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The Infographics Show, YOU vs BABADOOK - How Can You Defeat and Survive It? (The Babadook Movie)

YOU vs BABADOOK - How Can You Defeat and Survive It? (The Babadook Movie)

One summer afternoon you find yourself cleaning out the dusty old attic of the new home you've

moved into.

It's a bit out in the countryside and out of the way, but it came cheap- the owners

seemed very willing to sell it.

So willing in fact that they seem to have left at least half of their possessions up

here in the attic, and as you're sorting through things to trash, things to sell, and things

to keep, you come across a strange book.

It has a simple red cover with just a title, no author: Mister Babadook.

As you open the book up you're surprised to discover that it looks like a children's pop-up

book, except there's something oddly disturbing about it.

For one it features a creepy figure dressed in a long black coat and top hat with what

looks like long claws for hands, and for the other it comes with the following piece of

disturbing poetry: If it's in a word, or it's in a look, you can't get rid of the Babadook.

You read the simple poem aloud, and suddenly you think you hear a shuffling of feet in

the darkness of the attic.

Looking up you're startled to see the figure from the book- it's real!

As it rears up to its full height and displays its clawed hands you suddenly understand why

the owners decided to sell this house so cheap.

Hello and welcome to another episode of You Versus- today we're putting you up against

the legendary demon of grief, the Babadook.

No one is sure about the origins of the Babadook, save to say that it's been around at least

since the late Victorian era given its predisposition for the long coats and high top hats so popular

at the time.

The Babadook could of course be much older than that, given that it seems to be mystically

linked to a pop-up book that bears its full name.

The first pop-up books were made in the late 13thcentury, and it is possible that the Babadook

has been around as long as they have.

However as a Demon, the Babadook is likely a far more ancient being, haunting humanity

since its inception.

Its connection to the pop-up book in question may just be its chosen avenue of haunting

its victims, or perhaps part of some mystical banishment the demon suffered at some point

in its past.

Whatever its origins, you're going to have to know what you're up against if you're in

the Babadook's crosshairs.

As usual this will be a fight to the death, or at least a fight to banish the Babadook

since it's likely that as a demon, it cannot die.

So, what are you potentially facing?

First and foremost the Babadook is in fact a demon, which places it in a category aside

from spirits, monsters, ghouls, or other things that go bump in the night.

As a demon this means that the Babadook is more intelligent than a spirit or ghoul, and

thus far more crafty and manipulative.

It understands humanity in a way that other supernatural creatures can't, as it draws

both from its immortal lifespan of experiences and higher intelligence, and thus knows what

makes us tick, and how to exploit all of our fears.

Fear is important, because as a demon the Babadook is much like a spirit, strengthened

by fear, and the more scared its victims become the more powerful that the Babadook becomes.

The Babadook is however specifically a demon of grief, and prefers to target people who

have been made vulnerable by deep sadness, depression, and loss in their lives.

Its hauntings are geared to further deepen those feelings of hopelessness, pain, and

loss, until finally pushing its victims into either letting it possess them or doing great

acts of violence.

The Babadook has an arsenal of powers at its disposals that will prove difficult to counter.

First and foremost it has the ability to teleport at will, though it does show a preference

to teleport to darkened, shadowy areas as opposed to brightly lit spaces.

This may mean that the Babadook is tied to the shadows of the world, and can move through

them freely, but has difficulty using its powers to escape in bright light.

This isn't its only trick though, as the Babadook also displays a formidable talent for telekinesis,

able to move objects as large as a couch with its mind.

It can also shapeshift into people the victim is familiar with, or into mundane objects,

though is given away upon close inspection, so it has an imperfect talent for mimicry.

Lastly, it is a keen manipulator, using its ability to inflict terror on its victims to

gradually break down their mental defenses until they do things that the Babadook wants-

which is typically to commit violence.

So, you're up against the dreaded Babadook- how are you going to defeat this demon of


First you're going to want to defeat its ability to randomly teleport at will through the shadows.

This will be key in order to keep the Babadook from getting the drop on you, and so that

you can make sure to land a killing blow when the time comes.

In order to counter the Babadook's ability to randomly teleport away from you you're

going to want to get your hands on a piece of hardware like the Buysight LED searchlight,

which can put out as much as 6000 lumens up to a range of 800 meters.

That's half as bright as the sun reflecting off white snow, and prolonged exposure directly

to the eyes can lead to permanent vision problems.

With a miniature sun in your hands, you'll be able to blast away even the deepest darkest

shadows, and with the ability to flood, you'll scatter any shadows directly in front of you

leaving no room for the Babadook to hide.

Of course that still leaves all the dark areas behind you that it could try to flee to, so

you're going to need something that can light up really large areas like the rising of a

second sun- and nothing can light up large swathes of ground quite like an Arrimax.

The tool of choice by professional filmmakers who need to work outdoors in the middle of

the night, the Arrimax is a whopping 18,000 watt light that can be hoisted up into the

air on a crane or secured to a sturdy tree.

With this monster light blasting your surroundings, the Babadook will have absolutely nowhere

to hide.

So you've taken care of its ability to teleport, leaving the Babadook with nowhere to hide.

You'll have to watch out for its ability to use telekinesis to move objects around, which

it will no doubt try to use as a weapon against you, but as long as you're keeping a sharp

eye on your environment and keeping your head on a swivel, you should be fine.

What you should be most concerned about is its ability to manipulate your fears- like

many evil creatures that go bump in the night, the Babadook is strengthened by fear, so you're

going to have to keep a firm grip on what scares you.

Unlike other demons or similar creatures that feed on fear though, the Babadook specifically

feeds off grief as well, and fear that stems from that grief- so your next weapon is going

to be to arm yourself with some peace of mind.

If you're holding on to any particular pain or loss, let it go.

Try to be grateful for the things that you already have in your life, and try to take

joy in the accomplishments you achieve- such as the imminent Babadook kill you're about

to score because you're a zen master, and this shifty demon can't find any weak spots

in your psyche to exploit.

You've stripped the Babadook of its ability to teleport away, you've remembered the five

Ds of Dodgeball and Dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and... dodged.... everything it's tried

to hurl at you with telekinesis, and when it tried to manipulate your grief and fear,

you shut the Babadook down with a Dali Lama-like level of self-mastery.

Now it's time to go for the kill and end this death match once and for all, sending this

demon of grief back to the fiery hell that spawned it.

As you probably know by now from watching our other episodes, we here at The Infographics

Show are fans of problem solving through superior firepower, and in this case we have one and

only one tool to recommend, a surefire way to blast this hellspawn out of this world

and back into its own... the Super Soaker Scatterblast Blaster.

That's right, a squirt gun- only not any regular type of squirt gun, a 22 ounce beast that

can deliver shot-gun like blasts of water up to 34 feet (10 meters) away!

Except you're not going to be blasting the Babadook with any regular type of water, you're

going to be using holy water blessed by a priest.

As a demon, the Babadook is bound to the rules of our prime material plane if it chooses

to manifest physically.

That means that if the Babadook took solid form in order to directly manipulate our world,

then its body would be subject to the same rules as our own bodies or anything else physical-

in which case we'd be recommending firepower on a level much higher than just a squirt


However, because the Babadook doesn't manifest physically, it can't be harmed physically-

that's why it needs to haunt victims in order to eventually wear them down and commit the

violence it can't commit itself.

So to excommunicate this demon out of our world and back to its own- at least temporarily-

you're going to have to hit it with the only thing all demons can't stand, corporal or

non-corporal: holy water.

Water blessed by true faith is the divine is anathema to evil, and has the power to

not just hurt evil, but to dispel it all together.

With a tank full of blessed water, your super soaker scatterblaster is a demon-blasting

weapon that Michael the Archangel would be envious of.

That is of course if the water you're using has been blessed by a priest with true faith-

something very, very rare in our world today.

Otherwise, well, you're really only going to be making a very angry demon soaking wet,

moments before it rips your soul from your body and inhabits you forever.

How would you defeat the Babadook?

Also, if you like this series, check out our other videos where we pit you against something


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YOU vs BABADOOK - How Can You Defeat and Survive It? (The Babadook Movie) DU gegen den BABADOOK - Wie kannst du ihn besiegen und überleben? (Der Babadook-Film) ΕΣΥ εναντίον BABADOOK - Πώς μπορείς να το νικήσεις και να επιβιώσεις; (Η ταινία Babadook) TÚ vs BABADOOK - ¿Cómo puedes derrotarlo y sobrevivir? (The Babadook Movie) VOUS vs BABADOOK - Comment le vaincre et y survivre (Le film Babadook) YOU vs BABADOOK - ババドックを倒し、生き残るには? 映画『ババドック TY kontra BABADOOK - jak go pokonać i przetrwać (film Babadook) YOU vs BABADOOK - Como podes derrotá-lo e sobreviver-lhe (The Babadook Movie) ТЫ против БАБАДУКА - как его победить и выжить? (Фильм "Бабадук") SEN BABADOOK'A KARŞI - Onu Nasıl Yenebilir ve Hayatta Kalabilirsin? (The Babadook Filmi) ТИ проти БАБАДУКА - як перемогти і вижити? (Фільм "Бабадук") YOU vs BABADOOK - 你怎样才能击败并生存下来? (巴巴杜克电影)

One summer afternoon you find yourself cleaning out the dusty old attic of the new home you've Uma tarde de verão você se encontra limpando o velho sótão empoeirado da nova casa que você Однажды летним днем вы обнаруживаете, что убираете старый пыльный чердак нового дома, который вы

moved into. Mover para dentro.

It's a bit out in the countryside and out of the way, but it came cheap- the owners É um pouco fora do campo e fora do caminho, mas veio barato, os proprietários Он находится немного в сельской местности и в стороне от дороги, но это было недорого - владельцы

seemed very willing to sell it. Parecia muito disposto a vendê-lo.

So willing in fact that they seem to have left at least half of their possessions up Tão disposto de fato que eles parecem ter deixou pelo menos metade de suas posses para cima Настолько охотно, что, похоже, они оставили по крайней мере половину своего имущества наверху.

here in the attic, and as you're sorting through things to trash, things to sell, and things aqui no sótão, e como você está classificando através coisas para o lixo, coisas para vender e coisas здесь, на чердаке, и пока вы сортируете вещи, которые можно выбросить, которые можно продать, и которые

to keep, you come across a strange book. para manter, você se depara com um livro estranho. чтобы сохранить, вы натыкаетесь на странную книгу.

It has a simple red cover with just a title, no author: Mister Babadook. Tem uma capa vermelha simples com apenas um título, sem autor: Mister Babadook.

As you open the book up you're surprised to discover that it looks like a children's pop-up Quando você abre o livro, fica surpreso descobrir que parece um pop-up infantil

book, except there's something oddly disturbing about it. livro, exceto que há algo estranhamente perturbador sobre isso. книга, только есть в ней что-то странно тревожное.

For one it features a creepy figure dressed in a long black coat and top hat with what Por um lado, apresenta uma figura assustadora vestida em um longo casaco preto e cartola com o que В частности, на ней изображена жуткая фигура в длинном черном пальто и шляпе, на которой изображено то, что

looks like long claws for hands, and for the other it comes with the following piece of parece garras longas para as mãos, e para o outro vem com o seguinte pedaço de

disturbing poetry: If it's in a word, or it's in a look, you can't get rid of the Babadook. poesia perturbadora: Se é em uma palavra, ou é em um olhar, você não pode se livrar do Babadook. тревожная поэзия: Если это в слове, или это во взгляде, Вы не можете избавиться от Babadook.

You read the simple poem aloud, and suddenly you think you hear a shuffling of feet in Você lê o poema simples em voz alta e, de repente, você acha que você ouve um arrastar de pés em

the darkness of the attic. a escuridão do sótão.

Looking up you're startled to see the figure from the book- it's real! |||taken aback||||||||| Olhando para cima você está assustado para ver a figura do livro, é real!

As it rears up to its full height and displays its clawed hands you suddenly understand why ||rises up|||||||||||||| À medida que se eleva até a sua altura total e exibe suas mãos com garras você de repente entende por que

the owners decided to sell this house so cheap. os proprietários decidiram vender esta casa tão barata.

Hello and welcome to another episode of You Versus- today we're putting you up against Olá e seja bem vindo a outro episódio de você Versus- hoje estamos colocando você contra

the legendary demon of grief, the Babadook. ||||sorrow|| o lendário demônio da dor, o Babadook.

No one is sure about the origins of the Babadook, save to say that it's been around at least Ninguém tem certeza sobre as origens do Babadook, salvar para dizer que tem sido em torno de pelo menos Никто точно не знает о происхождении Бабадука, можно лишь сказать, что он существует как минимум

since the late Victorian era given its predisposition for the long coats and high top hats so popular desde o final da era vitoriana dada a sua predisposição para os casacos longos e cartolas tão populares с конца викторианской эпохи, учитывая его предрасположенность к длинным пальто и высоким шляпам, столь популярным

at the time. no momento.

The Babadook could of course be much older than that, given that it seems to be mystically O Babadook poderia ser muito mais velho do que isso, dado que parece ser misticamente

linked to a pop-up book that bears its full name. ligada a um livro pop-up que exibe nome.

The first pop-up books were made in the late 13thcentury, and it is possible that the Babadook Os primeiros livros pop-up foram feitos no final da 13th Century, e é possível que o Babadook

has been around as long as they have. tem sido em torno enquanto eles têm.

However as a Demon, the Babadook is likely a far more ancient being, haunting humanity |||||||||||||Tormenting| No entanto, como um demônio, o Babadook é provável um ser muito mais antigo, assombrando a humanidade Однако, будучи демоном, Бабадук, скорее всего, является гораздо более древним существом, преследующим человечество

since its inception. ||beginning desde a sua criação.

Its connection to the pop-up book in question may just be its chosen avenue of haunting Sua conexão com o livro pop-up em questão pode ser apenas o seu caminho escolhido de assombração Возможно, именно связь с этой книжкой-раскладушкой и является выбранным ею способом преследования

its victims, or perhaps part of some mystical banishment the demon suffered at some point ||||||||Exile|||||| suas vítimas, ou talvez parte de alguma mística banimento do demônio sofreu em algum momento

in its past. em seu passado.

Whatever its origins, you're going to have to know what you're up against if you're in Quaisquer que sejam suas origens, você terá para saber o que você está enfrentando se você estiver em Каково бы ни было его происхождение, вы должны знать, с чем имеете дело, если вы в

the Babadook's crosshairs. het dradenkruis van de Babadook. a mira de Babadook.

As usual this will be a fight to the death, or at least a fight to banish the Babadook Como de costume, esta será uma luta até a morte ou pelo menos uma luta para banir o Babadook Как обычно, это будет бой насмерть или, по крайней мере, бой за изгнание Бабадука.

since it's likely that as a demon, it cannot die. já que é provável que como demônio não possa morrer. поскольку, скорее всего, будучи демоном, он не может умереть.

So, what are you potentially facing? Dus, waar sta je potentieel voor? Então, o que você está potencialmente enfrentando? Итак, с чем вы потенциально можете столкнуться?

First and foremost the Babadook is in fact a demon, which places it in a category aside Em primeiro lugar e acima de tudo, o Babadook é de fato um demônio, que o coloca em uma categoria à parte Прежде всего, Бабадук на самом деле демон, что ставит его в отдельную категорию.

from spirits, monsters, ghouls, or other things that go bump in the night. |||undead creatures||||||||| de espíritos, monstros, ghouls ou outras coisas que vai bater na noite. от духов, монстров, вурдалаков и прочей нечисти.

As a demon this means that the Babadook is more intelligent than a spirit or ghoul, and Como um demônio, isso significa que o Babadook é mais inteligente que um espírito ou ghoul, e

thus far more crafty and manipulative. |||||deceptive and controlling muito mais engenhoso e manipulador.

It understands humanity in a way that other supernatural creatures can't, as it draws Entende a humanidade de uma forma que outros criaturas sobrenaturais não podem, como se desenha

both from its immortal lifespan of experiences and higher intelligence, and thus knows what tanto de sua vida imortal de experiências e maior inteligência, e assim sabe o que

makes us tick, and how to exploit all of our fears. nos faz funcionar, e como explorar todos os nossos medos.

Fear is important, because as a demon the Babadook is much like a spirit, strengthened O medo é importante, porque como demônio o Babadook é muito parecido com um espírito, fortalecido

by fear, and the more scared its victims become the more powerful that the Babadook becomes. por medo, e quanto mais medo suas vítimas se tornam o mais poderoso que o Babadook se torna. страх, и чем больше пугаются его жертвы, тем могущественнее становится Бабадука.

The Babadook is however specifically a demon of grief, and prefers to target people who O Babadook é, no entanto, especificamente um demônio de tristeza e prefere atingir pessoas que

have been made vulnerable by deep sadness, depression, and loss in their lives. foram tornados vulneráveis ​​por profunda tristeza, depressão e perda em suas vidas.

Its hauntings are geared to further deepen those feelings of hopelessness, pain, and Suas assombrações são voltadas para aprofundar ainda mais aqueles sentimentos de desesperança, dor e

loss, until finally pushing its victims into either letting it possess them or doing great perda, até finalmente empurrar suas vítimas para quer deixar possuí-los ou fazer muito bem

acts of violence. atos de violência.

The Babadook has an arsenal of powers at its disposals that will prove difficult to counter. De Babadook beschikt over een arsenaal aan bevoegdheden die moeilijk te bestrijden zullen zijn. O Babadook tem um arsenal de poderes em sua disposições que serão difíceis de combater.

First and foremost it has the ability to teleport at will, though it does show a preference Em primeiro lugar, tem a capacidade de se teletransportar à vontade, embora mostre uma preferência

to teleport to darkened, shadowy areas as opposed to brightly lit spaces. teleportar para áreas escuras e sombrias como oposta a espaços iluminados. телепортироваться в затемненные, тенистые области, а не в ярко освещенные пространства.

This may mean that the Babadook is tied to the shadows of the world, and can move through Isso pode significar que o Babadook está ligado a as sombras do mundo, e pode se mover através

them freely, but has difficulty using its powers to escape in bright light. livremente, mas tem dificuldade em usar poderes para escapar em luz brilhante.

This isn't its only trick though, as the Babadook also displays a formidable talent for telekinesis, ||||||||||||impressive and powerful|||moving objects mentally Dit is echter niet de enige truc, want de Babadook vertoont ook een formidabel talent voor telekinese, Este não é o seu único truque, como o Babadook também exibe um talento formidável para telecinese,

able to move objects as large as a couch with its mind. capaz de mover objetos do tamanho de um sofá com sua mente. способен перемещать своим сознанием предметы размером с диван.

It can also shapeshift into people the victim is familiar with, or into mundane objects, |||gestalten||||||||||| |||||||||||||ordinary, everyday| Ele também pode transformar em pessoas a vítima está familiarizado com ou em objetos mundanos, Он также может превращаться в знакомых жертве людей или в обычные предметы,

though is given away upon close inspection, so it has an imperfect talent for mimicry. |||||||||||flawed|||imitation or copying embora seja doado em cima da inspeção próxima, então tem um talento imperfeito para mimetismo. хотя и выдается при ближайшем рассмотрении, так что талант к мимикрии у него несовершенен.

Lastly, it is a keen manipulator, using its ability to inflict terror on its victims to Por último, é um manipulador afiado, usando sua capacidade de infligir terror às suas vítimas И, наконец, он является искусным манипулятором, используя свою способность наводить ужас на жертву, чтобы

gradually break down their mental defenses until they do things that the Babadook wants- gradualmente quebrar suas defesas mentais até que eles façam coisas que o Babadook quer

which is typically to commit violence. que é tipicamente para cometer violência.

So, you're up against the dreaded Babadook- how are you going to defeat this demon of |||||feared|||||||||| Então, você está contra o temido Babadook- como você vai derrotar esse demônio de

grief? pesar?

First you're going to want to defeat its ability to randomly teleport at will through the shadows. Primeiro você vai querer derrotar sua habilidade para teletransportar aleatoriamente à vontade através das sombras. Прежде всего, вам нужно победить его способность произвольно телепортироваться сквозь тени.

This will be key in order to keep the Babadook from getting the drop on you, and so that Isso será fundamental para manter o Babadook de obter a gota em você, e de modo que

you can make sure to land a killing blow when the time comes. você pode ter certeza de conseguir um golpe mortal quando a hora chega. Вы можете быть уверены, что сможете нанести убойный удар, когда придет время.

In order to counter the Babadook's ability to randomly teleport away from you you're A fim de combater a capacidade do Babadook para teletransportar aleatoriamente para longe de você você está

going to want to get your hands on a piece of hardware like the Buysight LED searchlight, vai querer colocar as mãos em um pedaço de hardware como o holofote LED Buysight,

which can put out as much as 6000 lumens up to a range of 800 meters. |||||||light output measurement|||||| que pode apagar até 6000 lúmens para um alcance de 800 metros. которая может излучать до 6000 люмен на дальность до 800 метров.

That's half as bright as the sun reflecting off white snow, and prolonged exposure directly ||||||||||||||without mediation É metade brilhante como o sol refletindo neve branca e exposição prolongada diretamente Это в два раза ярче, чем солнце, отражающееся от белого снега, и длительное воздействие напрямую

to the eyes can lead to permanent vision problems. para os olhos pode levar a problemas permanentes de visão. в глаза может привести к необратимым нарушениям зрения.

With a miniature sun in your hands, you'll be able to blast away even the deepest darkest ||tiny artificial sun|||||||||||||| Com um sol em miniatura nas mãos, você vai ser capaz de detonar até os mais profundos e sombrios С миниатюрным солнцем в руках вы сможете уничтожить даже самую глубокую темноту.

shadows, and with the ability to flood, you'll scatter any shadows directly in front of you sombras, e com a capacidade de inundar, você vai espalhe as sombras diretamente na sua frente

leaving no room for the Babadook to hide. não deixando espaço para o Babadook se esconder. не оставляя Бабадуку места для укрытия.

Of course that still leaves all the dark areas behind you that it could try to flee to, so Claro que ainda deixa todas as áreas escuras atrás de você que poderia tentar fugir, então Конечно, при этом остаются все темные области, куда он может попытаться убежать, поэтому

you're going to need something that can light up really large areas like the rising of a você vai precisar de algo que possa acender até áreas muito grandes, como o surgimento de um

second sun- and nothing can light up large swathes of ground quite like an Arrimax. ||||||||große Flächen|||||| ||||||||large areas||||||Powerful lighting equipment tweede zon - en niets kan grote stukken grond verlichten zoals een Arrimax. segundo sol- e nada pode iluminar grande faixas de terra como um Arrimax. Второе солнце - и ничто не может так осветить большие участки земли, как Arrimax.

The tool of choice by professional filmmakers who need to work outdoors in the middle of A ferramenta de escolha dos cineastas profissionais que precisam trabalhar ao ar livre no meio de

the night, the Arrimax is a whopping 18,000 watt light that can be hoisted up into the ||||||||||||hochgehoben||| ||||||||||||lifted up||| a noite, o Arrimax é um colossal 18.000 luz de watt que pode ser içada para o

air on a crane or secured to a sturdy tree. ||||||||strong and stable| lucht op een kraan of vastgemaakt aan een stevige boom. ar em um guindaste ou preso a uma árvore robusta. воздуха на кране или закреплен на прочном дереве.

With this monster light blasting your surroundings, the Babadook will have absolutely nowhere Met dit monsterlicht dat je omgeving laat stralen, zal de Babadook absoluut nergens zijn Com essa luz monstra explodindo seus arredores, o Babadook terá absolutamente lugar nenhum

to hide. esconder.

So you've taken care of its ability to teleport, leaving the Babadook with nowhere to hide. Então você cuidou de sua habilidade de se teletransportar, deixando o Babadook sem lugar para se esconder. Итак, вы лишили его способности к телепортации, оставив Бабадука ни с чем.

You'll have to watch out for its ability to use telekinesis to move objects around, which Você terá que tomar cuidado com sua capacidade de use a telecinesia para mover objetos ao redor, Вам придется следить за его способностью использовать телекинез для перемещения предметов, что

it will no doubt try to use as a weapon against you, but as long as you're keeping a sharp tentará, sem dúvida, usar como arma contra você, mas enquanto você está mantendo uma afiada

eye on your environment and keeping your head on a swivel, you should be fine. ||||||||||constant vigilance|||| je omgeving in de gaten houden en je hoofd draaiende houden, het komt wel goed. olho em seu ambiente e mantendo sua cabeça em um giro, você deve ficar bem. Если вы следите за окружающей обстановкой и держите голову на пульсе, то все будет в порядке.

What you should be most concerned about is its ability to manipulate your fears- like O que você deve estar mais preocupado é sua capacidade de manipular seus medos

many evil creatures that go bump in the night, the Babadook is strengthened by fear, so you're muitas criaturas do mal que vão bater na noite, o Babadook é fortalecido pelo medo, então você é

going to have to keep a firm grip on what scares you. vai ter que manter um aperto firme sobre o que assusta você. придется крепко держаться за то, что вас пугает.

Unlike other demons or similar creatures that feed on fear though, the Babadook specifically Ao contrário de outros demônios ou criaturas similares que alimentar-se de medo, porém, o Babadook especificamente

feeds off grief as well, and fear that stems from that grief- so your next weapon is going também alimenta o sofrimento e teme que as hastes dessa dor, então sua próxima arma vai питается горем, а также страхом, вытекающим из этого горя - так что ваше следующее оружие будет

to be to arm yourself with some peace of mind. ser para se armar com alguma paz de espírito. чтобы вооружиться душевным спокойствием.

If you're holding on to any particular pain or loss, let it go. Se você está se segurando em alguma dor em particular ou perda, deixe ir. Если вы держитесь за какую-то конкретную боль или потерю, отпустите ее.

Try to be grateful for the things that you already have in your life, and try to take Tente ser grato pelas coisas que você já tem em sua vida, e tente levar

joy in the accomplishments you achieve- such as the imminent Babadook kill you're about alegria nas realizações que você realiza como o iminente Babadook matar você está prestes

to score because you're a zen master, and this shifty demon can't find any weak spots om te scoren omdat je een zenmeester bent, en deze gewiekste demon kan geen zwakke plekken vinden para marcar porque você é um mestre zen, e esse demônio esperto não consegue encontrar nenhum ponto fraco

in your psyche to exploit. ||||take advantage of em sua psique para explorar.

You've stripped the Babadook of its ability to teleport away, you've remembered the five Você tirou a Babadook de sua habilidade se teleportar para longe, você se lembrou dos cinco

Ds of Dodgeball and Dodged, ducked, dipped, dove, and... dodged.... everything it's tried |||||duckte||||||| |||||||leaped headfirst||avoided||| Ds de Dodgeball e Dodged, ducked, dipped, pomba, e ... se esquivou .... tudo que tentou Ds of Dodgeball и Dodged, ducked, dived, dive, dove, and... dodged.... все, что он пробовал.

to hurl at you with telekinesis, and when it tried to manipulate your grief and fear, |throw forcefully|||||||||||||| para vomitar em você com telecinese, e quando tentou manipular sua dor e medo,

you shut the Babadook down with a Dali Lama-like level of self-mastery. você fechou o Babadook com um Dali Lama-like nível de autocontrole.

Now it's time to go for the kill and end this death match once and for all, sending this Agora é hora de ir para o matar e acabar com isso jogo da morte de uma vez por todas, enviando este

demon of grief back to the fiery hell that spawned it. demônio de dor de volta para o inferno de fogo que gerou isso.

As you probably know by now from watching our other episodes, we here at The Infographics ||||||||||show segments||||| Como você provavelmente já deve saber de assistir nossos outros episódios, nós aqui no The Infographics

Show are fans of problem solving through superior firepower, and in this case we have one and ||||||||Feuerkraft|||||||| Show zijn fans van probleemoplossing door middel van superieure vuurkracht, en in dit geval hebben we er een en Show são fãs de resolução de problemas através de superior poder de fogo, e neste caso temos um e

only one tool to recommend, a surefire way to blast this hellspawn out of this world |||||||||||Höllenbrut|||| slechts één tool om aan te bevelen, een trefzekere manier om deze hellspawn uit deze wereld te blazen apenas uma ferramenta para recomendar, uma maneira infalível para explodir este Hellspawn fora deste mundo

and back into its own... the Super Soaker Scatterblast Blaster. en terug in zijn eigen ... de Super Soaker Scatterblast Blaster. e de volta para o seu próprio ... o Super Soaker Explosão Blaster.

That's right, a squirt gun- only not any regular type of squirt gun, a 22 ounce beast that ||||||||||||||fluid measurement|| É isso mesmo, uma pistola de água - só que não é normal tipo de pistola de água, uma fera de 22 onças que

can deliver shot-gun like blasts of water up to 34 feet (10 meters) away! pode entregar shot-gun como explosões de água até 34 pés (10 metros) de distância!

Except you're not going to be blasting the Babadook with any regular type of water, you're Exceto que você não vai estar explodindo o Babadook com qualquer tipo regular de água, você está

going to be using holy water blessed by a priest. vai estar usando água benta abençoada por um sacerdote.

As a demon, the Babadook is bound to the rules of our prime material plane if it chooses ||malevolent spirit||||||||||||||| Como um demônio, o Babadook está ligado às regras do nosso plano material principal se escolher Будучи демоном, Бабадук подчиняется правилам нашего первичного материального плана, если захочет.

to manifest physically. |Appear visibly| manifestar-se fisicamente.

That means that if the Babadook took solid form in order to directly manipulate our world, Isso significa que se o Babadook se solidificasse forma, a fim de manipular diretamente o nosso mundo,

then its body would be subject to the same rules as our own bodies or anything else physical- então seu corpo estaria sujeito ao mesmo regras como nossos próprios corpos ou qualquer outra coisa física

in which case we'd be recommending firepower on a level much higher than just a squirt Nesse caso, estaríamos recomendando poder de fogo em um nível muito maior do que apenas um esguicho

gun. arma de fogo.

However, because the Babadook doesn't manifest physically, it can't be harmed physically- No entanto, porque o Babadook não se manifesta fisicamente, não pode ser ferido fisicamente

that's why it needs to haunt victims in order to eventually wear them down and commit the |||||Torment or trouble||||||||||| é por isso que ele precisa assombrar as vítimas para para eventualmente desgastá-los e comprometer o

violence it can't commit itself. violência não pode se comprometer.

So to excommunicate this demon out of our world and back to its own- at least temporarily- ||aus der Gemeinschaft ausschließen|||||||||||||| Então, para excomungar este demônio de nossa mundo e de volta ao seu próprio, pelo menos temporariamente

you're going to have to hit it with the only thing all demons can't stand, corporal or |||||||||||||||physical form| você vai ter que bater com o único coisa que todos os demônios não suportam, corporal ou

non-corporal: holy water. não corporal: água benta.

Water blessed by true faith is the divine is anathema to evil, and has the power to |||||||||repellent to evil||||||| A água abençoada pela verdadeira fé é o divino é anátema para o mal e tem o poder de

not just hurt evil, but to dispel it all together. ||||||Banish completely||| não apenas ferir o mal, mas dissipar tudo junto.

With a tank full of blessed water, your super soaker scatterblaster is a demon-blasting ||||||||||Streuwasserbl|||| Met een tank vol gezegend water is je super soaker scatterblaster een demon-explosie Com um tanque cheio de água abençoada, seu super Soaker scatterblaster é um demônio-jateamento С баком, наполненным благословенной водой, ваш супермочильный рассеиватель - это демоническая взрывчатка.

weapon that Michael the Archangel would be envious of. |||||||neidisch| arma que Michael Arcanjo seria invejoso de.

That is of course if the water you're using has been blessed by a priest with true faith- Isso é claro, se a água que você está usando foi abençoado por um padre com verdadeira fé

something very, very rare in our world today. algo muito, muito raro em nosso mundo hoje.

Otherwise, well, you're really only going to be making a very angry demon soaking wet, Caso contrário, bem, você realmente só vai estar fazendo um demônio muito bravo encharcado, В противном случае, ну, вы действительно только сделаете очень злого демона мокрым,

moments before it rips your soul from your body and inhabits you forever. momentos antes que rasga sua alma do seu corpo e habita você para sempre. за мгновение до того, как он вырвет твою душу из тела и вселится в тебя навсегда.

How would you defeat the Babadook? Como você derrotaria o Babadook?

Also, if you like this series, check out our other videos where we pit you against something Além disso, se você gosta desta série, confira nossa outros vídeos onde colocamos você contra algo

horrible! horrível!

Go on, click the thumbnail. Ga verder, klik op de miniatuur. Vá em frente, clique na miniatura. Перейдите, щелкните на миниатюре.

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