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Steve's Language Learning Tips, How I Learned German

How I Learned German

Here's a book I read recently .... Very interesting, about how to be relaxed. Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today I want to talk about how I learned German. Uh, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe like on a bell on the bell for notifications. If you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a review.

I do appreciate it. So my major effort into learning German took place in 1987. And I'm going to go through that with you. But I did have prior exposure to German. Uh, my parents were from Czechoslovakia. They spoke German at home, although they spoke English with my brother and with me. So I hadn heard German, but I couldn't speak it.

Then I worked on a German ship for two weeks hitchhiking over to Europe. Uh, I hitchhiked around in Germany. I even worked for two weeks on a construction site in Vienna. So I had some use of German, but it was very rudimentary. So in 1987, I was between jobs. I had a month off between jobs and I said, you know, I really want to learn German.

And I had, you know, prior to getting on that German boat, I'd looked at a grammar book ..., whatever. And it's always, it struck me that it was just impossible to remember those things. 1987, long before I had heard of Stephen Krashen or input or LingQ. Um, I said, I need to read, I need to read to get a sense of this language.

I need to get the language in me. So let me show you what I did. First of all, I went to the second-hand bookstores here in Vancouver. I don't know what got into me, but I said, let's see what, what is there. So I found this book, which is pretty old. It's a university of Southern California. 1959 it was published.

And if you look at the book it's, it's got sort of text and a, it's got a vocabulary, you know, along the margin, which is really good. You don't have to flip back for it. Now, of course, it's not going to get all the words that you don't know, but quite a few of them. And as often happens, some of the words they explain for you, you already know.

And you'll see that it's a secondhand book because this is not my writing in here. It's full of at least one other person, perhaps more look at this, you know, scribbling, all kinds of stuff, uh, you know, in the text. But, uh, it look at this one. I mean, there's some person undertook to translate the whole thing, which... how you can even read the little chicken scratch, but at any rate, so I read through. So, but that's not the only book I found. I found this other book called ... and here it's a little more organized and they have a word list behind every chapter and I found, you know,

so it's again, the same idea: always text with word lists. If you can see that. Alright. Not tremendously interesting, perhaps, but I was motivated. Oh, here's another one that I did. ... so here again, and I love history and so I love this book, but this didn't have the, um, you know, the glossary. So it was more difficult to read and I just let whatever words I didn't know fly by.

Uh, here's another one that I got ... and here again, uh, you know, lots of, um, vocabulary and texts. And of course I avoid any, any sort of exercises or things of that nature. But at any rate, these are the things that I plowed through in that month. And I got a lot of them, you know? ... and I mean, these books are probably largely out of print ...

So more of the same, more of the same. And I don't know if you can see here, but just an endless, you know ... more of the same. Now this one I think is my highlighting, uh, ... Whatever.

Okay. Lots. Now, at some point I changed like, okay...and there's literature and there's ... When I was in Tyrol, I got interested. Uh, what do we got here? ...again with, with the exercises and whatnot. I mean, no. And just listen and learn. Now, I don't know whether this matched, but at some point I found a cassette tape series, which was a series of interviews, uh, from, uh, German radio interviews with normal people.

That was the best. I listened to it over and over again. If I get a hold of audio material where I find it interesting, and I find it pleasing to listen to it's almost like music. And even if I don't fully understand it, I just listen and listen to that. So, but I got lots of books ... advanced German course.

I don't know what I did with that. I mean, it just goes on and on. And of course ...you got to read the, because for something like this, I also get the audio book. So I won't go through all of these books. I even got books on, uh, what else we got? You know, books on ... which is of interest to me.

And of course I was in the lumber business and building was, you know, very important to me so I read that in German. Uh, what else did we do here? Here's a book I read recently ... very interesting, about how to be relaxed, sort of a combination of Zen and, uh, in the stoic philosophy, how to relax in your life.

Um, you know, literature. I also got some, I, here we are. Yeah. I got some, uh, some self-help books, you know, how to become more efficient. Um, this, uh, Leitner who sort of designed a prototype of the, uh, spaced repetition system, um, books on history. This is an excellent book. . I mean, it goes on and on. Uh, and these books are kind of good.

...where you can learn vocabulary in a new language, relating it back to German. And so you're kind of picking up vocabulary in both. So, I mean, that's just a quick sort of stab at that. I wanted to demonstrate that, you know, long before input and compelling input was, was popular it had, it was always obvious to me that that's how you learn. And that's what I did for Chinese. That's what I did for Japanese. And I could go through all my Chinese books, my Japanese books, uh, I read and I listened. In fact, behind me, here are CDs, audio CDs, and lots for German, for Swedish, for, you know, Italian, Spanish, Czech, you name it. And I could show you, you know, the books for those. And I may do that if there's interest. The thing is now the world has changed. And so now you can find content of interest, you can find audio material for download that you don't have to... I used to have to go to Germany and find CDs to listen to an audio.

You can find the audio material online. Uh, if the material is older, like Gerta, you can import the, uh, the text into LingQ and listen to the audio and learn, you know, go do the sort of traditional literature that way. If it's modern books, you may have to buy the book. And unfortunately, very often they prevent you uh, you know, downloading the text or downloading the audio, even if you've paid for it, which is unfortunate. Uh, but the world has changed. So I, I perhaps should show you what I now do on LingQ, uh, which is where I now spend my time learning Persian and Arabic, and I've learned other languages there. I haven't really done that much in German, but I have done some.

So let me just show you the sort of my level of activity on LingQ for German. So let's have a look here at the, um, German page at LingQ. And you can see that there's a lot of different content available to study. Here are some of the things that I have looked at in my sort of study shelf, nothing very recently.

Some of the trending things. What's new, mini stories. There's just a tremendous variety of content. So I don't have to go looking for it, but I haven't done much on LingQ when it comes to, um, you know, in German. So if I click on my picture here and I go to my profile, then I will see what I've done. So last seven days, nothing.

However, if I go to all the time, We can get a sense of the level of my activity. So here's the growth of my known words, which on LingQ is 28,000 some. So it's not like I haven't done much on LingQ, I have done, but more in the past. Typically 2009 seemed to be a pretty active period for me. Uh, if I look at, um, you know, uh, LingQs created again, I was very active for some reason in 2016.

Uh, if I look at listening hours, this is not a good indicator because I don't necessarily listen on LingQ. I Might be listening elsewhere as well. Uh, if I go to, um, you know, uh, learned LingQs, these are the words that I have moved to known. Not very many. So typically, um, I've been doing a lot of listening and reading, uh, but I don't necessarily move words to known on LingQ.

So in terms of my LingQs created, I've got a total of 11,000 words that I have looked up, but the known words total is like 28,000. What that means is that there are a lot of words that I simply didn't bother looking up cause I knew them. And so LingQ keeps track of that and tells me that I know 28,000 words.

Anyway, that's just very briefly on the subject of what I did on LingQ, but this all comes well after my greatest period of activity in learning German. I wanted to show you what I have done to improve my German. My German is still not as good as I would like it to be. Uh, I make mistakes and I was probably better before. Uh, I have spoken German here with, with people.

I'm a bit sort of shy about my German, but if I have to speak up speak, I would like to be better as is the case with many of my languages. But on the other hand, I brought my German from a very rudimentary level up to a level where I can understand, I can read, I can read books for pleasurem, I can speak to people.

And with a little bit of effort, I can bring it back to where it was before and improve it beyond that level. And that's kind of the level that I like to get my languages to call it sort of a, a slightly, you know, dormant B2. And once you're there, you don't lose that much, even if you don't use the language or read in the language.

And of course, I like to have my languages, you know, parked at that dormant B2 level so that I can learn new languages. And then when the opportunity or the need arises, go back and recover those languages that I have studied before. So I hope that was of interest to you. And I will leave you with a couple of interviews that I've had in German so that you can criticize my German.

Thank you for listening. Bye for now.

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How I Learned German Wie ich Deutsch gelernt habe How I Learned German Cómo aprendí alemán Comment j'ai appris l'allemand Come ho imparato il tedesco 私がドイツ語を学んだ理由 Jak nauczyłem się niemieckiego Como aprendi alemão Как я учил немецкий язык ฉันเรียนภาษาเยอรมันอย่างไร Almancayı Nasıl Öğrendim Як я вивчив німецьку мову 我是如何学习德语的 我是如何學習德語的

Here's a book I read recently .... Very interesting, about how to be relaxed. これが私が最近読んだ本です....リラックスする方法について、非常に興味深いです。 Aqui está um livro que li recentemente... Muito interessante, sobre como estar relaxado. นี่คือหนังสือที่ฉันอ่านเมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้ .... น่าสนใจมากเกี่ยวกับการผ่อนคลาย Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Olá, Steve Kaufmann aqui. สวัสดี Steve Kaufmann ที่นี่ Today I want to talk about how I learned German. Hoje quero falar sobre como aprendi alemão. วันนี้ฉันต้องการพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับวิธีที่ฉันเรียนภาษาเยอรมัน Uh, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe like on a bell on the bell for notifications. Uh, lembre-se se você gosta desses vídeos, por favor, inscreva-se em um sino no sino para notificações. อ้อ จำไว้ว่าถ้าคุณชอบวิดีโอเหล่านี้ โปรดกดติดตามกดกระดิ่งที่กระดิ่งเพื่อรับการแจ้งเตือน If you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a review. Se você me seguir em um serviço de podcast, por favor, deixe um comentário. หากคุณติดตามฉันในบริการพอดคาสต์โปรดแสดงความคิดเห็น

I do appreciate it. |делаю|ценю| ฉันชื่นชมมัน So my major effort into learning German took place in 1987. ||principal||||||| それで、ドイツ語を学ぶための私の主要な努力は1987年に行われました。 Итак, мои основные усилия по изучению немецкого языка были предприняты в 1987 году. ดังนั้น ความพยายามอย่างมากในการเรียนภาษาเยอรมันของฉันจึงเกิดขึ้นในปี 1987 And I'm going to go through that with you. そして、私はあなたとそれを経験するつもりです。 E eu vou passar por isso com você. И я собираюсь пройти через это с тобой. และฉันจะผ่านมันไปกับคุณ 我会和你一起经历这些。 But I did have prior exposure to German. |||||знание|| ||||anterior||| Pero tuve una exposición previa al alemán. しかし、私は以前にドイツ語に触れていました。 Mas eu tive contato anterior com alemão. แต่ฉันเคยเรียนภาษาเยอรมันมาก่อน Uh, my parents were from Czechoslovakia. |||||Чехословакия |||||Czech Republic |||||Tchecoslováquia เอ่อ พ่อแม่ของฉันมาจากเชโกสโลวาเกีย They spoke German at home, although they spoke English with my brother and with me. ||||en casa|||||||||| Eles falavam alemão em casa, embora falassem inglês com meu irmão e comigo. Дома они говорили по-немецки, хотя с моим братом и со мной говорили по-английски. พวกเขาพูดภาษาเยอรมันที่บ้าน แม้ว่าพวกเขาจะพูดภาษาอังกฤษกับพี่ชายของฉันและกับฉัน So I hadn heard German, but I couldn't speak it. ||tinha||||||| ||había oído||||||| ||non||||||| Так что я не слышал немецкий, но я не мог говорить на нем. ดังนั้นฉันจึงไม่เคยได้ยินภาษาเยอรมัน แต่ฉันพูดไม่ได้

Then I worked on a German ship for two weeks hitchhiking over to Europe. ||||||||||автостопом||| ||||||vessel||||hitchhiking||| ||||||||||haciendo autostop||| ||trabalhei|||alemão|||duas|semanas|pegando carona||| Luego trabajé en un barco alemán durante dos semanas haciendo autostop a Europa. それから私はヨーロッパにヒッチハイクして2週間ドイツの船で働きました。 Затем я две недели работал на немецком корабле, путешествуя автостопом в Европу. จากนั้นฉันก็ทำงานในเรือเยอรมันเป็นเวลาสองสัปดาห์โดยโบกรถไปยุโรป Uh, I hitchhiked around in Germany. ||путешествовал||| ||thumbed a ride||| ||peguei carona||| เอ่อ ฉันเคยโบกรถไปมาในเยอรมนี I even worked for two weeks on a construction site in Vienna. |||||||||стройплощадке|| |||||||||||Viena Ik heb zelfs twee weken op een bouwplaats in Wenen gewerkt. Eu até trabalhei por duas semanas em um canteiro de obras em Viena. ฉันยังทำงานเป็นเวลาสองสัปดาห์ในสถานที่ก่อสร้างในกรุงเวียนนา So I had some use of German, but it was very rudimentary. |||||||||||rudimentario |||||||||||rudimentary |||||||||||rudimentale ||||uso||||||| だから私はドイツ語を少し使いましたが、それは非常に初歩的なものでした。 Então eu tinha algum uso do alemão, mas era muito rudimentar. Так что я немного использовал немецкий, но он был очень зачаточным. ดังนั้นฉันจึงใช้ภาษาเยอรมันได้บ้าง แต่ก็เป็นพื้นฐานมาก So in 1987, I was between jobs. |||ero|| それで1987年に、私は仕事の合間にいました。 Então, em 1987, eu estava entre empregos. Итак, в 1987 году я был без работы. ดังนั้นในปี 1987 ฉันจึงอยู่ระหว่างงาน I had a month off between jobs and I said, you know, I really want to learn German. ||||libre||||||||||||| Tenía un mes libre entre trabajos y dije, ya sabes, tengo muchas ganas de aprender alemán. 私は仕事の合間に一ヶ月休みました、そして私はあなたが知っている、私は本当にドイツ語を学びたいと言いました。 Tive um mês de folga entre os empregos e disse, sabe, quero muito aprender alemão. У меня был месяц перерыва между работами, и я сказал, что очень хочу выучить немецкий. ฉันมีเวลาหนึ่งเดือนระหว่างงานและฉันพูดว่า คุณรู้ไหม ฉันอยากเรียนภาษาเยอรมันจริงๆ İşler arasında bir ay tatilim vardı ve dedim ki, bilirsin, gerçekten Almanca öğrenmek istiyorum.

And I had, you know, prior to getting on that German boat, I'd looked at a grammar book ..., whatever. ||||||||sobre|||||mirado|||||lo que sea ||||sabe||||||||||||||seja o que fosse Y tenía, ya sabes, antes de subirme a ese barco alemán, había mirado un libro de gramática..., lo que sea. そして、私はそのドイツのボートに乗る前に、文法書を見ていました...、何でも。 E eu tinha, você sabe, antes de entrar naquele barco alemão, eu olhei para um livro de gramática..., tanto faz. И я, знаете ли, перед тем, как сесть на этот немецкий корабль, я просматривал учебник по грамматике... что угодно. และก่อนที่ฉันจะขึ้นเรือเยอรมันนั้น ฉันเคยดูหนังสือไวยกรณ์ ... อะไรก็ได้ And it's always, it struck me that it was just impossible to remember those things. ||||hit me|||||||||| ||||me impressionou|||||||||| ||||me sorprendió|||||||||| E sempre, me ocorreu que era simplesmente impossível lembrar dessas coisas. И меня всегда поражало, что запомнить такие вещи просто невозможно. และฉันก็เคยคิดว่าเป็นไปไม่ได้ที่จะจำสิ่งเหล่านั้นได้ 1987, long before I had heard of Stephen Krashen or input or LingQ. mucho tiempo||||||||||| 1987, mucho antes de que yo hubiera oído hablar de Stephen Krashen o entrada o LingQ. 1987年、スティーブン・クラシェンやインプット、LingQのことを聞くずっと前から。 1987, muito antes de eu ter ouvido falar de Stephen Krashen ou input ou LingQ. В 1987 году, задолго до того, как я услышал о Стивене Крашене, вводе или LingQ. 1987 นานก่อนที่ฉันจะได้ยิน Stephen Krashen หรือ input หรือ LingQ Um, I said, I need to read, I need to read to get a sense of this language. Hum, eu disse, eu preciso ler, eu preciso ler para ter uma noção dessa linguagem. Гм, я сказал, мне нужно читать, мне нужно читать, чтобы понять этот язык. อืม ฉันพูดว่า ฉันต้องอ่าน ฉันต้องอ่าน ถึงจะเข้าใจภาษานี้

I need to get the language in me. Necesito conseguir el lenguaje en mí. 私は自分の言語を理解する必要があります。 Eu preciso ter a linguagem em mim. ฉันต้องการภาษาในตัวฉัน So let me show you what I did. ให้ฉันแสดงให้คุณเห็นสิ่งที่ฉันทำ First of all, I went to the second-hand bookstores here in Vancouver. ||||||||||||Ванкувер |||||||||librerías de segunda||| En primer lugar, fui a las librerías de segunda mano aquí en Vancouver. Em primeiro lugar, fui às livrarias de segunda mão aqui em Vancouver. Прежде всего, я пошел в магазины подержанных книг здесь, в Ванкувере. ก่อนอื่น ฉันไปร้านหนังสือมือสองที่นี่ในแวนคูเวอร์ I don't know what got into me, but I said, let's see what, what is there. No sé qué me pasó, pero dije, a ver qué, qué hay ahí. 何が入ったのかわかりませんが、何が入っているのか見てみましょう。 Não sei o que deu em mim, mas eu disse, vamos ver o que, o que há aí. ฉันไม่รู้ว่าอะไรเข้ามาในตัวฉัน แต่ฉันพูดว่า มาดูกันว่ามีอะไรอยู่บ้าง So I found this book, which is pretty old. ดังนั้นฉันจึงพบหนังสือเล่มนี้ซึ่งค่อนข้างเก่า It's a university of Southern California. |||||Southern California Это университет Южной Калифорнии. เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยทางตอนใต้ของแคลิฟอร์เนีย 1959 it was published. พ.ศ. 2502 จัดพิมพ์

And if you look at the book it's, it's got sort of text and a, it's got a vocabulary, you know, along the margin, which is really good. |||||||||||||||||||||||margem||||muito bom |||||||||||||||||||||||余白|||| ||||||||es que||tipo de|de|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||margine|||| Y si miras el libro, tiene una especie de texto y un vocabulario, ya sabes, a lo largo del margen, lo cual es realmente bueno. そして、この本を見ると、ある種のテキストがあり、余白に沿って語彙があります。これは本当に良いことです。 และถ้าคุณดูหนังสือ มันมีข้อความ และ a มีคำศัพท์ ตลอดขอบ ซึ่งดีมาก You don't have to flip back for it. ||||virar a página||| ||||dar vuelta||| ||||girare||| No tienes que volver atrás para ello. あなたはそれのために裏返す必要はありません。 Você não tem que voltar atrás para pegá-lo. Вам не нужно переворачиваться для этого. คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องพลิกกลับไปหามัน Now, of course, it's not going to get all the words that you don't know, but quite a few of them. Ahora, por supuesto, no obtendrá todas las palabras que no conoce, pero sí algunas. Agora, é claro, não obterá todas as palavras que você não conhece, mas algumas delas. แน่นอนว่า จะไม่เข้าใจคำศัพท์ทั้งหมดที่คุณไม่รู้ แต่มีเพียงไม่กี่คำเท่านั้น And as often happens, some of the words they explain for you, you already know. E como sempre acontece, algumas das palavras que eles explicam para você, você já conhece. И как это часто бывает, некоторые слова, которые они вам объясняют, вы уже знаете. และบ่อยครั้ง คำบางคำที่พวกเขาอธิบายให้คุณ คุณรู้อยู่แล้ว

And you'll see that it's a secondhand book because this is not my writing in here. ||||||б/у||||||||| ||||||usado|||isso|||||| แล้วคุณจะเห็นว่าเป็นหนังสือมือสอง เพราะนี่ไม่ใช่งานเขียนของฉัน It's full of at least one other person, perhaps more look at this, you know, scribbling, all kinds of stuff, uh, you know, in the text. |||||||||||||||каракули|||||||||| |||||||||||||||writing|||||||||| |||||||||||||||rabiscando|||||||||| |||||||||||||||scarabocchiando|||||||||| |||||||||||||||落書き|||||||||| |||||||||||||||garabateando cosas|||||||||| Está lleno de al menos otra persona, tal vez más mira esto, ya sabes, garabatos, todo tipo de cosas, eh, ya sabes, en el texto. Está cheio de pelo menos uma outra pessoa, talvez mais olhe para isso, sabe, rabiscando, todo tipo de coisa, uh, você sabe, no texto. มันเต็มไปด้วยคนอื่นอย่างน้อยหนึ่งคน บางทีอาจจะดูมากกว่านี้ คุณก็รู้ การเขียนลวก ๆ อะไรหลายๆ อย่าง เอ่อ คุณก็รู้ ในข้อความ But, uh, it look at this one. Pero, mira este. Mas, uh, olhe para este. แต่ เอ่อ ดูอันนี้สิ I mean, there's some person undertook to translate the whole thing, which... how you can even read the little chicken scratch, but at any rate, so I read through. ||||||||||||||||||||царапание|||||||| |||||took on||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||empreendeu|||a (o)|todo|||||||||||gatafiada|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||scrittura illeggibile|||||||| |||||引き受けた||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||se encargó de||||||||||||||letra de pollo|garabatos de pollo||||en cualquier caso|||| Quiero decir, hay una persona que se comprometió a traducirlo todo, lo cual... cómo se puede leer el pequeño rasguño del pollo, pero en cualquier caso, así que lo leí. Quer dizer, tem uma pessoa que se encarregou de traduzir a coisa toda, que ... como você pode até ler o pequeno arranhão de galinha, mas de qualquer forma, então eu li. ฉันหมายถึง มีบางคนรับหน้าที่แปลทั้งเรื่อง ซึ่ง... คุณจะอ่านรอยไก่ตัวเล็ก ๆ ได้อย่างไร แต่ยังไงก็ตาม ฉันก็เลยอ่านจนจบ So, but that's not the only book I found. ||||||||encontrei แต่นั่นไม่ใช่หนังสือเล่มเดียวที่ฉันพบ I found this other book called ... and here it's a little more organized and they have a word list behind every chapter and I found, you know, ||||||||||||||||||||||||encontré|| ||||||||||||organizado||||||||||||encontrei|| Encontré este otro libro llamado... y aquí está un poco más organizado y tienen una lista de palabras detrás de cada capítulo y encontré, ya sabes, Я нашел еще одну книгу под названием ... и здесь она немного более организована, и у них есть список слов после каждой главы, и я нашел, знаете ли, ฉันพบหนังสือเล่มอื่นที่ชื่อว่า ... และที่นี่มีระเบียบขึ้นเล็กน้อย และพวกเขามีรายการคำศัพท์ที่อยู่เบื้องหลังทุกบทและฉันพบ คุณรู้ไหม 我找到了另一本书,叫做……,在这里它更有条理,每章后面都有一个单词列表,我发现,你知道,

so it's again, the same idea: always text with word lists. |||||||text(1)||| จึงเป็นแนวคิดเดิมอีกครั้ง: ส่งข้อความด้วยรายการคำศัพท์เสมอ If you can see that. หากคุณสามารถเห็นได้ว่า Alright. ไม่เป็นอะไร. Not tremendously interesting, perhaps, but I was motivated. |не очень|||||| |not very|||||| อาจไม่ค่อยน่าสนใจนัก แต่ฉันก็รู้สึกมีกำลังใจ Oh, here's another one that I did. อ้อ อีกอย่างที่ผมทำ ... so here again, and I love history and so I love this book, but this didn't have the, um, you know, the glossary. ||||||||||||||||||||||глоссарий ||||||||||||||||||||||glossary ... ดังนั้นที่นี่อีกครั้ง และฉันรักประวัติศาสตร์ และฉันก็รักหนังสือเล่มนี้ แต่ไม่มี เอ่อ คุณรู้ อภิธานศัพท์ So it was more difficult to read and I just let whatever words I didn't know fly by. |||||||||||qualquer|||||| Así que era más difícil de leer y simplemente dejaba pasar las palabras que no conocía. ですから、読みづらくなり、知らない言葉を飛ばしてしまいました。 Então era mais difícil de ler e eu simplesmente deixei passar as palavras que eu não conhecia. ดังนั้นมันจึงอ่านยากขึ้น และฉันก็ปล่อยให้คำใดๆ ที่ฉันไม่รู้จักบินผ่าน 所以它更难阅读,我只是让我不知道的任何单词飞过。

Uh, here's another one that I got ... and here again, uh, you know, lots of, um, vocabulary and texts. ||||||||||||||||||тексты เอ่อ นี่คืออีกอันที่ฉันได้มา ... และที่นี่อีกครั้ง เอ่อ คุณรู้ อืม คำศัพท์และข้อความมากมาย And of course I avoid any, any sort of exercises or things of that nature. และแน่นอนว่าฉันหลีกเลี่ยงการออกกำลังกายหรืออะไรก็ตามในลักษณะนั้น 当然,我会避免任何、任何类型的练习或类似性质的事情。 But at any rate, these are the things that I plowed through in that month. ||||||||||проковырял|||| ||||||||||worked through|||| ||||||||||percorri|||| ||||||||||ho affrontato|||| ||||||||||耕した|||| ||||||||||superé|||| Pero en cualquier caso, estas son las cosas que atravesé en ese mes. しかし、とにかく、これらは私がその月に耕したものです。 Mas de qualquer forma, essas são as coisas que eu passei naquele mês. แต่ไม่ว่าอย่างไร สิ่งเหล่านี้คือสิ่งที่ฉันทำในเดือนนั้น 但无论如何,这些都是我在那个月里经历过的事情。 And I got a lot of them, you know? Y tengo muchos de ellos, ¿sabes? และฉันก็มีเยอะนะ รู้ยัง? ... and I mean, these books are probably largely out of print ... |||||||en gran parte||| |||||||em grande parte|||fora de circulação ... y quiero decir, estos libros probablemente estén agotados en gran medida ... ...つまり、これらの本はおそらくほとんど印刷されていません... ... e quero dizer, esses livros provavelmente estão em grande parte esgotados ... ... และผมหมายถึง หนังสือเหล่านี้น่าจะหมดแล้วเป็นส่วนใหญ่ ... ...我的意思是,这些书可能大部分都绝版了...

So more of the same, more of the same. เหมือนกันมากขึ้น เหมือนกันมากขึ้น And I don't know if you can see here, but just an endless, you know ... more of the same. ||||||||||||interminable|||||| ||||||||||||interminável|||||| ||||||||||||infinito|||||| และฉันไม่รู้ว่าคุณเห็นที่นี่ไหม แต่แค่ไม่รู้จบ คุณก็รู้ ... เหมือนกัน 而且我不知道你是否能看到这里,但只是一个无尽的,你知道的……更多相同。 Now this one I think is my highlighting, uh, ... Whatever. |||||||destacando||seja o que for |||||||highlighting|| |||||||強調|| |||||||resaltado|| |||||||evidenziare|| ตอนนี้ฉันคิดว่านี่เป็นไฮไลต์ของฉัน เอ่อ ... อะไรก็ตาม

Okay. ตกลง. Lots. muitos มากมาย Now, at some point I changed like, okay...and there's literature and there's ... When I was in Tyrol, I got interested. |||||||||||||||||Тироль||| |||||||||||||||||Tyrol region||| |||||mudei||||||||||||Tirol||| |||||||||||||||||Tirolo||| |||||||||||||||||チロル||| |||||||||||||||||Tirol||| ตอนนี้ ถึงจุดหนึ่ง ฉันเปลี่ยนไปแบบ โอเค...มีวรรณกรรม แล้วก็มี ... ตอนที่ฉันอยู่ที่เมืองไทโรล ฉันสนใจ Uh, what do we got here? ¿Qué tenemos aquí? ええと、私たちはここで何を得ましたか? เอ่อ เรามาทำอะไรที่นี่? ...again with, with the exercises and whatnot. ||||||и тому подобное ||||||and so on ||||||y demás cosas ||||||e o que mais ||||||など ...อีกครั้งกับการออกกำลังกายและอะไรก็ตาม I mean, no. Quiero decir, no. ฉันหมายความว่าไม่ And just listen and learn. ||||aprender และเพียงแค่ฟังและเรียนรู้ Now, I don't know whether this matched, but at some point I found a cassette tape series, which was a series of interviews, uh, from, uh, German radio interviews with normal people. ||||||соответствовало||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||is relevant||||||||cassette tape|cassette tape|collection||||||||||||||| ||||||一致した||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||correspondeu||||||||cassete|fita|||||||||||||||| ||||||corrispondeva||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ahora, no sé si esto coincidía, pero en algún momento encontré una serie de cintas de casete, que era una serie de entrevistas, eh, de, eh, entrevistas de la radio alemana con gente normal. ตอนนี้ ฉันไม่รู้ว่ามันตรงกันหรือเปล่า แต่ถึงจุดหนึ่ง ฉันพบซีรีส์เทปคาสเซ็ท ซึ่งเป็นชุดของบทสัมภาษณ์ เอ่อ จาก เอ่อ สัมภาษณ์ทางวิทยุของเยอรมันกับคนปกติ

That was the best. นั่นเป็นสิ่งที่ดีที่สุด I listened to it over and over again. ฉันฟังมันซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า If I get a hold of audio material where I find it interesting, and I find it pleasing to listen to it's almost like music. |||||||||||||||||приятно||||||| |||||||||||||||||agradável||||||| 面白いと思うオーディオ素材を手に入れて、それを聞くのが楽しいと感じたら、それはほとんど音楽のようです。 ถ้าฉันได้เนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับเสียงที่ฉันคิดว่ามันน่าสนใจ และรู้สึกว่ามันน่าฟัง มันเกือบจะเหมือนกับเพลง And even if I don't fully understand it, I just listen and listen to that. และแม้ว่าฉันจะไม่เข้าใจมันอย่างถ่องแท้ ฉันก็แค่ฟังและฟังมัน So, but I got lots of books ... advanced German course. ดังนั้น แต่ฉันมีหนังสือมากมาย ... หลักสูตรภาษาเยอรมันขั้นสูง

I don't know what I did with that. ฉันไม่รู้ว่าฉันทำอะไรกับมัน I mean, it just goes on and on. ||||continues|||and on Quiero decir, simplemente sigue y sigue. ฉันหมายความว่ามันก็แค่ดำเนินต่อไป And of course ...you got to read the, because for something like this, I also get the audio book. Y por supuesto... tienes que leer el, porque para algo como esto, también obtengo el audiolibro. そしてもちろん...あなたは読む必要があります、なぜならこのようなもののために、私はオーディオブックも手に入れるからです。 และแน่นอน ...คุณต้องอ่าน เพราะสำหรับสิ่งนี้ ฉันยังได้รับหนังสือเสียงด้วย So I won't go through all of these books. ||will not|||||| Así que no revisaré todos estos libros. ดังนั้นฉันจะไม่อ่านหนังสือเหล่านี้ทั้งหมด I even got books on, uh, what else we got? Incluso tengo libros sobre, uh, ¿qué más tenemos? 私も本を手に入れました、ええと、他に何を手に入れましたか? ฉันยังมีหนังสืออยู่ เอ่อ มีอะไรอีกบ้างที่เราได้? You know, books on ... which is of interest to me. คุณรู้ไหม หนังสือเกี่ยวกับ ... ที่ฉันสนใจ

And of course I was in the lumber business and building was, you know, very important to me so I read that in German. |||||||wood products|||||||||||||||| |||||||legname|||||||||||||||| และแน่นอนว่าฉันอยู่ในธุรกิจไม้ และการก่อสร้างก็สำคัญกับฉันมาก ดังนั้นฉันจึงอ่านเรื่องนี้เป็นภาษาเยอรมัน Uh, what else did we do here? Uh, ¿qué más hicimos aquí? เอ่อ เรามาทำอะไรที่นี่อีก Here's a book I read recently ... very interesting, about how to be relaxed, sort of a combination of Zen and, uh, in the stoic philosophy, how to relax in your life. |||||||||||||||||||||||стоическая||||||| ||||||||||||||||blend|||||||stoicism||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||estoica||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Zen|||||estoica|filosofia|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||ストイックな||||||| นี่คือหนังสือที่ฉันอ่านเมื่อเร็วๆ นี้ ... น่าสนใจมาก เกี่ยวกับการผ่อนคลาย การเรียงลำดับของเซน และ เอ่อ ในปรัชญาสโตอิก วิธีการผ่อนคลายในชีวิตของคุณ

Um, you know, literature. อืม คุณก็รู้ วรรณกรรม I also got some, I, here we are. ฉันยังได้รับบาง ฉัน นี่เราอยู่ Yeah. ใช่. I got some, uh, some self-help books, you know, how to become more efficient. ฉันมีหนังสือช่วยตัวเอง คุณรู้วิธีที่จะมีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น Um, this, uh, Leitner who sort of designed a prototype of the, uh, spaced repetition system, um, books on history. |||||||||прототип|||||||||| |||||||||model version|||||||||| |||Leitner|||||||||||||||| |||Leitner||||||protótipo||||espaçado|||||| |||||||||プロトタイプ|||||||||| Лейтнер, который разработал прототип системы интервального повторения в книгах по истории. อืม นี่ เอ่อ ไลต์เนอร์ ผู้ออกแบบต้นแบบของระบบ เอ่อ ระบบการทำซ้ำแบบเว้นระยะ เอ่อ หนังสือเกี่ยวกับประวัติศาสตร์ This is an excellent book. |||excelente| これは素晴らしい本です。 . I mean, it goes on and on. . Quiero decir, sigue y sigue. . Quero dizer, continua e continua. . ฉันหมายความว่ามันดำเนินต่อไป Uh, and these books are kind of good. Uh, y estos libros son bastante buenos. ええと、これらの本はちょっといいです。 เอ่อ และหนังสือพวกนี้ก็ดี

...where you can learn vocabulary in a new language, relating it back to German. ...donde puedes aprender vocabulario en un nuevo idioma, relacionándolo con el alemán. ...ที่ซึ่งคุณสามารถเรียนรู้คำศัพท์ในภาษาใหม่ โดยเชื่อมโยงกลับไปเป็นภาษาเยอรมัน And so you're kind of picking up vocabulary in both. ||estás|un poco|||||| Y entonces estás adquiriendo vocabulario en ambos. Таким образом, вы набираете словарный запас в обоих случаях. ดังนั้นคุณจึงเรียนรู้คำศัพท์ทั้งสองอย่าง So, I mean, that's just a quick sort of stab at that. |||||||||tentativo|| |||||||||attempt|| |||||||||試み|| |||||||||intento rápido|| |||||||||tentativa|| Entonces, quiero decir, eso es solo una especie de puñalada rápida en eso. ということで、ざっくりとした感じですが、そのような感じです。 Итак, это лишь краткое описание. ฉันหมายความว่านั่นเป็นเพียงแค่การแทงอย่างรวดเร็ว I wanted to demonstrate that, you know, long before input and compelling input was, was popular it had, it was always obvious to me that that's how you learn. |||показать||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||engaging||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||魅力的な||||||||||||||||| |||demonstrar||||||||envolvente||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||coinvolgente||||||||||||||||| 私は、インプットと説得力のあるインプットが普及するずっと前に、それが人気を博していたことを示したかったのです。 Я хотел продемонстрировать, что, знаете ли, задолго до того, как ввод и принудительный ввод стали популярными, для меня всегда было очевидно, что именно так вы учитесь. ฉันต้องการแสดงให้เห็นว่า คุณรู้ไหม นานก่อนที่ข้อมูลป้อนเข้าและข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจจะได้รับความนิยม มันชัดเจนสำหรับฉันเสมอว่านั่นคือวิธีที่คุณเรียนรู้ And that's what I did for Chinese. И это то, что я сделал для китайцев. และนั่นคือสิ่งที่ฉันทำเพื่อคนจีน That's what I did for Japanese. นั่นคือสิ่งที่ผมทำเพื่อคนญี่ปุ่น And I could go through all my Chinese books, my Japanese books, uh, I read and I listened. И я мог просмотреть все мои китайские книги, мои японские книги, я читал и слушал. และฉันสามารถอ่านหนังสือภาษาจีนทั้งหมด หนังสือภาษาญี่ปุ่นของฉัน เอ่อ ฉันอ่านและฟัง In fact, behind me, here are CDs, audio CDs, and lots for German, for Swedish, for, you know, Italian, Spanish, Czech, you name it. ||||||диски||||||||||||||чешский||| อันที่จริง ข้างหลังฉัน นี่คือซีดี ซีดีเพลง และอีกมากมายสำหรับภาษาเยอรมัน สำหรับภาษาสวีเดน สำหรับภาษาอิตาลี สเปน เช็ก ที่คุณเรียกมันว่า And I could show you, you know, the books for those. และฉันสามารถแสดงให้คุณเห็น หนังสือสำหรับพวกนั้น And I may do that if there's interest. Y puedo hacerlo si hay interés. และฉันอาจจะทำอย่างนั้นถ้ามีความสนใจ The thing is now the world has changed. |||||mundo|| And so now you can find content of interest, you can find audio material for download that you don't have to... I used to have to go to Germany and find CDs to listen to an audio. |||||||||||||||descargar||||||||||||||||||||| Y entonces ahora puedes encontrar contenido de interés, puedes encontrar material de audio para descargar que no tienes que... Antes tenía que ir a Alemania y buscar CD para escuchar un audio.

You can find the audio material online. ||||áudio|| Uh, if the material is older, like Gerta, you can import the, uh, the text into LingQ and listen to the audio and learn, you know, go do the sort of traditional literature that way. |||||||Герта||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Gerta text||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Gerta||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Gerta(1)||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||ゲルタ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Gerta||||||||||||||||||||||||||| If it's modern books, you may have to buy the book. And unfortunately, very often they prevent you uh, you know, downloading the text or downloading the audio, even if you've paid for it, which is unfortunate. |||||||||||||||||||||||||к сожалению |||||impiden||||||||||||||||||||desafortunado |||||impedem|||||baixando|||||||||||||||infelizmente ||||||||||ダウンロード||||||||||||||| Y desafortunadamente, muy a menudo te impiden, eh, ya sabes, descargar el texto o descargar el audio, incluso si has pagado por ello, lo cual es lamentable. Uh, but the world has changed. So I, I perhaps should show you what I now do on LingQ, uh, which is where I now spend my time learning Persian and Arabic, and I've learned other languages there. |||||||||||||||||||||||||арабский язык|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||Então, eu, talvez deva te mostrar o que eu faço agora no LingQ, onde eu passo meu tempo aprendendo persa e árabe, e aprendi outras línguas lá.|||||||| I haven't really done that much in German, but I have done some. Realmente no he hecho mucho en alemán, pero he hecho algo.

So let me just show you the sort of my level of activity on LingQ for German. So let's have a look here at the, um, German page at LingQ. And you can see that there's a lot of different content available to study. Here are some of the things that I have looked at in my sort of study shelf, nothing very recently. |||||||||olhado|||||||||| Estas son algunas de las cosas que he mirado en mi tipo de estante de estudio, nada muy recientemente. これが私の種類の研究棚で私が見たもののいくつかですが、ごく最近は何もありません。

Some of the trending things. |||трендовые| |||popular| |||di tendenza| |||algumas das coisas que estão em alta| What's new, mini stories. ||mini| There's just a tremendous variety of content. So I don't have to go looking for it, but I haven't done much on LingQ when it comes to, um, you know, in German. So if I click on my picture here and I go to my profile, then I will see what I've done. So last seven days, nothing.

However, if I go to all the time, We can get a sense of the level of my activity. no entanto|||||||||||||||||| So here's the growth of my known words, which on LingQ is 28,000 some. So it's not like I haven't done much on LingQ, I have done, but more in the past. Así que no es que no haya hecho mucho en LingQ, lo he hecho, pero más en el pasado. Typically 2009 seemed to be a pretty active period for me. Uh, if I look at, um, you know, uh, LingQs created again, I was very active for some reason in 2016. |||||||||LingQs||||||||||

Uh, if I look at listening hours, this is not a good indicator because I don't necessarily listen on LingQ. ||||||||||||показатель||||||| ||||||horas||||||indicador||||||| I Might be listening elsewhere as well. ||||en otro lugar|| ||||em outro lugar|| Uh, if I go to, um, you know, uh, learned LingQs, these are the words that I have moved to known. ||||||||||||||||||||conhecidas Not very many. So typically, um, I've been doing a lot of listening and reading, uh, but I don't necessarily move words to known on LingQ.

So in terms of my LingQs created, I've got a total of 11,000 words that I have looked up, but the known words total is like 28,000. |||de|||||||total||||||||||conhecidas|||| What that means is that there are a lot of words that I simply didn't bother looking up cause I knew them. |||||||||||||||потратил время|||||| |||||||||||||||preocupar|||||| |||||||||||||||prendere la briga|||||| |||||||||||||simplemente|||||||| つまり、私が知っていたので、わざわざ調べなかった単語がたくさんあるということです。 And so LingQ keeps track of that and tells me that I know 28,000 words. ||||acompanha||||||||| Entonces, LingQ realiza un seguimiento de eso y me dice que sé 28,000 palabras. E então o LingQ acompanha isso e me diz que eu sei 28.000 palavras.

Anyway, that's just very briefly on the subject of what I did on LingQ, but this all comes well after my greatest period of activity in learning German. |||||||tema|||||||||||||||||||| ||||brevemente||||||||||||||||||||||| I wanted to show you what I have done to improve my German. My German is still not as good as I would like it to be. 私のドイツ語はまだ私が望むほど上手ではありません。 Uh, I make mistakes and I was probably better before. Uh, I have spoken German here with, with people. |||falado|||||

I'm a bit sort of shy about my German, but if I have to speak up speak, I would like to be better as is the case with many of my languages. |||||tímido|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 私はドイツ語に少し恥ずかしがり屋ですが、話す必要がある場合は、多くの言語の場合と同じように、もっと上手になりたいと思います。 But on the other hand, I brought my German from a very rudimentary level up to a level where I can understand, I can read, I can read books for pleasurem, I can speak to people. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||для удовольствия||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||enjoyment||||| ||||||||||||rudimentar||||||||||||||||||prazer||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||per piacere||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||楽しみのために||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||por placer|||||

And with a little bit of effort, I can bring it back to where it was before and improve it beyond that level. 少し努力すれば、以前の状態に戻し、そのレベルを超えて改善することができます。 And that's kind of the level that I like to get my languages to call it sort of a, a slightly, you know, dormant B2. |||||||||||||||||||||||спящий| ||||||||||||||||||||somewhat|||inactive| ||||||||||||||||||||ligeiramente|||dormante| |||||||||||||||||||||||schlafend| |||||||||||||||||||||||dormiente| |||||||||||||||||||||||休止状態の| |||||||||||||||||||||||latente| Y ese es el nivel en el que me gusta que mis idiomas lo llamen una especie de, un poco, ya sabes, B2 inactivo. そして、それは私が私の言語にそれを一種の、少し、あなたが知っている、休眠中のB2と呼んでもらうのが好きなレベルのようなものです。 And once you're there, you don't lose that much, even if you don't use the language or read in the language. そして、一度そこに着いたら、その言語を使用したり、その言語で読んだりしなくても、それほど失うことはありません。

And of course, I like to have my languages, you know, parked at that dormant B2 level so that I can learn new languages. |||||||||||находились|||||||||||| |||||||||||on hold|||inactive||||||||| |||||||||||停滞させ|||||||||||| |||||||||||parcheggiate|a||||||||||| そしてもちろん、私は自分の言語を休眠中のB2レベルに駐車して、新しい言語を学ぶことができるようにするのが好きです。 And then when the opportunity or the need arises, go back and recover those languages that I have studied before. ||||||||arises||||||||||| ||||||||||||取り戻す||||||| ||||||||surge||||||||||| So I hope that was of interest to you. ですから、それがあなたの興味を引くことを願っています。 And I will leave you with a couple of interviews that I've had in German so that you can criticize my German. |||||||||||||||||||критиковать|| |||||||||||||||||||criticar||

Thank you for listening. Bye for now.