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The Night Horseman by Max Brand, CHAPTER XX. THE COMING


Then a padding step, light, lighter than the sound of the softest thought. It was passing near; the faint breeze blew the sound to them, around them, behind them. Each man felt as if some creature were stalking him, unseen. Next—it appeared by magic against the blue black of the night—the head of a great wolf, quite black, shaggy, with sharply pointed ears. And the eyes stared at them, green eyes with lights that swirled as the flame jumped in the throat of the lamp. For a long moment the horror lasted. Then the head, as it had come, disappeared, and the light, light foot fall, faded away.

Buck Daniels had risen, now. The sound of his whisper made them start.

"I'm going up—to my room—and lock the door—for God's sake—keep—him away!" And so he stole soundlessly away, and then they heard the creaks which announced his progress up the stairs.

Not Buck Daniels alone. In the deadly silence Kate rose to her feet; and the old man, the invalid—he with the dead body and the living brain, rose from his couch and stood as erect as a soldier on parade. The doctor was conscious of repeating to himself, hurriedly, a formula something like this: "The thing which is coming is human; it cannot be more than human; as long as it is human it is nothing to fear; the laws of truth are irrevocably fixed; the laws of science will not change." Yet in spite of this formula he was deadly cold, as if a wind were blowing through his naked soul. It was not fear. It was something beyond fear, and he would not have been otherwhere for any reward. All his mind remained poised, expectant, as the astronomer waits for the new star which his calculations have predicted to enter the field of his telescope.

He caught the sound of another horse coming, far different even to his unpracticed ear from the beat of hoofs which announced the coming of Buck Daniels. The rhythm of their fall was slower, as if the stride of the animal were much longer. He pictured a mighty creature with a vast mane blown back against the chest of a giant rider. There was a murmur from Kate: "Dan, my dear, my dear!" Then he heard a padding footfall, hardly louder than the light, light step of the wolf. The knob of the door turned slowly, without a sound; it opened, and a man stepped in. He was not larger than the doctor; a slender fellow, almost dapper in his dress, with hardly a sign of travel about him, except that the brim of his sombrero was folded back from his face as if from continual pressure of wind. These things Randall Byrne noted vaguely; what he was sharply aware of were the eyes of the man. He had the feeling that he had seen them before; he remembered the yellow light that had swirled in the eyes of the wolf at the window.

The newcomer flashed a glance about the room, yet for all its speed it seemed to linger an instant on each face, and when it crossed the stare of Byrne the doctor shrank.

"Where is Buck?" asked the man. "I've come for him!" As if in answer, the great, shaggy dog slipped through the entrance past his master and glided across the room. As he passed, Kate held out a hand to him. She called softly: "Bart!" but she was greeted with a silent baring of fangs; and she caught her hand back against her breast, with the tears springing in her eyes. On the other side of the room the black dog paused and looked back to his master, while Byrne realised with a shudder that the door before which it stood was the door through which Buck Daniels had disappeared. Straight to that door Barry stepped, and Byrne realised, with an eerie emotion, that the footfalls made no sound.

Before he reached the door, however, the girl started forward and sprang before him. With her outstretched arms she barred the way. Her skirt brushed almost in the face of the dog, and the beast shrank away not in fear, but crouching in readiness to leap. The sharp ears twitched back; a murderous snarl rolled up from between the wicked teeth. Yet she did not cast a single glance at him; she faced the greater danger.

She was saying: "Whatever Buck did, it wasn't done to hurt you, Dan; it was done for your own sake. And for Dad's sake. You shan't pass here!" From his position, the doctor could not see the face of Dan Barry, but he guessed at it through the expression of Kate. Such terror and horror were in her eyes as though she were facing a death's head inches away. Then he saw the slender hand of Barry rise and move towards the girl, slowly, tremblingly, as though one fierce impulse urged him to thrust her to one side and as though another held back his arm. The doctor could not watch the girl longer; fear and pity were wringing him as he lowered his glance to the floor.

Then he heard her cry: "Have you forgotten me, like Bart? Like Bart, have you forgotten me, Dan?" His hand fell to his side and he glided back from her; but now Byrne could see that the eyes of Barry were looking past the girl, as though he stared through the solid wood of the door and found his prey beyond it. The stranger slipped towards the door by which he had entered, with the great dog slinking at his heels. Kate Cumberland leaned heavily against the wall, her arm thrown across her face, but there was no consciousness of her in the face of Barry. Yet at the very door he paused and straightened; Byrne saw that he was staring towards Joe Cumberland; and the old man reached a bony hand out.

"Oh, lad," he said softly, "I been waitin' for you years an' years, seems like!" Barry crossed the room as noiselessly, as swiftly, as a flying shadow.

"Sit down!" he commanded, and Byrne caught a faint ring in the voice, like the shiver of metal striking steel.

Joe Cumberland obeyed without a word, and then lay back at full length upon the couch—a palsy had seized on him, and the hand which rested on the shoulder of Dan Barry was shaking. By the couch came the tall dog, and crouched, staring up in the master's face; then the younger man turned his face towards Byrne and the girl. Those thin-cut nostrils expanded, the lips compressed, and Byrne dared not look into the flare of the eyes.

"Who done this?" asked Barry, and still the shiver of cold metal rang in his voice. "Who's done this?" "Steady, lad," said Joe Cumberland faintly. "They ain't no call for fightin'. Steady, Dan, boy. An' don't leave me!" Byrne caught a signal from Kate and followed her obediently from the room.

"Let them be alone," she said. "Impossible!" protested the doctor. "Your father is lapsed into a most dangerous condition. The physical inertia which has held him for so long is now broken and I look for a dangerous mental and nervous collapse to accompany it. A sedative is now imperative!" He laid his hand on the knob of the door to return, but the girl blocked his way.

"Don't go in," she commanded feebly. "I can't explain to you. All I can say is that Dad was the one who found Dan Barry and there's something between them that none of us understand. But I know that he can help Dad. I know Dad is in no danger while Dan is with him." "A pleasant superstition," nodded the doctor, "but medicine, my dear Miss Cumberland, does not take account of such things." "Doctor Byrne," she said, rallying a failing strength for the argument, "I insist. Don't ask me to explain." "In that case," he answered coldly, "I cannot assume responsibility for what may happen." She made a gesture of surrender, weakly.

"Look back in on them now," she said. "If you don't find father quiet, you may go in to him." Doctor Byrne obeyed, opening the door softly. He saw Joe Cumberland prone, of course, upon the couch. One hand lay as usual across his breast, but the other was at his side, clasped in the hands of Dan Barry. The old cattleman slept. Yes, there was no doubt that for the first time in many days he slumbered soundly. The lean, narrow chest rose and fell with deep, slow breaths; the eyes were closed, and there was no twitching of muscles to betray ragged nerves or a mind that dreamed fiercely while the body slept. Far over the sleeping man leaned the stranger, as if he were peering closely into the closed eyes of Joe Cumberland. There was a tenseness of watching and waiting in his attitude, like the runner on the mark, or like the burden-bearer lifting a great weight, and Byrne gathered, in some mysterious manner, the impression that Barry sent through his hands and into the body of Cumberland a continual stream of nervous strength—an electric thing. Nonsense, of course. And it was nonsense, also, to think that the huge dog which lay staring up into the face of the master understood all this affair much better than the practiced mind of the physician. Yet the illusion held with Randall Byrne in spite of all his scepticism.

He was certain that he had made not the slightest sound in opening the door, but presently the head of the watcher turned slowly, and Byrne was looking into those same yellow, terrible eyes. At the same instant the sick man moaned faintly. The doctor closed the door as softly as he had opened it and turned a drawn face upon Kate Cumberland.

"I don't understand; it isn't possible!" he whispered.

"No one understands," said the girl, and smiled mirthlessly. "Don't try to, Doctor Byrne. Go to bed, and sleep. If you can. Good night." "But you," said Byrne, following her, "are almost as ill as your father. Is there nothing I can do for you?" "You?" she asked, surprised. "No, nothing." "But there's not the slightest colour in your face. And you are trembling, Miss Cumberland!" She did not seem to hear him.

"Will he stay?" she asked of herself. "Will he leave before the morning?" "I shall see that he stays," said the doctor. "I will stay here outside the door and see that he does not leave, if you wish." Once more she smiled in that baffling manner.

"Could you keep the wind from blowing, Doctor Byrne? If I thought that he could be kept——" she stopped. "He has forgotten us. He has forgotten all of us except Dad. And if Dad cannot keep him, nothing will keep him. It's useless for you to wait here. Good night again, Doctor Byrne." He watched her up the stairs. By the dim light he saw her hand catching at the balustrade as if she were drawing herself up, step by step. When she reached the landing and turned half towards him, he saw that her head was fallen.

"Not a glance, not a thought for me," murmured the doctor. "But if the stranger does leave——" Instead of finishing the muttered sentences, he drew a chair back against the wall and sat down with folded hands to wait.


Then a padding step, light, lighter than the sound of the softest thought. Em seguida, um passo de estofamento, leve, mais leve que o som do pensamento mais suave. It was passing near; the faint breeze blew the sound to them, around them, behind them. Estava passando perto; a brisa fraca soprou o som para eles, ao redor deles, atrás deles. Each man felt as if some creature were stalking him, unseen. Cada homem sentia como se alguma criatura o estivesse perseguindo, invisível. Next—it appeared by magic against the blue black of the night—the head of a great wolf, quite black, shaggy, with sharply pointed ears. A seguir - apareceu por magia contra o negro azul da noite - a cabeça de um grande lobo, bem preto, peludo, com orelhas pontudas. And the eyes stared at them, green eyes with lights that swirled as the flame jumped in the throat of the lamp. E os olhos os encararam, olhos verdes com luzes que giravam enquanto a chama saltava na garganta da lâmpada. For a long moment the horror lasted. Por um longo momento o horror durou. Then the head, as it had come, disappeared, and the light, light foot fall, faded away. Então a cabeça, como tinha surgido, desapareceu, e a leve queda do pé, sumiu.

Buck Daniels had risen, now. Buck Daniels tinha subido, agora. The sound of his whisper made them start. O som de seu sussurro os fez sobressaltar.

"I'm going up—to my room—and lock the door—for God's sake—keep—him away!" And so he stole soundlessly away, and then they heard the creaks which announced his progress up the stairs. E assim ele se afastou silenciosamente, e então eles ouviram os rangidos que anunciavam seu progresso escada acima.

Not Buck Daniels alone. Não apenas Buck Daniels. In the deadly silence Kate rose to her feet; and the old man, the invalid—he with the dead body and the living brain, rose from his couch and stood as erect as a soldier on parade. No silêncio mortal, Kate se levantou; e o velho, o inválido — ele com o corpo morto e o cérebro vivo, levantou-se do sofá e ficou tão ereto como um soldado em desfile. The doctor was conscious of repeating to himself, hurriedly, a formula something like this: "The thing which is coming is human; it cannot be more than human; as long as it is human it is nothing to fear; the laws of truth are irrevocably fixed; the laws of science will not change." O médico estava consciente de repetir para si mesmo, apressadamente, uma fórmula mais ou menos assim: "O que vem é humano; não pode ser mais do que humano; enquanto for humano não há nada a temer; as leis da verdade são irrevogavelmente fixadas; as leis da ciência não mudarão." Yet in spite of this formula he was deadly cold, as if a wind were blowing through his naked soul. No entanto, apesar dessa fórmula, ele estava mortalmente frio, como se um vento estivesse soprando em sua alma nua. It was not fear. It was something beyond fear, and he would not have been otherwhere for any reward. Era algo além do medo, e ele não estaria em outro lugar por nenhuma recompensa. All his mind remained poised, expectant, as the astronomer waits for the new star which his calculations have predicted to enter the field of his telescope. Toda a sua mente permaneceu equilibrada, expectante, enquanto o astrônomo aguarda a nova estrela que seus cálculos previram entrar no campo de seu telescópio.

He caught the sound of another horse coming, far different even to his unpracticed ear from the beat of hoofs which announced the coming of Buck Daniels. Ele captou o som de outro cavalo se aproximando, muito diferente até mesmo para seu ouvido inexperiente da batida de cascos que anunciava a chegada de Buck Daniels. The rhythm of their fall was slower, as if the stride of the animal were much longer. O ritmo de sua queda era mais lento, como se o passo do animal fosse muito mais longo. He pictured a mighty creature with a vast mane blown back against the chest of a giant rider. Ele imaginou uma criatura poderosa com uma enorme juba jogada para trás contra o peito de um cavaleiro gigante. There was a murmur from Kate: "Dan, my dear, my dear!" Houve um murmúrio de Kate: "Dan, meu querido, meu querido!" Then he heard a padding footfall, hardly louder than the light, light step of the wolf. Então ele ouviu um som de passos, pouco mais alto que o passo leve e leve do lobo. The knob of the door turned slowly, without a sound; it opened, and a man stepped in. A maçaneta da porta girou lentamente, sem fazer barulho; ela se abriu e um homem entrou. He was not larger than the doctor; a slender fellow, almost dapper in his dress, with hardly a sign of travel about him, except that the brim of his sombrero was folded back from his face as if from continual pressure of wind. Ele não era maior que o médico; um sujeito esguio, quase elegante em seu vestido, quase sem sinal de viagem, exceto que a aba de seu sombrero estava dobrada para trás de seu rosto como se estivesse sob a pressão contínua do vento. These things Randall Byrne noted vaguely; what he was sharply aware of were the eyes of the man. Essas coisas Randall Byrne notou vagamente; o que ele estava nitidamente consciente eram os olhos do homem. He had the feeling that he had seen them before; he remembered the yellow light that had swirled in the eyes of the wolf at the window. Ele teve a sensação de que já os tinha visto antes; ele se lembrou da luz amarela que havia girado nos olhos do lobo na janela.

The newcomer flashed a glance about the room, yet for all its speed it seemed to linger an instant on each face, and when it crossed the stare of Byrne the doctor shrank. O recém-chegado lançou um olhar ao redor da sala, mas, apesar de toda a velocidade, pareceu demorar um instante em cada rosto, e quando cruzou o olhar de Byrne, o médico se encolheu.

"Where is Buck?" asked the man. "I've come for him!" As if in answer, the great, shaggy dog slipped through the entrance past his master and glided across the room. Como se fosse uma resposta, o grande cão peludo passou pela entrada passando por seu dono e deslizou pela sala. As he passed, Kate held out a hand to him. Quando ele passou, Kate estendeu a mão para ele. She called softly: "Bart!" but she was greeted with a silent baring of fangs; and she caught her hand back against her breast, with the tears springing in her eyes. mas ela foi recebida com uma silenciosa exibição de presas; e ela colocou a mão de volta contra o peito, com as lágrimas brotando em seus olhos. On the other side of the room the black dog paused and looked back to his master, while Byrne realised with a shudder that the door before which it stood was the door through which Buck Daniels had disappeared. Do outro lado da sala, o cachorro preto parou e olhou de volta para seu dono, enquanto Byrne percebeu com um estremecimento que a porta diante da qual ele estava era a porta pela qual Buck Daniels havia desaparecido. Straight to that door Barry stepped, and Byrne realised, with an eerie emotion, that the footfalls made no sound. Direto para aquela porta, Barry pisou, e Byrne percebeu, com uma estranha emoção, que os passos não faziam barulho.

Before he reached the door, however, the girl started forward and sprang before him. Antes que ele chegasse à porta, no entanto, a garota avançou e saltou diante dele. With her outstretched arms she barred the way. Com os braços estendidos, ela bloqueou o caminho. Her skirt brushed almost in the face of the dog, and the beast shrank away not in fear, but crouching in readiness to leap. Sua saia quase roçou o rosto do cachorro, e o animal se encolheu não de medo, mas agachado pronto para pular. The sharp ears twitched back; a murderous snarl rolled up from between the wicked teeth. As orelhas afiadas se contraíram; um rosnado assassino rolou de entre os dentes perversos. Yet she did not cast a single glance at him; she faced the greater danger.

She was saying: "Whatever Buck did, it wasn't done to hurt you, Dan; it was done for your own sake. Ela estava dizendo: "O que quer que Buck tenha feito, não foi feito para te machucar, Dan; foi feito para seu próprio bem. And for Dad's sake. You shan't pass here!" Você não vai passar aqui!" From his position, the doctor could not see the face of Dan Barry, but he guessed at it through the expression of Kate. De sua posição, o médico não conseguia ver o rosto de Dan Barry, mas adivinhou pela expressão de Kate. Such terror and horror were in her eyes as though she were facing a death's head inches away. Tanto terror e horror estavam em seus olhos como se ela estivesse enfrentando uma cabeça de morte a centímetros de distância. Then he saw the slender hand of Barry rise and move towards the girl, slowly, tremblingly, as though one fierce impulse urged him to thrust her to one side and as though another held back his arm. Então ele viu a mão esguia de Barry se erguer e se mover em direção à garota, devagar, trêmula, como se um impulso feroz o levasse a empurrá-la para o lado e como se outro segurasse seu braço. The doctor could not watch the girl longer; fear and pity were wringing him as he lowered his glance to the floor. O médico não pôde mais vigiar a menina; o medo e a pena o atormentavam quando ele baixou o olhar para o chão.

Then he heard her cry: "Have you forgotten me, like Bart? Então ele a ouviu gritar: "Você se esqueceu de mim, como Bart? Like Bart, have you forgotten me, Dan?" His hand fell to his side and he glided back from her; but now Byrne could see that the eyes of Barry were looking past the girl, as though he stared through the solid wood of the door and found his prey beyond it. Sua mão caiu ao seu lado e ele deslizou para trás dela; mas agora Byrne podia ver que os olhos de Barry estavam olhando além da garota, como se ele olhasse através da madeira sólida da porta e encontrasse sua presa além dela. The stranger slipped towards the door by which he had entered, with the great dog slinking at his heels. O estranho deslizou em direção à porta pela qual havia entrado, com o grande cão esgueirando-se em seus calcanhares. Kate Cumberland leaned heavily against the wall, her arm thrown across her face, but there was no consciousness of her in the face of Barry. Kate Cumberland encostou-se pesadamente na parede, o braço jogado sobre o rosto, mas não havia consciência dela no rosto de Barry. Yet at the very door he paused and straightened; Byrne saw that he was staring towards Joe Cumberland; and the old man reached a bony hand out. No entanto, na própria porta ele parou e se endireitou; Byrne viu que ele estava olhando para Joe Cumberland; e o velho estendeu a mão ossuda.

"Oh, lad," he said softly, "I been waitin' for you years an' years, seems like!" "Oh, rapaz," ele disse suavemente, "Eu estive esperando por você anos e anos, parece!" Barry crossed the room as noiselessly, as swiftly, as a flying shadow. Barry atravessou a sala tão silenciosamente, tão rapidamente quanto uma sombra voadora.

"Sit down!" he commanded, and Byrne caught a faint ring in the voice, like the shiver of metal striking steel. ele ordenou, e Byrne captou um leve som na voz, como o estremecimento de metal batendo em aço.

Joe Cumberland obeyed without a word, and then lay back at full length upon the couch—a palsy had seized on him, and the hand which rested on the shoulder of Dan Barry was shaking. Joe Cumberland obedeceu sem dizer uma palavra e depois deitou-se no sofá — uma paralisia o apoderara-se, e a mão que repousava sobre o ombro de Dan Barry tremia. By the couch came the tall dog, and crouched, staring up in the master's face; then the younger man turned his face towards Byrne and the girl. Those thin-cut nostrils expanded, the lips compressed, and Byrne dared not look into the flare of the eyes. Aquelas narinas finas se expandiram, os lábios se contraíram, e Byrne não ousou olhar no brilho dos olhos.

"Who done this?" "Quem fez isso?" asked Barry, and still the shiver of cold metal rang in his voice. perguntou Barry, e ainda o arrepio de metal frio ecoou em sua voz. "Who's done this?" "Quem fez isso?" "Steady, lad," said Joe Cumberland faintly. "Firme, rapaz", disse Joe Cumberland fracamente. "They ain't no call for fightin'. "Eles não são chamados para brigar. Steady, Dan, boy. An' don't leave me!" E não me deixe!" Byrne caught a signal from Kate and followed her obediently from the room.

"Let them be alone," she said. "Impossible!" protested the doctor. "Your father is lapsed into a most dangerous condition. "Seu pai caiu em uma condição muito perigosa. The physical inertia which has held him for so long is now broken and I look for a dangerous mental and nervous collapse to accompany it. A inércia física que o manteve por tanto tempo agora está quebrada e eu procuro um perigoso colapso mental e nervoso para acompanhá-lo. A sedative is now imperative!" Um sedativo agora é imperativo!" He laid his hand on the knob of the door to return, but the girl blocked his way.

"Don't go in," she commanded feebly. "Não entre," ela ordenou debilmente. "I can't explain to you. All I can say is that Dad was the one who found Dan Barry and there's something between them that none of us understand. Tudo o que posso dizer é que papai foi quem encontrou Dan Barry e há algo entre eles que nenhum de nós entende. But I know that he can help Dad. I know Dad is in no danger while Dan is with him." "A pleasant superstition," nodded the doctor, "but medicine, my dear Miss Cumberland, does not take account of such things." "Uma superstição agradável", assentiu o médico, "mas a medicina, minha querida Miss Cumberland, não leva em conta essas coisas." "Doctor Byrne," she said, rallying a failing strength for the argument, "I insist. "Doutor Byrne", ela disse, reunindo uma força fraca para o argumento, "eu insisto. Don't ask me to explain." "In that case," he answered coldly, "I cannot assume responsibility for what may happen." She made a gesture of surrender, weakly. Ela fez um gesto de rendição, fracamente.

"Look back in on them now," she said. "Olhe para trás neles agora", disse ela. "If you don't find father quiet, you may go in to him." "Se você não encontrar o pai quieto, você pode ir até ele." Doctor Byrne obeyed, opening the door softly. He saw Joe Cumberland prone, of course, upon the couch. Ele viu Joe Cumberland deitado, é claro, no sofá. One hand lay as usual across his breast, but the other was at his side, clasped in the hands of Dan Barry. Uma mão estava como de costume em seu peito, mas a outra estava ao seu lado, apertada nas mãos de Dan Barry. The old cattleman slept. Yes, there was no doubt that for the first time in many days he slumbered soundly. Sim, não havia dúvida de que pela primeira vez em muitos dias ele dormiu profundamente. The lean, narrow chest rose and fell with deep, slow breaths; the eyes were closed, and there was no twitching of muscles to betray ragged nerves or a mind that dreamed fiercely while the body slept. O peito magro e estreito subia e descia com respirações profundas e lentas; os olhos estavam fechados, e não havia contração de músculos para trair nervos em frangalhos ou uma mente que sonhava ferozmente enquanto o corpo dormia. Far over the sleeping man leaned the stranger, as if he were peering closely into the closed eyes of Joe Cumberland. Bem acima do homem adormecido estava o estranho, como se estivesse olhando de perto os olhos fechados de Joe Cumberland. There was a tenseness of watching and waiting in his attitude, like the runner on the mark, or like the burden-bearer lifting a great weight, and Byrne gathered, in some mysterious manner, the impression that Barry sent through his hands and into the body of Cumberland a continual stream of nervous strength—an electric thing. Havia uma tensão de observação e espera em sua atitude, como o corredor no alvo, ou como o carregador de carga levantando um grande peso, e Byrne teve, de alguma maneira misteriosa, a impressão que Barry enviou através de suas mãos para o corpo de Cumberland um fluxo contínuo de força nervosa - uma coisa elétrica. Nonsense, of course. Bobagem, claro. And it was nonsense, also, to think that the huge dog which lay staring up into the face of the master understood all this affair much better than the practiced mind of the physician. E era tolice, também, pensar que o enorme cachorro que estava olhando para o rosto do mestre entendia tudo isso muito melhor do que a mente experiente do médico. Yet the illusion held with Randall Byrne in spite of all his scepticism. No entanto, a ilusão se manteve com Randall Byrne, apesar de todo o seu ceticismo.

He was certain that he had made not the slightest sound in opening the door, but presently the head of the watcher turned slowly, and Byrne was looking into those same yellow, terrible eyes. Ele estava certo de que não havia feito o menor som ao abrir a porta, mas logo a cabeça do observador virou-se lentamente, e Byrne estava olhando para aqueles mesmos olhos amarelos e terríveis. At the same instant the sick man moaned faintly. No mesmo instante, o doente gemeu baixinho. The doctor closed the door as softly as he had opened it and turned a drawn face upon Kate Cumberland. O médico fechou a porta com a mesma delicadeza com que a abrira e virou o rosto para Kate Cumberland.

"I don't understand; it isn't possible!" he whispered.

"No one understands," said the girl, and smiled mirthlessly. "Ninguém entende", disse a garota, e sorriu sem alegria. "Don't try to, Doctor Byrne. "Não tente, doutor Byrne. Go to bed, and sleep. If you can. Good night." "But you," said Byrne, following her, "are almost as ill as your father. "Mas você", disse Byrne, seguindo-a, "está quase tão doente quanto seu pai. Is there nothing I can do for you?" "You?" she asked, surprised. "No, nothing." "But there's not the slightest colour in your face. "Mas não há a menor cor em seu rosto. And you are trembling, Miss Cumberland!" She did not seem to hear him.

"Will he stay?" "Ele vai ficar?" she asked of herself. ela perguntou a si mesma. "Will he leave before the morning?" "I shall see that he stays," said the doctor. "Vou providenciar para que ele fique", disse o médico. "I will stay here outside the door and see that he does not leave, if you wish." "Vou ficar aqui do lado de fora e cuidar para que ele não saia, se você quiser." Once more she smiled in that baffling manner. Mais uma vez ela sorriu daquela maneira desconcertante.

"Could you keep the wind from blowing, Doctor Byrne? "Você poderia impedir que o vento soprasse, doutor Byrne? If I thought that he could be kept——" she stopped. Se eu achasse que ele poderia ser mantido——” ela parou. "He has forgotten us. "Ele se esqueceu de nós. He has forgotten all of us except Dad. And if Dad cannot keep him, nothing will keep him. It's useless for you to wait here. Good night again, Doctor Byrne." He watched her up the stairs. Ele a observou subir as escadas. By the dim light he saw her hand catching at the balustrade as if she were drawing herself up, step by step. À luz fraca, ele viu a mão dela agarrando a balaustrada como se ela estivesse se levantando, passo a passo. When she reached the landing and turned half towards him, he saw that her head was fallen. Quando ela chegou ao patamar e se virou meio para ele, ele viu que a cabeça dela estava caída.

"Not a glance, not a thought for me," murmured the doctor. "Nem um olhar, nem um pensamento para mim", murmurou o médico. "But if the stranger does leave——" Instead of finishing the muttered sentences, he drew a chair back against the wall and sat down with folded hands to wait. "Mas se o estranho for embora..." Em vez de terminar as frases murmuradas, ele encostou uma cadeira na parede e sentou-se com as mãos cruzadas para esperar.