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The Power of your SubConscious Mind - Joseph Murphy, Chapter 6 - Practical Techniques in Mental Healings - Part 3

Chapter 6 - Practical Techniques in Mental Healings - Part 3

You continue to build up all the evidence you can muster on behalf of the healing power within, which created all the organs in the first place, and which has a perfect pattern of every cell, nerve, and tissue within it.

Then, you render a verdict in the courthouse of your mind in favor of yourself or your patient. You liberate the sick one by faith and spiritual understanding. Your mental and spiritual evidence is overwhelming; they're being but one mind, what you feel as true will be resurrected in the experience of the patient. This procedure is essentially the argumentative method used by Dr. Quimby of Maine from 1849 to 1869.

The absolute method is like modern sound wave therapy

Many people throughout the world practice this form of prayer treatment with wonderful results.

The person using the absolute method mentions the name of the patient, such as John Jones, then quietly and silently thinks of God and His qualities and attributes, such as, God is all bliss, boundless love, infinite intelligence, all powerful, boundless wisdom, absolute harmony, indescribable beauty, and perfection. As he quietly thinks along these lines he is lifted up in consciousness into a new spiritual wave length, at which times he feels the infinite ocean of God's love is now dissolving everything unlike itself in the mind and body of John Jones for whom he is praying. He feels all the power and love of God are now focused on John Jones, and whatever is bothering or vexing him is now completely neutralized in the presence of the infinite ocean of life and love. The absolute method of prayer might be likened to the sound wave or sonic therapy recently shown me by a distinguished physician in Los Angeles. He has an ultra sound wave machine, which oscillates at a tremendous speed and sends sound waves to any area of the body to which it is directed. These sound waves can be controlled, and he told me of achieving remarkable results in dissolving arthritic calcareous deposits, as well as the healing and removal of other disturbing conditions. To the degree that we rise in consciousness by contemplating qualities and attributes of God, do we generate spiritual electronic waves of harmony, health, and peace. Many remarkable healings follow this technique of prayer.

A cripple walks


Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, of whom we spoke previously in this chapter, used the absolute method in the latter years of his healing career. He was really the father of psychosomatic medicine and the first psychoanalyst. He had the capacity to diagnose clairvoyantly the cause of the patient's trouble, pains, and aches. The following is a condensed account of the healing of a cripple as recorded in Quimby's Manuscripts: Quimby was called on to visit a woman who was lame, aged, and bedridden. He states that her ailment was due to the fact that she was imprisoned by a creed so small and contracted that she could not stand upright and move about. She was living in the tomb of fear and ignorance; furthermore, she was taking the Bible literally, and it frightened her. “In this tomb,” Quimby said, “was the presence and power of God trying to burst the bands, break through the bonds, and rise from the dead.” When she would ask others for an explanation of some passage of the Bible, the answer would be a stone; then she would hunger for the bread of life. Dr. Quimby diagnosed her case as a mind cloudy and stagnated, due to excitation and fear, caused by the inability to see clearly the meaning of the passage of the Bible, which she had been reading. This showed itself in the body by her heavy and sluggish feeling, which would terminate as paralysis.

At this point Quimby asked her what was meant in the Bible verses: Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto Him that sent me.

Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. JOHN 7:3334. She replied that it meant Jesus went to heaven. Quimby explained what it really meant by telling her that being with her a little while meant his explanation of her symptoms, feelings, and their causes; i.e., he had compassion and sympathy for her momentarily, but he could not remain in that mental state. The next step was to go to Him that sent us, which, as Quimby pointed out, was the creative power of God in all of us. Quimby immediately traveled in his mind and contemplated the divine ideal; i.e., the vitality, intelligence, harmony, and power of God functioning in the sick person. This is why he said to the woman, “Therefore, where I go you cannot come, for you are in your narrow, restricted belief, and I am in health.” This prayer and explanation produced an instantaneous sensation, and a change came over her mind. She walked without her crutches! Quimby said it was one of the most singular of all his healings. She was, as it were, dead to error, and to bring her to life or truth was to raise her from the dead. Quimby quoted the resurrection of Christ and applied it to her own Christ or health; this produced a powerful effect on her. He also explained to her that the truth, which she accepted, was the angel or idea, which rolled away the stone of fear, ignorance, and superstition, thereby, releasing the healing power of God, which made her whole.

The decree method

Power goes into our word according to the feeling and faith behind it.

When we realize the power that moves the world is moving on our behalf and is backing up our word, our confidence and assurance grow. You do not try and add power to power; therefore, there must be no mental striving, coercion, force, or mental wrestling.

A young girl used the decree method on a young man who was constantly phoning her, pressing her for dates, and meeting her at her place of business; she found it very difficult to get rid of him.

She decreed as follows: “I release.........unto God. He is in his true place at all times. I am free, and he is free. I now decree that my words go forth into infinite mind and it brings it to pass. It is so.” She said he vanished and she has never seen him since, adding, “It was as though the ground swallowed him up.” Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. JOB 22:28.

Serve yourself with scientific truth


Be a mental engineer and use tried and proven techniques in building a grander and greater life.


Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your desire now and feel its reality, and you will experience the joy of the answered prayer.


Desire to accomplish things the easy way—with the sure aid of mental science.


You can build radiant health, success, and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind.


Experiment scientifically until you personally prove that there is always a direct response from the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind to your conscious thinking.


Feel the joy and restfulness in foreseeing the certain accomplishment of your desire. Any mental picture, which you have in your mind, is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.


A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your subconscious will bring to pass any picture held in the mind backed by faith.


Avoid all effort or mental coercion in prayer. Get into a sleepy, drowsy state and lull yourself to sleep feeling and knowing that your prayer is answered.


Remember that the thankful heart is always close to the riches of the universe.


To affirm is to state that it is so, and as you maintain this attitude of mind as true, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, you will receive an answer to your prayer.


Generate electronic waves of harmony, health, and peace by thinking of the love and the glory of God.


What you decree and feel as true will come to pass. Decree harmony, health, peace, and abundance.

Chapter 6 - Practical Techniques in Mental Healings - Part 3

You continue to build up all the evidence you can muster on behalf of the healing power within, which created all the organs in the first place, and which has a perfect pattern of every cell, nerve, and tissue within it.

Then, you render a verdict in the courthouse of your mind in favor of yourself or your patient. You liberate the sick one by faith and spiritual understanding. Your mental and spiritual evidence is overwhelming; they're being but one mind, what you feel as true will be resurrected in the experience of the patient. This procedure is essentially the argumentative method used by Dr. Quimby of Maine from 1849 to 1869.

The absolute method is like modern sound wave therapy

Many people throughout the world practice this form of prayer treatment with wonderful results.

The person using the absolute method mentions the name of the patient, such as John Jones, then quietly and silently thinks of God and His qualities and attributes, such as, God is all bliss, boundless love, infinite intelligence, all powerful, boundless wisdom, absolute harmony, indescribable beauty, and perfection. As he quietly thinks along these lines he is lifted up in consciousness into a new spiritual wave length, at which times he feels the infinite ocean of God's love is now dissolving everything unlike itself in the mind and body of John Jones for whom he is praying. He feels all the power and love of God are now focused on John Jones, and whatever is bothering or vexing him is now completely neutralized in the presence of the infinite ocean of life and love. The absolute method of prayer might be likened to the sound wave or sonic therapy recently shown me by a distinguished physician in Los Angeles. He has an ultra sound wave machine, which oscillates at a tremendous speed and sends sound waves to any area of the body to which it is directed. These sound waves can be controlled, and he told me of achieving remarkable results in dissolving arthritic calcareous deposits, as well as the healing and removal of other disturbing conditions. To the degree that we rise in consciousness by contemplating qualities and attributes of God, do we generate spiritual electronic waves of harmony, health, and peace. Many remarkable healings follow this technique of prayer.

A cripple walks


Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, of whom we spoke previously in this chapter, used the absolute method in the latter years of his healing career. He was really the father of psychosomatic medicine and the first psychoanalyst. He had the capacity to diagnose clairvoyantly the cause of the patient's trouble, pains, and aches. У него была способность ясно диагностировать причину проблем, болей и болей пациента. The following is a condensed account of the healing of a cripple as recorded in Quimby's Manuscripts: Quimby was called on to visit a woman who was lame, aged, and bedridden. Ниже приводится сжатый отчет об исцелении калеки, как записано в рукописях Куимби: Куимби был вызван навестить женщину, которая была хромой, пожилой и прикованной к постели. He states that her ailment was due to the fact that she was imprisoned by a creed so small and contracted that she could not stand upright and move about. Он заявляет, что ее болезнь была связана с тем, что она была заключена в тюрьму из-за столь маленького вероучения и контракта, что она не могла стоять прямо и двигаться. She was living in the tomb of fear and ignorance; furthermore, she was taking the Bible literally, and it frightened her. “In this tomb,” Quimby said, “was the presence and power of God trying to burst the bands, break through the bonds, and rise from the dead.” When she would ask others for an explanation of some passage of the Bible, the answer would be a stone; then she would hunger for the bread of life. Dr. Quimby diagnosed her case as a mind cloudy and stagnated, due to excitation and fear, caused by the inability to see clearly the meaning of the passage of the Bible, which she had been reading. This showed itself in the body by her heavy and sluggish feeling, which would terminate as paralysis.

At this point Quimby asked her what was meant in the Bible verses: Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto Him that sent me. В этот момент Квимби спросил ее, что имеется в виду в библейских стихах: еще немного я с тобой, а потом я иду к Тому, кто послал меня.

Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. Ищи меня, а меня не найдешь; JOHN 7:3334. She replied that it meant Jesus went to heaven. Quimby explained what it really meant by telling her that being with her a little while meant his explanation of her symptoms, feelings, and their causes; i.e., he had compassion and sympathy for her momentarily, but he could not remain in that mental state. Квимби объяснил, что это на самом деле означало, сказав ей, что немного побыть с ней означало его объяснение ее симптомов, чувств и их причин; то есть у него было сострадание и сочувствие к ней на мгновение, но он не мог оставаться в этом психическом состоянии. The next step was to go to Him that sent us, which, as Quimby pointed out, was the creative power of God in all of us. Следующим шагом было пойти к Тому, кто послал нас, что, как указывал Квимби, было творческой силой Бога во всех нас. Quimby immediately traveled in his mind and contemplated the divine ideal; i.e., the vitality, intelligence, harmony, and power of God functioning in the sick person. This is why he said to the woman, “Therefore, where I go you cannot come, for you are in your narrow, restricted belief, and I am in health.” This prayer and explanation produced an instantaneous sensation, and a change came over her mind. Вот почему он сказал женщине: «Поэтому, куда бы я ни пошел, ты не можешь прийти, потому что ты в своем узком, ограниченном убеждении, а я в здравии». Эта молитва и объяснение произвели мгновенное ощущение, и ее разум изменился. She walked without her crutches! Quimby said it was one of the most singular of all his healings. Квимби сказал, что это было одно из самых необычных исцелений. She was, as it were, dead to error, and to bring her to life or truth was to raise her from the dead. Quimby quoted the resurrection of Christ and applied it to her own Christ or health; this produced a powerful effect on her. He also explained to her that the truth, which she accepted, was the angel or idea, which rolled away the stone of fear, ignorance, and superstition, thereby, releasing the healing power of God, which made her whole. Он также объяснил ей, что истина, которую она приняла, была ангелом или идеей, которая откатила камень страха, невежества и суеверия, тем самым высвободив целительную силу Бога, которая сделала ее целой.

The decree method

Power goes into our word according to the feeling and faith behind it.

When we realize the power that moves the world is moving on our behalf and is backing up our word, our confidence and assurance grow. You do not try and add power to power; therefore, there must be no mental striving, coercion, force, or mental wrestling. Вы не пытаетесь добавить силу к власти; следовательно, не должно быть умственного стремления, принуждения, силы или умственной борьбы.

A young girl used the decree method on a young man who was constantly phoning her, pressing her for dates, and meeting her at her place of business; she found it very difficult to get rid of him.

She decreed as follows: “I release.........unto God. He is in his true place at all times. I am free, and he is free. I now decree that my words go forth into infinite mind and it brings it to pass. It is so.” She said he vanished and she has never seen him since, adding, “It was as though the ground swallowed him up.” Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Это так." Она сказала, что он исчез, и с тех пор она его больше не видела, добавив: «Как будто земля поглотила его». Ты будешь повелевать, и тебе будет установлено, и свет будет сиять на путях твоих. JOB 22:28.

Serve yourself with scientific truth


Be a mental engineer and use tried and proven techniques in building a grander and greater life. Будьте ментальным инженером и используйте проверенные и проверенные методы в построении грандиознее и большей жизни.


Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your desire now and feel its reality, and you will experience the joy of the answered prayer.


Desire to accomplish things the easy way—with the sure aid of mental science.


You can build radiant health, success, and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind.


Experiment scientifically until you personally prove that there is always a direct response from the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind to your conscious thinking.


Feel the joy and restfulness in foreseeing the certain accomplishment of your desire. Any mental picture, which you have in your mind, is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.


A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your subconscious will bring to pass any picture held in the mind backed by faith.


Avoid all effort or mental coercion in prayer. Избегайте любых усилий или умственного принуждения в молитве. Get into a sleepy, drowsy state and lull yourself to sleep feeling and knowing that your prayer is answered.


Remember that the thankful heart is always close to the riches of the universe. Помните, что благодарное сердце всегда близко к богатству вселенной.


To affirm is to state that it is so, and as you maintain this attitude of mind as true, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, you will receive an answer to your prayer. Утверждать - значит утверждать, что это так, и, если вы сохраните такое отношение ума как истинное, независимо от всех доказательств обратного, вы получите ответ на свою молитву.


Generate electronic waves of harmony, health, and peace by thinking of the love and the glory of God.


What you decree and feel as true will come to pass. Decree harmony, health, peace, and abundance.