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News in Levels, Supermarkets go green – level 2

Supermarkets go green – level 2

Supermarkets are trying to be more environmentally friendly, but it is not an easy task. Customers do not want to pay more money, and investors do not want lower profit.

Tesco is Britain´s biggest supermarket, and the company has a plan to be carbon neutral by 2035. It is very difficult, as only a few customers care about the environment, and they will pay more money for environmentally-friendly products. Most people care only about the price and not about the environment. Investors believe that it is important to go green, but they do not want to lose money.

Tesco believes that it is possible to reach its goal. The company uses less plastic, uses farming which needs less water, and sells unwashed potatoes which last longer on shelves.

Difficult words: investor (a person or organization which puts money into a business to make money later), profit (money from a business activity), carbon neutral (an activity which does not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Supermarkets go green – level 2 Supermärkte werden grün - Stufe 2 Supermarkets go green – level 2 Los supermercados se vuelven ecológicos - nivel 2 Les supermarchés passent au vert - niveau 2 I supermercati diventano verdi - livello 2 スーパーマーケットのグリーン化 - レベル2 슈퍼마켓의 친환경화 - 레벨 2 Supermarkten worden groen - niveau 2 Os supermercados tornam-se ecológicos - nível 2 Супермаркеты становятся зелеными — уровень 2 Süpermarketler yeşile dönüyor - seviye 2 Супермаркети стають зеленими - рівень 2 超市走向绿色——二级 超市走向綠色——2級

Supermarkets are trying to be more environmentally friendly, but it is not an easy task. スーパーマーケットは環境に配慮した取り組みを行っていますが、それは簡単なことではありません。 Супермаркеты стараются быть более экологичными, но это непростая задача. Customers do not want to pay more money, and investors do not want lower profit. I clienti non vogliono pagare di più e gli investitori non vogliono profitti inferiori. 顧客はより多くのお金を払いたくないし、投資家は利益の減少を望んでいません。

Tesco is Britain´s biggest supermarket, and the company has a plan to be carbon neutral by 2035. Tesco adalah supermarket terbesar di Inggris, dan perusahaan ini memiliki rencana untuk menjadi netral karbon pada tahun 2035. Tesco は英国最大のスーパーマーケットであり、同社は 2035 年までにカーボン ニュートラルになる計画を立てています。 Tesco — крупнейший супермаркет Великобритании, и у компании есть план стать углеродно-нейтральным к 2035 году. Tesco là siêu thị lớn nhất nước Anh và công ty có kế hoạch trung hòa carbon vào năm 2035. It is very difficult, as only a few customers care about the environment, and they will pay more money for environmentally-friendly products. È molto difficile, perché solo pochi clienti si preoccupano dell'ambiente e pagheranno di più per i prodotti ecologici. 環境に配慮している顧客はごくわずかであり、環境に配慮した製品により多くのお金を払うことになるため、これは非常に困難です。 Most people care only about the price and not about the environment. La maggior parte delle persone si preoccupa solo del prezzo e non dell'ambiente. ほとんどの人は価格だけを気にし、環境は気にしません。 Investors believe that it is important to go green, but they do not want to lose money. 投資家は、環境に配慮することが重要であると信じていますが、お金を失いたくありません。

Tesco believes that it is possible to reach its goal. テスコは、目標を達成できると信じています。 The company uses less plastic, uses farming which needs less water, and sells unwashed potatoes which last longer on shelves. Perusahaan ini menggunakan lebih sedikit plastik, menggunakan pertanian yang membutuhkan lebih sedikit air, dan menjual kentang yang belum dicuci yang lebih tahan lama di rak. L'azienda utilizza meno plastica, ricorre a coltivazioni che richiedono meno acqua e vende patate non lavate che durano più a lungo sugli scaffali. 同社はプラスチックの使用量を減らし、水をあまり必要としない農業を利用し、棚で長持ちする洗っていないじゃがいもを販売しています。 Компания использует меньше пластика, занимается сельским хозяйством, которому требуется меньше воды, и продает немытый картофель, который дольше хранится на полках. Công ty sử dụng ít nhựa hơn, sử dụng phương pháp canh tác cần ít nước hơn và bán khoai tây chưa rửa để bảo quản được lâu hơn trên kệ.

Difficult words: investor (a person or organization which puts money into a business to make money later), profit (money from a business activity), carbon neutral (an activity which does not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere). Parole difficili: investitore (una persona o un'organizzazione che mette denaro in un'azienda per guadagnarci in seguito), profitto (denaro proveniente da un'attività commerciale), carbon neutral (un'attività che non rilascia anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera). 難しい言葉: 投資家 (後でお金を稼ぐためにビジネスにお金を投入する人または組織)、利益 (ビジネス活動からのお金)、カーボン ニュートラル (二酸化炭素を大気中に放出しない活動)。 Từ khó: nhà đầu tư (người hoặc tổ chức bỏ tiền vào kinh doanh để kiếm tiền sau này), lợi nhuận (tiền từ hoạt động kinh doanh), carbon trung tính (hoạt động không thải carbon dioxide vào khí quyển).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. Anda dapat menonton video aslinya di bagian Level 3.