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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How Our Emotions Influence Our Language Skills

How Our Emotions Influence Our Language Skills

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

I want to make a video in response to a video that I received from Lucas from Brazil. He posted this video in response to one of my recent videos and I'll see if I can somehow hook this up to this video in some way. He speaks very good English as a young man from Brazil. He says I enjoyed learning English and he speaks it very well. He studied at LingQ and he learned Italian and after a few weeks or months he was doing very well, but now he works for a company in Brazil that has a lot of dealings with international customers, most of whom are Spanish speakers. So he's spent now a few months using LingQ reading and listening, but his ability to speak Spanish hasn't improved; whereas, he saw remarkable improvement in his English and his Italian. What can be the reason?

I thought that was very interesting.

My belief, without having had the chance to really ask Lucas a lot of questions, is that he's not very motivated to speak Spanish because Spanish is so similar to Portuguese. Very often we don't realize that we are sort of not motivated to do certain things, this is particularly the case with pronunciation with accents. I know that when I listen to Brazilian Portuguese, I find myself not wanting to pronounce the ‘t' as a ‘cha', _, that kind of stuff, even though I know that is how it's pronounced, maybe because I speak Spanish and because I listen to a lot of European Portuguese. Nor do I speak like a European Portuguese either, I kind of stick with my Spanish.

I see myself reluctant to let go of that Spanish because the languages are so similar. I just won't let go and I see this with people in their pronunciation. I mentioned in another video my father who would always say Nova _ instead of Nova Scotia.

You'll sometimes find learners who are native speakers of German or of Spanish or Chinese and they'll quote you proverbs translated from their own language in order to explain something in English and they think that's very good because they like their own thing and it's normal, you have a certain attachment. It's an emotional attachment either to your own language or say in the case of my speaking Spanish and Portuguese. I'm quite comfortable with my Spanish pronunciation and so to start pronouncing, essentially, the same words in quite a different way is something that I'm, at some level, reluctant to do. My emotions are getting in the way, whereas if it's a totally different language I just go for it 100%. It's totally make-believe, imaginary. I'm playing some strange role and so I'm not held back. I think this can be the case with very similar languages.

I speak English, I could live in Texas or Scotland for 20 years and I wouldn't change how I speak. I might be slightly influenced by it, but not very much. I'm comfortable with it. I'm not going to change it, whereas a foreigner moving into any of those areas would probably be more influenced by the local language, trying harder, wanting to imitate the local pronunciation. I just mention this (A) in the answer the the video from Lucas.

I think that he has to try to project himself as an Argentinean and it's easier for him and perhaps more attractive for him to project himself as an Italian or an American, let's say. That's fun. That's positive for him. He likes doing that, but he doesn't want to project himself as an Argentinean because the Spanish or whoever he speaks to, Paraguayan or whoever, neighbors of Brazil. Because at some level he thinks they should be able to understand his Portuguese, he's not as motivated. I see this in so many different areas.

I see this, for example, where people from certain cultures like to consider themselves very unique and, therefore, they're unwilling to let go of that cultural identity, that cultural ego, in order to project themselves into this other cultural identity. As I say, my father. You see people even from the same language group. Let's say French people. Some will pronounce English very, very well and others make no concession at all to English. They speak English like this and that is the way they will always speak it because at some emotional level they don't want to change. I just want to get reaction from people on this.

I think in so many things in language learning, our willingness, our emotional commitment to or resistance to certain things, our determination, our ability to project into another persona, these things are so important, so important, far more important than diagrams of the mouth and where you put your tongue or any other of these artificial learning tricks or tools or assists that you can find.

So I guess the message there is to really look at your attitude and your emotional commitment to learning a language and to pronouncing that language closer to the way it's pronounced. I'd like to hear from Lucas. I think that's his problem. If you talk about learning a language -- what does it mean to learn a language -- a Portuguese person practically doesn't have to learn Spanish. They know 95% of the vocabulary and the grammar is so similar. Yeah, there are differences, but they're not great. I mean they're basically there, so there's no reason why. I don't believe those who say well, because the pronunciation is so different. You know, Portuguese which has all these diphthongs and Spanish which has their very clear, pure vowels, it's more difficult for that reason. I don't think it's difficult for sort of those technical reasons and the proof of that is if you listen to someone like Benny the Irish Polyglot or Luca or Richard Simcott. They pronounce each of the romance languages very well. They speak Portuguese very well, Spanish very well, Italian very well, French very well. They are able to make all the different sounds, so the only reason a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese like Lucas is not is because he doesn't want to. I haven't heard him in Italian, but he pronounces English very well. So it comes down to this attitudinal thing.

I think we can take a lesson from that and look at how that applies to our own language learning. Are we resisting at some level? Are we hanging back? Are we reluctant? Yeah, attitude is big. I look forward to hearing your comments and maybe even hearing from Lucas.

On that, bye for now.

How Our Emotions Influence Our Language Skills Wie unsere Emotionen unsere Sprachfähigkeiten beeinflussen How Our Emotions Influence Our Language Skills Cómo influyen nuestras emociones en nuestras habilidades lingüísticas Comment nos émotions influencent nos compétences linguistiques Come le nostre emozioni influenzano le nostre capacità linguistiche 私たちの感情が私たちの言語スキルにどのように影響するか 감정이 언어 능력에 미치는 영향 Kaip mūsų emocijos daro įtaką mūsų kalbos įgūdžiams Jak emocje wpływają na nasze umiejętności językowe? Como as nossas emoções influenciam as nossas competências linguísticas Как наши эмоции влияют на наши языковые навыки Hur våra känslor påverkar våra språkkunskaper Duygularımız Dil Becerilerimizi Nasıl Etkiliyor? Як наші емоції впливають на наші мовні навички 我们的情绪如何影响我们的语言技能 我們的情緒如何影響我們的語言技能

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Bonjour, Steve Kaufmann ici. 스티브 카우프만, 안녕하세요

I want to make a video in response to a video that I received from Lucas from Brazil. ブラジルのルーカスから受け取った動画に応えて動画を作りたいです。 Quero fazer um vídeo em resposta a um vídeo que recebi do Lucas do Brasil. He posted this video in response to one of my recent videos and I’ll see if I can somehow hook this up to this video in some way. Toto video zveřejnil v reakci na jedno z mých nedávných videí a já se podívám, jestli to můžu nějak propojit s tímto videem. Er hat dieses Video als Antwort auf eines meiner letzten Videos gepostet und ich werde sehen, ob ich es irgendwie mit diesem Video verbinden kann. He posted this video in response to one of my recent videos and I'll see if I can somehow hook this up to this video in some way. Publicó este video en respuesta a uno de mis videos recientes y veré si puedo conectarlo de alguna manera con este video. 彼は私の最近のビデオの1つに応えてこのビデオを投稿しました、そして私が何らかの方法でこれをこのビデオに接続することができるかどうか見るでしょう。 그는 최근 비디오 중 하나에 대한 응답으로이 비디오를 게시했으며 어떻게 든이 비디오에 어떤 식 으로든 연결할 수 있는지 확인할 것입니다. Ele publicou este vídeo em resposta a um dos meus vídeos recentes e vou ver se consigo, de alguma forma, associá-lo a este vídeo. 他发布了这部影片,以回应我最近的一部影片,我将看看我是否可以以某种方式将其连接到这部影片。 他發布了這個視頻來回應我最近的一個視頻,我會看看我是否能以某種方式把它與這個視頻聯繫起來。 He speaks very good English as a young man from Brazil. Jako mladý muž z Brazílie mluví velmi dobře anglicky. 彼はブラジル出身の若者としてとても上手な英語を話します。 Ele fala muito bem inglês como um jovem do Brasil. 作為來自巴西的年輕人,他的英語說得很好。 He says I enjoyed learning English and he speaks it very well. Říká, že jsem se rád učil anglicky a že mluví velmi dobře. Ele diz que eu gostei de aprender inglês e que ele fala muito bem. He studied at LingQ and he learned Italian and after a few weeks or months he was doing very well, but now he works for a company in Brazil that has a lot of dealings with international customers, most of whom are Spanish speakers. 彼はLingQで学び、イタリア語を学び、数週間または数か月後には非常にうまくいっていましたが、現在はブラジルの会社で働いており、そのほとんどがスペイン語を話す海外の顧客と取引を行っています。 그는 LingQ에서 공부했고 이탈리아어를 배웠고 몇 주 또는 몇 달이 지나도 잘 지냈지 만 이제는 브라질의 한 회사에서 해외 고객을 다루는 회사에서 일하며 대부분 스페인어를 구사합니다. Estudou no LingQ e aprendeu italiano e, após algumas semanas ou meses, estava a sair-se muito bem, mas agora trabalha para uma empresa no Brasil que lida muito com clientes internacionais, a maioria dos quais são falantes de espanhol. So he’s spent now a few months using LingQ reading and listening, but his ability to speak Spanish hasn’t improved; whereas, he saw remarkable improvement in his English and his Italian. 그는 이제 몇 달 동안 LingQ를 읽고 듣는 데 사용했지만 스페인어를 할 수있는 능력은 향상되지 않았습니다. 반면 그는 영어와 이탈리아어가 현저히 향상되었습니다. Assim, passou alguns meses a utilizar o LingQ para ler e ouvir, mas a sua capacidade de falar espanhol não melhorou; por outro lado, registou uma melhoria notável no seu inglês e no seu italiano. Итак, он провел несколько месяцев, используя LingQ для чтения и аудирования, но его способность говорить по-испански не улучшилась; в то время как он заметил значительные улучшения в английском и итальянском языках. 所以他現在已經用LingQ閱讀和聽力幾個月了,但他說西班牙語的能力並沒有提升;然而,他的英語和義大利語有了顯著的進步。 What can be the reason? 理由は何ですか? 이유는 무엇입니까? Qual poderá ser a razão? 可能是什麼原因?

I thought that was very interesting. Achei isso muito interessante.

My belief, without having had the chance to really ask Lucas a lot of questions, is that he’s not very motivated to speak Spanish because Spanish is so similar to Portuguese. My belief, without having had the chance to really ask Lucas a lot of questions, is that he's not very motivated to speak Spanish because Spanish is so similar to Portuguese. 私の信念は、ルーカスに多くの質問をする機会がなかったのですが、スペイン語はポルトガル語にとても似ているので、彼はスペイン語を話す意欲があまりないということです。 내 생각에, 루카스에게 실제로 많은 질문을 할 기회가 없었던 것은 스페인어가 포르투갈어와 매우 유사하기 때문에 스페인어를 말하려는 동기가별로 없다는 것입니다. A minha convicção, sem ter tido a oportunidade de fazer muitas perguntas ao Lucas, é que ele não está muito motivado para falar espanhol porque o espanhol é muito semelhante ao português. 在没有机会向卢卡斯提出很多问题的情况下,我认为他说西班牙语的积极性不高,因为西班牙语和葡萄牙语太相似了。 Very often we don’t realize that we are sort of not motivated to do certain things, this is particularly the case with pronunciation with accents. ある種のことをやる気がないことに気づかないことがよくあります。これは特にアクセント付きの発音の場合に当てはまります。 Muitas vezes não nos apercebemos de que não estamos motivados para fazer certas coisas, o que é particularmente o caso da pronúncia com sotaque. 很多时候,我们并没有意识到自己在做某些事情时缺乏动力,尤其是在带口音的发音方面。 I know that when I listen to Brazilian Portuguese, I find myself not wanting to pronounce the ‘t' as a ‘cha', _____, that kind of stuff, even though I know that is how it’s pronounced, maybe because I speak Spanish and because I listen to a lot of European Portuguese. Sé que cuando escucho portugués brasileño, no quiero pronunciar la 't' como 'cha', _, ese tipo de cosas, aunque sé que se pronuncia así, tal vez porque hablo español y porque escucho mucho portugués europeo. ブラジルポルトガル語を聞いていると、「t」を「cha」、_____、そのようなものとして発音したくないと思うことを知っています。スペイン語を話し、ヨーロッパポルトガル語をたくさん聴いているからです。 Sei que quando ouço português do Brasil, dou por mim a não querer pronunciar o 't' como um 'cha', _, esse tipo de coisas, apesar de saber que é assim que se pronuncia, talvez porque falo espanhol e porque ouço muito português europeu. Я знаю, что когда я слушаю бразильский португальский, я не хочу произносить "t" как "cha", _, и тому подобное, хотя я знаю, что это произносится именно так, возможно, потому что я говорю по-испански и потому что я слушаю много европейского португальского. 我知道當我聽巴西葡萄牙語時,我發現自己不想把 't' 發音為 'cha'、_ 之類的東西,即使我知道它是這樣發音的,也許是因為我說西班牙語和因為我聽了很多歐洲葡萄牙語。 Nor do I speak like a European Portuguese either, I kind of stick with my Spanish. Ani já nemluvím jako evropský Portugalec, spíš se držím své španělštiny. Ich spreche auch nicht wie ein europäischer Portugiese, ich bleibe eher bei meinem Spanisch. また、私はヨーロッパのポルトガル語のように話すこともありません。私はスペイン語に固執しています。 나도 유럽 포르투갈어처럼 말하지도 않고, 나는 스페인어를 고수합니다. Também não falo como um português europeu, mantenho-me fiel ao meu espanhol. Я также не говорю как европейский португалец, я придерживаюсь испанского. 我也不像歐洲葡萄牙人那樣說話,我有點堅持我的西班牙語。

I see myself reluctant to let go of that Spanish because the languages are so similar. Vidím, že se zdráhám opustit španělštinu, protože ty jazyky jsou si tak podobné. I see myself reluctant to let go of that Spanish because the languages are so similar. Me veo reacio a dejar ese español porque los idiomas son muy parecidos. 言語がとても似ているので、私はそのスペイン語を手放すことに消極的だと思います。 Vejo-me relutante em abandonar o espanhol porque as línguas são muito semelhantes. 我看到自己不願意放棄西班牙語,因為語言是如此相似。 I just won’t let go and I see this with people in their pronunciation. Prostě mě to nepustí a vidím to na lidech v jejich výslovnosti. 私はただ手放すことはありません、そして私は彼らの発音の人々とこれを見ます。 나는 그냥 보내지 않을 것이며 사람들의 발음으로 이것을 볼 수 있습니다. Não consigo largar e vejo isso nas pessoas, na sua pronúncia. Я просто не могу отпустить его, и я вижу это в произношении людей. 我就是不會放手,我在人們的發音中看到了這一點。 I mentioned in another video my father who would always say Nova _____ instead of Nova Scotia. 我在另一段视频中提到过我的父亲,他总是说 Nova _ 而不是 Nova Scotia。

You’ll sometimes find learners who are native speakers of German or of Spanish or Chinese and they’ll quote you proverbs translated from their own language in order to explain something in English and they think that’s very good because they like their own thing and it’s normal, you have a certain attachment. Někdy se setkáte s žáky, kteří jsou rodilí mluvčí němčiny, španělštiny nebo čínštiny a budou vám citovat přísloví přeložená z jejich vlastního jazyka, aby vám něco vysvětlili v angličtině, a budou si myslet, že je to velmi dobré, protože mají rádi své vlastní věci, a to je normální, máte k nim určitou náklonnost. You'll sometimes find learners who are native speakers of German or of Spanish or Chinese and they'll quote you proverbs translated from their own language in order to explain something in English and they think that's very good because they like their own thing and it's normal, you have a certain attachment. ドイツ語、スペイン語、中国語のネイティブスピーカーである学習者を見つけることがあります。彼らは英語で何かを説明するために自分の言語から翻訳されたことわざを引用します。彼らは自分のことを好きで、それがとても良いと思います。通常、あなたは特定の愛着を持っています。 Por vezes, encontramos alunos que são falantes nativos de alemão, espanhol ou chinês e citam provérbios traduzidos da sua própria língua para explicar algo em inglês e acham que isso é muito bom porque gostam das suas próprias coisas e é normal, temos um certo apego. Иногда можно встретить учеников, для которых немецкий, испанский или китайский являются родными, и они будут цитировать вам пословицы, переведенные с их родного языка, чтобы объяснить что-то на английском, и они считают, что это очень хорошо, потому что им нравится их собственная вещь, и это нормально, у вас есть определенная привязанность. 有時你會發現以德語、西班牙語或漢語為母語的學習者,他們會引用從他們自己的語言翻譯的諺語來用英語解釋一些事情,他們認為這很好,因為他們喜歡自己的東西,而且正常的,你有一定的執著。 It’s an emotional attachment either to your own language or say in the case of my speaking Spanish and Portuguese. それはあなた自身の言語への感情的な愛着であるか、私のスペイン語とポルトガル語を話す場合に言うでしょう。 Trata-se de uma ligação emocional à nossa própria língua ou, no caso de eu falar espanhol e português. 这是对自己语言的情感依恋,或者说是我对西班牙语和葡萄牙语的情感依恋。 I’m quite comfortable with my Spanish pronunciation and so to start pronouncing, essentially, the same words in quite a different way is something that I’m, at some level, reluctant to do. Se svou španělskou výslovností jsem docela spokojená, a tak se mi do jisté míry nechce začít vyslovovat v podstatě stejná slova úplně jinak. 私はスペイン語の発音に非常に慣れているので、基本的に、まったく異なる方法で同じ単語を発音し始めることは、あるレベルではやりたがらないことです。 Мне вполне хватает испанского произношения, и поэтому начинать произносить, по сути, те же слова по-другому - это то, что я в какой-то степени не хочу делать. 我對自己的西班牙語發音很滿意,所以從本質上講,以完全不同的方式發音相同的單詞是我在某種程度上不願意做的事情。 My emotions are getting in the way, whereas if it’s a totally different language I just go for it 100%. Překážejí mi emoce, zatímco když jde o úplně jiný jazyk, jdu do toho na sto procent. 私の感情は邪魔になっていますが、それがまったく異なる言語である場合、私は100%それを選びます。 내 감정이 나빠지는 반면, 완전히 다른 언어라면 100 %로갑니다. As minhas emoções estão a atrapalhar-me, ao passo que se for uma língua totalmente diferente, vou em frente a 100%. 我的情緒阻礙了我,而如果它是一種完全不同的語言,我就會 100% 接受它。 It’s totally make-believe, imaginary. Je to naprosto vymyšlené, imaginární. Es ist total vermeintlich, imaginär. それは完全に架空の、架空のものです。 É totalmente imaginário, faz-de-conta. Это полностью выдумка, воображение. 完全虚构,虚构。 這完全是虛構的,虛構的。 I’m playing some strange role and so I’m not held back. Hraju nějakou zvláštní roli, a tak se nedržím zpátky. 私は奇妙な役割を果たしているので、私は妨げられていません。 나는 이상한 역할을하고있어서 다시는지지 않습니다. Estou a desempenhar um papel estranho e, por isso, não me sinto retido. Я играю какую-то странную роль и поэтому не сдерживаюсь. 我在扮演一些奇怪的角色,所以我没有退缩。 我正在扮演一些奇怪的角色,所以我沒有退縮。 I think this can be the case with very similar languages. Myslím, že to může být případ velmi podobných jazyků. これは非常によく似た言語の場合に当てはまると思います。 Penso que pode ser o caso de línguas muito semelhantes. 我认为,非常相似的语言也会出现这种情况。

I speak English, I could live in Texas or Scotland for 20 years and I wouldn’t change how I speak. Mluvím anglicky, mohl bych žít 20 let v Texasu nebo ve Skotsku a nezměnil bych způsob, jakým mluvím. 私は英語を話します。テキサスまたはスコットランドに20年間住むことができ、話し方を変えることはありません。 Falo inglês, podia viver no Texas ou na Escócia durante 20 anos e não mudaria a minha forma de falar. 我會說英語,我可以在德克薩斯或蘇格蘭生活 20 年,而且我不會改變我說話的方式。 I might be slightly influenced by it, but not very much. 少し影響を受けるかもしれませんが、あまり影響はありません。 Posso ser ligeiramente influenciado por ela, mas não muito. 我可能會受到輕微的影響,但不是很大。 I’m comfortable with it. 私はそれで快適です。 我對此感到很舒服。 I’m not going to change it, whereas a foreigner moving into any of those areas would probably be more influenced by the local language, trying harder, wanting to imitate the local pronunciation. 私はそれを変えるつもりはありませんが、これらの地域のいずれかに移動する外国人は、おそらく地元の言語の影響を強く受け、もっと頑張って、地元の発音を模倣したいと思うでしょう。 Não vou mudá-la, ao passo que um estrangeiro que se deslocasse para qualquer uma dessas zonas seria provavelmente mais influenciado pela língua local, esforçando-se mais, querendo imitar a pronúncia local. 我不会去改变它,而一个外国人搬到这些地区,可能会更多地受到当地语言的影响,更加努力,想要模仿当地的发音。 I just mention this (A) in the answer the the video from Lucas. Tohle (A) jsem právě zmínil v odpovědi na video od Lucase. ルーカスからのビデオの回答でこれ(A)について言及します。 Apenas menciono este facto (A) na resposta ao vídeo do Lucas. 我只是在回答卢卡斯的视频时提到了这一点 (A)。

I think that he has to try to project himself as an Argentinean and it’s easier for him and perhaps more attractive for him to project himself as an Italian or an American, let’s say. 彼は自分自身をアルゼンチン人として投影しようとしなければならないと思います。彼にとっては簡単で、おそらくイタリア人またはアメリカ人として自分自身を投影する方が魅力的だと思います。 나는 그가 아르헨티나 인으로서 자신을 투영하려고 노력해야한다고 생각하며, 그에게 이탈리아 인이나 미국인으로서 자신을 투영하는 것이 더 쉽고 아마도 더 매력적이라고 가정하자. Penso que ele tem de tentar projetar-se como argentino e é mais fácil para ele e talvez mais atraente para ele projetar-se como italiano ou americano, digamos assim. Я думаю, что ему приходится пытаться проецировать себя как аргентинца, и для него проще и, возможно, привлекательнее проецировать себя, скажем, как итальянца или американца. 我认为他必须尝试将自己塑造成阿根廷人,对他来说,将自己塑造成意大利人或美国人更容易,也许对他更具吸引力。 我认为,他必须努力把自己塑造成一个阿根廷人,而把自己塑造成一个意大利人或美国人,对他来说更容易,也许更有吸引力。 That’s fun. Isso é divertido. That’s positive for him. 这对他来说是积极的。 He likes doing that, but he doesn’t want to project himself as an Argentinean because the Spanish or whoever he speaks to, Paraguayan or whoever, neighbors of Brazil. Dělá to rád, ale nechce se prezentovat jako Argentinec, protože Španělé nebo kdokoli, s kým mluví, Paraguayci nebo kdokoli jiný, sousedé Brazílie. 彼はそれをするのが好きです、しかし彼はスペイン人または彼が話す人、パラグアイまたは誰でもブラジルの隣人のために彼自身をアルゼンチン人として投影したくありません。 Dat doet hij graag, maar hij wil zichzelf niet profileren als Argentijn omdat de Spanjaarden of wie hij ook spreekt, Paraguayanen of wie dan ook, buren van Brazilië zijn. Gosta de o fazer, mas não quer projetar-se como argentino porque os espanhóis ou com quem quer que fale, paraguaios ou quem quer que seja, são vizinhos do Brasil. 他喜欢这样做,但他不想把自己塑造成一个阿根廷人,因为西班牙人或任何与他交谈的人,巴拉圭人或任何巴西的邻居。 Because at some level he thinks they should be able to understand his Portuguese, he’s not as motivated. Protože si na určité úrovni myslí, že by měli rozumět jeho portugalštině, nemá takovou motivaci. あるレベルで彼は彼らが彼のポルトガル語を理解できるはずだと思っているので、彼はそれほどやる気がありません。 그는 어느 정도 수준에서 자신의 포르투갈어를 이해할 수 있어야한다고 생각하기 때문에 동기 부여가되지 않습니다. Porque, a um certo nível, ele pensa que os outros devem ser capazes de compreender o seu português, não está tão motivado. 因為在某種程度上他認為他們應該能夠理解他的葡萄牙語,所以他沒有那麼積極。 I see this in so many different areas. 私はこれを非常に多くの異なる分野で見ています。 Vejo isto em muitos domínios diferentes. 我在许多不同的领域都看到了这一点。

I see this, for example, where people from certain cultures like to consider themselves very unique and, therefore, they’re unwilling to let go of that cultural identity, that cultural ego, in order to project themselves into this other cultural identity. Setkávám se například s tím, že lidé z určitých kultur se rádi považují za velmi jedinečné, a proto nejsou ochotni opustit svou kulturní identitu, své kulturní ego, aby se mohli promítnout do jiné kulturní identity. Ich sehe das zum Beispiel dort, wo sich Menschen aus bestimmten Kulturen gerne für sehr einzigartig halten und deshalb nicht bereit sind, diese kulturelle Identität, dieses kulturelle Ego loszulassen, um sich in diese andere kulturelle Identität zu projizieren. たとえば、特定の文化の人々が自分自身を非常にユニークであると考えたいため、この他の文化的アイデンティティに自分自身を投影するために、その文化的アイデンティティ、その文化的エゴを手放すことを望まない場合、これがわかります。 예를 들어, 특정 문화권의 사람들이 자신을 매우 독창적이라고 생각하기 때문에 다른 문화적 정체성으로 자신을 투영하기 위해 문화적 정체성, 문화적 자아를 버리고 싶지 않습니다. Vejo isto, por exemplo, quando as pessoas de certas culturas gostam de se considerar muito únicas e, por isso, não estão dispostas a abandonar essa identidade cultural, esse ego cultural, para se projectarem nessa outra identidade cultural. 例如,我看到这样的情况:来自某些文化背景的人喜欢认为自己非常独特,因此,他们不愿意放弃自己的文化身份、文化自我,从而将自己投射到另一种文化身份中。 As I say, my father. 正如我所說,我的父親。 You see people even from the same language group. Setkáváte se i s lidmi ze stejné jazykové skupiny. 同じ言語グループの人もいます。 Vêem-se pessoas até do mesmo grupo linguístico. 你甚至會看到來自同一語言群體的人。 Let’s say French people. フランス人としましょう。 프랑스 사람들에게 말해 봅시다. Digamos que os franceses. 就拿法國人來說吧。 Some will pronounce English very, very well and others make no concession at all to English. Někteří vyslovují anglicky velmi dobře a jiní se angličtině vůbec nevěnují. Einige werden Englisch sehr, sehr gut aussprechen und andere machen überhaupt kein Zugeständnis an Englisch. 英語を非常に上手に発音する人もいれば、英語にまったく譲歩しない人もいます。 어떤 사람들은 영어를 아주 잘 발음하고 어떤 사람들은 영어를 전혀 양보하지 않습니다. Niektórzy będą mówić po angielsku bardzo, bardzo dobrze, a inni nie idą na żadne ustępstwa w stosunku do angielskiego. Alguns pronunciam o inglês muito, muito bem e outros não fazem qualquer concessão ao inglês. 有些人的英语发音非常非常标准,而有些人则完全不向英语让步。 They speak English like this and that is the way they will always speak it because at some emotional level they don’t want to change. Takto mluví anglicky a tak budou mluvit vždy, protože na určité emocionální úrovni nechtějí nic měnit. Sie sprechen so Englisch und werden es immer so sprechen, weil sie sich auf einer emotionalen Ebene nicht ändern wollen. 彼らはこのように英語を話します、そしてそれは彼らがいつもそれを話す方法です。なぜなら、ある感情的なレベルで彼らは変えたくないからです。 Falam inglês assim e é assim que o vão falar sempre porque, a um certo nível emocional, não querem mudar. 他们这样说英语,他们就会一直这样说,因为在情感层面上,他们不想改变。 I just want to get reaction from people on this. Ich möchte nur die Reaktion der Leute darauf bekommen. 私はこれについて人々から反応を得たいだけです。 나는 이것에 대해 사람들로부터 반응을 얻고 싶습니다. Só quero saber a reação das pessoas a esta questão. Я просто хочу получить реакцию людей на это. 我只是想听听大家对此的反应。

I think in so many things in language learning, our willingness, our emotional commitment to or resistance to certain things, our determination, our ability to project into another persona, these things are so important, so important, far more important than diagrams of the mouth and where you put your tongue or any other of these artificial learning tricks or tools or assists that you can find. Myslím, že v mnoha věcech při učení se jazykům je naše ochota, naše emocionální oddanost nebo odpor k určitým věcem, naše odhodlání, naše schopnost promítnout se do jiné osoby, tyto věci jsou tak důležité, tak důležité, mnohem důležitější než schémata úst a místa, kam položíte jazyk, nebo jakékoli jiné umělé triky nebo nástroje pro učení, které můžete najít. Ich denke, in so vielen Dingen beim Sprachenlernen sind unsere Bereitschaft, unser emotionales Engagement für oder unser Widerstand gegen bestimmte Dinge, unsere Entschlossenheit, unsere Fähigkeit, in eine andere Person zu projizieren, diese Dinge so wichtig, so wichtig, weitaus wichtiger als Diagramme der Mund und wo Sie Ihre Zunge hinlegen oder andere dieser künstlichen Lerntricks oder Werkzeuge oder Hilfsmittel, die Sie finden können. 言語学習の非常に多くのこと、私たちの意欲、特定のものに対する感情的なコミットメントまたは抵抗、私たちの決意、別のペルソナに投影する能力、これらのことは非常に重要であり、非常に重要であり、図よりもはるかに重要であると思います口とあなたがあなたの舌またはあなたが見つけることができるこれらの人工的な学習のトリックまたはツールまたは援助のいずれかを置く場所。 Penso que em muitas coisas na aprendizagem de línguas, a nossa vontade, o nosso empenho emocional ou a nossa resistência a certas coisas, a nossa determinação, a nossa capacidade de nos projectarmos noutra pessoa, estas coisas são tão importantes, tão importantes, muito mais importantes do que os diagramas da boca e onde colocamos a língua ou qualquer outro destes truques, ferramentas ou ajudas artificiais de aprendizagem que podemos encontrar. 我认为,在语言学习的许多事情中,我们的意愿、我们对某些事情的情感承诺或抵制、我们的决心、我们投射到另一个角色的能力,这些东西都是如此重要,如此重要,远比口型图、你把舌头放在哪里或任何其他这些你能找到的人工学习技巧、工具或辅助工具更重要。

So I guess the message there is to really look at your attitude and your emotional commitment to learning a language and to pronouncing that language closer to the way it’s pronounced. Takže myslím, že poselstvím je, abyste se opravdu podívali na svůj postoj a emocionální závazek učit se jazyk a vyslovovat ho blíže tomu, jak se vyslovuje. ですから、言語を学び、その言語を発音に近づけることへのあなたの態度と感情的なコミットメントを実際に見ることがメッセージだと思います。 따라서 언어를 배우고 그 언어가 발음되는 방식에 더 가깝게 발음하려는 당신의 태도와 감정적 인 헌신을 실제로보아야 할 메시지가 있다고 생각합니다. Por isso, acho que a mensagem a reter é a de que devemos ter em conta a nossa atitude e o nosso empenho emocional em aprender uma língua e em pronunciar essa língua de forma mais próxima da forma como ela é pronunciada. 因此,我想这给我们的启示是,在学习一门语言时,要真正审视自己的态度和情感承诺,并使自己的发音更接近这门语言的发音方式。 I’d like to hear from Lucas. Rád bych slyšel Lucase. 나는 루카스에게서 듣고 싶다. Gostava de ter notícias do Lucas. Я бы хотела услышать Лукаса. 我想听听卢卡斯的意见。 I think that’s his problem. Acho que é esse o problema dele. 我想这就是他的问题所在。 If you talk about learning a language -- what does it mean to learn a language -- a Portuguese person practically doesn’t have to learn Spanish. Pokud mluvíte o učení se jazyka - co to znamená učit se jazyk - Portugalec se prakticky nemusí učit španělsky. Wenn Sie über das Erlernen einer Sprache sprechen – was bedeutet es, eine Sprache zu lernen – muss ein Portugiese praktisch kein Spanisch lernen. あなたが言語を学ぶことについて話すなら-言語を学ぶことはどういう意味ですか-ポルトガル人は実際にはスペイン語を学ぶ必要はありません。 Se falarmos de aprender uma língua - o que significa aprender uma língua - um português não tem praticamente de aprender espanhol. 如果谈及学习语言--学习语言意味着什么--葡萄牙人实际上不必学习西班牙语。 They know 95% of the vocabulary and the grammar is so similar. Znají 95 % slovní zásoby a gramatika je tak podobná. 彼らは語彙の95%を知っており、文法はとても似ています。 그들은 어휘의 95 %를 알고 문법은 매우 비슷합니다. Conhecem 95% do vocabulário e a gramática é muito semelhante. 他们知道 95% 的词汇,语法也非常相似。 Yeah, there are differences, but they’re not great. ええ、違いはありますが、それは素晴らしいことではありません。 예, 차이점이 있지만 그다지 좋지 않습니다. Sim, há diferenças, mas não são grandes. Да, различия есть, но они не велики. 是的,確實有差異,但差異不大。 I mean they’re basically there, so there’s no reason why. Vždyť tam v podstatě jsou, takže není důvod proč. Ich meine, sie sind im Grunde da, also gibt es keinen Grund dafür. 基本的にそこにあるので、理由はありません。 나는 그들이 기본적으로 거기에 있다는 것을 의미하므로 이유가 없습니다. Quer dizer, basicamente estão lá, por isso não há razão para isso. Я имею в виду, что они в основном там, так что нет причин для этого. 我的意思是,它们基本上都在那里,所以没有什么理由。 I don’t believe those who say well, because the pronunciation is so different. Nevěřím těm, kteří říkají dobře, protože výslovnost je tak odlišná. Ich glaube denen nicht, die gut sagen, weil die Aussprache so anders ist. 発音がとても違うので、よく言う人は信じられません。 Não acredito naqueles que dizem bem, porque a pronúncia é muito diferente. Я не верю тем, кто говорит "хорошо", потому что произношение очень разное. 我不相信那些说得好的人,因为发音太不一样了。 You know, Portuguese which has all these diphthongs and Spanish which has their very clear, pure vowels, it’s more difficult for that reason. Víte, portugalština, která má všechny ty diftongy, a španělština, která má velmi jasné, čisté samohlásky, je z tohoto důvodu obtížnější. ご存知のように、これらすべての二重母音を持っているポルトガル語と、非常に明確で純粋な母音を持っているスペイン語は、その理由でより困難です。 Sabe, o português, que tem todos estes ditongos, e o espanhol, que tem as suas vogais muito claras e puras, é mais difícil por essa razão. 你知道,葡萄牙語有所有這些雙元音,而西班牙語有非常清晰、純正的元音,因此更難。 I don’t think it’s difficult for sort of those technical reasons and the proof of that is if you listen to someone like Benny the Irish Polyglot or Luca or Richard Simcott. Ich glaube nicht, dass es aus technischen Gründen schwierig ist, und der Beweis dafür ist, wenn man sich jemanden wie Benny the Irish Polyglot oder Luca oder Richard Simcott anhört. No creo que sea difícil por esas razones técnicas y la prueba de ello es si escuchas a alguien como Benny the Irish Polyglot o Luca o Richard Simcott. これらの技術的な理由から難しいことではないと思います。その証拠は、アイルランドの多言語のベニー、ルカ、リチャード・シムコットのような人の話を聞いた場合です。 Não creio que seja difícil por razões técnicas e a prova disso é ouvir alguém como Benny the Irish Polyglot ou Luca ou Richard Simcott. 我认为这并不难,只要你听听爱尔兰多语言者本尼、卢卡或理查德-西姆科特的声音,就能证明这一点。 They pronounce each of the romance languages very well. Pronunciam muito bem cada uma das línguas românicas. 他们对每种罗曼语的发音都非常标准。 They speak Portuguese very well, Spanish very well, Italian very well, French very well. 彼らはポルトガル語、スペイン語、イタリア語、フランス語をとても上手に話します。 Falam muito bem português, muito bem espanhol, muito bem italiano, muito bem francês. 他们的葡萄牙语说得很好,西班牙语说得很好,意大利语说得很好,法语说得很好。 They are able to make all the different sounds, so the only reason a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese like Lucas is not is because he doesn’t want to. 彼らはすべての異なる音を出すことができるので、ルーカスのようなブラジルポルトガル語のネイティブスピーカーがそうではない唯一の理由は、彼がしたくないからです。 Eles são capazes de fazer todos os sons diferentes, por isso a única razão pela qual um falante nativo de português brasileiro como o Lucas não o faz é porque não quer. 他们能发出所有不同的音,所以像卢卡斯这样以巴西葡萄牙语为母语的人不发出这些音的唯一原因是他不想发出这些音。 I haven’t heard him in Italian, but he pronounces English very well. 私は彼をイタリア語で聞いたことがありませんが、彼は英語をとても上手に発音します。 Não o ouvi em italiano, mas ele pronuncia muito bem o inglês. 我没听过他说意大利语,但他的英语发音很标准。 So it comes down to this attitudinal thing. Jde tedy o postojovou záležitost. Es kommt also auf diese Einstellungssache an. ですから、それはこの態度に帰着します。 그래서 그것은이 태도에 관한 것입니다. Portanto, tudo se resume a esta questão de atitude. 所以,归根结底还是态度问题。

I think we can take a lesson from that and look at how that applies to our own language learning. Myslím, že si z toho můžeme vzít ponaučení a podívat se, jak se to dá aplikovat na naše vlastní učení jazyků. Ich denke, wir können daraus eine Lehre ziehen und uns ansehen, wie das auf unser eigenes Sprachenlernen zutrifft. それから教訓を得て、それが私たち自身の言語学習にどのように適用されるかを見ることができると思います。 우리는 그로부터 교훈을 얻을 수 있고 그것이 우리의 언어 학습에 어떻게 적용되는지 살펴볼 수 있다고 생각합니다. 我认为我们可以从中吸取教训,看看如何将其应用到我们自己的语言学习中。 Are we resisting at some level? Widerstehen wir auf einer bestimmten Ebene? 私たちはあるレベルで抵抗していますか? 우리는 어느 정도 저항하고 있습니까? Estamos a resistir a algum nível? 我们是否在某种程度上有所抗拒? Are we hanging back? Držíme se zpátky? Hängen wir zurück? Siamo indietro? 私たちはぶらぶらしていますか? 우리 다시 걸려? Estamos a ficar para trás? Мы отступаем? 我們要退縮嗎? Are we reluctant? Zögern wir? Siamo riluttanti? 私たちは気が進まないのですか? Estamos relutantes? 我们不情愿吗? Yeah, attitude is big. Sim, a atitude é importante. Да, отношение - это важно. 是啊,态度很重要。 I look forward to hearing your comments and maybe even hearing from Lucas. 私はあなたのコメントを聞くことを楽しみにしています、そして多分ルーカスから聞くことさえ楽しみにしています。 Aguardo com expetativa os vossos comentários e, quem sabe, até o Lucas. 我期待听到你们的意见,甚至是卢卡斯的意见。

On that, bye for now. In diesem Sinne, tschüss für jetzt.