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The Tale of Tommy Fox by Arthur Scott Bailey, I. TOMMY ENJOYS HIMSELF


Tommy Fox was having a delightful time. If you could have come upon him in the woods you would have been astonished at his antics. He leaped high off the ground, and struck out with his paws. He opened his mouth and thrust his nose out and then clapped his jaws shut again, with a snap. Tommy burrowed his sharp face into the dead leaves at his feet and tossed his head into the air. And then he jumped up and barked just like a puppy.

If you could have hid behind a tree and watched Tommy Fox you would have said that he was playing with something. But you never could have told what it was, because you couldn't have seen it. And you may have three guesses now, before I tell you what it was that Tommy Fox was playing with. … It was a feather! Yes—Tommy had found a downy, brownish feather in the woods, which old Mother Grouse had dropped in one of her flights. And Tommy was having great sport with it, tossing it up in the air, and slapping and snapping at it, as it drifted slowly down to the ground again.

He grew quite excited, did Tommy Fox. For he just couldn't help making believe that it was old Mother Grouse herself—and not merely one of her smallest feathers that he had found. And he leaped and bounded and jumped and tumbled about and made a great fuss over nothing but that little, soft, brownish feather.

There was something about that feather that made Tommy's nose twitch and wrinkle and tremble. Tommy sniffed and sniffed at the bit of down, for he liked the smell of it. It made him feel very hungry. And at last he felt so hungry that he decided he would go home and see if his mother had brought him something to eat. So he started homewards.

I must explain that Tommy lived with his mother and that their house was right in the middle of one of Farmer Green's fields, not far from the foot of Blue Mountain. When Tommy was quite small his mother had chosen that place for her house, which was really a den that she had dug in the ground. By having her house in the center of the field she knew that no one could creep up and catch Tommy when he was playing outside in the sunshine. Now Tommy was older, and had begun to roam about in the woods and meadows alone. But Mrs. Fox liked her home in the field, and so she continued to live there.

Tommy was so hungry, now, and in such a hurry to reach home, that you might think that he would have gone straight toward his mother's house. But he didn't. He trotted along a little way, and suddenly gave a sidewise leap which carried him several feet away from the straight path he had been following. Again he trotted ahead for a short distance. And then he wheeled around and ran in a circle. And after he had made the circle he jumped to one side once more, and ran along on an old tree which had fallen upon the ground. He was not playing. No! —Tommy Fox was just trying to obey his mother. Ever since he had been big enough to wander off by himself she had told him that he must never go anywhere without making jumps and circles. "It takes longer," she said; "but it is better to do that way, because it makes it hard for a dog to follow you. If you ran straight ahead, Farmer Green's dog could go smelling along in your footsteps, and if he didn't actually catch you he could follow you right home and then we would have to move, to say the least." Tommy was so afraid of dogs that he almost never forgot to do just as his mother told him. He was half-way home and passing through a clump of evergreens, when he suddenly stopped. The wind was blowing in his face, and brought to his nostrils a smell that made him tremble. It was not a frightened sort of tremble, but a delicious, joyful shiver that Tommy felt. For he smelled something that reminded him at once of that feather with which he had been playing. And Tommy stood as still as a statue and his sharp eyes looked all around. At first he could see nothing. But in a minute or two he noticed something on the ground, beneath one of the evergreen trees. He had looked at it carefully several times; and each time he had decided that it was only an old tree-root. But now he saw that he had been mistaken.

Yes! It was old Mother Grouse herself!


Tommy Fox was having a delightful time. Tommy Fox was having a delightful time. Tommy Fox estava a divertir-se imenso. Томми Фокс прекрасно проводил время. 湯米福克斯玩得很開心。 If you could have come upon him in the woods you would have been astonished at his antics. If you could have come upon him in the woods you would have been astonished at his antics. Se o tivéssemos encontrado no bosque, teríamos ficado surpreendidos com as suas peripécias. Если бы вы могли встретить его в лесу, вы были бы поражены его выходками. 如果你能在樹林裡碰到他,你會被他的滑稽動作驚呆的。 He leaped high off the ground, and struck out with his paws. He leaped high off the ground, and struck out with his paws. Saltou do chão e atacou com as patas. Он подпрыгнул высоко над землей и ударил лапами. 他從地上高高躍起,用爪子擊打。 He opened his mouth and thrust his nose out and then clapped his jaws shut again, with a snap. Abriu a boca e pôs o nariz para fora e voltou a fechar os maxilares, com um estalido. Він відкрив рота й висунув носа, а потім знову з клацанням зімкнув щелепи. 他張開嘴,把鼻子伸出來,然後又合上下巴,啪的一聲。 Tommy burrowed his sharp face into the dead leaves at his feet and tossed his head into the air. Томми зарылся острым лицом в сухие листья у его ног и вскинул голову. Томмі вткнувся гострим обличчям у сухе листя біля ніг і підкинув голову вгору. 汤米把尖尖的脸钻进脚下的枯叶里,把头抛向空中。 湯米把鋒利的臉埋進腳邊的枯葉里,把頭拋向空中。 And then he jumped up and barked just like a puppy. А потім підскочив і загавкав, як щеня. 然後他像小狗一樣跳起來吠叫。

If you could have hid behind a tree and watched Tommy Fox you would have said that he was playing with something. Якби ви могли сховатися за деревом і спостерігати за Томмі Фоксом, ви б сказали, що він з чимось бавиться. 如果你能躲在一棵樹後面看著湯米福克斯,你就會說他在玩什麼。 But you never could have told what it was, because you couldn't have seen it. Но вы никогда не могли сказать, что это было, потому что вы не могли этого видеть. Але ви ніколи не могли сказати, що це було, тому що ви не могли цього бачити. 但你永遠無法說出它是什麼,因為你看不到它。 And you may have three guesses now, before I tell you what it was that Tommy Fox was playing with. И у вас может быть три предположения, прежде чем я расскажу вам, с чем играл Томми Фокс. І ви можете мати три припущення, перш ніж я розповім вам, чим саме грався Томмі Фокс. 在我告訴你湯米福克斯在玩什麼之前,你現在可能有三個猜測。 … It was a feather! … Это было перо! … Це була пір’їнка! ……那是一根羽毛! Yes—Tommy had found a downy, brownish feather in the woods, which old Mother Grouse had dropped in one of her flights. Да, Томми нашел в лесу пушистое коричневатое перо, которое старая матушка-рябчик уронила во время одного из полетов. Так, Томмі знайшов у лісі пушисту, бурувату пір’їну, яку стара матінка-тетерева впустила під час одного зі своїх польотів. 是的,汤姆在树林里发现了一根褐色的绒毛,那是松鸡妈妈在一次飞行中掉下的。 是的——湯米在樹林裡發現了一根柔軟的褐色羽毛,這是老松雞媽媽在一次飛行中掉下來的。 And Tommy was having great sport with it, tossing it up in the air, and slapping and snapping at it, as it drifted slowly down to the ground again. І Томмі дуже веселився з ним, підкидаючи його вгору, шльопаючи й ляскаючи по ньому, коли він знову повільно опускався на землю. 湯米和它玩得很開心,把它拋到空中,又拍又拍,它又慢慢飄落到地上。

He grew quite excited, did Tommy Fox. Він дуже розхвилювався, як Томмі Фокс. 他變得相當興奮,湯米福克斯也是。 For he just couldn't help making believe that it was old Mother Grouse herself—and not merely one of her smallest feathers that he had found. Ибо он просто не мог не поверить, что это была сама старая матушка-рябчик, а не просто одно из ее самых маленьких перышек, которые он нашел. Бо він просто не міг не повірити, що це була сама стара матінка-тетерева, а не лише одне з її найменших пір’їнок, які він знайшов. 因為他只是忍不住讓人相信那是老松雞媽媽本人——而不僅僅是他發現的她最小的一根羽毛。 And he leaped and bounded and jumped and tumbled about and made a great fuss over nothing but that little, soft, brownish feather. И он прыгал, и прыгал, и прыгал, и кувыркался, и суетился только из-за этого маленького, мягкого коричневатого перышка. І він стрибав, стрибав, стрибав і перекидався, і влаштував велику метушню лише через цю маленьку, м’яку, коричневу пір’їнку. 他又蹦又跳,又蹦又跳,除了那隻又小又軟的褐色羽毛,什麼都大驚小怪。

There was something about that feather that made Tommy's nose twitch and wrinkle and tremble. 那根羽毛讓湯米的鼻子抽搐、起皺、顫抖。 Tommy sniffed and sniffed at the bit of down, for he liked the smell of it. 湯米聞了聞羽絨,因為他喜歡它的味道。 It made him feel very hungry. 這讓他感到非常餓。 And at last he felt so hungry that he decided he would go home and see if his mother had brought him something to eat. 最後,他覺得餓極了,他決定回家看看媽媽給他帶來了沒有吃的東西。 So he started homewards.

I must explain that Tommy lived with his mother and that their house was right in the middle of one of Farmer Green's fields, not far from the foot of Blue Mountain. 我必須解釋說,湯米和他母親住在一起,他們的房子就在格林農家的一塊田地中間,離藍山腳不遠。 When Tommy was quite small his mother had chosen that place for her house, which was really a den that she had dug in the ground. 湯米很小的時候,他的母親就選擇了那個地方作為她的房子,這實際上是她在地下挖的一個窩。 By having her house in the center of the field she knew that no one could creep up and catch Tommy when he was playing outside in the sunshine. 因為她的房子在場地的中心,所以她知道當湯米在陽光下玩耍時,沒有人可以爬上去抓住湯米。 Now Tommy was older, and had begun to roam about in the woods and meadows alone. 現在湯米年紀大了,開始獨自在樹林和草地上漫步。 But Mrs. Fox liked her home in the field, and so she continued to live there. 但福克斯夫人喜歡她在田野裡的家,所以她繼續住在那裡。

Tommy was so hungry, now, and in such a hurry to reach home, that you might think that he would have gone straight toward his mother's house. 湯米現在很餓,又急於回家,你可能會認為他會直奔母親家。 But he didn't. 但他沒有。 He trotted along a little way, and suddenly gave a sidewise leap which carried him several feet away from the straight path he had been following. 他小跑了一小段路,突然側身一躍,將他帶離一直走的筆直的小路數尺。 Again he trotted ahead for a short distance. 他又小跑了一小段距離。 And then he wheeled around and ran in a circle. 然後他轉身就跑了一個圈。 And after he had made the circle he jumped to one side once more, and ran along on an old tree which had fallen upon the ground. 繞了一圈之後,他又跳到一邊,跑到一棵倒在地上的老樹上。 He was not playing. 他不是在玩。 No! —Tommy Fox was just trying to obey his mother. ——湯米福克斯只是想服從他的母親。 Ever since he had been big enough to wander off by himself she had told him that he must never go anywhere without making jumps and circles. 自從他大到可以一個人流浪時,她就告訴他,他不能在不跳躍和繞圈的情況下去任何地方。 "It takes longer," she said; "but it is better to do that way, because it makes it hard for a dog to follow you. “這需要更長的時間,”她說。 “但最好這樣做,因為它會讓狗很難跟隨你。 If you ran straight ahead, Farmer Green's dog could go smelling along in your footsteps, and if he didn't actually catch you he could follow you right home and then we would have to move, to say the least." 如果你直接往前跑,農夫格林的狗可能會跟著你的腳步聞,如果他沒有真的抓到你,他可能會直接跟著你回家,然後我們就不得不搬家了,至少可以這麼說。” Tommy was so afraid of dogs that he almost never forgot to do just as his mother told him. 湯米非常害怕狗,以至於他幾乎從來沒有忘記按照他媽媽告訴他的去做。 He was half-way home and passing through a clump of evergreens, when he suddenly stopped. 他在回家的半路上,穿過一叢常青樹,突然停了下來。 The wind was blowing in his face, and brought to his nostrils a smell that made him tremble. 風吹過他的臉,鼻孔里傳來一股讓他顫抖的味道。 It was not a frightened sort of tremble, but a delicious, joyful shiver that Tommy felt. 湯米感覺到的不是一種害怕的顫抖,而是一種美妙而快樂的顫抖。 For he smelled something that reminded him at once of that feather with which he had been playing. 因為他聞到的東西立刻讓他想起了他一直在玩的那根羽毛。 And Tommy stood as still as a statue and his sharp eyes looked all around. 湯米像一尊雕像一樣一動不動地站著,他銳利的眼睛環顧四周。 At first he could see nothing. 起初他什麼也看不見。 But in a minute or two he noticed something on the ground, beneath one of the evergreen trees. 但在一兩分鐘後,他注意到地上有一棵常青樹下的東西。 He had looked at it carefully several times; and each time he had decided that it was only an old tree-root. 他仔細看了好幾遍;每次他都認定那隻是一根老樹根。 But now he saw that he had been mistaken. 但現在他發現自己錯了。

Yes! It was old Mother Grouse herself! 是老松雞媽媽本人!