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English with Jennifer - Phrasal Verbs, Most Common Phrasal Verbs in English: go on, pick up, come back (1-3)

Most Common Phrasal Verbs in English: go on, pick up, come back (1-3)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer. Let's study phrasal verbs together.

I'm sure you've already picked some up on your own.

It's time to make sure that you learn the most common ones in English. Ready?

Phrasal verbs use a verb and a particle, as in "pick up." Phrasal verbs can be transitive or

intransitive, meaning they may or may not take an object. If they take an object, they may or may

not be separable, as in "pick up new words"/"pick them up." In short, there are details you need

to pay attention to. But the biggest challenge is learning the meanings of the phrasal verbs,

so let's study one phrasal verb at a time, and I'll share the most common definitions.

Do you like to know what's going on in the world? Many of us open news apps and social media apps

to see what's happening. We like to stay informed and connected.

"Go on" is intransitive. The most common meaning, especially in spoken English, is "happen." If you

hear extremely noisy neighbors, you may wonder, "What's going on over there?" What's happening?

Guess another meaning. Not many college athletes go on to play professional sports.

When you go on to do something or go on to the next step in a process, you continue. You proceed.

Look at this messy room. Besides making the bed and wiping the desk,

what does the child need to do to make the room tidy again?

I think he or she can start by picking up the toys and the trash off the floor.

"Pick up" is transitive and separable.

When you pick things up, you lift them with your hands and often move them to another position.

If you're driving and you pick up a friend, you take them from one place to another in your car:

Pick up a friend. Pick her up.

Guess two other meanings.

Nadia didn't take any French lessons,

but she picked up some words and phrases from her Belgian boyfriend.

"All right," the teacher said to call our attention.

"Let's pick up where we stopped yesterday. Open to page five, please."

In sentence A, "pick up" means "learn something."

You learn something indirectly through observation.

In sentence B, "pick up" means "to continue from a certain place."

Do you know anybody who left your hometown or your country only to come back years later?

What would make someone return after so long?

If you want to see one woman's return to her childhood home

and be highly entertained, then watch The Dressmaker with Kate Winslet.

"Come back" means "return." It's intransitive, but you can use it with a prepositional phrase.

In the movie, Tilly comes back to Australia.

She comes back to where all her problems started. She comes back for the truth.

We've now covered the three most common phrasal verbs in English.

As you pick up new phrasal verbs, be sure you know what they mean and how to use them. Then

you can go on to the next lesson and learn more. You can always come back and review.

That's all for now. Please like and share the video if you found it useful.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Hey everyone! If you want to learn more conversational expressions

and work them into your daily communication, then download the Emojam app and get the JenniferESL

audio GIFs. These are custom audio GIFs I've created for you.

Try one for free. There are bonus gifts for members of my YouTube channel. Check them out!

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Most Common Phrasal Verbs in English: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Häufigste Phrasal Verbs im Englischen: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Phrasal Verbs más comunes en inglés: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Verbes à particule les plus courants en anglais : go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Verbi frasali più comuni in inglese: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) 英語で最もよく使われる句動詞:go on, pick up, come back (1-3) 영어에서 가장 일반적인 동사: 계속하다, 받다, 돌아오다(1-3) Dažniausiai pasitaikantys fraziniai veiksmažodžiai anglų kalboje: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Najpopularniejsze czasowniki frazowe w języku angielskim: kontynuować, odebrać, wrócić (1-3) Verbos frasais mais comuns em inglês: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Наиболее употребительные фразовые глаголы в английском языке: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) İngilizcede En Yaygın Phrasal Fiiller: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) Найпоширеніші фразові дієслова в англійській мові: go on, pick up, come back (1-3) 英语中最常见的短语动词:继续、拾起、回来 (1-3) 英语中最常见的短语动词:继续、拾起、回来 (1-3)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with  Jennifer. Let's study phrasal verbs together. Hola a todos. Soy Jennifer de English with Jennifer. Vamos a estudiar juntos los phrasal verbs. Привіт усім. Я Дженніфер з курсу "Англійська з Дженніфер". Давайте вивчати фразові дієслова разом.

I'm sure you've already  picked some up on your own. Seguro que ya has recogido algunos por tu cuenta. Je suis sûr que vous en avez déjà trouvé quelques-uns par vous-même. 이미 스스로 몇 가지를 익히셨을 겁니다. Уверен, что вы уже успели подобрать несколько вариантов. Я впевнена, що ви вже встигли почерпнути щось для себе. 我相信您已經自己挑選了一些。

It's time to make sure that you learn  the most common ones in English. Ready? Es hora de que te asegures de aprender los más comunes en inglés. ¿Preparado? Настав час переконатися, що ви вивчили найпоширеніші з них англійською. Готові?

Phrasal verbs use a verb and a particle, as in  "pick up." Phrasal verbs can be transitive or ||||||||||||||||requires an object| ||||||||||||||||他動詞| Los phrasal verbs utilizan un verbo y una partícula, como en "pick up". Los phrasal verbs pueden ser transitivos o Phrasal fiiller, "pick up" fiilinde olduğu gibi bir fiil ve bir parçacık kullanır. Deyimsel fiiller geçişli veya Фразові дієслова складаються з дієслова та частки, як-от "забрати". Фразові дієслова можуть бути перехідними або 片語動詞使用動詞和助詞,如“pick up”。片語動詞可以是及物動詞或

intransitive, meaning they may or may not take an  object. If they take an object, they may or may 自動詞|||||||||||||||||| intransitivo, lo que significa que pueden o no tomar un objeto. Si toman un objeto, pueden o no pueden неперехідні, тобто вони можуть брати, а можуть і не брати об'єкт. Якщо вони беруть об'єкт, то можуть або не можуть 不及物,意味著它們可能會也可能不會接受某個對象。如果他們拿走一個物體,他們可能或可能

not be separable, as in "pick up new words"/"pick  them up." In short, there are details you need no ser separables, como en "recoger nuevas palabras"/"recogerlas". En resumen, hay detalles que necesita не бути відокремленими, як у "підбирати нові слова"/"підбирати їх". Коротше кажучи, є деталі, які вам потрібні 不可分開,如“拿起新單字”/“拿起它們”。簡而言之,有您需要的細節

to pay attention to. But the biggest challenge  is learning the meanings of the phrasal verbs, a los que prestar atención. Pero el mayor reto es aprender el significado de los phrasal verbs, на які варто звернути увагу. Але найбільшим викликом є вивчення значень фразових дієслів,

so let's study one phrasal verb at a time,  and I'll share the most common definitions. Así que vamos a estudiar un phrasal verb cada vez, y compartiré las definiciones más comunes. Тому давайте вивчати по одному фразовому дієслову за раз, а я поділюся найпоширенішими визначеннями.

Do you like to know what's going on in the world?  Many of us open news apps and social media apps ¿Le gusta saber lo que pasa en el mundo? Muchos de nosotros abrimos aplicaciones de noticias y redes sociales Вам подобається бути в курсі того, що відбувається у світі? Багато хто з нас відкриває додатки новин та соціальні мережі

to see what's happening. We like  to stay informed and connected. para ver qué está pasando. Nos gusta estar informados y conectados. чтобы узнать, что происходит. Нам нравится оставаться в курсе событий и быть на связи. щоб побачити, що відбувається. Ми хочемо бути в курсі подій та на зв'язку. 看看發生了什麼事。我們喜歡保持資訊靈通並保持聯繫。

"Go on" is intransitive. The most common meaning,  especially in spoken English, is "happen." If you "Go on" es intransitivo. El significado más común, sobre todo en inglés hablado, es "happen". Si usted "Go on" - неперехідне дієслово. Найпоширенішим значенням, особливо в розмовній англійській, є "траплятися". Якщо ви 「繼續」是不及物動詞。最常見的含義,尤其是在英語口語中,是“發生”。如果你

hear extremely noisy neighbors, you may wonder,  "What's going on over there?" What's happening? oye a unos vecinos muy ruidosos, se preguntará: "¿Qué pasa ahí?". ¿Qué ocurre? se ouvir vizinhos extremamente barulhentos, pode perguntar-se: "O que é que se passa ali?" O que é que está a acontecer? почувши надзвичайно галасливих сусідів, ви можете задатися питанням: "Що там відбувається?" А що відбувається?

Guess another meaning. Not many college  athletes go on to play professional sports. Adivina otro significado. No hay muchos atletas universitarios que se dediquen al deporte profesional. Adivinha outro significado. Não são muitos os atletas universitários que chegam a praticar desportos profissionais. Угадайте другое значение. Не так много спортсменов из колледжей переходят в профессиональный спорт. Tahmin et başka bir anlamı var. Pek çok üniversite sporcusu profesyonel sporlara devam etmez. Вгадайте інше значення. Небагато спортсменів коледжів продовжують займатися професійним спортом.

When you go on to do something or go on to the  next step in a process, you continue. You proceed. Cuando sigues haciendo algo o pasas al siguiente paso en un proceso, continúas. Sigues adelante. Quando se vai fazer alguma coisa ou se passa à etapa seguinte de um processo, continua-se. Prossegue-se.

Look at this messy room. Besides  making the bed and wiping the desk, ||||||||||limpando|| Mira esta habitación desordenada. Además de hacer la cama y limpiar el escritorio, Olha para este quarto desarrumado. Para além de fazer a cama e limpar a secretária, Şu dağınık odaya bak. Yatağı toplamak ve masayı silmek dışında,

what does the child need to do  to make the room tidy again? ¿qué tiene que hacer el niño para que la habitación vuelva a estar ordenada? odayı tekrar düzenli hale getirmek için çocuğun ne yapması gerekiyor?

I think he or she can start by picking  up the toys and the trash off the floor. Creo que puede empezar por recoger los juguetes y la basura del suelo. Penso que ele ou ela pode começar por apanhar os brinquedos e o lixo do chão. Bence oyuncakları ve yerdeki çöpleri toplayarak başlayabilir.

"Pick up" is transitive and separable. "Recoger" es transitivo y separable. "Apanhar" é transitivo e separável.

When you pick things up, you lift them with your  hands and often move them to another position. Cuando coges cosas, las levantas con las manos y a menudo las mueves a otra posición. Quando pegamos em coisas, levantamo-las com as mãos e, muitas vezes, deslocamo-las para outra posição. Bir şeyleri elinize aldığınızda, onları ellerinizle kaldırır ve genellikle başka bir konuma taşırsınız.

If you're driving and you pick up a friend, you  take them from one place to another in your car: Si vas en coche y recoges a un amigo, lo llevas de un sitio a otro en tu coche: Araba kullanıyorsanız ve bir arkadaşınızı aldıysanız, onu arabanızla bir yerden başka bir yere götürürsünüz:

Pick up a friend. Pick her up. Recoge a un amigo. Recógela. Pegar numa amiga. Pega nela.

Guess two other meanings. Adivina otros dos significados.

Nadia didn't take any French lessons, Nadia no tomó clases de francés, A Nádia não teve aulas de francês,

but she picked up some words and  phrases from her Belgian boyfriend. pero aprendió algunas palabras y frases de su novio belga. mas aprendeu algumas palavras e frases com o seu namorado belga.

"All right," the teacher  said to call our attention. "Muy bien", dijo el profesor para llamar nuestra atención. "Muito bem", disse o professor para chamar a nossa atenção.

"Let's pick up where we stopped  yesterday. Open to page five, please." "Continuemos donde nos detuvimos ayer. Abra la página cinco, por favor". "Vamos continuar onde parámos ontem. Abrir na página cinco, por favor." "Dün kaldığımız yerden devam edelim. Beşinci sayfayı açın lütfen."

In sentence A, "pick up" means "learn something." En la frase A, "recoger" significa "aprender algo". Na frase A, "pick up" significa "aprender algo".

You learn something indirectly  through observation. Se aprende algo indirectamente a través de la observación.

In sentence B, "pick up" means "to  continue from a certain place." En la frase B, "recoger" significa "continuar desde un lugar determinado". B cümlesinde "pick up" "belirli bir yerden devam etmek" anlamına gelmektedir.

Do you know anybody who left your hometown or  your country only to come back years later? ¿Conoce a alguien que haya dejado su ciudad o su país para volver años después? Знаете ли вы кого-нибудь, кто покинул родной город или страну, чтобы вернуться спустя годы? Memleketini ya da ülkesini terk edip yıllar sonra geri dönen birini tanıyor musun?

What would make someone return after so long? ¿Qué haría que alguien volviera después de tanto tiempo? Что может заставить человека вернуться спустя столько времени? Birinin bu kadar uzun süre sonra geri dönmesine ne sebep olabilir?

If you want to see one woman's  return to her childhood home Si quieres ver el regreso de una mujer al hogar de su infancia Se quiser ver o regresso de uma mulher à sua casa de infância

and be highly entertained, then watch  The Dressmaker with Kate Winslet. |||e se divertir muito||||e se divertir muito, depois assistir a O Destino de uma Nação com Kate Winslet.||| y entretenerse mucho, entonces vea La modista con Kate Winslet. e ficar muito entretido, então veja The Dressmaker com Kate Winslet.

"Come back" means "return." It's intransitive,  but you can use it with a prepositional phrase. "Volver" significa "regresar". Es intransitivo, pero puedes usarlo con una frase preposicional. "Come back" significa "regressar". É intransitivo, mas pode ser usado com uma frase preposicional.

In the movie, Tilly comes back to Australia. En la película, Tilly regresa a Australia. No filme, Tilly regressa à Austrália.

She comes back to where all her problems  started. She comes back for the truth. Vuelve al lugar donde empezaron todos sus problemas. Vuelve por la verdad. Ela volta para onde todos os seus problemas começaram. Ela regressa para descobrir a verdade. Она возвращается туда, где начались все ее проблемы. Она возвращается за правдой.

We've now covered the three most  common phrasal verbs in English. Ya hemos estudiado los tres phrasal verbs más comunes en inglés.

As you pick up new phrasal verbs, be sure you  know what they mean and how to use them. Then A medida que vayas aprendiendo nuevos phrasal verbs, asegúrate de que sabes lo que significan y cómo utilizarlos. A continuación, Yeni öbek fiiller öğrendikçe, ne anlama geldiklerini ve nasıl kullanılacaklarını bildiğinizden emin olun. Sonra

you can go on to the next lesson and learn  more. You can always come back and review. puedes pasar a la siguiente lección y aprender más. Siempre puedes volver y repasar. pode passar para a lição seguinte e aprender mais. Pode sempre voltar e rever.

That's all for now. Please like and  share the video if you found it useful. Esto es todo por ahora. Por favor, si te ha resultado útil, dale a "Me gusta" y comparte el vídeo.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Hey everyone! If you want to learn  more conversational expressions

and work them into your daily communication, then  download the Emojam app and get the JenniferESL ||||||||||エモジャムアプリ|||||

audio GIFs. These are custom  audio GIFs I've created for you.

Try one for free. There are bonus gifts for  members of my YouTube channel. Check them out!

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