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Easy Reading, 47. A Bus Accident

47. A Bus Accident

There was a bus accident.

The bus accident was near a dam. The bus ran off the road. The bus tipped over. Two people died. Eight people were hurt. The bus driver was going too fast. The road is a two-lane road. It is a narrow road. It isn't a wide road. The road is not straight. It bends a lot. It curves a lot. The road looks like a snake. The speed limit is 25 mph. The bus was going 50 mph. The passengers were afraid. The bus ran into a guard rail. Then the bus tipped over. Passengers yelled. Passengers screamed. Passengers fell down. Passengers fell on other passengers. Luggage flew through the air. Luggage hit people. Luggage hit people in the face. Luggage hit people in the head. The windows broke. The windshield broke. Glass was everywhere. Bodies were everywhere. Luggage was everywhere. The ambulances came. They took people to the hospital. The police came. They took the driver to jail.

47. A Bus Accident 47. Un accidente de autobús 47. Un accident de bus 47. Un incidente d'autobus 47.バス事故 47. Um acidente de autocarro 47. Авария с автобусом 47. Автобусна аварія 47.公共汽车事故 47.公共汽车事故

There was a bus accident. 发生了一起公共汽车事故。

The bus accident was near a dam. 公共汽车事故发生在一座水坝附近。 The bus ran off the road. 버스가 길을 떠났다 公共汽车冲出马路。 The bus tipped over. Autobuzul s-a răsturnat. 公共汽车翻倒了。 Two people died. 有两人死亡。 Eight people were hurt. 八人受伤。 The bus driver was going too fast. バスの運転手はあまりにも速く走っていた。 버스 운전사가 너무 빨리 가고있었습니다. 公交车司机开得太快了。 The road is a two-lane road. 这条路是一条双车道的路。 It is a narrow road. 这是一条狭窄的道路。 It isn’t a wide road. 这不是一条宽阔的道路。 The road is not straight. 路不直。 It bends a lot. Se îndoaie foarte mult. 它弯曲了很多。 It curves a lot. 它弯曲了很多。 The road looks like a snake. Drumul arată ca un șarpe. 这条路看起来像一条蛇。 The speed limit is 25 mph. 限速为每小时 25 英里。 The bus was going 50 mph. 公共汽车以每小时 50 英里的速度行驶。 The passengers were afraid. Pasagerii se temeau. 乘客们都很害怕。 The bus ran into a guard rail. 公共汽车撞上了护栏。 Then the bus tipped over. 然后公共汽车翻倒了。 Passengers yelled. Au țipat pasagerii. Passengers screamed. Pasagerii țipau. 乘客尖叫。 Passengers fell down. 乗客が倒れた。 Pasagerii au căzut. 乘客摔倒了。 Passengers fell on other passengers. 乗客は他の乗客に転落した。 Pasagerii au căzut peste alți pasageri. 乘客摔倒在其他乘客身上。 Luggage flew through the air. 荷物が空中を飛んでいった。 行李在空中飞舞。 Luggage hit people. 行李撞人。 Luggage hit people in the face. 荷物は人々の顔を襲った。 行李打人的脸。 Luggage hit people in the head. 行李砸在人的头上。 The windows broke. 窗户坏了。 The windshield broke. 挡风玻璃碎了。 Glass was everywhere. ガラスはいたるところにありました。 到处都是玻璃。 Bodies were everywhere. 体はいたるところにありました。 到处都是尸体。 Luggage was everywhere. 到处都是行李。 The ambulances came. 救护车来了。 They took people to the hospital. 他们把人送到了医院。 The police came. 警察来了。 They took the driver to jail. 他们把司机送进了监狱。