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Steve's Language Learning Tips, The Power of Listening

The Power of Listening

Listening comprehension, as I've said before, is the core skill

that leads us to speaking better.

Leads us to reading better.

Leads us to better, a better sense of the language.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I wanna talk about listening the most

powerful activity and language learning.

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the bell for notifications.

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So I've spoken a lot about listening, but today I was reminded of how tremendously

powerful a learning activity it is.

I had to spend much of the day cleaning up around the house.

We're donating some books and other material to the thrift store

getting rid of a lot of garbage.

So I had to go to the recycling depot.

So there was a good an hour and a half, two hours between working

and driving and I listened to my Persian podcast Bplus podcast.

Now, first of all, what's powerful is that I'm able to use all this time,

time that would otherwise be dead.

Second of all, uh, this Bplus podcast, uh, this Ali Bandari, I think it is, he talks

about a variety of different subjects.

What's of interest to me is the history of Iran.

So he talks about the Safavid Dynasty.

He talks about different Kings, Shah of the Safavid Dynasty, Shah

Ismail, Shah Abbas, and so forth.

And of course, I have heard some of this stuff before, but I get it again

in a slightly different context.

So I'm learning, not deliberately learning, not taking notes, but

gradualy things are becoming clearer to me through listening.

And I'm, I'm reminded of the fact that throughout history for most of

recorded history, we had no writing.

People couldn't read like, yes, the first...

I know one of the earliest, in fact, examples of writing is, is this

writing on these clay cylinders?

And in fact, uh, Darius's famous, kind of the, one of the first written documents

about human rights was, was written in cuneiform script on these clay cylinders.

And, but if we go through history, you know, the, again, going back to that

time, you know, the legend of Gilgamesh, or, uh, the Odyssey or, or the, uh,

the Iliad or, uh, in, in south and Southeast Asia, the Ramayana stories,

stories from China, from elsewhere.

People have had stories and people listened.

It's just that they didn't have MP3 players and they listened more than once.

And we all have this as children.

We had our favorite stories and these...

in order for the, the Iliad the Ramayana or any of these famous stories to be

passed on from generation to generation people told these stories more than once.

And they were favorite stories and people were happy to listen

to them over and over again.

And they enjoyed different aspects of the story every time they listened.

And, and similarly, you know, as I'm listening, as I said, in one

of my previous videos, I don't deliberately try to understand.

And of course I lose focus from time to time.

And I'm sure that, uh, children sitting around at campfire, listening to a

story every so often they, you know, look somewhere else and they lose

focus and then they come back to it.

It doesn't matter, but it's such a powerful means of bringing knowledge

into your brain and it's it, it, you know, evokes the the subject

in a way that video can't do.

Uh, I remember when I, uh, I got these, uh, storytellers, Chinese storytellers

telling The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and, uh, the man's voice and

the way he conjured up horses and dust, I could almost smell the dust and see

the action, because it was all words.

And when I got to see a video of the same story, It, it was a pale, uh, version

of the same, far less, uh, left to the imagination, obviously fewer words.

So, so this listening is so powerful.

Uh, you'll see, on my, uh, shot of my screen at LingQ that I've been,

you know, listening to these stories and studying the text so that I

understand them a bit better each time.

Uh, but I've never looked...

and these are videos.

These are YouTube videos, and I'm sure he shows a lot of stuff and pictures of

these, uh, Persian Kings and whatever.

But, uh, I just listen, I just listen and read.

And so I have an image incomplete, somewhat imperfect.

It doesn't matter.

My knowledge is accumulating.

Every time I listen, I, I gather a few more words.

I get a different sense of these Kings and their time and Isfahan and different

aspects of the history, the culture, the geography of Iran and some words.

And it's all gradually accumulating without any deliberate

effort on my, on my part.

But it's, it's, it's accumulating.

It's accumulating like, like ,you know, uh, I've often used the image

in, in language running of this...

if you start rolling a snowball down a hill, it'll gradually pick up more and

more snow and, and that's how it is.

And yet it's so portable.

It's so easy to do.

If I had to watch his videos, I would have to sit down and watch them.

Uh, and I'm gonna do a video about reading, which is powerful in its own

way, because it's a lovely environment to get into just, you know, you and the

text, uh, without the sound, without the audio, just you and the text.

That's also powerful, but reading is something that has come

relatively lately to humans.

And, and in particular, the vast majority of humans didn't read until about

the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th century.

And so they relied on the spoken word.

They relied on familiar stories, told over and over again, uh, as

a means of acquiring information as a means of entertainment.

And we now can use that same, uh, the wonder of storytelling as a

means of acquiring knowledge as a means of acquiring, uh, language

as a form of entertainment.

And, uh, and of course the means of delivering this have just proliferated.

So we have podcasts and we have, uh, you know, audio books and

different services, podcast services.

Audiobook services.

And so this, this rich world where, you know, it used to be that we'd

have to, uh, maybe sit in a, in a room somewhere or sit outside, um,

underneath the trees to listen to the storyteller spin his or her tale.

Very often a story that we were familiar with in the olden days

and now we just carry that with us.

I mean, how many stories can I keep in how many different languages, just

in my little iPhone and I can listen to whichever one I wanna listen to.

I can even shuffle them and listen to them in different orders.

I can go to different languages.

Uh, all of those things are now available to us.

Uh, and I think so listening is not only a very effective way of learning,

listening comprehension, as I've said before, is the core skill that leads

us to speaking better, leads us to reading better, leads us to better, a

better sense of the language, but it is also a major form of entertainment.

It's a major form of enjoying the language, particularly when we don't

have the opportunity to be surrounded by people speaking the language.

There are so many means today through technology whereby we can

access the language and enjoyment and knowledge through listening.

And so, and, and another thing about listening too, is it's kind of easy to do.

So it gets you going, uh, as I've said before, very often the

main thing is to get started.

So even in terms of a day, you know, today I had to do some chores around the house.

But I start listening now because I've been listening and not

understanding a fair amount of it.

I am now my, my curiosity is piqued.

It triggers my reading and it just keeps me going down the

path of learning the language.

So I just wanted, again, I wanted to touch on this, the importance of

listening as the easiest thing you can do in order to create the time and

push yourself forward in your language.

And I'll leave you a couple of videos about listening

that I've done in the past.

And hopefully again, I don't contradict myself.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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The Power of Listening قوة الاستماع Die Macht des Zuhörens The Power of Listening El poder de escuchar Le pouvoir de l'écoute Il potere dell'ascolto 聞く力 경청의 힘 Moc słuchania O Poder de Ouvir Kraften i att lyssna Dinlemenin Gücü Сила слухання 聆听的力量 聆聽的力量

Listening comprehension, as I've said before, is the core skill فهم الاستماع ، كما قلت من قبل ، هو المهارة الأساسية La comprensión auditiva, como ya he dicho antes, es la habilidad fundamental 前にも言ったように、聴解力はコアスキルです Klausīšanās izpratne, kā jau esmu teicis iepriekš, ir galvenā prasme. A compreensão auditiva, como já disse antes, é a principal habilidade Dinlediğini anlama, daha önce de söylediğim gibi, temel beceridir. 正如我之前所說,聽力理解是核心技能

that leads us to speaking better. يقودنا إلى التحدث بشكل أفضل. that leads us to speaking better. que nos lleva a hablar mejor. それが私たちをより上手に話すことにつながります。 kas ved mūs uz labāku runāšanu. que nos leva a falar melhor. bu bizi daha iyi konuşmaya yönlendirir. 這使我們說得更好。

Leads us to reading better. يقودنا إلى القراءة بشكل أفضل. より良い読書へと導きます。 Ved mūs uz labāku lasīšanu. Leva-nos a ler melhor.

Leads us to better, a better sense of the language. يقودنا إلى فهم أفضل للغة. 言語のより良い、より良い感覚に私たちを導きます。 Tas ļauj mums labāk, labāk izprast valodu. Leva-nos a melhor, a um melhor sentido da língua.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here and today, I wanna talk about listening the most مرحبًا ، ستيف كوفمان هنا واليوم ، أريد أن أتحدث عن الاستماع أكثر Olá, Steve Kaufmann aqui e hoje, quero falar sobre ouvir ao máximo

powerful activity and language learning. 強力な活動と言語学習。 spēcīga aktivitāte un valodas apguve. poderosa actividade e aprendizagem de línguas. 強大的活動和語言學習。

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the bell for notifications. o sino para notificações. 通知鈴。

If you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment. Si me sigues en un servicio de podcast, por favor deja un comentario. Se me seguir num serviço de podcast, por favor deixe um comentário. 如果您關注我的播客服務,請發表評論。

So I've spoken a lot about listening, but today I was reminded of how tremendously |||||||||||思い出させられた||| ですから、私は聞くことについて多くのことを話してきましたが、今日、私はその素晴らしさを思い出しました。 Esmu daudz runājis par klausīšanos, bet šodien man tika atgādināts, cik ļoti svarīgi ir klausīties. Assim, falei muito sobre ouvir, mas hoje lembrei-me de quão tremendamente 我已经说了很多关于倾听的内容,但今天我想起了倾听的重要性 所以我說了很多關於傾聽的事,但今天我想起了

powerful a learning activity it is. powerful a learning activity it is. それは強力な学習活動です。 uma poderosa actividade de aprendizagem que é. 這是一項強大的學習活動。

I had to spend much of the day cleaning up around the house. 私は一日の大半を家の周りの掃除に費やさなければなりませんでした。 Tive de passar a maior parte do dia a limpar a casa. 我不得不花一天的大部分時間在房子周圍打掃衛生。

We're donating some books and other material to the thrift store |寄付します||||||||リサイクルショップ| |||||||||loja de segunda mão| We're donating some books and other material to the thrift store Vamos a donar algunos libros y otro material a la tienda de segunda mano 古本屋に本やその他の資料を寄付しています Mēs ziedojam dažas grāmatas un citus materiālus veikalam. Estamos a doar alguns livros e outro material para a loja de economia 我們正在向舊貨店捐贈一些書籍和其他材料

getting rid of a lot of garbage. 処分する||||||ゴミ deshacerse de un montón de basura. 大量のゴミを取り除く。 atbrīvojas no daudz atkritumiem. a livrar-se de muito lixo. 擺脫很多垃圾。

So I had to go to the recycling depot. ||||||||回收站 ||||||||recycling center |||||||リサイクルセン|リサイクル施設 Así que tuve que ir al depósito de reciclaje. ということで、リサイクルセンターに行くことになりました。 Tāpēc man nācās doties uz pārstrādes noliktavu. Por isso tive de ir para o depósito de reciclagem. 所以我不得不去回收站。

So there was a good an hour and a half, two hours between working 仕事の合間に1時間半、2時間ほど空いた Tātad starp darba stundām bija pusotra vai divas stundas. Assim, houve uma boa hora e meia, duas horas entre o trabalho 所以工作之間有一個半小時,兩個小時

and driving and I listened to my Persian podcast Bplus podcast. |||||||||Bプラス| 運転中、ペルシャ語のポッドキャスト Bplus ポッドキャストを聴きました。 un braukšanas un es klausījos savu persiešu podkāstu Bplus podcast. e a conduzir e ouvi o meu podcast persa Bplus podcast. 和開車,我聽了我的波斯語播客 Bplus 播客。

Now, first of all, what's powerful is that I'm able to use all this time, Ahora, en primer lugar, lo que es poderoso es que soy capaz de utilizar todo este tiempo, さて、まず第一に、私がずっと使えることが強力であることは、 Pirmkārt, ļoti spēcīgi ir tas, ka es varu izmantot visu šo laiku, Agora, antes de mais nada, o que é poderoso é que sou capaz de usar todo este tempo, 現在,首先,強大的是我可以一直使用,

time that would otherwise be dead. tiempo que de otro modo estaría muerto. そうでなければ死んだ時間。 laiks, kas citādi būtu miris. tempo que de outra forma estaria morto. 否則就會死去的時間。

Second of all, uh, this Bplus podcast, uh, this Ali Bandari, I think it is, he talks |||||||||アリ||||||| 次に、この Bplus ポッドキャスト、この Ali Bandari だと思います。 Em segundo lugar, uh, este podcast Bplus, uh, este Ali Bandari, eu penso que é, ele fala 其次,呃,這個 Bplus 播客,呃,這個 Ali Bandari,我想是的,他會說話

about a variety of different subjects. |||||科目 さまざまな異なる主題について。 par dažādiem tematiem. sobre uma variedade de temas diferentes. 關於各種不同的主題。

What's of interest to me is the history of Iran. |||||||||イラン 私が興味を持っているのは、イランの歴史です。 Mani interesē Irānas vēsture. O que me interessa é a história do Irão. 我感興趣的是伊朗的歷史。

So he talks about the Safavid Dynasty. |||||サファヴィー朝|サファヴィー朝 それで彼はサファヴィー朝について話します。 Assim, ele fala sobre a Dinastia Safavid. 所以他談到了薩法維王朝。

He talks about different Kings, Shah of the Safavid Dynasty, Shah ||||王|サファヴィー朝のシャー||||| 彼はさまざまな王、サファヴィー朝のシャー、シャーについて語っています。 Viņš stāsta par dažādiem karaļiem, Safavīdu dinastijas šahs, šahs Ele fala de diferentes Reis, Xá da Dinastia Safavida, Xá

Ismail, Shah Abbas, and so forth. イスマイル|シャー|アッバース|||など Ismail, Shah Abbas, etc. イスマイル、シャー・アッバスなど。 Ismail, Shah Abbas, e assim por diante. 伊斯梅爾、沙阿巴斯等等。

And of course, I have heard some of this stuff before, but I get it again |||||||||东西|||||| そしてもちろん、私は以前にこのようなことをいくつか聞いたことがありますが、もう一度理解します Un, protams, dažus no šiem jautājumiem esmu dzirdējis jau agrāk, bet es to saprotu vēlreiz. E, claro, já ouvi algumas destas coisas antes, mas volto a ouvi-las 當然,我以前聽過一些這樣的東西,但我又明白了

in a slightly different context. 少し異なる文脈で。 nedaudz atšķirīgā kontekstā. num contexto ligeiramente diferente. 在稍微不同的環境中。

So I'm learning, not deliberately learning, not taking notes, but Así que estoy aprendiendo, no deliberadamente aprendiendo, no tomando notas, pero だから、意図的に学ぶのではなく、メモを取るのでもなく、学んでいるんだ。 Tāpēc es mācos, nevis apzināti mācos, neveicu piezīmes, bet 所以我在學習,不是刻意學習,不是記筆記,而是

gradualy things are becoming clearer to me through listening. 徐々に|||||||| 聞くことで徐々に物事が明確になってきています。 Pakāpeniski, klausoties, lietas man kļūst skaidrākas. 通過傾聽,事情對我來說變得越來越清晰。

And I'm, I'm reminded of the fact that throughout history for most of And I'm, I'm reminded of the fact that throughout history for most of そして私は、歴史を通してほとんどの Un es, es esmu, es esmu atgādinājis par to, ka visā vēsturē lielāko daļu no E eu, lembro-me do facto de que ao longo da história, durante a maior parte de 我,我想起了這樣一個事實,即縱觀歷史,大部分時間

recorded history, we had no writing. 記録された歴史、私たちは何も書いていませんでした。 vēstures ierakstu, mums nebija rakstīšanas. história registada, não tínhamos escrita. 記錄歷史,我們沒有文字。

People couldn't read like, yes, the first... 人々は最初のように読むことができませんでした... Cilvēki nevarēja lasīt kā, jā, pirmo... As pessoas não sabiam ler como, sim, o primeiro...

I know one of the earliest, in fact, examples of writing is, is this |||||||||||||this |||||最も初期の|||||||| Sé que uno de los más tempranos, de hecho, ejemplos de escritura es, es este 私が知っている最も初期の、実際、書き方の例は、これです Es zinu, viens no agrākajiem, patiesībā, rakstīšanas piemēri ir, ir šis Sei que um dos primeiros exemplos de escrita, de facto, é o seguinte

writing on these clay cylinders? ||||圆柱体 |||粘土|円筒形粘土板 escribiendo en estos cilindros de arcilla? これらの粘土シリンダーに書いていますか? rakstīšana uz šiem māla cilindriem? escrita nestes cilindros de argila? 在这些粘土圆柱上写字? 在這些粘土圓柱上寫字?

And in fact, uh, Darius's famous, kind of the, one of the first written documents ||||ダリウスの|||||||||| 実際、ダリウスの有名な、一種の、最初に書かれた文書の 1 つです。 Un patiesībā Darija slavenais, viens no pirmajiem rakstītajiem dokumentiem. E de facto, uh, o famoso, mais ou menos, Darius, um dos primeiros documentos escritos 事实上,呃,大流士著名的,第一个书面文件之一 事實上,呃,大流士著名的,有點像,最早的書面文件之一

about human rights was, was written in cuneiform script on these clay cylinders. ||||||||||||圆柱体 |||||||cuneiform||||| |||||||楔形文字で||||| sobre los derechos humanos, estaba escrito en escritura cuneiforme en estos cilindros de arcilla. 人権については、これらの粘土シリンダーに楔形文字で書かれていました。 uz šiem māla cilindriem klinšu rakstībā bija rakstīts par cilvēktiesībām. sobre direitos humanos foi, foi escrito em escrita cuneiforme nestes cilindros de barro.

And, but if we go through history, you know, the, again, going back to that そして、しかし、歴史を振り返ると、また、それに戻ります E, mas se passarmos pela história, sabes, a, mais uma vez, voltarmos a isso

time, you know, the legend of Gilgamesh, or, uh, the Odyssey or, or the, uh, ||||伝説|の|ギルガメシュ伝説||||オデュッセイア|||| ギルガメッシュの伝説とか、オデッセイとか、 Laiks, jūs zināt, Gilgameša leģenda, vai, uh, Odiseja, vai, vai, uh, tempo, sabe, a lenda de Gilgamesh, ou, uh, a Odisseia, ou, uh, a Odisseia,

the Iliad or, uh, in, in south and Southeast Asia, the Ramayana stories, |イーリアス|||||南||南東|||ラーマーヤナ物語| イリアス、または南アジアと東南アジアでは、ラーマーヤナの物語、 "Iliādē" vai Dienvidāzijā un Dienvidaustrumāzijā - "Ramajānas" stāstos, a Ilíada ou, uh, no sul e sudeste da Ásia, as histórias do Ramayana,

stories from China, from elsewhere. ||中国|| 中国から、他の場所からの物語。 histórias da China, de outros lugares.

People have had stories and people listened. 人々は物語を持ち、人々は耳を傾けてきました。 Cilvēkiem ir bijuši stāsti, un cilvēki ir klausījušies. As pessoas têm tido histórias e as pessoas escutadas.

It's just that they didn't have MP3 players and they listened more than once. |||||||プレーヤー|||||| 彼らは MP3 プレーヤーを持っておらず、何度も聞いていたというだけです。 Vienkārši viņiem nebija MP3 atskaņotāju un viņi klausījās vairāk nekā vienu reizi. É que não tinham leitores de MP3 e ouviram mais do que uma vez.

And we all have this as children. Und das haben wir alle als Kinder. Y todos tenemos esto de niños. そして、私たちは皆、これを子供として持っています。 Un mēs visi to esam piedzīvojuši bērnībā. E todos nós temos isto como crianças.

We had our favorite stories and these... 私たちはお気に入りの物語を持っていました... Mums bija savi mīļākie stāsti un šie... Tivemos as nossas histórias favoritas e estas...

in order for the, the Iliad the Ramayana or any of these famous stories to be ラーマーヤナのイーリアスやこれらの有名な物語のいずれかが lai, Iliadas Rāmajana vai kāds no šiem slavenajiem stāstiem, lai, lai, Iliadas Rāmajana vai kāds no šiem slavenajiem stāstiem, lai būtu para que a Ilíada, o Ramayana ou qualquer uma destas famosas histórias seja

passed on from generation to generation people told these stories more than once. 受け継が|||||||||||| 世代から世代へと受け継がれ、人々はこれらの物語を何度も語りました。 nodotas no paaudzes paaudzē, cilvēki šos stāstus stāstīja vairāk nekā vienu reizi. transmitidas de geração em geração as pessoas contavam estas histórias mais do que uma vez.

And they were favorite stories and people were happy to listen そして、それらはお気に入りの話であり、人々は喜んで聞いてくれました Un tie bija mīļākie stāsti, un cilvēki labprāt klausījās. E eram histórias favoritas e as pessoas ficavam felizes por ouvir

to them over and over again. 彼らに何度も何度も。 a eles uma e outra vez.

And they enjoyed different aspects of the story every time they listened. そして、彼らは話を聞くたびに、物語のさまざまな側面を楽しんでいました。 Un katru reizi, kad viņi klausījās, viņiem patika dažādi stāsta aspekti. E desfrutaram de diferentes aspectos da história cada vez que a ouviram.

And, and similarly, you know, as I'm listening, as I said, in one そして、同様に、私が聞いているように、私が言ったように、 Un, un, un līdzīgi, jūs zināt, kā es klausos, kā jau teicu, vienā E, do mesmo modo, como estou a ouvir, como já disse, em um

of my previous videos, I don't deliberately try to understand. 私の以前のビデオについては、意図的に理解しようとはしていません。 manu iepriekšējo videoklipu, es apzināti nemēģinu saprast. dos meus vídeos anteriores, não tento compreender deliberadamente.

And of course I lose focus from time to time. ||||||から|時々|| そしてもちろん、私は時々集中力を失います。 Un, protams, es laiku pa laikam zaudēju koncentrēšanos. E, claro, de vez em quando perco o foco.

And I'm sure that, uh, children sitting around at campfire, listening to a |||||||||篝火旁||| |||||||||キャンプファイヤー||| 子供たちはキャンプファイヤーの周りに座って、 Un es esmu pārliecināts, ka bērni, sēžot pie ugunskura un klausoties dziesmu. E tenho a certeza que, uh, crianças sentadas à volta da fogueira, a ouvir uma

story every so often they, you know, look somewhere else and they lose よくあることですが、彼らはどこか別の場所を見て、負けてしまいます。 stāsts ik pa laikam viņi, jūs zināt, meklēt kaut kur citur, un viņi zaudē história de vez em quando eles, sabe, olham para outro lugar e perdem

focus and then they come back to it. 集中してから戻ってきます。 koncentrēties un pēc tam atgriezties pie tā. focar e depois voltam a ela.

It doesn't matter, but it's such a powerful means of bringing knowledge ||||||||手段||| No importa, pero es un medio tan poderoso de llevar el conocimiento それは問題ではありませんが、知識をもたらす強力な手段です Tam nav nozīmes, bet tas ir tik spēcīgs līdzeklis, lai sniegtu zināšanas. Não importa, mas é um meio tão poderoso de trazer conhecimento

into your brain and it's it, it, you know, evokes the the subject |||||||||引发||| |||||||||evokes||| |||||||||brings to mind||| |||||||||呼び起こす||| あなたの脳に入ると、それだけです。 jūsu smadzenēs, un tas ir tas, tas, jūs zināt, izraisa tēmu no seu cérebro e é ele, ele, você sabe, que evoca o assunto

in a way that video can't do. ビデオではできない方法で。 tā, kā video to nespēj. de uma forma que o vídeo não pode fazer.

Uh, I remember when I, uh, I got these, uh, storytellers, Chinese storytellers ||||||||||語り手|| ええと、私がこれらの、ええと、語り手、中国の語り手を得たときのことを覚えています Es atceros, kad es, eh, es saņēmu šos, eh, stāstniekus, ķīniešu stāstniekus. Uh, eu lembro-me quando eu, uh, tenho estes, uh, contadores de histórias, contadores de histórias chineses

telling The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and, uh, the man's voice and ||||||kingdoms|||||| ||ロマンス||||三国志|||||| 三国志演義の話と、ええと、男の声と stāsta "Romāns par trim karaļvalstīm", un vīrieša balss un... contando O Romance dos Três Reinos e, uh, a voz do homem e

the way he conjured up horses and dust, I could almost smell the dust and see |||召唤||||尘土||||||尘土|| |||conjured|||||||||||| |||呼び起こした||馬||埃||||匂いを感じる|||| la forma en que evocaba caballos y polvo, casi podía oler el polvo y ver 彼が馬とほこりを呼び起こした方法で、私はほとんどほこりのにおいをかぎ、見ることができました kā viņš uzbūra zirgus un putekļus, es gandrīz varēju sajust putekļu smaržu un redzēt. 他召唤出马匹和灰尘的方式,我几乎可以闻到灰尘的味道并看到

the action, because it was all words. それはすべて言葉だったからです。 darbība, jo tā bija tikai vārdi. a acção, porque era tudo palavras.

And when I got to see a video of the same story, It, it was a pale, uh, version ||||||||||||||||苍白|| ||||||||||||||||weak|| ||||||||||||||||色あせた|| Y cuando llegué a ver un video de la misma historia, It, era un pálido, uh, versión そして同じ話のビデオを見たら、それは淡いバージョンだった Un, kad es saņēmu, lai redzētu video par to pašu stāstu, Tas, tas bija bāls, uh, versija. E quando consegui ver um vídeo da mesma história, era uma pálida, uh, versão

of the same, far less, uh, left to the imagination, obviously fewer words. |||||||||想象空间||| |||はるかに|||残された|||想像||| 同じ、はるかに少ない、ええと、想像力に任せ、明らかに少ない言葉です。 tā paša, daudz mazāk atstāts iztēlei, acīmredzot mazāk vārdu. do mesmo, muito menos, uh, deixado à imaginação, obviamente menos palavras.

So, so this listening is so powerful. ですから、このリスニングは非常に強力です。 Šī klausīšanās ir tik spēcīga. Por isso, esta escuta é tão poderosa.

Uh, you'll see, on my, uh, shot of my screen at LingQ that I've been, ||||||画面|||||||| ええと、あなたは、私が行ったLingQでの私のスクリーンのショットで、 Uh, jūs redzēsiet, ka manā, uh, ekrāna attēlā LingQ es esmu bijis, Verá, na minha, uh, imagem do meu ecrã no LingQ que eu tenho sido,

you know, listening to these stories and studying the text so that I これらの話を聞いたり、テキストを勉強したりして、 jūs zināt, klausoties šos stāstus un pētot tekstu, lai es ouvir estas histórias e estudar o texto para que eu

understand them a bit better each time. 毎回少しずつ理解してください。 ar katru reizi tos saprast mazliet labāk. compreendê-los um pouco melhor de cada vez.

Uh, but I've never looked... あ、でも見たことない… Uh, bet es nekad neesmu skatījies... Mas eu nunca olhei...

and these are videos. これらはビデオです。 un šie ir videoklipi. e estes são vídeos.

These are YouTube videos, and I'm sure he shows a lot of stuff and pictures of これらは YouTube のビデオです。 Tie ir YouTube videoklipi, un es esmu pārliecināts, ka viņš rāda daudz lietas un bildes no Estes são vídeos do YouTube, e tenho a certeza que ele mostra muitas coisas e imagens de

these, uh, Persian Kings and whatever. これらの、ええと、ペルシャの王と何でも。 estes, uh, Reis Persas e o que quer que seja.

But, uh, I just listen, I just listen and read. でも、ええと、私はただ聞いて、ただ聞いて読んでいます。 Mas eu só ouço, só ouço e leio.

And so I have an image incomplete, somewhat imperfect. ||||||不完整|| ||||||不完全な|| Y así tengo una imagen incompleta, algo imperfecta. それで、私は不完全な、やや不完全なイメージを持っています。 Tāpēc man ir nepilnīgs, nedaudz nepilnīgs attēls. E por isso tenho uma imagem incompleta, algo imperfeita.

It doesn't matter. それは問題ではありません。 Não importa.

My knowledge is accumulating. |||不断增加 |||蓄積している 知識が蓄積されています。 Manas zināšanas uzkrājas.

Every time I listen, I, I gather a few more words. Cada vez que escucho, reúno algunas palabras más. 聞くたびに、私は、さらにいくつかの言葉を集めます。 Katru reizi, kad es klausos, es, es sakopoju vēl dažus vārdus.

I get a different sense of these Kings and their time and Isfahan and different ||||||||||||イスファハーン|| 私はこれらの王たちとその時代、そしてイスファハーンとは異なる感覚を得る Es gūstu atšķirīgu sajūtu par šiem karaļiem un viņu laiku un Isfahāna un dažādu Tenho um sentido diferente destes Reis e do seu tempo e Isfahan e diferente

aspects of the history, the culture, the geography of Iran and some words. |||||||地理||||| 歴史、文化、イランの地理、そしていくつかの言葉の側面。 Irānas vēstures, kultūras un ģeogrāfijas aspekti un daži vārdi. aspectos da história, da cultura, da geografia do Irão e algumas palavras.

And it's all gradually accumulating without any deliberate |||||||意図的な Y todo se va acumulando poco a poco sin ningún そしてそれは意図せずに徐々に蓄積されていきます Un tas viss pakāpeniski uzkrājas bez apzinātas E está tudo a acumular-se gradualmente sem qualquer deliberação

effort on my, on my part. 努力|||||役割 私の、私の部分での努力。 pūles no manas, no manas puses. esforço da minha, da minha parte.

But it's, it's, it's accumulating. しかし、それは、それは、蓄積しています。 Bet tas, tas, tas uzkrājas. Mas está, está, está a acumular-se.

It's accumulating like, like ,you know, uh, I've often used the image どんどん溜まっていく えーと よく使ってる画像 Está a acumular-se como, sabe, uh, eu tenho usado frequentemente a imagem

in, in language running of this... en, en el funcionamiento del lenguaje de este... で、これを実行する言語で... in, valodu, kas darbojas šajā... em, em linguagem corrente...

if you start rolling a snowball down a hill, it'll gradually pick up more and |||||雪球||||||||| si empiezas a hacer rodar una bola de nieve colina abajo, poco a poco cogerá más y 雪玉を丘の上から転がし始めると、徐々に大きくなり、 ja sniega bumbu sāksiet ripināt no kalna, tā pakāpeniski uzņems arvien vairāk un vairāk se começar a rolar uma bola de neve por uma colina abaixo, vai gradualmente apanhando mais e

more snow and, and that's how it is. |雪|||||| より多くの雪と、それがその方法です。 vairāk sniega un, un tā tas ir. mais neve e, e é assim que as coisas são.

And yet it's so portable. ||||持ち運びに それでいてとても携帯性に優れています。 Un tomēr tas ir tik ērti pārnēsājams. E, no entanto, é tão portátil.

It's so easy to do. やり方はとても簡単です。 É tão fácil de fazer.

If I had to watch his videos, I would have to sit down and watch them. 彼のビデオを見る必要があるとしたら、座って見なければなりません。 Ja man būtu jāskatās viņa videoklipi, man nāktos apsēsties un tos noskatīties. Se eu tivesse de ver os seus vídeos, teria de me sentar e vê-los.

Uh, and I'm gonna do a video about reading, which is powerful in its own ええと、私は読書についてのビデオを作るつもりです。それはそれ自体が強力です Uh, e eu vou fazer um vídeo sobre leitura, que é poderoso na sua própria

way, because it's a lovely environment to get into just, you know, you and the それは、あなたと veidā, jo tā ir brīnišķīga vide, kurā var nokļūt tikai, ziniet, jūs un bērns. porque é um ambiente encantador para entrar em apenas, você sabe, você e o

text, uh, without the sound, without the audio, just you and the text. テキスト、ええと、音も音声もなしで、あなたとテキストだけです。 tekstu, bez skaņas, bez skaņas, tikai jūs un teksts. texto, uh, sem o som, sem o áudio, só você e o texto.

That's also powerful, but reading is something that has come それも強力ですが、読書はやってきたものです Tas arī ir spēcīgs, bet lasīšana ir kaut kas, kas ir atnācis Isso também é poderoso, mas a leitura é algo que já chegou

relatively lately to humans. |最近|| 比較的最近、人間に。 salīdzinoši nesen cilvēkiem. relativamente ultimamente aos humanos.

And, and in particular, the vast majority of humans didn't read until about ||||||大多数|||||| そして、特に、大多数の人間は約 Un, un jo īpaši, lielākā daļa cilvēku nav lasīt līdz aptuveni

the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th century. |||||世紀 15、16、17、18世紀。 15., 16., 17., 18. gadsimtā. Século XV, XVI, XVII e XVIII.

And so they relied on the spoken word. |||頼った|||| そのため、彼らは話し言葉に頼っていました。 Tāpēc viņi paļāvās uz runāto vārdu. E, por isso, basearam-se na palavra falada.

They relied on familiar stories, told over and over again, uh, as |頼った|||||||||| 彼らはおなじみの物語に頼り、何度も何度も語られました。 Viņi paļāvās uz pazīstamiem stāstiem, kas stāstīti atkal un atkal. Eles dependiam de histórias familiares, contadas vezes sem conta, uh, como

a means of acquiring information as a means of entertainment. |||情報を得る|||||| un medio de adquirir información como medio de entretenimiento. 娯楽として情報を得る手段。 informācijas iegūšanas līdzeklis kā izklaides līdzeklis.

And we now can use that same, uh, the wonder of storytelling as a |||||||||||storytelling|| そして今、同じように、えーと、ストーリーテリングの素晴らしさを Un tagad mēs varam izmantot šo pašu stāstu stāstīšanas brīnumu kā... E podemos agora usar essa mesma, uh, a maravilha de contar histórias como um

means of acquiring knowledge as a means of acquiring, uh, language ||習得|||||||| medio de adquirir conocimientos como medio de adquirir, el lenguaje 言語を獲得する手段としての知識を獲得する手段 zināšanu apguves veids kā valodas apguves veids.

as a form of entertainment. 娯楽の一形態として。 kā izklaides veids. como uma forma de entretenimento.

And, uh, and of course the means of delivering this have just proliferated. ||||||||||||激增 ||||||||||||has proliferated ||||||||配信する||||急増した Y, eh, y por supuesto los medios de entrega de este acaba de proliferar. そしてもちろん、これを配信する手段は急増しています。 Un, protams, ir kļuvuši daudz plašāki līdzekļi, kā to nodrošināt. E, uh, e claro, os meios para a sua entrega acabaram de proliferar.

So we have podcasts and we have, uh, you know, audio books and ポッドキャストがありますし、オーディオブックや Tātad mums ir podkāsti un audio grāmatas un... Portanto, temos podcasts e temos, uh, você sabe, livros áudio e

different services, podcast services. さまざまなサービス、ポッドキャスト サービス。 serviços diferentes, serviços de podcast.

Audiobook services. オーディオブ| オーディオブックサービス。 Serviços de audiolivro.

And so this, this rich world where, you know, it used to be that we'd Und diese reiche Welt, in der wir früher そして、この、この豊かな世界では、かつては私たちが Un tāpēc šī bagātā pasaule, kurā, ziniet, agrāk mēs bijām... E assim este, este mundo rico onde, sabes, costumava ser que nós

have to, uh, maybe sit in a, in a room somewhere or sit outside, um, どこかの部屋に座るか、外に座るか、ええと、 varbūt sēdēt kaut kur telpā vai sēdēt ārā, um, ter de, uh, talvez sentar-se numa, numa sala algures ou sentar-se fora, um,

underneath the trees to listen to the storyteller spin his or her tale. ||木々||||||語る||||物語 debajo de los árboles para escuchar al narrador contar su historia. sous les arbres pour écouter le conteur raconter son histoire. 木の下で、語り手が物語を紡ぐのを聞いてください。 zem kokiem, lai klausītos, kā stāstnieks stāsta savu pasaku. debaixo das árvores para ouvir o contador de histórias a rodar o seu conto. 在树下聆听讲故事的人讲述他或她的故事。

Very often a story that we were familiar with in the olden days |||||||||||过去| |||||||||||昔の| 昔はよく知っていた話であることが多い Ļoti bieži stāsts, kas mums bija pazīstams senatnē. Muito frequentemente uma história que nos era familiar nos velhos tempos

and now we just carry that with us. et maintenant nous emportons cela avec nous. そして今、私たちはそれを持ち歩いています。 un tagad mēs to vienkārši nesam līdzi. e agora só carregamos isso connosco.

I mean, how many stories can I keep in how many different languages, just つまり、いくつの異なる言語でいくつのストーリーを保持できるかということです。 Es domāju, cik daudz stāstu es varu saglabāt, cik daudz dažādās valodās, tikai Quero dizer, quantas histórias posso manter em quantas línguas diferentes, apenas

in my little iPhone and I can listen to whichever one I wanna listen to. |||iPhone||||||||||| 私の小さなiPhoneで、聞きたいものを聞くことができます。 savā mazajā iPhone un es varu klausīties jebkuru, ko vēlos. no meu pequeno iPhone e posso ouvir o que eu quiser ouvir.

I can even shuffle them and listen to them in different orders. |||||||||||順序 Incluso puedo ponerlos en orden aleatorio y escucharlos en distintos órdenes. Je peux même les mélanger et les écouter dans des ordres différents. それらをシャッフルして、異なる順序で聞くこともできます。 Es pat varu tos sakārtot un klausīties dažādās secībās. Posso até baralhá-los e ouvi-los em diferentes ordens.

I can go to different languages. 私はさまざまな言語に行くことができます。 Posso ir para diferentes línguas.

Uh, all of those things are now available to us. ええと、それらすべてが利用できるようになりました。 Todas essas coisas estão agora disponíveis para nós.

Uh, and I think so listening is not only a very effective way of learning, リスニングは非常に効果的な学習方法であるだけでなく、 Uh, un es domāju, ka klausīšanās ir ne tikai ļoti efektīvs mācīšanās veids, Uh, e eu penso que ouvir não é apenas uma forma muito eficaz de aprendizagem,

listening comprehension, as I've said before, is the core skill that leads 前にも言ったように、聴解力は人を導くコアスキルです。 klausīšanās izpratne, kā jau esmu teicis iepriekš, ir pamatprasmes, kas palīdz apgūt. a compreensão oral, como já disse antes, é a principal habilidade que conduz

us to speaking better, leads us to reading better, leads us to better, a 私たちをより上手に話すように導き、より良く読むように導き、より良く私たちを導きます。 mūs uz runāšanu labāk, ved mūs uz lasīšanu labāk, ved mūs uz labāku, a nos leva a falar melhor, leva-nos a ler melhor, leva-nos a melhor, um

better sense of the language, but it is also a major form of entertainment. ||||||||||主要な||| 言語感覚が優れているだけでなく、娯楽の主要な形態でもあります。 labāk izprast valodu, bet tas ir arī galvenais izklaides veids. melhor sentido da língua, mas é também uma forma importante de entretenimento.

It's a major form of enjoying the language, particularly when we don't ||主要な||||||||| それは言語を楽しむための主要な形式です。 Tas ir galvenais valodas baudīšanas veids, īpaši tad, ja mēs neveicam. É uma forma importante de desfrutar da língua, particularmente quando não

have the opportunity to be surrounded by people speaking the language. |||||囲まれる||||| その言語を話す人々に囲まれる機会があります。 ir iespēja atrasties cilvēku, kas runā šajā valodā, ieskaujībā. ter a oportunidade de estar rodeado de pessoas que falam a língua.

There are so many means today through technology whereby we can ||||||||それによって|| Hoy en día existen muchos medios a través de la tecnología por los que podemos 今日、テクノロジーを通じて私たちができる手段はたくさんあります。 Mūsdienās ir tik daudz līdzekļu, ar kuru palīdzību mēs varam izmantot tehnoloģijas. Existem hoje tantos meios através da tecnologia que nos permitem 今天,通过技术,我们可以通过多种方式

access the language and enjoyment and knowledge through listening. ||||楽しみ|||| リスニングを通じて言語と楽しさと知識にアクセスします。 piekļūt valodai un gūt prieku un zināšanas, klausoties. aceder à língua e ao prazer e conhecimento através da audição. 通过聆听获得语言、享受和知识。

And so, and, and another thing about listening too, is it's kind of easy to do. ですから、リスニングについてのもう 1 つのことは、簡単にできるということです。 Vēl viena lieta, kas attiecas uz klausīšanos, ir tā, ka to ir diezgan viegli izdarīt. E assim, e, e outra coisa sobre ouvir também, é que é um pouco fácil de fazer.

So it gets you going, uh, as I've said before, very often the 前に言ったように Tātad, kā jau es teicu iepriekš, ļoti bieži tas liek jums doties uz... Por isso, como já disse antes, faz com que, como já disse, muitas vezes a

main thing is to get started. 主なことは始めることです。 galvenais ir sākt. O principal é começar.

So even in terms of a day, you know, today I had to do some chores around the house. |||||||||||||||家事||| というわけで、1日でも、今日は家事をしなければなりませんでした。 Portanto, mesmo em termos de um dia, sabem, hoje tive de fazer algumas tarefas em volta da casa.

But I start listening now because I've been listening and not しかし、私は聞いていたのに聞いていなかったので、今聞き始めます Bet es sāku klausīties tagad, jo es esmu klausījies un ne Mas começo a ouvir agora porque tenho estado a ouvir e não

understanding a fair amount of it. ||かなりの|かなりの量|| entendiendo bastante. かなりの量を理解しています。 izpratne par to ir diezgan liela.

I am now my, my curiosity is piqued. |||||||被激发 |||||||aroused |||||||aroused |||||||興味をそそられた |||||||despertada Ahora me pica la curiosidad. 私は今、私の好奇心がそそられます。 Tagad es esmu mans, mana ziņkāre ir piqued. Agora sou eu, a minha curiosidade está aguçada.

It triggers my reading and it just keeps me going down the それは私の読書を引き起こし、それは私を落ち込ませ続けます Tas aktivizē manu lasīšanu, un tas vienkārši liek man iet uz leju. Despoleta a minha leitura e faz-me descer a

path of learning the language. 学習の道|||| 言語を学ぶ道。 valodas apguves ceļš. caminho de aprendizagem da língua.

So I just wanted, again, I wanted to touch on this, the importance of ||||||||||||重要性| ですから、もう一度、これに触れたいと思いました。 Tāpēc es tikai gribēju vēlreiz pieskarties tam, cik svarīgi ir tas, ka Por isso, só queria, mais uma vez, tocar nisto, a importância de

listening as the easiest thing you can do in order to create the time and 時間を作るためにできる最も簡単なこととして耳を傾け、 klausīšanās kā visvienkāršākā lieta, ko jūs varat darīt, lai radītu laiku un ouvir como a coisa mais fácil que se pode fazer para criar o tempo e

push yourself forward in your language. あなたの言語で自分を押し進めてください。 virziet sevi uz priekšu savā valodā. empurre-se para a frente na sua língua.

And I'll leave you a couple of videos about listening そして、リスニングについてのビデオをいくつか残します。 E deixo-vos alguns vídeos sobre como ouvir

that I've done in the past. 私が過去にやったこと。 que eu já fiz no passado.

And hopefully again, I don't contradict myself. |||||矛盾する| 繰り返しますが、私は自分自身に矛盾しないことを願っています。 Un, cerams, es atkal nenonākšu pretrunā pats sev. E, esperançosamente, mais uma vez, não me contradigo. 再次希望我不会自相矛盾。

Thank you for listening. Obrigado por ouvir.

Bye for now. Adeus, por agora.