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The Princess and the Goblin, CHAPTER 11, part 5

CHAPTER 11, part 5

'I hope it will never go out,' said the princess. 'I hope not. But it is time we both went to sleep. Shall I take you in my arms?' The little princess nestled close up to the old lady, who took her in both her arms and held her close to her bosom.

'Oh, dear! this is so nice!' said the princess.

'I didn't know anything in the world could be so comfortable. I should like to lie here for ever.' 'You may if you will,' said the old lady. 'But I must put you to one trial-not a very hard one, I hope. This night week you must come back to me. If you don't, I do not know when you may find me again, and you will soon want me very much.' 'Oh! please, don't let me forget.' 'You shall not forget. The only question is whether you will believe I am anywhere--whether you will believe I am anything but a dream. You may be sure I will do all I can to help you to come. But it will rest with yourself, after all. On the night of next Friday, you must come to me. Mind now.' 'I will try,' said the princess. 'Then good night,' said the old lady, and kissed the forehead which lay in her bosom. In a moment more the little princess was dreaming in the midst of the loveliest dreams--of summer seas and moonlight and mossy springs and great murmuring trees, and beds of wild flowers with such odours as she had never smelled before. But, after all, no dream could be more lovely than what she had left behind when she fell asleep.

In the morning she found herself in her own bed. There was no handkerchief or anything else on her hand, only a sweet odour lingered about it. The swelling had all gone down; the prick of the brooch had vanished--in fact, her hand was perfectly well.

CHAPTER 11, part 5 CAPÍTULO 11, parte 5

'I hope it will never go out,' said the princess. — Надеюсь, он никогда не погаснет, — сказала принцесса. 'I hope not. But it is time we both went to sleep. Shall I take you in my arms?' The little princess nestled close up to the old lady, who took her in both her arms and held her close to her bosom.

'Oh, dear! this is so nice!' said the princess.

'I didn't know anything in the world could be so comfortable. I should like to lie here for ever.' 'You may if you will,' said the old lady. — Можете, если хотите, — сказала старая леди. 'But I must put you to one trial-not a very hard one, I hope. This night week you must come back to me. В эту ночь недели ты должен вернуться ко мне. If you don't, I do not know when you may find me again, and you will soon want me very much.' 'Oh! please, don't let me forget.' 'You shall not forget. The only question is whether you will believe I am anywhere--whether you will believe I am anything but a dream. Вопрос только в том, поверите ли вы, что я где-то есть, поверите ли вы, что я не сон. You may be sure I will do all I can to help you to come. Вы можете быть уверены, что я сделаю все, что в моих силах, чтобы помочь вам прийти. But it will rest with yourself, after all. Но в конце концов, это останется с вами. On the night of next Friday, you must come to me. Mind now.' 'I will try,' said the princess. 'Then good night,' said the old lady, and kissed the forehead which lay in her bosom. In a moment more the little princess was dreaming in the midst of the loveliest dreams--of summer seas and moonlight and mossy springs and great murmuring trees, and beds of wild flowers with such odours as she had never smelled before. But, after all, no dream could be more lovely than what she had left behind when she fell asleep. Но, в конце концов, ни один сон не мог быть прекраснее того, что она оставила, когда заснула.

In the morning she found herself in her own bed. There was no handkerchief or anything else on her hand, only a sweet odour lingered about it. На ее руке не было ни платка, ни чего-либо еще, только сладко пахло от нее. The swelling had all gone down; the prick of the brooch had vanished--in fact, her hand was perfectly well.