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News in Levels, Snow in Bolivia and Peru – level 2

Snow in Bolivia and Peru – level 2

Last week, something unusual happened in South America when snow fell in Bolivia and Peru.

In Bolivia, temperatures dropped below zero, which created perfect conditions for snowfall. Local people were very excited about the snow because they never saw it before. They threw snowballs at each other in the streets.

The situation was similar in Peru where snow covered landscape and roads. The snow stranded cars, and people could not travel.

In both countries, snowfall is not usual, except for the mountain. Temperatures can drop to the below zero, but snow is common at elevations of more than 3,800 meters.

Difficult words: condition (the existing situation which has an impact on how something happens), stranded (when someone or something is stuck in a place, and it is not possible to leave), elevation (how high above the ground something is).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Snow in Bolivia and Peru – level 2 الثلوج في بوليفيا وبيرو - المستوى 2 Schnee in Bolivien und Peru - Stufe 2 Χιόνι στη Βολιβία και το Περού - επίπεδο 2 Snow in Bolivia and Peru – level 2 Nieve en Bolivia y Perú - nivel 2 Neige en Bolivie et au Pérou - niveau 2 Neve in Bolivia e Perù - livello 2 ボリビアとペルーの雪–レベル2 볼리비아와 페루의 눈 - 레벨 2 Sniegas Bolivijoje ir Peru - 2 lygis Neve na Bolívia e no Peru - nível 2 Снег в Боливии и Перу – уровень 2 Bolivya ve Peru'da kar - seviye 2 Сніг у Болівії та Перу - рівень 2 玻利维亚和秘鲁降雪——2 级 玻利維亞和秘魯降雪 – 2 級

Last week, something unusual happened in South America when snow fell in Bolivia and Peru. ||qualcosa di insolito|insolito|||Sud America|||neve|cadde|||| في الأسبوع الماضي ، حدث شيء غير عادي في أمريكا الجنوبية عندما تساقطت الثلوج في بوليفيا وبيرو. Last week, something unusual happened in South America when snow fell in Bolivia and Peru. 先週、ボリビアとペルーで雪が降ったとき、南アメリカで何か変わったことが起こりました。

In Bolivia, temperatures dropped below zero, which created perfect conditions for snowfall. ||temperature||||che|creato||condizioni||nevicata In Bolivia, temperatures dropped below zero, which created perfect conditions for snowfall. ボリビアでは、気温がゼロを下回り、降雪に最適な条件を作り出しました。 В Боливии температура упала ниже нуля, что создало идеальные условия для снегопада. Local people were very excited about the snow because they never saw it before. Local people were very excited about the snow because they never saw it before. 地元の人たちは雪を見たことがなかったのでとても興奮していました。 They threw snowballs at each other in the streets. |lanciavano|palle di neve||||||strade They threw snowballs at each other in the streets. 彼らは通りでお互いに雪玉を投げました。 Они бросали друг в друга снежки на улицах.

The situation was similar in Peru where snow covered landscape and roads. |||||||||paesaggio innevato|| The situation was similar in Peru where snow covered landscape and roads. 雪が風景や道路を覆っているペルーでも状況は似ていました。 The snow stranded cars, and people could not travel. ||left stuck|||||| ||bloccato|||||| The snow stranded cars, and people could not travel. 雪で立ち往生した車、そして人々は旅行することができませんでした。

In both countries, snowfall is not usual, except for the mountain. In both countries, snowfall is not usual, except for the mountain. どちらの国でも、山を除いて降雪は普通ではありません。 Temperatures can drop to the below zero, but snow is common at elevations of more than 3,800 meters. ||||||||||||high altitudes|||| ||||||||||||altitudini||||metri Temperatures can drop to the below zero, but snow is common at elevations of more than 3,800 meters. 気温はゼロ以下に下がる可能性がありますが、標高3,800メートルを超えると雪がよく降ります。 Температура может опускаться до нуля, но на высоте более 3800 метров часто бывает снег.

Difficult words: condition (the existing situation which has an impact on how something happens), stranded (when someone or something is stuck in a place, and it is not possible to leave), elevation (how high above the ground something is). ||||esistente|||||impatto||||succede|||||||||||||||Possibile|||altitudine sopra terra|||||terreno, suolo, terra|| Difficult words: condition (the existing situation which has an impact on how something happens), stranded (when someone or something is stuck in a place, and it is not possible to leave), elevation (how high above the ground something is). 難しい言葉:状態(何かが起こる方法に影響を与える現在の状況)、立ち往生(誰かまたは何かが場所に立ち往生していて、離れることができないとき)、標高(何かが地面からどれくらい高いか)。

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.