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Doctormike01, How to NOT Get Sick | Proven Health Hacks | Doctor Mike

How to NOT Get Sick | Proven Health Hacks | Doctor Mike

- Are you ready?

I know you don't wanna get sick.

I mean, who wants to wake up in the morning

with a 102 degree fever, nausea, body aches...

I have all the tips on how to not get sick right here.

More socks.

When your feet get cold, your entire body gets chilled,

even your nose and mouth.

What your body's doing is protecting you from losing heat

by redirecting blood to your vital organs.

But that's bad because now you have no immune protection

in your nose from the viruses

and bugs that live there year-round.

More honey.

♪ Honey ♪

♪ (women vocalizing) ♪

♪ Honey, baby ♪

I hate the term superfood.

All that is is a word created by marketers to make money.

But the food that comes closest to that term is honey.

Not only does honey help control your cough as good

or better than some over-the-counter cough suppressants,

but it also has antibacterial properties.

There is such thing as medical grade honey

that's used to help wounds heal

when antibiotics aren't working.

So, instead of white or brown sugar,

throw some honey in your tea.

Less supplements.

- [Cameraman] Hey, I need those, bro.

- Actually, no, you don't.

It's never been proven that vitamins will prevent you

from getting sick.

All that is is marketing hype designed to sell you these,

and all you're doing is flushing money down the toilet.

Literally, because you pee them out.

(glass shatters)

More sex.

♪ Sexual ♪

♪ Hear me, baby ♪

There have been a few interesting studies

that have even surprised me about getting hands-on.

Getting massages, having sex,

those things seem to have boosted the immune response.

So, it's not unwise to get cozy during wintertime.

Less stress.

Stress can really get the better of you if you let it.

(ringtone sounding)

- [Cameraman] I said no phones!

- See what I mean?

When your body is stressed,

it creates something known as cortisol,

which is a stress hormone

that actually hampers your body's immune response.

So, relax. Meditate a little. Take a chill pill.

More exercise.

Exercise boosts your immune system.

Not only does it improve your white blood cells

and the antibodies which fight off all the viruses

and bacteria within your body,

but exercise also prevents your body

from releasing stress hormones.

Exercise with light or moderate intensity

and do that even if you're already sick

as long as you don't have a fever.

Less alcohol.

No thanks.

Despite you feeling warmer when you're drinking alcohol,

your body temperature is actually dropping,

which can hurt your immune system

and its ability to fight off infection.

Woo! Drink the alcohol; it'll kill the germs.

No, it doesn't. Complete myth. Busted, done, no, kill it.

If you're sick or getting sick, do not drink alcohol.

It'll only hurt your immune system.

Disinfect your phone and your digits.

Yea, I'm looking at you.

You have poop on your phone.

Bacteria that normally lives within poop

lives on your digits and on your phone.

And forget poop bacteria.

Think about all the places

that you put your phone down all day.

On the table, on the floor.

It's covered by viruses and bacteria.

Listen, normally I'm not so anti-bacteria.

I don't believe that

we should be killing bacteria all the time

because there's such thing as good bacteria.

But in this case, sanitize your hands and your phone.

More water.

It's so important that you stay hydrated

because when you don't have enough water,

your body isn't able to maintain your immune system,

flush out toxins, and, when you're sick,

your body loses more water than usual.

More sleep.

It's the cheapest and most effective thing

out of all these tips.

When you don't get at least six hours of sleep,

the amount of natural killer cells falls

by at least 50 percent,

and they're your first line of defense

to kill the bugs that can get you sick.

And I'm not trying to scare you here.

If you get less than six hours one night, that's fine.

But if that becomes a chronic problem, a long-term problem,

and you build up sleep debt,

that's when infection can really set in.

More flu shots.

You know, more people getting flu shots.

Not you getting more than one... whatever.

The flu shot is our biggest protection against the flu.

Everyone that's older than six months of age,

yes that includes you, should get the flu shot.

There are very few exceptions.

I wanna put this thing to rest.

No, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot.

Yes, there can be a coincidence

and you can get the actual flu from somewhere else,

but not from the flu shot.

Remember, it takes two weeks for the flu vaccine

to actually kick in.

Oh, I'm not afraid of the flu.

It's the same thing as a cold.

No, it's not.

The flu virus claims over 30,000 lives per year in the U.S.

Less antibiotics.

Some of you think that when you have the common cold

or the flu and you'll take antibiotics

that you'll recover quicker.

That is not the case.

Antibiotics work against bacteria, not viruses,

which is what common colds and flus are.

By taking antibiotics, you hurt the good bacteria

that's within your stomach, causing diarrhea

and other sorts of problems within your gut.

Also, when you take antibiotics unnecessarily,

you raise the chance

of something called antibiotic resistance,

which is the creation of something called a superbug.

(fearful screaming)

There you go.

Just a few things to keep in mind, but remember,

if you do get sick from time to time, it's not a problem.

In the long-term it just makes your body stronger.

Stay happy and stay healthy.

(makes popping noise)

Check, check, check, check, check, check!

Bee-whoop! (laughing)

Honey, honey, honey!

(takes deep breath)


Not only--

(clearing throat)



When you don't get that sleep, guess what?

You don't have that optimal function.

Stress can really get the better of you if you let it.

Hold on a second.

I'm waiting, dude!

- [Cameraman] I'm so nervous.

- Why? Unless you're gonna go like...

So, how does this part go?


Getting things like a massage...

(repeating under breath)

There have been a few studies

that have piqued even my curiosity.

There have even been a few studies

that have piqued my curiosity.

Stop making me laugh.

It's okay to get sick from time to time.

In the long run, it's going to keep you healthier,

and more refreshed, and whiter teeth!


Oh my God. I'm losing my mind.

(jazzy music)

How to NOT Get Sick | Proven Health Hacks | Doctor Mike Wie man NICHT krank wird | Bewährte Gesundheitshacks | Doktor Mike Cómo NO enfermar | Trucos de salud comprobados | Doctor Mike Comment ne pas être malade ? | Santé et bien-être | Docteur Mike Come NON ammalarsi | Trucchi comprovati per la salute | Dottor Mike 病気にならない方法|Proven Health Hacks|ドクター・マイク 병에 걸리지 않는 방법 | 입증된 건강 비결 | 닥터 마이크 Kaip nesusirgti | Įrodyta, sveikatos Hacks | Gydytojas Mike Jak NIE zachorować | Sprawdzone triki zdrowotne | Doktor Mike Como NÃO ficar doente | Truques de saúde comprovados | Doutor Mike Как НЕ заболеть | Проверенные лайфхаки для здоровья | Доктор Майк Nasıl Hasta Olmazsınız | Kanıtlanmış Sağlık Hack'leri | Doktor Mike Як НЕ захворіти | Перевірені хаки здоров'я | Доктор Майк 如何不生病?行之有效的健康秘诀|迈克医生 如何不生病?行之有效的健康秘訣|麥克醫生

- Are you ready? - ¿Están listos?

I know you don't wanna get sick. Se que no quieren enfermarse.

I mean, who wants to wake up in the morning Digo, ¿Quién quiere despertarse en la mañana con Demek istediğim, kim sabah uyandığında

with a 102 degree fever, nausea, body aches... una fiebre de 102 grados, nausea, dolores...? с температурой 102 градуса, тошнотой, ломотой в теле... 102 derece ateş, mide bulantısı, vücut ağrıları...

I have all the tips on how to not get sick right here. Tengo aquí todos los consejos sobre como no enfermarse. Nasıl hastalanmayacağınıza dair tüm ipuçlarını burada bulabilirsiniz.

More socks. Más calcetines. Больше носков. Daha fazla çorap.

When your feet get cold, your entire body gets chilled, Cuando tus pies se enfrían, todo tu cuerpo se enfría, Когда мерзнут ноги, мерзнет все тело, Ayaklarınız üşüdüğünde, tüm vücudunuz da üşür,

even your nose and mouth. incluso tu nariz y tu boca. Hatta burnunu ve ağzını bile.

What your body's doing is protecting you from losing heat Lo que tu cuerpo está haciendo es protegerte de perder calor Vücudunuzun yaptığı şey sizi ısı kaybından korumaktır

by redirecting blood to your vital organs. redirigiendo la sangre a tus órganos vitales. Kanı hayati organlarınıza yönlendirerek.

But that's bad because now you have no immune protection Pero eso está mal porque ahora tu nariz no tiene

in your nose from the viruses protección inmune a los virus

and bugs that live there year-round. y bichos que viven ahí todo el tiempo.

More honey. Más miel.

♪ Honey ♪ ♪ Miel ♪

♪ (women vocalizing) ♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Honey, baby ♪ ♪ Miel, bebe ♪

I hate the term superfood. Odio el término súper-alimento. Я ненавижу термин суперфуд. Süper gıda teriminden nefret ediyorum.

All that is is a word created by marketers to make money. Es una palabra creada por los publicistas para hacer dinero. Tüm bunlar, pazarlamacılar tarafından para kazanmak için yaratılmış bir kelimedir.

But the food that comes closest to that term is honey. Но|||||||||| Pero la comida que más se acerca a ese término es la miel. Ancak bu terime en yakın olan yiyecek baldır.

Not only does honey help control your cough as good La miel no sólo ayuda a controlar tu tos tan bien o incluso Мед не только помогает контролировать кашель, но и Bal sadece öksürüğünüzü kontrol etmeye yardımcı olmakla kalmaz

or better than some over-the-counter cough suppressants, oder besser als einige frei verkäufliche Hustenmittel, mejor que algunos de los supresores de tos de mostrador, ou mieux que certains antitussifs en vente libre, ya da reçetesiz satılan bazı öksürük kesicilerden daha iyidir,

but it also has antibacterial properties. aber es hat auch antibakterielle Eigenschaften. sino que también tiene propiedades antibacterianas. ama aynı zamanda antibakteriyel özelliklere de sahiptir.

There is such thing as medical grade honey Sí, existe tal cosa como la miel de calidad medica Tıbbi sınıf bal diye bir şey var

that's used to help wounds heal que se usa para ayudar a sanar heridas yaraların iyileşmesine yardımcı olmak için kullanılan

when antibiotics aren't working. cuando los antibióticos no están funcionando.

So, instead of white or brown sugar, Así que, en lugar de azúcar blanca o morena,

throw some honey in your tea. ponle un poco de miel a tu té.

Less supplements. Menos suplementos.

- [Cameraman] Hey, I need those, bro. - [Camarógrafo] Hey amigo, los necesito.

- Actually, no, you don't. - De hecho, no, no los necesitas.

It's never been proven that vitamins will prevent you Nunca ha sido probado que las vitaminas evitarán

from getting sick. que enfermes.

All that is is marketing hype designed to sell you these, Es sólo una exageración publicitaria hecha para vender,

and all you're doing is flushing money down the toilet. y todo lo que haces es aventar tu dinero por el retrete.

Literally, because you pee them out. Literalmente, porque los orinas.

(glass shatters) .

More sex. Más sexo.

♪ Sexual ♪ ♪ Sexual ♪

♪ Hear me, baby ♪ ♪ Escúchame, bebe ♪

There have been a few interesting studies Ha habido unos estudios interesantes

that have even surprised me about getting hands-on. que incluso me han sorprendido a mí sobre practicarlo. qui m'ont même surpris de mettre la main à la pâte.

Getting massages, having sex, Tener masajes, tener sexo,

those things seem to have boosted the immune response. parece que esas cosas impulsan la respuesta inmune.

So, it's not unwise to get cozy during wintertime. Así que no es imprudente ser acogedor durante el invierno.

Less stress. Menos estrés.

Stress can really get the better of you if you let it. El estrés puede sacar lo peor de ti si se lo permites.

(ringtone sounding)

- [Cameraman] I said no phones!

- See what I mean?

When your body is stressed,

it creates something known as cortisol,

which is a stress hormone

that actually hampers your body's immune response.

So, relax. Meditate a little. Take a chill pill. Also, entspannen Sie sich. Meditieren Sie ein wenig. Nimm eine Beruhigungspille.

More exercise.

Exercise boosts your immune system. El ejercicio impulsa tu sistema inmune.

Not only does it improve your white blood cells No sólo mejora tus células blancas en la sangre

and the antibodies which fight off all the viruses y a los anticuerpos que combaten a los virus

and bacteria within your body, y bacterias dentro de tu cuerpo,

but exercise also prevents your body aber Bewegung verhindert auch, dass Ihr Körper sino que el ejercicio también previene que tu cuerpo

from releasing stress hormones. von der Freisetzung von Stresshormonen. libere hormonas de estrés.

Exercise with light or moderate intensity Ejercítate con una intensidad leve o moderada

and do that even if you're already sick y hazlo incluso si ya estás enfermo

as long as you don't have a fever. siempre y cuando no tengas una fiebre.

Less alcohol. Menos alcohol.

No thanks. No gracias.

Despite you feeling warmer when you're drinking alcohol, A pesar de que te sientes más caliente cuando tomas alcohol,

your body temperature is actually dropping, Ihre Körpertemperatur sinkt tatsächlich, tu temperatura corporal de hecho está bajando,

which can hurt your immune system lo cual puede herir a tu sistema inmune

and its ability to fight off infection. und seine Fähigkeit, Infektionen abzuwehren. y a su habilidad de combatir una infección.

Woo! Drink the alcohol; it'll kill the germs. ¡Woo! Bebe el alcohol; matará a los gérmenes.

No, it doesn't. Complete myth. Busted, done, no, kill it. Nein, tut es nicht. Ein kompletter Mythos. Aufgeflogen, erledigt, nein, abgehakt. No, no lo hará. Mito completo. Desmentido. Acabado, no, mátalo.

If you're sick or getting sick, do not drink alcohol. Si estás enfermo o enfermándote, no bebas alcohol.

It'll only hurt your immune system. Solamente dañará tu sistema inmune.

Disinfect your phone and your digits. Desinfecta tu teléfono y tus dedos. Désinfectez votre téléphone et vos chiffres.

Yea, I'm looking at you. Sí, te estoy viendo a ti.

You have poop on your phone. Tienes popo en tu teléfono.

Bacteria that normally lives within poop Las bacterias que normalmente viven en la popo

lives on your digits and on your phone. vive en tus dedos y en tu teléfono.

And forget poop bacteria. Y olvídate de la bacteria de popo.

Think about all the places Piensa en todos los lugares en los

that you put your phone down all day. que pones tu teléfono durante todo el día.

On the table, on the floor. En la mesa, en el piso.

It's covered by viruses and bacteria. Está cubierto por virus y bacterias.

Listen, normally I'm not so anti-bacteria. Mira, normalmente no soy tan anti-bacterias.

I don't believe that No creo que debamos

we should be killing bacteria all the time de matar bacterias todo el tiempo

because there's such thing as good bacteria. porque sí existen las bacterias buenas.

But in this case, sanitize your hands and your phone. Pero en este caso, desinfecta tus manos y tu teléfono.

More water. Más agua.

It's so important that you stay hydrated Es tan importante que te mantengas hidratado

because when you don't have enough water, porque cuando no tienes suficiente agua,

your body isn't able to maintain your immune system, tu cuerpo no es capaz de mantener tu sistema inmune,

flush out toxins, and, when you're sick, expulsar toxinas y, cuando estás enfermo,

your body loses more water than usual. tu cuerpo pierde más agua de lo usual.

More sleep. Más sueño.

It's the cheapest and most effective thing Es la cosa más barata y efectiva

out of all these tips. de todos estos consejos.

When you don't get at least six hours of sleep, Cuando no tienes al menos seis horas de sueño,

the amount of natural killer cells falls la cantidad de células asesinas naturales baja

by at least 50 percent, mínimo en un 50 por ciento,

and they're your first line of defense y ellas son tu primer línea de defensa

to kill the bugs that can get you sick. para matar a los bichos que te enferman.

And I'm not trying to scare you here. Y no estoy tratando de asustarte.

If you get less than six hours one night, that's fine. Si tienes menos de seis horas en una noche, eso está bien.

But if that becomes a chronic problem, a long-term problem, Pero si se vuelve un problema crónico, o uno a largo plazo,

and you build up sleep debt, und man baut Schlafschulden auf, y acumulas una deuda de sueño,

that's when infection can really set in. ahí es cuando las infecciones se asientan.

More flu shots. Mehr Grippeimpfungen. Más vacunas contra la gripe.

You know, more people getting flu shots. Quiero decir, más gente vacunándose.

Not you getting more than one... whatever. No que tú te pongas más de una... cómo sea.

The flu shot is our biggest protection against the flu. Las vacunas son nuestra más grande protección ante la gripe.

Everyone that's older than six months of age, Todo mundo mayor de seis meses de edad,

yes that includes you, should get the flu shot. sí, eso te incluye a ti, debe de vacunarse.

There are very few exceptions. Hay unas contadas excepciones.

I wanna put this thing to rest. Ich will die Sache zu den Akten legen. Y quiero aclarar esto.

No, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot. No, no puedes enfermarte de gripe por una vacuna.

Yes, there can be a coincidence Ja, es kann einen Zufall geben Sí, puede que haya una coincidencia

and you can get the actual flu from somewhere else, y que hayas obtenido la gripe de otro lado,

but not from the flu shot. pero no de la vacuna.

Remember, it takes two weeks for the flu vaccine Recuerda, toma dos semanas para que la vacuna

to actually kick in. haga efecto.

Oh, I'm not afraid of the flu. Oh, no le temo a la gripe.

It's the same thing as a cold. Es lo mismo que un resfriado.

No, it's not. No, no es lo mismo.

The flu virus claims over 30,000 lives per year in the U.S. El virus de la gripe mata más de 30,000 vidas al año en EUA. Le virus de la grippe fait plus de 30 000 morts par an aux États-Unis

Less antibiotics. Menos antibióticos.

Some of you think that when you have the common cold Algunos de ustedes creen que cuando tienen resfriado común

or the flu and you'll take antibiotics o gripe y toman antibióticos

that you'll recover quicker. se recuperarán más rápido.

That is not the case. Éste no es el caso.

Antibiotics work against bacteria, not viruses, Los antibióticos funcionan contra las bacterias, no virus,

which is what common colds and flus are. y eso es lo que el resfriado común y la gripe son.

By taking antibiotics, you hurt the good bacteria Si tomas antibióticos, dañas a las bacterias buenas

that's within your stomach, causing diarrhea que están en tu estómago, causando diarrea

and other sorts of problems within your gut. y otro tipo de problemas en tu intestino.

Also, when you take antibiotics unnecessarily, Auch, wenn Sie unnötigerweise Antibiotika einnehmen, También, cuando tomas antibióticos sin necesitarlos,

you raise the chance Sie erhöhen die Chance aumentas la probabilidad

of something called antibiotic resistance, de algo llamado resistencia a antibióticos,

which is the creation of something called a superbug. que es la creación de algo llamado súper bicho.

(fearful screaming) Ahí tienen.

There you go. Algunas cosas para tener en cuenta, pero recuerden,

Just a few things to keep in mind, but remember,

if you do get sick from time to time, it's not a problem.

In the long-term it just makes your body stronger.

Stay happy and stay healthy.

(makes popping noise) Prueba, prueba, prueba, prueba, prueba, ¡Prueba!

Check, check, check, check, check, check!

Bee-whoop! (laughing)

Honey, honey, honey!

(takes deep breath)

Okay. No solamente--

Not only--

(clearing throat)


(laughing) Cuando no tienes ese sueño, ¿Adivina qué?

When you don't get that sleep, guess what? Was passiert, wenn Sie nicht schlafen können?

You don't have that optimal function.

Stress can really get the better of you if you let it. Espera un momento.

Hold on a second.

I'm waiting, dude! Estoy esperando, ¡Amigo!

- [Cameraman] I'm so nervous. - [Camarógrafo] Estoy nervioso.

- Why? Unless you're gonna go like... - ¿Por qué? A menos que vayas a...

So, how does this part go? Entonces, ¿Cómo va esta parte?

(laughing) Tener masajes...

Getting things like a massage...

(repeating under breath)

There have been a few studies

that have piqued even my curiosity.

There have even been a few studies Ha habido incluso algunos estudios

that have piqued my curiosity. que han picado mi curiosidad.

Stop making me laugh. Deja de hacerme reír.

It's okay to get sick from time to time. Está bien enfermarse de vez en cuando.

In the long run, it's going to keep you healthier, A largo plazo, te va a mantener más sano,

and more refreshed, and whiter teeth! y más refrescado, ¡Y dientes más blancos!


Oh my God. I'm losing my mind.

(jazzy music)