Will humans become extinct? 6 Minute English - YouTube
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Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning
English. I'm Neil.
And I'm Sam.
In this programme, we'll be looking
at some of the many dangers facing
||||||stojących przed
na některá z mnoha nebezpečí, kterým čelí
humanity, from climate change and global
lidstva, od změny klimatu a globální
pandemics to asteroid impacts and
le pandemie||asteroid||
pandemie, dopady asteroidů a
nuclear war. We'll be finding out whether
جنگ هستهای||خواهیم||پی بردن||
jaderná válka. Zjistíme, zda
human civilisation can survive these risks
|تمدن بشری||||
|la civiltà||||
and looking at some of the related
|و نگاه کردن به|||||مرتبط با
vocabulary as well.
Do you really think humans could become
extinct and end up as dead as the dodo?
منقرض شده|||||منقرض شده|||منقرض شده
||||||||dodo ptak
Ah, so of course you've heard of the dodo?
Yes, dodos were large, metre-high birds which
||||||پرندگان بزرگ|
died out in the 1600s after being hunted
منقرض شد|||||||
to extinction by humans.
|extinction event||
k vyhubení člověkem.
That's right. Dodos couldn't fly and weren't
||||||were not
very clever. They didn't hide when sailors
|inteligente|||||i marinai
velmi chytré. Neschovávali se, když námořníci
with hunting dogs landed on their island.
||i cani|arrivati|||
The species was hunted so much that
Tento druh byl loven v takové míře, že
within a century, every single bird had
w ciągu||||||
během jednoho století každý pták
died out.
But do you know which island the dodo
was from, Sam? That's my quiz question
for today. Was it:
para hoje|||
a) The Galapagos, b) Mauritius or c) Fiji?
I'll guess the Galapagos, Neil, because
I know many exotic animals live there. By
the way, that's also cheered me up a bit
||||ha incoraggiato||||
mimochodem, to mě také trochu rozveselilo.
because as humans we are much smarter
than the dodo! We're far too clever to die
než dodo! Jsme příliš chytří na to, abychom zemřeli
out, aren't we?
I'm not sure I agree, Sam. Lots of the
Nejsem si jistý, jestli s tím souhlasím, Same. Spousta
existential risks - the worst possible
things that could happen to humanity,
co by se mohlo lidstvu stát,
such as nuclear war, global
pandemics or rogue artificial intelligence,
||uncontrolled or unpredictable||
pandemie nebo umělá inteligence,
are human-made. These threats could
jsou způsobeny lidmi. Tyto hrozby by mohly
have catastrophic consequences for
mít katastrofální důsledky pro
human survival in the 21st century.
přežití lidstva v 21. století.
That's true. But existential risks don't
only threaten the survival of the human
jen ohrožují přežití lidstva
species. Instead, they could destroy civilisation
druhy. Místo toho by mohly zničit civilizaci
as we know it, leaving pockets of
jak ji známe, a zanechává kapsy
survivors to struggle on in a post-apocalyptic world.
i sopravvissuti||||||after|apocalittica|
přeživší bojují v postapokalyptickém světě.
And it wouldn't be the first time that has
happened, as the BBC World Service
programme The Inquiry found out.
||the inquiry||
program The Inquiry zjistil.
Simon Beard of the Centre for the Study
of Existential Risk at Cambridge
University explains:
The historical record suggests that about
Historické záznamy naznačují, že asi
once every thousand years an event
occurs that wipes out about a third of the
رخ میدهد||نابود میکند||||حدود یک سوم||
occurs||wipes out||||||
dojde k tomu, že se vymaže asi třetina
human population – so in the Middle
Ages, this was the Black Death - huge
plague that covered Eurasia, while there
was also dramatic global cooling at that
v té době také došlo k dramatickému globálnímu ochlazení.
time which many people think
was related to volcanic eruptions and
|||آتشفشانی|فورانهای آتشفشانی|
about a third of the global population died.
So, humanity has been facing these risks
||دارد||مواجه بوده است||
||||stawiała czoła||
Lidstvo tedy čelí těmto rizikům
throughout history, according to the
przez całą||według||
historical record – the collection of all
historický záznam - soubor všech
written and recorded past events
zapsané a zaznamenané události z minulosti
concerning the human race.
دربارهٔ نژاد بشر|||
týkající se lidské rasy.
Yes. Wars and plagues – infectious,
|||بله. جنگها و بیماریها|مسری
epidemic diseases which spread between
epidemické nemoci, které se šíří mezi
countries can quickly wipe out – or
completely destroy, millions of people.
zcela zničit miliony lidí.
And there's not much we can do to stop
A není toho moc, co bychom mohli udělat, abychom zastavili
disasters like that!
فاجعههایی مثل آن||
takové katastrofy!
True, Sam, but what about individuals
To je pravda, Same, ale co jednotlivci
who actively work to bring about the end
kteří aktivně pracují na ukončení
of the world - like apocalyptic terrorists,
|||||i terroristi
rampage shooters and fundamentalist
rampage|i tiratori||fundamentalisti
تیراندازان خشمگین|تیراندازان مهاجم||
szaleństwo strzelania|||fundamentalista
běsnící střelci a fundamentalisté
cults like those who organised the
i culti|||||
kultů, jako jsou ti, kteří organizovali
poisonous gas attack on the Tokyo subway.
||||||حمله گاز سمی در مترو توکیو
útok jedovatým plynem v tokijském metru.
Those are people who want to end human
to są|||||||
To jsou lidé, kteří chtějí ukončit lidskou
life on Earth and bring about Doomsday -
||||||the end of the world
||||||روز قیامت
||||||Dzień Sądu
život na Zemi a přivodit soudný den -
another word for the final, apocalyptic day
další slovo pro poslední, apokalyptický den.
of the world's existence.
Right. And things got even scarier in
|||||più spaventose|
Vpravo. A věci se staly ještě děsivějšími
modern times with the invention of
moderní doby s vynálezem
nuclear weapons. During the Cuban
Missile Crisis between America
pocisk rakietowy|||
and the USSR for example, risk experts
||Unione Sovietica||||
a SSSR, například odborníci na rizika
estimated a 41% probability that human
odhaduje 41% pravděpodobnost, že člověk
life would be completely wiped out!
Seth Baum of New York's Global
Seth Baum|Seth Baum|||New York|
Seth|Baum|||di New York|
Catastrophic Risk Institute explains
how human error almost brought about Doomsday:
jak lidská chyba málem způsobila soudný den:
There are some ways that you could get
Existuje několik způsobů, jak získat
to a nuclear war without really intending to,
||||||to intend|
k jaderné válce, aniž by to měl v úmyslu,
and probably the biggest example is if you
have a false alarm that is mistaken as a
||||||mistaken = mistaken||
falešný poplach, který je mylně považován za
nuclear attack, and there have been a
jaderný útok, a tam byly
number of, maybe even very serious false
řada, možná i velmi závažných falešných
alarms, over the years, in which one side
poplachů v průběhu let, kdy jedna strana
or the other genuinely believed
nebo druhý skutečně věřil.
that they were under nuclear attack, when
in fact they were not at all under nuclear
ve skutečnosti vůbec nebyly pod jadernou
One such false alarm - an incorrect
Jeden takový falešný poplach - nesprávný
warning given so that people wrongly
varování, aby lidé nesprávně
believe something dangerous is about to
happen, came about in
se stalo, přišel v
1995, when the US sent missiles up into
||||i missili||
the Earth's atmosphere to study the
Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights.
شفق قطبی شمالی|شفق شمالی|||
Soviet radars picked up the missiles, thinking
رادارهای شوروی||||||
sovieti|i radar|||||
Sovětské radary zachytily rakety v domnění.
they were nuclear warheads and almost
|||testate nucleari||
|||کلاهکهای هستهای||
|||głowice nuklearne||
retaliated. Nuclear Armageddon was only
ha retaliato||Armageddon||
vergalt (1)||Nukleares Armageddon||
تلافی کرد||آرماگدون هستهای||
averted by the actions of one clear-thinking
odvráceno jednáním jednoho jasně smýšlejícího člověka.
Russian general who decided not to push
Ruský generál, který se rozhodl netlačit na pilu
the red button.
červené tlačítko.
Phew! A close shave then! Well, Neil, all
اوه! جان سالم به در بردیم!|||خطر از بیخ گذشت||||
Uff! Těsné oholení! No, Neile, všechno
this doomongering has made me want to
|این بدبینی|||||
tohle osudové blouznění mě přimělo k tomu.
just give it all up and live on a desert island!
|||||||||ilha deserta|
vzdát se všeho a žít na pustém ostrově!
Like the dodo eh, Sam? So, which island
||dodo|não é||||
would that be? If you remember, today's
quiz question asked where the dodo was
I said The Galapagos.
And I'm afraid to say it was b) Mauritius.
A obávám se, že to byl b) Mauricius.
So, to recap, in this programme we've
been discussing Doomsday – the final
||o juízo final||
day of life on Earth and other existential
den života na Zemi a další existenciální
threats - dangers threatening the survival
hrozby - nebezpečí ohrožující přežití
of humans on the planet.
We looked back throughout the historical
record - all recorded human history, to see
examples of threats which have wiped
příklady hrozeb, které zničily
out, or killed millions of people in the past,
including wars and plagues which spread
epidemic diseases between populations.
epidemických onemocnění mezi populacemi.
And we've seen how modern dangers, like
A viděli jsme, jak moderní nebezpečí, jako např.
nuclear war and climate change, further
|||||mais adiante
reduce the probability of human survival.
But Sam, it's not all doom and gloom! The
|||||نابودی||غم و اندوه|
Ale Same, není to všechno jenom zlý a pochmurný! Na
same scientific intelligence which spilt
stejnou vědeckou inteligenci, která se rozlévá
the atom could also find solutions to our
|das Atom||||||
atom by také mohl najít řešení pro naše
human-made problems in the 21st century,
|||||no século|
problémy způsobené člověkem v 21. století,
don't you think?
So, the end of the world might be a false
Takže konec světa může být falešný.
alarm – or unfounded warning – after all!
Let's hope we'll all still be here next
time for another edition of 6 Minute English.
čas na další vydání 6minutové angličtiny.
Bye for now!