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Zen Habits, It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Habits

It's Not Too Late to Change Your Habits Post written by Leo Babauta.

A (slightly) older reader wrote to me recently, wanting to know how to change her bad habits ingrained after so many many years of doing them.

She wanted to know, “Is it too late to change?” And I can understand the feeling.

Doing bad habits for years makes them deeply entrenched, and getting out of that trench might seem impossible, hopeless. I once was stuck, and felt the weight of built up bad habits crushing, smothering, burying me.

I felt helpless, like I had no control over myself, and was too discouraged to even try to change. This discouragement is what does it.

It's not that changing bad habits is impossible. But if we are so discouraged we don't try, we will never change them. To try and to fail is of little consequence, but to never start at all is fatal to the habit change. And I'm here to tell you, that changing bad habits is not impossible.

No matter how long you've done them, no matter how many decades. It can be done.

By you. By taking a single step. Here's how.

Know as you start that you aren't changing a mountain.

You don't have to change years of bad actions. Those actions are gone — they've evaporated into the ether, and you can forget them. Forgive yourself for them, then forget them. You don't need to run a marathon to change a habit.

You just need to take a step. And you can take a step. Consider for a moment your bad habit.

You might have a dozen, but choose an easy one. Not the one you're most afraid of — the one you think you can lick. Take a step back and think about this habit.

When do you do it? What things trigger the habit — stress, food, drinking, socializing, boredom, sadness, waking, being criticized? What need does the habit fulfill for you? Know that it does fulfill a real need, and that's why you keep doing it. Realize something — stop here to drive home for yourself a crucial, crucial point: you must realize that you don't need this habit to fulfill this need.

You don't need the habit. You can deal with stress in healthier ways. You can beat boredom. You can cope. You do not need the habit, and you will learn better ones with practice. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point, but you've done the hardest part.

Now you just need to take one more little step. Commit to yourself to make a small tiny insignificant but powerful step each day.

Commit fully, not half-assed. Commit by writing it down, and putting it up on your wall. Commit by telling a friend about it, and asking for help. Commit by putting it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, your blog, a forum you frequent. Be all in. Find a replacement habit.

One that is healthier. One that fulfills the need. One that is easy. One that you can do after your trigger, instead of your bad habit. One that you enjoy and will look forward to. If you need to relieve stress, for example, consider walking, or pushups, or deep breathing, or self-massage. You're now ready to climb out of your trench.

Remember, just a tiny tiny step. Notice your urge to do the habit.

Pause. Don't do the bad habit. Let the urge pass, then do your new replacement habit. Repeat , noticing the urge, letting the urge pass, not doing the bad habit, doing the good habit instead.

You might mess up, but that's OK. You'll get better with practice. Practice as often as you can, every day.

You'll get really good at it. Don't worry about how long it takes. Keep doing it, one urge at a time. Know, Consider, Realize, Commit, Find, Notice, Repeat, Practice.

These are easy steps that don't take a lot of work. You can do them as you sit here, reading this post. It's never too late.

There is no habit that can't be broken by the pressure of a single footprint. Make that footprint by taking a single step, today. ----

Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/not-late/

It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Habits Post written by Leo Babauta. 貼文由 Leo Babauta 撰寫。

A (slightly) older reader wrote to me recently, wanting to know how to change her bad habits ingrained after so many many years of doing them. 最近、ある(少し)年配の読者から、長年続けてきた悪い習慣を変える方法を教えてほしいという手紙をもらった。

She wanted to know, “Is it too late to change?” And I can understand the feeling.

Doing bad habits for years makes them deeply entrenched, and getting out of that trench might seem impossible, hopeless. I once was stuck, and felt the weight of built up bad habits crushing, smothering, burying me.

I felt helpless, like I had no control over myself, and was too discouraged to even try to change. This discouragement is what does it. 這種沮喪就是它的作用。

It’s not that changing bad habits is impossible. 這並不是說改變壞習慣是不可能的。 But if we are so discouraged we don’t try, we will never change them. To try and to fail is of little consequence, but to never start at all is fatal to the habit change. 嘗試失敗並沒有太大影響,但從不開始對於習慣的改變來說是致命的。 And I’m here to tell you, that changing bad habits is not impossible. 我在這裡告訴你,改變壞習慣並非不可能。

No matter how long you’ve done them, no matter how many decades. It can be done.

By you. By taking a single step. Here’s how.

Know  as you start that you aren’t changing a mountain. 當你開始的時候就知道你並沒有改變一座山。

You don’t have to change years of bad actions. 你不必改變多年來的不良行為。 Those actions are gone — they’ve evaporated into the ether, and you can forget them. 這些行為都消失了——它們已經消失在空中,你可以忘記它們。 Forgive yourself for them, then forget them. 原諒自己,然後忘記他們。 You don’t need to run a marathon to change a habit.

You just need to take a step. And you  can  take a step. Consider  for a moment your bad habit.

You might have a dozen, but choose an easy one. 你可能有一打,但選擇一個簡單的。 Not the one you’re most afraid of — the one you think you can lick. Take a step back and think about this habit.

When do you do it? What things trigger the habit — stress, food, drinking, socializing, boredom, sadness, waking, being criticized? What need does the habit fulfill for you? Know that it does fulfill a real need, and that’s why you keep doing it. Realize  something — stop here to drive home for yourself a crucial, crucial point: you must realize that you don’t need this habit to fulfill this need. Осознайте что-нибудь - остановитесь здесь, чтобы добраться до решающего, решающего момента: вы должны понять, что вам не нужна эта привычка для удовлетворения этой потребности.

You don’t need the habit. You  can  deal with stress in healthier ways. You  can  beat boredom. You can cope. You do not need the habit, and you will learn better ones with practice. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point, but you’ve done the hardest part.

Now you just need to take one more little step. Commit  to yourself to make a small tiny insignificant but powerful step each day.

Commit fully, not half-assed. Совершайте полностью, а не наполовину. Commit by writing it down, and putting it up on your wall. Commit by telling a friend about it, and asking for help. Commit by putting it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, your blog, a forum you frequent. Be all in. Будьте олл-ин. Find  a replacement habit.

One that is healthier. One that fulfills the need. One that is easy. One that you can do after your trigger, instead of your bad habit. One that you enjoy and will look forward to. If you need to relieve stress, for example, consider walking, or pushups, or deep breathing, or self-massage. You’re now ready to climb out of your trench.

Remember, just a tiny tiny step. Notice  your urge to do the habit.

Pause. Don’t do the bad habit. Let the urge pass, then do your new replacement habit. Repeat , noticing the urge, letting the urge pass, not doing the bad habit, doing the good habit instead.

You might mess up, but that’s OK. You’ll get better with practice. Practice  as often as you can, every day.

You’ll get really good at it. Don’t worry about how long it takes. Keep doing it, one urge at a time. Know, Consider, Realize, Commit, Find, Notice, Repeat, Practice.

These are easy steps that don’t take a lot of work. You can do them as you sit here, reading this post. It’s never too late.

There is no habit that can’t be broken by the pressure of a single footprint. Make that footprint by taking a single step, today. ----

Want more?

Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles right now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/not-late/