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The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan, I. The Majesty of Calmness

I. The Majesty of Calmness

Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. It is the moral atmosphere of a life self-centred, self-reliant, and self-controlled. Calmness is singleness of purpose, absolute confidence, and conscious power,--ready to be focused in an instant to meet any crisis.

The Sphinx is not a true type of calmness,--petrifaction is not calmness; it is death, the silencing of all the energies; while no one lives his life more fully, more intensely and more consciously than the man who is calm.

The Fatalist is not calm. He is the coward slave of his environment, hopelessly surrendering to his present condition, recklessly indifferent to his future. He accepts his life as a rudderless ship, drifting on the ocean of time. He has no compass, no chart, no known port to which he is sailing. His self-confessed inferiority to all nature is shown in his existence of constant surrender. It is not,--calmness.

The man who is calm has his course in life clearly marked on his chart. His hand is ever on the helm. Storm, fog, night, tempest, danger, hidden reefs,--he is ever prepared and ready for them. He is made calm and serene by the realization that in these crises of his voyage he needs a clear mind and a cool head; that he has naught to do but to do each day the best he can by the light he has; that he will never flinch nor falter for a moment; that, though he may have to tack and leave his course for a time, he will never drift, he will get back into the true channel, he will keep ever headed toward his harbor. When he will reach it, how he will reach it, matters not to him. He rests in calmness, knowing he has done his best. If his best seem to be overthrown or overruled, then he must still bow his head,--in calmness. To no man is permitted to know the future of his life, the finality. God commits to man ever only new beginnings, new wisdom, and new days to use the best of his knowledge.

Calmness comes ever from within. It is the peace and restfulness of the depths of our nature. The fury of storm and of wind agitate only the surface of the sea; they can penetrate only two or three hundred feet,--below that is the calm, unruffled deep. To be ready for the great crises of life we must learn serenity in our daily living. Calmness is the crown of self-control.

When the worries and cares of the day fret you, and begin to wear upon you, and you chafe under the friction,--be calm. Stop, rest for a moment, and let calmness and peace assert themselves. If you let these irritating outside influences get the better of you, you are confessing your inferiority to them, by permitting them to dominate you. Study the disturbing elements, each by itself, bring all the will power of your nature to bear upon them, and you will find that they will, one by one, melt into nothingness, like vapors fading before the sun. The glow of calmness that will then pervade your mind, the tingling sensation of an inflow of new strength, may be to you the beginning of the revelation of the supreme calmness that is possible for you. Then, in some great hour of your life, when you stand face to face with some awful trial, when the structure of your ambition and life-work crumbles in a moment, you will be brave. You can then fold your arms calmly, look out undismayed and undaunted upon the ashes of your hope, upon the wreck of what you have faithfully built, and with brave heart and unfaltering voice you may say: "So let it be,--I will build again." When the tongue of malice and slander, the persecution of inferiority, tempts you for just a moment to retaliate, when for an instant you forget yourself so far as to hunger for revenge,--be calm. When the grey heron is pursued by its enemy, the eagle, it does not run to escape; it remains calm, takes a dignified stand, and waits quietly, facing the enemy unmoved. With the terrific force with which the eagle makes its attack, the boasted king of birds is often impaled and run through on the quiet, lance-like bill of the heron. The means that man takes to kill another's character becomes suicide of his own. No man in the world ever attempted to wrong another without being injured in return,--someway, somehow, sometime. The only weapon of offence that Nature seems to recognize is the boomerang. Nature keeps her books admirably; she puts down every item, she closes all accounts finally, but she does not always balance them at the end of the month. To the man who is calm, revenge is so far beneath him that he cannot reach it,--even by stooping. When injured, he does not retaliate; he wraps around him the royal robes of Calmness, and he goes quietly on his way.

When the hand of Death touches the one we hold dearest, paralyzes our energy, and eclipses the sun of our life, the calmness that has been accumulating in long years becomes in a moment our refuge, our reserve strength.

The most subtle of all temptations is the seeming success of the wicked. It requires moral courage to see, without flinching, material prosperity coming to men who are dishonest; to see politicians rise into prominence, power and wealth by trickery and corruption; to see virtue in rags and vice in velvets; to see ignorance at a premium, and knowledge at a discount. To the man who is really calm these puzzles of life do not appeal. He is living his life as best he can; he is not worrying about the problems of justice, whose solution must be left to Omniscience to solve.

When man has developed the spirit of Calmness until it becomes so absolutely part of him that his very presence radiates it, he has made great progress in lite. Calmness cannot be acquired of itself and by itself; it must come as the culmination of a series of virtues. What the world needs and what individuals need is a higher standard of living, a great realizing sense of the privilege and dignity of life, a higher and nobler conception of individuality.

With this great sense of calmness permeating an individual, man becomes able to retire more into himself, away from the noise, the confusion and strife of the world, which come to his ears only as faint, far-off rumblings, or as the tumult of the life of a city heard only as a buzzing hum by the man in a balloon.

The man who is calm does not selfishly isolate himself from the world, for he is intensely interested in all that concerns the welfare of humanity. His calmness is but a Holy of Holies into which he can retire from the world to get strength to live in the world. He realizes that the full glory of individuality, the crowning of his self-control is,--the majesty of calmness.

I. The Majesty of Calmness I. Die Majestät der Gelassenheit I. La majestad de la calma I. La majesté du calme I. La maestà della calma I.平静の威厳 I. Ramybės didybė I. A majestade da calma I. Величие спокойствия I. Veličastnost miru I. Sakinliğin Majesteleri I. Величність спокою I.平静的威严 一、平靜的威嚴

Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. Gelassenheit ist die seltenste Eigenschaft im menschlichen Leben. A calma é a qualidade mais rara na vida humana. Спокойствие — самое редкое качество в жизни человека. Umirjenost je najredkejša lastnost v človeškem življenju. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. Es ist die Ausgeglichenheit einer großen Natur, die mit sich selbst und ihren Idealen im Einklang ist. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. É o equilíbrio de uma grande natureza, em harmonia consigo mesma e com os seus ideais. Это уравновешенность великой природы, находящейся в гармонии с собой и своими идеалами. To je mirnost velike narave, ki je v harmoniji s seboj in svojimi ideali. Đó là sự đĩnh đạc của một thiên nhiên vĩ đại, hài hòa với chính nó và những lý tưởng của nó. It is the moral atmosphere of a life self-centred, self-reliant, and self-controlled. Es ist die moralische Atmosphäre eines selbstzentrierten, selbstverantwortlichen und selbstbeherrschten Lebens. É a atmosfera moral de uma vida centrada em si mesma, autossuficiente e autocontrolada. Это нравственная атмосфера жизни, сосредоточенной на себе, уверенной в себе и владеющей собой. To je moralno vzdušje življenja, ki je osredotočeno nase, samozavestno in nadzorovano. Đó là bầu không khí đạo đức của một đời sống tự tại, tự chủ, tự chủ. Calmness is singleness of purpose, absolute confidence, and conscious power,--ready to be focused in an instant to meet any crisis. Gelassenheit ist Zielstrebigkeit, absolute Zuversicht und bewusste Kraft, die sich in einem Augenblick auf jede Krise konzentrieren kann. A calma é a unicidade de objectivos, a confiança absoluta e o poder consciente, pronto a ser concentrado num instante para enfrentar qualquer crise. Umirjenost je enotnost namena, popolno zaupanje in zavestna moč - pripravljena, da se v trenutku osredotoči na vsako krizo. Bình tĩnh là mục đích duy nhất, sự tự tin tuyệt đối và sức mạnh có ý thức, - sẵn sàng tập trung ngay lập tức để đối phó với bất kỳ cuộc khủng hoảng nào. 冷静是目标单一、绝对自信和有意识的力量——准备好立即集中精力应对任何危机。

The Sphinx is not a true type of calmness,--petrifaction is not calmness; it is death, the silencing of all the energies; while no one lives his life more fully, more intensely and more consciously than the man who is calm. Die Sphinx ist kein wahrer Typus der Gelassenheit - Erstarrung ist keine Gelassenheit, sie ist der Tod, das Verstummen aller Energien, während niemand sein Leben vollständiger, intensiver und bewusster lebt als der Mensch, der ruhig ist. A Esfinge não é um verdadeiro tipo de calma, - a petrificação não é calma; é a morte, o silenciamento de todas as energias; enquanto ninguém vive a sua vida mais plenamente, mais intensamente e mais conscientemente do que o homem que é calmo. Сфинкс не есть истинный тип спокойствия, оцепенение не есть спокойствие; это смерть, молчание всех энергий; в то время как никто не проживает свою жизнь более полно, более напряженно и более сознательно, чем человек, который спокоен. Sfinga ni pravi tip mirnosti, - umirjenost ni mirnost, je smrt, utišanje vseh energij, medtem ko nihče ne živi svojega življenja bolj polno, intenzivno in zavestno kot človek, ki je miren. 狮身人面像并不是真正的平静——石化不是平静;而是平静。这是死亡,所有能量的沉默;没有人比平静的人过得更充实、更强烈、更有意识地生活。

The Fatalist is not calm. Der Fatalist ist nicht ruhig. O Fatalista não está calmo. Fatalist ni miren. He is the coward slave of his environment, hopelessly surrendering to his present condition, recklessly indifferent to his future. Er ist der feige Sklave seiner Umgebung, der sich hoffnungslos seiner Gegenwart hingibt und dem seine Zukunft rücksichtslos gleichgültig ist. Он трусливый раб своего окружения, безнадежно отдающийся своему нынешнему состоянию, безоглядно равнодушный к своему будущему. Je strahopeten suženj svojega okolja, brezupno vdan v svoje sedanje stanje in brezbrižno ravnodušen do svoje prihodnosti. He accepts his life as a rudderless ship, drifting on the ocean of time. Er akzeptiert sein Leben als ein Schiff ohne Ruder, das auf dem Ozean der Zeit treibt. Svoje življenje sprejema kot ladjo brez krmila, ki pluje po oceanu časa. He has no compass, no chart, no known port to which he is sailing. Er hat keinen Kompass, keine Karte, keinen bekannten Hafen, in den er segeln will. Nima kompasa, zemljevida in znanega pristanišča, kamor bi plul. His self-confessed inferiority to all nature is shown in his existence of constant surrender. Seine selbst eingestandene Unterlegenheit gegenüber der gesamten Natur zeigt sich darin, dass er sich ständig unterwirft. Его самопровозглашенная неполноценность по отношению ко всей природе проявляется в его постоянном подчинении. Njegova samozavestna manjvrednost v primerjavi z vso naravo se kaže v njegovem nenehnem predajanju. It is not,--calmness. To ni - mirnost.

The man who is calm has his course in life clearly marked on his chart. Der Mann, der ruhig ist, hat seinen Lebensweg klar in seinem Horoskop eingezeichnet. Жизненный путь человека, который спокоен, четко отмечен в его гороскопе. Umirjen človek ima na svoji karti jasno označeno svojo življenjsko pot. His hand is ever on the helm. Seine Hand ist immer am Ruder. Его рука всегда на руле. Njegova roka je vedno na krmilu. Storm, fog, night, tempest, danger, hidden reefs,--he is ever prepared and ready for them. Sturm, Nebel, Nacht, Unwetter, Gefahr, verborgene Riffe - er ist immer vorbereitet und bereit für sie. Nevihta, megla, noč, vihar, nevarnost, skriti grebeni - na vse to je vedno pripravljen. He is made calm and serene by the realization that in these crises of his voyage he needs a clear mind and a cool head; that he has naught to do but to do each day the best he can by the light he has; that he will never flinch nor falter for a moment; that, though he may have to tack and leave his course for a time, he will never drift, he will get back into the true channel, he will keep ever headed toward his harbor. Er wird ruhig und gelassen durch die Erkenntnis, dass er in diesen Krisen seiner Reise einen klaren Verstand und einen kühlen Kopf braucht; dass er nichts anderes zu tun hat, als jeden Tag mit dem Licht, das er hat, sein Bestes zu geben; dass er keinen Moment lang zögern oder schwanken wird; dass er, auch wenn er eine Zeit lang wenden und seinen Kurs verlassen muss, niemals abdriften wird, er wird in den richtigen Kanal zurückkehren, er wird immer auf seinen Hafen zusteuern. Его делает спокойным и безмятежным сознание того, что в эти кризисы его путешествия ему нужен ясный ум и холодная голова; что ему нечего делать, кроме как каждый день делать все, что в его силах, при свете, который у него есть; что он никогда не дрогнет и не дрогнет ни на мгновение; что, хотя ему, возможно, придется на какое-то время изменить курс и свернуть с курса, он никогда не дрейфует, он вернется в истинный фарватер, он всегда будет держать курс к своей гавани. Spoznanje, da v teh kriznih trenutkih plovbe potrebuje jasen um in hladno glavo, ga pomiri in razvedri, da mu ne preostane drugega, kot da vsak dan dela po svojih najboljših močeh in z lučjo, ki jo ima, da ne bo niti za trenutek omahnil ali omahoval, da se ne bo nikoli oddaljil od svoje smeri, čeprav se bo moral za nekaj časa obrniti in jo zapustiti, da se bo vrnil v pravi kanal in bo vedno usmerjen proti pristanišču, ga bo naredilo mirnega in vedrega. 当他意识到在航行中的这些危机中他需要清醒的头脑和冷静的头脑时,他感到平静和安宁;他没有什么可做的,只能靠着他所拥有的光,尽力而为地过好每一天;他一刻也不会退缩或动摇;尽管他可能不得不暂时改变航向并偏离航线,但他永远不会随波逐流,他会回到真正的航道上,他将永远驶向他的港口。 When he will reach it, how he will reach it, matters not to him. Wann er es erreichen wird, wie er es erreichen wird, ist für ihn nicht von Bedeutung. Ni mu pomembno, kdaj ga bo dosegel in kako ga bo dosegel. He rests in calmness, knowing he has done his best. Er ruht in der Gewissheit, dass er sein Bestes getan hat. Mirno počiva, saj ve, da je naredil vse, kar je bilo v njegovi moči. If his best seem to be overthrown or overruled, then he must still bow his head,--in calmness. Wenn sein Bestes umgestürzt oder überstimmt zu sein scheint, muss er dennoch sein Haupt beugen - in Gelassenheit. Če se zdi, da so njegovi najboljši rezultati premagani ali ovrženi, mora še vedno skloniti glavo - v miru. To no man is permitted to know the future of his life, the finality. Keinem Menschen ist es erlaubt, die Zukunft seines Lebens, die Endgültigkeit zu kennen. Nikomur ni dovoljeno, da bi poznal prihodnost svojega življenja, dokončnost. 没有人可以知道自己生命的未来、结局。 God commits to man ever only new beginnings, new wisdom, and new days to use the best of his knowledge. Gott verpflichtet den Menschen immer nur zu neuen Anfängen, neuer Weisheit und neuen Tagen, um das Beste aus seinem Wissen zu machen. Бог вверяет человеку всегда только новые начинания, новую мудрость и новые дни, чтобы использовать лучшее из своих знаний. Bog daje človeku vedno le nove začetke, novo modrost in nove dneve, da uporabi najboljše, kar ima.

Calmness comes ever from within. Gelassenheit kommt immer von innen. Umirjenost prihaja vedno od znotraj. 平静永远来自内心。 It is the peace and restfulness of the depths of our nature. Es ist der Frieden und die Ruhe in den Tiefen unserer Natur. Je mir in spokojnost v globinah naše narave. The fury of storm and of wind agitate only the surface of the sea; they can penetrate only two or three hundred feet,--below that is the calm, unruffled deep. Die Wut des Sturms und des Windes bewegt nur die Oberfläche des Meeres; sie kann nur zwei- oder dreihundert Fuß tief eindringen - darunter liegt die ruhige, unaufgeregte Tiefe. Ярость бури и ветра волнует только поверхность моря; они могут проникнуть только на двести или триста футов, ниже которых находится спокойная, невозмутимая глубина. Bes burje in vetra razburkata le morsko gladino, prodreta lahko le dvesto ali tristo metrov globoko, pod njo pa je mirna, nemirna globina. To be ready for the great crises of life we must learn serenity in our daily living. Um für die großen Krisen des Lebens gerüstet zu sein, müssen wir Gelassenheit in unserem täglichen Leben lernen. Da bi bili pripravljeni na velike življenjske krize, se moramo naučiti mirnosti v vsakdanjem življenju. Calmness is the crown of self-control. Gelassenheit ist die Krone der Selbstbeherrschung. Umirjenost je krona samoobvladovanja.

When the worries and cares of the day fret you, and begin to wear upon you, and you chafe under the friction,--be calm. Wenn dich die Sorgen und Nöte des Tages quälen und du dich unter der Reibung aufreibst, dann sei ruhig. Когда заботы и заботы дневные утомляют тебя и начинают тяготить тебя, и ты раздражаешься от трения, — будь спокоен. Ko vas skrbi in tegobe dneva vznemirijo, vas začnejo utrujati in se drgnete od trenj, bodite mirni. Stop, rest for a moment, and let calmness and peace assert themselves. Halten Sie inne, ruhen Sie sich einen Moment aus, und lassen Sie Ruhe und Frieden einkehren. Остановитесь, отдохните на мгновение и позвольте спокойствию и умиротворению утвердиться. Ustavite se, za trenutek počivajte in pustite, da se vzpostavita mir in spokojnost. If you let these irritating outside influences get the better of you, you are confessing your inferiority to them, by permitting them to dominate you. Wenn Sie sich von diesen störenden äußeren Einflüssen überwältigen lassen, gestehen Sie ihnen Ihre Unterlegenheit ein, indem Sie ihnen erlauben, Sie zu beherrschen. Если вы позволяете этим раздражающим внешним влияниям взять над вами верх, вы признаетесь им в своей неполноценности, позволяя им доминировать над вами. Če dopuščate, da nad vami prevladajo ti nadležni zunanji vplivi, jim priznavate svojo manjvrednost, saj jim dovolite, da vas obvladujejo. 如果你让这些恼人的外部影响占据了你的上风,那么你就是在承认自己不如它们,让它们主宰你。 Study the disturbing elements, each by itself, bring all the will power of your nature to bear upon them, and you will find that they will, one by one, melt into nothingness, like vapors fading before the sun. Studiere die störenden Elemente, jedes für sich, bringe die ganze Willenskraft deines Wesens auf sie ein, und du wirst feststellen, dass sie sich eines nach dem anderen in Nichts auflösen werden, wie Dämpfe, die vor der Sonne verblassen. Изучите беспокоящие элементы, каждый сам по себе, направьте на них всю силу воли своей натуры, и вы обнаружите, что они один за другим растворяются в небытии, как пары, исчезающие на солнце. Preučite moteče elemente, vsakega posebej, usmerite nanje vso moč volje svoje narave in ugotovili boste, da se bodo eden za drugim razblinili v nič, kot hlapi, ki bledijo pred soncem. 研究每一个干扰因素,将你本性的全部意志力施加在它们身上,你会发现它们会一一化为虚无,就像太阳面前的水蒸气一样消失。 The glow of calmness that will then pervade your mind, the tingling sensation of an inflow of new strength, may be to you the beginning of the revelation of the supreme calmness that is possible for you. Das Leuchten der Gelassenheit, das dann Ihren Geist durchdringt, das prickelnde Gefühl des Einströmens neuer Kraft, kann für Sie der Beginn der Offenbarung der höchsten Gelassenheit sein, die für Sie möglich ist. Свечение спокойствия, которое затем наполнит ваш разум, покалывание притока новой силы, может быть для вас началом раскрытия высшего спокойствия, которое возможно для вас. Žarek miru, ki bo nato preplavil vaš um, mravljincev občutek priliva nove moči, je lahko za vas začetek razodetja najvišjega miru, ki je za vas mogoč. 然后,平静的光芒会弥漫在你的脑海中,新的力量涌入时带来的刺痛感,对你来说可能是揭示你可能达到的最高平静的开始。 Then, in some great hour of your life, when you stand face to face with some awful trial, when the structure of your ambition and life-work crumbles in a moment, you will be brave. Dann, in einer großen Stunde deines Lebens, wenn du vor einer schrecklichen Prüfung stehst, wenn die Struktur deines Ehrgeizes und deines Lebenswerks in einem Augenblick zusammenbricht, wirst du tapfer sein. Тогда, в великий час вашей жизни, когда вы столкнетесь лицом к лицу с каким-нибудь ужасным испытанием, когда структура ваших амбиций и всей жизни рухнет в одно мгновение, вы будете храбры. Potem boste v neki veliki uri svojega življenja, ko se boste soočili s strašno preizkušnjo, ko se bo struktura vaših ambicij in življenjskega dela v trenutku sesula, pogumni. You can then fold your arms calmly, look out undismayed and undaunted upon the ashes of your hope, upon the wreck of what you have faithfully built, and with brave heart and unfaltering voice you may say: "So let it be,--I will build again." Dann kannst du ruhig die Arme verschränken, unverzagt und unerschrocken auf die Asche deiner Hoffnung blicken, auf die Trümmer dessen, was du treu aufgebaut hast, und mit tapferem Herzen und unbeugsamer Stimme sagen: "So soll es sein - ich werde wieder bauen." Тогда вы можете спокойно сложить руки, смотреть без страха и страха на пепел своей надежды, на крушение того, что вы верно построили, и с мужественным сердцем и непоколебимым голосом вы можете сказать: «Да будет так, — я будет строиться снова». Takrat lahko mirno sklenete roke, pogledate na pepel svojega upanja, na razbitine tega, kar ste zvesto gradili, in s pogumnim srcem in neomajnim glasom rečete: "Tako naj bo, jaz bom gradil znova." When the tongue of malice and slander, the persecution of inferiority, tempts you for just a moment to retaliate, when for an instant you forget yourself so far as to hunger for revenge,--be calm. Когда язык злобы и клеветы, преследования неполноценности искушает тебя хоть на мгновение отомстить, когда на мгновение ты забываешься до жажды мести, -- будь спокоен. Ko vas jezik zlobe in obrekovanja, preganjanje manjvrednosti za trenutek zapelje k maščevanju, ko za trenutek pozabite nase tako daleč, da si želite maščevanja, bodite mirni. When the grey heron is pursued by its enemy, the eagle, it does not run to escape; it remains calm, takes a dignified stand, and waits quietly, facing the enemy unmoved. Когда серую цаплю преследует ее враг, орел, она не убегает; он остается спокойным, занимает достойную позицию и спокойно ждет, невозмутимо глядя на врага. Ko sivo čapljo zasleduje njen sovražnik, orel, ne zbeži, da bi pobegnila, ampak ostane mirna, se dostojanstveno postavi in mirno čaka, obrnjena proti sovražniku, brez premikanja. With the terrific force with which the eagle makes its attack, the boasted king of birds is often impaled and run through on the quiet, lance-like bill of the heron. С ужасающей силой, с которой орел атакует, хвастливый царь птиц часто пронзает и пронзает на нем тихий копьевидный клюв цапли. S strašno silo, s katero orel napade, se hvalisavi kralj ptic pogosto prebode skozi miren, kopju podoben kljun čaplje. 鹰的攻击力惊人,常常被苍鹭那安静的长矛般的喙刺穿或刺穿。 The means that man takes to kill another's character becomes suicide of his own. Средство, которое человек использует, чтобы убить чужой характер, становится самоубийством его собственного. Sredstvo, ki ga človek uporabi, da bi ubil značaj drugega, postane samomor njegovega lastnega značaja. No man in the world ever attempted to wrong another without being injured in return,--someway, somehow, sometime. Kein Mensch auf der Welt hat je versucht, einem anderen Unrecht zu tun, ohne im Gegenzug verletzt zu werden - irgendwie, irgendwie, irgendwann. Ни один человек в мире никогда не пытался причинить зло другому, не получив ответного вреда, - так или иначе, когда-нибудь. Nihče na svetu ni nikoli poskušal narediti krivice drugemu, ne da bi bil v zameno prizadet - nekako, nekako, nekoč. 世界上没有人试图冤枉别人而不受到伤害——以某种方式、以某种方式、在某个时候。 The only weapon of offence that Nature seems to recognize is the boomerang. Единственное оружие нападения, которое Природа, кажется, признает, — это бумеранг. Edino napadalno orožje, ki ga narava pozna, je bumerang. 大自然承认的唯一进攻武器似乎是回旋镖。 Nature keeps her books admirably; she puts down every item, she closes all accounts finally, but she does not always balance them at the end of the month. Природа прекрасно хранит свои книги; она проставляет каждый пункт, она закрывает все счета окончательно, но она не всегда балансирует их в конце месяца. Narava odlično vodi svoje poslovne knjige; zabeleži vsako postavko, dokončno zapre vse račune, vendar jih ob koncu meseca ne uravnoteži vedno. 大自然对她的书籍保存得令人钦佩;她放下每件物品,最后结清所有账户,但她并不总是在月底平衡它们。 To the man who is calm, revenge is so far beneath him that he cannot reach it,--even by stooping. Для человека, который спокоен, месть настолько ниже его достоинства, что он не может достичь ее, даже согнувшись. Za mirnega človeka je maščevanje tako daleč pod njim, da ga ne more doseči niti tako, da bi se sklonil. 对于冷静的人来说,复仇是遥不可及的,即使弯腰也无法实现。 When injured, he does not retaliate; he wraps around him the royal robes of Calmness, and he goes quietly on his way. При ранении он не мстит; он облачается в царские одежды Спокойствия и спокойно идет своей дорогой. Ko je ranjen, se ne maščuje; ovije se s kraljevskimi oblačili mirnosti in mirno nadaljuje svojo pot.

When the hand of Death touches the one we hold dearest, paralyzes our energy, and eclipses the sun of our life, the calmness that has been accumulating in long years becomes in a moment our refuge, our reserve strength. Когда рука Смерти касается того, кто нам дорог, парализует нашу энергию и затмевает солнце нашей жизни, спокойствие, копившееся долгими годами, становится на мгновение нашим прибежищем, нашей резервной силой. Ko se roka smrti dotakne tistega, ki nam je najdražji, ohromi našo energijo in zatemni sonce našega življenja, postane mir, ki se je nabiral dolga leta, v trenutku naše zatočišče, naša rezervna moč.

The most subtle of all temptations is the seeming success of the wicked. Die subtilste aller Versuchungen ist der scheinbare Erfolg der Bösen. Самым изощренным из всех искушений является кажущийся успех нечестивых. Najbolj prefinjena od vseh skušnjav je navidezni uspeh brezbožnih. 所有诱惑中最微妙的就是恶人表面上的成功。 It requires moral courage to see, without flinching, material prosperity coming to men who are dishonest; to see politicians rise into prominence, power and wealth by trickery and corruption; to see virtue in rags and vice in velvets; to see ignorance at a premium, and knowledge at a discount. Требуется моральное мужество, чтобы не дрогнуть, чтобы увидеть материальное благополучие, приходящее к нечестным людям; видеть, как политики достигают известности, власти и богатства благодаря обману и коррупции; видеть добродетель в лохмотьях и порок в бархате; видеть невежество в большом почете, а знание — в скидке. Potreben je moralni pogum, da brez pretiravanja vidiš, kako materialno blaginjo dosegajo ljudje, ki so nepošteni; da vidiš, kako se politiki s prevaro in korupcijo povzpenjajo do ugleda, moči in bogastva; da vidiš krepost v krpah in pokvarjenost v žametu; da je nevednost dražja, znanje pa cenejše. 毫不畏缩地看到不诚实的人获得物质繁荣需要道德勇气。看到政客通过欺骗和腐败而获得显赫地位、权力和财富;在破烂衣服中看到美德,在天鹅绒中看到罪恶;看到无知的溢价,而知识的折扣。 To the man who is really calm these puzzles of life do not appeal. Человеку, который действительно спокоен, эти загадки жизни не интересны. Človeku, ki je zares miren, te življenjske uganke niso všeč. He is living his life as best he can; he is not worrying about the problems of justice, whose solution must be left to Omniscience to solve. Он живет своей жизнью, как может; он не беспокоится о проблемах справедливости, решение которых должно быть предоставлено Всеведению. Živi svoje življenje, kot najbolje zna, in se ne ukvarja s problemi pravičnosti, katerih rešitev je treba prepustiti vsevednosti. 他正在尽其所能地过着自己的生活;他并不担心正义问题,正义问题的解决必须留给全知来解决。

When man has developed the spirit of Calmness until it becomes so absolutely part of him that his very presence radiates it, he has made great progress in lite. Ko človek razvije duh mirnosti, dokler ne postane tako absolutno del njega, da ga izžareva že njegova prisotnost, je v lite naredil velik napredek. 当一个人培养了平静的精神,直到它完全成为他的一部分,以至于他的存在本身就散发出这种精神时,他就在轻量级方面取得了巨大的进步。 Calmness cannot be acquired of itself and by itself; it must come as the culmination of a series of virtues. Umirjenosti ne moremo pridobiti sami od sebe, temveč mora biti vrhunec vrste vrlin. What the world needs and what individuals need is a higher standard of living, a great realizing sense of the privilege and dignity of life, a higher and nobler conception of individuality. Svet in posamezniki potrebujejo višji življenjski standard, veliko zavedanje privilegija in dostojanstva življenja, višje in plemenitejše pojmovanje individualnosti. 世界需要的是更高的生活水平,个人需要的是更高的生活水平,更高的生命特权和尊严的实现感,更高、更高尚的个性观。

With this great sense of calmness permeating an individual, man becomes able to retire more into himself, away from the noise, the confusion and strife of the world, which come to his ears only as faint, far-off rumblings, or as the tumult of the life of a city heard only as a buzzing hum by the man in a balloon. S tem velikim občutkom miru, ki preveva posameznika, se lahko človek umakne bolj vase, stran od hrupa, zmede in spopadov sveta, ki mu pridejo do ušes le kot šibko, oddaljeno brnenje ali kot vrvež mestnega življenja, ki ga človek v balonu sliši le kot brenčanje. 当这种巨大的平静感渗透到一个人身上时,人就能够更加回归自我,远离世界的喧嚣、混乱和冲突,这些在他耳中只是微弱的、遥远的隆隆声或骚动。这座城市的生活只能被气球里的人发出嗡嗡的嗡嗡声听到。

The man who is calm does not selfishly isolate himself from the world, for he is intensely interested in all that concerns the welfare of humanity. Umirjen človek se ne izolira sebično od sveta, saj ga močno zanima vse, kar zadeva blaginjo človeštva. His calmness is but a Holy of Holies into which he can retire from the world to get strength to live in the world. Njegova mirnost je le svetišče, kamor se lahko umakne iz sveta, da bi dobil moč za življenje v svetu. He realizes that the full glory of individuality, the crowning of his self-control is,--the majesty of calmness. He realizes that the full glory of individuality, the crowning of his self-control is,--the majesty of calmness. Si rende conto che la piena gloria dell'individualità, il coronamento del suo autocontrollo è, la maestà della calma. Zaveda se, da je polna slava njegove individualnosti, krona njegovega samokontrole, veličina mirnosti.