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Steve's Language Learning Tips, 90-Day Arabic & Persian Language Challenge

90-Day Arabic & Persian Language Challenge

If I do all of this, uh, my hope is that at the end of the three months, uh, I will have made a significant improvement. Steve Kaufmann here. How do we maintain our commitment in learning a language? That's what I'm going to talk about today. And I'm going to talk about it in the context of my next 90-Day Challenge.

Now, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications. Now, you know, I often make the point that language learning is not a sprint. It's a long distance race. It's not even a race, it's a journey. And there was once, uh, I think a movie called The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

And so as we're engaged in this long distance process of learning a language, it's easy to see our enthusiasm flag. And that's why from time to time, I join a challenge at LingQ. And so I'm going to do a 90-Day Challenge, but I'm going to do three different challenges. Now there's a place on LingQ where it invites you to join a challenge.

So I joined the, um, Streak with Steve challenge, which is where I'm committed to maintaining my streak, that I have to save so many LingQs, create so many LingQs every day. Um, so that's one. But I'm also going to do a 90-Day Challenge in Arabic and Persian. So it's three challenges, but it's really the same challenge.

What I'm committing to do is to save, to create a minimum - and I'll go into how I set these, my goals - but 13 LingQs a day in Arabic and 13 LngQs a day in Persian. Now the streaks that we track at LingQ have to do with creating LingQs. But that's not my only activity. I'm going to be speaking with my tutors two or three at least times a week.

One tutor in Arabic, one tutor in Persian. I'm going to be doing my usual reading and listening. However, in order to meet my LingQs target or goal I did a number of things. First of all, I adjusted my daily goal down because I, you know, if you go to the settings gear symbol on LingQ, you can set your daily goal.

And there's this sort of, you know, intensive level, which I have done in the past, which is a hundred LingQs a day. And then there's what we call casual, which is only 13 LingQs a day. And so I adjusted my goals down to 13 because I want to maintain my streak. I want to be able to do at least every day, I want to do 13 saved LingQs in at least one of the two languages.

So that means that I have to bring in new material. I have been in both Arabic and Persian, I have been spending a lot of time with my existing content because I have so many saved LingQs, especially in Arabic, words that, you know, I've, I've looked up, they're now yellow, but I still don't know them. So I go back into content that I've listened to before hoping to move some of these to known. The problem with that is the brain doesn't remember much it seems. It doesn't remember the words, but it knows that the content is not new any longer. It's heard it before. It's read it before. So it's less stimulating for the brain. So I'm going to force myself to bring in new content. Now this could be in the case of Persian, some of the content that Sahra is creating for me in Iran about... she travels in her country and this kind of thing. Or

how about, uh, you know, she's done some on, on a movie director in Iran, and then she sends me a link to the movie. So I'm going to try to see if I can find these Iranian movies somewhere. It's not that easy to do. And of course the dialogue is very fast and I don't understand it. And we're trying to figure out how I can maybe extract the audio and we're working on that.

And of course, and with Arabic, uh, what I want to do is I want to focus more on to Arabic so that I can enjoy movies. Cause right now I don't understand the movies and most of the movies come from Egypt. And for that reason, I've started talking to Mohammed, who is from Cairo. And we started a few lessons now in Egyptian Arabic.

I have listened to the mini stories quite a few times in Egyptian Arabic. And so then I get on with Mohammed and I read a story and then he, and because the stories consist of, you know, part A, which is third person and part b, which is first person or past tense or future tense. And then there are questions where the answers are sort of provided.

And so he reads the statement, he asks me a question and I'm reading along and I answer reading along and he corrects my pronunciation and this gets me closer to Egyptian Arabic. And I'm hoping that through this process, I'll be able to understand Egyptian movies. So if I can continue my sort of input activities, reading and listening if I can get on with my tutors, do some reading and some speaking, if I can access now movies, which is the live language, people living the language, over a period of three months and, but every day I have to find at least 13 new words that I save as LingQs and put them into my vast collection of, of saved LingQs that I'm still trying to learn yellow words. If I do all of this, uh, my hope is, uh, that at the end of the three months, uh, I will have made a significant improvement.

Uh, yeah, the idea of the, of the challenge is, is, is not that you're going to necessarily measure how much better you became. It is a little nudge to get you going every day, because I want to maintain my streak. I want to save those 13 LingQs. Uh, it's a bit of a commitment and I'm hoping that other people on LingQ will do the same and so we can compare. It doesn't mean that everyone is studying Arabic and Persian. People might be studying Chinese or Russian or Spanish or Portuguese or whatever it is... english. Uh, but at least we're kind... of that loneliness of the long distance runner. The loneliness of the language learner is lessened.

To the extent that we can share our experience, share our activities and make sure that we maintain our streaks or, you know, uh, whatever level we set for ourselves, goals that we set for ourselves. So we're kind of collectively pushing each other to work a little harder and hopefully enjoy it more because the goal ultimately is to enjoy learning the language, not necessarily to,

I dunno, achieve some numerical number, it's to feel more comfortable, more engaged with learning the language. At any rate, that is what I'm going to do for the next three months. It's a 90-Day Challenge. I'm going to try to maintain my streak and I'm going to try to see how far I can push my, my numbers on my profile at LingQ, known words and so forth.

But the only goal I'm going to really track is to save LingQs. That makes it easier for me, eh, fewer, uh, you know, less pressure. Um, I'm going to have these increased, have this increased interaction with my tutors. I'm hoping that that will move me into a situation where I can enjoy movies. Then I have to persuade my wife that we're going to watch

Arabic or person movies rather than whatever latest thing she's found on Netflix or Amazon. Right now we're enjoying a Danish movie "By the Seaside" or something of that nature from Amazon. It's spectacular. I love listening to Danish. I don't understand it as well as I would like. Uh, I even ran through our mini stories in Danish.

I see we only have 25. I would love to have the full set of 60. If there's any Danish people out there that want to help us with getting more content into LingQ, please let me know. And I encourage all of you to make a commitment to the next 90-Day Challenge. Sign up at LingQ. Thank you for listening.

90-Day Arabic & Persian Language Challenge 90-Tage-Herausforderung der arabischen und persischen Sprache Reto lingüístico de 90 días en árabe y persa Défi de 90 jours pour l'arabe et le persan Sfida linguistica di 90 giorni in arabo e persiano 90日間アラビア語&ペルシア語チャレンジ Desafio de 90 dias em árabe e persa 90-дневный конкурс арабского и персидского языков 90 Günlük Arapça ve Farsça Dil Mücadelesi 90-денний челендж з арабської та перської мов 90 天阿拉伯语和波斯语挑战 90 天阿拉伯語和波斯語挑戰

If I do all of this, uh, my hope is that at the end of the three months, uh, I will have made a significant improvement. |||||||||||||||||||||||||notable progress If I do all of this, uh, my hope is that at the end of the three months, uh, I will have made a significant improvement. Steve Kaufmann here. How do we maintain our commitment in learning a language? 言語を学ぶというコミットメントをどのように維持しますか? That's what I'm going to talk about today. それが今日お話しすることです。 And I'm going to talk about it in the context of my next 90-Day Challenge. そして、次の90日間のチャレンジのコンテキストでそれについて話します。

Now, remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications. さて、これらのビデオを楽しんでいるなら、購読してください、通知のためにベルをクリックしてください。 Now, you know, I often make the point that language learning is not a sprint. ||||||||||||||short race さて、あなたが知っているように、私はしばしば言語学習はスプリントではないことを指摘します。 It's a long distance race. 長距離レースです。 It's not even a race, it's a journey. それはレースでさえありません、それは旅です。 And there was once, uh, I think a movie called The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. そして、かつて、長距離ランナーの孤独という映画があったと思います。

And so as we're engaged in this long distance process of learning a language, it's easy to see our enthusiasm flag. ||||||||||||||||||||lose energy そして、私たちが言語を学ぶこの長距離のプロセスに従事しているので、私たちの熱意の旗を簡単に見ることができます。 And that's why from time to time, I join a challenge at LingQ. そのため、私は時々LingQのチャレンジに参加しています。 And so I'm going to do a 90-Day Challenge, but I'm going to do three different challenges. そして、90日間のチャレンジを行いますが、3つの異なるチャレンジを行います。 Now there's a place on LingQ where it invites you to join a challenge. これで、LingQにチャレンジに参加するよう招待する場所ができました。

So I joined the, um, Streak with Steve challenge, which is where I'm committed to maintaining my streak, that I have to save so many LingQs, create so many LingQs every day. |||||ongoing record|||||||||||||||||||||||||| それで、私はストリークとスティーブのチャレンジに参加しました。これは、ストリークを維持することを約束する場所であり、毎日非常に多くのLingQを保存し、非常に多くのLingQを作成する必要があります。 Então, entrei no desafio Streak with Steve, que é onde estou comprometido em manter minha sequência, que tenho que salvar tantos LingQs, criar tantos LingQs todos os dias. Um, so that's one. ええと、それは1つです。 But I'm also going to do a 90-Day Challenge in Arabic and Persian. しかし、私はアラビア語とペルシア語で90日間のチャレンジも行います。 So it's three challenges, but it's really the same challenge. つまり、3つの課題ですが、実際には同じ課題です。

What I'm committing to do is to save, to create a minimum - and I'll go into how I set these, my goals - but 13 LingQs a day in Arabic and 13 LngQs a day in Persian. 私がやろうとしていることは、節約し、最小値を作成することです-そして、これらをどのように設定するか、私の目標について説明します-しかし、アラビア語では1日13 LingQ、ペルシア語では1日13LngQです。 Now the streaks that we track at LingQ have to do with creating LingQs. ||progress records||||||||||| 現在、LingQで追跡するストリークは、LingQの作成に関係しています。 Agora, as sequências que rastreamos no LingQ têm a ver com a criação de LingQs. But that's not my only activity. しかし、それは私の唯一の活動ではありません。 I'm going to be speaking with my tutors two or three at least times a week. 少なくとも週に2、3回は先生と話すつもりです。

One tutor in Arabic, one tutor in Persian. アラビア語で1人の家庭教師、ペルシア語で1人の家庭教師。 I'm going to be doing my usual reading and listening. 私はいつもの読書とリスニングをするつもりです。 However, in order to meet my LingQs target or goal I did a number of things. ただし、LingQの目標または目標を達成するために、私はいくつかのことを行いました。 First of all, I adjusted my daily goal down because I, you know, if you go to the settings gear symbol on LingQ, you can set your daily goal. まず、毎日の目標を調整しました。LingQの設定歯車の記号に移動すると、毎日の目標を設定できるからです。

And there's this sort of, you know, intensive level, which I have done in the past, which is a hundred LingQs a day. そして、私が過去に行ったこの種の集中的なレベルがあります。これは1日あたり100のLingQです。 And then there's what we call casual, which is only 13 LingQs a day. そして、私たちがカジュアルと呼んでいるものがあります。これは、1日あたりわずか13のLingQです。 And so I adjusted my goals down to 13 because I want to maintain my streak. そして、ストリークを維持したいので、目標を13に調整しました。 I want to be able to do at least every day, I want to do 13 saved LingQs in at least one of the two languages. 少なくとも毎日できるようになりたいです。2つの言語の少なくとも1つで13個の保存されたLingQを実行したいと思います。

So that means that I have to bring in new material. つまり、新しい素材を持ち込む必要があるということです。 I have been in both Arabic and Persian, I have been spending a lot of time with my existing content because I have so many saved LingQs, especially in Arabic, words that, you know, I've, I've looked up, they're now yellow, but I still don't know them. ||||||||||||||||||current|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 私はアラビア語とペルシア語の両方を使用しており、特にアラビア語で保存されたLingQが非常に多いため、既存のコンテンツに多くの時間を費やしてきました。黄色になりましたが、まだわかりません。 So I go back into content that I've listened to before hoping to move some of these to known. それで、私はこれらのいくつかを既知のものに移すことを期待する前に、私が聞いたコンテンツに戻ります。 The problem with that is the brain doesn't remember much it seems. それに関する問題は、脳がそれが思われることをあまり覚えていないということです。 It doesn't remember the words, but it knows that the content is not new any longer. 言葉は覚えていませんが、内容が新しくないことはわかっています。 It's heard it before. It's read it before. So it's less stimulating for the brain. したがって、脳への刺激は少なくなります。 So I'm going to force myself to bring in new content. だから私は自分自身に新しいコンテンツを持ち込むように強制するつもりです。 Now this could be in the case of Persian, some of the content that Sahra is creating for me in Iran about... she travels in her country and this kind of thing. さて、これはペルシャの場合かもしれません。サーラがイランで私のために作成しているコンテンツのいくつかは...彼女は自分の国を旅行しているのです。 Or

how about, uh, you know, she's done some on, on a movie director in Iran, and then she sends me a link to the movie. 彼女はイランの映画監督で何かをした後、映画へのリンクを送ってくれました。 So I'm going to try to see if I can find these Iranian movies somewhere. それで、私はこれらのイラン映画をどこかで見つけることができるかどうか確かめようとしています。 It's not that easy to do. And of course the dialogue is very fast and I don't understand it. そしてもちろん、対話は非常に速く、私はそれを理解していません。 And we're trying to figure out how I can maybe extract the audio and we're working on that. ||||||||||pull out|||||||on that task そして、私たちはオーディオを抽出する方法を見つけようとしており、それに取り組んでいます。

And of course, and with Arabic, uh, what I want to do is I want to focus more on to Arabic so that I can enjoy movies. そしてもちろん、アラビア語で、ええと、私がやりたいのは、映画を楽しむことができるように、アラビア語にもっと焦点を合わせたいということです。 Cause right now I don't understand the movies and most of the movies come from Egypt. 今のところ私は映画を理解していません、そして映画のほとんどはエジプトから来ています。 And for that reason, I've started talking to Mohammed, who is from Cairo. Aus diesem Grund habe ich begonnen, mit Mohammed zu sprechen, der aus Kairo stammt. And we started a few lessons now in Egyptian Arabic. Und wir haben jetzt ein paar Lektionen in ägyptischem Arabisch begonnen.

I have listened to the mini stories quite a few times in Egyptian Arabic. Ich habe mir die Minigeschichten einige Male auf Ägyptisch-Arabisch angehört. And so then I get on with Mohammed and I read a story and then he, and because the stories consist of, you know, part A, which is third person and part b, which is first person or past tense or future tense. Und dann mache ich mit Mohammed weiter und lese eine Geschichte und dann er, und weil die Geschichten aus, du weißt schon, Teil A, der dritten Person und Teil B, der ersten Person oder Vergangenheit oder Zukunft bestehen. それで私はモハメッドと話をし、それから彼を読みました。物語は第三者であるパートAと、一人称または過去形または未来形であるパートbで構成されているためです。 And then there are questions where the answers are sort of provided. Und dann gibt es Fragen, bei denen die Antworten gewissermaßen vorgegeben sind. And then there are questions where the answers are sort of provided. そして、答えが提供されているような質問があります。 还有一些问题,答案已经给出。

And so he reads the statement, he asks me a question and I'm reading along and I answer reading along and he corrects my pronunciation and this gets me closer to Egyptian Arabic. Er liest also die Erklärung vor, stellt mir eine Frage, und ich lese mit und antworte, indem ich mitlese, und er korrigiert meine Aussprache, und so komme ich dem ägyptischen Arabisch näher. そして彼は声明を読み、私に質問をし、私は一緒に読んでいます、そして私は一緒に読んで答えます、そして彼は私の発音を訂正します、そしてこれは私をエジプトのアラビア語に近づけます。 And I'm hoping that through this process, I'll be able to understand Egyptian movies. そして、この過程でエジプト映画を理解できるようになることを願っています。 So if I can continue my sort of input activities, reading and listening if I can get on with my tutors, do some reading and some speaking, if I can access now movies, which is the live language, people living the language, over a period of three months and, but every day I have to find at least 13 new words that I save as LingQs and put them into my vast collection of, of saved LingQs that I'm still trying to learn yellow words. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Extensive||||||||||||| Wenn ich also meine Input-Aktivitäten fortsetzen kann, Lesen und Hören, wenn ich mit meinen Tutoren weiterkomme, etwas lesen und etwas sprechen kann, wenn ich jetzt auf Filme zugreifen kann, was die Live-Sprache ist, Menschen, die die Sprache leben, über einen Zeitraum von drei Monaten und, aber jeden Tag muss ich mindestens 13 neue Wörter finden, die ich als LingQs speichere und sie in meine riesige Sammlung von, von gespeicherten LingQs einfügen, die ich immer noch versuche, gelbe Wörter zu lernen. ですから、私が自分の種類の入力活動を続けることができれば、私が私の家庭教師とうまくやっていくことができれば読んで聞いて、私が今生きている言語である映画にアクセスできれば、いくつかの読書といくつかの話をします3か月の期間ですが、毎日、LingQとして保存する少なくとも13個の新しい単語を見つけて、まだ黄色の単語を学習しようとしている保存済みのLingQの膨大なコレクションにそれらを入れる必要があります。 If I do all of this, uh, my hope is, uh, that at the end of the three months, uh, I will have made a significant improvement. |||||||||||||||||three months||||||||| Wenn ich das alles mache, hoffe ich, dass ich am Ende der drei Monate eine deutliche Verbesserung erreicht habe. Si hago todo esto, eh, mi esperanza es, eh, que al final de los tres meses, eh, habré hecho una mejora significativa. 私がこれらすべてを行う場合、ええと、私の希望は、ええと、ええと、3か月の終わりに、ええと、私は大幅な改善を行うことになるでしょう。

Uh, yeah, the idea of the, of the challenge is, is, is not that you're going to necessarily measure how much better you became. Äh, ja, die Idee der Herausforderung ist, dass man nicht unbedingt misst, wie viel besser man geworden ist. ええと、ええ、挑戦のアイデアは、あなたがどれだけ良くなったのかを必ずしも測定しようとしているということではありません。 It is a little nudge to get you going every day, because I want to maintain my streak. |||||||||||||||||winning record Das ist ein kleiner Ansporn, um jeden Tag weiterzumachen, denn ich möchte meine Serie fortsetzen. Es un pequeño empujón para ponerte en marcha cada día, porque quiero mantener mi racha. ストリークを維持したいので、毎日あなたを動かすのは少し微妙です。 这是一个小小的提示,让你每天都能坚持下去,因为我想保持我的连胜纪录。 I want to save those 13 LingQs. 13個のLingQを保存したいと思います。 Uh, it's a bit of a commitment and I'm hoping that other people on LingQ will do the same and so we can compare. ||||||obligation||||||||||||||||| ええと、それは少しのコミットメントであり、LingQの他の人々が同じことをしてくれることを望んでいるので、比較することができます。 It doesn't mean that everyone is studying Arabic and Persian. 誰もがアラビア語とペルシア語を勉強しているという意味ではありません。 People might be studying Chinese or Russian or Spanish or Portuguese or whatever it is... english. Die Leute lernen vielleicht Chinesisch oder Russisch oder Spanisch oder Portugiesisch oder was auch immer es ist... Englisch. 人々は中国語、ロシア語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語、またはそれが何であれ...英語を勉強しているかもしれません。 Uh, but at least we're kind... of that loneliness of the long distance runner. Uh, pero al menos estamos un poco... de esa soledad del corredor de larga distancia. ええと、でも少なくとも私たちは親切です...長距離ランナーのその孤独のようなものです。 The loneliness of the language learner is lessened. |isolation||||||reduced 言語学習者の孤独感が軽減されます。

To the extent that we can share our experience, share our activities and make sure that we maintain our streaks or, you know, uh, whatever level we set for ourselves, goals that we set for ourselves. 私たちが経験を共有し、活動を共有し、筋を維持することを確認できる範囲で、または、ええと、私たちが自分自身に設定したレベル、私たちが自分自身に設定した目標を維持することができます。 So we're kind of collectively pushing each other to work a little harder and hopefully enjoy it more because the goal ultimately is to enjoy learning the language, not necessarily to, ですから、私たちはお互いに少し頑張って、うまくいけばもっと楽しむように互いに力を合わせています。最終的には、言語を学ぶことを楽しむことが目標であり、必ずしもそうする必要はないからです。

I dunno, achieve some numerical number, it's to feel more comfortable, more engaged with learning the language. |I don't know||||||||||||||| Ich weiß nicht, irgendeine Zahl erreichen, sich wohler fühlen, sich mehr mit dem Lernen der Sprache beschäftigen. 私は知らない、いくつかの数値を達成する、それはより快適に感じ、言語を学ぶことにもっと従事することです。 At any rate, that is what I'm going to do for the next three months. Auf jeden Fall werde ich das in den nächsten drei Monaten tun. En cualquier caso, eso es lo que voy a hacer durante los próximos tres meses. とにかく、それは私が次の3か月間やろうとしていることです。 It's a 90-Day Challenge. I'm going to try to maintain my streak and I'm going to try to see how far I can push my, my numbers on my profile at LingQ, known words and so forth. Ich werde versuchen, meine Serie beizubehalten und zu sehen, wie weit ich meine Zahlen auf meinem Profil bei LingQ, bekannte Wörter und so weiter, steigern kann. 私は自分の筋を維持しようとし、自分をどこまで押し込めるか、LingQのプロフィールにある自分の番号、既知の単語などを確認しようとしています。

But the only goal I'm going to really track is to save LingQs. Aber das einzige Ziel, das ich wirklich verfolgen werde, ist die Rettung von LingQs. しかし、私が実際に追跡する唯一の目標は、LingQを保存することです。 That makes it easier for me, eh, fewer, uh, you know, less pressure. それは私にとってそれをより簡単にします、ええと、より少ない、ええと、あなたが知っている、より少ない圧力。 Um, I'm going to have these increased, have this increased interaction with my tutors. Ich werde diese verstärkte, verstärkte Interaktion mit meinen Tutoren haben. ええと、私はこれらを増やすつもりです、私の家庭教師とのこの増加した相互作用を持っています。 I'm hoping that that will move me into a situation where I can enjoy movies. Ich hoffe, dass ich dadurch in eine Situation komme, in der ich Filme genießen kann. それが映画を楽しめる状況になってくれることを願っています。 Then I have to persuade my wife that we're going to watch それから私は妻に私たちが見ようとしていることを説得しなければなりません

Arabic or person movies rather than whatever latest thing she's found on Netflix or Amazon. 彼女がNetflixやAmazonで見つけた最新のものではなく、アラビア語や人物の映画。 Right now we're enjoying a Danish movie "By the Seaside" or something of that nature from Amazon. 現在、デンマークの映画「BytheSeaside」またはAmazonのそのような性質のものを楽しんでいます。 It's spectacular. I love listening to Danish. ||||Danish Ich höre gerne Dänisch. Me encanta escuchar danés. I don't understand it as well as I would like. よくわかりません。 Uh, I even ran through our mini stories in Danish. ええと、私はデンマークで私たちのミニストーリーを実行しました。

I see we only have 25. 25個しかないようです。 I would love to have the full set of 60. 60のフルセットが欲しいです。 我很想拥有全套 60 套。 If there's any Danish people out there that want to help us with getting more content into LingQ, please let me know. LingQにさらに多くのコンテンツを取り込むのを手伝ってくれるデンマーク人がいる場合は、私に知らせてください。 And I encourage all of you to make a commitment to the next 90-Day Challenge. Y os animo a todos a comprometeros con el próximo Desafío de 90 Días. そして、私はあなた方全員が次の90日間の挑戦にコミットすることを勧めます。 Sign up at LingQ. Thank you for listening.