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Steve's Language Learning Tips, The Power of Reading

The Power of Reading

Reading is powerful in how it forms our brain, how it helps

us acquire new languages.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here again, and today I want to talk about reading

because the last time I spoke about listening, uh, remember though, if

you enjoy my videos, please subscribe, click on the be for notifications.

If you follow me on a podcast service, um, please leave a comment.

So I spoke about listening and how powerful it is.

Podcast service, you know, so many ways that we can listen today, how

throughout the history of time, uh, listening has been a major way or

the major way whereby people learned, learned from others, were entertained,

acquired knowledge, communicated.

Listening was the key.

Reading is relatively recent.

Um, I don't know.

I don't remember exactly.

You know, people first started writing.

We have, uh, Chinese turtle shell script if I remember correctly from my

Chinese history, we have cuneiform the scripts, uh, you know, in, in old Elam

and Sumer and the Akkad and Mesopotamia.

Again, my knowledge of history is fuzzy.

Fuzzy knowledge is good until you have to write exams because you're

gradually getting a clearer and clearer picture of these things.

And even when you think you've firmed up, you know, you remember the actual,

you know, date of the, uh, ruler of whatever in, uh, ancient something

rather pretty soon you forget it.

So it doesn't matter.

So vaguely, uh, I think the first writing took place somewhere

in the fertile Crescent.

Uh, and, uh, I think the original, you know, purpose of writing was

to keep track of, you know, for accounting purposes, keeping track

of the grain that was in storage and it helped to administer things.

And then there is the famous, um, Darius's declaration of human rights, which

was written using a cuneiform script.

And I believe it was written in, not in Persian, but in, in

the language of Elam or Akkat.

I just don't remember.

As I say, my history knowledge is very fuzzy, but I have a vague...

and the vague, I, I always feel by the way, this gets me to reading, you

know, Whenever we're told to read in school, we're asked questions about

our understanding and I always resist these listening comprehension questions,

or reading comprehension questions.

I like having an imperfect knowledge of what I read.

If I enjoyed what I read, if I found it interesting if I understood many

parts of it, but didn't understand some other parts and I can't remember

the exact date of this or who did what to whom, it doesn't matter.

It was still enjoyable to me.

I liked reading for enjoyment, but starting back whenever it was 2,500,

3000 years ago, when the first people started writing for whatever purpose,

uh, up until basically the popularization of, uh, of, um, you know, printing

in the 15th century, um, and even thereafter, most people didn't read.

So the brain, which is, you know, from an evolutionary perspective has had

a lot of experience at listening and deciphering meaning from listening.Hasn't

had very much experience or exposure at, uh, dealing with writing.

And it's quite amazing to me that you can have lines on a piece of paper,

uh, whatever the script may be.

It doesn't matter whether it's the Latin script or whether it's Chinese

characters or whether it's the, uh, you know, Persian script or Hangul.

It doesn't matter.

You've got lines that are converted by the brain into meaning sometimes also in

most cases, in fact, converted into sound.

So the brain has to do this processing, which, which is a tremendous feat

for the brain to do, because it was something that the brain was not, you

know, prepared to do over the hundreds of thousands of years that, that

human beings and the predecesors have been wandering around on the earth.

And so I enjoy reading, uh, you know, right now I'm reading a German book.

A German book about the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is

where my parents were born actually.

And to, to sit in bed with a book, even if I'm reading on my iPad, which

I like to do, because I can look up the odd word in German that I don't know.

Uh, it's cozy.

I don't want the sound.

I don't want the audio.

I just want the written word to connect with that written word because the

written word conjures up the meaning in a different way from listening.

I mean, in a way the written text is a record.

It's a record just as the audio is a record, but it's

a different kind of record.

And I'm not a neuroscientist so I don't know whether different parts of the

brain process the writing, as opposed to the audio to convert them into meaning.

But I am convinced that doing a lot of reading as well as listening

helps in acquiring languages.

I've said before, If I just hear the sound of a new language, I can almost

not make out the sound, but if I get a phonetic version of that, and in the case

of a non phonetic script, like Chinese characters, I, I would use the opinion,

but it helps to define that sound.

And gradually I get better at hearing that sound, but I rely on the written

script in order to decipher the sound.

Uh, and I, I think this is true of everyone and we see how people very

often are influenced in how they pronounce a word in another script.

If say, say using the Latin alphabet, if someone is say check and they read

something in English, or if they're a Spanish speaker and they read something

in English, they will be influenced by how, what the letters mean, how they

are pronounced in their native language.

And that'll be reflected in how they pronounce the new language.

So they're obviously not relying entirely on hearing the sound.

They are very much influenced by their habit.

You know, their reading habits and what the value of the, of those letters

are in their own writing system.

So reading is powerful in how it forms our brain, how it helps us acquire

new languages, and it's pleasant.

It's a different experience.

I can sit with a book and read for two, three hours.

I can't sit, just sit and listen for two, three hours.

I lose concentration.

I get restless.

If I'm in my car listening, that's fine.

And the great advantage of listening of course, is that it's so portable.

You can be doing other things while listening.

You can sort of fade in and out while listening, cuz you're

also doing something else.

You're kind of happy.

Whereas when you're reading.

If you fade out, you kind of have to reread the sentence again,

because you're kind of more focused.

At least that's my own experience, more focused on the

meaning when you're reading.

And so reading other than the fact that it's the fastest way to

acquire in acquire information.

If I, if I need to instructions on how to fix my, uh, coffee maker or something.

Like, or if I look up, uh, something on the internet, uh, having to do with

the, I don't know, recharging my iPhone, I prefer to read because it's faster.

I can select, I can jump from spot to spot.

I can, I can get that information more quickly.

If I have to listen or watch through a video, then I'm kind

of at the mercy of whoever is speaking or producing the video.

Whereas if I'm reading, I control where I go.

Uh, similarly with a book, if I wanna skip this chapter or jump ahead or

behind, and I know exactly where I want to go to, I can skim the pages and see

those areas that are of interest to me.

So reading is a, is, is quite a different experience, but reading is powerful.

I've said before I consider with a new language, when I have read a whole

book paper book, without a dictionary without the iPad, from cover to cover.

I consider that to be a major milestone.

I am far from being able to do that in Persian or Arabic, because I'm

not comfortable enough with the script, but, uh, even in Polish,

which I don't speak well at all, I can make my way through a book.

I know enough words.

And of course the writing system is familiar to me.

So, uh, an obstacle when we're learning languages, where the writing system

is different is that you can't make up for, in my case, uh, 70 plus years

of reading in the Latin script and expect that a couple of years of

reading in the, uh, in the Arabic script is gonna give me the same

degree of familiarity with that script.

And yet I know that if I, if I wanna progress in Persian or Arabic,

I have to get better at reading.

Reading is a major, you know, again, source of enjoyment, but

also a major learning activity.

And some people say they don't like to read.

All I can say is try to develop the habit, start reading

things of real interest to you.

Obviously don't take on a classic of, you know, French literature, if

that's not of interest to you read, uh, comics read things on sports.

Uh that's I think where anime in the case of, uh, people interested in

Japanese is kind of like cartoons, read comic books, whatever you like

to read, develop that reading habit.

Get the brain used to reading used to converting meaning from written

text, because it's gonna be a major, major advantage, uh, in life.

Uh, professionally, academically, whatever, but also in terms of

language learning, it's, it's a powerful, powerful activity.

So as you know, I'm very much in favor of input based learning, build up your

potential through reading and listening.

And when you have the opportunity to speak, speak, but don't

neglect reading, it's powerful.

Anyway, I've done videos on the subject before so I'll leave a

few here for reference for you.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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The Power of Reading Die Macht des Lesens The Power of Reading El poder de la lectura Le pouvoir de la lecture Il potere della lettura 読書の力 독서의 힘 Moc czytania O poder da leitura Сила чтения Okumanın Gücü 阅读的力量 阅读的力量 閱讀的力量

Reading is powerful in how it forms our brain, how it helps ||||||塑造||||| 読書は私たちの脳をどのように形成し、どのように役立つかという点で強力です 阅读在如何形成我们的大脑以及如何提供帮助方面具有强大的作用

us acquire new languages. wir lernen neue Sprachen. 私たちは新しい言語を習得します。

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here again, and today I want to talk about reading こんにちは、スティーブ・カウフマンです。今日は読書についてお話したいと思います。

because the last time I spoke about listening, uh, remember though, if 前回、リスニングについて話したときのことを思い出してください。

you enjoy my videos, please subscribe, click on the be for notifications. あなたは私のビデオを楽しんでいます、購読してください、通知のためにbeをクリックしてください。

If you follow me on a podcast service, um, please leave a comment. ポッドキャスト サービスで私をフォローしている場合は、コメントを残してください。

So I spoke about listening and how powerful it is. それで、私はリスニングとそれがどれほど強力かについて話しました.

Podcast service, you know, so many ways that we can listen today, how ポッドキャスト サービスは、現在、非常に多くの方法で聴くことができます。

throughout the history of time, uh, listening has been a major way or ||||||||||primary|| 歴史を通じて|||||||||||| 時間の歴史を通じて、ええと、聞くことは主要な方法でした

the major way whereby people learned, learned from others, were entertained, |||通过这种方式|||||||娱乐 |||by which||||||| |||によって|||||||楽しませた |||por meio de||||||| el principal medio por el que la gente aprendía, aprendía de los demás, se entretenía, 人々が学び、他の人から学び、楽しませる主な方法は、 人们学习、向他人学习、娱乐的主要方式,

acquired knowledge, communicated. 知識を獲得し、伝えました。

Listening was the key. 傾聴がカギでした。

Reading is relatively recent. 読書は比較的最近です。

Um, I don't know. うーん、わかりません。

I don't remember exactly. 正確には覚えていません。

You know, people first started writing. ご存知のように、人々は最初に書き始めました。

We have, uh, Chinese turtle shell script if I remember correctly from my |||||casca de tartar||||||| Tenemos, uh, escritura china de caparazón de tortuga si recuerdo correctamente de mi Abbiamo, uh, la scrittura cinese del guscio di tartaruga, se ricordo bene dal mio 私の記憶が正しければ、中国語の亀甲文字があります。

Chinese history, we have cuneiform the scripts, uh, you know, in, in old Elam ||||楔形文字|||||||||古埃兰 ||||cuneiform writing||||||||| ||||楔形文字|||||||||エラム語 中国の歴史では、古いエラム語で楔形文字のスクリプトがあります。

and Sumer and the Akkad and Mesopotamia. |苏美尔|||阿卡德|| ||||||the region そしてシュメールとアッカドとメソポタミア。

Again, my knowledge of history is fuzzy. ||||||模糊不清 ||||||imprecisa 繰り返しますが、私の歴史に関する知識は曖昧です。

Fuzzy knowledge is good until you have to write exams because you're あいまいな知識は、試験を書かなければならないまでは良いことです。

gradually getting a clearer and clearer picture of these things. 徐々にこれらのことのより明確なイメージを得ています。

And even when you think you've firmed up, you know, you remember the actual, ||||||确定||||||| ||||||you've made firm||||||| ||||||固めた||||||| E incluso cuando crees que te has afianzado, recuerdas lo real, しっかりしたと思っていても、実際のことを覚えていて、

you know, date of the, uh, ruler of whatever in, uh, ancient something ご存知のように、古代の何かの支配者の日付

rather pretty soon you forget it. más bien pronto lo olvidas. むしろすぐに忘れてしまいます。

So it doesn't matter. Así que no importa. だから関係ない。

So vaguely, uh, I think the first writing took place somewhere |模糊地||||||||| |not clearly||||||||| |漠然と||||||||| Así que vagamente, uh, creo que la primera escritura tuvo lugar en algún lugar 漠然としていますが、最初の書き込みはどこかで行われたと思います

in the fertile Crescent. ||肥沃的|新月形地区 ||肥沃な|肥沃な三日月地帯 肥沃な三日月で。

Uh, and, uh, I think the original, you know, purpose of writing was ええと、ええと、元々の執筆目的は

to keep track of, you know, for accounting purposes, keeping track ||記録する|||||会計記録||| ||registro|||||||| para hacer un seguimiento de, ya sabes, con fines contables, hacer un seguimiento 追跡するため、会計目的で、追跡するために

of the grain that was in storage and it helped to administer things. |||||||||||管理| ||||||supply depot|||||| ||穀物||||貯蔵されていた|||||管理する| 貯蔵されていた穀物のことであり、物事を管理するのに役立ちました。

And then there is the famous, um, Darius's declaration of human rights, which |||||||达里乌斯的||||| |||||||ダリウスの|||人権宣言|| Y luego está la famosa, um, declaración de Darío de los derechos humanos, que そして、有名なダリウスの人権宣言があります。 然后是著名的,嗯,大流士的人权宣言,

was written using a cuneiform script. ||||楔形文字|文字 ||||cuneiform script| ||||楔形文字で書かれた| se escribía en escritura cuneiforme.

And I believe it was written in, not in Persian, but in, in |||||||||波斯语||| ペルシャ語ではなく、

the language of Elam or Akkat. |||埃兰||阿卡德语 エラム語またはアカット語。

I just don't remember. 私は覚えていません。

As I say, my history knowledge is very fuzzy, but I have a vague... |||||||||||||模糊的 |||||||||||||曖昧な 私が言うように、私の歴史の知識は非常に曖昧ですが、漠然としています...

and the vague, I, I always feel by the way, this gets me to reading, you y la vaga, yo, yo siempre siento por cierto, esto me lleva a la lectura, usted そして漠然とした、私はいつもそう感じています、これは私を読書に駆り立てます、あなた

know, Whenever we're told to read in school, we're asked questions about saben, cada vez que nos dicen que leamos en la escuela, nos hacen preguntas sobre 学校で本を読むように言われると、いつでも質問されます。

our understanding and I always resist these listening comprehension questions, nuestra comprensión y siempre me resisto a estas preguntas de comprensión oral, 私たちの理解と私は常にこれらのリスニングの質問に抵抗します.

or reading comprehension questions. または読解問題。

I like having an imperfect knowledge of what I read. Me gusta tener un conocimiento imperfecto de lo que leo. 私は自分が読んだものについて不完全な知識を持つのが好きです.

If I enjoyed what I read, if I found it interesting if I understood many 読んだものを楽しんだ場合、興味深いと感じた場合、多くのことを理解した場合

parts of it, but didn't understand some other parts and I can't remember 一部は理解できたが、他の部分は理解できず、覚えていない

the exact date of this or who did what to whom, it doesn't matter. これの正確な日付や、誰が誰に何をしたかは問題ではありません。

It was still enjoyable to me. 私にはまだ楽しかったです。

I liked reading for enjoyment, but starting back whenever it was 2,500, Me gustaba leer por placer, pero volvía a empezar cuando tenía 2.500, 趣味で読むのが好きだったのですが、2,500になるたびに読み始めて、

3000 years ago, when the first people started writing for whatever purpose, 3000年前、最初の人々が何らかの目的で文字を書き始めたとき、

uh, up until basically the popularization of, uh, of, um, you know, printing |||||普及||||||| |普及するまで||||普及||||||| ええと、基本的には印刷が普及するまでは

in the 15th century, um, and even thereafter, most people didn't read. |||||||之后|||| |||||||after that|||| |||||||その後|||| 15 世紀には、ええと、それ以降も、ほとんどの人は本を読みませんでした。

So the brain, which is, you know, from an evolutionary perspective has had |||||||||進化的な||| Así que el cerebro, que es, ya sabes, desde una perspectiva evolutiva ha tenido つまり、脳は、進化の観点から見て、

a lot of experience at listening and deciphering meaning from listening.Hasn't |||||||解读意义|||| |||||||deciphering = interpreting|||| |||||||解読する|||| リスニングとリスニングから意味を解読する経験が豊富です。

had very much experience or exposure at, uh, dealing with writing. ライティングを扱う分野で非常に多くの経験や露出がありました。

And it's quite amazing to me that you can have lines on a piece of paper, 一枚の紙に線を引くことができるというのは、私にとって非常に驚くべきことです。

uh, whatever the script may be. sea cual sea el guión. ええと、スクリプトが何であれ。

It doesn't matter whether it's the Latin script or whether it's Chinese ラテン文字だろうが中国語だろうが関係ない

characters or whether it's the, uh, you know, Persian script or Hangul. |||||||||||韩文字母 |||||||||||Korean script 文字か、それがペルシャ文字かハングルか。

It doesn't matter. それは問題ではありません。

You've got lines that are converted by the brain into meaning sometimes also in 脳によって意味に変換されるセリフがあります。

most cases, in fact, converted into sound. ||||转换为|| 実際、ほとんどの場合、音に変換されます。

So the brain has to do this processing, which, which is a tremendous feat |||||||||||||壮举 |||||||processing|||||| |||||||||||||偉業 |||||||||||||realização extraordinária Así que el cerebro tiene que hacer este procesamiento, lo cual es una gran hazaña. 脳はこの処理を行わなければなりません これは途方もない偉業です

for the brain to do, because it was something that the brain was not, you 脳がすること、それは脳がしていないことだったので、あなたは

know, prepared to do over the hundreds of thousands of years that, that ya sabes, preparado para hacer durante los cientos de miles de años que, que 何十万年もの間、それを行う準備ができていたことを知っています。

human beings and the predecesors have been wandering around on the earth. ||||前辈||||||| ||||predecessors|||vagando|||| ||||ancestors||||||| ||||先祖たち||||||| los seres humanos y sus predecesores han estado vagando por la tierra. 人類とその先人たちは、地球上をさまよい続けてきました。

And so I enjoy reading, uh, you know, right now I'm reading a German book. だから私は読書を楽しんでいます。今はドイツ語の本を読んでいます。

A German book about the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国に関するドイツの本。

where my parents were born actually. donde nacieron mis padres en realidad. 私の両親が実際に生まれた場所。

And to, to sit in bed with a book, even if I'm reading on my iPad, which そして、iPadで読んでいても、ベッドに座って本を読むこと。

I like to do, because I can look up the odd word in German that I don't know. ||||||||||知らない||||||| ドイツ語でわからない奇妙な単語を調べることができるので、好きです。

Uh, it's cozy. ||呃,很舒适。 ||уютный ||ええと、居心地がいい。 ||aconchegante Uh, es acogedor. うーん、心地よい。

I don't want the sound. 音はいらない。

I don't want the audio. オーディオはいらない。

I just want the written word to connect with that written word because the Sólo quiero que la palabra escrita conecte con esa palabra escrita porque la 書かれた言葉をその書かれた言葉と結びつけたいだけです。

written word conjures up the meaning in a different way from listening. ||唤起||||||||| ||evokes||||||||| ||喚起する||||||||| La palabra escrita evoca el significado de una manera diferente a la escucha. 書かれた言葉は、聞くこととは異なる方法で意味を思い起こさせます。

I mean, in a way the written text is a record. En cierto modo, el texto escrito es un registro. つまり、ある意味で書かれたテキストは記録です。

It's a record just as the audio is a record, but it's オーディオがレコードであるようにレコードですが、

a different kind of record. 別の種類のレコード。

And I'm not a neuroscientist so I don't know whether different parts of the Y yo no soy un neurocientífico, así que no sé si las diferentes partes de la 私は神経科学者ではないので、

brain process the writing, as opposed to the audio to convert them into meaning. el cerebro procesa la escritura, a diferencia del audio, para convertirlos en significado. 音声ではなく、脳が文章を処理して意味に変換します。

But I am convinced that doing a lot of reading as well as listening |||確信しています|||||||||| しかし、私はリスニングだけでなくリーディングもたくさん行うと確信しています。 但我坚信,除了听力之外,还要进行大量的阅读

helps in acquiring languages. 言語の習得に役立ちます。

I've said before, If I just hear the sound of a new language, I can almost 私は前に言った、新しい言語の音を聞くだけなら、ほとんどできる

not make out the sound, but if I get a phonetic version of that, and in the case ||||||||||音标||||||| no distinguir el sonido, pero si consigo una versión fonética de eso, y en el caso 音はわかりませんが、その音声バージョンを取得した場合、

of a non phonetic script, like Chinese characters, I, I would use the opinion, |||拼音|||||||||| de una escritura no fonética, como los caracteres chinos, yo, usaría la opinión, 漢字のような非表音文字の場合、私は意見を使用します。 非拼音文字,比如汉字,我,我会用这个意见,

but it helps to define that sound. pero ayuda a definir ese sonido. しかし、そのサウンドを定義するのに役立ちます。 但它有助于定义声音。

And gradually I get better at hearing that sound, but I rely on the written Y poco a poco mejoro en escuchar ese sonido, pero confío en lo escrito そして徐々にその音を聞き取れるようになっていきますが、私は文字に頼っています。

script in order to decipher the sound. ||||解读|| 音を解読するためのスクリプト。

Uh, and I, I think this is true of everyone and we see how people very ええと、私は、これはすべての人に当てはまると思います。

often are influenced in how they pronounce a word in another script. 多くの場合、別のスクリプトで単語を発音する方法に影響されます。

If say, say using the Latin alphabet, if someone is say check and they read ラテン語のアルファベットを使って言うなら、誰かがチェックして読んだら

something in English, or if they're a Spanish speaker and they read something 英語で何か、または彼らがスペイン語話者で何かを読んだ場合

in English, they will be influenced by how, what the letters mean, how they 英語では、文字がどのように、何を意味するか、どのように影響されるかによって影響を受けます。 在英语中,他们会受到字母的含义、含义和表达方式的影响

are pronounced in their native language. 母国語で発音されます。

And that'll be reflected in how they pronounce the new language. そして、それは彼らが新しい言語をどのように発音するかに反映されます.

So they're obviously not relying entirely on hearing the sound. Así que obviamente no se basan totalmente en oír el sonido. したがって、彼らは明らかに音を聞くことに完全に依存しているわけではありません。

They are very much influenced by their habit. 彼らは習慣に大きく影響されます。

You know, their reading habits and what the value of the, of those letters 彼らの読書習慣とその文字の価値

are in their own writing system. 独自の書記体系になっています。

So reading is powerful in how it forms our brain, how it helps us acquire ですから、読書は私たちの脳をどのように形成し、どのように習得を助けるかという点で強力です

new languages, and it's pleasant. ||||楽しい 新しい言語、そしてそれは楽しいです。

It's a different experience. それは別の経験です。

I can sit with a book and read for two, three hours. 本と一緒に座って、2、3時間読むことができます。

I can't sit, just sit and listen for two, three hours. 座っていられないので、座って 2、3 時間聞いています。

I lose concentration. 集中力が切れます。

I get restless. ||anxious uneasy ||落ち着かない Me inquieto. 落ち着きがなくなります。

If I'm in my car listening, that's fine. 車の中で聞いていれば問題ありません。

And the great advantage of listening of course, is that it's so portable. ||||||||||||便携的 そしてもちろん、聞くことの大きな利点は、それがとてもポータブルであるということです。

You can be doing other things while listening. Puedes estar haciendo otras cosas mientras escuchas. 聞きながら他のことをすることができます。

You can sort of fade in and out while listening, cuz you're ||||走神||||||因为你| Puedes aparecer y desaparecer gradualmente mientras escuchas, porque estás Si può sfumare durante l'ascolto, perché si sta 聞いている間、フェードインとフェードアウトのようなものがあります。 你可以在听的时候淡入淡出,因为你

also doing something else. también haciendo otra cosa. また、何か他のことをしています。

You're kind of happy. Eres un poco feliz. あなたはちょっと幸せです。

Whereas when you're reading. 一方、あなたが読んでいるとき。

If you fade out, you kind of have to reread the sentence again, Si se desvanece, hay que releer la frase de nuevo, フェードアウトしたら文章を読み直さないといけませんが、

because you're kind of more focused. porque estás más centrado. より集中できるからです。

At least that's my own experience, more focused on the 少なくともそれは私自身の経験であり、より焦点を当てています

meaning when you're reading. 読んでいる時の意味。

And so reading other than the fact that it's the fastest way to そして、それが最速の方法であるという事実以外を読むこと

acquire in acquire information. 情報を取得します。

If I, if I need to instructions on how to fix my, uh, coffee maker or something. ||||||指示|||||||||| Si yo, si necesito instrucciones sobre cómo arreglar mi, eh, cafetera o algo así. もし私が、コーヒーメーカーか何かを修理する方法についての指示が必要なら。

Like, or if I look up, uh, something on the internet, uh, having to do with のように、または私が調べたら、ええと、インターネット上の何か、ええと、関係があります

the, I don't know, recharging my iPhone, I prefer to read because it's faster. よくわかりませんが、iPhone を充電している間は、より速いので読書を好みます。

I can select, I can jump from spot to spot. 私は選択することができ、スポットからスポットへとジャンプすることができます。

I can, I can get that information more quickly. できます、その情報をより迅速に取得できます。

If I have to listen or watch through a video, then I'm kind ビデオを聞いたり見たりする必要がある場合は、親切です

of at the mercy of whoever is speaking or producing the video. |||任由制作||说话者|||||| |||意のままに||話し手次第|||||| de a merced de quien habla o produce el video. ビデオを話したり制作したりしている人に翻弄されます。 受发言者或视频制作者的摆布。

Whereas if I'm reading, I control where I go. 一方、読書をしている場合は、どこに行くかを制御します。

Uh, similarly with a book, if I wanna skip this chapter or jump ahead or Uh, de manera similar con un libro, si quiero saltar este capítulo o saltar hacia adelante o ええと、本の場合と同じように、この章をスキップしたり、先に進んだり、

behind, and I know exactly where I want to go to, I can skim the pages and see |||||||||||||quickly read|the||| |||||||||||||ざっと読む|||| どこに行きたいか正確にわかっているので、ページをざっと読んで見ることができます

those areas that are of interest to me. 私が興味を持っている分野。

So reading is a, is, is quite a different experience, but reading is powerful. ですから、読書はまったく異なる経験ですが、読書は強力です。

I've said before I consider with a new language, when I have read a whole 私は新しい言語について考える前に言った。

book paper book, without a dictionary without the iPad, from cover to cover. libro de papel, sin diccionario, sin el iPad, de principio a fin. 本、紙の本、辞書なし、iPadなし、表紙から表紙まで。

I consider that to be a major milestone. |||||||里程碑 Considero que es un hito importante. それは大きなマイルストーンだと思います。

I am far from being able to do that in Persian or Arabic, because I'm 私はペルシア語やアラビア語でそれができるとはとても言えません。

not comfortable enough with the script, but, uh, even in Polish, スクリプトに慣れていませんが、ええと、ポーランド語でさえ、

which I don't speak well at all, I can make my way through a book. 私はまったくうまく話せませんが、本を読み進めることができます。

I know enough words. 私は十分な言葉を知っています。

And of course the writing system is familiar to me. そしてもちろん、書記体系は私になじみがあります。

So, uh, an obstacle when we're learning languages, where the writing system つまり、私たちが言語を学んでいるときの障害は、文字体系がどこにあるのかということです。

is different is that you can't make up for, in my case, uh, 70 plus years es diferente es que no se puede compensar, en mi caso, eh, más de 70 años 違いは、あなたが補うことができないということです、私の場合、ええと、70年以上 不同的是你无法弥补,就我而言,呃,70多年

of reading in the Latin script and expect that a couple of years of ラテン語のスクリプトを読んで、数年間の

reading in the, uh, in the Arabic script is gonna give me the same アラビア語のスクリプトを読んでも同じ結果が得られます

degree of familiarity with that script. grado de familiaridad con ese guión. そのスクリプトに精通している度合い。

And yet I know that if I, if I wanna progress in Persian or Arabic, それでも、ペルシア語やアラビア語を上達させたいなら、

I have to get better at reading. 私は読むのが上手にならなければなりません。

Reading is a major, you know, again, source of enjoyment, but 読書は主要な楽しみの源ですが、

also a major learning activity. 主要な学習活動でもあります。

And some people say they don't like to read. また、本を読むのが嫌いだという人もいます。

All I can say is try to develop the habit, start reading 私が言えることは、習慣を身につけようとすること、読み始めることだけです

things of real interest to you. あなたにとって本当に興味のあること。

Obviously don't take on a classic of, you know, French literature, if 明らかに、フランス文学の古典を取り上げないでください。

that's not of interest to you read, uh, comics read things on sports. それはあなたにとって興味のないものです。漫画はスポーツに関するものを読みます。

Uh that's I think where anime in the case of, uh, people interested in |||||动漫|||||||| ええと、アニメの場合は、ええと、興味のある人はどこだと思います

Japanese is kind of like cartoons, read comic books, whatever you like 日本語は漫画のようなもので、漫画を読んだり、好きなものを読んだり Японский вроде мультиков, читай комиксы, что хочешь

to read, develop that reading habit. 読むために、その読書習慣を開発します。 читать, развивать эту привычку к чтению.

Get the brain used to reading used to converting meaning from written 書かれたものから意味を変換することに慣れた読書に脳を慣れさせる

text, because it's gonna be a major, major advantage, uh, in life. テキストは、人生において非常に大きなアドバンテージになるからです。

Uh, professionally, academically, whatever, but also in terms of ええと、専門的、学問的、何でも、しかしまた、

language learning, it's, it's a powerful, powerful activity. 語学学習、それは強力な強力な活動です。

So as you know, I'm very much in favor of input based learning, build up your ||||||||賛成||||||| ご存知のように、私はインプットベースの学習に大賛成です。

potential through reading and listening. 読んだり聞いたりすることで可能性を広げます。

And when you have the opportunity to speak, speak, but don't そして、話す機会があれば、話しますが、話さないでください。

neglect reading, it's powerful. 忽视||| 読書を怠る||| 読書を怠る、それは強力です。

Anyway, I've done videos on the subject before so I'll leave a とにかく||||||||||| とにかく、私は以前に主題に関するビデオを撮ったので、残しておきます

few here for reference for you. 参照用にここにいくつかあります。

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.