao giờ trong căn phòng này được làm chủ

an amazing stat that's how do you take ||آمار شگفت‌انگیز||||| ||stat incroyable||||| ||놀라운 통계||||| ||estadística||||| ||统计||||| eine erstaunliche Statistik, die Sie nehmen una estadística increíble, así es como se toma

the invisible and make it visible right lo invisible y hazlo visible a la derecha vô hình và làm cho nó có thể nhìn thấy ngay

how you take what you're dreaming out |||||梦境实现| |||||rêves| cómo sacas lo que estás soñando

and make it happen whether it be your und mach es möglich, ob es dein ist y haz que suceda si es tu

business your contribution society money ||Beitrag|Gesellschaft| ||prispevek|| negocio tu contribución sociedad dinero kinh doanh tiền đóng góp của bạn cho xã hội

whatever it is for you your body your lo que sea para ti tu cuerpo tu

family but the other lesson of life that familia pero la otra lección de vida que

is rarely mastered is the art of ||به کمال رسیدن|||| ||maîtrisée|||| rara vez se domina es el arte de

fulfillment because science is easy رضایت خاطر|||| accomplissement|||| Erfüllung durch Wissenschaft|||| cumplimiento|||| 满足感||||

right we know the rules you write the

code you follow the and you get the Code folgen Sie dem und Sie erhalten den

result once you know the game you just

you know you up the ante don't you but |||||faire monter les enchères||| |||||提高赌注||| |||||den Einsatz||| |||||판을 키우다||| |||||افزایش ریسک||| |||||povečati stave||| |||||aumentas la apuesta||| Sie wissen, dass Sie den Einsatz drauf haben, nicht wahr? sabes que subes la apuesta no pero

when it comes to fulfillment that's an ||it comes|||| ||||Erfüllung|| ||||이행||

art and the reason is it's about

appreciation and it's about contribution Wertschätzung|||| cenjenje prispevka||||prispevek

you can only feel so much by yourself so

I've had an interesting laboratory try ||||laboratoire| ||||Laboratorium| ||||실험실 시도| Tôi đã có một thử nghiệm thú vị trong phòng thí nghiệm

to answer the question of the real ||||||das Reale

question which is what's the difference

in somebody's life if you look at |alguien|||||

somebody like those people that you've

given everything to like all the

resources they say they need you give tài nguyên họ nói rằng họ cần bạn cung cấp

them not a $100 computer you give them ihnen nicht einen 100-Dollar-Computer, den Sie ihnen geben

the best computer you give them love you

gave him joy you were there to comfort le diste alegría estabas allí para consolar

them and those people very often and you

know some of them I'm sure and that the

rest of their life with all those love

education money and background spending |||background| Bildungsgeld und Hintergrundausgaben

the life going in and out of rehab and |||||||désintoxication| |||||||reabilitação| |||||||rehabilitation| |||||||Reha| |||||||재활 센터| |||||||بازپروری| |||||||rehabilitacija| das Leben in und aus der Reha und

then you meet people that been through

ultimate pain psychologically sexually نهایت درد روانی جنسی||| |||성적으로 ||psychologically|sexually

spiritually emotionally abused and not از نظر معنوی|||| spirituellement|||| ||zlorabljen|| ||정신적 학대|| spiritualmente||abused||

always but often they become some of the

people to contribute the most to society

so the question we gotta ask ourselves ||||得要|| ||||tenemos que|| also die Frage, die wir uns stellen müssen

really is what is it what is it that realmente es lo que es lo que

shapes us and we live in a therapy

culture most of us don't do that but the văn hóa hầu hết chúng ta không làm điều đó nhưng

cultures of therapy culture and what I |||فرهنگ‌های درمانی||| văn hóa trị liệu văn hóa và những gì tôi

mean by that is the mindset that we are |||||طرز فکر|||

passed in everybody in this room you عبور کرد||||||

wouldn't be in this room if you bought

that theory but the most of society lý thuyết đó nhưng hầu hết xã hội

thinks biography is destiny the past |زندگی‌نامه سرنوشت است|||| |biographie est destinée|||| |Biografie||Schicksal|| |||命运|| denkt, dass die Biografie das Schicksal der Vergangenheit ist cree que la biografía es el destino el pasado

equals the future and of course it does è uguale a||||||| enako||||||| entspricht der Zukunft und natürlich tut es das tương đương với tương lai và tất nhiên là như vậy

if you live there but what people in

this room know and what we have to

remind ourselves though because you can nhắc nhở bản thân mặc dù bởi vì bạn có thể

know something intellectually you can ||intellectually||

know what to do and then not use it not saber que hacer y luego no usarlo no

apply it so really we're gonna remind apply|||||| ||||||recordar aplícalo así que realmente te recordaremos

ourselves this decision is the ultimate |||||نهایی‌ترین |||||definitivo nosotros mismos esta decisión es la última bản thân quyết định này là cuối cùng

power that's what it really is now when poder eso es lo que realmente es ahora cuando sức mạnh đó là những gì nó thực sự là bây giờ khi

you ask people you know have you failed |||||||fracasado le preguntas a la gente que conoces si has fallado

to achieve something how many have ever

failed to achieve something significant ||||قابل توجه ||||significant

your life say I

thanks for the interaction on a high |||تعامل||| |||interaction||| |||interakcija||| Danke für die Interaktion auf einem High

level there but if you if you ask people

why didn't you achieve something |||erreichen|

somebody who's working for you you know

or a partner or even yourself

and you fail to achieve a goal what's

the reason people say they failed to |||||neuspěli|

achieve what do they tell you don't have

didn't know enough didn't have the

knowledge didn't have the money didn't

have the time didn't have the technology

you know I didn't have the right manager |||||||مدیر مناسب

didn't have the Supreme Court |||دیوان عالی کشور| |||대법원| |||最高|court |||vrhovno|sodišče không có Tòa án Tối cao


what all those including the Supreme |||||عالی‌ترین những gì tất cả những người bao gồm cả tối cao

Court have in common |가지고 있다||

they are a claim to you missing sie sind ein Anspruch auf Sie fehlt son un reclamo para que usted falte

resources and they may be accurate you |||||genau| |||||natančni| recursos y pueden ser precisos usted

may not have the money you may not have

the Supreme Court but that is not the Tòa án tối cao nhưng đó không phải là

defining factor bestimmend| 결정적인|

[Applause] [تشویق]

and you correct me if I'm wrong the

defining factor is never resources its ||||recursos|

resourcefulness and what I mean ingéniosité|||| Einfallsreichtum|||| 지략|||| ابتکار و تدبیر|||| iznajdljivost|||| ingenio||||

specifically rather than just some cụ thể hơn là chỉ một số

phrase is if you have emotion human cụm từ là nếu bạn có cảm xúc con người

emotion something that I experienced

from you

day before yesterday at a level that is |||||||ist

as profound as I've ever experienced and |عمیق‌ترین||||| |가장 깊은||||| |profundo|||||

if you communicate with that emotion I ||ارتباط برقرار کنی|||| nếu bạn giao tiếp với cảm xúc đó tôi

believe you had a beat his ass and won ||||||کتک زدن|| ||||golpe||||ganaste tin rằng bạn đã đánh bại anh ta và giành chiến thắng

but how easy for me to tell him what he

should do


idiot Robbins but I know when we watched Robbins idiota, pero sé cuando miramos

a debate when we watch the debate at |토론을 볼 때|||||| |debate|||||| un debate cuando vemos el debate en

that time there were emotions that esa vez hubo emociones que

blocked people's ability to get this entravé||||| bloqueó la capacidad de las personas para obtener esto khả năng của mọi người bị chặn để có được điều này

man's intellect and capacity and the way |عقل و ظرفیت||||| |intellect et capacité||||| del hombre|||||| el intelecto y la capacidad del hombre y el camino

they came across to some people in that se encontraron con algunas personas en ese

day because I know people that wanted to día porque conozco gente que quería

vote in your direction and didn't and votó en su dirección y no lo hizo y

I'm loves upset but there was a motion |||||||حرکت |||||||Antrag Ich bin sehr verärgert, aber es gab eine Bewegung Estoy enamorado pero hubo un movimiento Estou muito aborrecido, mas houve uma moção

that was there how many know what I'm eso fue ahi cuantos saben lo que soy

talking about here say I so emotion is ||||||احساسات| hablando de aquí digo que la emoción es

in if we get the right emotion we can si tenemos la emoción correcta, podemos

get ourselves to do anything we can get conseguir que hagamos todo lo que podamos

through it if you're creative enough a través de él si eres lo suficientemente creativo thông qua nó nếu bạn đủ sáng tạo

playful enough fun enough can you get Assez ludique|||||| đủ vui tươi đủ thú vị bạn có thể nhận được

through to anybody yes or no if you

don't have the money but you're creative

to determine if you find the way so this

is the ultimate resource but this is not ||نهایی‌ترین|||||

the story that people tell us all right

the story people tell us is a bunch of |||||||un montón| câu chuyện mọi người kể cho chúng tôi là một loạt

different stories they tell us we don't

the resources but ultimately if you take |منابع||در نهایت|||

a look here flip it up if you would they |||برگرداندن|||||| Schauen Sie hier, klappen Sie es hoch, wenn Sie möchten una mirada aquí levántalo si quieres

say what all the reason they haven't Di cuál es la razón por la que no lo han hecho

Conway said that next one please he's کانوی گفت|||||| 콘웨이는|||||| Conway|||||| Conway|||||| Conway dijo que el próximo, por favor, es

broken my patter that son of a ||baratin|||| ||padrão|||| ||말투를 망쳤어|||| ||الگوی من را شکسته|||| ||vzorec|||| ||žvásty|||| ||discurso|||| rompió mi golpecito ese hijo de puta phá vỡ patter của tôi mà con trai của một

[Laughter] [La risa]

but I appreciated the energy I'll tell ||geschätzt|||| ||cenil|||| pero aprecio la energía que te diré

you that

what determines your resources we've |bestimmt||Ressourcen| |določa||| lo que determina sus recursos hemos

said decision shape destiny which is my |||سرنوشت||| dicha decisión forma el destino que es mi cho biết quyết định định hình số phận đó là của tôi

focus here if decisions shape destiny tập trung vào đây nếu các quyết định định hình số phận

what determines it is three decisions |določa||||

what are you gonna focus on right now

you have decide what you're gonna focus |||||werden|

on in this second consciously or ||||آگاهانه| ||||zavedno|

unconsciously the mini decide to focus ||miniaturizirano||| vô thức mini quyết định tập trung

on something got to give it a meaning en algo tiene que darle un significado

and whatever that meaning is produces

emotion is this the end or the beginning ||||||das|

is God punishing me or rewarding me or ||me punir||||| ||bestrafend|||belohnend||

is this the roll of the dice an emotion ||||||تاس ریختن|| ||||||Wurf des Würfels|| ||||||dado|| |||o lançamento|||o dado|| ||||||kocke|| es esta la tirada de los dados una emoción

then creates what we're going to do are

the action so think about your own life

the decisions that have shaped your ||||façonné| las decisiones que han dado forma a su

destiny and that sounds really heavy but

in the last five or ten years fifteen

years have there been some decisions años ha habido algunas decisiones

you've made that you made a different has hecho que hiciste una diferencia

decision your life would be completely decisión tu vida seria completamente

different diferente

how many can think about honestly better cuántos pueden pensar honestamente mejor

or worse say I so the bottom line is o peor, digo yo, así que la conclusión es

maybe it was where to go to work and you tal vez era donde ir a trabajar y tu

met the love of your life there maybe conocí al amor de tu vida tal vez

was a career decision I know that Google

geniuses I saw here I mean I understand génies||||||| Genies, die ich hier gesehen habe, ich meine, ich verstehe

that their decision was to sell their

technology at first what have they made

that decision versus to build their own ||versus|||| ||proti||||

culture how would the world be different

how will their lives be different their

impact the history of our world is these tác động đến lịch sử của thế giới chúng ta là những

decisions when a woman stands up and

says no I won't go to the back of the

bus she didn't just affect her life that ||||تأثیر گذاشت||| ||||vplivala na|||

decision shaped our culture or someone decisión dio forma a nuestra cultura o alguien

standing in front of a tank or being in |||||stát před tankem||| |||||tenk||| de pie frente a un tanque o estar en đứng trước một chiếc xe tăng hoặc đang ở trong

a position like aren't Lance Armstrong ||||랜스 암스트롱|암스트롱 ||||Lance Armstrong|Armstrong (ciclista)

and someone says to you you've got

testicular cancer that's pretty tough testiculaire|||| testicular|||| 고환암이 꽤|||| testicular|cáncer testicular|||difícil testicular|||| cáncer de testículo que es bastante duro

for any male especially if you ride a para cualquier hombre, especialmente si monta un

bike bicicleta

you got in your brain you got in your tienes en tu cerebro tienes en tu

lungs but what was his decision of what poumons||||||| pulmones||||||| pulmões||||||| pulmones, pero ¿cuál fue su decisión de lo que

to focus on different the most people para centrarse en la mayoría de las personas diferentes

what did it mean it wasn't the end it ¿Qué significaba que no era el final?

was the beginning what I'm gonna do he fue el principio lo que voy a hacer el

goes off and wins seven championships he se va y gana siete campeonatos

never once once before the cancer ni una sola vez antes del cáncer

because he got emotional fitness porque se puso en forma emocional

psychological strength that's the |fortaleza psicológica|| fuerza psicológica que es la

difference in human beings that I've diferencia en los seres humanos que he

seen of the three million I've been videl|||||| visto de los tres millones que he estado

around cuz that's what my lab I've had |porque||||laboratorio|| alrededor porque eso es lo que he tenido en mi laboratorio

three million people from 80 different tres millones de personas de 80 diferentes

countries that I've had a chance to países que he tenido la oportunidad de

interact with over the last twenty nine

years and after a while patterns become

obvious you see that South America and

Africa maybe connect in a certain way |||||به‌طور خاص|

right other people say all that sounds