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Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 2, Part 5

Chapter 2, Part 5

"I guess you're feeling pretty tired and hungry," Matthew ventured to say at last, accounting for her long visitation of dumbness with the only reason he could think of. "But we haven't very far to go now--only another mile." She came out of her reverie with a deep sigh and looked at him with the dreamy gaze of a soul that had been wondering afar, star-led.

"Oh, Mr. Cuthbert," she whispered, "that place we came through--that white place--what was it?" "Well now, you must mean the Avenue," said Matthew after a few moments' profound reflection. "It is a kind of pretty place." "Pretty? Oh, pretty doesn't seem the right word to use.

Nor beautiful, either. They don't go far enough. Oh, it was wonderful--wonderful. It's the first thing I ever saw that couldn't be improved upon by imagination. It just satisfies me here"--she put one hand on her breast--"it made a queer funny ache and yet it was a pleasant ache. Did you ever have an ache like that, Mr. Cuthbert?" "Well now, I just can't recollect that I ever had." "I have it lots of time--whenever I see anything royally beautiful. But they shouldn't call that lovely place the Avenue. There is no meaning in a name like that. They should call it--let me see--the White Way of Delight. Isn't that a nice imaginative name? When I don't like the name of a place or a person I always imagine a new one and always think of them so. There was a girl at the asylum whose name was Hepzibah Jenkins, but I always imagined her as Rosalia DeVere. Other people may call that place the Avenue, but I shall always call it the White Way of Delight. Have we really only another mile to go before we get home? I'm glad and I'm sorry. I'm sorry because this drive has been so pleasant and I'm always sorry when pleasant things end.

Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure. And it's so often the case that it isn't pleasanter. That has been my experience anyhow. But I'm glad to think of getting home. You see, I've never had a real home since I can remember. It gives me that pleasant ache again just to think of coming to a really truly home.

Oh, isn't that pretty!" They had driven over the crest of a hill. Below them was a pond, looking almost like a river so long and winding was it. A bridge spanned it midway and from there to its lower end, where an amber-hued belt of sand-hills shut it in from the dark blue gulf beyond, the water was a glory of many shifting hues--the most spiritual shadings of crocus and rose and ethereal green, with other elusive tintings for which no name has ever been found. Above the bridge the pond ran up into fringing groves of fir and maple and lay all darkly translucent in their wavering shadows. Here and there a wild plum leaned out from the bank like a white-clad girl tip-toeing to her own reflection. From the marsh at the head of the pond came the clear, mournfully-sweet chorus of the frogs. There was a little gray house peering around a white apple orchard on a slope beyond and, although it was not yet quite dark, a light was shining from one of its windows.

"That's Barry's pond," said Matthew. "Oh, I don't like that name, either. I shall call it--let me see--the Lake of Shining Waters. Yes, that is the right name for it. I know because of the thrill. When I hit on a name that suits exactly it gives me a thrill. Do things ever give you a thrill?" Matthew ruminated.

"Well now, yes. It always kind of gives me a thrill to see them ugly white grubs that spade up in the cucumber beds.

I hate the look of them." "Oh, I don't think that can be exactly the same kind of a thrill. Do you think it can? There doesn't seem to be much connection between grubs and lakes of shining waters, does there? But why do other people call it Barry's pond?" "I reckon because Mr. Barry lives up there in that house. Orchard Slope's the name of his place. If it wasn't for that big bush behind it you could see Green Gables from here. But we have to go over the bridge and round by the road, so it's near half a mile further." "Has Mr. Barry any little girls? Well, not so very little either--about my size." "He's got one about eleven. Her name is Diana." "Oh!" with a long indrawing of breath. "What a perfectly lovely name!" "Well now, I dunno. There's something dreadful heathenish about it, seems to me. I'd ruther Jane or Mary or some sensible name like that. But when Diana was born there was a schoolmaster boarding there and they gave him the naming of her and he called her Diana." "I wish there had been a schoolmaster like that around when I was born, then. Oh, here we are at the bridge. I'm going to shut my eyes tight. I'm always afraid going over bridges. I can't help imagining that perhaps just as we get to the middle, they'll crumple up like a jack-knife and nip us. So I shut my eyes. But I always have to open them for all when I think we're getting near the middle.

Because, you see, if the bridge did crumple up I'd want to see it crumple. What a jolly rumble it makes! I always like the rumble part of it. Isn't it splendid there are so many things to like in this world? There we're over. Now I'll look back. Good night, dear Lake of Shining Waters. I always say good night to the things I love, just as I would to people I think they like it. That water looks as if it was smiling at me." When they had driven up the further hill and around a corner Matthew said:

"We're pretty near home now. That's Green Gables over--" "Oh, don't tell me," she interrupted breathlessly, catching at his partially raised arm and shutting her eyes that she might not see his gesture. "Let me guess. I'm sure I'll guess right." She opened her eyes and looked about her. They were on the crest of a hill. The sun had set some time since, but the landscape was still clear in the mellow afterlight. To the west a dark church spire rose up against a marigold sky.

Below was a little valley and beyond a long, gently-rising slope with snug farmsteads scattered along it. From one to another the child's eyes darted, eager and wistful. At last they lingered on one away to the left, far back from the road, dimly white with blossoming trees in the twilight of the surrounding woods. Over it, in the stainless southwest sky, a great crystal-white star was shining like a lamp of guidance and promise.

"That's it, isn't it?" she said, pointing.

Matthew slapped the reins on the sorrel's back delightedly.

"Well now, you've guessed it! But I reckon Mrs. Spencer described it so's you could tell." "No, she didn't--really she didn't. All she said might just as well have been about most of those other places. I hadn't any real idea what it looked like. But just as soon as I saw it I felt it was home. Oh, it seems as if I must be in a dream. Do you know, my arm must be black and blue from the elbow up, for I've pinched myself so many times today. Every little while a horrible sickening feeling would come over me and I'd be so afraid it was all a dream.

Then I'd pinch myself to see if it was real--until suddenly I remembered that even supposing it was only a dream I'd better go on dreaming as long as I could; so I stopped pinching. But it is real and we're nearly home." With a sigh of rapture she relapsed into silence. Matthew stirred uneasily. He felt glad that it would be Marilla and not he who would have to tell this waif of the world that the home she longed for was not to be hers after all. They drove over Lynde's Hollow, where it was already quite dark, but not so dark that Mrs. Rachel could not see them from her window vantage, and up the hill and into the long lane of Green Gables. By the time they arrived at the house Matthew was shrinking from the approaching revelation with an energy he did not understand. It was not of Marilla or himself he was thinking of the trouble this mistake was probably going to make for them, but of the child's disappointment. When he thought of that rapt light being quenched in her eyes he had an uncomfortable feeling that he was going to assist at murdering something--much the same feeling that came over him when he had to kill a lamb or calf or any other innocent little creature.

The yard was quite dark as they turned into it and the poplar leaves were rustling silkily all round it.

"Listen to the trees talking in their sleep," she whispered, as he lifted her to the ground. "What nice dreams they must have!" Then, holding tightly to the carpet-bag which contained "all her worldly goods," she followed him into the house.

Chapter 2, Part 5 Kapitel 2, Teil 5 Capítulo 2, parte 5 第2章 第5節 Hoofdstuk 2, deel 5 Rozdział 2, część 5 Capítulo 2, Parte 5 Глава 2, часть 5 第 2 章,第 5 部分 第 2 章,第 5 部分

"I guess you’re feeling pretty tired and hungry," Matthew ventured to say at last, accounting for her long visitation of dumbness with the only reason he could think of. "Ich denke, du fühlst dich ziemlich müde und hungrig", wagte Matthew schließlich zu sagen und erklärte ihren langen Besuch der Dummheit mit dem einzigen Grund, an den er denken konnte. "Je suppose que vous vous sentez assez fatigué et affamé," se risqua enfin à dire Matthew, expliquant sa longue visite de stupidité avec la seule raison à laquelle il pouvait penser. 「あなたはかなり疲れていて空腹だと思います」とマシューはついに思い切って言いました。彼が考えることができる唯一の理由で、彼女の長い間愚かさを訪れたことを説明しました。 "Suponho que te sentes muito cansada e com fome", aventurou-se Matthew a dizer finalmente, justificando a sua longa visita de estupidez com a única razão que lhe ocorreu. "Sanırım kendini çok yorgun ve aç hissediyorsun," diyen Matthew sonunda aklına gelebilecek tek nedenden ötürü uzun dilsiz ziyaretini hesaba katarak. "Гадаю, ти дуже втомилася і зголодніла", - нарешті наважився сказати Метью, пояснюючи її тривалу німоту єдиною причиною, яку він міг придумати. "But we haven’t very far to go now--only another mile." 「しかし、私たちは今、それほど遠くはありません。あと1マイルしかありません。」 "Mas agora não temos de ir muito longe - só mais um quilómetro." "Але нам залишилося пройти не так вже й далеко - всього лише ще милю". She came out of her reverie with a deep sigh and looked at him with the dreamy gaze of a soul that had been wondering afar, star-led. Elle sortit de sa rêverie avec un profond soupir et le regarda avec le regard rêveur d'une âme qui se demandait au loin, dirigée par des étoiles. 彼女は深いため息をつきながら空想から抜け出し、星に導かれて遠くを不思議に思っていた魂の夢のような視線で彼を見ました。 Ela saiu do seu devaneio com um suspiro profundo e olhou para ele com o olhar sonhador de uma alma que se interrogava ao longe, com uma estrela. Derin bir iç çekişle hayalinden çıktı ve ona uzaktan yıldızların öncülüğünü merak eden bir ruhun rüya gibi bakışlarıyla baktı. Вона вийшла зі своєї задуми з глибоким зітханням і подивилася на нього мрійливим поглядом душі, яка мандрувала далеко, ведена зірками.

"Oh, Mr. Cuthbert," she whispered, "that place we came through--that white place--what was it?" 「ああ、カスバートさん」と彼女はささやきました。 "Oh, Sr. Cuthbert", sussurrou ela, "aquele sítio por onde passámos - aquele sítio branco - o que era?" "Well now, you must mean the Avenue," said Matthew after a few moments' profound reflection. 「さて、あなたはアベニューを意味しているに違いない」とマシューはしばらくの間深く反省した後言った。 "Bem, deve estar a falar da Avenida", disse Matthew após alguns momentos de profunda reflexão. "It is a kind of pretty place." 「それは一種のきれいな場所です。」 "É um sítio bonito." "Pretty? "Bonita? Oh, pretty doesn’t seem the right word to use. Oh, bonito não parece ser a palavra certa para usar. О, "гарний" - це не зовсім те слово, яке тут доречно використати.

Nor beautiful, either. Nem bonita, também. They don’t go far enough. Não vão suficientemente longe. Вони не заходять достатньо далеко. Oh, it was wonderful--wonderful. ああ、それは素晴らしかった-素晴らしかった。 Oh, foi maravilhoso, maravilhoso. It’s the first thing I ever saw that couldn’t be improved upon by imagination. それは私が今までに見た最初のものであり、想像力によって改善することはできませんでした。 Foi a primeira coisa que vi que não podia ser melhorada pela imaginação. Це перша річ, яку я коли-небудь бачив, і яку неможливо було покращити за допомогою уяви. It just satisfies me here"--she put one hand on her breast--"it made a queer funny ache and yet it was a pleasant ache. ここで私を満足させるだけです」-彼女は片方の手を胸に当てました-「それは奇妙な面白い痛みを引き起こしましたが、それでもそれは楽しい痛みでした。 Aqui só me satisfaz" - pôs uma mão sobre o peito - "fazia uma dor estranha e engraçada e, no entanto, era uma dor agradável. Це просто задовольняє мене тут, - вона поклала одну руку на груди, - це викликало дивний кумедний біль, але все ж це був приємний біль. Did you ever have an ache like that, Mr. そんな痛みがあったことはありますか、ミスター。 Alguma vez teve uma dor como essa, Sr. Cuthbert?" "Well now, I just can’t recollect that I ever had." 「さて、今までのことを思い出せません。」 "Bem, agora, não me consigo lembrar que alguma vez o tenha feito." "I have it lots of time--whenever I see anything royally beautiful. 「私はそれをたくさんの時間持っています-私が王室に美しいものを見るときはいつでも。 "Tenho-o muitas vezes - sempre que vejo alguma coisa muito bonita. But they shouldn’t call that lovely place the Avenue. Mas não deviam chamar Avenida a esse lugar encantador. There is no meaning in a name like that. そのような名前には意味がありません。 Não há nenhum significado num nome como esse. У такій назві немає ніякого сенсу. They should call it--let me see--the White Way of Delight. 彼らはそれを「白い喜びの道」と呼ぶべきです。 Deviam chamar-lhe - deixem-me ver - a Via Branca do Prazer. Isn’t that a nice imaginative name? それは素晴らしい想像上の名前ではありませんか? Não é um nome imaginativo? When I don’t like the name of a place or a person I always imagine a new one and always think of them so. Quando não gosto do nome de um sítio ou de uma pessoa, imagino sempre um novo e penso sempre neles assim. There was a girl at the asylum whose name was Hepzibah Jenkins, but I always imagined her as Rosalia DeVere. Havia uma rapariga no asilo cujo nome era Hepzibah Jenkins, mas sempre a imaginei como Rosalia DeVere. Other people may call that place the Avenue, but I shall always call it the White Way of Delight. Outras pessoas podem chamar a esse sítio Avenida, mas eu chamar-lhe-ei sempre Via Branca do Prazer. Have we really only another mile to go before we get home? 家に帰る前に、本当にあと1マイルしか行かないのでしょうか。 I’m glad and I’m sorry. 嬉しくてごめんなさい。 Fico contente e lamento. I’m sorry because this drive has been so pleasant and I’m always sorry when pleasant things end. このドライブはとても快適だったのでごめんなさい、そして楽しいことが終わったらいつもごめんなさい。 Lamento porque esta viagem foi muito agradável e lamento sempre quando as coisas agradáveis acabam. Мені шкода, тому що ця поїздка була такою приємною, а мені завжди шкода, коли приємні речі закінчуються.

Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure. それでも楽しい何かが後に来るかもしれませんが、あなたは決して確信することはできません。 Poderá vir a seguir algo ainda mais agradável, mas nunca se pode ter a certeza. Щось ще більш приємне може з'явитися після, але ви ніколи не можете бути впевнені. And it’s so often the case that it isn’t pleasanter. そして、それはあまりにも多くの場合、それは快適ではありません。 E é tão frequente que não seja mais agradável. І так часто буває, що це не дуже приємно. That has been my experience anyhow. De qualquer modo, é essa a minha experiência. Zaten benim deneyimim buydu. But I’m glad to think of getting home. でも、家に帰ることを考えてうれしいです。 Mas estou contente por pensar em regressar a casa. You see, I’ve never had a real home since I can remember. ほら、覚えているので本当の家はありませんでした。 É que nunca tive uma casa a sério desde que me lembro. It gives me that pleasant ache again just to think of coming to a really truly home. Sinto de novo aquela dor agradável só de pensar em vir para uma verdadeira casa.

Oh, isn’t that pretty!" Oh, não é bonito!" They had driven over the crest of a hill. Tinham passado o cume de uma colina. Вони виїхали на гребінь пагорба. Below them was a pond, looking almost like a river so long and winding was it. Au-dessous d'eux se trouvait un étang, ressemblant presque à une rivière si longue et sinueuse. その下には池があり、まるで川のように長く曲がりくねっていました。 Por baixo deles, havia um lago que quase parecia um rio, de tão longo e sinuoso que era. Під ними був ставок, схожий майже на річку, настільки він був довгий і звивистий. A bridge spanned it midway and from there to its lower end, where an amber-hued belt of sand-hills shut it in from the dark blue gulf beyond, the water was a glory of many shifting hues--the most spiritual shadings of crocus and rose and ethereal green, with other elusive tintings for which no name has ever been found. Eine Brücke überspannte es auf halbem Weg und von dort bis zu seinem unteren Ende, wo ein bernsteinfarbener Gürtel aus Sandhügeln es vom dunkelblauen Golf dahinter abschloss. Das Wasser war ein Ruhm vieler wechselnder Farbtöne - die spirituellsten Schattierungen von Krokus und Rose und ätherisches Grün, mit anderen schwer fassbaren Farbtönen, für die noch nie ein Name gefunden wurde. A bridge spanned it midway and from there to its lower end, where an amber-hued belt of sand-hills shut it in from the dark blue gulf beyond, the water was a glory of many shifting hues--the most spiritual shadings of crocus and rose and ethereal green, with other elusive tintings for which no name has ever been found. Un pont le traversait à mi-chemin et de là à son extrémité inférieure, où une ceinture ambrée de collines de sable l'enfermait du golfe bleu foncé au-delà, l'eau était une gloire de nombreuses teintes changeantes - les nuances les plus spirituelles de crocus. et rose et vert éthéré, avec d'autres teintes insaisissables pour lesquelles aucun nom n'a jamais été trouvé. 橋が途中からその下端まで伸びていて、琥珀色の砂丘の帯が向こうの紺碧の湾からそれを閉じ込めていました。水は多くの変化する色合いの栄光でした-クロッカスの最も精神的な陰影そしてバラとエーテルグリーン、名前がこれまでに発見されていない他のとらえどころのない色合い。 Uma ponte atravessava-o a meio e, a partir daí, até à sua extremidade inferior, onde uma cintura de montes de areia em tons de âmbar o fechava do golfo azul-escuro mais além, a água era uma glória de muitos matizes inconstantes - as tonalidades mais espirituais de açafrão e rosa e verde etéreo, com outras tonalidades fugidias para as quais nunca se encontrou um nome. Ortasında bir köprü uzanıyordu ve oradan, kehribar rengi bir kum tepeleri kuşağının onu ötesindeki koyu mavi körfezden kapattığı alt ucuna kadar uzanan su, birçok değişen tonun görkemiydi - çiğdemlerin en ruhani gölgeleriydi. ve adı bulunmayan diğer zor renk tonlarıyla birlikte gül ve eterik yeşil. Міст перетинав її посередині, і від нього до нижнього кінця, де бурштиновий пояс піщаних пагорбів відгороджував її від темно-синьої затоки, вода сяяла безліччю мінливих відтінків - найбільш одухотворених відтінків крокусу, троянди та ефірно-зеленого, з іншими невловимими відтінками, яким ніколи не було знайдено назви. Above the bridge the pond ran up into fringing groves of fir and maple and lay all darkly translucent in their wavering shadows. Au-dessus du pont, l'étang débouchait sur des bosquets frangeants de sapins et d'érables et gisaient tous d'une translucidité sombre dans leurs ombres vacillantes. 橋の上では、池はモミとカエデの縁のある木立にぶつかり、揺らめく影の中にすべて暗く半透明に横たわっていました。 Acima da ponte, a lagoa corria para os bosques de abetos e áceres e ficava toda translúcida nas suas sombras ondulantes. Gölet, köprünün yukarısında, kıvrımlı köknar ve akçaağaç ağaçlarının arasına koştu ve dalgalanan gölgelerinde tamamen yarı saydam bir şekilde uzanıyordu. Here and there a wild plum leaned out from the bank like a white-clad girl tip-toeing to her own reflection. Ici et là, une prune sauvage se penchait sur la rive comme une fille vêtue de blanc pointant vers son propre reflet. あちこちで野生のプラムが白い服を着た女の子のように土手から身を乗り出し、彼女自身の反射につま先立ちました。 Aqui e ali, uma ameixa silvestre inclinava-se para fora da margem, como uma rapariga vestida de branco, na ponta dos pés, para o seu próprio reflexo. Orada burada yabani bir erik, beyaz giyimli bir kız gibi kendi yansımasına doğru eğilerek kıyıdan dışarı doğru eğildi. Де-не-де дика слива визирала з берега, наче дівчина в білому одязі, що навшпиньки наближається до власного відображення. From the marsh at the head of the pond came the clear, mournfully-sweet chorus of the frogs. Du marais à la tête de l'étang sortait le chœur clair et tristement doux des grenouilles. Do pântano, na cabeceira da lagoa, vinha o coro límpido e tristemente doce das rãs. Göletin başındaki bataklıktan kurbağaların berrak, kederli tatlı korosu geldi. There was a little gray house peering around a white apple orchard on a slope beyond and, although it was not yet quite dark, a light was shining from one of its windows. Il y avait une petite maison grise qui regardait autour d'un verger de pommiers blancs sur une pente au-delà et, bien qu'il ne fût pas encore tout à fait sombre, une lumière brillait de l'une de ses fenêtres. 向こうの斜面にある白いリンゴ園の周りを覗く小さな灰色の家があり、まだそれほど暗くはありませんでしたが、その窓の1つから光が輝いていました。 Havia uma pequena casa cinzenta a espreitar um pomar de maçãs brancas numa encosta mais além e, embora ainda não estivesse escuro, uma luz brilhava de uma das suas janelas. Geride bir yamaçta beyaz bir elma bahçesinin etrafına bakan küçük gri bir ev vardı ve henüz karanlık olmamasına rağmen pencerelerinden birinden ışık parlıyordu.

"That’s Barry’s pond," said Matthew. 「それはバリーズ池だ」とマシューは言った。 "É a lagoa do Barry", disse Matthew. "Oh, I don’t like that name, either. 「ああ、私もその名前が好きではありません。 "Oh, eu também não gosto desse nome. I shall call it--let me see--the Lake of Shining Waters. シャイニング・ウォーターズの湖と呼ぼう。 Chamar-lhe-ei, deixem-me ver, o Lago das Águas Brilhantes. Yes, that is the right name for it. はい、それはそれの正しい名前です。 I know because of the thrill. Je sais à cause du frisson. 私はスリルのために知っています。 Eu sei, por causa da emoção. Я знаю, тому що це дуже хвилююче. When I hit on a name that suits exactly it gives me a thrill. ぴったりの名前を付けるとスリルがあります。 Quando encontro um nome que se adequa exatamente ao que pretendo, fico muito entusiasmado. Do things ever give you a thrill?" 物事があなたにスリルを与えることはありますか?」 Alguma vez as coisas te emocionam?" Matthew ruminated. マシューは反逆した。 Mateus ruminou.

"Well now, yes. 「さて、はい。 "Bem, agora, sim. It always kind of gives me a thrill to see them ugly white grubs that spade up in the cucumber beds. Cela me fait toujours plaisir de voir ces vilains vers blancs qui bêchent dans les lits de concombre. キュウリのベッドに広がる醜い白い虫を見ると、いつもワクワクします。 Fico sempre entusiasmado ao ver aquelas larvas brancas e feias que aparecem nos canteiros de pepinos. Salatalık tarhlarında toplanan çirkin beyaz kurtçukları görmek bana her zaman heyecan veriyor. Я завжди хвилююся, коли бачу цих потворних білих личинок, які копошаться на огіркових грядках.

I hate the look of them." 私は彼らの外見が嫌いです。」 Detesto o seu aspeto". "Oh, I don’t think that can be exactly the same kind of a thrill. 「ああ、それがまったく同じようなスリルになるとは思わない。 "Não creio que possa ser exatamente o mesmo tipo de emoção. Do you think it can? できると思いますか? There doesn’t seem to be much connection between grubs and lakes of shining waters, does there? 幼虫と輝く海の湖の間にはあまり関係がないようですよね? Não parece haver grande relação entre larvas e lagos de águas brilhantes, pois não? Kurtçuklar ve parlayan su gölleri arasında pek bir bağlantı yok gibi görünüyor, değil mi? But why do other people call it Barry’s pond?" しかし、なぜ他の人はそれをバリーズ池と呼ぶのですか?」 Mas porque é que as outras pessoas lhe chamam "lagoa do Barry"? "I reckon because Mr. Barry lives up there in that house. 「バリーさんがその家に住んでいるからだと思います。 "Acho que é porque o Sr. Barry vive lá em cima, naquela casa. Orchard Slope’s the name of his place. Orchard Slope é o nome da sua casa. Orchard Slope, yerinin adı. If it wasn’t for that big bush behind it you could see Green Gables from here. その背後にある大きな茂みがなければ、ここからグリーンゲーブルを見ることができます。 Se não fosse aquele grande arbusto por detrás, podia ver-se o Frontão Verde daqui. Якби не великий кущ за ним, звідси можна було б побачити Зелені Дахи. But we have to go over the bridge and round by the road, so it’s near half a mile further." しかし、私たちは橋を渡って道路を一周しなければならないので、それはさらに0.5マイル近くあります。」 Mas temos de passar a ponte e contornar a estrada, por isso é quase meia milha mais longe". Ama köprünün üzerinden geçip karayolundan geçmemiz gerekiyor, bu yüzden yaklaşık yarım mil uzakta. "Has Mr. Barry any little girls? 「バリーさんに小さな女の子はいますか? "O Sr. Barry tem alguma menina? "Чи є у пана Баррі маленькі доньки? Well, not so very little either--about my size." ええと、それほど少なくはありません-私のサイズについてです。」 Bem, também não é muito pequena - mais ou menos do meu tamanho". Ну, не так вже й мало - приблизно мого розміру". "He’s got one about eleven. 「彼は約11を持っています。 "Ele tem um por volta das onze. "On bir civarında bir tane var. "У нього є один близько одинадцятої. Her name is Diana." 彼女の名前はダイアナです。」 Ela chama-se Diana". "Oh!" with a long indrawing of breath. com um longo suspiro. "What a perfectly lovely name!" 「なんて素敵な名前でしょう!」 "Que nome tão bonito!" "Well now, I dunno. 「さて、私は知らない。 "Bem, agora, não sei. There’s something dreadful heathenish about it, seems to me. それについて何か恐ろしい異教徒がいるように私には思えます。 Parece-me que há algo de terrivelmente pagão nisso. Мені здається, в цьому є щось жахливо язичницьке. I’d ruther Jane or Mary or some sensible name like that. Je ruther Jane ou Mary ou un nom sensé comme ça. 私はジェーンやメアリー、あるいはそのような賢明な名前を言います。 Eu preferia Jane ou Mary ou um nome sensato do género. But when Diana was born there was a schoolmaster boarding there and they gave him the naming of her and he called her Diana." しかし、ダイアナが生まれたとき、そこに搭乗している校長がいて、彼らは彼に彼女の名前を付け、彼は彼女をダイアナと呼んだ。」 Mas quando Diana nasceu, havia um mestre-escola que estava a estudar lá e deram-lhe o nome dela e ele chamou-lhe Diana". Ama Diana doğduğunda orada yatılı bir okul müdürü vardı ve ona onun adını verdiler ve o da Diana adını verdi. " Але коли Діана народилася, там жив шкільний учитель, і йому дали її ім'я, і він назвав її Діаною". "I wish there had been a schoolmaster like that around when I was born, then. "Quem me dera que houvesse um mestre-escola como ele quando eu nasci. "Шкода, що не було такого вчителя, коли я народився. Oh, here we are at the bridge. ああ、ここは橋にいます。 Oh, aqui estamos nós na ponte. I’m going to shut my eyes tight. Je vais fermer les yeux. 目を閉じます。 Vou fechar bem os olhos. Я міцно заплющу очі. I’m always afraid going over bridges. 私はいつも橋を渡るのが怖いです。 Tenho sempre medo de passar por pontes. I can’t help imagining that perhaps just as we get to the middle, they’ll crumple up like a jack-knife and nip us. Je ne peux m'empêcher d'imaginer que peut-être au moment où nous arrivons au milieu, ils se froisseront comme un couteau et nous pinceront. おそらく真ん中までたどり着くと、彼らはジャックナイフのようにくしゃくしゃにして私たちを挟み込むだろうと想像することはできません。 Não consigo deixar de imaginar que, quando chegarmos ao meio, talvez eles se dobrem como um canivete e nos cortem. Belki tam ortaya geldiğimizde, bir bıçak gibi buruşacaklarını ve bizi kıstıracaklarını hayal etmekten kendimi alamıyorum. Я не можу позбутися думки, що, можливо, тільки-но ми дійдемо до середини, вони зімнуть нас, як ножик, і вхоплять. So I shut my eyes. だから目を閉じた。 Então fechei os olhos. But I always have to open them for all when I think we’re getting near the middle. しかし、真ん中に近づいていると思うときは、常にすべての人に開かなければなりません。 Mas tenho sempre de os abrir para todos quando acho que estamos a chegar ao meio.

Because, you see, if the bridge did crumple up I’d want to see it crumple. というのも、橋がしわくちゃになったら、それがしわくちゃになりたいのです。 Porque, como vêem, se a ponte se amachucasse, eu gostaria de a ver amachucar-se. What a jolly rumble it makes! なんて愉快なランブルなのだろう。 Que barulho alegre que faz! Ne kadar neşeli bir gürültü! I always like the rumble part of it. 私はいつもそれのランブル部分が好きです。 Gosto sempre da parte do estrondo. Her zaman gürültülü kısmını severim. Isn’t it splendid there are so many things to like in this world? この世に好きなものがたくさんあるのは素晴らしいことではありませんか? Não é esplêndido que haja tantas coisas de que se pode gostar neste mundo? Хіба не чудово, що в цьому світі так багато речей, які можна любити? There we’re over. これで終わりです。 Aí acabámos. İşte bitirdik. Now I’ll look back. 今振り返ります。 Agora vou olhar para trás. Şimdi geriye bakacağım. Тепер я озирнуся назад. Good night, dear Lake of Shining Waters. おやすみなさい、シャイニングウォーターズの愛する湖。 Boa noite, querido Lago das Águas Brilhantes. İyi geceler sevgili Shining Waters Gölü. I always say good night to the things I love, just as I would to people I think they like it. Digo sempre boa noite às coisas de que gosto, tal como digo às pessoas que acho que gostam. That water looks as if it was smiling at me." When they had driven up the further hill and around a corner Matthew said: 彼らがさらに丘を登り、角を曲がったとき、マシューは言った: Depois de terem subido a colina e dobrado uma esquina, Mateus disse Tepeye çıktıklarında ve bir köşeyi döndüklerinde Matthew dedi ki:

"We’re pretty near home now. 「私たちは今、かなり家の近くにいます。 "Já estamos muito perto de casa. "Ми вже досить близько до дому. That’s Green Gables over--" それはグリーンゲーブルズオーバーです-」 É o Frontão Verde, por cima..." "Oh, don’t tell me," she interrupted breathlessly, catching at his partially raised arm and shutting her eyes that she might not see his gesture. "Oh, ne me dis pas," l'interrompit-elle à bout de souffle, attrapant son bras partiellement levé et fermant les yeux pour ne pas voir son geste. 「ああ、私に言わないでください」彼女は息を切らして中断し、彼の部分的に持ち上げられた腕をつかみ、彼のジェスチャーが見えないかもしれないと目を閉じた。 "Oh, não me digas", interrompeu ela sem fôlego, agarrando no braço parcialmente levantado e fechando os olhos para não ver o seu gesto. "Ah, bana söyleme," diye sözünü kesti, kısmen kaldırılmış kolunu yakaladı ve onun hareketini göremeyeceği için gözlerini kapattı. "О, не кажи мені", - перебила вона, затамувавши подих, вхопившись за його частково підняту руку і заплющивши очі, щоб не бачити його жесту. "Let me guess. "Lass mich raten. "私に当てさせてください。 I’m sure I’ll guess right." Ich bin sicher, ich werde richtig raten." きっと正しいと思います。」 Tenho a certeza de que vou adivinhar bem". She opened her eyes and looked about her. Sie öffnete die Augen und sah sich um. 彼女は目を開けて周りを見ました。 Abriu os olhos e olhou à sua volta. They were on the crest of a hill. 彼らは丘の頂上にいました。 Estavam no cume de uma colina. Bir tepenin zirvesindeydiler. The sun had set some time since, but the landscape was still clear in the mellow afterlight. Le soleil s'était couché depuis quelque temps, mais le paysage était encore clair dans la douce lumière du jour. それからしばらく日が沈んでいたが、まろやかな残光の中、風景はまだ澄んでいた。 O sol já se tinha posto há algum tempo, mas a paisagem ainda era clara à luz suave da tarde. O zamandan beri güneş biraz zaman batmıştı, ama manzara, ertesi günden sonraki yumuşak ışıkta hala berraktı. To the west a dark church spire rose up against a marigold sky. 西側には、暗い教会の尖塔がマリーゴールドの空を背景に立ち上がっていました。 A oeste, a torre de uma igreja escura erguia-se contra um céu cor de calêndula. Batıda, kadife çiçeği gökyüzüne karşı karanlık bir kilise kulesi yükseldi. На заході темний церковний шпиль здіймався на тлі чорнобривцевого неба.

Below was a little valley and beyond a long, gently-rising slope with snug farmsteads scattered along it. Au-dessous, il y avait une petite vallée et au-delà d'une longue pente qui montait doucement avec des fermes douillettes éparpillées le long d'elle. その下には小さな谷があり、それに沿ってぴったりとした農場が点在する、長く緩やかに上昇する斜面を越えていました。 Em baixo, um pequeno vale e, mais além, uma longa encosta em suave ascensão com pequenas quintas espalhadas ao longo dela. Aşağıda küçük bir vadi vardı ve uzun, yavaşça yükselen bir yokuşun ötesinde, etrafına dağılmış rahat çiftlikler vardı. From one to another the child’s eyes darted, eager and wistful. De l'un à l'autre, les yeux de l'enfant s'élançaient, impatients et nostalgiques. ある人から別の人へと、子供の目は鋭く、熱心で、物欲しげでした。 De um lado para o outro, os olhos da criança lançavam-se, ávidos e desejosos. Очі дитини бігали від одного до іншого, нетерплячі та задумливі. At last they lingered on one away to the left, far back from the road, dimly white with blossoming trees in the twilight of the surrounding woods. Enfin, ils s'attardèrent sur l'un d'eux à gauche, loin de la route, faiblement blancs avec des arbres en fleurs dans le crépuscule des bois environnants. Por fim, detinham-se num dos lados, à esquerda, afastado da estrada, pouco branco de árvores em flor no crepúsculo dos bosques circundantes. Sonunda, soldan, yoldan çok geride, çevredeki ormanın alacakaranlığında çiçek açan ağaçlarla loş beyaz bir şekilde oyalandılar. Over it, in the stainless southwest sky, a great crystal-white star was shining like a lamp of guidance and promise. Au-dessus, dans le ciel inoxydable du sud-ouest, une grande étoile cristalline brillait comme une lampe d'orientation et de promesse. Sobre ela, no céu inoxidável do sudoeste, uma grande estrela branca e cristalina brilhava como uma lâmpada de orientação e promessa. Над ним, у чистому південно-західному небі, сяяла велика кришталево-біла зірка, як світильник, що вказує шлях і дає надію.

"That’s it, isn’t it?" 「それだけですよね?」 "É isso, não é?" "Це воно, чи не так?" she said, pointing. disse ela, apontando.

Matthew slapped the reins on the sorrel’s back delightedly. マシューは喜んでスイバの背中の手綱を叩きました。 Mateus bateu com as rédeas no dorso do alazão, deliciando-se. Matthew dizginleri sevinçle kuzukuluğun sırtına vurdu.

"Well now, you’ve guessed it! 「さて、あなたはそれを推測しました! "Bem, adivinhou! But I reckon Mrs. Spencer described it so’s you could tell." Mas acho que a Sra. Spencer descreveu-o de forma a que se pudesse perceber." Але я вважаю, що місіс Спенсер описала це так, що ви могли б сказати." "No, she didn’t--really she didn’t. 「いいえ、彼女はしませんでした-本当に彼女はしませんでした。 "Não, não fez - a sério que não fez. All she said might just as well have been about most of those other places. 彼女が言ったのは、他のほとんどの場所についてだったのかもしれません。 Tudo o que ela disse poderia muito bem ter sido sobre a maioria dos outros sítios. Tüm söylediği diğer yerlerin çoğu hakkında da olabilirdi. Все, що вона сказала, з таким же успіхом могло б стосуватися і більшості інших місць. I hadn’t any real idea what it looked like. Não fazia a mínima ideia de como era. But just as soon as I saw it I felt it was home. しかし、それを見るとすぐに、それは家にあると感じました。 Mas assim que a vi, senti que era a minha casa. Oh, it seems as if I must be in a dream. Oh, parece que estou num sonho. Do you know, my arm must be black and blue from the elbow up, for I’ve pinched myself so many times today. Sabes, o meu braço deve estar preto e azul do cotovelo para cima, porque já me belisquei tantas vezes hoje. Знаєте, моя рука, мабуть, синя від ліктя, бо я сьогодні стільки разів себе вщипнула. Every little while a horrible sickening feeling would come over me and I’d be so afraid it was all a dream. 少しずつ恐ろしい気分が私を襲い、それがすべて夢だったのではないかと心配しました。 De vez em quando, apoderava-se de mim uma sensação horrível de enjoo e eu tinha tanto medo que fosse tudo um sonho. Arada bir korkunç bir mide bulandırıcı his gelirdi ve hepsinin bir rüya olduğundan o kadar korkardım.

Then I’d pinch myself to see if it was real--until suddenly I remembered that even supposing it was only a dream I’d better go on dreaming as long as I could; so I stopped pinching. Depois beliscava-me para ver se era real - até que de repente me lembrei que, mesmo supondo que era apenas um sonho, era melhor continuar a sonhar enquanto pudesse; por isso deixei de me beliscar. Потім я щипав себе, щоб перевірити, чи це насправді - аж раптом я згадав, що навіть якщо це був лише сон, то краще продовжувати мріяти так довго, як зможу; тож я перестав щипати себе. But it is real and we’re nearly home." しかし、それは本物であり、私たちはほとんど家にいます。」 Mas é real e estamos quase a chegar a casa". With a sigh of rapture she relapsed into silence. 彼女は携挙のため息をついて、沈黙に戻った。 Com um suspiro de êxtase, ela caiu no silêncio. Coşku dolu bir iç çekişle tekrar sessizliğe büründü. Matthew stirred uneasily. マシューは不安そうに動いた。 Mateus remexeu-se inquieto. Matthew huzursuzca kıpırdandı. Метью занепокоєно заворушився. He felt glad that it would be Marilla and not he who would have to tell this waif of the world that the home she longed for was not to be hers after all. Il se sentait heureux que ce soit Marilla et non pas lui qui doive dire à ce monde du monde que la maison qu'elle désirait ne devait pas être la sienne après tout. Sentiu-se feliz por ser Marilla, e não ele, a ter de dizer a esta pobre coitada do mundo que a casa que ela desejava não era para ser dela. Kendisinin özlem duyduğu evin onun olmayacağını dünyanın bu feragatine anlatması gerekenin kendisi değil, Marilla olacağına sevindi. Він був радий, що саме Маріллі, а не йому, доведеться сказати цій покинутій людині, що дім, якого вона так прагнула, не буде її домом. They drove over Lynde’s Hollow, where it was already quite dark, but not so dark that Mrs. Rachel could not see them from her window vantage, and up the hill and into the long lane of Green Gables. Passaram por Lynde's Hollow, onde já estava bastante escuro, mas não tão escuro que a Sra. Rachel não os pudesse ver da sua janela, subiram a colina e entraram na longa rua de Green Gables. Zaten karanlık olan Lynde's Hollow'un üzerinden geçtiler, ama o kadar da karanlık değildi ki, Mrs. By the time they arrived at the house Matthew was shrinking from the approaching revelation with an energy he did not understand. Au moment où ils arrivèrent à la maison, Matthew recula devant la révélation prochaine avec une énergie qu'il ne comprenait pas. Quando chegaram a casa, Matthew estava a encolher-se perante a revelação que se aproximava com uma energia que não compreendia. Коли вони підійшли до будинку, Метью з незрозумілою для нього енергією стискався від наближення одкровення. It was not of Marilla or himself he was thinking of the trouble this mistake was probably going to make for them, but of the child’s disappointment. この間違いがおそらく彼らにもたらすであろう問題について彼が考えていたのはマリラ自身ではなく、子供の失望でした。 Não era em Marilla ou em si próprio que ele estava a pensar nos problemas que este erro iria provavelmente causar-lhes, mas na desilusão da criança. Marilla ya da kendisi, bu hatanın muhtemelen onlar için yaratacağı sorunu değil, çocuğun hayal kırıklığını düşünüyordu. Він думав не про Маріллу чи про себе, не про проблеми, які ця помилка, ймовірно, принесе їм, а про розчарування дитини. When he thought of that rapt light being quenched in her eyes he had an uncomfortable feeling that he was going to assist at murdering something--much the same feeling that came over him when he had to kill a lamb or calf or any other innocent little creature. 彼のあの激しい光が彼女の目で消されていると思ったとき、彼は何かを殺すのを手伝おうとしているという不快な気持ちを抱きました-彼が子羊や子牛や他の罪のない小さな子供を殺さなければならなかったときと同じ気持ちでした生き物。 Quando pensou naquela luz arrebatada que se extinguia nos olhos dela, teve uma sensação desconfortável de que ia ajudar a assassinar alguma coisa - quase a mesma sensação que o dominava quando tinha de matar um cordeiro ou um vitelo ou qualquer outra criaturinha inocente. Коли він подумав про те, що в її очах згас цей захоплений вогник, у нього виникло неприємне відчуття, що він збирається допомогти вбити когось - майже таке ж відчуття, яке охоплювало його, коли йому доводилося вбивати ягня, теля або будь-яку іншу невинну маленьку істоту.

The yard was quite dark as they turned into it and the poplar leaves were rustling silkily all round it. Der Hof war ziemlich dunkel, als sie hineingefahren sind und die Pappelblätter seidig raschelten ringsherum. La cour était assez sombre alors qu'ils s'y transformaient et les feuilles de peuplier bruissaient de façon soyeuse tout autour. 彼らが庭に変わったとき、庭はかなり暗く、ポプラの葉はそれの周りを絹のようにざわめいていた。 O pátio estava bastante escuro quando entraram nele e as folhas de choupo farfalhavam sedosamente à sua volta. Avluya döndüklerinde oldukça karanlıktı ve kavak yaprakları etrafını saran ipek gibi hışırdıyordu. На подвір'ї було досить темно, коли вони увійшли в нього, і тополине листя шовковисто шелестіло довкола.

"Listen to the trees talking in their sleep," she whispered, as he lifted her to the ground. "Hör zu, wie die Bäume im Schlaf miteinander sprechen," flüsterte sie, als er sie zu Boden hob. «Écoutez les arbres parler dans leur sommeil», murmura-t-elle en la soulevant au sol. "Escuta as árvores a falar enquanto dormem", sussurrou ela, enquanto ele a levantava para o chão. "Послухай, як дерева розмовляють уві сні", - прошепотіла вона, коли він опустив її на землю. "What nice dreams they must have!" "Welch schöne Träume sie wohl haben!" 「彼らが持っていなければならないなんて素晴らしい夢だ!」 "Que bons sonhos eles devem ter!" Then, holding tightly to the carpet-bag which contained "all her worldly goods," she followed him into the house. Dann, fest an dem Teppichbeutel haltend, der "all ihre weltlichen Güter" enthielt, folgte sie ihm ins Haus. Puis, se tenant fermement au sac-tapis qui contenait «tous ses biens matériels», elle le suivit dans la maison. Depois, segurando firmemente o saco de tapete que continha "todos os seus bens materiais", seguiu-o para dentro de casa. Потім, міцно тримаючись за килим-мішок, в якому було "все її земне добро", вона пішла за ним до будинку.