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The Infographics Show, How Charles Manson Came to Lead One of the World’s Most Dangerous Cults

How Charles Manson Came to Lead One of the World's Most Dangerous Cults

Today we will talk about serial killing again, but this show is different because our protagonist

wasn't the person who committed the murders.

He was behind them, though, as the leader of a cult called The Manson Family.

Some cults, although sometimes regarded by authorities as suspect, go about their days

in peace.

Others are not so benign.

Have you ever seen photos of the Jonestown Massacre?

This cult committed the mass suicide of 909 cult members – including 200 children – who

killed themselves in 1978 by drinking a cocktail of cyanide, valium and Kool-Aid.

What about Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo and its leader Shoko Asahara, who was behind

the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway that led to 12 people dying?

Today we'll look at one cult only, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Horrific

American Cult Leader - Charles Manson.'

The word cult comes from the Latin, “cultus” which means to worship, cultivate, promote


Cult leaders to some extent nurture and promote the growth of seedlings, hoping they will

grow into flowers, or in some cases, weeds.

As you can see in one of the Manson interviews available online, he had a way of nurturing.

“When I stand up on the mountain and say do it!

It gets done,” he growls like the maniac he is.

He also once said about his flock, “These children that come at you with knives, they

are your children.

You taught them.

I didn't teach them.

I just tried to help them stand up.”

But let's start with some life history and how a child evolved into a wicked man, and

later we'll discuss the blood-spotted marks he left on this planet.

As Manson recalls in interviews, he was what he calls a “street child.”

That's maybe over the top, but not by much.

Mr. Manson came into this world on November 12, 1934, and his full name was Charles Milles


Prior to that, though, on his birth certificate it read, “no-name Maddox.”

He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Kathleen Maddox, who was just 16 at the time.

She was one of America's lost children, leaving home at 15 to try and fend for herself.

It's not known why she ran away, but some reports say it was because of her very strict

religious upbringing, which as you know from our other serial killer videos it isn't

always about Christian ethics and church fares, but sometimes more related to oppressive religious


Anyhow, the young girl fled her family.

Was Kathleen a prostitute, an alcoholic, in and out of jail?

Did she once try to sell her unwanted bastard child for beer?

Well, this is what Manson writes in the start of his book about his life called “Manson:

In his own words.”

He writes that his mom was at a restaurant and the waitress made a comment about the

cute baby and said she wished she had one of her own, to which Kathleen replied, “'A

pitcher of beer and he's yours.”

Charles writes in the book, “The waitress set up the beer, Mom stuck around long enough

to finish it off and left the place without me.

Several days later my uncle had to search the town for the waitress and take me home.”

So, there you go, another nasty character whose youth was full of woe.

It seems his mother was a wretched person, but who knows what background she came from

and the trials and tribulations she may have faced in her own youth.

Violence begets violence, which could be the epitaph for most serial killers.

Manson has said that his mother was no teenage whore, rather she just wanted freedom just

as kids did 30 years later in the 60s.

Moving on, Kathleen met a person called William Manson.

It seems they married and Charles took the name, but the relationship didn't last long

and Kathleen was single again.

Charles spent much of his younger years being passed around.

When Charlie was 5 his mother tried to rob a guy, but she was arrested after the failed


Charles then went to live with Aunt Glenna and Uncle Bill Thomas, as well as his first

cousin Jo Ann Thomas.

Three years later and Kathleen was out of jail.

She took back her son and it seems the two spent years moving around America, often living

in cheap motels.

Biographies tell us that by this time young Charles was already a petty criminal and he

wasn't keen on school.

So, when he reached 12 his mother sent him to a Catholic School for bad kids.

Charles promptly ran away from the school for delinquents.

It was a mess, the family, with both son and mum mirroring their contempt for the law.

We can't even list the number of crimes Charles committed when he was young as there

are so many, from stealing cars to running an underground casino.

When he was 18 he was caught raping a boy at knife point, and for that he was sent to

Federal Reformatory in Petersburg, Virginia.

There he offended again, with three offenses related to homosexuality.

He got out, got married, had a child.

His wife filed for divorce a year later, the same year Charles started pimping out a 16-year

old girl.

It seems he had a thing for pimping, and making the girls fall in love with him.

In spite of that ragged old age look you might have seen, he was quite a good-looking young

man, said to be very charming.

He married again, this time a prostitute called Leona “Candy” Stevens.

She also soon divorced him, right after he was imprisoned again.

Inside it's said he fell in love with two things: Scientology and music.

He learned to play guitar well and wrote lots of original songs, thinking he might one day

become a musician.

That dream would not come true.

Well, it almost did, but he didn't exactly outshine his beloved The Beatles.

Instead he formed a cult and had people murdered.

When released in 1967 he headed to San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, the mecca of hippy America

where merry pranksters ruled and Tim Leary devoted himself to sermons about LSD.

Turn on, Tune In, Drop out.

Manson was pretty good at dropping out already.

He'd dropped out of society and was about to tunnel his way to hell with a string of

ardent female followers digging in his slipstream.

The first gal to fall for this outlaw was a UC Berkeley librarian called Mary Brunner.

She apparently became obsessed with charming Charlie and then quit her job in a place that

years later would be full of books with her name in them.

She helped enlist Lynette Fromme into the family, now just a triumvirate but later this

little cult led by a man playing guitar and making prophecies would grow into quite the


He would during this time make a song with Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys, which only

helped him gain more power as a musical guru.

More followers would join, and many of them moved to Spahn Ranch in California.

It was there he had a third son with Mary.

Incidentally, that son, now called Michael Brunner, is currently in a legal fight over

Manson's estate.

In fact, lots of people are involved in that fight.

The only person not to get involved that was close to Charles was the son he had with his

prostitute wife, Candy.

Reports say Charles Luther isn't interested in the cash.

Moving on again, Charles became a spiritual guru by now and was by all accounts convincing.

It's said at one point the cult had as many as 100 members.

We can't of course get into all those people, but some of them would become murderers.

Manson thought the Beatles song “Helter Skelter” on their White Album was about

an apocalyptic race war.

He once said, “These kids listen to this music and pick up the message.

It's subliminal.”

Manson believed the song was related to the Book of Revelations and the four horsemen

of the Apocalypse.

The writer of the song, Paul McCartney, later said he just wanted to write a really loud

and raucous song, something heavy, like what ‘The Who' did.

Speaking of Manson, he also later said, “He interpreted the whole thing … and arrived

at having to go out and kill everyone….

It was frightening, because you don't write songs for those reasons.”

Maybe Manson had a point, though, even the sweet-sounding song “Rocky Racoon” from

that album is all about murder and redemption through the bible.

The Beatles were obviously skeptical of gun-loving, bible-bashing America, though.

But the race war didn't happen, so The Manson family had a plan.

They would write songs that would subliminally start this war, pitting blacks against whites.

According to the University of Virginia, Manson believed tensions would mount and whites would

fight against blacks.

The blacks would end victorious, and Manson and his gang would then emerge from their

hideout in Death Valley and begin to rule over the blacks.

It sounds crazy, but they were taking a lot of drugs.

Anyone who has taken a lot of psychedelics knows they have the power to free the mind,

help you embrace eternal love, but demons might also get released.

It seems Charles had a lot of these demons.

But they needed a better way to get Armageddon started, so they thought they would give it

a little push.

According to one of Manson's main followers, a man called Charles “Tex” Watson, Manson

said they would have to ignite this war and start it themselves.

That meant killing white people.

Manson ordered his followers to murder everyone at 10050 Cielo Drive, north of Beverly Hills.

This became known as the Tate Murders.

Tex Watson was there, along with three women from the Manson family: Susan Atkins, Linda

Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel.

The house was the former residence of record producer Terry Melcher, someone Manson did

not like as he had rebuffed Manson when he had tried to get a record contract with him.

According to reports Manson had told them to “totally destroy everyone… as gruesome

as you can.”

‘Everyone' that night was actress Sharon Tate and her three friends – a writer, a

celebrity hair stylist and a coffee heiress.

An 18-year old boy was also murdered as he was leaving the house.

He was just a friend of the gardener.

Tate was eight and a half months pregnant with director Roman Polanski's child.

Polanski was in Europe at the time, making a film.

Time magazine reports that the killings were so brutal they shocked the police.

Tate was found tied to another man.

Both had been slashed repeatedly, with Tate even missing a breast.

Bullet holes covered the house, blood was everywhere.

On Tate's extended stomach, where a fetus lie beneath, someone had carved an X into

her flesh.

As you can imagine this shocked Hollywood and the world.

These were big names and that was a rich neighborhood.

It's even more twisted as perhaps Polanski's biggest film was Rosemary's Baby – a story

about a demonic child released about a year before the murders.

So how did the police eventually catch Manson?

A group from the Manson family had prior to the Tate murders killed Buddhist musician

Gary Hinman.

They tortured him first for two days.

Manson himself taking part.

One report states, “Manson sliced and diced what was left of Hinman, badly cutting his

ear–a wound that one of the girls sewed up with dental floss.”

It's not clear what they wanted, but they didn't get it.

In the end they just killed him, apparently the girls did the final touch.

Some people say that the murder was drug-related, but others disagree.

It's a very controversial story, with some people like writer Truman Capote saying the

only reason the Manson family went on the ensuing murder spree was so police would think

the killers were still at large, that in fact it had nothing to do with Helter skelter.

The reason they wanted police to think that is because a Manson family member, musician

Bobby Beausoleil, had been arrested for the murder.

He was actually there, but the family wanted cops to think it was someone else.

That's one theory, anyway.

A day after the Tate murders Manson and members of his family went out looking for more white


They found a supermarket executive, Leno LaBianca, who was with his wife Rosemary.

Both were woken up in the middle of the night and then tied up by the intruders.

Tex stabbed the man numerous times with a bayonet, and then he or one of the girls used

a knife to write “WAR” in his stomach.

Cult member Patricia Krenwinkel then stuck a fork in his stomach and a steak knife in

his neck.

After that the girls all wrote the words "death to pigs", "rise" and "helter skelter" with

the man's blood on the wall and refrigerator.

Rosemary was stabbed 41 times by Tex and the girls, apparently after Manson had said they

all must have a go.

Rosemary was dead well before the 41st thrust of the knife.

We don't have time to go into all the details, but it wasn't hard for police to connect

the murders to the cult.

At the time police said they had arrested members of a “mystical, semi-religious hippie

drug-and-murder cult led by a bearded, demonic Mahdi able to dispatch his zombie-like followers.”

This didn't do much for the so-called “scene” or the drug LSD, which the government was

happy to demonize lest half of America start acting like Hunter S. Thompson and decrying

the rat race.

On March 29, 1971, Manson and cult members Krenwinkel, Atkins and Van Houten all received

the death penalty.

Tex got the same soon after.

In 1972 the death penalty was abolished in the state of California, so all the sentences

were commuted to life in prison.

Manson died from cardiac arrest, related to colon cancer, on November 19, 2017.

He was 83.

Other members have died, and some are still in prison.

Did Charles ever feel bad about what happened?

Well, he once said this, “Remorse for what?

You people have done everything in the world to me.

Doesn't that give me equal right?”.

That doesnt sound like remorse

to us.

So what do you think of this psychopath, and to what do you attribute his rise as a cult


Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to watch our other video called – What Really Happened In Waco, Texas?

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe, and as

ever, see you next time.

How Charles Manson Came to Lead One of the World’s Most Dangerous Cults Wie Charles Manson zum Anführer einer der gefährlichsten Sekten der Welt wurde Πώς ο Τσαρλς Μάνσον έγινε ηγέτης μιας από τις πιο επικίνδυνες αιρέσεις στον κόσμο Cómo Charles Manson llegó a liderar una de las sectas más peligrosas del mundo Como Charles Manson chegou a liderar uma das seitas mais perigosas do mundo Как Чарльз Мэнсон стал лидером одного из самых опасных культов в мире 查爾斯·曼森如何領導世界上最危險的邪教之一

Today we will talk about serial killing again, but this show is different because our protagonist |||||||||||||||main character

wasn't the person who committed the murders.

He was behind them, though, as the leader of a cult called The Manson Family. ||||||||||religious group||||

Some cults, although sometimes regarded by authorities as suspect, go about their days Некоторые культы, которые иногда рассматриваются властями как подозрительные, живут своей жизнью.

in peace. в мире.

Others are not so benign. ||||harmless or kind

Have you ever seen photos of the Jonestown Massacre?

This cult committed the mass suicide of 909 cult members – including 200 children – who

killed themselves in 1978 by drinking a cocktail of cyanide, valium and Kool-Aid. ||||||||poisonous chemical compound||||

What about Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo and its leader Shoko Asahara, who was behind

the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway that led to 12 people dying? de sarin-gasaanval van 1995 op de metro van Tokio waarbij 12 mensen omkwamen? атака зарином в токийском метро в 1995 году, в результате которой погибло 12 человек?

Today we'll look at one cult only, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Horrific

American Cult Leader - Charles Manson.'

The word cult comes from the Latin, “cultus” which means to worship, cultivate, promote Слово «культ» происходит от латинского «cultus», что означает поклоняться, культивировать, продвигать


Cult leaders to some extent nurture and promote the growth of seedlings, hoping they will

grow into flowers, or in some cases, weeds.

As you can see in one of the Manson interviews available online, he had a way of nurturing.

“When I stand up on the mountain and say do it!

It gets done,” he growls like the maniac he is. Все будет сделано", - рычит он, как маньяк, которым он и является.

He also once said about his flock, “These children that come at you with knives, they

are your children.

You taught them.

I didn't teach them.

I just tried to help them stand up.”

But let's start with some life history and how a child evolved into a wicked man, and

later we'll discuss the blood-spotted marks he left on this planet. позже мы обсудим следы кровавых пятен, которые он оставил на этой планете.

As Manson recalls in interviews, he was what he calls a “street child.”

That's maybe over the top, but not by much.

Mr. Manson came into this world on November 12, 1934, and his full name was Charles Milles


Prior to that, though, on his birth certificate it read, “no-name Maddox.” Before that time|||||||||was written||| Однако до этого в его свидетельстве о рождении было написано: «Мэддокс без имени».

He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Kathleen Maddox, who was just 16 at the time.

She was one of America's lost children, leaving home at 15 to try and fend for herself. Она была одним из потерянных детей Америки, ушедшим из дома в 15 лет, чтобы попытаться найти себя.

It's not known why she ran away, but some reports say it was because of her very strict |||||||||accounts||||||||

religious upbringing, which as you know from our other serial killer videos it isn't

always about Christian ethics and church fares, but sometimes more related to oppressive religious всегда о христианской этике и церковных тарифах, но иногда больше связано с угнетающими религиозными

tyranny. Oppressive rule

Anyhow, the young girl fled her family. In any case||||ran away from||

Was Kathleen a prostitute, an alcoholic, in and out of jail? Была ли Кэтлин проституткой, алкоголичкой, сидела в тюрьме и выходила из нее?

Did she once try to sell her unwanted bastard child for beer?

Well, this is what Manson writes in the start of his book about his life called “Manson:

In his own words.”

He writes that his mom was at a restaurant and the waitress made a comment about the

cute baby and said she wished she had one of her own, to which Kathleen replied, “'A

pitcher of beer and he's yours.”

Charles writes in the book, “The waitress set up the beer, Mom stuck around long enough Чарльз пишет в книге: «Официантка готовила пиво, мама оставалась достаточно долго.

to finish it off and left the place without me. чтобы закончить его, и покинул это место без меня.

Several days later my uncle had to search the town for the waitress and take me home.”

So, there you go, another nasty character whose youth was full of woe. ||||||||||||sorrow or distress Вот вам и еще один неприятный персонаж, чья юность была полна горестей.

It seems his mother was a wretched person, but who knows what background she came from

and the trials and tribulations she may have faced in her own youth.

Violence begets violence, which could be the epitaph for most serial killers. |||||||inscription on tombstone||||

Manson has said that his mother was no teenage whore, rather she just wanted freedom just |||||||||promiscuous teenager|||||| Мэнсон говорил, что его мать не была подростковой шлюхой, скорее она просто хотела свободы.

as kids did 30 years later in the 60s.

Moving on, Kathleen met a person called William Manson. Двигаясь дальше, Кэтлин встретила человека по имени Уильям Мэнсон.

It seems they married and Charles took the name, but the relationship didn't last long

and Kathleen was single again.

Charles spent much of his younger years being passed around. Чарльз провел большую часть своих молодых лет, когда его пускали в ход.

When Charlie was 5 his mother tried to rob a guy, but she was arrested after the failed

attempt. Try

Charles then went to live with Aunt Glenna and Uncle Bill Thomas, as well as his first Затем Чарльз отправился жить к тете Гленне и дяде Биллу Томасу, а также к своему первому

cousin Jo Ann Thomas.

Three years later and Kathleen was out of jail.

She took back her son and it seems the two spent years moving around America, often living

in cheap motels.

Biographies tell us that by this time young Charles was already a petty criminal and he

wasn't keen on school. |not enthusiastic about||

So, when he reached 12 his mother sent him to a Catholic School for bad kids.

Charles promptly ran away from the school for delinquents. Чарльз быстро сбежал из школы для правонарушителей.

It was a mess, the family, with both son and mum mirroring their contempt for the law. В семье царил беспорядок, и сын, и мама демонстрировали свое презрение к закону.

We can't even list the number of crimes Charles committed when he was young as there

are so many, from stealing cars to running an underground casino. их так много, от кражи машин до подпольных казино.

When he was 18 he was caught raping a boy at knife point, and for that he was sent to Когда ему было 18 лет, его поймали на изнасиловании мальчика с ножом, и за это отправили в

Federal Reformatory in Petersburg, Virginia.

There he offended again, with three offenses related to homosexuality. Там он снова обиделся, с тремя проступками, связанными с гомосексуализмом.

He got out, got married, had a child.

His wife filed for divorce a year later, the same year Charles started pimping out a 16-year |||||||||||||exploiting sexually||| Его жена подала на развод год спустя, в тот же год, когда Чарльз начал сводничать с 16-летней

old girl.

It seems he had a thing for pimping, and making the girls fall in love with him. Кажется, он имел склонность к сутенерству и заставлял девушек влюбляться в него.

In spite of that ragged old age look you might have seen, he was quite a good-looking young Несмотря на потрепанный старческий вид, который вы могли видеть, он был вполне симпатичным молодым человеком.

man, said to be very charming.

He married again, this time a prostitute called Leona “Candy” Stevens.

She also soon divorced him, right after he was imprisoned again.

Inside it's said he fell in love with two things: Scientology and music. Binnenin wordt gezegd dat hij verliefd werd op twee dingen: Scientology en muziek.

He learned to play guitar well and wrote lots of original songs, thinking he might one day

become a musician.

That dream would not come true. Этой мечте не суждено сбыться.

Well, it almost did, but he didn't exactly outshine his beloved The Beatles.

Instead he formed a cult and had people murdered. Вместо этого он сформировал культ и приказал убивать людей.

When released in 1967 he headed to San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, the mecca of hippy America

where merry pranksters ruled and Tim Leary devoted himself to sermons about LSD. ||mischief-makers|||||||||| где правили веселые проказники, а Тим Лири посвящал себя проповедям об ЛСД.

Turn on, Tune In, Drop out. Включите, настройте, отключите.

Manson was pretty good at dropping out already. Мэнсон уже неплохо бросал учебу.

He'd dropped out of society and was about to tunnel his way to hell with a string of Он выпал из общества и собирался прокладывать себе путь в ад с чередой

ardent female followers digging in his slipstream. passionate|||||| пылкие фолловеры копаются в его потоке.

The first gal to fall for this outlaw was a UC Berkeley librarian called Mary Brunner. De eerste meid die voor deze outlaw viel, was een UC Berkeley-bibliothecaris genaamd Mary Brunner. Первой девушкой, которая попалась на удочку этого преступника, стала библиотекарь Калифорнийского университета в Беркли по имени Мэри Бруннер.

She apparently became obsessed with charming Charlie and then quit her job in a place that

years later would be full of books with her name in them.

She helped enlist Lynette Fromme into the family, now just a triumvirate but later this |||||||||||group of three||| Она помогла завербовать Линетт Фромм в семью, теперь всего лишь триумвират, но позже это

little cult led by a man playing guitar and making prophecies would grow into quite the маленький культ во главе с человеком, играющим на гитаре и пророчествующим, перерастет в


He would during this time make a song with Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys, which only

helped him gain more power as a musical guru. помогли ему стать музыкальным гуру.

More followers would join, and many of them moved to Spahn Ranch in California.

It was there he had a third son with Mary.

Incidentally, that son, now called Michael Brunner, is currently in a legal fight over

Manson's estate.

In fact, lots of people are involved in that fight.

The only person not to get involved that was close to Charles was the son he had with his Единственным близким Чарльзу человеком, которого не стали впутывать в это дело, был его сын, с которым он

prostitute wife, Candy.

Reports say Charles Luther isn't interested in the cash. News articles||||||||

Moving on again, Charles became a spiritual guru by now and was by all accounts convincing. Двигаясь дальше, Чарльз к настоящему времени стал духовным гуру и, по общему мнению, был убедительным.

It's said at one point the cult had as many as 100 members. Говорят, что в какой-то момент культ насчитывал до 100 членов.

We can't of course get into all those people, but some of them would become murderers. Мы, конечно, не можем проникнуть во всех этих людей, но некоторые из них станут убийцами.

Manson thought the Beatles song “Helter Skelter” on their White Album was about

an apocalyptic race war. апокалиптическая расовая война.

He once said, “These kids listen to this music and pick up the message. Однажды он сказал: «Эти дети слушают эту музыку и улавливают ее послание.

It's subliminal.” |Below the surface.

Manson believed the song was related to the Book of Revelations and the four horsemen

of the Apocalypse.

The writer of the song, Paul McCartney, later said he just wanted to write a really loud

and raucous song, something heavy, like what ‘The Who' did.

Speaking of Manson, he also later said, “He interpreted the whole thing … and arrived Говоря о Мэнсоне, он также позже сказал: «Он все интерпретировал ... и прибыл.

at having to go out and kill everyone…. при необходимости выйти и убить всех….

It was frightening, because you don't write songs for those reasons.”

Maybe Manson had a point, though, even the sweet-sounding song “Rocky Racoon” from

that album is all about murder and redemption through the bible. |||||||salvation through forgiveness|||

The Beatles were obviously skeptical of gun-loving, bible-bashing America, though. The Beatles waren echter duidelijk sceptisch over Amerika dat dol was op wapens en bijbel-bashing. Однако The Beatles явно скептически относились к Америке, которая любит оружие и критикует Библию.

But the race war didn't happen, so The Manson family had a plan.

They would write songs that would subliminally start this war, pitting blacks against whites. ||||||subconsciously|||||||

According to the University of Virginia, Manson believed tensions would mount and whites would

fight against blacks.

The blacks would end victorious, and Manson and his gang would then emerge from their

hideout in Death Valley and begin to rule over the blacks.

It sounds crazy, but they were taking a lot of drugs.

Anyone who has taken a lot of psychedelics knows they have the power to free the mind, |||||||hallucinogenic substances|||||||||

help you embrace eternal love, but demons might also get released.

It seems Charles had a lot of these demons.

But they needed a better way to get Armageddon started, so they thought they would give it

a little push.

According to one of Manson's main followers, a man called Charles “Tex” Watson, Manson

said they would have to ignite this war and start it themselves. сказали, что им придется разжечь эту войну и начать ее самим.

That meant killing white people.

Manson ordered his followers to murder everyone at 10050 Cielo Drive, north of Beverly Hills. Мэнсон приказал своим последователям убить всех на Сьело-Драйв, 10050, к северу от Беверли-Хиллз.

This became known as the Tate Murders. Это стало известно как убийства Тейт.

Tex Watson was there, along with three women from the Manson family: Susan Atkins, Linda

Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel.

The house was the former residence of record producer Terry Melcher, someone Manson did

not like as he had rebuffed Manson when he had tried to get a record contract with him.

According to reports Manson had told them to “totally destroy everyone… as gruesome ||news accounts||||||||||

as you can.” как вы можете."

‘Everyone' that night was actress Sharon Tate and her three friends – a writer, a

celebrity hair stylist and a coffee heiress. ||||||coffee company inheritor парикмахер знаменитостей и наследница кофейни.

An 18-year old boy was also murdered as he was leaving the house.

He was just a friend of the gardener.

Tate was eight and a half months pregnant with director Roman Polanski's child.

Polanski was in Europe at the time, making a film.

Time magazine reports that the killings were so brutal they shocked the police. Журнал Time сообщает, что убийства были настолько жестокими, что шокировали полицию.

Tate was found tied to another man. Тейт был найден связанным с другим мужчиной.

Both had been slashed repeatedly, with Tate even missing a breast. |||cut deeply|||||||

Bullet holes covered the house, blood was everywhere. Пулевые отверстия покрывали дом, кровь была повсюду.

On Tate's extended stomach, where a fetus lie beneath, someone had carved an X into Op de uitgestrekte buik van Tate, waar een foetus onder ligt, had iemand een X uitgehouwen

her flesh.

As you can imagine this shocked Hollywood and the world.

These were big names and that was a rich neighborhood.

It's even more twisted as perhaps Polanski's biggest film was Rosemary's Baby – a story Это тем более странно, что, возможно, главным фильмом Полански был "Ребенок Розмари" - история

about a demonic child released about a year before the murders. о демоническом ребенке, выпущенный примерно за год до убийств.

So how did the police eventually catch Manson?

A group from the Manson family had prior to the Tate murders killed Buddhist musician Группа из семьи Мэнсона до убийства Тейт убила буддийского музыканта

Gary Hinman.

They tortured him first for two days.

Manson himself taking part. Сам Мэнсон принимает участие.

One report states, “Manson sliced and diced what was left of Hinman, badly cutting his ||||||cut into pieces|||||||| В одном из отчетов говорится: "Мэнсон нарезал кубиками то, что осталось от Хинмана, сильно порезав его

ear–a wound that one of the girls sewed up with dental floss.” ухо - рана, которую одна из девушек зашила зубной нитью ».

It's not clear what they wanted, but they didn't get it.

In the end they just killed him, apparently the girls did the final touch.

Some people say that the murder was drug-related, but others disagree.

It's a very controversial story, with some people like writer Truman Capote saying the

only reason the Manson family went on the ensuing murder spree was so police would think ||||||||subsequent|||||||

the killers were still at large, that in fact it had nothing to do with Helter skelter. убийцы все еще находились на свободе, что на самом деле не имело никакого отношения к Хелтеру Скелтеру.

The reason they wanted police to think that is because a Manson family member, musician

Bobby Beausoleil, had been arrested for the murder.

He was actually there, but the family wanted cops to think it was someone else.

That's one theory, anyway.

A day after the Tate murders Manson and members of his family went out looking for more white


They found a supermarket executive, Leno LaBianca, who was with his wife Rosemary. Ze vonden een supermarktmanager, Leno LaBianca, die bij zijn vrouw Rosemary was.

Both were woken up in the middle of the night and then tied up by the intruders.

Tex stabbed the man numerous times with a bayonet, and then he or one of the girls used

a knife to write “WAR” in his stomach.

Cult member Patricia Krenwinkel then stuck a fork in his stomach and a steak knife in

his neck.

After that the girls all wrote the words "death to pigs", "rise" and "helter skelter" with

the man's blood on the wall and refrigerator.

Rosemary was stabbed 41 times by Tex and the girls, apparently after Manson had said they Розмари была зарезана 41 раз Тексом и девочками, очевидно, после того, как Мэнсон сказал, что они

all must have a go. все должны попробовать.

Rosemary was dead well before the 41st thrust of the knife. |||||||stab|||

We don't have time to go into all the details, but it wasn't hard for police to connect

the murders to the cult.

At the time police said they had arrested members of a “mystical, semi-religious hippie

drug-and-murder cult led by a bearded, demonic Mahdi able to dispatch his zombie-like followers.”

This didn't do much for the so-called “scene” or the drug LSD, which the government was Это не слишком способствовало развитию так называемой "сцены" или наркотика ЛСД, который правительство

happy to demonize lest half of America start acting like Hunter S. Thompson and decrying ||vilify|for fear that||||||||||| с удовольствием демонизируют, чтобы половина Америки не начала вести себя как Хантер С. Томпсон и осуждать

the rat race. крысиные бега.

On March 29, 1971, Manson and cult members Krenwinkel, Atkins and Van Houten all received

the death penalty.

Tex got the same soon after.

In 1972 the death penalty was abolished in the state of California, so all the sentences |||||done away with|||||||||

were commuted to life in prison.

Manson died from cardiac arrest, related to colon cancer, on November 19, 2017. |||||||large intestine||| Мэнсон умер от остановки сердца, связанной с раком толстой кишки, 19 ноября 2017 года.

He was 83.

Other members have died, and some are still in prison.

Did Charles ever feel bad about what happened?

Well, he once said this, “Remorse for what?

You people have done everything in the world to me. Вы, люди, сделали для меня все на свете.

Doesn't that give me equal right?”.

That doesnt sound like remorse

to us.

So what do you think of this psychopath, and to what do you attribute his rise as a cult


Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to watch our other video called – What Really Happened In Waco, Texas?

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe, and as

ever, see you next time.