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The Infographics Show, The Wealthy Elite That Owns the Entire World in 2019

The Wealthy Elite That Owns the Entire World in 2019

The world is quite a large place.

It includes 123 billion acres, and of these, 37 billion are land.

If it were to be divided equally among the world's population, it would mean each person

would get more than four acres.

Unfortunately, as we all know, this is not quite how the world works.

Instead, while many have a small plot of their own, others own the territory of entire nations.

Let's find out who owns the biggest chunks of Earth in this episode of The Infographics

Show, Who Owns The Most Land in the World?

Number 10 is Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait whose land covers 4.4 million

of the 7 million acres in Kuwait.

The American government owns some of the area that isn't his and has used it to build

a large base.

The State of Kuwait is bordered by Iraq and Saudi Arabia and its coast line meets the

Persian Gulf.

Its inland territory is dry, harsh desert but at its shore sits the Kuwait Bay.

Kuwait is the fifth largest producer of oil and is therefore quite a wealthy country.

98% of its income comes from oil and the industry is a source of employment for 96% of its working


It is so well-off that citizens pay no taxes while receiving free healthcare and education.

Sheikh Al-Sabah, who pledged 500 million in aid for the Syrian population, has gotten

recognition for his generosity and humanitarian endeavors.

Number 9 is King Letsie III of Lesotho who owns 11,718 square miles of country along

with its diamond mines.

His position is mostly symbolic, but though he has no political power, he still maintains

ownership of this land.

The Kingdom of Lesotho is known for its high mountain peaks as well as its valleys and

is surrounded by the country of South Africa.

It is a poor region that relies upon its neighbor for power and for employment of its people.

While tourism and the diamond trade have brought in profit, they appear to fall short of the

needs of the Lesotho population.

This is despite the fact that it grows at a slower than average rate.

Number 8 is King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk of Bhutan who owns about 15,000 square miles

of land.

He ascended the throne in 2006 at age 18 after his father, who began his reign at the even

younger age of 16, stepped down.

Bhutan is a small area wedged between its much-larger India and China neighbors.

It remains a natural and idyllic location due to strict limitations on tourism.

In fact, it requires all who enter the country to pay $250 per day.

That is not the only thing that sets this region apart.

Laws mandate that at least 60% of its land must remain covered in forest.

In fact, it set the Guinness World Record in 2015 by planting the most trees ever in

the span of an hour.

Some claim that King Namgyel's nation is one of the world's most poor.

However, it doesn't measure its wealth as other nations do.

Bhutan believes the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) puts too much emphasis on materialistic

forms of wealth.

It focuses on a Gross National Happiness measurement that calculates the level of its residents'

well being instead.

Interestingly, when its measurements of subjective happiness among its population went up from

2010 to 2015, so did household income.

Its national income per capita peaked by 2015 as well.

Number 7 is King Abdullah II of Jordan who controls the Hashemite Kingdom which spans

around 34,492 square miles.

In contrast to other countries, Jordan is relatively small and lacks oil as a resource.

It is a mostly mountainous, desert-based region but has a rich history as the site of many

ancient kingdoms and civilizations.

Its ruler, King Abdullah, served in the British Army before joining the Jordanian Armed Forces.

He wasn't expecting to be named as his father's successor and, like few other rulers, has

remained humble despite his circumstances.

He lives in an apartment rather than any of the eight available palaces and has been known

to mingle with his people while in disguise.

He has recently earned the distinction of being the world's best paid political figure,

making $58 million in annual profits.

Number 6 is Sultan Qaboos of Oman who controls all of Oman, a country off the coast of the

Arabian Peninsula where the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf meet.

The coastal areas of this land are fertile and rich and support many kinds of crops.

However, more inland, much of the area is covered by dry sand and receives little rainfall.

Sultan Oman gained this kingdom and rose to power after overthrowing his own father, who

despite the area's wealth, failed to bring the country prosperity.

In his stead, Qaboos has improved the country's infrastructure, modernized its government,

and joined forces with the Arab League and United Nations.

Sultan Oman's net worth is due to the value of gas and oil from his lands and have earned

him around $700 million.

Number 5 is King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand who owns all of Thailand, or around 128 million


This land is in the heart of Southeast Asia and is very different depending on the area.

To the north are hills and forests, in its center are rice fields and plains, and rough

coasts line the country to the south along its peninsula.

King Vajiralongkorn's father had been the longest living ruler before his death with

a reign of over 70 years; that title is now held by Queen Elizabeth II.

Upon his father's passing in 2016, the $30 billion legacy he left behind officially became

his son's.

The Crown Property Bureau controls these and all other assets, but acts upon King Vajiralongkorn's


Some of its holdings in addition to his newly acquired funds include Bangkok real estate,

the Siam Commercial Bank, and lucrative businesses collectively known as the Siam Cement Group.

Number 4 is King Mohammed VI of Morocco who has 175.6 million acres of land.

His kingdom is a part of North Africa, situated across from Spain on the other side of the

Strait of Gibraltar.

It is covered by more streams than anywhere else in the north due to water collection

in both the RIF and Atlas Mountains.

Most Moroccan soil is rich as well and provides 33,000 square miles of land for agriculture.

In addition to the wealth of his land, King Mohammed VI also owns 35% of the Societe Nationale

d'Investissement (SNI) company that he inherited from his father before him.

SNI has shares in banks, Attijariwafa, mining companies, sugar producers, and dairy firms

and boasts a believed value of over $10 billion.

The profits these investments have given him earned him first place on Forbes list of the

five richest African kings.

Number 3 is Pope Francis who owns 187 million acres.

This includes 177 million in embassies around the globe and 110 acres of what comprise Vatican


However, while he has assumed a position that provides him with power, he often forsakes

the luxuries that have traditionally come with it.

For example, he made headlines for staying in a two-room apartment instead of the Vatican's

Apostolic Palace.

The Vatican's worth is estimated to be between $10 and $15 billion.

However, Pope Francis' personal wealth, a lot of which has he has earned through his

ties to the Vatican, is around $25 to $28 million.

These figures are estimates, however; a lot of property has never been appraised and information

on the Pope's finances is not widely known.

Number 2 is King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who succeeded his half-brother Abdullah in 2015,

and owns 547 million acres.

This is a majority of the Arabian Peninsula and mostly desert.

Though impressive to most, these millions add up to just 12% of Queen Elizabeth II's


However, he has no reason to complain.

While many estimate the British royal family's wealth is $88 billion, that is nothing next

to the royal family of Saudi Arabia whose worth is closer to $1.4 trillion.

Their fortune comes from the rich oil reserves discovered in their land back when Salam's

father, Abdulaziz ibn Saud, was king.

The sale of natural gas and petroleum are conducted through Al Saud Incorporated, the

family business.

This company is reported to be worth an excess of $2 trillion, making it one of the most

successful of its kind world-wide.

Its' profits are divided among many thousands of family members, with the most shared between

a select 2,000 of them.

King Salman himself is worth $17 billion.

He has spent some of these funds on dozens of apartments and a chateau in France, a palace

in Spain, and to create sprawling country retreats, coastal vacation properties, and

yet more palaces in his homeland.

Number 1 is Queen Elizabeth II who owns as many as 6.6 billion acres.

This covers not only areas in Great Britain, but also Ireland, Canada, Australia, the Falkland

Islands, and more.

Combined, it amounts to a little over one eighteenth of all the world's land.

This, in turn, provides her great wealth.

The U.K.'s longest ruling monarch has a net worth of $425 million, which include the

Sandringham House property with a value of $65 million and the Balmoral Castle valued

at $140 million.

In addition to this, she also generates an income of $54.4 million each year in profits

from property in the Crown Estate.

This estate covers large areas in central London, 263,00 acres of farmland, business

and retail property, approximately half of the U.K. shore and nearly all seabed for miles.

But that is not all, there is yet more property known as the Duchy of Lacaster that provide

her a further cool $19 million.

It's interesting that Queen Elizabeth II owns billions of acres of land and the second

largest landowner has only millions.

Yet, the English royal family is worth many millions while the Saudi Arabian family is

worth over a trillion.

Then you have the King of Lesotho who has thousands of square miles and diamond mines

but the region still struggles to support its people.

Guess size doesn't really matter in the end.

Found this video interesting?

Check out our other video Surprisingly High Paying Jobs.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you back next time!

The Wealthy Elite That Owns the Entire World in 2019 The||Wealthy upper class|||||| Die reiche Elite, der die ganze Welt gehört, im Jahr 2019 Η πλούσια ελίτ που κατέχει όλο τον κόσμο το 2019 La élite adinerada que es dueña de todo el mundo en 2019 L'élite riche qui possède le monde entier en 2019 2019년 전 세계를 소유한 부유한 엘리트들 A elite rica que possui o mundo inteiro em 2019 Богатая элита, которая владеет всем миром в 2019 году 2019年拥有整个世界的富裕精英

The world is quite a large place. 世界是一个非常大的地方。

It includes 123 billion acres, and of these, 37 billion are land. |||acres|||||| 它包括1230亿英亩,其中370亿英亩是陆地。

If it were to be divided equally among the world's population, it would mean each person |||||||||du monde||||||

would get more than four acres.

Unfortunately, as we all know, this is not quite how the world works.

Instead, while many have a small plot of their own, others own the territory of entire nations. |tandis que|||||parcelle|||||||||| 相反,虽然许多人有自己的一小块地,但其他人拥有整个国家的领地。

Let's find out who owns the biggest chunks of Earth in this episode of The Infographics |||||||morceaux||||||||Infographie 让我们在这一集的《信息图表》节目中找出谁拥有世界上最大的土地块。

Show, Who Owns The Most Land in the World? 谁拥有世界上最多的土地?

Number 10 is Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait whose land covers 4.4 million ||Émir Sheikh Sabah|Cheikh||||||||||dont la terre|||

of the 7 million acres in Kuwait. |||||Kuwait

The American government owns some of the area that isn't his and has used it to build

a large base.

The State of Kuwait is bordered by Iraq and Saudi Arabia and its coast line meets the |||||bordé par||||l'Arabie saoudite||||||| |||||grenzt an|||||||||||

Persian Gulf. Persique|Golfe Persique

Its inland territory is dry, harsh desert but at its shore sits the Kuwait Bay. |intérieur|||||||||rivage||||baie de Koweït ||||||||||coastline||||coastal inlet

Kuwait is the fifth largest producer of oil and is therefore quite a wealthy country. |||||producteur de pétrole|||||par conséquent||||

98% of its income comes from oil and the industry is a source of employment for 96% of its working 98%的收入来自石油,该行业是96%的劳动力的就业来源。

population. 人口。

It is so well-off that citizens pay no taxes while receiving free healthcare and education. |||||||||||||soins de santé|| 该国非常富裕,公民不需缴纳税款,同时能获得免费医疗和教育。

Sheikh Al-Sabah, who pledged 500 million in aid for the Syrian population, has gotten ||||promis|||aide financière|||syrienne|||obtenu ||||committed to give|||||||||

recognition for his generosity and humanitarian endeavors. |||||humanitaires|efforts

Number 9 is King Letsie III of Lesotho who owns 11,718 square miles of country along ||||||Lesotho|||carrés|||| Nummer 9 is koning Letsie III van Lesotho die samen 11,718 vierkante mijl land bezit

with its diamond mines. |||mines de diamants

His position is mostly symbolic, but though he has no political power, he still maintains ||||symbolique||||||||||maintient Zijn positie is meestal symbolisch, maar hoewel hij geen politieke macht heeft, handhaaft hij nog steeds

ownership of this land. eigendom van dit land.

The Kingdom of Lesotho is known for its high mountain peaks as well as its valleys and |||||||||||||||vallées| Het koninkrijk Lesotho staat bekend om zijn hoge bergtoppen en valleien

is surrounded by the country of South Africa. |entouré||||||est entouré par

It is a poor region that relies upon its neighbor for power and for employment of its people. ||||||dépend|sur||||||||||

While tourism and the diamond trade have brought in profit, they appear to fall short of the

needs of the Lesotho population.

This is despite the fact that it grows at a slower than average rate. ||even though|||||||||||

Number 8 is King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk of Bhutan who owns about 15,000 square miles ||||||||Bhoutan||||| Nummer 8 is koning Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk van Bhutan die ongeveer 15.000 vierkante mijl bezit

of land.

He ascended the throne in 2006 at age 18 after his father, who began his reign at the even |a accédé||||||||||||||| |took the throne||||||||||||||| Hij besteeg de troon in 2006 op 18-jarige leeftijd, na zijn vader, die zijn regering begon op het even

younger age of 16, stepped down. plus jeune|||démissionné|

Bhutan is a small area wedged between its much-larger India and China neighbors. |||||coincé entre|entre|||plus grands|l'Inde||Chine|voisins chinois et indiens

It remains a natural and idyllic location due to strict limitations on tourism. |||naturel||idyllique||||strictes|restrictions||

In fact, it requires all who enter the country to pay $250 per day.

That is not the only thing that sets this region apart. |||||||distingue|||

Laws mandate that at least 60% of its land must remain covered in forest. |exigent|||||||||||

In fact, it set the Guinness World Record in 2015 by planting the most trees ever in |||||||||||||arbres plantés||

the span of an hour. |l'espace d'une heure|||

Some claim that King Namgyel's nation is one of the world's most poor. ||||de Namgyel||||||||

However, it doesn't measure its wealth as other nations do. Cependant|||||richesse||||

Bhutan believes the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) puts too much emphasis on materialistic ||||||||||trop d'importance||matérialiste

forms of wealth. formes de richesse||

It focuses on a Gross National Happiness measurement that calculates the level of its residents' |se concentre sur|||Brut||||||||||habitants

well being instead.

Interestingly, when its measurements of subjective happiness among its population went up from Fait intéressant|||||subjectif||||||| Интересно, что когда показатели субъективного счастья среди населения страны выросли с

2010 to 2015, so did household income. |||revenu des ménages| С 2010 по 2015 год доходы домохозяйств также выросли.

Its national income per capita peaked by 2015 as well. ||||par habitant|atteint un sommet||| ||||per person||||

Number 7 is King Abdullah II of Jordan who controls the Hashemite Kingdom which spans ||||II||Jordanie||||Hachémite|||s'étend sur Nummer 7 is koning Abdullah II van Jordanië, die het Hasjemitisch Koninkrijk controleert

around 34,492 square miles.

In contrast to other countries, Jordan is relatively small and lacks oil as a resource. ||||||||||manque de||||

It is a mostly mountainous, desert-based region but has a rich history as the site of many |||||||||||||||lieu de nombreux||

ancient kingdoms and civilizations. |||civilisations anciennes

Its ruler, King Abdullah, served in the British Army before joining the Jordanian Armed Forces. |||Abdallah|a servi||||armée||rejoindre||jordanienne|armée jordanienne|Forces armées jordaniennes

He wasn't expecting to be named as his father's successor and, like few other rulers, has ||s'attendait|||||||successeur||||||

remained humble despite his circumstances. |resté humble||| |modest|||

He lives in an apartment rather than any of the eight available palaces and has been known |vit||||||||||disponibles|palais|||| ||||||||||||grand residences||||

to mingle with his people while in disguise. |se mêler à||||||déguisé |mix with||||||in costume чтобы, переодевшись, смешаться со своими людьми.

He has recently earned the distinction of being the world's best paid political figure,

making $58 million in annual profits.

Number 6 is Sultan Qaboos of Oman who controls all of Oman, a country off the coast of the Nummer 6 is Sultan Qaboos van Oman die heel Oman controleert, een land voor de kust van de

Arabian Peninsula where the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf meet.

The coastal areas of this land are fertile and rich and support many kinds of crops. |côtières||||||fertiles||||soutiennent||sortes||récoltes

However, more inland, much of the area is covered by dry sand and receives little rainfall. |||||||||||sable sec|||peu de|précipitations

Sultan Oman gained this kingdom and rose to power after overthrowing his own father, who ||||||a pris||||renverser||||

despite the area's wealth, failed to bring the country prosperity. ||richesse de la région||n'a pas réussi||apporter|||prospérité

In his stead, Qaboos has improved the country's infrastructure, modernized its government, ||à sa place|Qaboos||amélioré||du pays|infrastructures du pays|modernisé||

and joined forces with the Arab League and United Nations. |rejoint||||arabe|Ligue arabe|||

Sultan Oman's net worth is due to the value of gas and oil from his lands and have earned |du sultan d'Oman|fortune nette|valeur nette|||||||||||||||

him around $700 million.

Number 5 is King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand who owns all of Thailand, or around 128 million |||Maha Vajiralongkorn|Vajiralongkorn||Thaïlande|||||||| |||||||||||Thailand: Entire country|||

acres. Land measurement unit

This land is in the heart of Southeast Asia and is very different depending on the area. |||||||Sud-Est|||||||||

To the north are hills and forests, in its center are rice fields and plains, and rough ||||collines||||||||||plaines||rugueux

coasts line the country to the south along its peninsula.

King Vajiralongkorn's father had been the longest living ruler before his death with |de Vajiralongkorn|||||||||||

a reign of over 70 years; that title is now held by Queen Elizabeth II. |||||||||détenu|||Reine Elizabeth II|

Upon his father's passing in 2016, the $30 billion legacy he left behind officially became |||||||héritage de 30 milliards|||||

his son's.

The Crown Property Bureau controls these and all other assets, but acts upon King Vajiralongkorn's |||Bureau des propriétés||||||||agit selon||| Бюро коронной собственности контролирует эти и все другие активы, но действует по решению короля Ваджиралонгкорна.

direction. Direction.

Some of its holdings in addition to his newly acquired funds include Bangkok real estate, |||participations|||||nouvellement||fonds nouvellement acquis||||immobilier à Bangkok

the Siam Commercial Bank, and lucrative businesses collectively known as the Siam Cement Group. |Siam||||||collectivement|||||Ciment| |||||profitable|||||||| de Siam Commercial Bank en lucratieve bedrijven die gezamenlijk bekend staan als de Siam Cement Group.

Number 4 is King Mohammed VI of Morocco who has 175.6 million acres of land. |||le roi Mohammed VI|VI||||||||

His kingdom is a part of North Africa, situated across from Spain on the other side of the ||||||||situé|||||||||

Strait of Gibraltar. Détroit de Gibraltar||Détroit de Gibraltar ||Gibraltar Strait

It is covered by more streams than anywhere else in the north due to water collection |||||ruisseaux|||||||||| Здесь протекает больше ручьев, чем где-либо еще на севере, что связано со сбором воды.

in both the RIF and Atlas Mountains. |||Rif||Atlas|

Most Moroccan soil is rich as well and provides 33,000 square miles of land for agriculture. |marocain|sol|||||||||||| |Moroccan soil|||||||||||||

In addition to the wealth of his land, King Mohammed VI also owns 35% of the Societe Nationale Naast de rijkdom van zijn land bezit koning Mohammed VI ook 35% van de Societe Nationale

d'Investissement (SNI) company that he inherited from his father before him.

SNI has shares in banks, Attijariwafa, mining companies, sugar producers, and dairy firms SNI||actions|||Attijariwafa Bank|extraction minière|||||produits laitiers|entreprises laitières

and boasts a believed value of over $10 billion. |affiche||||||

The profits these investments have given him earned him first place on Forbes list of the |||investissements|||||||||Forbes|||

five richest African kings.

Number 3 is Pope Francis who owns 187 million acres.

This includes 177 million in embassies around the globe and 110 acres of what comprise Vatican ||||ambassades|||monde entier|||||composent| ||||diplomatic missions|||||||||


However, while he has assumed a position that provides him with power, he often forsakes ||||assumé||||||||||abandonne ||||||||||||||im Stich lässt

the luxuries that have traditionally come with it. |les luxes|||traditionnellement|||

For example, he made headlines for staying in a two-room apartment instead of the Vatican's |Par exemple|||la une||séjournant|||||||||du Vatican

Apostolic Palace. Palais apostolique|Palais apostolique

The Vatican's worth is estimated to be between $10 and $15 billion. ||||estimée|||||

However, Pope Francis' personal wealth, a lot of which has he has earned through his ||Pape François|personnelle||||||||||| Однако личное богатство Папы Франциска, значительную часть которого он заработал благодаря своим

ties to the Vatican, is around $25 to $28 million. liens|||Vatican|||| связанный с Ватиканом, составляет около 25-28 миллионов долларов.

These figures are estimates, however; a lot of property has never been appraised and information |chiffres estimés||estimations|||||||||évalué||des informations |||rough calculations|||||||||||

on the Pope's finances is not widely known. ||du Pape|finances|||largement|

Number 2 is King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who succeeded his half-brother Abdullah in 2015, |||Salman|||||a succédé à||demi-frère||| Номер 2 - король Саудовской Аравии Салман, который сменил своего сводного брата Абдаллу в 2015 году,

and owns 547 million acres.

This is a majority of the Arabian Peninsula and mostly desert. |||majorité|||||||

Though impressive to most, these millions add up to just 12% of Queen Elizabeth II's |impressionnant||||millions|s'élèvent à|||||||de la reine Хотя эти миллионы впечатляют многих, они составляют всего 12% от суммы, которую получила королева Елизавета II.


However, he has no reason to complain. ||||||se plaindre

While many estimate the British royal family's wealth is $88 billion, that is nothing next ||estiment|||royale|de la famille|||||||

to the royal family of Saudi Arabia whose worth is closer to $1.4 trillion. ||||||||||plus proche||mille quatre cents milliards

Their fortune comes from the rich oil reserves discovered in their land back when Salam's |fortune||||||réserves de pétrole|||||||de Salam Hun fortuin komt van de rijke oliereserves die in hun land zijn ontdekt toen Salam's

father, Abdulaziz ibn Saud, was king. |Abdulaziz|fils de|Saoud||

The sale of natural gas and petroleum are conducted through Al Saud Incorporated, the |vente|||||pétrole||réalisées||||Incorporée|

family business.

This company is reported to be worth an excess of $2 trillion, making it one of the most ||||||||plus de||||||||

successful of its kind world-wide. réussi|||||mondialement

Its' profits are divided among many thousands of family members, with the most shared between ||||||milliers de personnes|||||||partagés entre|

a select 2,000 of them. |sélectionner||

King Salman himself is worth $17 billion.

He has spent some of these funds on dozens of apartments and a chateau in France, a palace ||dépensé||||||douzaines||appartements|||château||||

in Spain, and to create sprawling country retreats, coastal vacation properties, and ||||créer|étendues||retraites à la campagne|||propriétés de vacances| in Spanje, en om uitgestrekte buitenverblijven, kustvakanties en в Испании, а также для создания обширных загородных резиденций, прибрежных домов для отдыха и

yet more palaces in his homeland. |||||pays natal

Number 1 is Queen Elizabeth II who owns as many as 6.6 billion acres.

This covers not only areas in Great Britain, but also Ireland, Canada, Australia, the Falkland |||||||Grande-Bretagne|||Irlande||Australie||les Malouines

Islands, and more. Îles, et plus.||

Combined, it amounts to a little over one eighteenth of all the world's land. Combiné||équivaut à||||||dix-huitième|||||

This, in turn, provides her great wealth.

The U.K.'s longest ruling monarch has a net worth of $425 million, which include the |||||règne|monarque|||||||||

Sandringham House property with a value of $65 million and the Balmoral Castle valued |||||||||||Château|évalué Sandringham House onroerend goed met een waarde van $ 65 miljoen en het Balmoral Castle gewaardeerd

at $140 million.

In addition to this, she also generates an income of $54.4 million each year in profits ||||||génère||||||||

from property in the Crown Estate. |||||Domaine de la Couronne

This estate covers large areas in central London, 263,00 acres of farmland, business ||||||central|Londres|||terres agricoles|

and retail property, approximately half of the U.K. shore and nearly all seabed for miles. |commerce de détail||environ||||||||presque||fond marin|| |||||||||||||ocean floor||

But that is not all, there is yet more property known as the Duchy of Lacaster that provide |||||||||||||Duché||||

her a further cool $19 million. ||supplémentaires|coquet |

It's interesting that Queen Elizabeth II owns billions of acres of land and the second |intéressant||||||milliards|||||||deuxième plus grand

largest landowner has only millions. |propriétaire terrien|||

Yet, the English royal family is worth many millions while the Saudi Arabian family is

worth over a trillion.

Then you have the King of Lesotho who has thousands of square miles and diamond mines

but the region still struggles to support its people. ||||a du mal||||

Guess size doesn't really matter in the end. Devine|taille|||importe|||fin

Found this video interesting?

Check out our other video Surprisingly High Paying Jobs. ||||vidéo|Étonnamment||Bien rémunérés|

Thanks for watching and I'll see you back next time! Merci de regarder|||||||||