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TED Talks 2019 + Video, Elizabeth Dunn / Helping others makes us happier — but it matters how we do it

Elizabeth Dunn / Helping others makes us happier — but it matters how we do it

So, I have a pretty fun job, which is to figure out what makes people happy. It's so fun, it might almost seen a little frivolous, especially at a time where we're being confronted with some pretty depressing headlines. But it turns out that studying happiness might provide a key to solving some of the toughest problems we're facing. It's taken me almost a decade to figure this out. Pretty early on in my career, I published a paper in "Science" with my collaborators, entitled, "Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness. " I was very confident in this conclusion, except for one thing: it didn't seem to apply to me. (Laughter)

I hardly ever gave money to charity, and when I did, I didn't feel that warm glow I was expecting. So I started to wonder if maybe there was something wrong with my research or something wrong with me. My own lackluster emotional response to giving was especially puzzling because my follow-up studies revealed that even toddlers exhibited joy from giving to others.

In one experiment, my colleagues Kiley Hamlin, Lara Aknin and I brought kids just under the age of two into the lab. Now, as you might imagine, we had to work with a resource that toddlers really care about, so we used the toddler equivalent of gold, namely, Goldfish crackers. (Laughter)

We gave kids this windfall of Goldfish for themselves and a chance to give some of their Goldfish away to a puppet named Monkey.

(Video) Researcher: I found even more treats, and I'm going to give them all to you. Toddler: Ooh. Thank you.

Researcher: But, you know, I don't see any more treats. Will you give one to Monkey?

Toddler: Yeah.

Researcher: Yeah?

Toddler: Yeah.


Researcher: Ooh, yummy. Mmmm.

Toddler: All gone, he ate it.

Elizabeth Dunn: Now, we trained research assistants to watch these videos and code toddlers' emotional reactions. Of course, we didn't tell them our hypotheses. The data revealed that toddlers were pretty happy when they got this pile of Goldfish for themselves, but they were actually even happier when they got to give some of their Goldfish away.

And this warm glow of giving persists into adulthood. When we analyzed surveys from more than 200,000 adults across the globe, we saw that nearly a third of the world's population reported giving at least some money to charity in the past month. Remarkably, in every major region of the world, people who gave money to charity were happier than those who did not, even after taking into account their own personal financial situation. And this correlation wasn't trivial. It looked like giving to charity made about the same difference for happiness as having twice as much income.

Now, as a researcher, if you're lucky enough to stumble on an effect that replicates around the world in children and adults alike, you start to wonder: Could this be part of human nature? We know that pleasure reinforces adaptive behaviors like eating and sex that help perpetuate our species, and it looked to me like giving might be one of those behaviors.

I was really excited about these ideas, and I wrote about them in the "New York Times. " One of the people who read this article was my accountant. (Laughter)


At tax time, I found myself seated across from him, watching as he slowly tapped his pen on the charitable giving line of my tax return with this look of, like, poorly concealed disapproval. (Laughter)

Despite building my career by showing how great giving can feel, I actually wasn't doing very much of it. So I resolved to give more.

Around that time, devastating stories about the Syrian refugee crisis were everywhere. I really wanted to help, so I pulled out my credit card. I knew my donations would probably make a difference for someone somewhere, but going to the website of an effective charity and entering my Visa number still just didn't feel like enough. That's when I learned about the Group of Five. The Canadian government allows any five Canadians to privately sponsor a family of refugees. You have to raise enough money to support the family for their first year in Canada, and then they literally get on a plane to your city. One of the things that I think is so cool about this program is that no one is allowed to do it alone. And instead of a Group of Five, we ended up partnering with a community organization and forming a group of 25. After almost two years of paperwork and waiting, we learned that our family would be arriving in Vancouver in less than six weeks. They had four sons and a daughter, so we raced to find them a place to live. We were very lucky to find them a house, but it needed quite a bit of work. So my friends came out on evenings and weekends and painted and cleaned and assembled furniture.

When the big day came, we filled their fridge with milk and fresh fruit and headed to the airport to meet our family. It was a little overwhelming for everyone, especially the four-year-old. His mother was reunited with her sister who had come to Canada earlier through the same program. They hadn't seen each other in 15 years. When you hear that more than 5.6 million refugees have fled Syria, you're faced with this tragedy that the human brain hasn't really evolved to comprehend. It's so abstract. Before, if any of us had been asked to donate 15 hours a month to help out with the refugee crisis, we probably would have said no. But as soon as we took our family to their new home in Vancouver, we all had the same realization: we were just going to do whatever it took to help them be happy.

This experience made me think a little more deeply about my research. Back in my lab, we'd seen the benefits of giving spike when people felt a real sense of connection with those they were helping and could easily envision the difference they were making in those individuals' lives. For example, in one experiment, we gave participants an opportunity to donate a bit of money to either UNICEF or Spread the Net. We chose these charities intentionally, because they were partners and shared the same critically important goal of promoting children's health. But I think UNICEF is just such a big, broad charity that it can be a little hard to envision how your own small donation will make a difference. In contrast, Spread the Net offers donors a concrete promise: for every 10 dollars donated, they provide one bed net to protect a child from malaria.

We saw that the more money people gave to Spread the Net, the happier they reported feeling afterward. In contrast, this emotional return on investment was completely eliminated when people gave money to UNICEF. So this suggests that just giving money to a worthwhile charity isn't always enough. You need to be able to envision how, exactly, your dollars are going to make a difference.

Of course, the Group of Five program takes this idea to a whole new level. When we first took on this project, we would talk about when the refugees would arrive. Now, we just refer to them as our family. Recently, we took the kids ice skating, and later that day, my six-year-old, Oliver, asked me, "Mommy, who is the oldest kid in our family? " I assumed he was talking about his plethora of cousins, and he was talking about them, but also about our Syrian family. Since our family arrived, so many people and organizations have offered to help, providing everything from free dental fillings to summer camps. It's made me see the goodness that exists in our community. Thanks to one donation, the kids got to go to bike camp, and every day of the week, some member of our group tried to be there to cheer for them. I happened to be there the day the training wheels were supposed to come off, and let me tell you, the four-year-old did not think this was a good idea. So I went over and talked to him about the long-term benefits of riding without training wheels. (Laughter)

Then I remembered that he was four and barely spoke English. So I reverted to two words he definitely knew: ice cream. You try without training wheels, I'll buy you ice cream. Here's what happened next. (Video) ED: Yes. Yeah!

Kid: I'm gonna try. ED: Oh my God! Look at you go!

(Squealing) Look at you go! You're doing it all by yourself! (Audience) (Laughter)

(Video) ED: Good job! (Audience) (Laughter) (Applause)

ED: So this is the kind of helping that human beings evolved to enjoy, but for 40 years, Canada was the only country in the world that allowed private citizens to sponsor refugees.

Now -- Canada! (Applause)

It's pretty great. Now Australia and the UK are starting up similar programs. Just imagine how different the refugee crisis could look if more countries made this possible.

Creating these kinds of meaningful connections between individuals provides an opportunity to deal with challenges that feel overwhelming. One of those challenges lies just blocks from where I'm standing right now, in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. By some measures, it's the poorest urban postal code in Canada. We actually debated whether to bring over a family of refugees, because there are so many people right here already struggling. My friend Evan told me that when he was a kid and his parents drove through this neighborhood, he would duck down in the back seat. But Evan's parents never would have guessed that when he grew up, he would open up the doors of a local restaurant and invite this community inside to enjoy three-course dinners. The program that Evan helped build is called "Plenty of Plates," and the goal is not just to provide free meals but to create moments of connection between people who otherwise might never make eye contact. Each night, a local business sponsors the dinner and sends a team of volunteers who help make and serve the meal. Afterward, the leftovers get distributed to people who are out on the street, and importantly, there's enough money left to provide a thousand free lunches for this community in the days that follow. But the benefits of this program extend beyond food. For the volunteers, it provides an opportunity to engage with people, to sit down and hear their stories. After this experience, one volunteer changed his commute so that instead of avoiding this neighborhood, he walks through it, smiling or making eye contact as he passes familiar faces.

All of us are capable of finding joy in giving. But we shouldn't expect this to happen automatically. Spending money helping others doesn't necessarily promote happiness. Instead, it matters how we do it. And if we want people to give more, we need to subvert the way we think about charitable giving. We need to create opportunities to give that enable us to appreciate our shared humanity. If any of you work for a charity, don't reward your donors with pens or calendars. (Applause)

Reward them with the opportunity to see the specific impact that their generosity is having and to connect with the individuals and communities they're helping. We're used to thinking about giving as something we should do. And it is. But in thinking about it this way, we're missing out on one of the best parts of being human: that we have evolved to find joy in helping others. Let's stop thinking about giving as just this moral obligation and start thinking of it as a source of pleasure. Thank you.


Elizabeth Dunn / Helping others makes us happier — but it matters how we do it Elizabeth Dunn / Anderen zu helfen macht uns glücklicher - aber es kommt darauf an, wie wir es tun Elizabeth Dunn / Ayudar a los demás nos hace más felices, pero importa cómo lo hagamos Elizabeth Dunn / Aider les autres nous rend plus heureux - mais la façon dont nous le faisons est importante Elizabeth Dunn / Aiutare gli altri ci rende più felici, ma è importante come lo facciamo エリザベス・ダン / 人助けは私たちを幸せにする - しかし、どうやるかが重要 엘리자베스 던 / 다른 사람을 돕는 것은 우리를 더 행복하게 하지만, 어떻게 하느냐가 중요합니다. Elizabeth Dunn / Pomaganie innym czyni nas szczęśliwszymi - ale ważne jest, jak to robimy Elizabeth Dunn / Ajudar os outros torna-nos mais felizes - mas é importante a forma como o fazemos Элизабет Данн / Помощь другим делает нас счастливее - но важно, как мы это делаем Elizabeth Dunn / Att hjälpa andra gör oss lyckligare - men det spelar roll hur vi gör det Elizabeth Dunn / Başkalarına yardım etmek bizi daha mutlu ediyor - ama bunu nasıl yaptığımız önemli 伊丽莎白-邓恩(Elizabeth Dunn)/帮助他人让我们更快乐--但如何帮助他人很重要

So, I have a pretty fun job, which is to figure out what makes people happy. Ich habe also eine ziemlich lustige Aufgabe, nämlich herauszufinden, was die Menschen glücklich macht. Quindi, ho un lavoro piuttosto divertente, che consiste nel capire cosa rende felici le persone. It's so fun, it might almost seen a little frivolous, especially at a time where we're being confronted with some pretty depressing headlines. |||||||||not serious||||||||||||| C'est tellement amusant que cela peut paraître un peu frivole, surtout à une époque où nous sommes confrontés à des titres plutôt déprimants. É tão divertido que pode quase parecer um pouco frívolo, especialmente em um momento em que estamos sendo confrontados com algumas manchetes bastante deprimentes. O kadar eğlenceli ki, özellikle de oldukça iç karartıcı manşetlerle karşı karşıya kaldığımız bir dönemde, neredeyse biraz anlamsız görünebilir. 它是如此有趣,它可能看起來有點輕浮,特別是在我們面對一些令人沮喪的頭條新聞的時候。 But it turns out that studying happiness might provide a key to solving some of the toughest problems we're facing. Ma si scopre che lo studio della felicità potrebbe fornire una chiave per risolvere alcuni dei problemi più difficili che stiamo affrontando. しかし、幸福を研究することは、私たちが直面している最も困難な問題のいくつかを解決するための鍵を提供するかもしれないことがわかりました。 Mas acontece que estudar a felicidade pode fornecer a chave para resolver alguns dos problemas mais difíceis que enfrentamos. Ancak mutluluğu incelemenin, karşı karşıya olduğumuz en zorlu sorunlardan bazılarını çözmek için bir anahtar sağlayabileceği ortaya çıktı. It's taken me almost a decade to figure this out. Mi ci è voluto quasi un decennio per capirlo. Bunu anlamam neredeyse on yılımı aldı. Pretty early on in my career, I published a paper in "Science" with my collaborators, entitled, "Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness. Bem no início da minha carreira, publiquei um artigo na revista "Science" com meus colaboradores, intitulado "Gastar dinheiro com os outros promove a felicidade". Kariyerimin oldukça başlarında, çalışma arkadaşlarımla birlikte "Science" dergisinde "Başkalarına Para Harcamak Mutluluğu Artırır" başlıklı bir makale yayınladım. " I was very confident in this conclusion, except for one thing: it didn't seem to apply to me. |||||||||||||||pertain to|| "Ich war sehr zuversichtlich, was diese Schlussfolgerung anging, bis auf eine Sache: Sie schien nicht auf mich zuzutreffen. " Ero molto fiducioso in questa conclusione, tranne che per una cosa: non sembrava applicarsi a me. " Bu sonuca çok güveniyordum, tek bir şey dışında: benim için geçerli görünmüyordu. (Laughter)

I hardly ever gave money to charity, and when I did, I didn't feel that warm glow I was expecting. Je n'ai pratiquement jamais donné d'argent à des œuvres caritatives et, lorsque je l'ai fait, je n'ai pas ressenti la chaleur à laquelle je m'attendais. Non ho quasi mai fatto beneficenza e quando l'ho fatta non ho sentito il calore che mi aspettavo. Eu quase nunca dava dinheiro para caridade e, quando o fazia, não sentia aquele brilho quente que esperava. Я почти никогда не жертвовал деньги на благотворительность, а когда и делал, то не чувствовал того теплого сияния, которого ожидал. Neredeyse hiç hayır kurumlarına para vermedim ve verdiğimde de beklediğim o sıcak parıltıyı hissetmedim. So I started to wonder if maybe there was something wrong with my research or something wrong with me. Поэтому я начал задаваться вопросом, может быть, что-то не так с моими исследованиями или что-то не так со мной. My own lackluster emotional response to giving was especially puzzling because my follow-up studies revealed that even toddlers exhibited joy from giving to others. |||||||||||||||||||showed||||| ||mancante di entusiasmo||||||||||||||||bambini|||||| Meine eigene glanzlose emotionale Reaktion auf das Geben war besonders rätselhaft, da meine Nachforschungen ergaben, dass selbst Kleinkinder Freude am Geben an andere zeigten. Minha própria resposta emocional sem brilho à doação foi especialmente intrigante porque meus estudos de acompanhamento revelaram que mesmo as crianças pequenas exibiam alegria ao dar aos outros. Моя собственная тусклая эмоциональная реакция на даяние вызывала особое недоумение, потому что мои последующие исследования показали, что даже малыши проявляют радость от того, что дают другим. Benim bağış yapmaya karşı gösterdiğim cansız duygusal tepki özellikle şaşırtıcıydı çünkü takip eden çalışmalarım, yeni yürümeye başlayan çocukların bile başkalarına bağış yapmaktan sevinç duyduğunu ortaya koydu.

In one experiment, my colleagues Kiley Hamlin, Lara Aknin and I brought kids just under the age of two into the lab. В одном из экспериментов мои коллеги Кайли Хэмлин, Лара Акнин и я привели в лабораторию детей младше двух лет. Now, as you might imagine, we had to work with a resource that toddlers really care about, so we used the toddler equivalent of gold, namely, Goldfish crackers. Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, nous avons dû travailler avec une ressource à laquelle les tout-petits sont très attachés. Nous avons donc utilisé l'équivalent de l'or pour les tout-petits, à savoir les biscuits Goldfish. Come potete immaginare, dovevamo lavorare con una risorsa a cui i bambini tengono molto, quindi abbiamo usato l'equivalente dell'oro per i bambini, ovvero i cracker Goldfish. Теперь, как вы можете себе представить, нам пришлось работать с ресурсом, который действительно важен для малышей, поэтому мы использовали эквивалент золота для малышей, а именно крекеры «Золотая рыбка». Şimdi, tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi, küçük çocukların gerçekten önem verdiği bir kaynakla çalışmak zorundaydık, bu yüzden altının küçük çocuklardaki eşdeğerini, yani Japon Balığı krakerlerini kullandık. (Laughter)

We gave kids this windfall of Goldfish for themselves and a chance to give some of their Goldfish away to a puppet named Monkey. Wir gaben den Kindern die Möglichkeit, Goldfische für sich selbst zu sammeln und einige ihrer Goldfische an eine Marionette namens Monkey zu verschenken. Nous avons donné aux enfants cette manne de poissons rouges pour eux-mêmes et une chance de donner certains de leurs poissons rouges à une marionnette nommée Monkey. Мы дали детям эту непредвиденную удачу Золотых рыбок для себя и возможность отдать часть своих Золотых рыбок марионетке по имени Обезьяна.

(Video) Researcher: I found even more treats, and I'm going to give them all to you. (Video) Forscher: Ich habe noch mehr Leckereien gefunden, und ich werde sie dir alle geben. (Vidéo) Chercheur : J'ai trouvé encore plus de friandises et je vais toutes vous les donner. (Видео) Исследователь: Я нашел еще больше угощений и собираюсь отдать их вам. Toddler: Ooh. Thank you.

Researcher: But, you know, I don't see any more treats. Forscherin: Aber ich sehe keine Leckereien mehr. Chercheur : Mais, vous savez, je ne vois pas d'autres friandises. Pesquisadora: Mas, sabe, não vejo mais mimos. Исследователь: Но, знаете, я больше не вижу угощений. Will you give one to Monkey? Ты дашь одну Обезьяне?

Toddler: Yeah.

Researcher: Yeah?

Toddler: Yeah.


Researcher: Ooh, yummy. Исследователь: О, вкусно. Mmmm.

Toddler: All gone, he ate it. Criança: Tudo se foi, ele comeu. Малыш: Все пропало, он это съел. Yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuk: Hepsi gitti, o yedi.

Elizabeth Dunn: Now, we trained research assistants to watch these videos and code toddlers' emotional reactions. Elizabeth Dunn: Wir haben Forschungsassistenten ausgebildet, die sich diese Videos ansehen und die emotionalen Reaktionen der Kleinkinder kodieren. Elizabeth Dunn: Agora, treinamos assistentes de pesquisa para assistir a esses vídeos e codificar as reações emocionais das crianças. Elizabeth Dunn: Şimdi, araştırma asistanlarını bu videoları izlemeleri ve küçük çocukların duygusal tepkilerini kodlamaları için eğittik. Of course, we didn't tell them our hypotheses. The data revealed that toddlers were pretty happy when they got this pile of Goldfish for themselves, but they were actually even happier when they got to give some of their Goldfish away. Die Daten zeigten, dass Kleinkinder ziemlich glücklich waren, als sie diesen Haufen Goldfische für sich selbst bekamen, aber sie waren sogar noch glücklicher, als sie einige ihrer Goldfische verschenken durften. Данные показали, что малыши были очень счастливы, когда получали эту кучу золотых рыбок для себя, но на самом деле они были еще счастливее, когда им приходилось отдавать часть своих золотых рыбок.

And this warm glow of giving persists into adulthood. ||||||||взрослая жизнь Und dieses warme Glühen des Gebens hält bis ins Erwachsenenalter an. И это теплое свечение отдачи сохраняется и во взрослой жизни. Ve bu sıcak bağış parıltısı yetişkinlikte de devam eder. When we analyzed surveys from more than 200,000 adults across the globe, we saw that nearly a third of the world's population reported giving at least some money to charity in the past month. L'analyse d'enquêtes menées auprès de plus de 200 000 adultes dans le monde entier a révélé que près d'un tiers de la population mondiale a déclaré avoir donné au moins un peu d'argent à des œuvres de bienfaisance au cours du mois écoulé. Quando analisamos pesquisas com mais de 200.000 adultos em todo o mundo, vimos que quase um terço da população mundial relatou doar pelo menos algum dinheiro para caridade no mês passado. Когда мы проанализировали опросы более чем 200 000 взрослых по всему миру, мы увидели, что почти треть населения мира сообщила, что в прошлом месяце пожертвовала хотя бы немного денег на благотворительность. Dünya genelinde 200.000'den fazla yetişkinin katıldığı anketleri analiz ettiğimizde, dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık üçte birinin geçtiğimiz ay içinde hayır kurumlarına en azından bir miktar para verdiğini gördük. Remarkably, in every major region of the world, people who gave money to charity were happier than those who did not, even after taking into account their own personal financial situation. Bemerkenswerterweise waren in jeder größeren Region der Welt Menschen, die Geld für wohltätige Zwecke spendeten, glücklicher als diejenigen, die dies nicht taten, selbst wenn man ihre persönliche finanzielle Situation berücksichtigte. Fait remarquable, dans toutes les grandes régions du monde, les personnes qui donnent de l'argent à des œuvres de charité sont plus heureuses que celles qui ne le font pas, même en tenant compte de leur situation financière personnelle. Notavelmente, em todas as grandes regiões do mundo, as pessoas que doavam dinheiro para caridade eram mais felizes do que aquelas que não o faziam, mesmo depois de levar em consideração sua própria situação financeira pessoal. Примечательно, что в каждом крупном регионе мира люди, которые жертвовали деньги на благотворительность, были счастливее тех, кто этого не делал, даже с учетом их личного финансового положения. Dikkat çekici bir şekilde, dünyanın her büyük bölgesinde, hayır kurumlarına para veren insanlar, kendi kişisel mali durumlarını hesaba kattıktan sonra bile, vermeyenlere göre daha mutluydu. And this correlation wasn't trivial. ||connection||significant И эта корреляция не была тривиальной. It looked like giving to charity made about the same difference for happiness as having twice as much income. Es sah so aus, als ob eine Spende für wohltätige Zwecke ungefähr den gleichen Einfluss auf das Glücksempfinden hat wie ein doppelt so hohes Einkommen. Il semblerait que le fait de donner à des œuvres caritatives fasse à peu près la même différence en termes de bonheur que le fait de disposer d'un revenu deux fois plus élevé. Parecia que doar para caridade fazia a mesma diferença para a felicidade do que ter o dobro de renda. Выглядело так, будто пожертвования на благотворительность имели примерно такое же значение для счастья, как и получение вдвое большего дохода. Görünüşe göre hayır kurumlarına bağışta bulunmak mutluluk açısından iki kat daha fazla gelire sahip olmakla aynı farkı yaratıyor.

Now, as a researcher, if you're lucky enough to stumble on an effect that replicates around the world in children and adults alike, you start to wonder: Could this be part of human nature? Теперь, как исследователь, если вам посчастливилось наткнуться на эффект, который повторяется во всем мире как у детей, так и у взрослых, вы начинаете задаваться вопросом: может ли это быть частью человеческой природы? Şimdi, bir araştırmacı olarak, dünyanın dört bir yanında hem çocuklarda hem de yetişkinlerde tekrarlanan bir etkiye rastlayacak kadar şanslıysanız, merak etmeye başlarsınız: Bu insan doğasının bir parçası olabilir mi? We know that pleasure reinforces adaptive behaviors like eating and sex that help perpetuate our species, and it looked to me like giving might be one of those behaviors. |||||||||||||sustain||||||||||||||| Wir wissen, dass Vergnügen adaptive Verhaltensweisen wie Essen und Sex verstärkt, die dazu beitragen, unsere Spezies zu erhalten, und es sah für mich so aus, als ob das Geben eine dieser Verhaltensweisen sein könnte. Sabemos que o prazer reforça comportamentos adaptativos como comer e sexo que ajudam a perpetuar nossa espécie, e me pareceu que dar pode ser um desses comportamentos. Мы знаем, что удовольствие подкрепляет адаптивное поведение, такое как еда и секс, которые помогают сохранить наш вид, и мне показалось, что даяние может быть одним из таких действий. Hazzın, türümüzün devamına yardımcı olan yemek yeme ve seks gibi uyarlanabilir davranışları güçlendirdiğini biliyoruz ve bana vermek de bu davranışlardan biri olabilirmiş gibi geldi.

I was really excited about these ideas, and I wrote about them in the "New York Times. " One of the people who read this article was my accountant. (Laughter)


At tax time, I found myself seated across from him, watching as he slowly tapped his pen on the charitable giving line of my tax return with this look of, like, poorly concealed disapproval. Au moment de la déclaration d'impôts, je me suis retrouvée assise en face de lui, à le regarder tapoter lentement son stylo sur la ligne des dons de charité de ma déclaration d'impôts, avec un air de désapprobation mal dissimulée. Al momento delle tasse, mi sono ritrovata seduta di fronte a lui, a guardare mentre batteva lentamente la penna sulla riga delle donazioni di beneficenza della mia dichiarazione dei redditi con uno sguardo di disapprovazione mal celato. Na hora do imposto, eu me encontrei sentada em frente a ele, observando enquanto ele batia lentamente a caneta na fila de caridade da minha declaração de imposto com esse olhar de desaprovação mal disfarçada. Во время уплаты налогов я обнаружил, что сижу напротив него и наблюдаю, как он медленно постукивает ручкой по строке о благотворительных пожертвованиях в моей налоговой декларации с выражением плохо скрываемого неодобрения. Vergi zamanı, kendimi onun karşısında oturmuş, kalemini vergi beyannamemin hayırsever bağışlar satırına yavaşça vururken izlerken buldum, sanki kötü bir şekilde gizlenmiş bir onaylamama bakışıyla. 在納稅時間,我發現自己坐在他的對面,看著他慢慢地用筆在我的納稅申報表的慈善捐贈行上輕拍,看起來像是隱瞞了一點不贊成。 (Laughter)

Despite building my career by showing how great giving can feel, I actually wasn't doing very much of it. Несмотря на то, что я строил свою карьеру, показывая, как приятно давать, на самом деле я мало этим занимался. Kariyerimi vermenin ne kadar harika bir duygu olduğunu göstererek inşa etmeme rağmen, aslında bunu çok fazla yapmıyordum. So I resolved to give more. ||decided||| Also habe ich mir vorgenommen, mehr zu geben. Поэтому я решил дать больше. Bu yüzden daha fazlasını vermeye karar verdim.

Around that time, devastating stories about the Syrian refugee crisis were everywhere. ||||||||displaced person||| Примерно в то время разрушительные истории о кризисе сирийских беженцев были повсюду. O sıralarda, Suriyeli mülteci kriziyle ilgili yıkıcı hikayeler her yerdeydi. I really wanted to help, so I pulled out my credit card. Я действительно хотел помочь, поэтому вытащил свою кредитную карту. Gerçekten yardım etmek istedim ve kredi kartımı çıkardım. I knew my donations would probably make a difference for someone somewhere, but going to the website of an effective charity and entering my Visa number still just didn't feel like enough. Je savais que mes dons feraient probablement la différence pour quelqu'un quelque part, mais aller sur le site web d'une organisation caritative efficace et entrer mon numéro de Visa ne me paraissait toujours pas suffisant. Eu sabia que minhas doações provavelmente fariam a diferença para alguém em algum lugar, mas ir ao site de uma instituição de caridade eficaz e digitar meu número de visto ainda não parecia suficiente. Я знал, что мои пожертвования, возможно, кому-то помогут, но зайти на веб-сайт эффективной благотворительной организации и ввести свой номер визы все равно было недостаточно. Bağışlarımın muhtemelen bir yerlerde birileri için fark yaratacağını biliyordum, ancak etkili bir hayır kurumunun web sitesine gidip Visa numaramı girmek yine de yeterli gelmiyordu. That's when I learned about the Group of Five. Именно тогда я узнал о «Группе пяти». The Canadian government allows any five Canadians to privately sponsor a family of refugees. Die kanadische Regierung erlaubt fünf Kanadiern, privat eine Flüchtlingsfamilie zu unterstützen. Le gouvernement canadien permet à cinq Canadiens de parrainer à titre privé une famille de réfugiés. O governo canadense permite que cinco canadenses apadrinhem privadamente uma família de refugiados. Правительство Канады разрешает любым пяти канадцам в частном порядке спонсировать семью беженцев. You have to raise enough money to support the family for their first year in Canada, and then they literally get on a plane to your city. Vous devez collecter suffisamment d'argent pour subvenir aux besoins de la famille pendant sa première année au Canada, puis elle prend littéralement l'avion pour se rendre dans votre ville. Você tem que levantar dinheiro suficiente para sustentar a família no primeiro ano no Canadá, e então eles literalmente pegam um avião para sua cidade. Вы должны собрать достаточно денег, чтобы прокормить семью в течение их первого года в Канаде, а затем они буквально садятся в самолет до вашего города. Aileyi Kanada'daki ilk yıllarında geçindirecek kadar para toplamanız gerekiyor ve ardından kelimenin tam anlamıyla uçağa binip şehrinize geliyorlar. One of the things that I think is so cool about this program is that no one is allowed to do it alone. L'un des aspects les plus intéressants de ce programme est que personne n'est autorisé à le faire seul. Одна из вещей, которые я считаю такими классными в этой программе, это то, что никто не может делать это в одиночку. Bu programın en güzel yanlarından biri de kimsenin bunu tek başına yapmasına izin verilmemesi. And instead of a Group of Five, we ended up partnering with a community organization and forming a group of 25. Et au lieu d'un groupe de cinq, nous avons fini par nous associer à une organisation communautaire et former un groupe de 25 personnes. E em vez de um Grupo de Cinco, acabamos fazendo parceria com uma organização comunitária e formando um grupo de 25. И вместо «Группы пяти» мы стали партнерами общественной организации и сформировали группу из 25 человек. Beş kişilik bir grup yerine, bir toplum kuruluşuyla ortaklık kurduk ve 25 kişilik bir grup oluşturduk. After almost two years of paperwork and waiting, we learned that our family would be arriving in Vancouver in less than six weeks. |||||бумажная волокита||||||||||||||||| После почти двух лет оформления документов и ожидания мы узнали, что наша семья прибудет в Ванкувер менее чем через шесть недель. Neredeyse iki yıl süren evrak işleri ve bekleyişin ardından ailemizin altı haftadan kısa bir süre içinde Vancouver'a varacağını öğrendik. They had four sons and a daughter, so we raced to find them a place to live. У них было четверо сыновей и дочь, поэтому мы бросились искать им жилье. Dört oğulları ve bir kızları vardı, bu yüzden onlara yaşayacak bir yer bulmak için acele ettik. We were very lucky to find them a house, but it needed quite a bit of work. So my friends came out on evenings and weekends and painted and cleaned and assembled furniture. Also kamen meine Freunde an den Abenden und Wochenenden und malten, putzten und bauten Möbel zusammen. Bu yüzden arkadaşlarım akşamları ve hafta sonları gelip boyadılar, temizlediler ve mobilya monte ettiler.

When the big day came, we filled their fridge with milk and fresh fruit and headed to the airport to meet our family. Büyük gün geldiğinde buzdolaplarını süt ve taze meyvelerle doldurduk ve ailemizi karşılamak üzere havaalanına doğru yola çıktık. It was a little overwhelming for everyone, especially the four-year-old. Herkes için biraz bunaltıcıydı, özellikle de dört yaşındaki çocuk için. His mother was reunited with her sister who had come to Canada earlier through the same program. Sa mère a été réunie avec sa sœur qui était venue au Canada plus tôt grâce au même programme. Annesi, daha önce aynı programla Kanada'ya gelmiş olan kız kardeşiyle yeniden bir araya geldi. They hadn't seen each other in 15 years. When you hear that more than 5.6 million refugees have fled Syria, you're faced with this tragedy that the human brain hasn't really evolved to comprehend. |||||||displaced persons||||||||||||||||| Quando você ouve que mais de 5,6 milhões de refugiados fugiram da Síria, você se depara com essa tragédia que o cérebro humano não evoluiu para compreender. Когда вы слышите, что более 5,6 миллионов беженцев бежали из Сирии, вы сталкиваетесь с этой трагедией, которую человеческий мозг еще не способен понять. Suriye'den 5,6 milyondan fazla mültecinin kaçtığını duyduğunuzda, insan beyninin kavramak için gerçekten evrimleşmediği bu trajediyle karşı karşıya kalıyorsunuz. It's so abstract. Çok soyut. Before, if any of us had been asked to donate 15 hours a month to help out with the refugee crisis, we probably would have said no. Auparavant, si l'on avait demandé à l'un d'entre nous de consacrer 15 heures par mois à la crise des réfugiés, nous aurions probablement dit non. Antes, se algum de nós tivesse sido solicitado a doar 15 horas por mês para ajudar na crise dos refugiados, provavelmente teríamos dito não. Раньше, если бы кого-то из нас попросили пожертвовать 15 часов в месяц, чтобы помочь с кризисом беженцев, мы, вероятно, сказали бы «нет». Daha önce, herhangi birimizden mülteci krizine yardımcı olmak için ayda 15 saat bağışta bulunmamız istenseydi, muhtemelen hayır derdik. But as soon as we took our family to their new home in Vancouver, we all had the same realization: we were just going to do whatever it took to help them be happy. Но как только мы отвезли нашу семью в их новый дом в Ванкувере, мы все поняли одно и то же: мы просто собирались сделать все возможное, чтобы помочь им быть счастливыми. Ancak ailemizi Vancouver'daki yeni evlerine götürür götürmez hepimiz aynı şeyi fark ettik: Onların mutlu olması için ne gerekiyorsa yapacaktık.

This experience made me think a little more deeply about my research. Diese Erfahrung hat mich dazu veranlasst, ein wenig tiefer über meine Forschung nachzudenken. Этот опыт заставил меня немного глубже задуматься о моем исследовании. Back in my lab, we'd seen the benefits of giving spike when people felt a real sense of connection with those they were helping and could easily envision the difference they were making in those individuals' lives. In meinem Labor haben wir festgestellt, dass Spenden dann sinnvoll sind, wenn die Menschen eine echte Verbindung zu den Menschen haben, denen sie helfen, und wenn sie sich leicht vorstellen können, was sie im Leben dieser Menschen bewirken. Dans mon laboratoire, nous avions constaté les avantages des dons lorsque les gens se sentaient réellement liés à ceux qu'ils aidaient et qu'ils pouvaient facilement imaginer la différence qu'ils faisaient dans la vie de ces personnes. De volta ao meu laboratório, vimos os benefícios de dar um pico quando as pessoas sentiam uma verdadeira sensação de conexão com aqueles que estavam ajudando e podiam facilmente visualizar a diferença que estavam fazendo na vida dessas pessoas. Вернувшись в мою лабораторию, мы убедились в преимуществах спайка, когда люди чувствовали реальное чувство связи с теми, кому они помогали, и могли легко представить себе изменения, которые они вносили в жизнь этих людей. Laboratuvarıma geri döndüğümde, insanlar yardım ettikleri kişilerle gerçek bir bağ hissettiklerinde ve bu bireylerin hayatlarında yarattıkları farkı kolayca hayal edebildiklerinde bağış yapmanın faydalarını görmüştük. For example, in one experiment, we gave participants an opportunity to donate a bit of money to either UNICEF or Spread the Net. In einem Experiment haben wir den Teilnehmern zum Beispiel die Möglichkeit gegeben, einen kleinen Geldbetrag entweder an UNICEF oder Spread the Net zu spenden. Par exemple, dans une expérience, nous avons donné aux participants la possibilité de donner un peu d'argent à l'UNICEF ou à Spread the Net. Например, в одном эксперименте мы дали участникам возможность пожертвовать немного денег либо ЮНИСЕФ, либо Spread the Net. We chose these charities intentionally, because they were partners and shared the same critically important goal of promoting children's health. Nous avons choisi ces organisations caritatives à dessein, parce qu'elles étaient partenaires et partageaient le même objectif crucial de promotion de la santé des enfants. Мы выбрали эти благотворительные фонды намеренно, потому что они были партнерами и разделяли одну и ту же критически важную цель укрепления здоровья детей. Bu hayır kurumlarını bilinçli olarak seçtik, çünkü ortaktılar ve çocuk sağlığını desteklemek gibi kritik öneme sahip aynı hedefi paylaşıyorlardı. But I think UNICEF is just such a big, broad charity that it can be a little hard to envision how your own small donation will make a difference. Aber ich denke, UNICEF ist einfach eine so große, breit gefächerte Wohltätigkeitsorganisation, dass es ein wenig schwierig sein kann, sich vorzustellen, wie eine eigene kleine Spende etwas bewirken kann. Mas acho que o UNICEF é uma instituição de caridade tão grande e ampla que pode ser um pouco difícil imaginar como sua pequena doação fará a diferença. Но я думаю, что ЮНИСЕФ — это такая большая и обширная благотворительная организация, что может быть немного сложно представить, как ваше собственное небольшое пожертвование будет иметь значение. In contrast, Spread the Net offers donors a concrete promise: for every 10 dollars donated, they provide one bed net to protect a child from malaria. Im Gegensatz dazu bietet Spread the Net den Spendern ein konkretes Versprechen: Für jede Spende von 10 Dollar wird ein Moskitonetz bereitgestellt, das ein Kind vor Malaria schützt. Em contraste, Spread the Net oferece aos doadores uma promessa concreta: para cada 10 dólares doados, eles fornecem um mosquiteiro para proteger uma criança da malária. Напротив, Spread the Net предлагает донорам конкретное обещание: на каждые пожертвованные 10 долларов они предоставляют одну надкроватную сетку для защиты ребенка от малярии. Buna karşılık Spread the Net bağışçılara somut bir vaatte bulunuyor: bağışlanan her 10 dolar karşılığında bir çocuğu sıtmadan korumak için bir yatak ağı sağlıyorlar.

We saw that the more money people gave to Spread the Net, the happier they reported feeling afterward. Nous avons constaté que plus les gens donnaient d'argent à Spread the Net, plus ils se sentaient heureux par la suite. Abbiamo visto che più denaro le persone donavano a Spread the Net, più felici si sentivano in seguito. Мы увидели, что чем больше денег люди отдавали Spread the Net, тем счастливее они себя чувствовали после этого. İnsanların Spread the Net'e ne kadar çok para verirlerse, sonrasında o kadar mutlu hissettiklerini bildirdiklerini gördük. In contrast, this emotional return on investment was completely eliminated when people gave money to UNICEF. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde diese emotionale Rendite vollständig eliminiert, wenn die Menschen Geld an UNICEF spendeten. En revanche, ce retour émotionnel sur investissement était complètement éliminé lorsque les gens donnaient de l'argent à l'UNICEF. Напротив, эта эмоциональная отдача от инвестиций была полностью устранена, когда люди жертвовали деньги ЮНИСЕФ. So this suggests that just giving money to a worthwhile charity isn't always enough. ||indicates||||||||||| Таким образом, это говорит о том, что просто отдавать деньги на стоящую благотворительность не всегда достаточно. Bu da değerli bir hayır kurumuna sadece para vermenin her zaman yeterli olmadığını göstermektedir. You need to be able to envision how, exactly, your dollars are going to make a difference. Вы должны быть в состоянии представить себе, как именно ваши доллары будут иметь значение. Verdiğiniz paranın tam olarak nasıl bir fark yaratacağını hayal edebilmeniz gerekir.

Of course, the Group of Five program takes this idea to a whole new level. É claro que o programa do Grupo dos Cinco leva essa ideia a um nível totalmente novo. Конечно, программа «Группа пяти» выводит эту идею на совершенно новый уровень. When we first took on this project, we would talk about when the refugees would arrive. Lorsque nous avons commencé à travailler sur ce projet, nous parlions de la date d'arrivée des réfugiés. Quando assumimos este projeto pela primeira vez, conversávamos sobre quando os refugiados chegariam. Когда мы впервые взялись за этот проект, мы говорили о том, когда прибудут беженцы. Bu projeyi ilk üstlendiğimizde, mültecilerin ne zaman geleceğini konuşurduk. Now, we just refer to them as our family. Jetzt bezeichnen wir sie einfach als unsere Familie. Теперь мы просто называем их своей семьей. Artık onlara sadece ailemiz olarak hitap ediyoruz. Recently, we took the kids ice skating, and later that day, my six-year-old, Oliver, asked me, "Mommy, who is the oldest kid in our family? Geçenlerde çocukları buz patenine götürdük ve o günün ilerleyen saatlerinde altı yaşındaki Oliver bana "Anne, ailemizdeki en büyük çocuk kim?" diye sordu. " I assumed he was talking about his plethora of cousins, and he was talking about them, but also about our Syrian family. |||||||abundance of relatives|||||||||||||| "J'ai supposé qu'il parlait de sa pléthore de cousins, et il parlait d'eux, mais aussi de notre famille syrienne. "Eu assumi que ele estava falando sobre sua infinidade de primos, e ele estava falando sobre eles, mas também sobre nossa família síria. «Я предположил, что он говорил о множестве своих двоюродных братьев, и он говорил о них, а также о нашей сирийской семье. " Çok sayıdaki kuzeninden bahsettiğini düşündüm ve onlardan bahsediyordu ama aynı zamanda bizim Suriyeli ailemizden de bahsediyordu. Since our family arrived, so many people and organizations have offered to help, providing everything from free dental fillings to summer camps. Ailemiz geldiğinden beri pek çok kişi ve kuruluş ücretsiz diş dolgusundan yaz kamplarına kadar her konuda yardım teklifinde bulundu. It's made me see the goodness that exists in our community. Это заставило меня увидеть добро, которое существует в нашем сообществе. Toplumumuzda var olan iyiliği görmemi sağladı. Thanks to one donation, the kids got to go to bike camp, and every day of the week, some member of our group tried to be there to cheer for them. Grâce à un don, les enfants ont pu aller au camp de vélo, et chaque jour de la semaine, un membre de notre groupe a essayé d'être là pour les encourager. Graças a uma doação, as crianças puderam ir ao acampamento de bicicleta, e todos os dias da semana, algum membro do nosso grupo tentava estar lá para torcer por elas. Благодаря одному пожертвованию дети отправились в велолагерь, и каждый день недели кто-нибудь из нашей группы старался быть там, чтобы поболеть за них. I happened to be there the day the training wheels were supposed to come off, and let me tell you, the four-year-old did not think this was a good idea. Ich war zufällig an dem Tag da, an dem die Stützräder abgenommen werden sollten, und ich kann Ihnen sagen, dass der Vierjährige das nicht für eine gute Idee hielt. Il se trouve que j'étais là le jour où les roues d'entraînement étaient censées être enlevées, et laissez-moi vous dire que l'enfant de quatre ans n'a pas pensé que c'était une bonne idée. Acontece que eu estava lá no dia em que as rodinhas deveriam sair, e deixe-me dizer, a criança de quatro anos não achou que isso fosse uma boa ideia. Я оказался там в тот день, когда должны были оторваться тренировочные колеса, и позвольте мне сказать вам, что четырехлетний ребенок не думал, что это хорошая идея. So I went over and talked to him about the long-term benefits of riding without training wheels. Also ging ich zu ihm und sprach mit ihm über die langfristigen Vorteile des Fahrens ohne Stützräder. Então fui até ele e conversei com ele sobre os benefícios a longo prazo de andar sem rodinhas. Ben de yanına gittim ve onunla eğitim tekerlekleri olmadan sürüşün uzun vadeli faydaları hakkında konuştum. (Laughter)

Then I remembered that he was four and barely spoke English. Потом я вспомнил, что ему четыре года, и он почти не говорит по-английски. So I reverted to two words he definitely knew: ice cream. ||went back to|||||||| Так что я вернулся к двум словам, которые он точно знал: мороженое. You try without training wheels, I'll buy you ice cream. Here's what happened next. Вот что произошло дальше. (Video) ED: Yes. Yeah!

Kid: I'm gonna try. ED: Oh my God! Look at you go! Смотри, ты идешь!

(Squealing) Look at you go! (Sieh dich nur an! You're doing it all by yourself! Вы все делаете сами! (Audience) (Laughter)

(Video) ED: Good job! (Audience) (Laughter)   (Applause)

ED: So this is the kind of helping that human beings evolved to enjoy, but for 40 years, Canada was the only country in the world that allowed private citizens to sponsor refugees. ED: Então esse é o tipo de ajuda que os seres humanos evoluíram para desfrutar, mas por 40 anos, o Canadá foi o único país do mundo que permitiu que cidadãos particulares patrocinassem refugiados. ЭД: Таким образом, люди эволюционировали, чтобы наслаждаться такой помощью, но в течение 40 лет Канада была единственной страной в мире, которая позволяла частным лицам спонсировать беженцев.

Now -- Canada! (Applause)

It's pretty great. É ótimo. Это здорово. Now Australia and the UK are starting up similar programs. Сейчас аналогичные программы запускают Австралия и Великобритания. Just imagine how different the refugee crisis could look if more countries made this possible. Только представьте, насколько иначе мог бы выглядеть кризис с беженцами, если бы больше стран сделали это возможным.

Creating these kinds of meaningful connections between individuals provides an opportunity to deal with challenges that feel overwhelming. Die Schaffung dieser Art von sinnvollen Verbindungen zwischen Menschen bietet die Möglichkeit, Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, die sich überwältigend anfühlen. La création de ce type de liens significatifs entre les individus permet de faire face à des défis qui paraissent insurmontables. Creare questo tipo di legami significativi tra gli individui offre l'opportunità di affrontare sfide che sembrano schiaccianti. Criar esses tipos de conexões significativas entre indivíduos oferece uma oportunidade de lidar com desafios que parecem esmagadores. Создание такого рода значимых связей между людьми дает возможность справиться с проблемами, которые кажутся непреодолимыми. Bireyler arasında bu tür anlamlı bağlar kurmak, bunaltıcı gelen zorluklarla başa çıkmak için bir fırsat sağlar. One of those challenges lies just blocks from where I'm standing right now, in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. L'un de ces défis se trouve à quelques pâtés de maisons de l'endroit où je me trouve en ce moment, dans le quartier Downtown Eastside de Vancouver. Um desses desafios fica a apenas alguns quarteirões de onde estou agora, no Downtown Eastside de Vancouver. Одна из этих проблем находится всего в нескольких кварталах от того места, где я сейчас стою, в центре Истсайда Ванкувера. Bu zorluklardan biri, şu anda bulunduğum yerden sadece birkaç blok ötede, Vancouver'ın Doğu Yakası Şehir Merkezi'nde yer alıyor. By some measures, it's the poorest urban postal code in Canada. Nach manchen Maßstäben ist es die ärmste städtische Postleitzahl in Kanada. Selon certains critères, il s'agit du code postal urbain le plus pauvre du Canada. Secondo alcune misure, è il codice postale urbano più povero del Canada. De acordo com algumas medidas, é o código postal urbano mais pobre do Canadá. По некоторым меркам это самый бедный городской почтовый индекс в Канаде. Bazı ölçümlere göre, Kanada'daki en fakir kentsel posta kodu. We actually debated whether to bring over a family of refugees, because there are so many people right here already struggling. Nous nous sommes demandé si nous devions faire venir une famille de réfugiés, parce qu'il y a tellement de gens ici qui sont déjà en difficulté. Na verdade, debatemos se deveríamos trazer uma família de refugiados, porque há muitas pessoas aqui já lutando. На самом деле мы обсуждали, стоит ли привозить семью беженцев, потому что здесь так много людей, которые уже борются. Aslında bir mülteci aileyi getirip getirmemeyi tartıştık, çünkü burada zaten mücadele eden çok fazla insan var. My friend Evan told me that when he was a kid and his parents drove through this neighborhood, he would duck down in the back seat. Mon ami Evan m'a raconté que lorsqu'il était enfant et que ses parents traversaient ce quartier en voiture, il se cachait sur le siège arrière. Meu amigo Evan me disse que quando ele era criança e seus pais dirigiam por este bairro, ele se abaixava no banco de trás. Мой друг Эван сказал мне, что когда он был ребенком и его родители проезжали по этому району, он нырял на заднее сиденье. Arkadaşım Evan bana, çocukken ailesi arabayla bu mahalleden geçerken arka koltuğa eğildiğini anlattı. 我的朋友埃文(Evan)告訴我,當他還是個孩子的時候,他的父母開車駛過這個街區時,他會蹲在後座上。 But Evan's parents never would have guessed that when he grew up, he would open up the doors of a local restaurant and invite this community inside to enjoy three-course dinners. Mais les parents d'Evan n'auraient jamais imaginé qu'une fois adulte, il ouvrirait les portes d'un restaurant local et inviterait cette communauté à l'intérieur pour y déguster des dîners à trois plats. Mas os pais de Evan nunca teriam imaginado que, quando ele crescesse, ele abriria as portas de um restaurante local e convidaria essa comunidade a entrar para desfrutar de jantares de três pratos. Но родители Эвана никогда бы не подумали, что, когда он вырастет, он откроет двери местного ресторана и пригласит всю общину внутрь, чтобы насладиться ужином из трех блюд. The program that Evan helped build is called "Plenty of Plates," and the goal is not just to provide free meals but to create moments of connection between people who otherwise might never make eye contact. O programa que Evan ajudou a construir se chama "Plenty of Plates", e o objetivo não é apenas fornecer refeições gratuitas, mas criar momentos de conexão entre pessoas que, de outra forma, nunca fariam contato visual. Программа, которую помог создать Эван, называется «Много тарелок», и ее цель — не просто предоставить бесплатную еду, но и создать моменты связи между людьми, которые в противном случае никогда бы не встретились взглядами. Each night, a local business sponsors the dinner and sends a team of volunteers who help make and serve the meal. Todas as noites, uma empresa local patrocina o jantar e envia uma equipe de voluntários que ajudam a preparar e servir a refeição. Каждый вечер местный бизнес спонсирует ужин и отправляет команду волонтеров, которые помогают приготовить и подать еду. Afterward, the leftovers get distributed to people who are out on the street, and importantly, there's enough money left to provide a thousand free lunches for this community in the days that follow. Ensuite, les restes sont distribués aux personnes qui vivent dans la rue et, surtout, il reste suffisamment d'argent pour offrir un millier de repas gratuits à cette communauté dans les jours qui suivent. Depois, as sobras são distribuídas para as pessoas que estão na rua e, o mais importante, sobra dinheiro suficiente para fornecer mil almoços gratuitos para essa comunidade nos dias seguintes. После этого остатки распределяются между людьми, которые находятся на улице, и, что важно, остается достаточно денег, чтобы обеспечить тысячу бесплатных обедов для этого сообщества в последующие дни. But the benefits of this program extend beyond food. Mas os benefícios deste programa vão além da alimentação. Но преимущества этой программы выходят за рамки еды. Ancak bu programın faydaları gıdanın ötesine uzanıyor. For the volunteers, it provides an opportunity to engage with people, to sit down and hear their stories. Для волонтеров это дает возможность пообщаться с людьми, сесть и услышать их истории. Gönüllüler için, insanlarla iletişim kurma, oturup hikayelerini dinleme fırsatı sağlıyor. After this experience, one volunteer changed his commute so that instead of avoiding this neighborhood, he walks through it, smiling or making eye contact as he passes familiar faces. Nach dieser Erfahrung änderte ein Freiwilliger seinen Arbeitsweg, so dass er dieses Viertel nicht mehr meidet, sondern durchläuft und lächelt oder Augenkontakt aufnimmt, wenn er an bekannten Gesichtern vorbeikommt. Après cette expérience, un bénévole a modifié son trajet : au lieu d'éviter ce quartier, il le traverse à pied, en souriant ou en établissant un contact visuel lorsqu'il croise des visages familiers. Após essa experiência, um voluntário mudou seu trajeto para que, em vez de evitar esse bairro, passe por ele, sorrindo ou fazendo contato visual ao passar por rostos conhecidos. После этого опыта один доброволец изменил свой маршрут, вместо того, чтобы избегать этого района, он шел по нему, улыбаясь или устанавливая зрительный контакт, проходя мимо знакомых лиц. Bu deneyimden sonra, bir gönüllü işe gidiş geliş saatlerini değiştirdi, böylece bu mahalleden uzak durmak yerine, tanıdık yüzlerin yanından geçerken gülümseyerek veya göz teması kurarak yürüyor.

All of us are capable of finding joy in giving. Hepimiz vermekten keyif alabilecek kapasitedeyiz. But we shouldn't expect this to happen automatically. Spending money helping others doesn't necessarily promote happiness. Geld auszugeben, um anderen zu helfen, fördert nicht unbedingt das Glück. Трата денег на помощь другим не обязательно способствует счастью. Instead, it matters how we do it. Наоборот, важно, как мы это делаем. And if we want people to give more, we need to subvert the way we think about charitable giving. |||||||||||change fundamentally||||||| Und wenn wir wollen, dass die Menschen mehr spenden, müssen wir die Art und Weise, wie wir über wohltätige Spenden denken, umkehren. E se queremos que as pessoas doem mais, precisamos subverter a maneira como pensamos sobre doações de caridade. И если мы хотим, чтобы люди жертвовали больше, нам нужно изменить наше представление о благотворительности. İnsanların daha fazla bağış yapmasını istiyorsak, hayırseverlik konusundaki düşüncelerimizi değiştirmemiz gerekiyor. We need to create opportunities to give that enable us to appreciate our shared humanity. Wir müssen Gelegenheiten zum Geben schaffen, die es uns ermöglichen, unsere gemeinsame Menschlichkeit zu schätzen. Precisamos criar oportunidades para dar que nos permitam apreciar nossa humanidade compartilhada. Нам нужно создавать возможности для отдачи, которые позволят нам ценить нашу общую человечность. Ortak insanlığımızı takdir etmemizi sağlayacak bağış fırsatları yaratmalıyız. If any of you work for a charity, don't reward your donors with pens or calendars. |||||||||||financial supporters|||| Wenn jemand von Ihnen für eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation arbeitet, sollten Sie Ihre Spender nicht mit Kugelschreibern oder Kalendern belohnen. Se algum de vocês trabalha para uma instituição de caridade, não recompense seus doadores com canetas ou calendários. Если кто-то из вас работает на благотворительность, не награждайте своих жертвователей ручками или календарями. (Applause)

Reward them with the opportunity to see the specific impact that their generosity is having and to connect with the individuals and communities they're helping. Récompensez-les en leur donnant la possibilité de voir l'impact concret de leur générosité et d'entrer en contact avec les personnes et les communautés qu'ils aident. Наградите их возможностью увидеть конкретное влияние, которое оказывает их щедрость, и связаться с людьми и сообществами, которым они помогают. Cömertliklerinin yarattığı özel etkiyi görme ve yardım ettikleri bireyler ve topluluklarla bağlantı kurma fırsatıyla onları ödüllendirin. We're used to thinking about giving as something we should do. Wir sind daran gewöhnt, das Geben als etwas zu betrachten, das wir tun sollten. Estamos acostumados a pensar em dar como algo que devemos fazer. Мы привыкли думать о даянии как о чем-то, что мы должны делать. Bağış yapmayı yapmamız gereken bir şey olarak düşünmeye alışkınız. And it is. И это. But in thinking about it this way, we're missing out on one of the best parts of being human: that we have evolved to find joy in helping others. Aber wenn wir so darüber nachdenken, verpassen wir eine der besten Seiten des Menschseins: dass wir uns so entwickelt haben, dass wir Freude daran finden, anderen zu helfen. Mas ao pensar dessa maneira, estamos perdendo uma das melhores partes do ser humano: que evoluímos para encontrar alegria em ajudar os outros. Но, думая об этом таким образом, мы упускаем одну из лучших сторон человеческого бытия: то, что мы эволюционировали, чтобы находить радость в помощи другим. Ancak bu şekilde düşündüğümüzde, insan olmanın en iyi yanlarından birini kaçırıyoruz: başkalarına yardım etmekten keyif alacak şekilde evrimleştik. Let's stop thinking about giving as just this moral obligation and start thinking of it as a source of pleasure. Wir sollten aufhören, das Geben nur als moralische Verpflichtung zu betrachten, sondern es als eine Quelle der Freude sehen. Давайте перестанем думать о даянии просто как о моральном обязательстве и начнем думать о нем как об источнике удовольствия. Bağış yapmayı sadece ahlaki bir yükümlülük olarak düşünmeyi bırakalım ve bunu bir zevk kaynağı olarak görmeye başlayalım. Thank you.
