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ESLPod Daily English 1-100, Daily English 9

Daily English 9

Welcome English as a Second Language Podcast number 9: Making Dinner, Eating Dinner.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode number nine.

I'm your host, Dr.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

In this episode, I'll talk about making and eating dinner.

I especially like the eating part.

Let's get started.

[Start of story]

When I get home, I start on dinner right away.

I clean off the kitchen counter after putting away the groceries and decide to make pasta.

I preheat the oven to 375 to bake the bread and to keep the chicken hot until my wife gets home.

I put some water in a pan and turn the burner on high.

When the water starts boiling, I put in the pasta and decide to make a salad.

Just then, my wife opens the back door and yells, “I'm home!” She comes into the kitchen, and helps with chopping the tomatoes to add to the sauce.

She stirs the sauce until it's done, while I finish tossing the salad.

I get out the place mats and napkins to set the table.

I also make sure that there is a spoon, knife, fork, and plate for each of us.

About 15 minutes later, we sit down at the table in the dining room and talk about our long day.

My wife says she'll do the dishes, since I cooked, but of course I help out by drying them.

First, I put some of the leftovers in a Tupperware container and some in plastic wrap and the rest in aluminum foil.

Then I dry the pans, plates, glasses, and silverware.

[End of story]

In this episode, we are making dinner at the beginning, “When I get home, I start on dinner right away.

” Once again, we have one of those two-word verbs in English, “I start on dinner,” that means I begin to prepare dinner.

So, “I start on dinner right away.

I clean off the kitchen counter after putting away the groceries.

” The “kitchen counter” (counter) is the place in your kitchen where you have a long, flat top or board where you can prepare food and you can put things on, it's like the table almost.

But usually in a kitchen, you have cabinets or cupboards, where you store things, and on top you have a counter.

A “counter” is a general word that refers to the top of something, usually somewhere where you do something on top of it.

In this case, the kitchen counter is where you prepare food.

Well, “I clean off the kitchen counter after” I put “away the groceries.

” The “groceries” (groceries) – plural –are the food that I buy at the market.

We sometimes call a supermarket a grocery store - a place that you buy groceries - buy food that you bring home and prepare and eat at home.

I decided “to make pasta.

” So, “I preheat the oven to 375.

“To preheat” (preheat) really means the same here as to heat, but if you look at the instructions for making food, what we would call the “recipe” (recipe) – the recipe for making food, usually it begins, if you are going to be cooking something in the oven, by telling you to preheat the oven.

That just means to turn it on so that when you are ready, when it is hot, you can put the food in to cook.

“Pre” (pre) means before or to do something before.

So, “I preheat the oven to 375,” in other words, 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

I preheat it because I want “to bake the bread and keep the chicken hot until my wife gets home.

” “To bake” (bake) is to cook something, usually in an oven.

So, I open the oven door, I put in the bread, I put in the chicken, and then I close the door.

My wife is going to be home late so I want to keep the chicken hot - I want to make sure that it stays hot.

I put some water in a pan.

A “pan” is what you use to cook something in.

So, “I put some water in a pan and I turn the burner on high.

” The “burner” (burner) is on top of what we would call your “stove” (stove).

Your burners are for cooking food, where you have the heat comes from the bottom and you put the pan on top of the heat.

So, if you are going to boil some water - make the water hot - you would put it in a pan and then put it on top of a burner, and the burner is part of your stove.

Usually, stoves and ovens are one machine, one - in one single piece in many American kitchens.

In my kitchen, the stove is on top of the oven.

I'm going to boil some water.

“To boil” (boil) means to make the one of very hot until you start to see bubbles.

The average temperature is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or 100 degrees Celsius, in order to boil water.

Well, “when the water starts boiling” - when it starts to make bubbles because it is very hot - “I put in the pasta.

” I take the pasta - the pasta “noodles” (noodles) - the little pieces of pasta, we call those noodles - and I put them into the boiling water so they can cook.

Then I decide I want “to make a salad” because I'm very hungry.

Well, just as I decide to make the salad, “just then, my wife opens the back door.

” “Just then” - that expression means at that time - at that same time - “my wife opens the back door” - the door to the house in the back, the opposite would be the front door.

She yells, “I'm home!” That's what you would say when you come home to someone who is already there, you would say, “I'm home!” You wouldn't say, “I've arrived,” or “I'm here,” you would say, “I'm home.

My wife comes into the kitchen and helps me chop the tomatoes.

“To chop” (chop) means to cut something into small pieces.

We chop tomatoes - we make them into smaller pieces - and we add them to the pasta sauce that's the red liquid that we're going to put over the pasta.

My wife “stirs the sauce until it's done.

” “To stir” (stir) when you are cooking means to take a spoon and put it into the pan and move the spoon back and forth so that you are mixing what is in the pan.

So, my wife is stirring the sauce - the pasta sauce - the tomato sauce “until it's done” - until it is ready - until it is cooked, “while I finish tossing the salad.

” So, she is stirring the sauce and at the same time, I am finishing the salad, and I finished by tossing it.

“To toss” (toss) a salad means to mix the salad together.

In a salad, you often have lettuce and maybe tomatoes, other food, other vegetables, and you want to mix them together.

Often you put in a salad “dressing” (dressing).

Salad dressing is a liquid, often made from some oil, that gives a better taste to your salad.

So, you toss the salad in order to mix everything up.

That verb, to toss, can also mean to throw, usually to throw something to someone else.

Someone may say, “Toss me that pen,” they mean throw me that pen.

Well, I am “tossing the salad” here - mixing it up, “I get out the place mats and napkins to set the table.

” The “place (place) mats (mats)” are things that you put underneath the plate and the spoon, fork, and knife so that the table doesn't get dirty; we call those place mats.

They can be plastic; they can be made out of cloth, and they are used to protect your table.

So, “I get out the place mats and the napkins to set the table.

” A “napkin” (napkin) is like a little towel that you use.

In case you need to wipe your face while you are eating, you can use your napkin, and it's common in American restaurants and in houses for people to put the napkin on their legs while they are sitting - on the top of their legs, which we would call the “lap” - on your “lap” (lap) you put the napkin while you are eating.

“To set” (set) the table means to put all of the things that you need on the table - plates, spoons, knives, forks, and so forth.

That is to set the table - to make the table ready so you can eat.

“About 15 minutes” after I set the table, my wife and I sit at the table - “we sit down at the table in the dining room and talk about our long day.

” The “dining room” (dining) is a place where you eat.

“To dine” as a verb, (dine) means to eat.

So, the dining room is the room in your house where you eat your meals.

My wife and I “talk about our long day,” meaning we had many things happen today, and maybe we are very tired, so we had a long day.

“My wife says that she'll do the dishes.

” “To do the dishes” means the same as to wash the dishes.

My wife offers to “do the dishes” because “I cooked, but of course,” since I am a wonderful husband, “I help out by drying” the dishes.

“To help out” means the same here as to help.

But if we are talking about helping another person do something, maybe something that we don't have to do, but we want to be nice, we would say we help them out.

So, I helped my wife out by drying the dishes.

“First,' I have to “put some of the leftovers in a Tupperware container.

” “Leftovers” (leftovers) – all one word – is extra food - food that you did not eat.

At the end of your dinner - at the end of your meal - if you want to keep some of that food, we call it leftovers.

And in this case, I'm going to put the leftovers into a small plastic box that has a top on it.

We call that kind of little box a “container” (container).

We usually refer to these plastic boxes that we put food in as Tupperware containers.

“Tupperware” (Tupperware) is actually a company that makes these small plastic containers for food.

Even if you don't have a container made by that company, many people just call it “my Tupperware” - the Tupperware containers – that means the plastic boxes that you can put food into.

Well, some of the food, I put in a plastic wrap.

A “plastic wrap” (wrap) is a thin, clear piece of plastic that I put food into, and we call it a “wrap” (wrap) because we put it around something.

To wrap something is to put something around it, usually to keep it cold, or to keep it warm, or to keep it fresh when we are talking about food.

We use that same word, wrap, for putting paper around a present or a gift that you are giving someone.

The paper is called wrapping paper.

You can also put food in aluminum foil.

“Aluminum” (aluminum) is a kind of metal.

It's usually a silver color.

“Foil” (foil) is like a plastic wrap but it's made from aluminum.

It's a - it's like a long, flat sheet that you can put around something to keep the food in your refrigerator or in your freezer, where you have even colder temperatures.

Daily English 9 Täglich Englisch 9 Inglés diario 9 Anglais quotidien 9 Inglese quotidiano 9 デイリーイングリッシュ9 매일 영어 9 Inglês diário 9 Daily English 9 Dnevna angleščina 9 Günlük İngilizce 9 Щоденна англійська 9 日常英语9 日常英語9

Welcome English as a Second Language Podcast number 9: Making Dinner, Eating Dinner. Dobrodošli Angleščina kot drugi jezik Podcast številka 9: priprava večerje, jedo večerjo.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode number nine. Đây là tập podcast tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai.

I'm your host, Dr. Sem vaš gostitelj, dr. Tôi là chủ nhà của bạn, Tiến sĩ.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. Jeff McQuillan, viniendo desde el Centro para el Desarrollo Educativo en el hermoso Los Ángeles, California. Jeff McQuillan prihaja iz Centra za razvoj izobraževanja v čudovitem Los Angelesu v Kaliforniji.

In this episode, I'll talk about making and eating dinner. V tej epizodi bom govoril o pripravi in uživanju večerje.

I especially like the eating part. Še posebej mi je všeč del o prehranjevanju.

Let's get started. Začnimo.

[Start of story] [Začetek zgodbe]

When I get home, I start on dinner right away. Wenn ich nach Hause komme, beginne ich sofort mit dem Abendessen. Cuando llego a casa, empiezo a cenar de inmediato. Ko pridem domov, se takoj lotim večerje. Коли я приходжу додому, я відразу починаю обідати.

I clean off the kitchen counter after putting away the groceries and decide to make pasta. Nachdem ich die Lebensmittel weggeräumt habe, räume ich die Küchentheke auf und beschließe, Pasta zu machen. Limpio la encimera de la cocina después de guardar las compras y decido hacer pasta. Ko pospravim živila, pospravim kuhinjski pult in se odločim, da bom naredila testenine. Я прибираю кухонний стіл після того, як приберу продукти, і вирішую приготувати пасту. 收拾好雜貨後,我清理了廚房櫃檯,然後決定做意大利面。

I preheat the oven to 375 to bake the bread and to keep the chicken hot until my wife gets home. Ich heize den Ofen auf 375 Grad vor, um das Brot zu backen und das Huhn warm zu halten, bis meine Frau nach Hause kommt. Precaliento el horno a 375 para hornear el pan y mantener el pollo caliente hasta que mi esposa llegue a casa. Pečico segrejem na 375, da spečem kruh in ohranim piščanca vročega, dokler se žena ne vrne domov. Я попередньо розігріваю духовку до 375, щоб спекти хліб і зберегти курку гарячою, доки моя дружина не повернеться додому.

I put some water in a pan and turn the burner on high. Ich gebe etwas Wasser in einen Topf und stelle den Brenner auf hohe Stufe. Pongo un poco de agua en una cacerola y enciendo el fuego al máximo. V posodo nalijem nekaj vode in gorilnik prižgem na visoko temperaturo. Наливаю в каструлю трохи води і вмикаю конфорку на сильний вогонь.

When the water starts boiling, I put in the pasta and decide to make a salad. Als das Wasser zu kochen beginnt, gebe ich die Nudeln hinein und beschließe, einen Salat zu machen. Cuando el agua empieza a hervir, pongo la pasta y decido hacer una ensalada. Ko voda začne vreti, dam vanjo testenine in se odločim pripraviti solato.

Just then, my wife opens the back door and yells, “I'm home!” She comes into the kitchen, and helps with chopping the tomatoes to add to the sauce. In diesem Moment öffnet meine Frau die Hintertür und schreit: "Ich bin zu Hause!" Sie kommt in die Küche und hilft beim Schneiden der Tomaten für die Soße. En ese momento, mi esposa abre la puerta trasera y grita: "¡Estoy en casa!" Ella entra a la cocina y ayuda a cortar los tomates para agregarlos a la salsa. Takrat žena odpre zadnja vrata in zakliče: "Doma sem!" Pride v kuhinjo in pomaga pri sekljanju paradižnika za omako. І тут моя дружина відчиняє задні двері і кричить: "Я вдома!" Вона заходить на кухню і допомагає нарізати помідори для соусу.

She stirs the sauce until it's done, while I finish tossing the salad. Sie rührt die Soße um, bis sie fertig ist, während ich den Salat fertig schwenke. She stirs the sauce until it's done, while I finish tossing the salad. Revuelve la salsa hasta que está lista, mientras yo termino de revolver la ensalada. Она помешивает соус, пока он не приготовится, а я заканчиваю помешивать салат. Ona meša omako, dokler ni pripravljena, jaz pa končam z mešanjem solate. Вона помішує соус до готовності, поки я закінчую кидати салат.

I get out the place mats and napkins to set the table. Saco los manteles individuales y las servilletas para poner la mesa. Я достаю коврики и салфетки, чтобы накрыть на стол. Vzamem podloge in prtičke, da pripravim mizo. Я дістаю килимки та серветки, щоб накрити на стіл. 我拿出餐墊和餐巾紙來擺桌子。

I also make sure that there is a spoon, knife, fork, and plate for each of us. Ich sorge auch dafür, dass für jeden von uns ein Löffel, ein Messer, eine Gabel und ein Teller vorhanden sind. También me aseguro de que haya una cuchara, un cuchillo, un tenedor y un plato para cada uno de nosotros. Я также слежу за тем, чтобы у каждого из нас была ложка, нож, вилка и тарелка. Prav tako poskrbim, da ima vsak od nas žlico, nož, vilice in krožnik. 我還確保我們每個人都有勺子、刀子、叉子和盤子。

About 15 minutes later, we sit down at the table in the dining room and talk about our long day. Etwa 15 Minuten später setzen wir uns an den Tisch im Esszimmer und sprechen über unseren langen Tag. Примерно через 15 минут мы садимся за стол в столовой и говорим о нашем долгом дне. Približno 15 minut pozneje se usedemo za mizo v jedilnici in se pogovarjamo o dolgem dnevu.

My wife says she'll do the dishes, since I cooked, but of course I help out by drying them. Meine Frau sagt, dass sie das Geschirr abwaschen wird, da ich ja gekocht habe, aber natürlich helfe ich beim Abtrocknen. Mi esposa dice que ella lavará los platos, ya que yo cocino, pero por supuesto ayudo secándolos. Жена говорит, что помоет посуду, раз уж я готовил, но я, конечно, помогаю, сушу. Žena pravi, da bo pomila posodo, ker sem kuhal, jaz pa seveda pomagam s sušenjem. 我妻子說她會洗碗,因為我會做飯,但我當然會幫忙晾乾。

First, I put some of the leftovers in a Tupperware container and some in plastic wrap and the rest in aluminum foil. Primero pongo algunas de las sobras en un tupperware y algunas en film transparente y el resto en papel de aluminio. Во-первых, я положил часть остатков в контейнер Tupperware, часть в полиэтиленовую пленку, а остальные в алюминиевую фольгу. Najprej sem nekaj ostankov dala v posodo Tupperware, nekaj v plastično folijo, preostanek pa v aluminijasto folijo. Спочатку я поклала частину залишків у контейнер Tupperware, частину - в поліетиленову плівку, а решту - в алюмінієву фольгу. 首先,我將一些剩菜放在特百惠容器中,一些用保鮮膜包裹,其餘的用鋁箔包裹。

Then I dry the pans, plates, glasses, and silverware. Luego seco las sartenes, platos, vasos y cubiertos. Nato posušim ponve, krožnike, kozarce in srebrni pribor.

[End of story]

In this episode, we are making dinner at the beginning, “When I get home, I start on dinner right away. V tej epizodi na začetku pripravljamo večerjo: "Ko pridem domov, takoj začnem pripravljati večerjo.

” Once again, we have one of those two-word verbs in English, “I start on dinner,” that means I begin to prepare dinner. " Spet imamo v angleščini enega od tistih dvobesednih glagolov: "I start on dinner", kar pomeni, da začnem pripravljati večerjo.

So, “I start on dinner right away.

I clean off the kitchen counter after putting away the groceries. 收拾完雜貨後,我清理了廚房櫃檯。

” The “kitchen counter” (counter) is the place in your kitchen where you have a long, flat top or board where you can prepare food and you can put things on, it's like the table almost. “kitchen counter”(櫃檯)是你廚房裡有一個長而平的檯面或板子的地方,你可以在那裡準備食物,也可以放東西,它幾乎就像桌子一樣。

But usually in a kitchen, you have cabinets or cupboards, where you store things, and on top you have a counter.

A “counter” is a general word that refers to the top of something, usually somewhere where you do something on top of it. Ein "Zähler" ist ein allgemeines Wort, das sich auf den oberen Teil von etwas bezieht, in der Regel auf einen Ort, an dem man etwas tut. “計數器”是一個通用詞,指的是某物的頂部,通常是您在其上做某事的地方。

In this case, the kitchen counter is where you prepare food.

Well, “I clean off the kitchen counter after” I put “away the groceries. No, "pospravim kuhinjski pult, ko" pospravim "živila.

” The “groceries” (groceries) – plural –are the food that I buy at the market. " "Živila" (groceries) - množina - so živila, ki jih kupim na tržnici.

We sometimes call a supermarket a grocery store - a place that you buy groceries - buy food that you bring home and prepare and eat at home. Supermarketu včasih rečemo trgovina z živili - kraj, kjer kupite živila, ki jih prinesete domov, pripravite in pojeste doma.

I decided “to make pasta. Odločil sem se, da bom naredil testenine.

” So, “I preheat the oven to 375. " Torej: "Pečico segrejem na 375.

“To preheat” (preheat) really means the same here as to heat, but if you look at the instructions for making food, what we would call the “recipe” (recipe) – the recipe for making food, usually it begins, if you are going to be cooking something in the oven, by telling you to preheat the oven. " "To preheat" (precalentar) significa aquí realmente lo mismo que calentar, pero si nos fijamos en las instrucciones para hacer comida, lo que llamaríamos la "receta" (recipe) - la receta para hacer comida, normalmente empieza, si vas a cocinar algo en el horno, diciéndote que precalientes el horno. " "Predgreti" (preheat) v resnici pomeni isto kot segreti, vendar če pogledate navodila za pripravo hrane, ki jim pravimo "recept" (recipe) - recept za pripravo hrane, se običajno začne, če boste nekaj pekli v pečici, z navodilom, da je treba pečico predgreti.

That just means to turn it on so that when you are ready, when it is hot, you can put the food in to cook. Eso sólo significa encenderlo para que cuando estés listo, cuando esté caliente, puedas meter los alimentos para cocinarlos. To pomeni, da jo vklopite, da lahko, ko ste pripravljeni, ko je vroča, vanjo položite hrano in jo skuhate.

“Pre” (pre) means before or to do something before. "Pre" (pre) significa antes o hacer algo antes. "Pre" (pre) pomeni pred ali pred nečim.

So, “I preheat the oven to 375,” in other words, 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Así que "precaliento el horno a 375", es decir, 375 grados Fahrenheit. Torej: "Pečico segrejem na 375," z drugimi besedami, na 375 stopinj po Fahrenheitu.

I preheat it because I want “to bake the bread and keep the chicken hot until my wife gets home. Lo precaliento porque quiero "hornear el pan y mantener el pollo caliente hasta que mi mujer llegue a casa". Predgrejem jo, ker želim, da se speče kruh in piščanec ostane vroč, dokler se žena ne vrne domov. 我預熱它是因為我想“烤麵包並讓雞肉保持熱,直到我妻子回家。

” “To bake” (bake) is to cook something, usually in an oven. " "Peči" (bake) je pečenje nečesa, običajno v pečici.

So, I open the oven door, I put in the bread, I put in the chicken, and then I close the door. Así que abro la puerta del horno, meto el pan, meto el pollo y cierro la puerta. Odpremo vrata pečice, damo vanjo kruh, piščanca in zapremo vrata.

My wife is going to be home late so I want to keep the chicken hot - I want to make sure that it stays hot. Moja žena se bo vrnila pozno, zato želim, da piščanec ostane vroč - želim zagotoviti, da ostane vroč.

I put some water in a pan. V posodo sem dal nekaj vode.

A “pan” is what you use to cook something in. Una "sartén" es lo que se utiliza para cocinar algo. Ponev je tista, v kateri nekaj skuhate.

So, “I put some water in a pan and I turn the burner on high. Así que "pongo agua en una cacerola y enciendo el quemador a fuego fuerte. "V posodo nalijem vodo in prižgem gorilnik na najvišjo temperaturo.

” The “burner” (burner) is on top of what we would call your “stove” (stove). " El "quemador" (hornilla) está encima de lo que llamaríamos su "estufa" (cocina). " "Gorilnik" (gorilnik) je na vrhu naprave, ki jo imenujemo "štedilnik" (peč).

Your burners are for cooking food, where you have the heat comes from the bottom and you put the pan on top of the heat. Sus quemadores son para cocinar alimentos, donde el calor viene de la parte inferior y se pone la sartén en la parte superior del calor. Gorilniki so namenjeni kuhanju hrane, pri čemer toplota prihaja s spodnje strani, posodo pa postavite na zgornji del toplote.

So, if you are going to boil some water - make the water hot - you would put it in a pan and then put it on top of a burner, and the burner is part of your stove. Así, si vas a hervir agua (calentarla), la pones en una cacerola y la colocas encima de un quemador, que forma parte de la cocina. Če torej želite zavreti vodo, da bo vroča, jo dajte v posodo in jo nato postavite na gorilnik, ki je del vašega štedilnika.

Usually, stoves and ovens are one machine, one - in one single piece in many American kitchens. Normalmente, las cocinas y los hornos son una sola máquina, una sola pieza en muchas cocinas americanas. Обычно на многих американских кухнях плиты и духовки представляют собой одну машину, одну - цельным куском. V številnih ameriških kuhinjah so štedilniki in pečice običajno en stroj, en - v enem samem kosu.

In my kitchen, the stove is on top of the oven. En mi cocina, los fogones están encima del horno. V moji kuhinji je štedilnik na vrhu pečice.

I'm going to boil some water. Voy a hervir agua. Skuhala bom vodo.

“To boil” (boil) means to make the one of very hot until you start to see bubbles. "To boil" (hervir) significa hacer el de muy caliente hasta que se empiezan a ver burbujas. "Zavreti" (vreti) pomeni, da je voda zelo vroča, dokler se ne začnejo pojavljati mehurčki.

The average temperature is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or 100 degrees Celsius, in order to boil water. La temperatura media para hervir el agua es de 212 grados Fahrenheit, o 100 grados Celsius. Povprečna temperatura za kuhanje vode je 212 stopinj po Fahrenheitu ali 100 stopinj Celzija.

Well, “when the water starts boiling” - when it starts to make bubbles because it is very hot - “I put in the pasta. Pues bien, "cuando el agua empieza a hervir" -cuando empieza a hacer burbujas porque está muy caliente- "meto la pasta. No, "ko voda začne vreti" - ko se v njej začnejo delati mehurčki, ker je zelo vroča - "dam vanjo testenine.

” I take the pasta - the pasta “noodles” (noodles) - the little pieces of pasta, we call those noodles - and I put them into the boiling water so they can cook. " Cojo la pasta -los "noodles" (fideos) de pasta, los trocitos de pasta, los llamamos fideos- y los meto en el agua hirviendo para que se cuezan. " Vzamem testenine - "rezance" - majhne koščke testenin, ki jim pravimo rezanci - in jih dam v vrelo vodo, da se skuhajo.

Then I decide I want “to make a salad” because I'm very hungry. Nato se odločim, da bom naredila solato, ker sem zelo lačna.

Well, just as I decide to make the salad, “just then, my wife opens the back door. Ravno ko sem se odločil pripraviti solato, je žena odprla zadnja vrata.

” “Just then” - that expression means at that time - at that same time - “my wife opens the back door” - the door to the house in the back, the opposite would be the front door. " "Ravno takrat" - ta izraz pomeni v tistem trenutku - ob istem času - "moja žena odpre zadnja vrata" - vrata v hišo zadaj, nasprotno so vhodna vrata.

She yells, “I'm home!” That's what you would say when you come home to someone who is already there, you would say, “I'm home!” You wouldn't say, “I've arrived,” or “I'm here,” you would say, “I'm home. Kliče: "Doma sem!" Tako bi rekli, ko pridete domov k nekomu, ki je že tam, rekli bi: "Doma sem!" Ne bi rekli: "Prišel sem" ali "Tukaj sem", ampak bi rekli: "Doma sem.

My wife comes into the kitchen and helps me chop the tomatoes. Žena pride v kuhinjo in mi pomaga sesekljati paradižnike.

“To chop” (chop) means to cut something into small pieces. "Sesekljati" (chop) pomeni razrezati nekaj na majhne koščke.

We chop tomatoes - we make them into smaller pieces - and we add them to the pasta sauce that's the red liquid that we're going to put over the pasta. Paradižnik narežemo na manjše koščke in ga dodamo omaki za testenine, ki je rdeča tekočina, s katero bomo prelili testenine.

My wife “stirs the sauce until it's done. Moja žena "meša omako, dokler ni pripravljena.

” “To stir” (stir) when you are cooking means to take a spoon and put it into the pan and move the spoon back and forth so that you are mixing what is in the pan. " "Mešati" pri kuhanju pomeni, da vzamete žlico, jo položite v ponev in premikate žlico sem in tja, tako da mešate, kar je v ponvi.

So, my wife is stirring the sauce - the pasta sauce - the tomato sauce “until it's done” - until it is ready - until it is cooked, “while I finish tossing the salad. Tako moja žena meša omako - omako za testenine - paradižnikovo omako, "dokler ni pripravljena" - dokler ni pripravljena - dokler ni kuhana, "medtem ko jaz mečem solato. Отже, моя дружина помішує соус - соус до макаронів - томатний соус "до готовності" - до готовності - до готовності, "поки я закінчую кидати салат.

” So, she is stirring the sauce and at the same time, I am finishing the salad, and I finished by tossing it. " Ona meša omako, jaz pa hkrati končujem solato in jo premešam.

“To toss” (toss) a salad means to mix the salad together. "Vmetavati" (toss) solato pomeni mešati solato skupaj.

In a salad, you often have lettuce and maybe tomatoes, other food, other vegetables, and you want to mix them together. V solati so pogosto solata in morda paradižnik, druga hrana, druga zelenjava, ki jih želite zmešati skupaj.

Often you put in a salad “dressing” (dressing).

Salad dressing is a liquid, often made from some oil, that gives a better taste to your salad. Solatni preliv je tekočina, pogosto narejena iz olja, ki solati daje boljši okus.

So, you toss the salad in order to mix everything up. Zato solato premešate, da se vse premeša.

That verb, to toss, can also mean to throw, usually to throw something to someone else. Глагол «бросать» также может означать «бросать», обычно «бросать что-то кому-то другому». Ta glagol, to toss, lahko pomeni tudi metati, običajno metati nekaj komu drugemu.

Someone may say, “Toss me that pen,” they mean throw me that pen. Nekdo lahko reče: "Vrzi mi to pisalo," in misli, da mi vrzi to pisalo. Хтось може сказати: "Кинь мені ту ручку", маючи на увазі кинути мені цю ручку.

Well, I am “tossing the salad” here - mixing it up, “I get out the place mats and napkins to set the table. Tukaj "mečem solato" - mešam jo, "vzamem podloge in prtičke, da pripravim mizo.

” The “place (place) mats (mats)” are things that you put underneath the plate and the spoon, fork, and knife so that the table doesn't get dirty; we call those place mats.

They can be plastic; they can be made out of cloth, and they are used to protect your table.

So, “I get out the place mats and the napkins to set the table.

” A “napkin” (napkin) is like a little towel that you use.

In case you need to wipe your face while you are eating, you can use your napkin, and it's common in American restaurants and in houses for people to put the napkin on their legs while they are sitting - on the top of their legs, which we would call the “lap” - on your “lap” (lap) you put the napkin while you are eating. Če si morate med jedjo obrisati obraz, lahko uporabite prtiček.V ameriških restavracijah in hišah je običajno, da si ljudje med sedenjem prtiček položijo na noge - na zgornji del nog, ki mu pravimo "naročje" - na "naročje" (koleno) si med jedjo položite prtiček.

“To set” (set) the table means to put all of the things that you need on the table - plates, spoons, knives, forks, and so forth. "Postaviti" (postaviti) mizo pomeni postaviti na mizo vse potrebne stvari - krožnike, žlice, nože, vilice itd.

That is to set the table - to make the table ready so you can eat. To pomeni pripraviti mizo - pripraviti mizo, da boste lahko jedli.

“About 15 minutes” after I set the table, my wife and I sit at the table - “we sit down at the table in the dining room and talk about our long day. "Približno 15 minut" po tem, ko postrežem mizo, se z ženo usedeva za mizo - "usedeva se za mizo v jedilnici in se pogovarjava o najinem dolgem dnevu.

” The “dining room” (dining) is a place where you eat. " "Jedilnica" (jedilnica) je prostor, v katerem jeste.

“To dine” as a verb, (dine) means to eat. "Obedovati" kot glagol (dine) pomeni jesti.

So, the dining room is the room in your house where you eat your meals. Jedilnica je torej prostor v hiši, v katerem jeste obroke.

My wife and I “talk about our long day,” meaning we had many things happen today, and maybe we are very tired, so we had a long day. Z ženo "govoriva o dolgem dnevu", kar pomeni, da se nama je danes zgodilo veliko stvari in da sva morda zelo utrujena, zato sva imela dolg dan.

“My wife says that she'll do the dishes.

” “To do the dishes” means the same as to wash the dishes.

My wife offers to “do the dishes” because “I cooked, but of course,” since I am a wonderful husband, “I help out by drying” the dishes. Žena mi ponudi, da bo "pomila posodo", ker "sem kuhala", a ker sem čudovit mož, seveda "pomagam s sušenjem" posode.

“To help out” means the same here as to help. "Pomagati" tu pomeni enako kot pomagati.

But if we are talking about helping another person do something, maybe something that we don't have to do, but we want to be nice, we would say we help them out. Če pa govorimo o tem, da drugi osebi pomagamo nekaj narediti, morda nekaj, česar nam ni treba narediti, vendar želimo biti prijazni, bi rekli, da ji pomagamo.

So, I helped my wife out by drying the dishes.

“First,' I have to “put some of the leftovers in a Tupperware container.

” “Leftovers” (leftovers) – all one word – is extra food - food that you did not eat.

At the end of your dinner - at the end of your meal - if you want to keep some of that food, we call it leftovers.

And in this case, I'm going to put the leftovers into a small plastic box that has a top on it.

We call that kind of little box a “container” (container).

We usually refer to these plastic boxes that we put food in as Tupperware containers. Wir bezeichnen diese Plastikboxen, in die wir Lebensmittel legen, normalerweise als Tupperware-Behälter.

“Tupperware” (Tupperware) is actually a company that makes these small plastic containers for food.

Even if you don't have a container made by that company, many people just call it “my Tupperware” - the Tupperware containers – that means the plastic boxes that you can put food into. Tudi če nimate posode tega podjetja, ji mnogi pravijo "moja Tupperware" - posodam Tupperware, torej plastičnim škatlam, v katere lahko pospravite hrano.

Well, some of the food, I put in a plastic wrap.

A “plastic wrap” (wrap) is a thin, clear piece of plastic that I put food into, and we call it a “wrap” (wrap) because we put it around something. Plastični ovoj (wrap) je tanek, prozoren kos plastike, v katerega dam hrano, in mu pravimo "ovoj" (wrap), ker z njim nekaj ovijemo.

To wrap something is to put something around it, usually to keep it cold, or to keep it warm, or to keep it fresh when we are talking about food.

We use that same word, wrap, for putting paper around a present or a gift that you are giving someone.

The paper is called wrapping paper.

You can also put food in aluminum foil.

“Aluminum” (aluminum) is a kind of metal.

It's usually a silver color.

“Foil” (foil) is like a plastic wrap but it's made from aluminum.

It's a - it's like a long, flat sheet that you can put around something to keep the food in your refrigerator or in your freezer, where you have even colder temperatures. To je dolga, ravna folija, ki jo lahko namestite okoli nečesa, da hrana ostane v hladilniku ali zamrzovalniku, kjer so temperature še nižje. Це - це як довгий плаский лист, який ви можете покласти навколо чогось, щоб зберігати їжу в холодильнику або морозильній камері, де температура ще нижча.