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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.6 Speak with Salient Points

Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.6 Speak with Salient Points

The next thing is to use salient points. First column is how we like to talk about stuff if you're in the technology. But really, the second column is what really counts. Miles per gallon? Not so much. Yearly costs, much better. The grease or heating costs. What should you set your thermostat for? Or a very easy example, do you talk in terms of gigabytes or number of songs. The salient point is number of songs, not how many gigabytes. I doubt that most normal people wake up in the morning and say, "God, if I only had a 64-gigabyte iPod, I would be happy." You talk about songs, how many movies can it hold. Use salient points.

Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.6 Speak with Salient Points Guy Kawasaki: Erschaffen von Verzauberung Nr. 6 Sprich mit herausragenden Punkten Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.6 Speak with Salient Points Guy Kawasaki: Crear encanto nº 6 Hablar con puntos destacados Guy Kawasaki : Créer l'enchantement n°6 Parler avec des points saillants ガイ・カワサキ:魅力の創造 第6回 要点を絞って話す 가이 가와사키: 인챈트 만들기 6번 눈에 띄는 포인트로 말하기 Guy Kawasaki: Criar Encantamento No.6 Falar com Pontos Salientes Гай Кавасаки: Создание очарования №6 Говорите с помощью основных положений Guy Kawasaki: Hayranlık Yaratmak No.6 Dikkat Çekici Noktalarla Konuşun Гай Кавасакі: Створення чарівності №6 Говоріть з основними тезами 盖伊-川崎:创造魅力之六 用要点说话 蓋川崎:創造第六號魅力 講出重點

The next thing is to use salient points. The next thing is to use salient points. First column is how we like to talk about stuff if you're in the technology. First column is how we like to talk about stuff if you're in the technology. 第一篇專欄是我們喜歡如何談論科技領域的內容。 But really, the second column is what really counts. But really, the second column is what really counts. Но на самом деле, второй столбец — это то, что действительно имеет значение. 但實際上,第二列才是真正重要的。 Miles per gallon? Miles per gallon? Not so much. Not so much. Yearly costs, much better. Yearly costs, much better. The grease or heating costs. 潤滑脂或加熱成本。 What should you set your thermostat for? What should you set your thermostat for? Or a very easy example, do you talk in terms of gigabytes or number of songs. Or a very easy example, do you talk in terms of gigabytes or number of songs. 或者一個非常簡單的例子,你是用千兆位元組還是歌曲數量來談論的。 The salient point is number of songs, not how many gigabytes. Важным моментом является количество песен, а не количество гигабайт. I doubt that most normal people wake up in the morning and say, "God, if I only had a 64-gigabyte iPod, I would be happy." 我懷疑大多數普通人早上醒來都會說:“天啊,如果我只有一個 64 GB 的 iPod,我就會很高興。” You talk about songs, how many movies can it hold. Use salient points.